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The flavonoids and phenolic acids of the genus Silphium and their chemosystematic and medicinal valueWilliams, Jeffrey Douglas 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available
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Il cane come modello animale spontaneo di patologie neoplastiche dell'uomo: ene Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM) Nnella predisposizione al cancro ed importanza dei riarrangimanti genici dei geni Ig/TCR per la diagnosi e prognosi delle malattie linfoproliferativeGentilini, Fabio <1971> 05 May 2009 (has links)
“Naturally occurring cancers in pet dogs and humans share many features, including histological appearance, tumour genetics, molecular targets, biological behaviour and response to conventional therapies. Studying dogs with cancer is likely to provide a valuable perspective that is distinct from that generated by the study of human or rodent cancers alone. The value of this opportunity has been increasingly recognized in the field of cancer research for the identification of cancer-associated genes, the study of environmental risk factors, understanding tumour biology and progression, and, perhaps most importantly, the evaluation and development of novel cancer therapeutics”.(Paoloni and Khanna, 2008)
In last years, the author has investigated some molecular features of cancer in dogs. The Thesis is articulated in two main sections. In section 1, the preliminary results of a research project aimed at investigating the role of somatic mutations of Ataxia-Telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene in predisposing to cancer in boxer dogs, are presented. The canine boxer breed may be considered an unique opportunity to disclose the role of ATM somatic mutation since boxer dogs are known to be dramatically susceptible to cancer and since they may be considered a closed gene pool. Furthermore, dogs share with human the some environment. Overall, the abovementioned features could be considered extremely useful for our purposes.
In the section 2, the results of our studies aimed at setting up accurate and sensitive molecular assays for diagnosing and assessing minimal residual disease in lymphoproliferative disorders of dogs, are presented. The results of those molecular assay may be directly translated in the field of Veterinary practice as well as the may be used to improve our objective evaluation of new investigational drugs effectiveness in canine cancer trials.
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Use of VEGFR-2 targeted microbubbles (BR55, Bracco imaging) for the early ultrasound evaluation of response to antiangiogenic treatment in a xenograft model of hepatocarcinomaBaron Toaldo, Marco <1981> 25 March 2011 (has links)
Aim: To evaluate the early response to treatment to an antiangiogenetic drug (sorafenib) in a heterotopic murine model of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using ultrasonographic molecular imaging.
Material and Methods: the xenographt model was established injecting a suspension of HuH7 cells subcutaneously in 19 nude mice. When tumors reached a mean diameter of 5-10 mm, they were divided in two groups (treatment and vehicle). The treatment group received sorafenib (62 mg/kg) by daily oral gavage for 14 days. Molecular imaging was performed using contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), by injecting into the mouse venous circulation a suspension of VEGFR-2 targeted microbubbles (BR55, kind gift of Bracco Swiss, Geneve, Switzerland). Video clips were acquired for 6 minutes, then microbubbles (MBs) were destroyed by a high mechanical index (MI) impulse, and another minute was recorded to evaluate residual circulating MBs. The US protocol was repeated at day 0,+2,+4,+7, and +14 from the beginning of treatment administration. Video clips were analyzed using a dedicated software (Sonotumor, Bracco Swiss) to quantify the signal of the contrast agent. Time/intensity curves were obtained and the difference of the mean MBs signal before and after high MI impulse (Differential Targeted Enhancement-dTE) was calculated. dTE represents a numeric value in arbitrary units proportional to the amount of bound MBs. At day +14 mice were euthanized and the tumors analyzed for VEGFR-2, pERK, and CD31 tissue levels using western blot analysis.
Results: dTE values decreased from day 0 to day +14 both in treatment and vehicle groups, and they were statistically higher in vehicle group than in treatment group at day +2, at day +7, and at day +14. With respect to the degree of tumor volume increase, measured as growth percentage delta (GPD), treatment group was divided in two sub-groups, non-responders (GPD>350%), and responders (GPD<200%). In the same way vehicle group was divided in slow growth group (GPD<400%), and fast growth group (GPD>900%). dTE values at day 0 (immediately before treatment start) were higher in non-responders than in responders group, with statistical difference at day 2. While dTE values were higher in the fast growth group than in the slow growth group only at day 0. A significant positive correlation was found between VEGFR-2 tissue levels and dTE values, confirming that level of BR55 tissue enhancement reflects the amount of tissue VEGF receptor.
Conclusions: the present findings show that, at least in murine experimental models, CEUS with BR55 is feasable and appears to be a useful tool in the prediction of tumor growth and response to sorafenib treatment in xenograft HCC.
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A homoeopathic drug proving of Gymnura natalensis with a subsequent comparison to existing homoeopathic remedies derived from sea animalsNaidoo, Vanishree January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Dept. of Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2008. xiii, 159 leaves / The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Gymnura natalensis in the thirtieth centesimal potency on healthy volunteers and to record the signs and symptoms produced by the volunteers during the study. These signs and symptoms determined the therapeutic indications of this remedy for its prescription according to the homoeopathic Law of Similars. A further aim of this study is a proposed group analysis of a natural family of biologically unrelated sea animal remedies (Mangialavori, 2002) with the aim of highlighting themes, similarities and differences within the group.
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A homoeopathic drug proving of the ivory of the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) with a subsequent comparison to the doctrine of signaturesSpeckmeier, Claire Tamryn January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)-Durban University of Technology, 2008. xiv, 222 leaves / A proving of ivory from the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) 30CH was conducted. The proving symptoms were then analysed according to the doctrine of signatures, and compared to the proving symptoms of Lac Loxodonta africana. Aims and Objectives of the study The aim of this study was to identify the effects of ivory from male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) in a 30CH dilution, on healthy provers, and to record the clearly observable signs and symptoms produced by the provers, so as to determine the material medica of the proven substance. The objective of the study was to analyze the symptoms obtained from the proving according to the doctrine of signatures, and to establish any correlation that may exist between the homoeopathic drug picture produced and this doctrine. Methodology The remedy was derived from the tusk of a male african elephant (Loxodonta africana) and was prepared in accordance to the German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (Drishien, 2003:36-38). The remedy was dispensed in the form of six lactose powders.
The research was conducted as a randomised, double blind placebo controlled study. A group of provers (26) that were carefully selected from the general public (Appendix A) were divided into two groups. Recruitment commenced by obtaining suitable provers through speaking to fellow homoeopathic students, as
well as members of the general public. The researchers conducted interviews with potential provers, excluding those that did not meet the inclusion criteria (Appendix A). The provers were randomly divided into two groups, and instructed to begin recording in their journals a week before starting the remedy, and a week after taking the remedy. The provers continued to record all symptoms until the symptoms abated and continued recording after this time for another two weeks. Once the proving had been completed another full case history and physical exam was performed. Results After the results were collaborated the proving symptoms were then analysed according to the doctrine of signatures. The results of this proving indicated that Loxodonta africana has the potential to be a valuable remedy in homoeopathic practice. Proving signs and symptoms revealed that the remedy could be indicated for mental and emotional conditions as well as a variety of physical diseases. The results of this research confirmed the hypothesis that the proving of Loxodonta africana 30CH would produce clear observable signs and symptoms when administered to healthy individuals. The results of this research also confirmed the second hypothesis that a comparison would exist between the proving symptoms and a doctrine of signatures analysis. Conclusion Thus the proving of Loxodonta africana and the subsequent comparison to the doctrine of signatures has the potential to become a well utilised homoeopathic remedy.
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A homoeopathic drug proving of Hemachatus haemachatus with a subsequent comparison of this remedy to those remedies yielding the highest numerical value and total number of rubrics on repertorisation of the proving symptomsCahill, Jodi January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Homoeopathy)--Durban University of Technology, 2008 / The proving substance Hemachatus haemachatus commonly known as the Rinkhals belongs to the family of Elapidae. This spitting-cobra is a local snake found only in Southern Africa. This proving tested the effects of the thirtieth centesimal (30CH) potency of venom from Hemachatus haemachatus on healthy provers. OBJECTIVES It was hypothesised that Hemachatus haemachatus 30CH would produce clearly observable signs and symptoms in healthy provers, and that the comparison of Hemachatus haemachatus to those yielding the highest numerical value and total number of rubrics on repertorisation of the proving symptoms would highlight differences and similarities between the remedy symptoms so that confusion as to the indication is eliminated. It was hypothesised that a fuller understanding of Hemachatus haemachatus and its relationship to other remedies would be gained following this comparison. METHODOLOGY
A double blind, placebo controlled proving of Hemachatus haemachatus 30CH was conducted on thirty healthy volunteers who met the inclusion criteria. Six of these thirty provers randomly received placebo, with neither prover nor researcher knowing whom received placebo. Provers had a homoeopathic case history taken and a physical examination performed on them prior to commencement of the proving. The provers recorded their signs and symptoms
by means of a journal before, during and after administration of the remedy. On completion of the proving, the information obtained was correlated and assessed by the two researchers, De la Rouviere and Cahill. The symptoms elicited during the proving were translated into materia medica and repertory language, and a homoeopathic picture of the remedy was subsequently formulated. Data from the case histories, physical examinations and group discussions were also considered in the assessment. RESULTS During the period of investigation, provers experienced a variety of symptoms on the mental, emotional and physical spheres. On the mental emotional sphere there was a marked degree of irritability and changeability in moods as is commonly seen in many of the snake remedies. Along with this, it was noted that there were feelings of anxiety for reasons unknown, a sense of having lost something or someone close, and a desire to be left alone. There were also a great number of feelings regarding the home, where there were feelings of the home being a place of safety and wanting order in the home. On a physical level, many of the provers noted varying degrees of abdominal discomfort and headaches. Along with anxiety, provers experienced palpitations and sensations of chest restriction or constriction with shortness of breath. There were a variety of musculoskeletal symptoms ranging from painful joints in the fingers to stiffness and tightness in the neck and back. Provers noted flushes of heat and alterations of their internal thermostat. Provers experienced marked dryness of the mucus membranes and the skin, and there was also a general feeling of weakness and heaviness as well as a marked aggravation in the mornings on waking.
CONCLUSIONS Symptoms obtained from the proving of Hemachatus haemachatus 30CH were studied and evaluated. Those symptoms that appeared to represent the remedy picture of Hemachatus haemachatus most accurately in the researchers‟ opinion were used in the repertorisation of the remedy. The investigation supported the hypothesis that Hemachatus haemachatus 30CH would produce clearly observable signs and symptoms in healthy provers. The subsequent comparison of the proving symptoms of Hemachatus haemachatus to Lycopodium (Club moss), Sulphur, Alumina (Aluminium oxide), Sepia (Cuttle fish) and Calcarea carbonica (Carbonate of Lime) highlighted differences and similarities between these remedies and Hemachatus haemachatus. The further comparison of remedies that came up on repertorisation restricted to the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms respectively provided a further comparison of remedies, which aimed at enhancing the differentiation of Hemachatus haemachatus to other similar remedies.
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A comparison of the results from the proving of Erythrina lysistemon 30CH, with toxicology of the crude substanceGryn, Agnieszka January 2007 (has links)
Mini-dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master's Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Durban University of Technology, 2007 / The homoeopathic drug proving of Erythrina lysistemon 30CH took a form of a randomised triple–blind, placebo–controlled study. This trial was conducted at the Homoeopathic Day Clinic on the premises of Durban University of Technology. The research group consisted of 32 provers, which were recruited from amongst practicing homoeopaths, homoeopathic students (2`nd–5`th year), as well as patients of the Homoeopathic Day Clinic (DUT) and their relatives. The participation was purely on voluntary basis.
Provers were randomly divided into two groups: a placebo group of 12; a proving group of 20. Each researcher supervised 8 provers. Neither the provers, nor the researchers were aware of the name or nature of the substance being proved, and whether a prover is receiving a placebo or the proving substance until the unblinding process. Provers had a homoeopathic case history taken and a physical examination performed on them before commencement of the proving to establish each individual’s baseline. Provers were required to keep journals in which they recorded their sign and symptoms: starting 7 days prior to commencing the proving, throughout the proving, as well as after administration of the remedy formulated. All the information gathered was then correlated and interpreted by the researchers i.e. four M.Tech.Hom students. Subsequent translation of the symptoms into materia medica and repertory language took place. On completion of the proving a homoeopathic picture of the remedy with
distinct affinities was established. Those affinities were then compared to the toxicology of the major chemical constituents of Erythrina lysistemon. Data was then analyzed by qualitative methods for it was not amendable to standard statistical analysis.
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An evaluation of the homoeopathic drug proving of Gymnura natalensis in light of a doctrine of signatures analysis and a comparison between the proving symptomatology and venom toxicologyPather, Thrishal January 2008 (has links)
Mini-dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy in the Department of Homoeopathy at the Durban University of Technology, 2008. / The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Gymnura natalensis 30CH on healthy volunteers, and to record the signs and symptoms produced, so that it may be prescribed to those requiring it according to the Law of Similars. The other aims of this study were to compare the proving symptoms of Gymnura natalensis 30CH to the toxicology of stingray venom and to analyze the remedy picture in terms of the Doctrine of Signatures. It was hypothesised that the thirtieth centesimal potency of the remedy would produce clearly observable signs and symptoms in healthy volunteers (provers). It was further hypothesised that the above signs and symptoms would show a correlation to the toxicology of stingray venom and to the Doctrine of Signatures. The homoeopathic proving of Gymnura natalensis took the form a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. The selected proving potency was the thirtieth centesimal potency. A total population of 30 suitable and consenting volunteers participated in this trial. Twenty percent of this population was randomly administered a placebo-control substance. The collection of data from the provers took the form of a journal which was kept by each prover in which their proving signs and symptoms were recorded over a period of five weeks after the administration of the remedy or placebo. On completion of the proving, each journal was assessed by the researcher to determine the suitability of the recorded symptoms for inclusion in the materia medica of Gymnura natalensis. These symptoms were then translated into the language of the materia medica and repertory and a remedy picture was then formulated. Data from case histories, physical examinations (Appendix D) and group discussions were also taken into account during the analysis of the proving the symptoms. A concurrent proving study of Gymnura natalensis, conducted by Naidoo (2008), focused on comparing the symptoms of this remedy to those of other existing remedies that were derived from the sea. A variety of mental, emotional and physical symptoms were extracted from the proving study of Gymnura natalensis. The main mental and emotional symptoms of the remedy included anxiety, irritability, depression, a feeling of disconnection, spaciness of the mind and dreams of events and incidents of the past. The characteristic physical symptoms obtained from the proving included headaches, a reduction of pre-menstrual symptoms, heart palpitations, skin eruptions on the back, low energy levels, tiredness and sleep abnormalities. Symptoms that showed a correlation to the toxicological symptoms of stingray envenomation included frequent urination, muscular cramps, heart palpitations, laboured breathing, fever and copious night sweats. The symptoms that characterised the remedy in terms of the Doctrine of Signatures included anxiety, instinctive behaviour, the desire to be alone, feelings of disconnection, detachment and isolation and skin eruptions on the back. The investigation confirmed the hypothesis that Gymnura natalensis would produce clearly observable sings and symptoms in healthy volunteers. The correlation of the proving symptoms to the toxicology of stingray venom and the Doctrine of Signatures provided a clarification of the remedy picture to assist in the understanding and prescription of this remedy.
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The effectiveness of a homoeopathic complex (Germanium metallicum 30CH, Nux vomica 12CH, Kalium phosphoricum 6CH, Picricum acidum 6CH) in the treatment of job burnout in the human services fieldVaithilingam, Vimlen January 2008 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the Master’s Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Durban University of Technology, 2008. / The purpose of this double blind placebo-controlled study was to evaluate the efficacy of a homoeopathic complex (Germanium metallicum 30CH, Nux vomica 12CH, Kalium phosphoricum 6CH, Picricum acidum 6CH) in the treatment of job burnout in the human services field. In total 30 participants were chosen according to specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sample group was then randomly divided into a treatment group consisting of 15 participants, and a placebo group consisting of 15 participants. The study was conducted at the Durban University of Technology. The Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (Appendix A) was used as a measurement tool. There was an initial consultation with the researcher which consisted of a full consultation, physical examination and administration of the survey. Thereafter there were two follow-up consultations at 4 week intervals at which the survey was re-administered. Medication was dispensed to the participants at the initial and the first follow up consultations only. The data obtained from the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey was statistically analysed using the SPSS software package (Version 15). Due to the small sample size of the study non-parametric tests were conducted. The intra-group analysis was performed using Friedman‟s Test and Wilcoxon‟s Signed Rank Test. The inter-group analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis Test.
Friedman‟s Test indicated a significant improvement in the emotional exhaustion subscale for both the treatment and placebo groups. The subscales of depersonalisation and personal accomplishment did not however reflect a significant difference.The Wilcoxon‟s Signed Rank Test indicated that for both groups there was a significant improvement in the emotional exhaustion subscale between baseline and follow up 1 and between follow up 2 and baseline (i.e. P<0.05). The Kruskal-Wallis Test showed no significant difference between the treatment and placebo groups. This was the case for all three subscales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey. The results of the study led to the conclusion that statistically the homoeopathic complex (Germanium metallicum 30CH, Nux vomica 12CH, Kalium phosphoricum 6CH, Picricum acidum 6CH) was not effective in the treatment of job burnout.
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Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity of South African Erythrina species.Pillay, Candice Claudia Natasha. 17 December 2013 (has links)
An investigation was undertaken to determine whether Erythrina species indigenous to
South Africa contained the same type of compounds as Erythrina species not found in
South Africa and to determine whether they displayed any anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity.
Phytochemical analysis was conducted using thin layer chromatography. A great
similarity was found in the leaf profiles of the species being studied. The leaf and bark
extracts of E. caffra and E. lysistemon appear to have similar profiles when viewed
under normal light and ultraviolet light, (254 and 366 nm). These two species have
similar banding patterns when stained with fast blue reagent for flavonoids and
potassium hydroxide reagent for coumarins. The five species that were tested appear
to contain alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins and triterpenes just like the species not found in South Africa from this genus.
Dried bark and leaves from E. caffra, E. humeana, E. latissima, E. lysistemon and E.
zeyheri were screened for anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activity. Ethanol, ethyl
acetate and water extracts were screened for both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial
activity. The cyclooxygenase bioassay was used to test for anti-inflammatory activity.
The ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts generally displayed activity while the water
extracts displayed no activity for both the bark and the leaves. The bark generally
displayed more cyclooxygenase inhibitory activity than the leaves. The bark of E. caffra
and E. lysistemon displayed the highest cyclooxygenase inhibitory activity.
The disc diffussion bioassay was used to screen for anti-bacterial activity. Anti-bacterial
activity was only detected in the water extracts of the leaves. The water extracts of the
bark showed very little or no activity. The bark yielded more anti-bacterial activity than
the leaves. Anti-bacterial activity was mainly displayed against Gram positive bacteria.
The bark of E. caffra and E. lysistemon displayed the highest anti-bacterial activity.
On the basis of the screening results it was decided to use bioasssay guided
fractionation in an attempt to isolate putative anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial
compounds. A hexane extract from the bark of E. lysistemon was prepared and purified
using a range of chromatographic methods. Vacuum liquid chromatography, separation
using a chromatotron, thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid
chromatography were used to isolate anti-inflammatory compound(s). The isolation
proved to be unsuccessful as the pure compound had no cyclooxygenase inhibitory
activity. It was subsequently determined that the compounds were lost during the HPLC procedure.
An ethanolic extract of the bark of E. Iysistemon was purified in an attempt to isolate an
anti-bacterial compound(s). Vacuum liquid chromatography and separation using the chromatotron was used to purify the crude extract. The more sensitive microtitre bioassay was used to test for anti-bacterial activity against S. aureus. The isoflavone, Wighteone was isolated. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2000.
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