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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tikslais grindžiamas sumanios sistemos kūrimo modelis / Goal based development model of the smart system

Eringytė, Aušra 25 November 2010 (has links)
Taikomosios kompiuterinės programinės įrangos ar sudėtingos šiuolaikinio įrenginio intelektinės sistemos kūrimas yra procesas, pagrįstas reikalavimų analize ir apdorojimu, dar vadinamu reikalavimų inžinerija. Šiuo metu yra įvairių reikalavimų inžinerijos metodologijų, kaip UCM (Use Case Model), reikalavimų specifikacijų. Viena iš jų – tikslais grindžiamas modeliavimas. Kad palengvinti sumanių sistemų, paremtų tikslais, kūrimą reikalingos tinkamos metodologijos, pagrįstos sistemos tikslais ir skirtos įvairiems reikalavimams apdoroti. Šiai problemai išspręsti yra kuriamas sumanios sistemos kūrimo modelis, kuris grindžiamas tikslų analize. Toks procesas, artimas KAOS, užtikrina visapusišką reikalavimų inžinerijos realizaciją kuriamai informacinei sistemai. Išanalizavus dalykinės srities literatūrą, pastebėta, kad artimos metodologijos yra KAOS, TOGAF, MEMO ir MODAF. Šių metodologijų savybes tenkina keliama hipotezė, kad kuriama metodologija, turinti užtikrinti visapusišką reikalavimų inžinerijos realizaciją kuriamai informacinei sistemai, gali būti sudaryta iš šių metodologijų metodų privalumų sintezės pagrindu, naudojant modifikuotus modelius. Rengiamo magistrinio darbo objektas - tikslais grindžiamos sumanios sistemos kūrimo procesas. Tikslas: Sukurti sudėtingų šiuolaikinių sumanių sistemų kūrimo modelį, panaudojant UML ar kitokias grafines notacijas. Minėtasis tikslas pasiekiamas realizuojant tokius uždavinius:  Išstudijuoti literatūrą apie tikslais grindžiamų sumanių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper summarizes the literature on the purposes of systems based on smart analysis of the results of the methods used to put forward a hypothesis that a methodology has to ensure the full realization of the engineering requirements of an information system consists of the following methodologies methods of synthesis based on the advantages of using the modified models. Because smart systems to support the purposes of facilitating the creation of adequate methodology, a system based on the objectives and requirements for different treatment. In the proposed new smart systems development methodology, which is based on the objectives of the analysis. Such a process, a close kaos, ensure the full realization of the engineering requirements of an information system. In this paper shown that the proposed methodology consists of a modified wood with the goals and objectives of the properties, agents, and the lists of objects, processes, models, technical requirements and standards and specifications for the consumer market. The methodology is based on the information system designers. Presented and experimental data verified the methodology for testing the prototype. It confirms the hypothesis raised, and it can be concluded that the engineering requirements to ensure the full realization of an information system, can be drawn from the development model kaos, MODAF, MEMO methodologies based on the methods of synthesis, the use of additional GM models, which removes the... [to full text]

Automatizovano izdvajanje semantike iz naučnih članaka u oblasti informatike / A scientific-research activities information system

Kovačević Aleksandar 14 September 2011 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify; ">Cilj - Cilj istraživanja je razvoj modela, implementacija prototipa i verifikacija sistema za ekstrakciju metodologija iz naučnih članaka iz oblasti Informatike. Da bi se, pomoću tog sistema, naučnicima mogao obezbediti bolji uvid u metodologije u svojim oblastima potrebno je ekstrahovane metodolgije povezati sa metapodacima vezanim za publikaciju iz koje su ekstrahovani. Iz tih razloga istraživanje tako&ntilde;e za cilj ima i razvoj modela sistema za automatsku ekstrakciju metapodataka iz naučnih članaka. Metodologija - Ekstrahovane metodologije se kategorizuju u četiri kategorije: kategorizuju se u četiri semantičke kategorije: zadatak (Task), metoda (Method), resurs/osobina (Resource/Feature) i implementacija (Implementation). Sistem se sastoji od dva nivoa: prvi je automatska identifikacija metodolo&scaron;kih rečenica; drugi nivo vr&scaron;i prepoznavanje metodolo&scaron;kih fraza (segmenata). Zadatak ekstrakcije i<br />kategorizacije formalizovan je kao problem označavanja sekvenci i upotrebljena su četiri zasebna Conditional Random Fields modela koji su zasnovani na sintaktičkim frazama. Sistem je evaluiran na ručno anotiranom korpusu iz oblasti Automatske Ekstrakcije Termina koji se sastoji od 45 naučnih članaka. Sistem za automatsku ekstrakciju metapodataka zasnovan je na klasifikaciji. Klasifikacija metapodataka vr&scaron;i se u osam unapred definisanih sematičkih kategorija: Naslov, Autori, Pripadnost, Adresa, Email, Apstrakt, Ključne reči i Mesto publikacije. Izvr&scaron;eni su eksperimenti sa<br />svim standardnim modelima za klasifikaciju: naivni bayes, stablo odlučivanja, k-najbližih suseda i ma&scaron;ine potpornih vektora. Rezultati - Sistem za ekstrakciju<br />metodologija postigao je sledeće rezultate: F-mera od 53% za identifikaciju Task i Method kategorija (sa precizno&scaron;ću od 70%) dok su vrednosti za F-mere za Resource/Feature i Implementation kategorije bile 60% (sa precizno&scaron;ću od 67%) i 75% (sa precizno&scaron;ću od 85%) respektivno. Nakon izvr&scaron;enih klasifikacionih eksperimenata, za sistem za ekstrakciju metapodataka, utvr&ntilde;eno je da ma&scaron;ine potpornih vektora (SVM) pružaju najbolje performanse. Dobijeni rezultati SVM modela su generalno dobri, F-mera preko 85% kod skoro svih kategorija, a preko 90% kod većine. Ograničenja istraživanja/implikacije - Sistem za ekstrakciju metodologija, kao i sistem za esktrakciju metapodataka primenljivi su samo na naučne članke na<br />engleskom jeziku. Praktične implikacije - Predloženi modeli mogu se, pre svega, koristiti za analizu i pregled razvoja naučnih oblasti kao i za kreiranje sematički bogatijih informacionih sistema naučno-istraživačke delatnosti.<br />Originalnost/vrednost - Originalni doprinosi su sledeći: razvijen je model za ekstrakciju i semantičku kategorijzaciju metodologija iz naučnih članaka iz oblasti<br />Informatike, koji nije opisan u postojećoj literaturi. Izvr&scaron;ena je analiza uticaja različitih vrsta osobina na ekstrakciju metodolo&scaron;kih fraza. Razvijen je u potpunosti automatizovan sistem za ekstrakciju metapodataka u informacionim sistemima naučno-istraživačke delatnosti.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify; "> Purpose - The purpose of this research&nbsp;is model development, software&nbsp;prototype implementation and&nbsp;verification of the system for the&nbsp;identification of methodology mentions&nbsp;in scientific publications in a subdomain&nbsp;of automatic terminology&nbsp;extraction. In order to provide a better&nbsp;insight for scientists into the<br /> methodologies in their fields extracted&nbsp;methodologies should be connected&nbsp;with the metadata associated with the&nbsp;publication from which they are&nbsp;extracted. For this reason the purpose&nbsp;of this research was also a development&nbsp;of a system for the automatic extraction&nbsp;of metadata from scientific&nbsp;publications.&nbsp;Design/methodology/approach -&nbsp;Methodology mentions are categorized&nbsp;in four semantic categories: Task,&nbsp;Method, Resource/Feature and&nbsp;Implementation. The system comprises&nbsp;two major layers: the first layer is an&nbsp;automatic identification of&nbsp;methodological sentences; the second&nbsp;layer highlights methodological phrases&nbsp;(segments). Extraction and&nbsp;classification of the segments was&nbsp;171&nbsp;formalized as a sequence tagging&nbsp;problem and four separate phrase-based&nbsp;Conditional Random Fields were used&nbsp;to accomplish the task. The system has&nbsp;been evaluated on a manually&nbsp;annotated corpus comprising 45 full&nbsp;text articles. The system for the&nbsp;automatic extraction of metadata from&nbsp;scientific publications is based on&nbsp;classification. The metadata are&nbsp;classified eight pre-defined categories:<br /> Title, Authors, Affiliation, Address,&nbsp;Email, Abstract, Keywords and&nbsp;Publication Note. Experiments were&nbsp;performed with standard classification&nbsp;models: Decision Tree, Naive Bayes,&nbsp;K-nearest Neighbours and Support&nbsp;Vector Machines.&nbsp;Findings - The results of the system for&nbsp;methodology extraction show an Fmeasure&nbsp;of 53% for identification of&nbsp;both Task and Method mentions (with&nbsp;70% precision), whereas the Fmeasures&nbsp;for Resource/Feature and&nbsp;Implementation identification was 60%&nbsp;(with 67% precision) and 75% (with&nbsp;85% precision) respectively. As for the&nbsp;system for the automatic extraction of&nbsp;metadata Support Vector Machines&nbsp;provided the best performance. The Fmeasure&nbsp;was over 85% for almost all of&nbsp;the categories and over 90% for the&nbsp;most of them.&nbsp;Research limitations/implications -&nbsp;Both the system for the extractions of&nbsp;methodologies and the system for the&nbsp;extraction of metadata are only&nbsp;applicable to the scientific papers in&nbsp;English language.&nbsp;172&nbsp;Practical implications - The proposed&nbsp;models can be used in order to gain&nbsp;insight into a development of a&nbsp;scientific discipline and also to create&nbsp;semantically rich research activity<br /> information systems.&nbsp;Originality/Value - The main original&nbsp;contributions are: a novel model for the&nbsp;extraction of methodology mentions&nbsp;from scientific publications. The&nbsp;impact of the various types of features&nbsp;on the performance of the system was&nbsp;determined and presented. A fully&nbsp;automated system for the extraction of&nbsp;metadata for the rich research activity<br /> information systems was developed.</p>

Religinio pasirinkimo ekonominis "pamatas" / The economic "ground" of the religious choise

Maldeikienė, Aušra 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe „Religinio pasirinkimo ekonominis “pamatas“ bandomos atskleisti šiuo metu pasaulyje labai populiarėjančios religijos ekonomikos metodologinių ir iš dalies teorinių nuostatų ištakos bei galimos aptariamos koncepcijos taikymo ribos. Akcentuojant metodologines klausimo prielaidas, išgryninama idėja apie naudos/prasmės perskyrą ekonominiuose tyrimuose, kai neproporcingai pabrėžiant naudos dimensiją slepiama ar net naikinama prasmės plotmė, neišvengiamai apimanti ir religinį komponentą. Naudos/prasmės perskyros metodologinės ištakos aptinkamos vyraujančioje ekonomikos pamato ir jos metodo koncepcijoje, kurioje ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas racionalaus ekonominio individo sampratai bei pozityviosios ir normatyvinės ekonomikos perskyrai. Parodoma, kaip racionalaus individo koncepcijos vidinis prieštaringumas bei pozityvios/normatyvinės ekonomikos atskyrimas gimdo fakto/vertybės skirtį, itin giliai įsišaknijusią tiek ekonominėje politikoje, bet ir pačioje modernios ekonominės teorijos pamate. Aptariant populiarėjančią religijos ekonomikos koncepciją, demonstruojama, kaip nuostata religijos klausimus matyti iš išimtinai ekonomikos perspektyvos naikina esmines religijos dimensijas, o pastanga religijos ir ekonomikos sankirtų ieškoti pirmiausiai besirenkančio subjekto laikysenoje nepanaikindama fakto/vertybės skirties, ją transformuoja į naudos/prasmės perskyrą. Darbe parodoma, kaip fakto/vertybės ir atitinkamai, naudos/prasmės, skirtys, užvaldžiusios ekonomikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master‘s thesis The Economic Ground of Religious Choice portrays an attempt to divulge the origins of the methodological and, in part, theoretical principles of the economics of religion, a concept which is presently gaining great popularity throughout the world. The work also demonstrates possible limits of application concerning the concepts under consideration. In highlighting the methodological assumptions of the issue, economic studies expose the notion of distinction between utility and meaning: by disproportionately emphasizing the utility dimension, the plane of meaning is hidden or even eliminated, inevitably incorporating the religious component as well. Methodological origins of the utility/meaning distinction are encountered in the prevailing concept of economic basis and means, where particular consideration is given to the comprehension of a rational, economic individual, as well as to the distinction between positive and normative economies. This demonstrates how the internal contradiction of a rational individual’s comprehension and the distinction of positive/normative economy give rise to fact-value distinction that is particularly deeply rooted not only in economic policy, but also in the very foundation of mainstream economic theory. Deliberation of an economics of religion concept, a concept that is gaining popularity, demonstrates how the principle of viewing religious issues exclusively from an economic perspective destroys essential religious... [to full text]

Subjektyvi skausmo reikšmė: medicinos studentų ir dirbančių gydytojų požiūris / Subjective pain meaning: the viewpoint of medical students and medical doctors

Mikuličiūtė, Vita 23 June 2014 (has links)
Gydytojai – ypatingai su skausmu susijusi žmonių grupė. Jie ne tik kasdien kaip specialistai susiduria su kitų žmonių skausmu, bet ir patys gali karts nuo karto patirti didesnį ar mažesnį skausmą. Tai, kaip jie supranta šį potyrį, įtakoja ir jų pačių skausmo įveikos būdus, ir tai, kaip jie reaguoja į pacientų nusiskundimus. Tyrimo metu buvo siekiama nustatyti, kaip skausmą supranta skirtingų kartų ir skirtingo išsimokslinimo medicinos studentai bei jau dirbantys gydytojai. Tikrinama hipotezė, kad studijų pakopa, teorinės žinios bei darbo su pacientais patirtis gali įtakoti skausmui priskiriamą reikšmę. Hipotezėms tikrinti buvo pasirinkta Q metodologija. 44 pirmojo ir 36 penktojo VU Medicinos fakulteto medicinos specialybės studentai bei 32 dirbantys įvairių specializacijų gydytojai užpildė „Skausmo reikšmės klausimyną“, kurį sudaro 92 teiginiai – įvairūs skausmo apibūdinimai. Šie teiginiai turėtų atspindėti lietuviškos kultūros suformuotą skausmo reikšmę, nes buvo surinkti remiantis tokiais šaltiniais: lietuviškos literatūros apie skausmą analize, interviu su 9-iais asmenimis, 3-jų fokus grupių medžiaga. Taip pat, siekiant įtraukti kuo įvairesnes nuomones apie skausmą, keletas teiginių buvo paimta iš S. Aldrich ir C. Eccleston naudoto klausimyno „Making sense of everyday pain“ (2000). Statistiškai apdorojant rezultatus, buvo atliekama faktorinė analizė. Kiekvienai imčiai išskirta po 9 faktorius. Nustatyta, kad subjektyvi skausmo reikšmė, kurią turi sukūrę medicinos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Physicians have particular relations to pain. They not only as specialists encounter other‘s pain every day, but also can suffer their own pain on some occasions. How they understand this phenomenon is related to their own ways of pain coping and to their reaction to the patients. In our research we tried to estimate how medical students and employed physicians, belonging to different generations and having different educational experience understand pain. The hypothesis was raised, saying that age, theoretical knowledge and working with patients experience can influence the meaning of pain. To test hypothesis Q methodology was used. 44 first year, 35 fifth year medical students and 32 placticizing physicians took part in our investigation and filled in “The Meaning of Pain Questionnaire”, which consisted of 92 different statements – variuos pain descriptions. These statements should reflect the meaning of pain created by Lithuanian culture, because they were collected using such sources: analysis of the Lithuanian literature about pain, individual interviews with 9 persons and material of 3 focus groups. Some statements from Aldrich and Eccleston (2000) questionnaire „Making sense of everyday pain“ were included as well. Statistical analysis was based on factor discrimination. 9 factors (accounts) were discriminated from the answers of participants in each group. It was inferred, that the subjective meaning of pain, which was constructed by medical students and employed... [to full text]

Model upravljanja poplavama na ravničarskim rekama na primeru Dunava kroz Srbiju / Flood management of lowland rivers in the stream of the Danube riverthrough Serbia

Kolaković Slobodan 25 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Doktorska disertacija razrađuje metodologiju izrade modela upravljanja poplavama na velikim ravničarskim rekama korišćenjem preciznih digitalnih modela terena (DTM) i kombinacije 1D/2D hidrauličkih modela nestacionarnog tečenja. Za razradu modela korišćena je reka Dunav na teritoriji Srbije sa svojim pritokama. Dužina hidrauličkog modela je 715 km i postignuta tačnost modela, poređenjem izračunatih i izmerenih nivoa na devet vodomernih stanica, je ispod 10 cm. Dosadašnja strategija odbrane od poplava na velikim rekama, kao što je Dunav, bazirala se na &quot;pasivnim merama&quot; izgradnje nasipa i kejskih zidova. U radu je prikazana mogućnost primene nove strategije upravljanjem poplavnog talasa preko uređenih retenzija. Rezultati disertacije su omogućili i rekonstrukciju poplavnog talasa iz 1965. g.</p> / <p>The dissertation elaborates a methodology for flood management model on<br />large lowland rivers using precision digital terrain models (DTM) and<br />combined 1D/2D unsteady flow model. For the development of the model,<br />the river Danube on the territory of Serbia was used with its tributaries. The<br />length of the hydraulic model is 715 km and the achieved accuracy of the<br />model, by comparing the calculated and observed levels on 10 water<br />stations, is below 10 cm. Оur current defense against floods in big lowland<br />rivers is relied on passive defence with building and overhanging existing<br />levees and walls. In dissertation is shown the possibility of applying a new<br />strategies of flood management with retentions. The results of the<br />dissertation also enabled the reconstruction of the 1965. flood wave.</p>

Organizacinė kultūra kelių tiesimo įmonėse / Organizational culture in road construction companies

Zapalskis, Marius 13 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas - ištirti organizacinės kultūros formavimo aspektus kelių tiesimo įmonėse. Atlikus mokslinės literatūros analizę buvo atskleisti organizacinės kultūros esmė, bendrieji bruožai, funkcijos, tipai, ją lemiantys veiksniai bei vadovo įtaka organizacinės kultūros formavimui ir gerinimui. Atliekant tyrimą buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti kokie organizacinės kultūros tipai vyrauja dviejose kelių tiesimo įmonėse. / The aim of the master's thesis ir to analyze aspects of formation of organizational culture for road construction companies. After the literature analysis was revealed the concept of organizational culture, their general features, functions, types, its determinants and the influence of the head of organizational culture formation and improvement. The study was designed to ascertain what organizational culture dominated by two types of road construction companies.

Agile požiūrio taikymas internetinių svetainių kūrime / The application of agile approach in the development of web sites

Šilinskaitė, Viktorija 28 January 2008 (has links)
Greitas internetinių svetainių skaičiaus padidėjimas per paskutinius keletą metų rodo informacijos, pasiekiamos internetu, svarbą. Daug įmonių kuria internetines svetaines, bet jie susiduria su problemomis, susijusiomis su reikalavimų pasikeitimais kūrimo eigoje. Šiame darbe nagrinėjama Agile požiūrio pritaikymo galimybės internetinėms svetainėms kurti. Darbe atlikta jau esamų metodų analizė, kuri parodė, kad internetinių svetainių kūrimui nėra visiškai tinkamo metodo, todėl darbo uždavinys - sukurti metodą, paremtą Scrum ir FDD savybėmis internetinių svetainių kūrimui. / A fast increase in the number of web sites the last years, shows the importance of information existing in web sites giving the possibility for users to have access to it. Many companies create websites, but they face problems related with requirements changing until the developing process completes. In this work you will find analysis of software development methods. Agile approach allows changing requirements even in last phase of the developing process. Creating a web site does not follow one single path and there is no ideal method creating a web site. In this dissertation will be analyzed a method for web sites development based on Agile approach.

Dometi i ograniĉenja kvalitativnih istraţivanja u pedagogiji / Scope and limitations of qualitative research in pedagogy

Ševkušić Slavica 24 December 2008 (has links)
<p>Cilj rada je da se ukaţe na prednosti i ograniĉenja kvalitativnih istraţivaĉkih pristupa u saznavanju i unapreĊivanju pedago&scaron;ke stvarnosti, kao i da se ukaţe na mogućnosti i probleme kombinovanja kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih metoda u prouĉavanju odreĊenih pedago&scaron;kih problema. U prvom delu rada, razmatraju se teorijske pretpostavke koje leţe u osnovi kvalitativnih istraţivaĉkih pristupa, predstavljajući ih kao kritiĉke i kao komplementarne kvantitativnim pristupima. Diskutujemo o posebnim pitanjima koja smatramo vaţnim za polje kvalitativnog pedago&scaron;kog diskursa: o kriterijumima nauĉnosti, strategijama formiranja uzorka i relevantnosti ovih istraţivanja za praksu i planiranje obrazovne politike. Detaljnije su razmotrena tri kvalitativna istraţivaĉka pristupa: studija sluĉaja, etnografski pristup i akciono istraţivanje, odnosno dometi i ograniĉenja primene ovih pristupa u prouĉavanju pedago&scaron;kih fenomena. Na kraju prvog dela rada, raspravljamo o mogućnostima i ograniĉenjima istraţivaĉkih nacrta u kojima se kombinuju kvalitativne i kvantitativne metode. U drugom delu rada, na primeru na&scaron;eg akcionog istraţivanja u osnovnoj &scaron;koli ilustrujemo doprinos ovog pristipa saznavanju i menjanju pedago&scaron;ke stvarnosti. Reĉ je o razvijanju i evaluaciji alternativnog programa razredne nastave, ĉija je jedna od osnovnih karakteristika primena grupno-istraţivaĉkog modela uĉenja. U istraţivaĉkom nacrtu kombinovani su kvalitativni i kvantitativni postupci i tehnike za prikupljanje podataka. Detaljnije je prikazan deo rezultata istraţivanja koji se odnosi na primenu grupno-istraţivaĉkog rada uĉenika u nastavi na tematski organizovanim nastavnim sadrţajima Poznavanja dru&scaron;tva u ĉetvrtom razredu, kao ilustracija mogućnosti akcionog istraţivanja da doprinese lak&scaron;em uvoĊenju inovacija u pedago&scaron;ku praksu. U tom smislu, kao poseban doprinos istraţivanja, dajemo predlog za izmene u programskim sadrţajima ovog predmeta i pristupima za njihovo izuĉavanje.</p> / <p>The goal of this paper is to point out to the advantages and limitations of qualitative research approaches in learning about and advancing the pedagogical reality, as well as to point out to the possibilities and problems of combining qualitative and quantitative methods in studying certain pedagogical problems. In the first part of the paper, we discuss theoretical assumptions underlying qualitative research approaches, presenting them as critical and complementary to quantitative approaches. We discuss special issues that we consider important for the field of qualitative pedagogical discourse: the criteria of scientific nature, the strategies for sample formation and relevance of these types of research for practice and planning of educational policy. Three qualitative research approaches have been considered in more detail: case study, ethnographic approach and action research, that is, the scope and limitations of application of these approaches in studying pedagogical phenomena. In the end of the first part of the paper, we discuss the possibilities and limitations of research designs that combine qualitative and quantitative methods. In the second part of the paper, on the example of our action research in primary school, we illustrate the contribution of this approach to learning about and changing the pedagogical reality. We are dealing with the development and evaluation of an alternative program of primary school, which has as one of its basic characteristics the application of group-investigation model of learning. This research design combines qualitative and quantitative procedures and data collection techniques. There is a more detailed presentation of that portion of research results that refers to the application of group-investigation work of pupils in class on topically organised teaching contents of Social Science in the fourth grade, as an illustration of the possibilities of action research to contribute to the easier introduction of innovations in educational practice. In that sense, as a special contribution of this research, we provide a suggestion for changes in program contents of this subject and approaches to their studying.</p>

Transdisciplinarna istraživačka paradigma u razvoju održive fizičke strukture grada / Transdisciplinary research paradigm in sustainable development of the physical structure of the city

Perović Svetlana 24 September 2014 (has links)
<p>U tezi je istražena potreba za integrisanim znanjem u održivom razvoju fizičke strukture grada u 21. vijeku. Zatim je na teorijskom nivou predložen novi model-univerzalna transdisciplinarna istraživačka paradigma, koja treba da doprinese uspješnom rešavanju kompleksnih problema u procesu održivog razvoja fizičke strukture grada.Eksperimentalne studije slučaja sprovedene na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Podgorici, potvrđuju mogućnost praktične primjene novog modela, a empirijsko istraživanje je poslužilo kao potvrda o potrebi za transdisciplinarnom metodologijom. Komparativna analiza vrijednosti projekata dobijenih kroz različite metodološke pristupe, potvrdila je validnost predloženog metodološkog modela.</p> / <p>The thesis explores the need for integrated knowledge in the sustainable<br />development of the physical structure of the city in the 21st century.Then, on the<br />theoretical level, the new model was proposed -universal transdisciplinary research<br />paradigm, which should contribute to the successful resolution of complex problems<br />in the process of the sustainable development of the physical structure of the<br />city.The experimental case studies conducted at the Faculty of Architecture in<br />Podgorica, confirm the possibility of practical application of the new model, and the<br />empirical research has served as a confirmation of the need for transdisciplinary<br />methodology. Comparative analysis of the value of projects obtained through<br />different methodological approaches, confirmed the validity of the proposed<br />methodological model.</p>

Socialinės pedagogikos neakivaizdinių studijų programos absolventų(2001 – 2005) studijų kokybės vertinimas / Social pedagogy study programme by the former (2001-2005) students

Steponavičiūtė, Miglė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Mokslinė problema ir tyrimo aktualumas Lietuvos aukštosioms mokykloms siekiant integruotis į Europos švietimo erdvę, pati svarbiausia problema išlieka studijų kokybės užtikrinimas. Studijų programų rengimo ir kokybės vertinimo problemos užsienyje gana seniai nagrinėjamos (Losak, John. Burns, Neil; Windle, Ochberg), tačiau Lietuvoje šie tyrimai mažiau išplėtoti. Iki šiol problema analizuota gana epizodiškai, atskirus kriterijus lyginant su universitetinėmis studijomis (E. Stumbrys, 2006). Studijų programų kokybės sampratos ir vertinimo problemas (universitetiniu lygmeniu) susijusias su studijų programų raida ir vystymusi, tyrė K. Pukelis (2004), N. Pilevičienė (2004), I. Savickienė (2004). Daugelis universitetų studijų kokybę vertina pagal dėstytojų ar kitų universiteto darbuotojų požiūrį. Pastarųjų vertinimas iš dalies yra objektyvus - jie dalyvauja studijų procese ilgesnį laiką nei studentai, aiškiau vertina esamą padėtį. Bet reikėtų į problemą pažvelgti kitu aspektu. Vartotojų, šiuo atveju, studentų nuomonė yra svarbi ne tik ateityje tobulinant studijų programos kokybę, bet ir siekiant kelti aukštosios mokyklos autoritetą. Tyrimo objektas: Socialinės pedagogikos neakivaizdinių studijų programos kokybės vertinimas. Tyrimo hipotezės: Tikėtina, kad dauguma socialinės pedagogikos neakivaizdinių studijų programos absolventų pozityviai vertina pasirinktos studijų programos kokybę. Tikėtina, kad socialinės pedagogikos neakivaizdinių studijų programos kokybė įtakojo sėkmingą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theoretical analysis of the scientific literature and media topicality was carried out in this work. Two hypotheses were set out: • most of the extramural social pedagogy study programme students positively valuate study quality at the Siauliai university Faculty of Social wealth and disability studies; • study quality of Faculty of Social wealth and disability studies had an impact to the successful social pedagogue’s further professional socialization. The quantitative research was carried out with reference to theoretical information. The questionnaire survey method was used in this research. The main aim of the research was to find out the peculiarities of the quality evaluation of extramural Social pedagogy study programme by the former (2001-2005) students. The empirical part of the work compound of the selected study programme quality valuation and the question of the professional socialization which is one of the main indicators describing study quality in this programme. The main conclusions of the empirical research: 1. Social pedagogy graduates successfully socialized in the labour market. Although part of them worked not accordance the specialty or in the field where higher education diploma is not necessary. 2. Investigative felt satisfaction with their professional activity. Self-realization at work was their priority. 3. The diploma of the social pedagogy influenced graduate’s career development, gave some knowledge or positively influenced the... [to full text]

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