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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elaboration et caractérisation de films composites métal/diélectrique nanostructurés pour une application aux métamatériaux

Malassis, Ludivine 26 November 2012 (has links)
Les métamatériaux électromagnétiques sont des composites artificiels, constitués de résonateurs etayant des propriétés optiques n’existant pas à l’état naturel. Cette thèse est consacrée à lafabrication et caractérisation de tels matériaux. Pour cela des particules métalliques coeur-écorce(d’or ou d’argent enrobées de silice) sont assemblées par la technique de Langmuir-Blodgett afin deformer des réseaux denses en monocouche et en multicouches. Ces nanoparticules jouent le rôle derésonateurs grâce à la présence de la résonance plasmon et l’écorce de silice permet de contrôler ladistance entre particules. Nous avons ainsi réalisé des matériaux dont la distance entre lesrésonateurs et la fraction métallique varient. Les analyses spectro-photométriques des films obtenus,notamment en réflexion normale, nous ont permis d’extraire les propriétés optiques de nosmatériaux. Pour cela nous avons proposé un modèle phénoménologique dans lequel nousdéfinissons la permittivité de la couche effective comme étant celle de la matrice à laquelle s’ajouteun oscillateur de Lorentz décrivant la présence d’une résonance plasmon. Nous avons pu ainsimontrer expérimentalement qu’il était possible d’obtenir des métamatériaux d’indice de réfractioninférieur à 1 quand la fraction de métal dans le matériau est suffisamment importante. / Electromagnetic metamaterials are artificial composites, containing resonators and exhiniting opticalproperties which do not exist in a natural state. This thesis is dedicated to the manufacturing and thecharacterization of such materials. Metallic core-shell particles (gold or silver core coated with a silicashell) are assembled by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique to form dense monolayer and multilayernetworks. These nanoparticles play the role of resonators thanks to the presence of the plasmonresonance of the core whereas the silica shell allows a fine control of the distance between themetallic particles. We realized materials whose distance between resonators and metallic fractionvary. The spectrophotometric analyses, in particular reflection at normal incidence, allowed us toextract the optical properties of the materials. We proposed a phenomenological model in which wedefine the permittivity of the effective layer as the permittivity of a homogenous matrix to which aLorentz oscillator is added to describe the presence of the plasmon resonance. We were able toshow experimentally metamaterials with refractive index lower than 1 can be obtained when thefraction of metal in the material is important enough.

Etude et réalisation d'antennes ultra-compactes à base de métamatériaux : Application à la réalisation d'une antenne GNSS miniature / Design and ptototyping of a metamaterial ultra-compact antenna : Application to a small GNSS antenna

Pigeon, Mélusine 28 November 2011 (has links)
Nous proposons d'explorer dans le cadre de la thèse des solutions originales permettant d'obtenir des caractéristiques de rayonnement peu dépendantes du support de l'antenne. Les antennes étudiées et conçues visent à être utilisées pour des applications GNSS et plus précisément pour des applications multi-bandes du GNSS. Nous les développerons donc en respectant un cahier des charges associé. Deux axes de recherche indépendants sont explorés. Le premier montre les propriétés naturelles d'une antenne composée de plusieurs structures rayonnantes. Nous associons ainsi une structure hélicoïdale équivalente à un dipôle magnétique et un plan métallique équivalent à un dipôle électrique. La taille et les performances de l'antenne ainsi réalisée sont comparables par bien des aspects aux antennes que l'on trouve actuellement dans le commerce pour les applications GNSS. L'antenne réalisée est une antenne mono-bande en polarisation rectiligne ; ce qui n'est pas en accord avec les spécifications de l'application envisagée. Pour compléter cette première étude et satisfaire les exigences d'applications GNSS multi-bandes, nous nous orientons vers une autre technologie qui est exposé dans le second axe. Dans le second axe, nous associons une antenne électrique et un plan réflecteur particulier : une Surface Haute Impédance. L'association de ces deux éléments permet en théorie de réduire l'épaisseur qu'aurait un dispositif classique composé d'une antenne électrique et d'un plan réflecteur métallique. Nous commençons donc par étudier la particularité du plan réflecteur choisi, c'est-à-dire la Surface Haute Impédance. Cette surface étant composé de motifs périodiques nous étudierons le motif qui permet d'obtenir les caractéristiques les plus proches de celles de l'application visée. Nous débutons par une étude en monobande suivi de l'étude d'un motif bi-bande. Le motif mono-bande conçu en simulation présente une très bonne bande-passante (13%) au vue de sa taille minimale (2,5mm). Le motif bi-bande réalisé par imbrication de motifs mono-bande permet d'obtenir en simulation des performances conformes aux attentes dans deux bandes GNSS choisies. L'étude de cette surface se poursuit par une phase de mesure. Le but de l'étude étant de pouvoir placer une antenne au-dessus de la surface fabriquée, une collection d'antennes sera développée afin de régler la surface haute impédance et dans le même temps de tester le dispositif complet. Ainsi dans un premier temps, nous utiliserons des dipôles pour tester et régler la Surface Haute Impédance. Dans cette partie le couplage entre l'antenne et la surface haute impédance placée en-dessous sera notamment étudié. Dans un deuxième temps, afin d'obtenir une polarisation circulaire nous utiliserons d'autres antennes supportant cette polarisation (dipôle croisé et spirale). Dans chaque phase de mesure, le réglage antenne et Surface Haute Impédance sera optimisé et divers paramètres de réglage seront identifiés. Pour les deux axes de recherche, ce sont non seulement le rayonnement que nous cherchons à maîtriser mais aussi la taille de la structure. Ainsi les structures réalisées sont les plus compactes possibles surtout en terme de finesse. Nous concluons sur les performances des antennes réalisées par rapport au cahier des charges et aux autres antennes existantes et exposons les perspectives du travail réalisé / In this thesis, original solutions are proposed for antennas not sensitive to their environment. These antennas are designed for GNSS applications and more precisely for multi-bands ones. So the solutions are developed keeping in mind the GNSS specifications. Two different research axis are discussed. The first one deals with the natural properties of an antenna composed of different radiating structures. So an helix structure is associated with a metallic plate. The specifications of this antenna are in line with the ones of commercial antennas. Nevertheless, this antenna is only one band and in linear polarization which is not conform to the GNSS specifications. To satisfy these specifications a second axis is developed. In this second axis an electric antenna is associated with a specific reflector : a High Impendance Surface. Theorically, this surface allows to place the antenna very close and so reduce the thickness of the whole structure without disturbing the radiation of the antenna. Firstly, the High Impendance Surface and more precisely its periodic patterns is studied. Both one band and dual-band pattern are designed. The one band pattern has a good bandwidth (13%) compared to its size (2,5mm). The dual-band pattern designed by pattern enclosing realized the GNSS specifications in simulation. This is followed by measures. The aim of the thesis is to place the antenna above the designed HIS so a lot of antennas are designed to test and tune the surface. Firstly dipoles are used to study the coupling effects and secondly circular polarized antenna are used to reach the GNSS specifications. For both axis, the radiation pattern and the size of the whole system is optimized. So the proposed solutions are the thinnest ones. To conclude the characteristics of the proposed structures are compared to specifications and to existing antennas and future work is proposed

Contribution à l'étude des propriétés optiques des métamatériaux hyperboliques / Contribution to the study of the optical properties of hyperbolic metamaterials

Benedicto, Jessica 04 December 2013 (has links)
A la fin des années 80, ont été introduits les cristaux photoniques et les métamatériaux, permettant de concevoir des dispositifs avec des propriétés optiques très intéressantes. La découverte de ces propriétés artificielles est considérée comme l’une des avancées les plus spectaculaires de la photonique moderne, avec des applications importantes telles que la création de matériaux à réfraction négative, ou la conception de lentilles plates parfaites. Ces structures présentent néanmoins des pertes optiques dues aux métaux qui rendent plus difficile l’obtention de lentilles super-résolues. Une nouvelle approche, basée sur l’anisotropie du métamatériau, a alors été proposée comme une alternative très intéressante pour la conception de lentilles plates à super-résolution. Parallèlement les limites du modèle de Drude pour la description de la réponse optique des métaux ont été mises en évidence expérimentalement. Ce manuscrit de thèse présente une étude théorique et numérique d’empilements de couches minces métallo-diélectriques se comportant dans certains domaines de fonctionnement comme des milieux hyperboliques. Après avoir étudié le lien existant entre la réfraction négative et les décalages géants, le manuscrit se concentre sur la conception de lentilles plates permettant d’obtenir de la super-résolution : des images offrant une meilleure résolution que celle permise par les lois de la diffraction classique. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, nous avons développé une théorie basée sur l’approximation du milieu hyperbolique (obtenue avec un empilement métallo-diélectrique) par un milieu isotrope effectif à l’aide d’un développement parabolique du vecteur d’onde de Bloch. Les outils nécessaires pour toute étude de l’influence de la non-localité intrinsèque des métaux sur les propriétés optiques des structures sont ensuite développés et appliqués aux métallo-diélectriques. / In the early 80’s, planar or periodic photonics crystals have been introduced in order to control light and to obtain entirely new optical properties. The unrivalled properties of these metamaterials are of tremendous interest for advanced photonic systems, with some important applications such as materials with negative refraction or flat lenses. However, these structures present optical losses induced by metals defects and experimental fabrication at nanometric scales that prevent them to reach the expected performances. A new approach based on describing metallo-dielectric as anisotropic materials has then been proposed as an alternative description. In parallel, the limits of the Drude model have been experimentally highligthed. In this context this manuscript presents a theoretical and numerical study of metallo-dielectric multilayers that can be considered as homogeneous media with a hyperbolic dispersion relation. We first present the link between negative refraction and large negative lateral shifts, and then focus on the design of flat lenses with subwavelength resolution : structures allowing a better resolution than the classical diffraction limit. We thus developed a theory based on the approximation of the hyperbolic medium, by a homogeneous and isotropic medium with a parabolic development of the vector of wave of Bloch. Finally, the tools required to study the influence of the intrinsic nonlocality of metals on the optical properties of multilayers are developped and the formalism is applied to metallo-dielectric lenses.

Développement d’antennes à base de structures métamatériaux pour les applications aéronautiques (GPS/DME, bande L) et de communications haut débit (en bade E – 80 GHz) / Development of antennas based on metamaterial structures for aeronautical applications (DME/GPS, L band) and for high bit rate communications in the E-band (at 80GHz)

Meng, Fanhong 21 December 2015 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit sont relatifs à la conception et au développement d’antennes basées sur les structures artificielles – métamatériaux. La première antenne conçue et réalisée est une antenne bi-fonction en bande L (~1GHz) (GPS et DME) à diversité de bande/de polarisation, destinée aux applications aéronautiques. Ces travaux rentrent dans le cadre du projet MSIE (pôle de compétitivité ASTHEC) pour lequel notre LEME a été très actif. Les partenaires industriels de ce projet sont EADS/IW, Dassault aviation, INEO-Défense, SATIMO. Les résultats montrent la faisabilité d’une antenne unique pouvant avoir simultanément deux fonctions avec une diversité de polarisation et de bande spectrale. L’utilisation des métamatériaux a permis en particulier le maintien de la polarisation circulaire de l’antenne GPS -L1 à L5. La fonction DME a été consolidée avec le maintien de son gain. La seconde antenne est une antenne cavité Fabry-Pérot mettant en œuvre une structure partiellement réfléchissante double couche. Nous avons démontré le phénomène physique d’inversion de la phase du coefficient de réflexion de la PRS. Nous avons obtenu un gradient positif de phase sur une bande de 5 GHz autour de 80GHz. Grace à ce profil nouveau de la phase obtenu par la structure métamatériau PRS, on dispose d’une avance linéaire de la phase qui compense le retard du à la cavité Fabry-Pérot. Ainsi on maintient les conditions de résonance de la cavité sur une large bande, 5GHz. Nous démontrons, que la mise en œuvre de cette structure aux caractéristiques inédites permet de réaliser une antenne cavité ultra-directive sur une très large bande spectrale de 5GHz. Les performances atteintes sont une directivité de 35 à 40dBi sur 5 GHz, une adaptation parfaite (gain ~ directivité) avec très peu de sources primaires. L’antenne est compacte avec une hauteur totale inférieure au 10mm (connecteur compris) et une surface de 100mmx100mm. / The work presented in this manuscript is related to the design and development of antennas based on artificial structures - metamaterials. The first designed and built antenna is a GPS and DME dual-function in the L (~ 1GHz). It is an antenna designed with polarization and spectral diversities for aeronautical applications. The work is within the MSIE project of ASTHEC cluster for which our laboratory (LEME) was very active. The industrial partners of the project are EADS/IW, Dassault Aviation, INEO-Defense SATIMO. The results show the feasibility of a single antenna having simultaneously two functions with a diversity of polarization and spectral band. The use of metamaterials enabled in particular the preservation of circular polarization of the GPS antenna on the bands ranging from L1 to L2. The DME function was consolidated with the same gain.The second antenna is an antenna Fabry-Perot cavity employing a partially reflective structure (PRS) Double-layer. We have demonstrated by numerical simulation and experimental characterization, the physical phenomenon of inversion phase of the reflection coefficient PRS. We obtain a positive gradient of the phase over a broad band of 5 GHz around 80GHz. Thanks to this new profile obtained by the PRS metamaterial structure, it has a linear advance of the phase which compensates for the delay of the Fabry-Perot cavity. Thus the cavity resonance conditions are maintained over a wide band, 5GHz. We demonstrate that the implementation of this structure with unique features allows a highly directive antenna cavity over a very wide spectral band 5GHz. The performance are a directivity of 35-40 dBi over 5 GHz, a perfect adaptation (gain ~ directivity) with very few primary sources.

Projeto, fabricação e caracterização experimental de metamateriais quirais para biossensoriamento na faixa de micro-ondas / Design, fabrication and experimental characterization of chiral metamaterials for biosensing applications in microwave regime

Muniz, Leone Veiga 28 August 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivos projetar, construir e caracterizar experimentalmente metamateriais quirais bi-planares para faixa de micro-ondas com o objetivo de investigar a rotação de campo como transdutor em aplicações de biossensoriamento. As estruturas metamateriais estudadas foram primeiramente modeladas e caracterizadas com o uso de aplicativos computacionais comerciais baseadas no método dos elementos finitos, onde os parâmetros geométricos das estruturas foram definidos para operarem na faixa de 8GHz a 12GHz. A partir dos projetos das estruturas simuladas, os metamateriais foram construídos e caracterizados experimentalmente. No estágio de fabricação, foi desenvolvida uma técnica inédita de confecção de metamateriais em placas de circuito impresso flexível. Esta técnica, baseada no processo tradicional de fabricação de placas de circuito impresso, utiliza uma combinação de filmes finos de alumínio e folhas plásticas adesivas flexíveis formando, assim, uma folha metalizada fina e flexível. Além de ser tão eficiente quanto o método convencional, a abordagem proposta utiliza materiais de baixo custo, podendo ser adaptada a outros substratos de qualquer material, formato e espessura. Também foram projetadas e construídas placas de metamateriais com geometrias similares via método tradicional (FR4 e cobre) com o objetivo de validar os procedimentos propostos neste trabalho. A caracterização experimental dos metamateriais quirais foi realizada, por meio de antenas cornetas e analisador de redes. As propriedades efetivas do meio (quiralidade, ângulo de azimute, elipticidade, e índice de refração) foram obtidas a partir dos parâmetros-S do material, por meio de um método de extração de parâmetros. Como esperado, os resultados experimentais tiveram boa concordância com os obtidos numericamente. Por fim, foi proposta uma aplicação de metamaterial quiral utilizando suas características de rotação de campo como transdutor para a medida de glicose em amostras aquosas. No experimento proposto, o ângulo de azimute de uma onda plana polarizada que atravessa o material foi obtido numericamente e sua rotação de campo foi diretamente correlacionada com a concentração de glicose. Os resultados indicaram uma elevada sensibilidade mesmo para baixas concentrações de glicose, demonstrando que a rotação de campo pode realmente ser utilizada para este propósito. / This work focus on the design, fabrication and experimental characterization of bi-planar chiral metamaterials in the microwave frequency range aiming at investigating field rotation as a possible transductor for biosensig applications. First, the metamaterial structures were simulated with commercial-based finite element methods, where the structures geometric parameters were defined to operate in the range of 8-12 GHz. Next, the metamaterials were fabricated and characterized experimentally. We have also developed a new technique for making metamaterials on flexible printed circuit boards. This proposed technique, based on traditional processes of printed circuit boards fabrication, utilizes combination of thin aluminum films and adhesive flexible plastic foils, thus forming a thin, flexible metallic foil. In addition to being as efficient as the conventional method, the proposed approach utilizes low cost materials with low insertion loss that can be adapted to substrates of any material, shape and thickness. We have also designed and fabricated metamaterials with similar geometries via the traditional circuit board method (FR4 and copper) in order to validate the procedures proposed in this work. The experimental characterization of the chiral metamaterials was carried out with antenna horns and a network analyzer. The effective medium parameters (chirality, azimuth angle, ellipticity, and refractive index) were then obtained from the Sparameters of the material via a parameter extraction method. The experimental results were in good agreement with those obtained numerically. Finally, we proposed a new chiral metamaterial application using its field rotation characteristics as a transductor for measuring glucose concentration in aqueous solutions. In the proposed experiment, the azimuth angle of a polarized plane wave propagating through the material was numerically calculeted and its polarization field rotation was directly correlated with the glucose concentration. The results indicated a very high sensitivity even for very low glucose concentrations, indicating that field rotation can indeed be used for this purpose.

Modeling and analysis of hyperbolic metamaterials for controlling the spontaneous emission rate and efficiency of quantum emitters / Modelo e análises de metamateriais hiperbólicos para o controle da taxa de emissão espontânea e eficiência de emissores quânticos

Mota, Achiles Fontana da 11 February 2019 (has links)
In the past few years, intensive research efforts have been devoted to studying new approaches to controlling the photon emission of quantum emitters (QEs), especially for telecommunication applications. These approaches rely on tailoring the QE\'s radiation, usually assessed via well-known figures-of-merit such as lifetime (τ) and quantum efficiency (η). Controlling the QE\'s photon emission is important because the faster its photons are emitted, the greater is the number of times it returns to the excited state per second. Therefore, it is crucial to create additional decay channels to reduce τ, which necessarily requires increasing the Purcell factor (P). One of the most promising approaches to increase P involves a new class of metamaterials, known as hyperbolic metamaterials (HMM). This class of materials exhibits pronounced anisotropy, with the parallel and perpendicular permittivity tensor elements (with respect to the anisotropy axis) presenting opposite signs, resulting in an open hyperboloidal isofrequency surface (IS). This unusual IS shape leads to the most outstanding feature of HMMs, namely, the existence of photonic modes with wavenumber (k) much larger than those in free-space (k0), known as high-k modes. By engineering these modes, it is possible to manipulate the HMM photonic density of states (PDoS), thus controlling the QE\'s radiation parameters. The simplest approach to designing HMM is by means of a planar stack of alternating thin metal and dielectric layers. However, the finite thickness of these layers induces spatial dispersion, making the extraction of effective parameters (homogenization) of these media a challenging task. In this context, we propose in this thesis a new constitutive parameter retrieval approach that takes spatial dispersion into account for all electromagnetic parameters of the medium. We demonstrate that the real part of the dispersion curve flattens out (correspondingly with a large imaginary part) because of the absence of propagating modes inside the metamaterial. This flat region is strongly dependent on the layer thicknesses and is a direct manifestation of spatial dispersion. Moreover, we demonstrate that the QE\'s lifetime calculation is overestimated if this effect is not taken into account in the homogenization procedure, which is detrimental for telecommunication applications. Moreover, we demonstrate how to enhance P by a factor greater than 100 with the use of HMMs. However, most of the QE dissipated power couples into the HMM as high-k modes (which do not propagate in free-space). Therefore, the energy is thermally dissipated inside the HMM with a consequent reduction of η . Some authors have resorted to nano-patterned HMMs (NPHM) to convert the high-k modes into free-space modes (k≤k0) aiming at increasing η. However, much of the NPHMs designs still rely on computationally costly three dimensional (3D) numerical simulations. Thus, we also propose in this thesis a new semi-analytical method to model, both in two- and three-dimensions (2D and 3D, respectively), the radiation emission of QEs interacting with nano-patterned structures. The low computational cost of this method makes it attractive for mapping P and η as function of the QE and NPHM relative position. This mapping is a helpful tool to understand the decay behavior of the whole system since QEs are arbitrarily distributed and oriented inside the NPHM. The analytically calculated decay curve allows the systems effective quantum efficiency (ηeff) and Purcell factor (Peff) to be directly obtained assuming multiple arbitrarily distributed electromagnetic sources. In this sense, we propose here a new procedure to optimize the NPHM geometrical parameters to maximize ηeff while achieving the desired Peff. We apply the proposed model to an NPHM composed of nine Ag/SiO2 layers, with the polymer host layer embedded with Rhodamine 6G, to maximize ηeff for a specified tenfold increase of Peff. This procedure allowed ηeff to be increased by 69% and 170% for one- and two-dimensional nano-patterning, respectively. Moreover, the time required to build the P and η maps (used in the calculation of the decay behavior) is reduced by approximately 96% when compared to those numerically calculated via FDTD. This procedure paves the way to the realization of new high-speed and efficient light sources for telecommunication applications. / Nos últimos anos, intensivo esforço tem sido devotado para o estudo de novas método para o controla da missão de fótons de emissores quânticos (EQs), especialmente para aplicações em telecomunicações. Estes métodos dependem da adaptação da radiação dos EQs, geralmente avaliadas por meio das bem conhecidas figuras de mérito, como o tempo de meia vida (τ) e a eficiência quântica (η). O controle da emissão de fótons é importante pois quanto mais rápido os fótons são emitidos, maior é o número de vezes que o EQ retorna ao seu estado excitado por segundo. Portanto, é crucial criar canais de decaimento adicionais para reduzir τ, o que necessariamente requer o aumento do fator de Purcell (P). Uma das abordagens mais promissoras para aumentar P envolve uma nova classe de metamateriais, conhecida como metamateriais hiperbólicos (MHs). Esta classe de materiais apresenta pronunciada anisotropia, onde os elementos paralelo e perpendicular do tensor de permissividade (em relação ao eixo de anisotropia) apresentam sinais opostos, resultando em uma superfície de isofrequência (SI) hiperboloidal aberta (IS). Essa forma incomum de SI leva à característica mais marcante dos MHs, a existência de modos fotônicos com número de onda (k) muito maior do que aqueles no espaço livre (k0), conhecidos como modos alto-k. Ao manipular esses modos, é possível manipular a densidade de estados fotônicos (DES) dos MHs, controlando assim os parâmetros de radiação do QE. A abordagem mais simples para a criação de MHs é por meio de uma pilha plana de camadas metálicas e dielétricas alternadas. Entretanto, a espessura finita dessas camadas induz a dispersão espacial, tornando a extração de parâmetros efetivos (homogeneização) destes meios uma tarefa desafiadora. Neste contexto, propomos nesta tese uma nova abordagem de recuperação de parâmetros constitutivos a dispersão espacial de todos os parâmetros eletromagnéticos do meio é levada em consideração. Nós demonstramos que a parte real da curva de dispersão se aplaina (correspondentemente com uma grande parte imaginária) devido à ausência de modos propagantes dentro do metamaterial. Esta região plana é fortemente dependente das espessuras das camadas e é uma manifestação direta da dispersão espacial Além disso, nós mostramos que se a dispersão espacial não for corretamente considerada no processo de homogeneização, o tempo de meia vida do EQ pode ser superestimado, o que é prejudicial para aplicações de telecomunicações. Além disso, demonstramos como melhorar P por um fator maior que 100 com o uso de MHs. a maior parte da potência dissipada pelos EQs são acopladas nos MHs como modos de alto-k (que não se propagam no espaço livre). Portanto, a energia é dissipada termicamente no interior do MH, resultando em uma redução de η. Alguns autores recorreram a MHs nano-estruturados (MHNE) para converter os modos alto-k em modos de espaço livre (k≤k0) visando o aumento de η. No entanto, muitos dos projetos do NPHM ainda dependem de simulações numéricas tridimensionais (3D) computacionalmente dispendiosas. Assim, também propomos nesta tese um novo método semi-analítico para modelar, tanto em duas como em três dimensões (2D e 3D, respectivamente), a emissão de radiação de EQs interagindo com estruturas nano-estruturadas. O baixo custo computacional deste método faz com que seja atrativo para o mapeamento de P e η em função da posição relativa do EQ e do MHNE. Esse mapeamento é uma ferramenta útil para entender o comportamento de decaimento de todo o sistema, já que os EQs são arbitrariamente distribuídos e orientados dentro do MHNE. A curva de decaimento calculada analiticamente permite que a eficiência quântica efetiva do sistema (ηeff) e o fator de Purcell (Peff) sejam obtidos diretamente, assumindo múltiplas fontes eletromagnéticas arbitrariamente distribuídas. Neste sentido, propomos aqui um novo procedimento para otimizar os parâmetros geométricos do MHNE visando a maximização de ηeff enquanto Peff é aumentado à um valor desejado. Aplicamos o modelo proposto a um MHNE composto por nove camadas de Ag/SiO2, com a camada de polímero embutida com Rodamina 6G, visando maximizar ηeff para um aumento de dez vezes de Peff. Este procedimento permitiu que o ηeff fosse incrementado em 69% e 170% para nano-estruturas uni e bidimensionais, respectivamente. Além disso, o tempo necessário para construir os mapas P e η (utilizados no cálculo da curva de decaimento) é reduzido em aproximadamente 96% quando comparado com os calculados numericamente via FDTD. Este procedimento abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de novas fontes de luz de alta velocidade e eficiência para aplicações de telecomunicações.

Opacité et transparence générées par les résonances locales dans les métamatériaux Acoustiques / Opacity and transparency generated by local resonances in acoustic metamaterials

El Ayouch, Aliyasin 03 December 2015 (has links)
Le domaine des métamatériaux acoustiques connaît un succès grandissant depuis maintenant une vingtaine d’années, notamment en raison de phénomènes exotiques aux perspectives d’applications plus que prometteuses : « l’invisibilité » acoustique en est l’exemple le plus manifeste. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons des métamatériaux acoustiques à résonances locales, et qui permettent de générer aussi bien de l’opacité que de la transparence acoustique. C’est plus particulièrement le couplage entre résonateurs de différentes formes qui est l’objet de nos investigations. Notre étude nous a permis de comprendre que la diffraction est l’une des principales limitation à l’omnidirectionalité des performances d’opacité, que nous avons caractérisé au moyen d’un banc ultrasonore motorisé. Un tel phénomène de diffraction est dû à la présence d’un réseau, et nous proposons dans notre étude des solutions qui permettent de dépasser cette limitation. A partir de cette étude, nous avons ainsi pu transposer au domaine sonore les résultats obtenus pour les ultrasons, ce qui nous a permis de réaliser deux principaux types de dispositifs : des métamatériaux acoustiques aux fonctions de réflecteur d’une part et d’absorbant basses fréquences d’autre part. Enfin, l’étude en homogénéisation de ce type de structure a aussi révélé un effet de densité effective quasi-nulle, dont les applications vont du contrôle de front d’onde, à la furtivité acoustique. De tels résultats offrent un potentiel d’application dans de nombreux champs, que ce soit pour le bâtiment ,l’automobile, l’aéronautique, ou l’acoustique sous-marine. / For more than twenty years now, Acoustic Metamaterials are experiencing a growing success, partlydue to exotic phenomena and their wide variety of extremely promising applications: “InvisibilityCloak” is the most vivid example of this. In this thesis, we report on designs of locally resonantacoustic metamaterials, that enable us to generate both sound opacity and transparency. It is moreparticularly coupling between resonators having different forms which is the focus of our work.This study permit us to understand that diffraction is one of the main limitation of omnidirectionalcapabilities involving locally resonant perforated plates, as supported by experimental investigationsrealized using a motorized ultrasonic set-up. We proposed solutions to overcome such a limitation,in the case where the opacity mechanism uses diffraction gratings. From this, we transposed theresults obtained in ultrasonic frequencies to the audible range, which permits us to develop twomain kinds of acoustic devices based on metamaterials: broadband reflectors and low-frequencyabsorbers. Finally, homogenization study of such structures revealed an effect of density near-zero,with applications from shaping wave front, to acoustic furtiveness. Such results paves the way forpromising applications in various field, including construction, automotive and aeronautical industries,submarine acoustics and so on.

Thermal and Quantum Analysis of a Stored State in a Photonic Crystal CROW Structure

Oliveira, Eduardo M. A. 20 November 2007 (has links)
"Photonic crystals have recently been the subject of studies for use in optical signal processing. In particular, a Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguide (CROW) structure has been considered by M. F. Yanik and S. Fan in “Stopping Light All Optically” for use in a time-varying optical system for the storage of light in order to mitigate the effects of waveguide dispersion. In this thesis, the effects of the thermal field on the state stored in such a structure is studied. Through simulation, this thesis finds that when this structure is constructed of gallium arsenide cylinders in air, loss of the signal was found to be caused by free-carrier absorption, and the decay of the signal dominates over thermal spreading of the optical signal’s spectrum."

Modeling and analysis of hyperbolic metamaterials for controlling the spontaneous emission rate and efficiency of quantum emitters / Modelo e análises de metamateriais hiperbólicos para o controle da taxa de emissão espontânea e eficiência de emissores quânticos

Achiles Fontana da Mota 11 February 2019 (has links)
In the past few years, intensive research efforts have been devoted to studying new approaches to controlling the photon emission of quantum emitters (QEs), especially for telecommunication applications. These approaches rely on tailoring the QE\'s radiation, usually assessed via well-known figures-of-merit such as lifetime (τ) and quantum efficiency (η). Controlling the QE\'s photon emission is important because the faster its photons are emitted, the greater is the number of times it returns to the excited state per second. Therefore, it is crucial to create additional decay channels to reduce τ, which necessarily requires increasing the Purcell factor (P). One of the most promising approaches to increase P involves a new class of metamaterials, known as hyperbolic metamaterials (HMM). This class of materials exhibits pronounced anisotropy, with the parallel and perpendicular permittivity tensor elements (with respect to the anisotropy axis) presenting opposite signs, resulting in an open hyperboloidal isofrequency surface (IS). This unusual IS shape leads to the most outstanding feature of HMMs, namely, the existence of photonic modes with wavenumber (k) much larger than those in free-space (k0), known as high-k modes. By engineering these modes, it is possible to manipulate the HMM photonic density of states (PDoS), thus controlling the QE\'s radiation parameters. The simplest approach to designing HMM is by means of a planar stack of alternating thin metal and dielectric layers. However, the finite thickness of these layers induces spatial dispersion, making the extraction of effective parameters (homogenization) of these media a challenging task. In this context, we propose in this thesis a new constitutive parameter retrieval approach that takes spatial dispersion into account for all electromagnetic parameters of the medium. We demonstrate that the real part of the dispersion curve flattens out (correspondingly with a large imaginary part) because of the absence of propagating modes inside the metamaterial. This flat region is strongly dependent on the layer thicknesses and is a direct manifestation of spatial dispersion. Moreover, we demonstrate that the QE\'s lifetime calculation is overestimated if this effect is not taken into account in the homogenization procedure, which is detrimental for telecommunication applications. Moreover, we demonstrate how to enhance P by a factor greater than 100 with the use of HMMs. However, most of the QE dissipated power couples into the HMM as high-k modes (which do not propagate in free-space). Therefore, the energy is thermally dissipated inside the HMM with a consequent reduction of η . Some authors have resorted to nano-patterned HMMs (NPHM) to convert the high-k modes into free-space modes (k≤k0) aiming at increasing η. However, much of the NPHMs designs still rely on computationally costly three dimensional (3D) numerical simulations. Thus, we also propose in this thesis a new semi-analytical method to model, both in two- and three-dimensions (2D and 3D, respectively), the radiation emission of QEs interacting with nano-patterned structures. The low computational cost of this method makes it attractive for mapping P and η as function of the QE and NPHM relative position. This mapping is a helpful tool to understand the decay behavior of the whole system since QEs are arbitrarily distributed and oriented inside the NPHM. The analytically calculated decay curve allows the systems effective quantum efficiency (ηeff) and Purcell factor (Peff) to be directly obtained assuming multiple arbitrarily distributed electromagnetic sources. In this sense, we propose here a new procedure to optimize the NPHM geometrical parameters to maximize ηeff while achieving the desired Peff. We apply the proposed model to an NPHM composed of nine Ag/SiO2 layers, with the polymer host layer embedded with Rhodamine 6G, to maximize ηeff for a specified tenfold increase of Peff. This procedure allowed ηeff to be increased by 69% and 170% for one- and two-dimensional nano-patterning, respectively. Moreover, the time required to build the P and η maps (used in the calculation of the decay behavior) is reduced by approximately 96% when compared to those numerically calculated via FDTD. This procedure paves the way to the realization of new high-speed and efficient light sources for telecommunication applications. / Nos últimos anos, intensivo esforço tem sido devotado para o estudo de novas método para o controla da missão de fótons de emissores quânticos (EQs), especialmente para aplicações em telecomunicações. Estes métodos dependem da adaptação da radiação dos EQs, geralmente avaliadas por meio das bem conhecidas figuras de mérito, como o tempo de meia vida (τ) e a eficiência quântica (η). O controle da emissão de fótons é importante pois quanto mais rápido os fótons são emitidos, maior é o número de vezes que o EQ retorna ao seu estado excitado por segundo. Portanto, é crucial criar canais de decaimento adicionais para reduzir τ, o que necessariamente requer o aumento do fator de Purcell (P). Uma das abordagens mais promissoras para aumentar P envolve uma nova classe de metamateriais, conhecida como metamateriais hiperbólicos (MHs). Esta classe de materiais apresenta pronunciada anisotropia, onde os elementos paralelo e perpendicular do tensor de permissividade (em relação ao eixo de anisotropia) apresentam sinais opostos, resultando em uma superfície de isofrequência (SI) hiperboloidal aberta (IS). Essa forma incomum de SI leva à característica mais marcante dos MHs, a existência de modos fotônicos com número de onda (k) muito maior do que aqueles no espaço livre (k0), conhecidos como modos alto-k. Ao manipular esses modos, é possível manipular a densidade de estados fotônicos (DES) dos MHs, controlando assim os parâmetros de radiação do QE. A abordagem mais simples para a criação de MHs é por meio de uma pilha plana de camadas metálicas e dielétricas alternadas. Entretanto, a espessura finita dessas camadas induz a dispersão espacial, tornando a extração de parâmetros efetivos (homogeneização) destes meios uma tarefa desafiadora. Neste contexto, propomos nesta tese uma nova abordagem de recuperação de parâmetros constitutivos a dispersão espacial de todos os parâmetros eletromagnéticos do meio é levada em consideração. Nós demonstramos que a parte real da curva de dispersão se aplaina (correspondentemente com uma grande parte imaginária) devido à ausência de modos propagantes dentro do metamaterial. Esta região plana é fortemente dependente das espessuras das camadas e é uma manifestação direta da dispersão espacial Além disso, nós mostramos que se a dispersão espacial não for corretamente considerada no processo de homogeneização, o tempo de meia vida do EQ pode ser superestimado, o que é prejudicial para aplicações de telecomunicações. Além disso, demonstramos como melhorar P por um fator maior que 100 com o uso de MHs. a maior parte da potência dissipada pelos EQs são acopladas nos MHs como modos de alto-k (que não se propagam no espaço livre). Portanto, a energia é dissipada termicamente no interior do MH, resultando em uma redução de η. Alguns autores recorreram a MHs nano-estruturados (MHNE) para converter os modos alto-k em modos de espaço livre (k≤k0) visando o aumento de η. No entanto, muitos dos projetos do NPHM ainda dependem de simulações numéricas tridimensionais (3D) computacionalmente dispendiosas. Assim, também propomos nesta tese um novo método semi-analítico para modelar, tanto em duas como em três dimensões (2D e 3D, respectivamente), a emissão de radiação de EQs interagindo com estruturas nano-estruturadas. O baixo custo computacional deste método faz com que seja atrativo para o mapeamento de P e η em função da posição relativa do EQ e do MHNE. Esse mapeamento é uma ferramenta útil para entender o comportamento de decaimento de todo o sistema, já que os EQs são arbitrariamente distribuídos e orientados dentro do MHNE. A curva de decaimento calculada analiticamente permite que a eficiência quântica efetiva do sistema (ηeff) e o fator de Purcell (Peff) sejam obtidos diretamente, assumindo múltiplas fontes eletromagnéticas arbitrariamente distribuídas. Neste sentido, propomos aqui um novo procedimento para otimizar os parâmetros geométricos do MHNE visando a maximização de ηeff enquanto Peff é aumentado à um valor desejado. Aplicamos o modelo proposto a um MHNE composto por nove camadas de Ag/SiO2, com a camada de polímero embutida com Rodamina 6G, visando maximizar ηeff para um aumento de dez vezes de Peff. Este procedimento permitiu que o ηeff fosse incrementado em 69% e 170% para nano-estruturas uni e bidimensionais, respectivamente. Além disso, o tempo necessário para construir os mapas P e η (utilizados no cálculo da curva de decaimento) é reduzido em aproximadamente 96% quando comparado com os calculados numericamente via FDTD. Este procedimento abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de novas fontes de luz de alta velocidade e eficiência para aplicações de telecomunicações.

Energia interna e espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas por esferas ou clilindros: ressonâncias de Fano e suas aplicações a metamateriais / Internal energy and electromagnetic wave scattering by spheres or cylinders: Fano resonances and their applications to metamaterials

Arruda, Tiago José 19 December 2014 (has links)
O espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas por partículas isoladas, com propriedades ópticas e formatos arbitrários, encontra aplicações nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento. Usualmente, o espalhamento eletromagnético é investigado via grandezas auferidas na região de campo distante. Para partículas inomogêneas, no entanto, as ressonâncias nas seções de choque de espalhamento podem não corresponder a um aumento de intensidade do campo eletromagnético nas vizinhanças imediatas da partícula (região de campo próximo). Esse efeito pode ser induzido em nanopartículas dielétricas com revestimentos plasmônicos e foi recentemente explicado em termos da ressonância de Fano. Essa ressonância resulta da interferência entre um modo eletromagnético não ressonante (processo de fundo) e um modo discreto ressonante (ressonância de plásmon), produzindo um formato assimétrico de linha espectral. Para o entendimento de como os modos de superfície no campo próximo acoplam-se às ressonâncias nas seções de choque, é necessário o cálculo de funcionais dos campos eletromagnéticos internos às partículas ou em suas vizinhanças imediatas. Neste estudo, calculamos a energia eletromagnética no interior de centros espalhadores nas geometrias esférica e cilíndrica. Fazemos aqui o vínculo dos campos internos às grandezas de espalhamento no campo distante via seção de choque de absorção e conservação de energia. Aplicamos nossos resultados a metamateriais dispersivos, estudando as propriedades do espalhamento por esferas revestidas e por esferas quirais, no regime de refração negativa, e por cilindros revestidos sob incidência oblíqua de radiação. Mediante a energia interna às partículas, demonstramos novos efeitos de aumento de intensidade de campo interno fora da ressonância de espalhamento e fornecemos resultados analíticos para a análise dessas ressonâncias, tanto em espalhamento simples quanto múltiplo. / Electromagnetic wave scattering by single particles with both shapes and optical properties arbitrary finds applications in several areas of knowledge. Usually, the electromagnetic scattering is investigated via measured quantities in the far-field region. However, for inhomogeneous particles, resonances in scattering cross sections may not correspond to the electromagnetic field enhancement in the vicinity of a particle (near-field). This effect can be induced in dielectric nanoparticles with plasmonic coatings, and it has recently been explained in terms of the Fano resonance. The Fano resonance results from the interference between a non-resonant electromagnetic mode (background or continuous) and a resonant discrete mode (localized plasmon resonance), leading to an asymmetric lineshape. To understand how the surface modes in the near-field are connected to the cross section resonances, functionals of the electromagnetic fields within scatterers or in their vicinity are required. In this study, we calculate the electromagnetic energy inside scatterers in both cylindrical and spherical geometries. We obtain a connection between the internal energy and the scattering quantities in the far-field via absorption cross section and energy conservation. We apply our results to dispersive metamaterials, studying scattering properties of coated and chiral spheres in the negative refraction regime, and coated cylinders under oblique incidence of radiation. By the electromagnetic energy inside particles, we demonstrate new off-resonance field enhancement effects and provide analytical tools to analyze these resonances in both single and multiple scattering regimes.

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