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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Células tronco imaturas de polpa dentária humana: uma nova estratégia terapêutica para o tratamento da aplasia de medula óssea em modelo animal. / Immature stem cells from human dental pulp: a new therapeutic strategy for the treatment of bone marrow suppression in an animal model.

Gonzaga, Vivian Fonseca 10 November 2016 (has links)
AA é uma doença grave caracterizada por pancitopenia e hipocelularidade medular, que pode levar a morte. Em casos severos os tratamentos são restritos ao transplante alogênico de MO e/ou uso de imunossupressores. Para isso, deve ser tipado o HLA entre doador e beneficiário. Com isso, as CTM são fontes celulares candidatas para este propósito, pois são praticamente não imunogênicas devido à sua ação parácrina de imunomodulação. Além disso, as CTM possuem um importante papel na hematopoiese. Para induzir AA utilizamos inicialmente ciclofosfamida (n=10) e radiação ionizante a 6 Gy (n=40), que foi o modelo experimental adotado. Após a radiação ocorreram três transplantes de CTIPDh com intervalo de 15 dias via IP. A resposta clínica do transplante foi monitorada pela avaliação da massa corpórea, hemograma e histopatologia da MO. O enxerto das CTIPDh na MO e seu efeito na hematopoiese, também foi verificado. Os resultados demonstraram que os animais irradiados e tratados com CTIPDh apresentaram benefícios clínicos em relação aos animais não tratados. Observamos enxertia das CTIPDh na MO e baço dos camundongos e recuperação dos componentes medulares em comparação aos animais não tratados. Assim, o transplante das CTIPDh são uma fonte terapêutica em potencial. / AA is a several disease characterized by peripheral pancytopenia and bone marrow hypoplasia, which can lead to death. In severe cases, treatments are limited to allogeneic BM transplant and/or immunosuppressants administration. For this purpose, the donor blood must be typed to identify their HLA. Thereby, MSC are appropriate candidates for therapeutic use, because they present low immunogenicity and provide immunomodulation effect in tissue repair. Furthermore, MSC have important role in supporting hematopoiesis. Thus, AA was induced using cyclophosphamide (n = 10) and 6 Gy ionizing radiation (n = 40), which caused BM ablation in mice. Thus ionizing radiation of AA model was selected. After radiation, the mice received three equal doses of hDPSC each 15-day via intraperitoneal injection. Clinical response was monitored by body mass, blood cells counting and histopathology of BM. The influence of hDPSC infusion on hematopoiesis and engraftment capacity of this cell was also investigated. Our data show the hDPSC transplantation in irradiated mice improves clinical conditions and the transplant intraperitoneal showed hDPSC grafting in BM and recovery of medullary components when compared to untreated group. The results indicate that hDPSC transplantation is a potential tool for cell-based therapeutics.

Influência da L-glutamina sobre aspectos imunomodulatórios de células tronco mesenquimais medulares em situação de desnutrição proteico-energética / The influence of L-glutamine on imunumodulatory aspects of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells under protein-energy malnutrition

Santos, Guilherme Galvão dos 24 April 2015 (has links)
A desnutrição proteico-energética (DPE) altera a hemopoese e, portanto, a geração de células imunológicas, bem como compromete o sistema imune. Desta forma, indivíduos desnutridos apresentam maior susceptibilidade a infecções. As células tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) possuem propriedades imunomodulatórias e são importantes na formação do estroma medular que sustenta a hemopoese. Visto que a L-glutamina (GLUT) é o aminoácido condicionalmente essencial mais consumido por CTMs, e que também apresenta capacidade imunomoduladora, investigou-se, neste trabalho, se a GLUT exerceria efeito sobre aspectos imunomodulatórios das CTMs em um modelo experimental de DPE. Para tanto, utilizou-se camundongos da linhagem BALB/c, os quais receberam rações normoproteica ou hipoproteica isocalóricas contendo, respectivamente, 12% e 2% de proteína por um período de 5 semanas. Após o isolamento e a caracterização de CTMs provenientes dos grupos controle (CTMct) e desnutrido (CTMdesn), cultivou-se essas células em 0, 0,6, 2 e 10mM GLUT, a fim de determinar a influência deste aminoácido sobre a expressão de fatores de transcrição e produção de citocinas por CTMct e CTMdesn. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se o efeito dos sobrenadantes das culturas de CTMct e CTMdesn sobre a proliferação e produção de citocinas por macrófagos e linfócitos esplênicos. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram anemia, leucopenia, hipoplasia medular e diminuição na concentração de proteínas séricas, albumina e préa-lbumina. A DPE não modificou a morfologia e o fenótipo das CTMs, bem como não alterou a expressão de proteínas reguladoras do ciclo celular. Por outro lado, a expressão de NFkB e STAT-3 e a produção de IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 e TGF-β por CTMs foram alteradas pela DPE e variaram de acordo com as concentrações de GLUT testadas. O aumento na concentração de GLUT diminuiu a expressão de NFkB e induziu a expressão de STAT-3 por CTMs obtidas de ambos os grupos. Quanto a produção de citocinas por essas células, observou-se uma diminuição nos níveis de IL-β e IL-6 e uma elevação nos níveis de IL-10 e TGF-β com o aumento na concentração de GLUT. Variações na concentração desse aminoácido não alteraram a produção de IL-17 ou IFN-γ por CTMct e CTMdesn. Ademais, a concentração de GLUT alterou, de forma diretamente proporcional, a taxa de proliferação das CTMs. Os meios condicionados de CTMct e CTMdesn diminuíram a proliferação de macrófagos e linfócitos esplênicos estimulados com LPS, induziram aumento na produção da citocina antiinflamatória IL-10 por ambos os tipos celulares e diminuíram a produção das citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-12 e TNF-α por macrófagos e IL-17 por linfócitos. Portanto, conclui-se que a GLUT possui efeito sobre a proliferação das CTMs, bem como a capacidade de imunomodular estas células. / Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) alters hemopoiesis and, therefore, the generation of immune cells, and compromises the immune system. In this way, malnourished individuals are more susceptible to infections. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have immunomodulatory properties and are important in the formation of bone marrow stroma that supports hemopoiesis. Since L-glutamine (GLUT) is a conditionally essential amino acid, which is most consumed by MSCs, and present immunomodulatory capacity, this work investigated whether GLUT would have an effect on immunomodulatory aspects of MSCs in a PEM experimental model. For this purpose, BALB/c mice were used, which received isocaloric normoproteic or hypoproteic diets, containing respectively, 12% and 2% of protein for a period of 5 weeks. After isolation and characterization of MSCs from control (MSCct) and malnourished (MSCmaln) groups, these cells were cultured with 0, 0.6, 2 and GLUT 10mM in order to determine the influence of this amino acid on the expression of transcription factors and cytokine production by MSCct and MSCmaln. Besides that, the effect of MSCct and MSCmaln culture supernatants on proliferation and cytokine production by macrophages and splenic lymphocytes was evaluated. Malnourished animals presented anemia, leucopenia, marrow hypoplasia and decreased concentration of serum proteins, albumin and prealbumin. PEM did not change morphology and phenotype of MSCs or altered the expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins. On the other hand, the expression of NFkB and STAT-3 and the production of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 and TGF-β by MSCs were modified by PEM and varied according to the tested GLUT concentrations. An increase in GLUT concentration decreased NFkB expression and induced STAT-3 expression by MSCs obtained from both groups. Regarding the production of cytokines by these cells, an increase in GLUT concentration resulted in decreased IL-1β and IL-6 levels and increased IL- 10 and TGF-β levels. Changes in the concentration of this aminoacid did not alter IL- 17 or IFN-γ production by MSCct and MSCmaln. Furthermore, the concentration of GLUT changed, in direct proportion, the proliferation of MSCs. The conditioned media MSCct and MSCmaln decreased the proliferation of macrophages and splenic lymphocytes stimulated with LPS, induced an increase in the production of the antiinflammatory cytokine IL-10 by both cell types, and decreased the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-12 and TNF-α by macrophages and IL-17 by lymphocytes. Therefore, it can be concluded that GLUT has an effect on the proliferation of MSCs and it has the capacity to immunomodulate these cells.

Caracterização de células tronco mesenquimais oriundas de líquido amniótico, líquido alantóide e conteúdo vitelino de fetos caninos / Characterization to mesenchymal stem cells from amnioitc fluid, alantois fluid and yolk sac fluid from canine foetus

Fernandes, Renata Avancini 17 December 2009 (has links)
O cão é um excelente modelo pré-clínico para o estudo de doenças, testes farmacológicos e novas terapias para futura aplicação em humanos. Desta forma, estudamos o modelo canino como fonte de células tronco de anexos fetais, o líquido amniótico, alantóide e conteúdo vitelino. Uma vez que hoje, as células tronco apresentam uma esperança na cura de diversas doenças tanto nos cães, como no ser humano. Sendo assim, caracterizamos e estudamos o potencial de diferenciação dessas células, isoladas após a técnica de ovário salpingo histerectomia, de cadelas em campanhas de castração. Após o isolamento e a caracterização, somente foi estabelecida a cultura do líquido amniótico e alantóide. Para caracterizar as células, isoladas no intuito de comprovar que são células tronco verdadeiras, os seguintes Imunomarcadores foram usados, vimentina, nestina, citoqueratina-18 e oct-4, sendo os três primeiros positivos para células do líquido amniótico e alantóide. Induzimos a diferenciação dessas células para osso, cartilagem e gordura, utilizando protocolos previamente estabelecidos. As células tronco do líquido amniótico limitaram-se à diferenciação condrogênica e osteogênica enquanto que as células tronco do alantóide, limitaram-se a diferenciação condrogênica. Ao mesmo tempo, ambos os tipos celulares, não prosseguiram à diferenciação adipogênica. Surpreendentemente, o meio de diferenciação para gordura, induziu a mudança morfológica nestas células que passaram a apresentar a morfologia típica de células neuronais. Podemos concluir que provavelmente para diferenciação adipogênica, é preciso desenvolver outro meio de cultura, por outro lado, esse resultado sugere que devemos explorar o potencial neurogênico desses tipos celulares. / The dog is an excellent preclinical model for the study of diseases, pharmacological tests and new therapies for future application in humans. Thus, we studied the canine model as a source of stem cells from fetal membranes, amniotic fluid, allantois and fluid yolk. Since today, stem cells have a hope in curing various diseases in both dogs and humans. Therefore, we characterize and study the differentiation potential of these cells, isolated after the technique of ovarian salpingo hysterectomy. After the isolation and characterization, was only established the culture of amniotic and allantois fluid. To characterize the cells isolated in order to demonstrate that they are true stem cells, the following were used antibodies, vimentin, nestin, cytokeratin-18 and oct-4. The cells were reactive positively to vimentin, nestin, cytokeratin. We induced the differentiation of these cells osteogenic, chondrogenic, adipogenic, using previously established protocols. Stem cells from amniotic fluid were restricted to chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation while the stem cells of the allantois, limited to chondrogenic differentiation. At the same time, both cell types, were not able to adipogenic differentiation. Surprisingly, the means of adipogenic differentiation, induced the typical morphology of neuronal cells. We can conclude that probably for adipogenic differentiation, we must develop other culture media, on the other hand, this result suggests that we should explore the neurogenic potential these cell types.

Estudos da formação de protoporfirina IX induzida por ácido aminolevulínico: um enfoque para o aprimoramento da Terapia Fotodinâmica / Studies of aminolevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX production: an approach for optimization of Photodynamic Therapy

Rodrigues, Phamilla Gracielli Sousa 13 December 2016 (has links)
A terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) é uma técnica não invasiva usada no tratamento de lesões de pele, como câncer basocelular, queratose actínica, e doença de Bowen, dentre outros. Basicamente, a combinação da administração de um fotossensibilizador (FS), com a irradiação de luz adequada e o oxigênio celular, gera uma série de reações oxidativas que provocam a morte do tecido. Contudo, o principal efeito colateral desta terapia é a fotossensibilidade prolongada ocasionada pela administração de fotossensibilizadores sistêmicos. Por outro lado, a via tópica não apresenta esta limitação, pois o tratamento é realizado no local da lesão através de pró-drogas. O ácido aminolevulínico, ALA, está entre as pró-drogas mais utilizadas para indução do acúmulo do agente fotossensível na pele, a protoporfirina IX, ou PpIX. Contudo, a via tópica não permite penetração suficiente e homogênea do creme para o tratamento de lesões espessas. Visando a melhoria da TFD, foram realizados estudos in vivo e in vitro. Nos estudos in vivo, técnicas mecânicas - rolos de microagulhas, tape stripping e injeção livre de agulhas foram estudadas buscando encontrar a mais eficiente nos quesitos de: promoção da penetração da pró-droga no tecido, distribuição homogênea e de indução do acúmulo de PpIX. Para isto, foi o utilizado o modelo porcino, in vivo, conhecido como o modelo que possui a pele mais similar à pele humana. Os resultados in vivo mostram que as técnicas têm resultados similares na produção de PpIX e na distribuição de porfirina mais homogênea na superfície. Além disso, todas as técnicas estudadas in vivo têm se destacado em promover uma entrega mais homogênea de ALA também na profundidade da pele quando comparadas ao grupo controle. Nos estudos in vitro, foram examinadas possíveis diferenças na capacidade de formação da PpIX e/ou de resistência de células ao tratamento por TFD entre células expressando diferentes características de transição epitélio-mesenquimal. Os resultados in vitro indicam que as células com características epitélio-mesenquimal mais acentuadas produzem mais PpIX e são mais responsivas à TFD. Estes resultados indicam que a TFD tem maior efetividade no tratamento de células mesenquimais, e os estudos in vivo mostram que no tecido normal há maior seletividade de produção na camada da epiderme e apêndices da pele sugerindo que a terapia pode ser utilizada com maior eficiência em lesões superficiais e, até mesmo diminuir as taxas de recorrência devido a heterogeneidade de distribuição do creme na pele quando umas das técnicas mecânicas são utilizadas. / Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a noninvasive technique used to treat skin lesions, such as basal cell cancer, actinic keratosis and Bowen\'s disease. Basically, the administration of a photosensitizer (PS), combined with the illumination of adequate light and the cellular oxygen, generate a series of oxidative reactions that cause tissue death. However, the major side effect of the treatment is prolonged photosensitivity caused by the systemic administration of photosensitizers. On the other hand, the topical therapy does not show this limitation, and it is performed at the lesion site via prodrugs. The aminolevulinic acid, ALA, is the most popular pro-drug in topical PDT. This prodrug induces PpIX production that is a photosensitive porphyrin. However, when ALA is used topically, the cream does not provide enough or homogeneous penetration for the treatment of deep lesions. Therefore, with the aim of improving PDT therapy, studies in vivo and in vitro were performed. In the in vivo analysis, mechanical techniques - microneedle roller, tape stripping, and needle-free injection- were studied looking for the most effective regarding to improve the following purposes: promoting penetration of the prodrug into the tissue, homogeneous distribution, and at inducing PpIX accumulation. The evaluations were made by fluorescence spectroscopy, biopsy of skin, and fluorescence images, using the porcine model, in vivo, known as the most similar of human skin tissue. The in vivo results showed that all techniques have similar results in the production of PpIX, and perform a more homogeneous porphyrin distribution in the skin surface. Moreover, all the techniques have excelled in promoting a homogeneous distribution of PpIX in the deep of the skin when compared to the control group. In addition to the skin penetration, studies of PpIX production were performed in vitro in cells expressing different levels of epithelial-mesenchymal transition characteristics. The studies were made in regard to a possible difference in PpIX formation capacity and / or a resistance to the PDT treatment. The in vitro results showed that cells with more epithelial-mesenchymal characteristics produce more PpIX and are more responsive to the PDT therapy. These results indicate that PDT therapy may have a better effectiveness in the treatment of mesenchymal cells and also the results in vivo showed that the ALA-induced PpIX in normal tissue seems to be selective to epidermal and skin appendages, indicating that the topical therapy may be used with a higher efficiency in superficial injuries providing lower recurrence rates when they combine with one of the techniques studied.

Protein malnutrition effects of perivascular bone marrow microenvironment on the regulation of hematopoiesis / Efeitos da desnutrição proteica sobre o microambiente perivascular medular na regulação da hematopoese

Hastreiter, Araceli Aparecida 10 April 2019 (has links)
Protein malnutrition (PM) causes anemia and leukopenia by reduction of hematopoietic precursors and impaired production of mediators that induce hematopoiesis, as well as structural and ultrastructural changes in the bone marrow (BM) extracellular matrix. Hematopoiesis occurs in the bone marrow (BM) in distinct regions called niches, which modulate the processes of differentiation, proliferation and self-renewal of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). The perivascular niche, composed mainly by mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and endothelial cells (EC), is the major modulator of HSC and its function extends to the migration of mature hematopoietic cells into the peripheral blood through the production of cytokines and growth factors. Thus, our hypothesis is that PM changes the perivascular niche and our objective is to evaluate whether PM affects the modulatory capacity of MSC and EC on hematopoiesis. C57BL/6 male mice were divided into Control and Malnourished groups, which received for 5 weeks, respectively, a normal protein diet (12% casein) and a low protein diet (2% casein). After this period, animals were euthanized, nutritional and hematological evaluations were performed, featuring the PM. We performed leukemic myelo-monoblasts cells transplantation and observed that these cells have a lower proliferation rate and are rather in the cell cycle G0/G1 phases in malnourished mice, indicating that the BM microenvironment is compromised in PM. MSC were isolated, characterized and differentiated in vitro into EC cells, which were evidenced by CD31 and CD144 markers. We performed the quantification of HSC and hematopoietic progenitors, as well as some regulators of proliferation and differentiation, ex vivo and after cultures with MSC or EC. We observed that PM reduces HSC and hematopoietic progenitors ex vivo. In PM, MSC promote increase in HSC and suppress hematopoietic differentiation, whereas ECs induce cell cycle arrest. Additionally, we verified that PM affects granulopoesis by decreasing the expression of G-CSFr in granule-monocytic progenitors. Thus, we conclude that PD compromises hematopoiesis due to intrinsic alterations in HSC, as well as alterations in the medullary perivascular niche. / A desnutrição proteica (DP) provoca anemia e leucopenia decorrente da redução de precursores hematopoéticos e comprometimento da produção de mediadores indutores da hematopoese. A hematopoese ocorre na medula óssea (MO) em regiões distintas chamadas de nichos, que modulam os processos de diferenciação, proliferação e auto renovação da célula tronco hematopoiética (CTH). O microambiente perivascular, composto principalmente por células tronco mesenquimais (CTM) e células endoteliais (CE), é o principal modulador das CTH e sua função se estende até a migração das células hematopoiéticas maduras para o sangue periférico, através da produção de citocinas e fatores de crescimento. Dessa forma, nossa hipótese é que a DP altera o microambiente perivascular e objetivamos avaliar se a DP afeta a capacidade modulatória das CTM e CE sobre a hematopoese. Utilizamos camundongos C57BL/6 machos, divididos em grupos Controle e Desnutrido, sendo que o grupo Controle recebeu ração normoproteica (12% caseína) e o grupo Desnutrido recebeu ração hipoproteica (2% caseína), ambos durante 5 semanas. Após este período, os animais foram eutanasiados, foi realizada a avaliação nutricional e hematológica, caracterizando a DP. Realizamos transplantes de mielomonoblastos leucêmicos e observamos que estas células apresentam menor taxa de proliferação e se encontram em maior quantidade nas fases G0/G1 do ciclo celular em camundongos desnutridos, indicando que o microambiente medular está comprometido. Isolamos CTM, que foram caracterizadas e diferenciadas in vitro em CE, o que foi evidenciado pelos marcadores CD31 e CD144. Quantificamos CTH e progenitores hematopoéticos, bem como reguladores de proliferação e diferenciação, ex vivo e após culturas com CTM ou CE. Observamos que a DP reduz CTH e progenitores hematopoéticos ex vivo. Na DP, as CTM promovem incremento de CTH e suprimem a diferenciação hematopoética, enquanto que as CE induzem parada no ciclo celular. Adicionalmente, observamos que a DP afeta a granulopoese por diminuição da expressão de G-CSFr nos progenitores grânulo-monocíticos. Dessa forma, concluímos que a DP compromete a hematopoese por alterações intrínsecas na CTH, como também por alterações ocasionadas no microambiente perivascular medular.

Conception d'un hydrogel stratifié : application pour l'ingénierie du cartilage / Conception of a stratified scaffold : application for cartilage engineering

Tritz-Schiavi, Jessica 15 November 2011 (has links)
Le cartilage articulaire est composé de chondrocytes et d'une matrice extracellulaire organisés de manière stratifiée dans l'épaisseur du tissu. Ce tissu ne se régénère pas de manière efficace après une lésion. L'objectif de ce travail est de construire par pulvérisation des hydrogels à base d'alginate et de film multicouches de polyélectrolytes pour créer in vitro un néotissu pouvant combler des lésions de cartilage articulaire. La méthode a été validée en observant une bonne viabilité et une synthèse matricielle par les cellules, et de meilleures propriétés mécaniques des hydrogels pulvérisés à 0,9 bar par rapport au moulage. Après la pulvérisation de cellules souches mésenchymateuses, les résultats ont montré une bonne viabilité et une différenciation des cellules. Puis, des hydrogels bistratifiés ont été construits et cultivés jusqu'à 56 jours sans dissociation des couches et sans migration des cellules. Enfin, les hydrogels ont été fonctionnalisés en modifiant la composition des couches et en y appliquant des stimulations mécaniques. Les propriétés mécaniques des hydrogels varient en fonction de leur composition et sont meilleures pour ceux stratifiés. De plus, leur stimulation mécanique a permis de potentialiser l'effet du biomatériau sur la différenciation des cellules. En conclusion, cette étude montre que des cellules souches mésenchymateuses ensemencées dans un hydrogel bistratifié pulvérisé sont fonctionnelles en termes de différenciation chondrocytaire et de synthèse matricielle. Les propriétés mécaniques des hydrogels stratifiés ne sont pas altérées. De plus, la stimulation mécanique a potentialisé la différenciation des cellules / The articular cartilage is composed of chondrocytes and of a specific extracellular matrix which are organized depth-dependently. The tissue did not have an efficient self-renewal of defects. The purpose of this study is to build up layer-by-layer a stratified hydrogel by alternating gels and multilayers polyelectrolytes film spraying, in order to obtain a neotissu in vitro to fill lesions. First, the process was validated by observing a good cells viability and matrix synthesis, and stronger mechanical behaviors of sprayed hydrogels compared to molded one. Secondly, after their spraying, mesenchymal stem cells still have a good viability and their differentiation potential. Then, bistratified scaffolds were built up and cultured up to 56 days without layers dissociation and without cells migration between layers. Finally, scaffolds were functionalized by changing biomaterial composition and by applying mechanicals stimulations. Results show us not only that the composition influences the mechanical behavior of the hydrogel, but that the stratification did not affect it. Furthermore, mechanicals stimulations improve stem cells differentiation in function of biomaterials compositions. In conclusion, this study proves not only that we are able to build up stratified scaffold seeded with mesenchymal stem cells which still have their differentiation capability and synthesize matrix, but that mechanical behaviors are improved after the biomaterial spraying and not alter by the stratification. Moreover, mechanical stimulation applied to the scaffold improves the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to a chondrogenic phenotype

Effet de la nature des biomatériaux sur la différenciation des cellules souches mésenchymateuses / Effect of biomaterials nature on differentiation of stem mesenchymal cells

Laydi, Fatima Ezzahra 05 December 2013 (has links)
En ingénierie tissulaire, les biomatériaux, les cellules et l'induction de la différenciation, sont des facteurs à prendre en compte. L'objectif de cette étude est de connaitre l'effet de la nature des biomatériaux et leurs propriétés mécaniques sur la différenciation des cellules souches mésenchymateuses de la moelle osseuse. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié l'effet d'un biomatériau de nature protéique (le collagène de type I) supplémenté en microparticules d'hydroxyaptatite (HAP). Nous avons constaté que l'ajout d'HAP améliore les propriétés mécaniques de ce biomatériau et engage la différenciation des cellules vers des phénotypes ostéoarticulaires. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié l'effet d'un biomatériau à base d'alginate supplémenté par de l'acide hyaluronique ou des microparticules d'HAP, en utilisant un plan d'expériences pour choisir les matrices convenables pour l'étude biologique en fonction de leurs propriétés mécaniques. Nous avons constaté que les composants de ce biomatériau ont un effet sur l'élasticité de ce dernier et sur la différenciation des cellules souches mésenchymateuses. En conclusion, cette étude montre que les cellules souches mésenchymateuses sont sensibles à la composition du biomatériau et ses propriétés mécaniques / In tissue engineering, biomaterials, cells and the induction of cell differentiation are factors to be studied. The aim of this study is to know the effect of biomaterials composition and mechanical properties on the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow. At first, we studied the effect of a protein biomaterial (collagen type I) supplemented with hydroxyaptatite (HAP) particles. We found that the addition of HAP improves the mechanical properties of the biomaterial and conditione cell differentiation towards osteoarticular lineages. In a second step, we studied the effect of biomaterial composed of alginate supplemented with hyaluronic acid or HAP particles, using an experimental design to select suitable matrices for biological study based on their mechanical properties. We found that the components of this biomaterial have an effect on elasticity of the latter and the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. In conclusion, this study shows that mesenchymal stem cells are sensitive to the composition of the biomaterial and its mechanical properties

Ingénierie tissulaire hépatique à partir du foie décellularisé et de cellules souches mésenchymateuses de la gelée de Wharton / Liver tissue engineering based on decellularized liver and Wharton's jelly derived mesenchymal stern cells

Ye, Junsong 30 October 2015 (has links)
Il existe plus de 100 formes de pathologies hépatiques causées par divers facteurs et touchant une grande quantité de personnes. Mais, le seul traitement pour les maladies du foie en phase terminale est la greffe du foie. Cependant, la greffe de foie échoue souvent à cause du déficit en donneurs hépatiques. Récemment, une nouvelle alternative innovante pour traiter les maladies du foie apparaît : les organes auto-construits. En ingénierie tissulaire du foie, la source de cellules, l’échafaudage décellularisé du foie et les bioréacteurs, sont des facteurs à prendre en compte. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’étudier deux étapes nécessaires au développement d’un foie artificiel : les cellules et la décellularisation de l’organe. Tout d’abord, nous avons prélevé et caractérisé les cellules souches mésenchymateuses de la gelée de wharton (CSMs-GW) CSMs-GW et nous avons étudié leur potentiel de différenciation en hépatocytes. La deuxième étape du travail est consacrée à la décellularisation du foie. Nous avons obtenu des scaffolds acellulaires par la perfusion continue avec du SDS 1% et triton-X100 1%. En conclusion, cette étude montre la capacité de CSM-GW de se différencier en hépatocytes et la faisabilité de la décellularisation du foie. Ceci ouvre des perspectives intéressantes pour le développement d’un foie artificiel et le traitement des pathologies hépatiques / There are over 100 forms of liver diseases caused by various factors and affecting a lot of people. Unfortunately, the only treatment of a terminal liver disease is liver transplantation. However, liver transplantation often fails because of the deficit in human liver donors. Recently, a new innovative alternative for treating end-stage liver disease appears: self-built organ. In liver tissue engineering the source of cells, the decellularized liver scaffold and circular culture bioreactor, are essential factors to be taken into account. The objective of this thesis is to study two steps needed for the development of an artificial liver : cells and organ decellularization. In the first stage, we collected and characterize Wharton’s-Jelly mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSCs), and their differentiation potential into hepatocytes. In the second stage of the work, we developed a method for liver decellularization. We were able to get acellular scaffolds by continuous perfusion with 1% SDS and Triton X100 1%. In conclusion, this study shows the capability of WJ-MSC to be differentiated into hepatocytes and the feasibility to obtain acellular livers. That open perspectives toward the development of an artificial liver and the treatment of liver diseases

Dans les abysses du transcriptome : découverte de nouveaux biomarqueurs de cellules souches mésenchymateuses par analyse approfondie du RNAseq / In the abyss of the transcriptome : discovery of new biomarkers of mesenchymal stem cells by in-depth analysis of RNAseq

Riquier, Sébastien 04 February 2019 (has links)
Le développement du séquençage ARN, ou RNAseq, a permis l'essor de la recherche intensive de biomarqueurs dans de nombreux domaines de la biologie. L’information complète du transcriptome contenue dans les données de sorties, permet à un bioinformaticien assidu de dépasser les connaissances actuelles et d’accéder, grâce à des pipelines informatiques avancés, à d’innombrables signatures d’intérêts inédites. Dans cette thèse nous mettons en avant que ces marqueurs potentiels, essentiellement explorés pour répondre à des problématiques clinique en conditions pathologiques, peuvent être utilisés pour affiner la caractérisation de types de cellules sans marqueurs strictement spécifiques. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux cellules souches mésenchymateuses (MSCs), un type de cellules souches adultes multipotentes, fortement utilisées en clinique mais ne possédant pas de marqueurs positifs strictement spécifiques.Notre étude se concentre sur la recherche des ARN longs non-codants non annotés. Ces ARNs, aussi nommés "lncRNA", constituent une classe émergente de transcrits encore peu explorée à ce jour. De plus, cette catégorie démontre une spécificité conditionnelle et tissulaire élevée. Nous avons élaboré un pipeline d’analyse RNAseq optimisé pour la reconstruction et la quantification de lncRNAs non annotés.En utilisant les données publiques de RNAseq, venant de différentes sources de MSCs et d'autres types de cellules, nous avons identifié de nouveaux lncRNA non annotés exprimés spécifiquement dans les MSCs.Nous avons développé pour ce projet Kmerator.jl, un outil qui permet de décomposer un transcrit en sous séquences spécifiques (k-mers) afin de chercher et quantifier plus rapidement la signature de nos candidats dans un grand nombre de données RNAseq. Kmerator a également été utilisé dans d'autres applications pour tester la qualité des données RNA-seq disponibles en accés public.Après validation de ces nouveaux biomarqueurs de MSCs par qPCR, nous avons eu recours à plusieurs outils informatiques pour prédire leurs fonctions potentielles. Enfin, nous avons analysé des données RNAseq « single-cell » pour aborder l’hétérogénéité d’expression au sein des populations MSCs. / The development of RNA sequencing, or RNAseq, have opened the path of intensive biomarkers research in many areas of biology. The complete information of the transcriptome contained in the output data, allows a bioinformatician to surpass the current knowledge and to access, thanks to advanced computer pipelines, to signatures of new interest. In this thesis, we are showing that these potential markers, classically used in clinical and pathological conditions, can be used to characterize cell types without extensive markers profile. We have studied mesenchymal stem cells, a type of adult multipotent stem cells, strongly used in clinics but without strickly specific positive markers. Our study mainly focuses on the search for non-annotated, long non-coding RNAs. These RNAs, also called "lncRNA", constitute an emerging class of transcripts and are still lightly explored.In addition, this category presents a highly tissue-related specificity. We have developed an optimized RNAseq pipeline for the reconstruction and quantification of non-annotated lncRNAs.Using public data from RNAseq, coming from different sources of MSC and other cell types, we have identified new non-annotated lncRNAs clearly and specifically expressed in MSCs. to complete this project, we developed Kmerator.jl, a bioinformatical tool that allows to decompose a transcript in k-mer, and select specific sub-sequences, in order to search and quantify at a faster rate the signature of our candidates in a large number of RNAseq dataset. After validation of these new biomarkers of MSCs by qPCR, we used several computer tools to predict their potential functions. Finally, we analyzed single-cell RNAseq data to address the heterogeneity of expression within MSC populations.

Abordagem de diferentes aspectos do microambiente e da heterogeneidade tumoral e sua influência no comportamento de gliomas

Onzi, Giovana Ravizzoni January 2018 (has links)
A heterogeneidade entre as células tumorais e o suporte a elas proporcionado pelos componentes do microambiente tumoral (TME) são os dois principais responsáveis pela progressão do câncer e por tornar essas doenças essencialmente incuráveis. Assim, identificar as principais dependências das células malignas, sejam elas internas ou advindas do meio extracelular, é fundamental para entender seu comportamento e propor terapias mais eficientes. Nesta tese, abordamos aspectos destas duas questões separadamente. Em um primeiro trabalho, investigamos as interações de células tumorais com células-tronco mesenquimais (MSCs), um dos principais componentes do TME. MSCs participam ativamente do nicho tumoral, especialmente por serem capazes de liberar uma vasta gama de moléculas que, via sinalização parácrina, podem modular as células ao seu redor. No entanto, os principais mediadores e respectivos efeitos do secretoma dessas células nos tumores ainda precisam ser melhor elucidados. Ao investigar esses efeitos em glioblastomas (GBM), um dos tumores primários mais agressivos em adultos, mostramos que o secretoma de células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas de tecido adiposo humano (hADSCs) foi capaz de bloquear a autofagia das células malignas. Nossos dados revelaram que o secretoma de hADSCs ativou a via de sinalização de mTORC1 e reduziu a translocação nuclear de TFEB, um fator de transcrição chave que regula a autofagia e a a função lisossomal, nas células de GBM, impedindo que o fluxo autofágico fosse completado. Já em um segundo trabalho, no contexto da heterogeneidade celular em tumores, propusemos uma abordagem para análise de dados de céulas únicas focada em outliers. Minorias celulares com níveis anormalmente elevados, ou reduzidos, de expressão de determinados genes ou proteínas são em muitos casos responsáveis por resistir aos tratamentos e levar à recidiva da doença, ao mesmo tempo que, por serem outliers, são muitas vezes ignoradas ou excluídas das análises de dados. Assim, decidimos utilizar métodos estatísticos em dados de expressão de células únicas para detectar e analisar células outliers, comparando o seu comportamento com as demais células não-outliers. Denominamos essa abordagem de Single Cell OUTlier analysis (SCOUT) e a testamos em dados de células tumorais avaliadas por citometria de massas e por sequenciamento de RNA de células únicas (sc-RNA-seq). Como resultado, pudemos confirmar que, especialmente diante de determinados tratamentos, células outliers podem se comportar de maneira distinta de não-outliers, revelando informações potencialmente relevantes ao desenvolvimento de estretégias terapêuticas. Por fim, desenvolvemos uma ferramenta para automatizar a detecção e seleção de outliers em dados de célula única a fim de facilitar o estudo dessas células em diversos aspectos na pesquisa do câncer. / Intratumoral heterogeneity and the support provided by components of the tumor microenvironment (TME) to malignant cells are major contributors to cancer progression, and the two main factors that make this disease essentially incurable. Thus, identifying malignant cells dependencies, either in the intra- or extracellular environment, is fundamental to understand their behavior and propose more efficient therapies. In this thesis, we approached aspects of these two issues separately. In a first work, we investigated interactions between tumors and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), one of the main components in the TME. MSCs actively participate in the tumor niche, especially due to their capacity of releasing a wide range of molecules that can modulate cells in their surroundings. However, little is known about the effects of MSCs-derived molecules in tumor cells behavior. In investigating these effects on glioblastomas (GBM), one of the most aggressive primary tumors in adults, we found out that the secretome of human adipose-derived stromal cells (hADSCs) was able to block autophagy in malignant cells. Our data revealed that hADSCs secretome activated mTORC1 signaling pathway and reduced nuclear translocation of TFEB, a master transcription factor that regulates autophagy and lysosomal function, in GBM cells, preventing autophagic flux from being completed. In a second work, we addressed intratumoral heterogeneity by proposing an approach to analyze outliers in single cell data. Cellular minorities with abnormally high, or low, expression levels of certain genes or proteins are in many cases responsible for resisting treatments and lead to disease relapse, while for being outliers they are also frequently ignored or excluded from data analysis. Thus, we decided to apply statistical methods on single cell expression data to detect outliers and analyze them, comparing their behavior with the remaining non-outlier cells. We called this approach Single Cell OUTlier analysis (SCOUT) and tested it on tumor cell datasets obtained from mass cytometry and single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) experiments. Using SCOUT we were able to confirm that, especially upon specific treatments, outlier cells may behave differently from non-outliers, revealing potentially relevant information to aid in the development of novel therapeutic strategies. Finally, we developed a tool to automate detection and selection of outliers in single cell data with the aim to facilitate the study of these cells under different contexts in cancer research.

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