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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência do uso de antimicrobianos na ração de suínos criados com diferentes níveis de medicação sobre resistência de Escherichia coli e perfil da microbiota intestinal / Influence of antimicrobial administration in feed of pigs raised with different medication levels on the Escherichia coli resistance and on the gut microbiota profile

Pissetti, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Bactérias resistentes aos antimicrobianos representam um risco, não apenas para a saúde animal, como também para a saúde pública. As bactérias comensais, como Escherichia coli, são consideradas um bom indicador do padrão de resistência de uma população microbiana, uma vez que, por residirem no intestino, estão submetidas à constante pressão de seleção resultante da administração de antimicrobianos, podendo sobreviver ao processo de abate de suínos e chegar aos consumidores. Neste sentido, os objetivos deste estudo foram: i. avaliar a frequência de resistência antimicrobiana fenotípica e a presença de grupos clonais em E. coli isoladas de fezes e carcaças suínas; ii. determinar o perfil fenotípico e genotípico de resistência aos antimicrobianos em isolados multirresistentes de E. coli provenientes de carcaças de suínos e identificar grupos clonais presentes em carcaças suínas; iii. comparar o perfil fenotípico de resistência antimicrobiana em isolados de E. coli de fezes de suínos submetidos a diferentes protocolos de administração de antimicrobianos via ração; iv. descrever o perfil da microbiota intestinal de suínos submetidos a diferentes protocolos de uso de antimicrobianos via ração. Para isto, três etapas distintas foram realizadas. Na etapa 1, dois ciclos de amostragem foram conduzidos em três matadouros-frigoríficos (A, B, C) de suínos, sendo coletado fezes depositadas no piso da pocilga de espera e suabes de superfície de carcaças na etapa de pré-resfriamento. Escherichia coli foi isolada dessas duas origens e avaliada quanto à resistência aos antimicrobianos. Além disso, 92 isolados de ambas as origens apresentando perfil de multirresistência foram submetidos à análise por Pulsed-field gel eletrophoresis (PFGE). Para a etapa 2, os isolados multirresistentes provenientes de carcaças foram submetidos a novos testes de sensibilidade antimicrobiana e de acordo com o perfil fenotípico foram pesquisados quanto aos genes de resistências e submetidos à técnica de PFGE. Em relação a etapa 3, quatro grupos de suínos que utilizavam protocolos distintos de uso de antimicrobianos via ração foram acompanhados em todas as fases zootécnicas e avaliados quanto a frequência de resistência antimicrobiana de E. coli e perfil bacteriano da microbiota intestinal através do sequenciamento de duas regiões do gene 16S rRNA. Entre os 674 isolados de E. coli da etapa 1 apenas 7,4% foram susceptíveis a todos os antimicrobianos testados. As maiores frequências de resistência foram identificadas frente à tetraciclina (85,9%), ampicilina (73,0%), sulfonamida (70,0%), florfenicol (65,0%) e ácido nalidíxico (58,9%). Do total de isolados de E. coli, 79,5% (536/674) foram classificados como multirresistentes. A análise de macro restrição (PFGE), conduzida em isolados apresentando perfis de multirresistência mais prevalentes, demonstrou que isolados de fezes e carcaças eram na maioria dos casos relacionados (similaridade ≥70%) nos três matadouros-frigoríficos. Dos isolados multirresistentes provenientes das carcaças, dez novos antimicrobianos foram testados; em relação a esses, as maiores frequências de resistências foram à cloranfenicol (86,4%), estreptomicina (65,8%) e trimetoprima (57%). Cada matadouro-frigorífico apresentou um perfil distinto de multirresistência predominante. Nos isolados submetidos à pesquisa de genes de resistência, foram detectados por ordem de frequência: strA (83,3%); aac(3)IVa (70%); tetB (70%); sul2 (60%); floR (56,6%); tetA (50%); aph(3)Ia (43,3%); sul3 (26,6%) e blaTEM (10%); três grupos de isolados relacionados (similaridade ≥ 70%) foram encontrados na análise por PFGE. Em relação à etapa 3, os grupos com diferentes protocolos de uso antimicrobianos via ração não apresentaram alteração significativa no perfil de microbiota intestinal e contagem de E. coli; entretanto, os perfis fenotípicos de resistência antimicrobiana foram distintos entre os grupos. O grupo que recebia protocolo com uso alternado de antimicrobianos de seis classes distintas apresentou maior frequência de resistência e multirresistência. De acordo com os resultados encontrados protocolos de uso continuado de antimicrobianos na criação de suínos gera uma pressão seletiva, resultando em cepas multirresistentes que podem sofrer propagação no ambiente e na cadeia de produção de alimentos. Considerando os perfis de resistência encontrados em E. coli originada de carcaças suínas e fezes, em todas as etapas deste trabalho, observou-se que essas cepas são selecionadas na granja pelo uso de antimicrobianos, chegaram ao pré-abate, disseminaram-se na linha de abate e contaminar a carcaça. O uso prudente de antimicrobianos é amplamente citado em toda a literatura científica veterinária e, conforme nossos resultados demonstraram, deve ser incluído entre as metas da suinocultura brasileira. / Bacteria resistant to antimicrobials present a hazard not only for animal health but public health too. Commensal bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, are considered a good indicator of microbial population resistance, because they live in gut and are subjected to constant pressure resulting selection of the administration of antibiotics, may survive in slaughtering process and get consumers. In this sense, the aims of this study were: i. to evaluate the frequency of antimicrobial phenotype resistance and presence of clonal groups for E. coli isolated from feces and pig carcasses; ii. to determine phenotypic profile and antimicrobial genotypic resistance in multiresistant E. coli isolated from pig carcasses and identify clonal groups present in pig carcasses; iii. to compare phenotypic profile of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli from swine feces submitted to different antimicrobial in-feed protocols; iv. to describe gut microbiota profile in pigs submitted to different antimicrobial in-feed protocols. For this, three steps were performed. In step 1, two sampling cycles were conducted in three slaughterhouses (A, B, C) of pigs being collected feces deposited in pen floor and pre-chill carcasses. Escherichia coli was isolated from these two sources and evaluated for antimicrobial resistance. In addition, 92 isolates with multidrug resistance profile were analyzed by pulsed-field gel eletrophoresis (PFGE). In step 2, isolated from carcasses and multiresistant underwent new antimicrobial susceptibility testing and in accordance with the phenotypic profile were screened for the resistance gene and PFGE. In step 3, four groups of pigs used different antimicrobial in-feed protocols were followed in all phases and evaluated frequency of antimicrobial resistance and gut bacterial profile by sequencing two regions of 16S rRNA. Among the 674 E. coli isolates from step 1 just 7.4% were susceptible to all antibiotics. The highest frequencies of resistance were: tetracycline (85.9%), ampicillin (73.0%), sulfonamide (70.0%), florfenicol (65.0%) and nalidixic acid (58.9%). Of total E. coli isolates, 79.5% (536/674) were multidrug. Macrorestriction analysis (PFGE), conducted in isolates with profiles more prevalent multidrug resistance showed that isolated from feces and carcasses were in most cases related (≥70% similarity) in the three slaughterhouses. The multiresistant isolates from carcasses, ten new antibiotics were tested, with greatest frequency in add antimicrobial resistance were: chloramphenicol (86.4%), streptomycin (65.8%) and trimethoprim (57%). Each slaughterhouse showed a distinct profile of resistance and number of resistance markers. Isolates submitted to research genes were detected in order of frequency: strA (83.3%); aac(3)IV (70%); tetB (70%); sul2 (60%); floR (56.6%); tetA (50%); aph(3)Ia (43.3%); sul3 (26.6%) and blaTEM (10%); and three related groups (similarity ≥ 70%) were formed in PFGE. For step 3, groups with different antimicrobial in-feed had no significant change in gut microbiota profile and E. coli counts; however the phenotypic profiles of antimicrobial resistance were different between the groups. The group receiving protocol with alternate use of antimicrobials six different classes showed higher frequency of resistance and multidrug resistance. According to the results, different protocols of antimicrobial in pig farming creates a selective pressure, resulting in multi-drug resistant strains that may contribute to spread environment and in food production chain. Considering the resistance profiles found in E. coli originated from swine carcasses and feces, in all stages of this work, it was observed that these strains were selected for in farm by use of antimicrobials, reached the pre-slaughter, spread in the slaughterhouse and carcasses. The concept of prudent use of antimicrobials is widely quoted in all the veterinary scientific literature and, as our results showed, it should be included among the goals of the Brazilian pig farming.

Caractérisation électrochimique et moléculaire des biofilms électroactifs sur acier inoxydable en milieu marin / Electrochemical and molecular characterization of electroactive biofilms on stainless steel in marine environment

Trigodet, Florian 19 April 2019 (has links)
Les microorganismes sont capables d'augmenter le potentiel libre des aciers inoxydables en eau de mer via un phénomène que l’on appelle anoblissement. Cette élévation de plusieurs centaines de millivolts du potentiel augmente le risque de corrosion localisé. L’anoblissement a été étudié pendant plus de 40 ans, et malgré son importance, les mécanismes microbiens responsables du phénomène n’ont pas été identifiés. Nous avons combiné l’écologie microbienne et l'électrochimie pour étudier la diversité des bactéries associées à l’anoblissement des aciers inoxydables. La température de l’eau de mer ainsi que la teneur en oxygène dissous sont des facteurs qui influencent l’anoblissement et nous les avons utilisés pour identifier la fraction bactérienne associée au changement de potentiel. L’anoblissement est inhibé par une température critique de l’eau de mer (au-dessus de 38°C/40°C) et par une teneur basse en oxygène dissous. A l’aide du séquençage d’amplicons ADN, nous avons identifié des unités taxonomiques opérationnels (OTUs) comme biomarqueurs de l’anoblissement. Certaines étaient affiliées à des bactéries capables de dégrader des hydrocarbures, et une OTU était affiliée à ‘Candidatus Tenderia electrophaga’, une bactérie électrotrophe capable de réduire l'oxygène avec des électrons provenant d’une électrode. Nous avons étudié le rôle de ces bactéries avec des conditions a potentiels fixés et libres avec une approche de métagénomique. Nous avons reconstitué un génome issu d’assemblage métagénomique (MAG) très proche de ‘Candidatus Tenderia electrophaga’ et associé à l'anoblissement. Avec ces résultats, nous avons proposé un nouveau mécanisme bactérien pour expliquer l’anoblissement : les bactéries électrotrophes seraient capables de réduire de l’oxygène avec des électrons provenant du film passif de l’acier inoxydable, et ainsi influencer le potentiel libre et donc l’anoblissement. / Microorganisms increase the opencircuit potential of stainless Steel immersed in seawater in a phenomenon called ennoblement.This change of potential of several hundreds of millivolts raises the chance of localized corrosion.The ennoblement has been studied for more than 40 years, and despite the importance and impact of ennoblement, little is known about the microbial mechanisms responsible for the phenomenon. We have combined microbial ecology and electrochemistry to investigate the diversity of surface attached bacteria associated with stainless steel ennoblement. Seawater temperature and dissolved oxygen content are factors that influence the ennoblement and we used them to infer the bacterial fraction associated with the phenomenon. The ennoblement is inhibited by a critical seawater tempzrature (above 38°C/40°C) and low dissolved oxygen content.With DNA amplicon sequencing, we identified operational taxonomie units (OTUs) that were biomarkers of the ennoblement. There were some OTUs affiliated to hydrocarbon degrading bacteria, and one OTU affiliated to ‘Candidatus Tenderia electrophaga’, an electrotrophic bacteria able to reduce oxygen with electrons from an electrode.We investigated the role of electrotrophic bacteria with potentiostatic and open circuit conditions and with metagenomics we recovered a metagenome assembled genome (MAG) very close to 'Candidatus Tenderia electrophaga’ associated with the ennoblement.From these results, we proposed a new bacterial mechanism to explain the ennoblement : electrotrophic bacteria would be able to reduce oxygen with électron drawn from the stainless steel passivation film, hence influencing the open circuit potential and therefore the ennoblement.

Gene Discovery in Antarctic Dry Valley Soils.

Anderson, Dominique Elizabeth. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The metagenomic approach to gene discovery circumvents conventional gene and gene product acquisition by exploiting the uncultured majority of microorganisms in the environment. It was demonstrated in this study that metagenomic methods are suitable for gene mining in extreme environments that harbor very high levels of unculturable microorganisms. DNA was extracted from Antarctic mineral soil samples taken from the Miers Valley, Antarctica. The metagenomic DNA was also used to construct a fosmid library comprising over 7900 clones with an average insert size of 29 kb. PCR amplification using bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene specific primers and subsequent denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of bacterial 16S rDNA amplicons showed that a small percentage of bacterial diversity (&gt / 1%) was captured in the metagenomic fosmid library. Activity-based screening for lipase and esterase genes using a tributyrin plate assay yielded twelve positive clones. LD1, a putative, novel cold-active GDSL lipase/esterase was identified and sequenced. The C-terminal domain of the ORF was found to be an autotransporter similar to those associated with type V secretion systems in Gram negative bacteria. Sub-cloning of the gene resulted in lipolytic activity in E. coli. Preliminary enzyme assays have determined that LD1 hydrolyses p-nitrophenyl esters with chain lengths shorter than C10, an indication that the enzyme is an esterase. Complete purification and characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further study.</p>

Characterisation of a DNA ligase from an Antarctic metagenomic library

Booyse, Dean January 2011 (has links)
<p>A metagenomic gene library prepared from soil found beneath a mummified seal carcass in the Miers Valley, Antarctica, suggests an environment rich in uncharacterised biodiversity including enzymes with possible application to industrial processes. A sequence based gene mining investigation was performed on a clone, which archives a metagenomic sequence from this environment. The sequence was annotated using de novo bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. A predicted NAD+-dependent DNA ligase, ligDB1 was selected for further characterisation. LigDB1 encodes a gene product that contains all the sequence features of a functional ligase. The protein was overexpressed in a heterologous E. coli host and purified to homogeneity. LigDB1 did not exhibit nick sealing activity, but was able to perform AMP-dependent DNA relaxation in the presence of high concentrations of enzyme. DNA modifying enzymes from cold environments perform optimally at low temperatures and may be of use as molecular tools in biotechnology. Complete characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further investigations.</p>

Microbial profiling using metagenomic assembly

2013 September 1900 (has links)
The application of second generation sequencing technology to the characterization of complex microbial communities has profoundly affected our appreciation of microbial diversity. The explosive growth of microbial sequence data has also necessitated advances in bioinformatic methods for profiling microbial communities. Data aggregation strategies should allow the relation of metagenomic sequence data to our understanding of microbial taxonomy, while also facilitating the discovery of novel taxa. For eukaryotes, a method has been established that links DNA sequences to the identification of organisms: DNA Barcoding. A similar approach has been developed for prokaryotes using target genic regions as markers for species identification and to profile communities. A key difference in these efforts is that within DNA barcoding there is a formalized framework for the evaluation of barcoding targets, whereas for prokaryotes the 16S rRNA gene target has become the de facto barcode without formal evaluation. Using the framework developed for evaluating DNA barcodes in eukaryotes, a study was undertaken to formally evaluate 16S rRNA and cpn60 as DNA barcodes for Bacteria. Both 16S rRNA and cpn60 were found to meet the criteria for DNA barcodes, with cpn60 a preferred barcode based on its superior resolution of closely related taxa. The high resolution of cpn60 enabled a method of sequence data aggregation through sequence assembly: microbial profiling using metagenomic assembly (mPUMA). The scoring of metagenomic assemblies in terms of sensitivity and specificity of the operational taxonomic units formed was used to evaluate and optimize the assembly of cpn60 barcodes. Using optimized parameters, mPUMA was demonstrated to faithfully reconstruct a synthetic community in terms of richness and abundance. To facilitate the use of mPUMA, a software package was developed and released under an open source license. The utility of mPUMA was further examined through the characterization of the epiphytic seed microbiomes of Triticum and Brassica species. A microbiome shared across both crop genera including fungi and bacteria was detected: a particularly important observation as it implies that seeds may serve as a vector for microbes that could include both pathogenic and beneficial organisms. The relative abundances of taxa identified by mPUMA were confirmed by qPCR for multiple cases of both fungal and bacterial taxa. By culturing isolates of both bacteria and fungi from the seed surfaces it was demonstrated that mPUMA faithfully assembled consensus sequences for OTUs that were 100% identical to isolated fungi and bacteria. Patterns observed in the relative abundances of the shared microbiome OTUs were used to generate the hypothesis that an Pantoea-like bacterium and an Alternaria-like fungus had an antagonistic relationship, since sequences corresponding to these organisms showed reciprocal abundance patterns on Triticum and Brassica seeds. Studies of the interactions of cultured isolates revealed fungistatic interactions that could account for their reciprocal abundances. These interactions could be directly relevant to plant health, given that Alternaria-like fungi are linked to grain spoilage in wheat, and diseases in canola. Taken together, results of this thesis demonstrate the superiority of the cpn60 universal target as a barcode for Bacteria, forming the basis for an assembly-based strategy for microbial profiling of bacterial and eukaryotic microbial communities that can lead to the discovery of novel taxa and microbial interactions.

Gene Discovery in Antarctic Dry Valley Soils.

Anderson, Dominique Elizabeth. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The metagenomic approach to gene discovery circumvents conventional gene and gene product acquisition by exploiting the uncultured majority of microorganisms in the environment. It was demonstrated in this study that metagenomic methods are suitable for gene mining in extreme environments that harbor very high levels of unculturable microorganisms. DNA was extracted from Antarctic mineral soil samples taken from the Miers Valley, Antarctica. The metagenomic DNA was also used to construct a fosmid library comprising over 7900 clones with an average insert size of 29 kb. PCR amplification using bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene specific primers and subsequent denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of bacterial 16S rDNA amplicons showed that a small percentage of bacterial diversity (&gt / 1%) was captured in the metagenomic fosmid library. Activity-based screening for lipase and esterase genes using a tributyrin plate assay yielded twelve positive clones. LD1, a putative, novel cold-active GDSL lipase/esterase was identified and sequenced. The C-terminal domain of the ORF was found to be an autotransporter similar to those associated with type V secretion systems in Gram negative bacteria. Sub-cloning of the gene resulted in lipolytic activity in E. coli. Preliminary enzyme assays have determined that LD1 hydrolyses p-nitrophenyl esters with chain lengths shorter than C10, an indication that the enzyme is an esterase. Complete purification and characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further study.</p>

Characterisation of a DNA ligase from an Antarctic metagenomic library

Booyse, Dean January 2011 (has links)
<p>A metagenomic gene library prepared from soil found beneath a mummified seal carcass in the Miers Valley, Antarctica, suggests an environment rich in uncharacterised biodiversity including enzymes with possible application to industrial processes. A sequence based gene mining investigation was performed on a clone, which archives a metagenomic sequence from this environment. The sequence was annotated using de novo bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. A predicted NAD+-dependent DNA ligase, ligDB1 was selected for further characterisation. LigDB1 encodes a gene product that contains all the sequence features of a functional ligase. The protein was overexpressed in a heterologous E. coli host and purified to homogeneity. LigDB1 did not exhibit nick sealing activity, but was able to perform AMP-dependent DNA relaxation in the presence of high concentrations of enzyme. DNA modifying enzymes from cold environments perform optimally at low temperatures and may be of use as molecular tools in biotechnology. Complete characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further investigations.</p>

Characterisation of a DNA ligase from an Antarctic metagenomic library

Booyse, Dean January 2011 (has links)
A metagenomic gene library prepared from soil found beneath a mummified seal carcass in the Miers Valley, Antarctica, suggests an environment rich in uncharacterised biodiversity including enzymes with possible application to industrial processes. A sequence based gene mining investigation was performed on a clone, which archives a metagenomic sequence from this environment. The sequence was annotated using de novo bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. A predicted NAD+-dependent DNA ligase, ligDB1 was selected for further characterisation. LigDB1 encodes a gene product that contains all the sequence features of a functional ligase. The protein was overexpressed in a heterologous E. coli host and purified to homogeneity. LigDB1 did not exhibit nick sealing activity, but was able to perform AMP-dependent DNA relaxation in the presence of high concentrations of enzyme. DNA modifying enzymes from cold environments perform optimally at low temperatures and may be of use as molecular tools in biotechnology. Complete characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further investigations. / Magister Scientiae - MSc

Characterisation of a DNA ligase from an Antarctic metagenomic library

Booysen, Dean January 2011 (has links)
A metagenomic gene library prepared from soil found beneath a mummified seal carcass in the Miers Valley, Antarctica, suggests an environment rich in uncharacterised biodiversity including enzymes with possible application to industrial processes. A sequence based gene mining investigation was performed on a clone, which archives a metagenomic sequence from this environment. The sequence was annotated using de novo bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. A predicted NAD+-dependent DNA ligase, ligDB1 was selected for further characterisation. LigDB1 encodes a gene product that contains all the sequence features of a functional ligase. The protein was overexpressed in a heterologous E.coli host and purified to homogeneity. LigDB1 did not exhibit nick sealing activity, but was able to perform AMP-dependent DNA relaxation in the presence of high concentrations of enzyme. DNA modifying enzymes from cold environments perform optimally at low temperatures and may be of use as molecular tools in biotechnology. Complete characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further investigations. / Magister Scientiae - MSc

Épidémiologie moléculaire des géminivirus responsables de maladies émergentes sur les cultures maraîchères au Burkina Faso et en Côte d'Ivoire / Molecular epidemiology of geminiviruses responsible for emerging diseases on vegetable crops in Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast

Ouattara, Alassane 12 December 2017 (has links)
Les épidémies virales constituent une menace majeure pour les cultures dans de nombreuses régions tropicales et subtropicales du monde. En Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale, malgré la caractérisation d'une multitude de nouvelles espèces de géminivirus, les connaissances sur l'épidémiologie des maladies virales émergentes restent incomplètes, notamment concernant la diversité et l'identification précise des espèces virales incriminées. Paradoxalement, si l'on considère que la plupart des maladies émergentes causées par les géminivirus sont liées à des virus infectant naturellement les plantes sauvages, et qui se seraient adaptés aux plantes cultivées introduites, la diversité des populations virales dans leurs écosystèmes naturels reste très largement méconnue. De plus, le caractère non pérenne de la majorité des plantes maraîchères suggère l'existence de plantes hôtes alternatives ou réservoirs, qui permettent aux populations virales de se maintenir lors des périodes d'intercultures. Par conséquent, pour lutter contre ces nouvelles maladies virales dévastatrices, il est primordial d'acquérir de meilleures connaissances de la diversité des populations virales des plantes cultivées et sauvages, de leurs répartitions géographiques, de leurs liens phylogénétiques, de leurs pathogénicités et des principaux facteurs épidémiologiques à ''échelle des agro-écosystèmes. Ainsi, les travaux entrepris dans cette thèse ont porté sur l'analyse d’échantillons de plantes maraichères et non cultivées provenant de 48 localités réparties sur le territoire du Burkina Faso et de Côte d'Ivoire. Nos principaux résultats confirment à la fois la non-exhaustivité de notre connaissance de la diversité des géminivirus présent sur les cultures maraîchères, avec l'existence d’au moins cinq espèces de géminivirus impliqués dans la maladie du ToLCD-TYLCD, d'un gradient Nord-Sud de complexité des espèces de géminivirus au Burkina Faso, la prédominance du PepYVMLV sur les solanées cultivées et la présence de nombreuses plantes alternatives ou réservoirs. Au regard de la découverte d'un nouveau composant d'ADN-B en association avec le PepYVMLV, les principaux paramètres du pouvoir pathogène du PepYVMLV en infection simple ou mixte avec le composant d'ADN-B ont été évalués en conditions contrôlées. Nos résultats démontrent que même si le PepYVMLV n'est pas un bégomovirus bipartite strict, l'ADN-B représente à la fois un activateur fort de la virulence, de l'accumulation du virus dans la plante et de la transmission par son insecte vecteur Bemisia tabaci, qui semblent concourir à sa prédominance sur le terrain. Une diffusion plus large de ce composant d'ADN-B représenterait une menace majeure pour la culture de la tomate au Burkina Faso, en Afrique et plus largement dans le monde. L'élargissement des analyses par l'utilisation d'une approche métagénomique à non seulement permis de confirmer la présence d'une majorité des virus décrits préalablement avec les approches classiques, mais également la caractérisation de nouvelles espèces virales. L'analyse des réseaux d'associations virus-plantes hôtes et virus-virus ont montré des liens forts entre les populations virales associés à des groupes de genres de plantes cultivées et non cultivées soulignant la nécessité de considérer les agro-écosystèmes dans leur totalité pour lutter contre les maladies à géminivirus. L'ensemble de nos résultats soulignent l'importance des travaux d'épidémiosurveillance et d'inventaire des populations virales sur les plantes cultivées et sauvages afin de comprendre le fonctionnement des communautés virales à l'échelle des agroécosystèmes et l'impact des perturbations anthropiques sur les processus d’émergence de nouvelles maladies. / Geminiviruses have emerged to become one of the largest and most economically important groups of plant-infecting viruses, and geminivirus-induced diseases are a major threat to worldwide vegetable production, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Importantly, the accumulated body of work on some of the most important geminiviral associated diseases clearly demonstrate the role of geminiviruses associated with wild plants on the emergence of disease on imported crops. Moreover, recent metagenomic data suggested that the vast majority of viruses characterized from crops represent only a small fraction of the phytoviruses in general. It is therefore of prime interest to obtain a better knowledge of viral diversity infecting crops and wild plants, the main epidemiological parameters involved in their emergence and their dynamic at the scale of agro-ecological systems. In this work, a survey of solanaceous crop fields and their surrounding uncultivated plants from 48 localities in Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast was performed. The sample analysis using classical molecular biology tools both confirm the incompleteness of our knowledge of the geminivial diversity and the existence of numerous alternative wild host plants. At least five species of begomovirus and mastrevirus were found in association with the ToLCD-TYLCD. A North to South increasing gradient of complexity of viruses populations was uncover with PepYVMLV being the most prevalent on cultivated solanaceous plants. The discovery of the association of a newly described DNA-B component with the PepYVMLV also lead to the study of the epidemiological parameters of this co-infection. Despite this association being relaxed, it was demonstrated that the virulence of the disease, the viral accumulation and the transmission by Bemisia tabaci were increased with the presence of the co-infection with the DNA-B component. All these factors are probably associated with the success of this association on the field. Because of the extreme severity of the resulting disease, the diffusion of this new DNA-B component at a larger scale would represent a major threat to tomato culture in Burkina Faso, Africa and the world in general. The use of a metagenomic approach, allow the generalization of our findings to full agro-ecological settings. Besides confirming previous species discovery, species yet undescribed in Burkina Faso along with completely new begomovirus species were described. The inspection of the virus-plant and virus-virus associations networks allow to uncover strong links existing between the viral corteges associated to groups of cultivated and uncultivated plants. These findings emphasized the necessity to consider full agro-ecological settings plant diversity rather than only crops in order to understand and prevent geminiviruses associated diseases. Globally, our results highlight the necessity to carry on the ongoing plant disease monitoring work and the inventory of viral populations associated with cultivated and uncultivated plants in order to understand the functioning of natural geminiviral community and the impact of human practices on the emergence of viral disease.

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