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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise fitoquímica e avalição dos efeitos dos tipos de adubação, da radiação solar e do estresse hídrico, no acúmulo de metabólitos secundários em espécies do gênero \'Mikania\' / Phytochemical analysis and evaluation of the effects of the fertilization type, solar radiation and hydric stress, in accumulation of secondary metabolites in species of the gender Mikania.

Carollo, Carlos Alexandre 28 March 2008 (has links)
Mikania é o maior gênero da tribo Eupatorieae, com cerca de 430 espécies, sendo amplamente distribuído no Brasil, com aproximadamente 200 espécies descritas. Dentro deste gênero, Mikania cordifolia, M. micrantha e M. glomerata são comumente chamadas de guaco e estão entre as espécies mais usadas popularmente, principalmente para o tratamento de febre, reumatismo, doenças do trato respiratório e contra picadas de cobra. No presente trabalho, foram realizados estudos fitoquímicos destas três espécies e foram analisados os efeitos dos tipos de adubação, da radiação solar e do estresse hídrico sobre a produção de metabólitos secundários. Primeiramente, através de estudos fitoquímicos, foram identificados 62 compostos. As frações polares das espécies apresentaram como compostos majoritários derivados fenilpropanóicos, destacando-se o Ácido 3,5-dicafeoilquínico em M. glomerata e M. micrantha e o Ácido Fertárico em M. cordifolia. Na espécie M. glomerata também foram identificados derivados do Ácido glucárico di e tri esterificados por ácidos caféicos, até o momento não descritos na literatura, além de flavonóides sulfatados, os quais também estão presentes em M. micrantha. Nas frações apolares foi verificada a presença de triterpenos, principalmente em M. cordifolia e derivados do Ácido Caurenóico em M. glomerata e M. micrantha. As lactonas sesquiterpênicas foram encontradas em M. cordifolia (esqueleto melampolido) e em M. micrantha (esqueleto micranolido). A análise dos cultivares de M. glomerata e M. cordifolia, revelou uma grande influência das condições de cultivo na composição dos metabólitos secundários. Os experimentos mostraram uma grande variação entre a concentração dos compostos presentes nas duas espécies de Mikania, sendo verificado que as condições de cultivo e principalmente as taxas de luminosidade são de extrema importância na acumulação desses metabólitos. O estresse hídrico não apontou efeitos significativos no acúmulo de substâncias em M. glomerata. As análises histoquímicas se mostraram eficazes na obtenção de informações a respeito da localização de compostos fenólicos nas folhas de M. glomerata. / Mikania is the largest gender of the tribe Eupatorieae, with about 430 species, being distributed thoroughly in Brazil, with approximately 200 described species. In this gender, Mikania cordifolia, M. micrantha and M. glomerata are commonly called \"guaco\" and are among the more popularly used species, mainly for the treatment of fever, rheumatism, diseases of the breathing tract and against snake bites. In the present work, phytochemical studies of these three species were carried out and the effects of the fertilization types, the solar radiation and the hydric stress upon the production of secondary metabolites were analyzed. Firstly, through phytochemical studies, 62 compounds were identified. The polar fractions of the species presented as majority compounds phenylpropanoic derivatives: 3,5-Dicaffeoylquinic acid in M. glomerata and M. micrantha and Fertaric acid in M. cordifolia. In M. glomerata were also identified glucaric acid derivatives di- and tri-esterified with cafeic acids, which are no described in the literature until the moment, besides sulfated flavonoids, which are also present in M. micrantha. In the apolar fractions the triterpenes presence were verified mainly in M. cordifolia and kaurenoic acid derivatives in M. glomerata and M. micrantha. The sesquiterpene lactones were found in M. cordifolia (melampolide skeleton) and in M. micrantha (micranolide skeleton). The analysis of M. glomerata and M. cordifolia cultivars revealed a great influence of the cultivation conditions in the secondary metabolites composition. The experiments showed a great variation among the concentration of the compounds in the two species of Mikania, being verified that the cultivation conditions and mainly the taxes of solar radiation are of extreme importance in the accumulation of these metabolites. The hydric stress didnt have significant effects in the accumulation of substances in M. glomerata. The histochemical analyses were effective in supply information regarding location of phenolic compounds in the leaves of M. glomerata.

Perfil da alteração na produção de substâncias fenólicas e açúcares livres na interação entre Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (Anacardiaceae) parasitada por Phoradendron crassifolium (Pohl ex DC.) Eichler (Santalaceae) / Phenolic compounds and soluble carbohydrates in the interaction between Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (Anacardiaceae) parasitized by Phoradendron crassifolium (Pohl ex DC.) Eicher (Santalaecae)

Moreira, Fernanda Anselmo 06 November 2015 (has links)
Plantas parasitas são aquelas que retiram os recursos necessários para a sua sobrevivência de outras plantas (hospedeiras) por meio de uma estrutura denominada haustório, que permite que a parasita se conecte ao sistema vascular da hospedeira. As plantas podem responder ao ataque parasita ativando alguns mecanismos de defesa, dentre eles, a produção de substâncias fenólicas. Os viscos constituem um grupo de plantas parasitas aéreas pertencentes a Santalales que podem ser divididos em viscos holoparasitas ou hemiparasitas. Alguns gêneros de viscos são de importância econômica, dentre eles, Phoradendron, um gênero de visco hemiparasita. Esse trabalho teve como objetivos determinar os conteúdos de taninos, flavonoides, fenilpropanoides, carboidratos solúveis, amido, lipídeos, a razão carbono/nitrogênio e avaliar como a relação parasítica afeta o metabolismo das espécies envolvidas. Para tanto, coletou−se no município de Campanha (MG) folhas e ramos de seis indivíduos não parasitados de Tapirira guianensis (FT e RT) e, a partir de nove indivíduos parasitados de T. guianensis, foram coletados ramos e folhas de Phoradendron crassifolium (FP e RP), ramos não infestados da hospedeira e suas folhas (RNI e FRNI) e ramos infestados de T. guianensis e suas folhas (RI e FRI), sendo que ramos infestados foram divididos em região proximal, galha e distal (RPRI, RGRI e RDRI). Como principais resultados estão o aumento no teor de proantocianidinas e de carboidratos solúveis em FRNI e FRI em relação a FT. Ramos infestados sofreram redução nos conteúdos de carboidratos solúveis, amido, lipídeos, nitrogênio e substâncias fenólicas, exceto na região da galha (RGRI) em que aumentos de amido e flavonoides foram verificados. Observou-se ainda que RNI parece ter sofrido um acúmulo de substâncias fenólicas. O conjunto dos resultados obtidos mostra que P. crassifolium afeta o metabolismo primário e o secundário de T. guianensis, com influência mais pronunciada nos ramos do que nas folhas da hospedeira. Pode−se sugerir que a parasita obtêm nitrogênio e carboidratos solúveis de sua hospedeira e que pode ocorrer uma possível realocação de carbono para crescimento, desenvolvimento, manutenção e, ainda, defesa de ramos ainda não infestados. Além disso, sugere−se que o acúmulo de fenólicos em ramos não infestados (RNI) possa ser um mecanismo de defesa usado pela hospedeira com o objetivo de evitar, ou mesmo diminuir, novas infestações em ramos ainda não parasitados. / Parasitic plants are those that withdraw necessary resources for its survival from other plants (hosts) through a structure so-called haustorium which enables the parasite to connect to the host\'s vascular system. Plants can respond to the parasite attack activating some defense mechanisms, including the production of phenolic compounds. Mistletoes are a group of stem parasitic plants belonging to Santalales that can be grouped into holoparasite or hemiparasite mistletoes. Some mistletoes genera are of economic importance among them Phoradendron, a hemiparasite mistletoe. This study aimed to determine the contents of tannins, flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, soluble carbohydrates, starch, lipids, the carbon⁄nitrogen ratio and evaluate how the parasitic relationship affects the metabolism of the involved species. Were collected in Camapanha (MG) leaves and branches from six non−parasitized individuals of Tapirira guianensis, host plant (LT and BT). From nine parasitized individuals of T. guianensis were collected branches and leaves of Phoradendon crassifolium, the parasitic plant (LP and BP), non-infested host branches and their leaves (NIHB and NIHB-L) and infested branches and their leaves (IHB and IHB-L). Infested branches of T. guianensis were divided into proximal, gall, and distal regions (IHB-P, IHB-G and IHB-D). Main results were an increase in the proanthocyanidin and soluble carbohydrates content in NIHB−L and IHB−L in relation to LT. There was a reduction of soluble carbohydrate, starch, lipids, nitrogen, and phenolic compounds in infested branches, except in the gall region (IHB-G), which showed an increase of flavonoids and starch contents. It was also observed that NIHB appears to accumulate phenolic compounds. Results showed that P. crassifolium affects the primary and secondary metabolism of T. guianensis, and branches were affected more intense than the leaves. It can be suggested that the parasite withdraws nitrogen and soluble carbohydrates from its host and this could result in possible carbon relocation for growth, development, maintenance, and also defense of branches not yet infested. In addition, it could be suggested the accumulation of phenolic compounds in non−infested branches (NIHB) as a defense mechanism used by the host in order to prevent or even reduce new infestations of an individual already parasitized.

Estudo bioanalítico e metabolômico da Psidium guajava submetida à adubação diferenciada / Bioanalytical and metabolomics study of Psidium guajava subjected to different fertilization

Borba, Juliane Cristina 14 December 2012 (has links)
A goiaba é o fruto da goiabeira, originária da América Tropical, e pertence à família Myrtaceae, gênero Psidium e espécie Psidium guajava L. Ela pode ser encontrada em todas as regiões do Brasil, sendo o Estado de São Paulo um dos principais produtores. Mundialmente o Brasil está entre os principais produtores, no entanto, sua participação no mercado internacional da fruta in natura ainda é inexpressiva. A goiaba é apreciada tanto fresca como processada industrialmente na forma de doces, compotas, geléias e sucos. Ela possui propriedades nutracêuticas devido a seus nutrientes, vitaminas e substâncias bioativas, como a vitamina C, além de possuir altos teores de carotenóides. Devido a crescente importância econômica da fruta, além do interesse em alimentos mais saudáveis, é importante conhecer os metabólitos presentes na goiaba, no intuito de promover seu consumo. Diferentes fatores podem influenciar na composição e qualidade da fruta, como tipo de solo, poda, fornecimento de água e adubação. Considerando a adubação, há poucos estudos no Brasil em relação aos níveis corretos para aumentar a produção sem afetar a qualidade do fruto. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar características físicas e químicas da goiaba Paluma cultivada na região de Jaboticabal, submetida a diferentes doses de adubação nitrogenada, durante quatro diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento do fruto. As análises dos carboidratos e vitaminas foram realizadas por eletroforese capilar e dos carotenóides por cromatografia líquida em fase reversa, e os resultados avaliados por análise de componentes principais (PCA). Foi observada uma variação nos níveis de todos os metabólitos analisados em relação à quantidade de nitrogênio administrado, sendo que a concentração de glicose, frutose e sacarose na goiaba madura foram maiores nas amostras fertilizadas com duas doses de nitrogênio, assim como para o ácido ascórbico total e betacaroteno. Em geral, o nível de sacarose em relação à glicose e frutose diminuiu durante o desenvolvimento da fruta, enquanto o nível de betacaroteno aumentou para as amostras adubadas com uma e duas doses de nitrogênio. As análises de PCA permitiram diferenciar os estádios de desenvolvimento dos frutos, no entanto as diferentes doses de adubação não proporcionaram a formação de grupos distintos, indicando que cada variável foi influenciada diferentemente por cada nível de adubação. / The guava is the fruit from a guava tree, native from tropical America, belonging to the family of Myrtaceae, Psidium genus and Psidium guajava L. species. It can be found in all regions of Brazil, and the São Paulo State is one of the main producers. Globally, Brazil is among the main producers; however, its international market of the fresh fruit is still unimpressive. Guava is appreciated as both fresh and processed industrially as candies, jams, jellies, and juices. It has nutraceutical properties due to its nutrients, vitamins, and bioactive substances, such as vitamin C, besides having high levels of carotenoids. Due to the growing economic importance of this fruit and the interest in healthier foods, it is important to study the metabolites present in guava to promote their consumption. There are different factors that can influence the composition and quality of the fruit before harvesting, such as soil type, pruning, water supply, and fertilization. In relation to the fertilization, there are only a few studies in Brazil regarding the correct levels to increase the production of guava, maintaining the quality of the fruit. The aim of this study was to evaluate physical and chemical characteristics of guava Paluma from Jaboticabal region, under different nitrogen fertilizer levels during four stages of fruit development. The analyses of carbohydrates and vitamins were performed by capillary electrophoresis and the analyses of carotenoids were done by high performance liquid chromatography, and the results were evaluated by principal component analysis (PCA). It was observed a variation in levels of all metabolites in relation to nitrogen administered, being the concentration of glucose, fructose, and sucrose on the ripe guava higher on the samples fertilized with two doses of nitrogen, as well as for the total ascorbic acid and beta-carotene. In general, the levels o sucrose with respect to glucose and fructose decreased during the fruit development, whereas beta-corotene levels increased for the samples fertilized with one and two doses. The PCA data allowed differentiating among the stages of development, but the doses of nitrogen did not provide separate clusters, indicating that each variable was differently influenced by each fertilizer level.

Investigating the inhibitory effects of cranberry juice metabolites on uropathogenic Escherichia coli for the prevention of urinary tract infections

Zhang, Yuxian 21 August 2011 (has links)
"Regular ingestion of American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) has been traditionally utilized for its health benefits against urinary tract infections. The proanthocyanidins (PACs), in particular, the unique A-type double linkages of PACs present in cranberry, have been identified as the active components. However, A-type PACs and any other active agents have not yet been detected or identified in urine. Additional experiments are required to investigate the inhibitory effects and persistence of cranberry metabolites present in urine collected following CJC consumption, and to determine how these compounds act against uropathogenic Escherichia coli for the prevention of urinary tract infections. Two separate bioassays (a biofilm formation assay and a bacterial cell viability assay) were used to determine the in vitro effect of cranberry juice cocktail (CJC) oral consumption on bacterial anti-adhesion activity in a double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot clinical trial. A single dose of 16 oz. of CJC or a placebo beverage was given to ten healthy women, ages ranging from 18 to 27, and urine samples were collected in the following 48 hours. A washout period of seven days was allowed. Bacteria (Escherichia coli B37, CFT073, BF1023, HB101, and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC43866) were cultured in the urine samples, supplemented with media, and the amount of biofilm formed was measured using a crystal violet absorbance assay in a 96-well plate. In the urine of volunteers who had consumed CJC, biofilm formation was inhibited within 24 hours after CJC consumption, and started to increase after 48 hours by 49-67%. S. aureus showed the least biofilm formation after incubation with post-CJC urine. The results indicated that drinking CJC can be an effective preventive measure for bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation in healthy women. The anti-biofilm activity peaks between 24 and 48 hours after drinking CJC. The viability assay showed that the colony count after culturing in urine collected following consumption of CJC or placebo were not significantly different, implying that CJC works as an inhibitor by blocking bacterial adhesion instead of killing the bacteria or restraining its growth. Another randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study was conducted to further investigate the molecular-scale effect of cranberry juice metabolites on two P-fimbriated E. coli strains: B37 and CFT 073, as assessed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Three female subjects were asked to consume 8 oz. CJC or water. The washout period was 7 days. The urine samples were collected at 2, 4 and 6 hours post-ingestion of CJC or water. Urine collected before consumption of CJC was used as a control. For this control urine, the average adhesion force between E. coli and uroepithelial cells was 13.09 ± 11.60 nN for CFT073 and 10.30 ± 5.50 nN for B37. For post-CJC urine treatment, the adhesion forces decreased to 2.94 ± 1.82 nN at 2 hours after consumption then increased slightly to 5.51 ± 2.78 nN at 6 hours after ingestion for CFT073, while they decreased to 4.77 ± 3.33 nN after consuming for 2 hours and seemed to be stable in the next 4 hours following consumption (5.52 ± 4.04 nN after drinking for 4 hours; 5.05 ± 4.42 nN after drinking for 6 hours) for B37. The adhesion forces in post-water consumption urine were similar to those of the background for E. coli B37; meanwhile a downward trend for the adhesion forces in post-water consumption urine compared to the background was observed for E. coli CFT073. However, these adhesion forces in post-water consumption urine were still higher than those measured after CJC consumption at the same time intervals. The mean differences between the cranberry and placebo groups were statistically different according to the two way ANOVA procedure followed by Holm-Sidak test. Our results suggest a significant inhibitory interaction between the daily consumption of 8 oz. cranberry juice and bacterial adhesive activity. These results help form the mechanistic understanding of how cranberry products can be used to prevent bacterial attachment to host tissue, and may lead to new therapeutic strategies to prevent the rising problem of bacteria antibiotic resistance.  "

Relações entre a bioquímica sérica e do plasma seminal com as alterações espermáticas de touros Nelore com degeneração testicular / Relationships between serum and seminal plasma biochemistry with sperm alterations of Nellore bulls with testicular degeneration

Nogueira, Vinicius José Moreira 20 July 2018 (has links)
No presente trabalho estudou-se o perfil bioquímico do plasma seminal bem como o perfil metabólico de touros Nelore com degeneração testicular. O estudo está apresentado em dois artigos. No Artigo 1, o objetivo foi investigar alguns metabólitos do plasma seminal de touros da raça Nelore para caracterizar valores e avaliar sua relação com as características espermáticas. Foram realizadas 14 colheitas seminais, com intervalos semanais, de 11 touros (n=154). O sêmen foi avaliado para motilidade, vigor, concentração, integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal, potencial de membrana mitocondrial, morfologia e pH. O plasma seminal foi submetido às avaliações metabólicas de proteína total, albumina, gama glutamil transferase (GGT), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), alanina aminotransferase (ALT) e fosfatase alcalina (FA). Os dados foram analisados no programa do Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute Inc., 2004), sendo realizadas estatística descritiva e análise de correlação de Pearson, o nível de significância considerado foi de 5%. Os valores dos metabólitos encontrados no plasma seminal foram descritos e podem ser utilizados como referência para touros Nelore. Também se pode concluir que há relação entre o perfil metabólico do plasma seminal e as características espermáticas. No Artigo 2, o objetivo foi investigar a bioquímica séria e do plasma seminal de touros Nelore com degeneração testicular. Para isso, foram utilizados 22 touros, que foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo Controle (CON; n=11) e Grupo Degeneração (DEG; n=11). Foram realizadas 14 colheitas de sêmen, e 21 colheitas de sangue com intervalos semanais. As avaliações seminais e do plasma seminal foram as mesmas realizadas no estudo do artigo 1 e o sangue foi avaliado quanto às concentrações de proteína total, albumina, fibrinogênio, GGT, AST, creatina-quinase (CK), glicose, lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL), colesterol, triglicérides, beta-hidroxibutirato (BHB) e ácidos graxos não esterificados (NEFA). Os dados foram submetidos à Análise de Variância, sendo adicionado o fator medidas repetidas no tempo, utilizando-se o comando REPEATED gerado pelo PROC MIXED do SAS, com nível de significância de 5%. Pode-se afirmar que a degeneração testicular em touros Nelore causa elevação de pH do sêmen, bem como elevação da concentração de ALT e diminuição nas concentrações de GGT e FA no plasma seminal. Em relação às proteínas de fase aguda, a degeneração testicular causa diminuição na concentração de albumina. Em adição, este insulto local não altera os metabólitos séricos em touros Nelore. / In the present work the biochemical profile of the seminal plasma and the metabolic profile of Nelore bulls with testicular degeneration were studied. The study was presented in two articles. First in article 1, the objective was to investigate some seminal plasma metabolites of Nellore bulls to characterize values and evaluate their relation with sperm characteristics. Fourteen seed samples were taken, with weekly intervals, of 11 bulls (n = 154). Semen was evaluated for motility, vigor, concentration, plasmatic and acrosomal membrane integrity, mitochondrial membrane potential, morphology and pH. Seminal plasma was submitted to metabolic assessments of total protein, albumin, gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (AP). Data were analyzed by the Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute Inc., 2004), with descriptive statistics and Pearson\'s correlation analysis performed, the level of significance considered was 5%. The values of the seminal plasma metabolites found have been described and can be used as reference for Nellore bulls. It can also be concluded that there is a relation between the metabolic profile of seminal plasma and sperm characteristics. In Article 2, the objective was to investigate the seric biochemistry and seminal plasma of Nellore bulls with testicular degeneration. For this, 22 bulls were used, which were distributed in two groups: Control Group (CON; n = 11) and Degeneration Group (DEG; n = 11). There were 14 semen crops and 21 weekly blood sampling. Seminal and seminal plasma evaluations were the same as those performed in the study of article 1 and blood was evaluated for total protein, albumin, fibrinogen, GGT, AST, creatine-kinase (CK), glucose, high density lipoprotein (HDL), cholesterol, triglycerides, beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). The data were submitted to Variance Analysis, adding the factor measures repeated in time, using the REPEATED command generated by PROC MIXED of the SAS, with significance level of 5%. It can be affirmed that testicular degeneration in Nellore bulls causes elevation of semen pH, as well as elevation of ALT concentration and decrease in GGT and AF concentrations in seminal plasma. In relation to acute phase proteins, testicular degeneration causes a decrease in albumin concentration. In addition, this local insult does not alter serum metabolites in Nellore bulls.

Informatics for tandem mass spectrometry-based metabolomics

Beisken, Stephan Andreas January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Rational redesign of cytochrome P450 BM3 (CYP102A1) towards industrially relevant drug metabolites

Povsic, Manca January 2016 (has links)
Human drug metabolites are frequently biologically active, with many implications for human health. Pharmaceutical companies have become increasingly aware of the need to identify and test these metabolites. The P450 BM3 enzyme from Bacillus megaterium offers substantial advantages to the current methods of metabolite synthesis, as its soluble, catalytically self-sufficient nature, coupled with its high catalytic activity, make P450 BM3 ideal for engineering towards specificity for human drugs. The highly-active I401P BM3 mutant was characterized for its reactivity towards human drugs and for the development of a human P450-like metabolite profile. The I401P mutant exhibits binding to molecules including alkaloids, steroids, and azole drugs, along with many other compounds. I401P binds/oxidizes human CYP substrates, including alosetron, phenacetin, caffeine, nicotine and diclofenac. LC-MS product identification shows that I401P BM3 forms 4OH-diclofenac, the major human metabolite for diclofenac. I401P BM3 also produces nornicotine, the second major human metabolite of nicotine. I401P BM3 also forms theophylline, theobromine and paraxanthine, the three major human metabolites of caffeine. Thermostability (DSC) data show that the I401P mutation destabilizes the BM3 heme domain in both its substrate-free and substrate-bound forms. The I401P heme domain X-ray crystal structure reinforces previous structural observations that the Pro401 mutation causes the BM3 protein to adopt a high-spin, "substrate-bound" state, with a displaced heme iron axial water, producing a "catalytically primed" mutant with greater diversity in substrate selectivity. The destabilisation of the BM3 heme domain structure due to the Pro401 mutation increases conformational plasticity in this mutant, allowing it to function as a platform for future mutagenesis aimed at improved binding and metabolite yield from specific drug substrates. Further proline mutations (A330P, A330P/I401P and A82F/F87V/I401P) were examined for increased affinity for drug substrates. The A330P mutant shows no novel drug substrate specificity, despite its reported affinity for small molecules. The A330P/I401P double mutant demonstrates weak binding to WT BM3 and I401P substrates, but no synergistic effects were obtained by combining the two mutations. The double mutant exhibits very low solvent tolerance and significant structural destabilisation. DSC data confirms this, with the double mutant destabilising the BM3 heme domain by up to 20 °C. Initial work with the A82F/F87V/I401P mutant showed increased affinity for A82F/F87V- and I401P-type substrates, including diclofenac. LC-MS product analysis confirms that the A82F/F87V/I401P mutant oxidises diclofenac into its major human metabolite 4OH-diclofenac. These data indicate that human-like oxidation reactions are feasible with BM3 mutants. In this work, proline insertion mutants were generated that introduced novel affinity for biotechnologically relevant substrates. In particular the I401P mutant offers an excellent platform for future biotechnological engineering.

Efeito induzido pelo vírus Y da batata (Potato virus Y) no metabolismo secundário do camapu (Physalis angulata L.) / Potato virus Y induced effect in Physalis angulata L. secondary metabolism

Nagai, Alice 23 November 2012 (has links)
Physalis angulata L. (Solanaceae), popularmente conhecida como camapu ou balãozinho, é uma espécie que vem ganhando importância econômica em decorrência de suas atividades biológicas, como citotóxica, antibacteriana e anti-inflamatória. Dentre os diversos metabólitos secundários conhecidos para esta espécie, destacam-se os flavonoides e alcaloides. É amplamente difundido que o metabolismo secundário das plantas pode ser alterado por fatores bióticos e abióticos. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho objetivou destacar a influência do Potato virus Y, estirpe O (PVYO), isolado de camapu, no metabolismo secundário, avaliando as quantidades e os perfis de flavonoides e alcaloides também em plantas de camapu infectadas. A infecção viral foi induzida em plantas obtidas por sementes, os metabólitos foram extraídos a partir de folhas, foram analisados em CLAE e CG-EM e comparados com aqueles provenientes de plantas sadias. Não foram observadas diferenças qualitativas nos perfis tanto dos flavonoides quanto dos alcaloides. Por outro lado, houve diminuição no teor de flavonoides totais nas plantas infectadas na infecção sistêmica. Além disso, houve aumento significativo do derivado de atropina nas plantas infectadas em comparação com os demais tratamentos. Dessa forma, sugerimos que a infecção induzida pelo PVYO em plantas de camapu teve maior impacto na via das substâncias nitrogenadas em relação às fenólicas / Physalis angulata L. (Solanaceae), popularly known as \"camapu\" or \"balãozinho\", has become economically important due to its biological activities, such as cytotoxic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Among the secondary metabolites, flavonoids and alkaloids have already been described for this species. Secondary metabolism can be influenced by both biotic and environmental agents. The main goal of this work was to analyze the influence of Potato virus Y (PVYO) on the secondary metabolism of infected \"camapu\" plants, evaluating total amount and profiles of flavonoids and alkaloids. Viral infection was induced in plants obtained from seeds. The compounds were extracted from leaves, analyzed in HPLC and GC/MS and compared with those from healthy plants. There were no qualitative differences between healthy and infected plants concerning to alkaloid and flavonoid profiles. On the other hand, it was noticed a lower flavonoid concentration in the systemic infection of infected plants. An increase of an atropine derivative was observed in infected plants. In conclusion, according to the results we propose that the PVYO induced infection in plants of \"camapu\" had stronger impact on the nitrogenous compounds than on phenolics

Avaliação dos perfis metabolômicos, proteômicos, vias de proliferação e morte celular do saco vitelino de embriões bovinos / Evaluation of metabolomic, proteomic profiles, proliferation and cell death pathways of the yolk sac in bovine embryos

Alvaro Carlos Galdos Riveros 11 December 2012 (has links)
O saco vitelino esta presente em todas as espécies de vertebrados e desempenha importantes funções no desenvolvimento do embrião até a fase de placentação. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o funcionamento do saco vitelino de embriões bovinos atentando para os aspectos morfológicos, bioquímicos e moleculares e suas relações ultraestruturais, bioquímicas e moleculares. Foram avaliados 69 amostras de SVEB distribuídos da seguinte forma: Grupo I (23-27), Grupo II (28-32), Grupo III (33-37), Grupo IV (38-42), Grupo V (43-47) e Grupo VI (48-52) dais de gestação. Os resultados inferem que o saco vitelino de embriões bovinos apresenta atividade proliferativa durante os primeiros dois grupos analisados, a presença de apoptose e necrose foram encontrados nos grupos restantes. A presença de importantes metabolitos como a alanina, mio-inositol, taurina, colina, glicerofosfocolina, cadaverina, glutamato, glutamina, lactato, hidrouracila, creatina, creatinina, aspartato e lisina; e proteínas como filamentos de actina ou tubulina do citoesqueleto, histona, sub unidades da hemoglobina, HSP-β1, proteína ribossomal, marcadores da matrix extracelular vimentina, alfafetoproteina e transferrina. Estas proteínas estão relacionadas diretamente com a formação de metabólitos secundários e foram encontradas durante todos os períodos estudados, com exceção da alanina que foi identificada somente no grupo I, ativando diversas proteínas e metabolitos, que estão envolvidos em vias de sinalização que promovem a ativação dos mecanismos de morte celular programada e na diferenciação celular, as quais iniciam as etapas da involução do saco vitelino e de outras estruturas no embrião, e assim dar inicio à placentação. / The yolk sac is present in all vertebrate species, and plays important roles in the developing embryo until the arrival of the placenta. The objective of this study was to evaluate the functioning of the yolk sac of bovine embryos and how the morphological, biochemical and molecular related, one ultrastructural analysis, biochemical and molecular analysis was performed. For these purpose we evaluated 69 samples of YSBE distributed as follows: Group I (23- 27), Group II (28-32), Group III (33-37), Group IV (38-42), Group V (43-47) and Group VI (48-52) days of pregnancy. The results infer that the yolk sac of bovine embryos has proliferative activity during the first two groups analyzed, the presence of apoptosis and necrosis were found in the remaining groups. The presence of major metabolites such as alanine, myo-inositol, taurine, choline, glicerofosfocolina, cadaverine, glutamate, glutamine, lactate, hydrouracile, creatine, creatinine, aspartate and lysine, proteins such as tubulin and actin cytoskeleton, histone, subunits of hemoglobin, HSP-β1, ribosomal protein, vimentin, markers of extracellular matrix, alpha-1-fetoprotein and transferrin. These proteins are related to the metabolites and were found throughout the study period, with the exception of alanine which was found in Group I, activating many proteins and metabolites that are involved in signaling pathways that trigger cell death mechanisms that originated the involution of the yolk sac, and thus give way to the beginning of placentation.

Estudo bioanalítico e metabolômico da Psidium guajava submetida à adubação diferenciada / Bioanalytical and metabolomics study of Psidium guajava subjected to different fertilization

Juliane Cristina Borba 14 December 2012 (has links)
A goiaba é o fruto da goiabeira, originária da América Tropical, e pertence à família Myrtaceae, gênero Psidium e espécie Psidium guajava L. Ela pode ser encontrada em todas as regiões do Brasil, sendo o Estado de São Paulo um dos principais produtores. Mundialmente o Brasil está entre os principais produtores, no entanto, sua participação no mercado internacional da fruta in natura ainda é inexpressiva. A goiaba é apreciada tanto fresca como processada industrialmente na forma de doces, compotas, geléias e sucos. Ela possui propriedades nutracêuticas devido a seus nutrientes, vitaminas e substâncias bioativas, como a vitamina C, além de possuir altos teores de carotenóides. Devido a crescente importância econômica da fruta, além do interesse em alimentos mais saudáveis, é importante conhecer os metabólitos presentes na goiaba, no intuito de promover seu consumo. Diferentes fatores podem influenciar na composição e qualidade da fruta, como tipo de solo, poda, fornecimento de água e adubação. Considerando a adubação, há poucos estudos no Brasil em relação aos níveis corretos para aumentar a produção sem afetar a qualidade do fruto. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar características físicas e químicas da goiaba Paluma cultivada na região de Jaboticabal, submetida a diferentes doses de adubação nitrogenada, durante quatro diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento do fruto. As análises dos carboidratos e vitaminas foram realizadas por eletroforese capilar e dos carotenóides por cromatografia líquida em fase reversa, e os resultados avaliados por análise de componentes principais (PCA). Foi observada uma variação nos níveis de todos os metabólitos analisados em relação à quantidade de nitrogênio administrado, sendo que a concentração de glicose, frutose e sacarose na goiaba madura foram maiores nas amostras fertilizadas com duas doses de nitrogênio, assim como para o ácido ascórbico total e betacaroteno. Em geral, o nível de sacarose em relação à glicose e frutose diminuiu durante o desenvolvimento da fruta, enquanto o nível de betacaroteno aumentou para as amostras adubadas com uma e duas doses de nitrogênio. As análises de PCA permitiram diferenciar os estádios de desenvolvimento dos frutos, no entanto as diferentes doses de adubação não proporcionaram a formação de grupos distintos, indicando que cada variável foi influenciada diferentemente por cada nível de adubação. / The guava is the fruit from a guava tree, native from tropical America, belonging to the family of Myrtaceae, Psidium genus and Psidium guajava L. species. It can be found in all regions of Brazil, and the São Paulo State is one of the main producers. Globally, Brazil is among the main producers; however, its international market of the fresh fruit is still unimpressive. Guava is appreciated as both fresh and processed industrially as candies, jams, jellies, and juices. It has nutraceutical properties due to its nutrients, vitamins, and bioactive substances, such as vitamin C, besides having high levels of carotenoids. Due to the growing economic importance of this fruit and the interest in healthier foods, it is important to study the metabolites present in guava to promote their consumption. There are different factors that can influence the composition and quality of the fruit before harvesting, such as soil type, pruning, water supply, and fertilization. In relation to the fertilization, there are only a few studies in Brazil regarding the correct levels to increase the production of guava, maintaining the quality of the fruit. The aim of this study was to evaluate physical and chemical characteristics of guava Paluma from Jaboticabal region, under different nitrogen fertilizer levels during four stages of fruit development. The analyses of carbohydrates and vitamins were performed by capillary electrophoresis and the analyses of carotenoids were done by high performance liquid chromatography, and the results were evaluated by principal component analysis (PCA). It was observed a variation in levels of all metabolites in relation to nitrogen administered, being the concentration of glucose, fructose, and sucrose on the ripe guava higher on the samples fertilized with two doses of nitrogen, as well as for the total ascorbic acid and beta-carotene. In general, the levels o sucrose with respect to glucose and fructose decreased during the fruit development, whereas beta-corotene levels increased for the samples fertilized with one and two doses. The PCA data allowed differentiating among the stages of development, but the doses of nitrogen did not provide separate clusters, indicating that each variable was differently influenced by each fertilizer level.

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