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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative research of WhatsApp and Telegram by using heuristic principles

Palisetti, Venkata Siva Sai Kumar, Seelam, Nikhitha Priyadarsini January 2022 (has links)
Over the last few years, text messaging has taken the domination among young adults. Messaging via phones has a wide range of both, human and social factors. These Instant Messaging [IM] applications also offer features other than just texting and for example, sending documents, photos, videos, links and more. All these features and attributes are making people pull towards these IM applications more and more. Despite having these features, people expect more from these IM applications, which leads these IM applications to compete with each other by providing more features or modifying the existing features. This competition to be the better application amongst the IM applications has led us to do a research study on which applications have better user experience through a survey evaluation. Background: Messaging through phones got a lot easier when platforms like iMessage, Telegram, WhatsApp, etc., were introduced to people. WhatsApp and Telegram gained popularity over iMessages as iMessages was limited only to IOS. So, technically people preferred WhatsApp and Telegram over iMessages. In order, to deduct which application is preferred among WhatsApp and Telegram, a survey evaluation is done based on Usability Heuristics. Thus, the title of the thesis is “Comparative research of WhatsApp and Telegram by using heuristic principles.” Objectives: The prime objective of the thesis is to compare both the applications, WhatsApp, and Telegram and to find which application has followed the principles of Usability most. The comparison between these two applications is done via a survey evaluation and the results will be noted. Methods: The method that has been chosen and used for comparison is survey evaluation. The survey will be done via google forms, and the questions of the study are based on HCI principles. The survey will have a total of 10 questions. Approximately of 45 users will be given the questionnaire google form to fill out. Results: The results from the survey will be collected and noted. The results are examined and the application that has the better user experience will be found. Conclusion: From the study and the survey, it is concluded that WhatsApp has a better user experience than Telegram.

Effects of tailored messaging on cell phone use avoidance while driving through highway work zones: Application of the risk perception attitude framework

Prince Adu gyamfi (16520226) 17 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Cell phone use while driving is one of the commonest distracted driving behaviors that causes fatal crashes, and drivers are more likely to use their cell phones in work zones because of slow-moving traffic. The road safety campaign literature suggests that persuasive messages can positively influence safe driving behaviors leading to a reduction in crashes. Thus, this dissertation, guided by the risk perception attitude (RPA) framework, sought to examine how tailored messaging could serve as an effective communication strategy to promote positive attitudes and behavioral intentions in the context of cell phone use avoidance while driving through highway work zones. Findings from two studies, using a college student sample and a national sample of US young adults between 18 and 24 years old, revealed that the RPA framework likely does not serve as a useful audience segmentation strategy in this context because an overwhelming majority of participants (about 87%) belonged to the responsive group. A tailored messaging approach did not influence cell phone use avoidance while driving attitudes and intentions among the young adults because the majority of participants (70%) felt the messages were not designed uniquely for them and might not be personally relevant to them. However, the majority of participants (62%) reported that highway work zone safety was an important topic they would want to receive future messaging about because messages about this topic would help to save lives and protect public safety, drastically reduce crashes in highway work zones, and promote safe driving behaviors in highway work zones. Participants who were aware of the existence of state laws banning cell phone use while driving reported slightly higher attitudes toward and intentions to engage in safe driving behaviors compared to those who were not aware of the existence of such state laws. This dissertation suggests that instead of creating messages to raise risk perceptions and enhance efficacy perceptions, informing the young adult population in the US about the existence of laws banning cell phone use while driving might be an effective means to discourage them from using their cell phones while driving through highway work zones. By extending the RPA framework as an audience segmentation strategy, this dissertation also proposes a responsive group classification framework which could serve as a useful audience segmentation strategy in this study context to classify audiences into four groups to effectively tailor messages to them.</p>

RCS Chatbots vs. Single- purpose Apps

Cruz, Erik, Svanborg, Anton January 2021 (has links)
The Rich Communication Service (RCS) aims to be the default messaging protocol in mobile devices. The native integration of RCS opens up the possibility of RCS chatbots replacing single-purpose apps. This report analyzes this possibility through in-depth experimentation of the chatbot functionality, followed by user testing of the chatbot features. The report found that the RCS chatbot could replace mobile applications since many solve a specific task and follow a closed-loop system. The report also identified RCS as a solution to the accumulated unused apps users have on their mobile devices. This report also attempts to fill the research gap on the current situation of RCS and the reasons behind the different rollout rates of RCS globally. The examination of interviews with RCS stakeholders was the basis of a stakeholder analysis. This analysis found that the Mobile Network Operators have different standings regarding RCS. Some see potential, and some see issues with RCS hindering the global rollout. Furthermore, the reluctance from Apple and the high involvement of Google are reviewed and contrasted with the answers from the interviews. / Rich Communication Service (RCS) siktar på att bli det nya standardprotokollet för att skicka meddelanden mellan mobiler. RCS potentiella integration i mobilens egna meddelande applikation öppnar upp för möjligheten att RCS- chatbotar även kan ersätta enklare appar med begränsade användningsområden. Denna rapport undersöker den här möjligheten genom experimenterande med chatbotens funktionalitet följt av användartester på chatbotens olika funktioner. Rapporten fann att chatboten i RCS har goda möjligheter att ersätta enklare mobila applikationer då många löser specifika uppgifter som följer ett system med en sluten slinga. Rapporten identifierade även RCS som en lösning till den mängd oanvända appar som användare har i sina mobiler. Denna rapport försöker även fylla det forskningsgap som finns angående RCS nuvarande situation och anledningarna till de olika adoptionshastigheterna i världen. Granskning av de intervjuer som hölls med olika intressenter på marknaden blev grunden för den intressentanalys som presenteras. Denna analys visade att teleoperatörer har olika ställningar gentemot RCS. Vissa ser potential medan andra främst ser problem vilket hindrar spridningen av RCS. Dessutom analyserades Apples ovilja att anamma RCS samt Googles

On Asynchronous Group Key Agreement : Tripartite Asynchronous Ratchet Trees

Gajland, Phillip January 2020 (has links)
The subject of secure messaging has gained notable attention lately in the cryptographic community. For communications between two parties, paradigms such as the double ratchet, used in the Signal protocol, provide provably strong security guarantees such as forward secrecy and post-compromise security. Variations of the Signal protocol have enjoyed widespread adoption and are embedded in several well known messaging services, including Signal, WhatsApp and Facebook Secret Conversations. However, providing equally strong guarantees that scale well in group settings remains somewhat less well studied and is often neglected in practice. This motivated the need for the IETF Messaging Layer Security (MLS) working group. The first continuous group key agreement (CGKA) protocol to be proposed was Asynchronous Ratcheting Trees (ART) [Cohn-Gordon et al., 2018] and formed the basis of TreeKEM [Barnes et al., 2019], the CGKA protocol currently suggested for MLS. In this thesis we propose a new asynchronous group key agreement protocol based on a one-round Tripartite Diffie-Hellman [Joux, 2000]. Furthermore, we show that our protocol can be generalised for an n-ary asynchronous ratchet tree, assuming the existence of a one-round (n + 1)-way Diffie-Hellman key exchange, based on a n-multilinear map [Boneh and Silverberg, 2003]. We analyse ART, TreeKEM, and our proposals from a complexity theoretic perspective and show that our proposals improve the cost of update operations. Finally we present some discussion and improvements to the IETF MLS standard. / Ämnet om säkra meddelanden har på senare tid skapat uppmärksamhet inom kryptografiska samfundet. För kommunikationer mellan två parter ger paradigmer såsom Double Ratchet, som används i Signal-protokollet, starka bevisbara säkerhetsgarantier som forward secrecy och post-compromise security. Variationer av Signal-protokollet används mycket i praktiken och är inbäddade i flera välkända meddelandetjänster såsom Signal, WhatsApp och Facebook Secret Conversations. Däremot är protokoll som erbjuder lika starka garantier och som skalar väl i gruppsituationer något mindre studerade och ofta eftersatta i praktiken. Detta motiverade behovet av arbetsgruppen IETF Messaging Layer Security (MLS). Det första kontinuerliga gruppnyckelprotokollet (CGKA) som föreslogs var Asynchronous Ratcheting Trees (ART) [Cohn-Gordon et al., 2018] och lade grunden för TreeKEM [Barnes et al., 2019], det CGKA-protokoll som för närvarande föreslagits för MLS. I detta examensarbete föreslår vi ett nytt asynkront gruppnyckelprotokoll baserat på en en-rundad Tripartite Diffie{Hellman [Joux, 2000]. Vidare visar vi att vårt protokoll kan generaliseras för n-ary träd med hjälp av ett en-rundat (n + 1)-väg Diffie-Hellman nyckelutbyte, baserat på en multilinjär mappning [Boneh and Silverberg, 2003]. Vi analyserar ART, TreeKEM och våra förslag ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv samt visar att våra förslag förbättrar kostnaden för uppdateringsoperationer. Slutligen presenterar vi några diskussioner och förbättringar av IETF MLS-standarden.

Emergency Communication for LoRaMesh using Blockchain and Distributed technologies

Bjurehov, Joakim January 2023 (has links)
In today's society we need an emergency communication system to facilitate communication for when disaster strikes. Where the previous attempts only focused on the network communication and were missing a messaging capability between users. This thesis focused on using blockchain technologies and distributed technologies to validate if a messaging application could be built for a LoRaMesh network by using these technologies. This thesis uses the Design science method to create a design and a proof-of-concept messaging application based on the LoRaMesh protocols network constraints. The first step was to gather knowledge about Blockchain technologies and distributed technologies since these were found to be able to complement weaknesses of IoT protocols and their devices. This knowledge was then used to create a design which could then be used to create the proof-of-concept application and a controlled experiment used to validate the solution.  The controlled experiment was executed in two different iterations for a total of 430 test runs. From this controlled experiment quantitative data could be collected and then measured using the statistical analysis method linear regression analysis. The linear regression analysis was used to produce statistical data to validate the design and proof-of-concept application by controlling it against a standard p-value. The results and conclusions of this thesis contributed to new knowledge by showing how Blockchain technologies and distributed technologies can be used to complement each other. To gain a decentralized message application which can be used in an Emergency communication network based on the LoRaMesh protocols network constraints.

Using Cellphones to Advance Diabetic Foot Care Practice: A Review of the Literature

Fang, Qiuna 01 January 2020 (has links)
Preventing diabetic foot ulcers among patients diagnosed with diabetes is an important element of care as diabetic foot ulcers present major medical, psychosocial and economic threats. In addition, about 20% of the diabetic foot ulcer cases will ultimately require amputation and cause greater mortality rates. The purpose of this literature review was to evaluate cellphone use to promote diabetic foot care practices among patients with diabetes. Six electronic databases were searched for articles which included text messaging and or phone interventions geared at improving foot care practices. A total of 14 articles dated 2009-2019 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Cellphone use for text messaging and phone calls to advance diabetic foot care practices appears to be promising. Cellphone interventions among clients diagnosed with diabetes were found to have higher adherence with foot examinations, more frequent foot checks, and better overall performance score of diabetic foot ulcer preventive behaviors. This literature review supports cellphone use for text messaging and phone calls to improve diabetic foot care practices. Particularly among populations with health disparities and limited access to healthcare cellphone improves access to care, is uncomplicated and presents a cost-effective approach to improving diabetic foot care practices.

The Role of Texting Motivations in Moderating the Relation between Compulsive Texting and Adolescents' Adjustment

Domoff, Sarah E. 14 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Relation between Frequency of Text Messaging and Problematic Texting in Adolescents: The Role of Perceived Harm and Parental Knowledge

Reinemann, Lisa J. 19 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring female perceptions of relational norms in text messaging and their implications for developing romantic relationships

Guest, Chelsea 30 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

An Adaptive Nonparametric Method for Two-Dimensional Dose Optimization of a Text Messaging Intervention

Nikahd, Melica 09 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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