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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cytochrome P450scc (CYP11A1) : effects of glycerol and identification of the membrane binding domain

Headlam, Madeleine Joyce January 2004 (has links)
The first step in the synthesis of steroid hormones occurs in the mitochondria where cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone by cytochrome P450scc (CYP11A1). Cholesterol is insoluble in water and is supplied to the CYP11A1 directly from the inner mitochondrial membrane to which the enzyme is bound. The aim of this study was to characterise the interaction of bovine CYP11A1 with the phospholipid membrane. The effect of osmotic stress provided by glycerol on the spin-state, activity and degree of hydration of CYP11A1 was also investigated. Multiple sequence alignment of mitochondrial P450s revealed that there are 46 absolutely conserved residues, with the highest conservation in the heme-binding region at the C-terminal. The greatest variablility between subfamilies is in the regions believed to be involved in substrate binding (SRSs), as defined for the CYP2B family. The secondary structure prediction for CYP11A1 suggests that there is strong similarity in secondary structure to P450s of known structure. A model structure of CYP11A1 was built from primary sequence alignment to template P450 structures using the SwissModel automated server. From the model and other bioinformatic analyses, the distal face of the P450 which includes the A’ helix, F-G loop and beta sheet 1 regions, were predicted to interact with the membrane. Tryptic digests of CYP11A1 were performed with the aim of identifying membrane bound peptides that may be protected from protease activity. HPLC tryptic maps were similar in profile between soluble and vesicle-bound P450 which suggests that there is not a large region of CYP11A1 protected from protease digestion when the enzyme is attached to a membrane. Mass spectrometric analysis of peptides resulting from tryptic digestion revealed a number of peptides in the soluble digest that were not present in the digest of vesicle-bound P450. These peptides were located at the N-terminal and the J to J’ helix and interestingly, there was an absence of C-terminal peptides for both digests. This C-terminal peptide could be detected in digests of vesicle-bound P450 but not in digests of soluble P450 by tricine SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Western transfer and N-terminal sequence analysis. Based upon the bioinfomatic and tryptic digestion data, a set of N- and C-terminal deletion mutants of CYP11A1 were expressed in E. coli and fractionated based on their association with the soluble or membrane fraction of the cells. The N-terminal deletion of the A’ helix resulted in an increase in the proportion of CYP11A1 in the soluble fraction while the C-terminal deletion did not alter membrane localisation. There are eight tryptophan residues in mature CYP11A1. The accessibility of these tryptophans to a water-soluble fluorescence quencher was determined for soluble and vesicle-bound enzyme. When CYP11A1 was associated with the vesicle membrane an average of 2 tryptophan residues were protected from quenching compared to soluble CYP11A1. This suggests that these tryptophan residues become buried within the membrane following association of CYP11A1 with the vesicles and are no longer accessible to quencher. The only free cysteine (C265S) of bovine CYP11A1 was removed by site directed mutagenesis and new cysteine residues introduced at selected sites based upon earlier results and the modelled CYP11A1 structure. The cysteine mutants were expressed, purified and labelled with the environmentally sensitive fluorescent probe, N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxal-3-diazol-4-yl)ethylenediamine (NBD). There was an increase in the hydrophobicity of the NBD environment following the association of CYP11A1 with vesicles for the labeled mutants V212C and L219C. This indicates that these residues which are in the F-G loop, become localized to a more hydrophobic environment following membrane binding. Labeled cysteine residues introduced into the A’, B’ and G helices and β4-2 did not show major changes in hydrophobicity following membrane integration of CYP11A1. Osmotic stress of CYP11A1 induced by glycerol resulted in a low-spin spectral response and inhibition of activity. The change to low spin correlated with the dissociation of five or six water molecules from CYP11A1 and the inhibition of activity with cholesterol as substrate correlated with the dissociation of two molecules of water. In conclusion, this study shows that CYP11A1 is held to the membrane, at least in part, by the F-G loop region, and that the removal of water from the active site of CYP11A1 by osmotic stress causes a low spin spectral response and inhibition of activity.

Tyrocidines, cyclic decapeptides produced by soil bacilli, as potent inhibitors of fungal pathogens

Troskie, Anscha Mari 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The global rise in microbial resistance, ranging from the agricultural industry to the medical sector, has created the urgent need for novel or supplementary antibiotics. Antimicrobial peptides or “nature’s antibiotics” may be the answer to this major problem. In this study a group of antimicrobial peptides, cyclic decapeptides named tyrocidines, produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus aneurinolyticus, was investigated for their antifungal activity, possible mode of antifungal action and potential applications. The study illustrated that the tyrocidines have significant antifungal activity against a range of phytopathogens, including Fusarium solani and Botrytis cinerea, as well as the human pathogen Candida albicans. The activity of the tyrocidines is influenced by the identity of both the target organism and the media environment. Further evidence was obtained in support of the hypothesis that the tyrocidines are extremely sensitive to their environmental conditions and that they tend to self-assemble to form oligomers. The assessment of a small tyrocidine library and analogues, comprised of eight peptides, revealed no overt structure-activity relationships against fungal pathogens, except for the importance of a tyrosine residue. This indicated an important role for the conserved sequence of the tyrocidines, NQYVOLfP, together with the tendency of the tyrocidines to oligomerise into higher-order active structures in their antifungal activity. The tyrocidines were found to be membrane active toward the fungal pathogens. However, supporting evidence was also obtained for additional mode(s) of antifungal action for the tyrocidines which inter alia induces morphological abnormalities in filamentous fungal target cells. Furthermore, the results also indicated that the membrane activity of the tyrocidines may be influenced by additional factors to that of the composition of the target cell membrane, for instance components of the fungal cell wall. This investigation also indicated the significant potential of the tyrocidines to be developed for the commercial sector. The potent activity of the tyrocidines against agronomically important phytopathogens (significantly higher than the commercial fungicide bifonazole) together with their relative salt stability bodes well for their development as bio-fungicides for the agricultural sector. The tyrocidines also exhibited an overt sinergistic effect on the in vitro candidacidal activity of two key antifungal drugs, caspofungin and amphotericin B. Furthermore, tyrocidine A and caspofungin exhibited synergistic activity in vivo which had a significant positive effect on the survival of C. albicans infected Caenorhabditis elegans. Latter results highlighted their potential to serve as candidates for combinatorial treatment in the medical industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die globale verskynsel van mikrobiese weerstand, wat strek vanaf die landbou sektor tot in die mediese bedryf, het ’n dringende behoefte vir die ontwikkeling van nuwe antmikrobiese middels geskep. Antimikrobiese peptiede of “die natuur se antibiotika”, kan moontlik die antwoord op hierdie ernstige problem wees. Tydens hierdie studie is ‘n groep sikliese antimikrobiese peptiede, naamlik die tirosidiene wat deur die grondbakterium Bacillus aneurinolyticus geproduseer word, vir hulle antifungiese aktiwiteit, hulle moontlike meganisme(s) van antifungiese werking en hulle potensiёle aanwendings bestudeer. Hierdie studie het getoon dat die tirosidiene uitsonderlike antifungiese aktiwiteit teen ‘n reeks fitopatogene, insluitend Fusarium solani en Botrytis cinerea, asook teen die mens patogeen Candida albicans het. Die aktiwiteit van die tirosidiene is deur beide die identiteit van die teikenorganisme sowel as die mediumomgewing beїnvloed. Daar is ook verdere bewyse verkry wat die hipotese dat tirosidiene uiters sensitief is tot hulle omgewing en dat hulle neig om te oligomeriseer, ondersteun. Die studie van die klein tirosidien-biblioteek, saamgestel uit agt tirosidiene en analoё, het geen ooglopende struktuur-aktiwiteit verwantskappe opgelewer nie, behalwe vir die oёnskynlike invloed van die tirosien-residu. Laasgenoemde het die belangrikheid van die gekonserveerde aminosuurvolgorde van die tirosidiene, NQYVOLfP, asook die neiging van tirosidiene om hoё-orde aktiewe strukture te vorm deur self-verpakking, beklemtoon. Tydens die studie is daar gevind dat die tirosidiene membraan-aktiewiteit toon teenoor fungiese patogene. Daar is egter ook goeie bewyse vir alternatiewe meganisme(s) van antifungiese werking, wat ondermeer tot morfologiese abnormaliteite in filamentagtige fungi-teikenselle lei, vir die tirosidiene verkry. Die resultate het verder ook daarop gewys dat die membraan-aktiwiteit van die tirosidiene ook deur ander faktore, soos deur komponente van die fungiese selwand, en nie net deur die samestelling van die fungiese membraan beїnvloed word nie. Hierdie ondersoek het ook die aansienlike potensiaal van die tirosidiene vir kommersiёle ontwikkeling en gebruik uitgelig. Die merkwaardige aktiwiteit van die tirosidiene teen fitopatogene van agronomiese belang (wat selfs beter as diè van die kommersiёle swamdoder bifonazole was) tesame met die relatiewe sout stabiliteit van die tirosidiene, is belowende tekens om die tirosidiene as bio-swamdoders vir die landbou sektor te ontwikkel. Die tirosidiene het ook ‘n uitgesproke sinergistiese effek op die in vitro candidasidiese aktiwiteit van twee sleutel antifungiese middels, caspofungin en amphotericin B, getoon. Verder is daar in vivo sinergistiese aktiwiteit gewys deur die kombinasie van tirosidien A en caspofungin wat ’n beduidende positiewe effek op die oorlewing van C. albicans geïnfekteerde Caenorhabditis elegans gehad het. Laasgenoemde dui op die potensiaal van die tirosidiene om in die mediese bedryf as kandidate vir kombinasie-behandeling te dien.

Complexes of cell-penetrating peptides with oligonucleotides : Structure, binding and translocation in lipid membranes

Ferreira Vasconcelos, Luis Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The fundamental element of life known to man is the gene. The information contained in genes regulates all cellular functions, in health and disease. The ability to selectively alter genes or their transcript intermediates with designed molecular tools, as synthetic oligonucleotides, represents a paradigm shift in human medicine. The full potential of oligonucleotide therapeutics is however dependent on the development of efficient delivery vectors, due to their intrinsic characteristics, as size, charge and low bioavailability. Cell-penetrating peptides are short sequences of amino acids that are capable of mediating the transport of most types of oligonucleotide therapeutics to the cell interior. It is the interaction of cell-penetrating peptides with oligonucleotides and the transport of their non-covalently formed complexes across the cellular membrane, that constitutes the main subject of this thesis. In Paper I we studied the effects of different types of oligonucleotide cargo in the capacity of cationic and amphipathic peptides to interact with lipid membranes. We found that indeed the cargo sequesters some of the peptide’s capacity to interact with membranes. In Paper II we revealed the simultaneous interaction of different molecular and supramolecular peptide and peptide/oligonucleotide species in equilibrium, with the cellular membrane. In Paper III we developed a series of peptides with improved affinity for oligonucleotide cargo as well as enhanced endosomal release and consequently better delivery capacity. In Paper IV we investigated the effect of saturated fatty acid modifications to a cationic cell-penetrating peptide. The varying amphipathicity of the peptide correlated with the complex physicochemical properties and with its delivery efficiency. This thesis contributes to the field with a set of characterized mechanisms and physicochemical properties for the components of the ternary system – cell-penetrating peptide, oligonucleotide and cell membrane – that should be considered for the future development of gene therapy. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p>

Interações de fármacos anti-malária com modelos de membrana / Interactions of Anti-malaria Drugs with Model Membranes

Basso, Luis Guilherme Mansor 16 February 2009 (has links)
Primaquina e cloroquina são agentes antimaláricos amplamente utilizados profilática e terapeuticamente contra esta enfermidade. A interação destes fármacos com sistemas modelo podem fornecer informações úteis no entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos em sistemas biológicos reais. Neste sentido, através das técnicas de calorimetria diferencial de varredura e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica, estudamos as interações entre os fármacos antimaláricos supracitados e modelos de membrana, no intuito de investigarmos as modificações provocadas por ambos na estrutura lipídica. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a associação da cloroquina com membranas de DMPC em pH fisiológico é limitada. Uma perturbação desta molécula na estrutura e dinâmica lipídica foi detectada apenas numa região próxima ao carbono sete das cadeias acila das fosfatidilcolinas. Os experimentos de DSC mostram que este fármaco tem efeito apenas na diminuição da cooperatividade da transição principal das membranas. Por outro lado, a redução da temperatura de transição de fase lipídica observada nos estudos calorimétricos demonstra que a primaquina promove uma desestabilização da fase gel. Os experimentos de RPE corroboram esse resultado, evidenciado pelo aumento da fluidez da membrana. Adicionalmente, o aumento do empacotamento provocado no centro da bicamada lipídica sugere penetração deste fármaco até esta região. Não foram observadas alterações da estrutura e dinâmica das cadeias lipídicas na fase fluida da membrana. Os resultados obtidos fornecem um melhor entendimento das interações fármacos-lipídios em um nível molecular, que podem ser aplicados no desenvolvimento de sistemas carreadores de ambos os fármacos. / Primaquine (PQ) and Chloroquine (CQ) are potent therapeutic agents used in the treatment of malaria. The investigation of drug-lipid interactions is pivotal for understanding their biological activity. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate the effects of drug binding on the lipid phase transition and acyl chain dynamics of model membranes made up of 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC) phospholipids. Labels located at different positions along the lipid chain were used to monitor different membrane regions. ESR results indicated that PQ is more effective in changing the membrane structure than CQ. PQ is effective in perturbing the whole chain of DMPC vesicles, whereas the effect of CQ is more pronounced near the polar headgroup region. Furthermore, PQ causes a slight increase of the lipid packing close to the membrane center, suggesting a deeper insertion of this molecule into DMPC bilayers. DSC thermograms revealed that PQ interacts with DMPC decreasing the main transition temperature (TM) by ca. 2ºC and completely abolishing its pre-transition. On the other hand, CQ effects are mainly noticed as a decrease in the cooperativity of the main transition. Because of its lipophilic character, PQ penetrates into the bilayer hydrocarbon region causing considerable disorganization. Electrostatic interaction between CQ and the phosphatidylcholine phosphate groups is probably related with its low membrane permeability. These results shed light on the molecular mechanism of druglipid interaction, which may be useful for the development of lipid drug delivery systems of antimalarial drugs.

Interações de septinas de Schistosoma mansoni com modelos de membranas / Interactions of Schistosoma mansoni septins with membrane models

Fontes, Marina Gabriel 28 May 2019 (has links)
Septinas são GTPases capazes de se polimerizar. Essas proteínas, componentes do citoesqueleto, participam de diversos processos celulares nos quais elas se encontram associadas às membranas, como na citocinese, na ciliogênese e na exocitose. Para que possam exercer essas variadas funções, as septinas organizam-se como hetero-oligômeros (complexos) não-polares, os quais podem interagir entre si, formando estruturas maiores como filamentos, anéis e redes. Essas proteínas são altamente conservadas em eucariotos, todavia, o número de genes de septinas entre espécies é variável de uma, em Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, até mais de uma dezena de genes de septinas em humanos. Estudos anteriores do nosso grupo de pesquisa descreveram quatro septinas em Schistosoma mansoni, nomeadas SmSEPT5, SmSEPT10, SmSEPT7.1 e SmSEPT7.2. Ainda, recentemente, foi verificado que essas septinas são capazes de se ligar a membranas modelo, constituindo um modelo mais simples, quando comparadas às humanas, para estudar os mecanismos de associação às membranas. Neste trabalho, foram investigadas a influência da curvatura das membranas para a interação septinas-lipídios e a especificidade de septinas por diferentes fosfolipídios. Além das septinas de S. mansoni, o complexo de septinas de Ciona intestinalis foi também incluído, visando análises comparativas. Experimentos de microscopia confocal de fluorescência mostraram que tanto a SmSEPT10 isolada, quanto os complexos de septinas de S. mansoni e de C. intestinalis ligam-se, preferencialmente, a membranas com curvaturas de 2 &mu;m-1(diâmetro de 0,96 &mu;m). Essa tendência parece ser intrínseca de septinas, visto que complexos de outros organismos já haviam apresentado a mesma preferência. A capacidade de uma septina individual, no caso SmSEPT10, de distinguir curvaturas é um indicativo de que a polimerização não é necessária para esse mecanismo. A interação das septinas aos modelos de membrana só foi detectada na presença de dextrose, sugerindo que esse açúcar atue na estabilização dessas proteínas e abrindo novas frentes de estudo sobre a estabilidade das septinas. Os experimentos de microscopia, em conjunto com ensaios de PIP Strips, demonstraram que o complexo de septinas de C. intestinalis liga-se, preferencialmente, à fosfatidilserina, enquanto as septinas de S. mansoni apresentam uma preferência por fosfoinositóis. Finalmente, ensaios preliminares com construções mutantes do C-terminal da SmSEPT10 possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de uma hipótese para o mecanismo de associação dessa septina às membranas. / Septins are polymerizable GTPases. These cytoskeletal proteins are involved in several cellular processes in which they are associated to membranes, including cytokinesis, ciliogenesis and exocytosis. In order to perform these various functions, septins assemble into non-polar hetero-oligomers (complexes), which interact with each other forming higher-order structures such as filaments, ring and gauzes. These proteins are highly conserved in eukaryotes, yet the number of septin genes varies from one, in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, to more than a dozen septin genes in humans. Previous studies from our research group described four septins in Schistosoma mansoni, named SmSEPT5, SmSEPT10, SmSEPT7.1 and SmSEPT7.2. Recently, it was verified that these proteins are capable of binding to model membranes, constituting a simpler model, when compared to human septins, to study the mechanism of membrane association. In this work, the influence of membrane curvature to the septin-lipid binding and the septin specificity to different phospholipids were investigated. In addition to S. mansoni septins, the septin complex from Ciona intestinalis was also included for comparative analyzes. Confocal fluorescence microscopy experiments showed that both SmSEPT10 and the septin complexes from S. mansoni and C. intestinalis bind, preferably, to membranes with 2 &mu;m-1 curvatures (0,96 &mu;m diameter). This tendency seems to be intrinsic to septins, as hetero-oligomers from other organisms had already presented the same binding preference. The capacity of an individual septin to distinguish curvatures is an indicative that the polymerization is not required for this mechanism. The interaction of these septins to the membrane models was only detected in the presence of dextrose, suggesting that this sugar acted in the protein stabilization, thus opening up new to study septin stability. These microscopy experiments, together with PIP Strips assays, demonstrated that the septin complex from C. intestinalis binds preferentially to phosphatidylserine, whereas septins from S. mansoni show a preference to phosphoinositides. Finally, preliminary assays with mutant constructions of SmSEPT10 C-terminal enabled the development of a hypothesis for the association mechanism of these proteins to membranes.

SOD1´s Law : An Investigation of ALS Provoking Properties in SOD1

Byström, Roberth January 2009 (has links)
Proteins are the most important molecules in the cell since they take care of most of the biological functions which resemble life. To ensure that everything is working properly the cell has a rigorous control system to monitor the proper function of its proteins and sends old or dysfunctional proteins for degradation. Unfortunately, this system sometimes fails and the once so vital proteins start to misbehave or to accumulate and in the worst case scenario these undesired processes cause the death of their host. One example is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); a progressive and always fatal neurodegenerative disorder that is proposed to derive from accumulation of aberrant proteins. Over 140 mutations in the human gene encoding the cytosolic homodimeric enzyme Cu/Zn-Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1) are linked to ALS. The key event in SOD1 associated ALS seems to be the pathological formation of toxic protein aggregates as a result of initially unfolded or partly structured SOD1-mutants. Here, we have compared the folding behaviour of a set of ALS associated SOD1 mutants. Based on our findings we propose that SOD1 mediated ALS can be triggered by a decrease in protein stability but also by mutations which reduce the net charge of the protein. Both findings are in good agreement with the hypothesis for protein aggregation. SOD1 has also been found to be able to interact with mitochondrial membranes and SOD1 inclusions have been detected in the inter-membrane space of mitochondria originating from the spinal cord. The obvious question then arose; does the misfolding and aggregation of SOD1 involve erroneous interactions with membranes? Here, we could show that there is an electrostatically driven interaction between the reduced apo SOD1 protein including ALS associated SOD1-mutants and charged lipid membrane surfaces. This association process changes the secondary structures of these mutants in a way quite different from the situation found in membrane free aqueous environment. However, the result show that mutants interact with charged lipid vesicles to lesser extent than wildtype SOD1. This opposes the correlation between decreased SOD1 stability and disease progression. We therefore suggest that the observed interaction is not a primary cause in the ALS mechanism.

Mechanisms of Membrane Disruption by Viral Entry Proteins

Kim, Irene January 2012 (has links)
To enter and infect cells, viruses must overcome the barrier presented by the cell membrane. Enveloped viruses, which possess their own lipid bilayer, fuse their viral membrane with the cell membrane. Non-enveloped viruses, whose outer surface is composed of proteins, penetrate through the hydrophobic interior of the cell membrane. Viruses accomplish the processes by coupling conformational changes in viral "entry proteins" to membrane disruption. This dissertation investigates the membrane disruption mechanisms of rotavirus, a non-enveloped virus, and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), an enveloped virus. Rotavirus uses proteins of its outer capsid to penetrate the membrane and deliver a transcriptionally-active core particle into the cell cytoplasm. \(VP5^*\), an outer capsid protein, undergoes a foldback rearrangement that translocates three clustered hydrophobic loops by \(\sim 180^{\circ}\). This rearrangement resembles the foldback rearrangements of enveloped virus fusion proteins. In the first half of my dissertation, I show that the hydrophobicity of the \(VP5^*\) apex is required for membrane disruption during rotavirus cell entry by mutating hydrophobic residues within the loop to hydrophilic residues. One particular mutation diminishes liposome interaction by the protein, blocks membrane penetration by virus particles in cells, and reduces particle infectivity by 10,000-fold. VSV uses its fusion protein, G, to fuse at low pH. Unlike other viral fusion proteins, pH-induced conformational changes in G are reversible. In the second half of my dissertation, I measure the fusion kinetics of individual VSV particles using a single-particle fusion assay previously developed for influenza virus. I find that hemifusion by VSV consists of at least two steps, an initial step that is pH-dependent and reversible, and a second step that is pH-independent. At low pHs, the second step becomes the sole rate-limiting step. I also show that at pH 6.6, the VSV particle enters a stable intermediate state that binds tightly to membranes but does not precede to fusion. This dissertation uses a variety of experimental approaches to arrive at a more detailed understanding of how viruses use their entry proteins to either penetrate or fuse with the cell membrane.

Interações de fármacos anti-malária com modelos de membrana / Interactions of Anti-malaria Drugs with Model Membranes

Luis Guilherme Mansor Basso 16 February 2009 (has links)
Primaquina e cloroquina são agentes antimaláricos amplamente utilizados profilática e terapeuticamente contra esta enfermidade. A interação destes fármacos com sistemas modelo podem fornecer informações úteis no entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos em sistemas biológicos reais. Neste sentido, através das técnicas de calorimetria diferencial de varredura e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica, estudamos as interações entre os fármacos antimaláricos supracitados e modelos de membrana, no intuito de investigarmos as modificações provocadas por ambos na estrutura lipídica. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a associação da cloroquina com membranas de DMPC em pH fisiológico é limitada. Uma perturbação desta molécula na estrutura e dinâmica lipídica foi detectada apenas numa região próxima ao carbono sete das cadeias acila das fosfatidilcolinas. Os experimentos de DSC mostram que este fármaco tem efeito apenas na diminuição da cooperatividade da transição principal das membranas. Por outro lado, a redução da temperatura de transição de fase lipídica observada nos estudos calorimétricos demonstra que a primaquina promove uma desestabilização da fase gel. Os experimentos de RPE corroboram esse resultado, evidenciado pelo aumento da fluidez da membrana. Adicionalmente, o aumento do empacotamento provocado no centro da bicamada lipídica sugere penetração deste fármaco até esta região. Não foram observadas alterações da estrutura e dinâmica das cadeias lipídicas na fase fluida da membrana. Os resultados obtidos fornecem um melhor entendimento das interações fármacos-lipídios em um nível molecular, que podem ser aplicados no desenvolvimento de sistemas carreadores de ambos os fármacos. / Primaquine (PQ) and Chloroquine (CQ) are potent therapeutic agents used in the treatment of malaria. The investigation of drug-lipid interactions is pivotal for understanding their biological activity. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate the effects of drug binding on the lipid phase transition and acyl chain dynamics of model membranes made up of 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC) phospholipids. Labels located at different positions along the lipid chain were used to monitor different membrane regions. ESR results indicated that PQ is more effective in changing the membrane structure than CQ. PQ is effective in perturbing the whole chain of DMPC vesicles, whereas the effect of CQ is more pronounced near the polar headgroup region. Furthermore, PQ causes a slight increase of the lipid packing close to the membrane center, suggesting a deeper insertion of this molecule into DMPC bilayers. DSC thermograms revealed that PQ interacts with DMPC decreasing the main transition temperature (TM) by ca. 2ºC and completely abolishing its pre-transition. On the other hand, CQ effects are mainly noticed as a decrease in the cooperativity of the main transition. Because of its lipophilic character, PQ penetrates into the bilayer hydrocarbon region causing considerable disorganization. Electrostatic interaction between CQ and the phosphatidylcholine phosphate groups is probably related with its low membrane permeability. These results shed light on the molecular mechanism of druglipid interaction, which may be useful for the development of lipid drug delivery systems of antimalarial drugs.

Effect of CyaA acylation on its folding and membrane properties / Effet de l’acylation de CyaA sur son repliement et son interaction avec les membranes

Cannella, Sara Elisabetta 27 September 2016 (has links)
L’Adénylate cyclase (CyaA), produite par B. pertussis, agent responsable de la coqueluche, est un des principaux facteurs de virulence de la bactérie. La toxine est une grande protéine multi-domaine qui est synthétisée comme un précurseur inactif, proCyaA. Ce précurseur est converti dans la forme active après une acylation spécifique. Après la sécrétion, la toxine envahir les cellules eucaryotes par un mécanisme unique qui implique la translocation de son domaine catalytique dans le cytosol des cellules eucaryotiques. Cette mécanisme est toujours pas clair et nombreuses questions restent ouvertes. Dans la présente étude, nous avons étudié les propriétés structurales et fonctionnelles des différentes espèces de (pro)CyaA en solution et inséré dans la membrane. Nous avons observé que le repliement de (pro)CyaA dans la forme monomérique dépend de la présence de calcium et de l'acylation post-traductionnelle. En outre, nous avons observé que la présence du calcium améliore fortement la stabilité de la protéine. De plus, nous avons identifié un segment hydrophobe dans CyaA, mais pas dans proCyaA, qui intervient dans les premières étapes du repliement de la protéine. L'analyse macroscopique a révélé que CyaA est plus stable et compacte par rapport à proCyaA. Nous avons aussi observé que les deux toxines sont capables de perméabiliser les membranes in vitro, mais que seulement la toxine monomérique et acyle est capable d'exercer des activités de membranes efficaces dans la cellule (hémolyse, translocation de AC et production de cAMP). Nous proposons que la toxine monomérique est la seul espèce compétent et fonctionnel. / Adenylate cyclase is one of the major virulence factors produced by Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whopping cough. The toxin is a huge multi-domain protein synthesized as an inactive precursor, proCyaA, which is converted into the active form upon a specific acylation. Once secreted across the bacterial cell envelope, the toxin invades eukaryotic cells through a unique mechanism that involves the direct translocation of its catalytic domain inside the cytosol of the target cells. This mechanism is still not clear and many questions remain open. In the present study we investigated the structural and functional properties of various (pro)CyaA species in solution and upon membrane-insertion. We found that the (re)folding of CyaA into a monomeric form critically depend upon the presence of calcium and the post-translational acylation. We observed that calcium binding strongly improves the stability of the protein. Moreover we identified a hydrophobic segment in CyaA, but not in proCyaA, which is involved in the early stages of the refolding process. Macroscopic analysis showed that CyaA is more stable and compact as compared to proCyaA. We also observed that both toxins are able to permeabilize membranes in vitro, although only the monomeric and acylated toxin is able to exert efficient membrane activities in cellula (i.e., hemolysis, AC translocation and cAMP production). We propose that the monomeric species is the functional competent and active state and that the acyl chains play not only a structural role but are also essential for the functional activities of the toxin.

Structure of charged two-component lipid membranes and their interaction with colloids studied by different X-ray and microscopy techniques / Struktur der geladenen Zwei-Komponenten-Lipidmembranen und ihre Interaktion mit Kolloiden studierte durch verschiedene Röntgenstrahl- und Mikroskopietechniken

Novakova, Eva 09 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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