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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propuesta de mejora en la producción de casquillos para aumentar la eficiencia y reducir los defectos en una empresa de fabricación de municiones mediante el enfoque Lean Six Sigma y Método de Trabajo / Proposal to improve the production of cartridge case to increase efficiency and reduce defects in an ammunitions manufacturing company through the Lean Six Sigma approach and working method

Mego Aranguri, Cristhian Wilfredo, Roque Soriano, Maria Elena 17 February 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo empieza con el marco teórico para establecer la definición de términos y conceptos específicos de investigación como Metodología Lean Six Sigma, Estudio de Métodos, Calidad, Eficiencia y Municiones. Luego, en el estado del arte, se reúne y analiza la información de diversos artículos de investigación para obtener un sustento científico y conocer el actual uso de las diferentes herramientas empleadas para dar soporte a la investigación. Después de establecer la importancia del sector en estudio, se realiza el diagnóstico de la empresa para identificar oportunidades de mejora. Empleando herramientas de ingeniería en el proceso de producción se identificó baja eficiencia, alta cantidad de productos no conformes, falta de estandarización y oportunidades de mejora. Se encontró alto porcentaje de defectos en el proceso de Formación de Copa Vaina; debido al desconocimiento de tiempo de vida útil de los utillajes, colocación errada de utillajes, desconocimiento de frecuencia de calibración, desconocimiento de frecuencia y método de set up. El proceso de lavado, el cual es indispensable a lo largo de la línea de producción, también presenta alto porcentaje de defectos debido a la mezcla errónea de los químicos empleados para lavar los casquillos. Se propone un modelo combinado de Lean Six Sigma y Métodos de trabajo para mejorar los problemas hallados en la línea de producción de casquillos, aumentando la eficiencia y reduciendo los defectos. Por último, se realizó una prueba piloto como método de validación logrando resultados óptimos al emplear el modelo combinado propuesto. / This applied research project begins with the theoretical framework to stablish the definition of specific research terms and concepts, such as Lean Six Sigma Methodology, Study of Methods, Quality, Efficiency and Ammunition. Then, in the state of the art, the information collected from various research articles is analyzed to obtain a scientific support and know the different tools used in them to support this investigation. After establishing the importance of the sector under study, the diagnosis of the company is made to identify opportunities for improvement. using different engineering tools in the production process line identified low efficiency, high quantity of non-conforming products, lack of standardization and opportunities for improvement. High percentage of defects were found in the Vaina Cup Formation process this due to lack of knowledge of useful lifetime tools, wrong placement of tolls, lack of knowledge of calibration frequency, frequency and set up method. The washing process, which is essential along the production line, also has a high percentage of defects due to the wrong mixing of the chemicals used to wash the case of the ammunition. a combined model of Lean Six Sigma and Work Methods is proposed to improve the problems found on the cartridge case production line, increasing efficiency and reducing defects. Finally, a pilot test was performed as a validation method, achieving optimal results when using the proposed combined model. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Modelo de producción basado en Lean TOC para la reducción de desperdicios en la industria de madera / Lean TOC based production model for waste reduction in the wood industry

Chuchullo Quispe, Diego Alberto, Valencia Chinga, Luis Manuel 03 January 2021 (has links)
Diversas investigaciones sostienen que las pymes son la columna vertebral de la industria, simbolizan el crecimiento económico de una nación. En Perú uno de los principales problemas de las pymes es la falta de acceso al mercado por su escasa competitividad. Esto debido, a la baja eficiencia que presentan un gran porcentaje de las pymes peruanas. Por tal motivo, esta investigación propone un modelo de producción basado en las metodologías Lean y TOC para resolver este problema. Este artículo presenta un caso de estudio en una pyme manufacturera de muebles de madera que sufre problemas de eficiencia en su sistema de producción. El modelo propuesto consiste en la aplicación de herramientas Lean siguiendo el enfoque TOC, con el fin de incrementar la productividad y eficiencia, identificando y reduciendo los desperdicios. En síntesis, tras la aplicación del modelo se demostró que la eficiencia en la producción aumentó y los desperdicios se redujeron. / Various researches maintain that SMEs are the backbone of the industry, they symbolize the economic growth of a nation. In Peru, one of the main problems of SMEs is the lack of access to the market due to its low competitiveness. This is due to the low efficiency of a large percentage of Peruvian SMEs. Therefore, this research proposes a production model based on Lean and TOC methodologies to solve this problem. This article presents a case study in a wooden furniture manufacturing SME that suffers from efficiency problems in its production system. The proposed model consists of the application of Lean tools following the TOC approach, in order to increase productivity and efficiency, identifying and reducing waste. In summary, after the application of the model, it was shown that production efficiency increased and waste was reduced. / Trabajo de investigación

La baja tasa de bancarización del Perú en los años 2010 al 2019 / The low banking rate in Perú in the years 2010 to 2019

Atarama Condezo, Alberto Rafael, Preciado Romo, Marco Antonio, Silva Alonzo, José Illich, Sulca Andrade, Víctor Alfonso, Vargas Contreras, Jesus 13 December 2021 (has links)
Para la siguiente investigación, se ha aplicado la metodología de Data Science de IBM analizando el indicador macroeconómico de la bancarización en el Perú desde el año 2010 hasta el 2019; con el objetivo de generar una proyección para el año 2024 de este ratio y conocer los factores que influyen. Para ello, se ha definido la bancarización cómo el indicador económico, con un enfoque analítico predictivo y se ha trabajado con datos obtenidos de entidades públicas del gobierno peruano; con ello, se ha elaborado un modelo matemático de proyección en base de un modelo de regresión. También se trabajó con programas de visualización para tener una mejor visión de la investigación, por último, se evaluó este modelo obteniendo mejores resultados más certeros. De esta manera, se ha encontrado que uno de los mayores factores que influyen en la bancarización es la informalidad con la que trabajan los peruanos. Aplicando el modelo matemático se trabajó con un R cuadrado de 99.15%, validando que el nivel de predicción es alto; con el mismo, se obtuvo que con una tasa de informalidad del 65% para el año 2024 el Perú contaría con una tasa de bancarización de 43.45%. Así es como se deduce que el proceso de bancarización es necesario para aumentar la economía del Perú y actualmente cuenta con varios factores que influyen en su desarrollo, principalmente, la informalidad; además del nivel de educación y las facilidades de acceso a la banca por parte de las entidades financieras. / For the following research, the IBM Data Science methodology has been applied analyzing the macroeconomic indicator of bankarization in Peru from 2010 to 2019; with the objective of generating a projection for the year 2024 of this ratio and knowing the factors that influence it. For this, bankarization has been defined as the economic indicator, with a predictive analytical approach, we have worked with data obtained from public entities of the Peruvian government; With this, a projection mathematical model has been developed based on a regression model, we also worked with visualization programs to have a better vision of the research, finally this model was evaluated obtaining better, more accurate results. In this way, it has been found that one of the major factors influencing bankarization is the informality with which Peruvians work. Applying the mathematical model, we worked with an R squared of 99.15%, validating that the level of prediction is high; With it, it was obtained that with an informality rate of 65% for the year 2024, Peru would have a bankarization rate of 43.43%. This is how, it is deduced that the process of bankarization is necessary to increase the economy of Peru and currently has several factors that influence its development, mainly, informality; in addition to the level of education and the ease of access to banking by financial institutions. / Trabajo de investigación

Propuesta del uso de las prácticas Lean para mejorar la rotación de inventario y proceso de despacho en una empresa distribuidora de pinturas en polvo / Proposed use of Lean practices to improve the inventory rotation and dispatch process in a powder coating company

Hurtado Manrique, Dante Miguel, Valdez Calmet, Úrsula Estela 23 March 2022 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación identifico que el uso de las practicas Lean para mejorar la rotación de inventario y proceso de despacho en una empresa distribuidora de pinturas en polvo permitirán mejorar los indicadores clave de gestión en una MYPE distribuidora de pinturas en polvo y por consiguiente permitirá disminuir el impacto económico que las malas prácticas generan. El trabajo contiene 4 capítulos. El primero revisa el estado del arte y Marco teórico. El segundo capítulo ejecuta el diagnóstico para lo cual describimos la organización estudiada para identificar el problema, analizar sus causas y alternativas de solución. El tercer capítulo contempla la propuesta de mejora mediante el análisis y pronóstico de la demanda, usos de herramientas como el EOQ y el MRP para una correcta gestión de inventarios, además usa la estandarización de procesos y 5S. El cuarto capitulo corresponde a la validación de ingeniería y económica. Finalmente, la conclusión sostiene que gracias a la implementación de las herramientas mencionadas se logra disminuir significativamente el impacto económico que tiene como consecuencia el exceso de costos, asimismo se logran valores adecuados en los indicadores claves de control. / The present research work identified that the use of Lean practices to improve the inventory rotation and dispatch process in a powder coating distribution company will improve the key management indicators in a MYPE distributor of powder paints and therefore will reduce the economic impact that bad practices generate. The work contains 4 chapters. The first reviews the state of the art and theoretical framework. The second chapter executes the diagnosis for which we describe the organization studied to identify the problem, analyze its causes and alternative solutions. The third chapter contemplates the proposal for improvement through the analysis and forecasting of demand, uses of tools such as EOQ and MRP for a proper inventory management, also uses process standardization and 5S. The fourth chapter corresponds to engineering and economic validation. Finally, the conclusion holds that thanks to the implementation of the aforementioned tools, it is possible to significantly reduce the economic impact that excess costs have as a consequence, as well as adequate values in the key control indicators. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Superstar Firms and the State: Amazon in the U.S. and France during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Hernandez, Priscilla 21 March 2022 (has links)
This article explores the relationships between superstar firms, states, and labor during a period of sharp challenge to normal functioning of capitalist societies. My working definition of superstar firms includes firms that have amassed a formidable economic power in their home markets, but also hold a large amount of social, economic, and political influence in societies more generally. They are powerful enough to maneuver within the global capitalist field to side-step challenges from the state and labor as well as market competitors. This paper is focused on superstar firm Amazon in the United States and France during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. I find that governing practices affect Amazon workers through their state’s relationships to both firms and labor. Amazon workers in the U.S. have no strong ties to the firm, the state, nor the labor movement, while French workers have strong ties to labor unions and unions to the state, which ultimately informed the outcomes in each country. Similarly, I find that there can be variation even within nations, most apparent in the distinct behavior of U.S. (local) states. The U.S./France comparison illustrates that although both countries operate under neoliberal capitalist logics, each state’s relationship to firms and organized labor is significant in understanding the autonomy of Amazon, and by extension other superstar firms, from state control and labor challenges. It is with the rise of superstar firms and the variable power between superstar firms, state, and labor, that inequality is upheld, strengthened, and reinforced as normal within the system. Still, I hope that this work is lined with optimism in that there is a more just approach in managing superstar firms in an effort to delay or curb the harmful effects that workers or customers face.

Alleviating Risks of Parental Incarceration through Mentorship

Murrey, Sonia 01 January 2015 (has links)
The focus of the present study was on the lack of positive socialization of children affected by parental incarceration. Researchers have indicated the need to broaden the examination of the effects of parental incarceration on children. Mentorship has demonstrated a positive influence for youth who display at-risk behaviors. However, there is little research regarding the effectiveness of mentorship programs for youth who have experienced the negative effects of parental incarceration. The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to describe the experiences of youth who have completed an individualized mentorship program following parental imprisonment. Flyers were distributed to case managers and program managers of mentorship programs in New Castle County in order to recruit participants ages 18 -24 years who had a parent incarcerated and who had completed a mentorship program. Through individual interviews, 5 participants provided a retrospective account of antisocial behaviors exhibited as the result of parental incarceration, isolation, physical and emotional abuse faced in their youth, and the ways in which mentorship impacted their lives. Interview data were coded based on words that expressed emotion (emotion coding), words that expressed action (action coding), and words that described circumstances (circumstantial coding). This study revealed that, for these 5 participants, mentorship did have a positive impact. Findings further suggested that mentoring be recognized as a more focal strategy to assist youth, researchers, and practitioners in (a) identifying triggers that may lead to adverse responses to parental incarceration and (b) helping youth improve their overall quality of life when exposed to such circumstances.

Changes in Beliefs about Aggression in Baton Rouge Youth Peace Olympics Participants

Manuel, Shonta 01 January 2018 (has links)
Youth violence in the Baton Rouge inner-city area continues to create heightened concerns for the communities as well as the financial and healthcare systems. Even though violence prevention programs are in place in the area, no decline has been recorded in those who are being affected by violence. Due to lack of research in this field, a need for a sound research study exists to understand how Youth Peace Olympics (YPO) community-based program may be related to changes in attitudes about aggression and violence. A correlational cross-sectional research design was used to evaluate participants' beliefs about aggression, measured using the Normative Beliefs about Aggression instrument by the organization at the beginning and end of the summer program, in addition to secondary data that was provided to me (n=50). Social cognitive theory and the social development model were used as the theoretical framework for the study. Results showed a statistically significant decrease in retaliation approval of aggression scores (pretest M = 2.24, posttest M = 1.91; t[49] = 4.07, p =.000) and marginal statistically significant decrease in general approval of aggression scores (pretest M = 1.48, posttest M = 1.31; t[49] = 1.96, p = .055). Age, gender, and ethnicity were not found to be related to pretest attitudes or pretest/posttest changes in attitudes regarding retaliation approval or general approval of aggression at statistically significant levels. The potential for positive social change is to provide researchers and community-level stakeholders with preliminary program evaluation data related to attitudes about aggression/violence approval.

The Effects of Juvenile Life Sentences on Family Relationships

Pigatt, Antoinette 01 January 2018 (has links)
Juveniles serving adult sentences are separated from their families for extensive amounts of time. During incarceration, youths attempt to maintain close relationships with family members, but are faced with challenges. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore adult incarceration of youthful offenders and its effect on family relationships using Bowen's family systems theory as the theoretical foundation. Three Maryland families who have first-hand experience with the phenomenon were selected to share their stories. Through this study, to the family unit was given voice to assist understanding the experience from multiple perspectives. Interviews were conducted with each family member separately using semistructured protocols, triangulated, coded using open coding strategies, and summarized as case descriptions. Study results led to understanding that families experience different individual and collective adverse effects in relation to the experience. Families shared factors which contributed to breakdowns and resiliency of relationships between family members during and after the experience of incarceration of a youthful offender. Findings of this study support positive social change in human services and public policy. Outcomes of this inquiry support the efforts of advocates in promoting awareness and activism to encourage legislation and funding to serve the needs of this unique population. Findings inform policymakers of the need to promote policies and practices in correctional institutions that address concerns about unsafe and nontherapeutic prison environments, and the need to champion policies and practices that support families in maintaining healthy relationships with incarcerated individuals during and after long periods of incarceration.

Effectiveness of Prisoner Reentry Programs for Reduction of Repeat Incarcerations in Nigeria

Oluwaniyi, Emmanuel Dejo 01 January 2017 (has links)
The persistently high rate of repeat incarcerations poses a threat to the safety of lives and properties. The problem that led to this study was the prevailing high rate of repeat incarcerations in Nigeria, despite interventions to reduce their occurrences. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of prisoner reentry programs in reducing reincarcerations of ex-prisoners. The focus of the research questions was on whether treatment and the type (faith- or non-faith-based) made a difference in a prisoner's reincarceration status after release. The theoretical foundation was based on the transtheoretical model of change. Reincarceration outcomes were analyzed for 818 prisoners who were released between January 2010 and December 2013 from 3 prisons located in Lagos State, Nigeria. Data were obtained from the prison records on the reincarceration status of the subjects based on an at-risk period of 36 months after release. A propensity score matching procedure was used to select an equal number (n = 409) of treated subjects (those who participated in a prisoner reentry program) and untreated subjects (nonparticipants in the program). Findings from a Cox-regression analysis revealed that participating in any of the programs (faith- or non-faith-based) reduced reincarceration at a statistically significant level; however, there was no difference in reincarceration status based on the type of treatment received. Findings provide evidence that prisoner reentry programs can reduce reincarceration. With this knowledge, the reentry program providers may advocate more government supports for reentry activities. They may collaborate with the policymakers and legislators to develop strategies that will enhance the reintegration of ex-prisoners into communities and thereby prevent their return to crimes but ensure they are productive for themselves, their families and the community.

Government and Nongovernmental Collaboration to Build Community Resiliency Against Terrorism in Oklahoma City

Heltz, Kimberly K 01 January 2018 (has links)
The way communities build resiliency and prepare for acts of terrorism is ambiguous in the United States; best practices remain unclear. Due to mobility and advancements in communication technologies, individuals and organizations share information, incite anger, recruit, and act on ideological grievances with ease. Such grievances are bolstered by the political and social exclusion of disparate groups through poorly designed policies and ineffective government structures. Using a combination of social constructivism and systems thinking theories, this case study explored collaboration efforts between government agencies and nongovernment experts in Oklahoma City, OK, identifying best practices as a result of lessons learned following the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Data were acquired through public records related to the bombing, combined with a qualitative survey of 31 community leaders. These data were inductively coded and subjected to a thematic analysis procedure. Key findings indicate that while open communication with the community and increased coordination were suggested by participants, reports were kept internal to each agency and not widely shared or implemented effectively across the community. Sharing the identified best practices and acknowledging collaboration opportunities promotes positive social change by involving the broader community and building early resiliency to address ideologic grievances and create more effective community counterterrorism plans.

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