Spelling suggestions: "subject:"met"" "subject:"meta""
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Evaluation Of The Writing Component Of An English Languageteaching Program At A Public University:a Case StudyCoskun, Abdullah 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study has the main objective of evaluating the effectiveness of the writing component of the program applied at the Department of Basic English (DBE) and the Department of Modern Languages (DML) at Middle East Technical University (METU) in the 2010-2011 academic year in terms of program objectives, materials and content,
teaching-learning process and the assessment of the writing skills. The opinions of the DBE and DML instructors, program coordinators and students as well as the content course instructors at different departments at METU were mainly obtained via questionnaires and interviews. The data collected via the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 15 while the analysis of all the qualitative data was done though content analysis.
The results of the questionnaires indicated that the writing components of the program at the DBE and the DML were generally effective as for the dimensions of the programs as specified in the research questions from the perspective of instructors and students. However, the qualitative data revealed participants&rsquo / suggestions for the improvement of the existing writing programs at both departments. Some of the major conclusions that can be drawn from DBE students&rsquo / and instructors&rsquo / suggestions are as follows: There is a need to switch the focus from discourse-level writing to more freewriting practices through more student-centered activities / the materials should be more visually attractive / the assessment procedure applied to test students&rsquo / writing ability in the mid-terms should be standardized and the writing tasks as tested in the English Proficiency Exam (EPE) should be focused on in writing classes.
On the other hand, as for the writing program at the DML, the need for the diversification of the writing genres, topics and the citation rules covered in the ENG 101 and ENG 102 courses depending on students&rsquo / departments was emphasized by the DML participants. Similarly, DBE participants underlined the need for departmentrelated content in writing materials. Also, the content course instructors agreed that the writing program applied at the DBE and the DML should be department-specific. In other words, this study displayed the necessity to conduct a needs analysis aiming to reveal DBE and DML students&rsquo / writing needs for their departments.
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A Study Of Passerine Migration At Metu(ankara, Central Turkey) Based On The Mist-netting MethodKesapli Can, Ozge 01 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Turkey is on the main migratory route for many bird species although especially passerine migration is little known. The objective of this study is to document and analyze the diversity, abundances, daily and seasonal phenologies of migrating passerines at METU as well as compare seasonal phenologies with those obtained at Manyas KuScenneti(Balikesir) and Cernek(Samsun) stations.
The study covers autumn 2001, spring and autumn 2002 migration seasons. Methodology is based on the capture and ringing of passerines. In the first two seasons, intermittent sampling was the rule, but in autumn 2002 the study was continuous throughout the day and the season.
Totally 1,832 individuals of 60 passerine species were ringed. Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) and Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) were the two most common species. Blackcap dominates species composition in autumn seasons with a very high percentage (%33).
Daily captures peaked in the early morning and with a smaller peak one hour before the sunset. Several waves of migrants were detected in autumn 2002, with most peaks in close correlation with those recorded at Cernek station, indicating some connection between migrant populations using both sites for stopover. Fat depositon rates showed at least Yalincak is a high quality stopover site for most migrant species since many species gained weight up to around 50% within a period of 10 days.
This is the first study documenting passerine migration in Turkey, and it revealed that small wooded landscapes within less hospitable habitats provide crucial stopover habitat for many migrant passerines.
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Evaluating Public Transportation Alternatives In The Metu Campus With The Aid Of GisGulluoglu, Cem Naim 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have been rapidly developed in the fields that need spatial data and transportation planning is one of these fields. Since transportation data is spatially distributed and need spatial, statistical and network based analysis / GIS applications have contributions to transportation planning. In this study, it is aimed to determine a new public transportation mode and route in the METU campus with the aid of GIS by considering the stations of Ç / ayyolu metro route. Besides, it is also aimed to show that GIS can be a useful tool for constructing transport planning database and exploring, analyzing planning data. Gross settlement area of the campus, covering about 220 hectare land on the southern side of the Ankara & / #8211 / EskiSehir highway, is the study area of this thesis. First, campus land-use, topography, population characteristics and transportation structure are explored. Then, campus trip demand and pedestrian traffic are estimated. Afterwards, eight public transport route alternatives are proposed with their stops or stations for three different modes as / guided light transit, modern trolleybus and monorail. Proposed routes and stops or stations are evaluated with their physical characteristics and in terms of service areas shaped relative to pedestrian accessibility for determining the suitable public transport service in the METU campus. Consequently, Trolleybus B alternative is selected as the first degree suitable public transport service in campus. Besides, Monorail B and Trolleybus A services are determined as the second degree suitable services in campus.
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Experimental And Computational Investigation Of The Emergency Coolant Injection Effect In A Candu Inlet HeaderTurhan, K. Zafer 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Inlet headers in the primary heat transport system(PHTS) of CANDU type reactors, are used to collect the coolant coming from the steam generators and distribute them into the reactor core via several feeders. During a postulated loss of coolant accident (LOCA), depressurization and vapor supplement into the core may occur, which
results a deterioration in the heat transfer from fuel to the coolant. When a depressurization occurs, &ldquo / Emergency Coolant Injection(ECI)&rdquo / system in the PHTS in CANDU reactors, is automatically become active and supply coolant is fed into the
reactor core via the inlet header and feeders. .
This study is focused on the experimental and computational investigation of the ECI effect during a LOCA in a CANDU inlet header. The experiments were carried out in METU Two-Phase Flow Test Facility which consists of a scaled CANDU inlet
header having 5 connected feeders. The same tests were simulated with a one dimensional two-fluid computer code, CATHENA, developed by Atomic Energy of
Canada Limited(AECL).
The average void fraction and the two phase mass flowrate data measured in the experiments are compared with the results obtained from CATHENA simulation. Although a few mismatched points exist, the results coming from two different
studies are mostly matching reasonably. Lack of three-dimensional modeling for headers in CATHENA and experimental errors are thought to be the reasons for
these dismatches.
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The Pragmatic Features of Spontaneous Conversation / Spontaniško pokalbio pragmatiniai bruožaiŠurpikienė, Nastasija 16 August 2007 (has links)
The paper gives a detailed examination of the pragmatic features of spontaneous (unprepared) conversation in English. The analysis is based on radio and everyday conversations. It covers such pragmatic features as backchannels, overlaps, and repairs. Two types of spontaneous conversations were subjected to analysis – partially prepared radio discussions and spontaneous (unprepared) everyday conversations. The method chosen for the study was conversation analysis. The research demonstrated that the spontaneous everyday conversations were more ‘messy’ in terms of produced backchannels and overlaps since all the speakers were self-selectant and there was no monitor, as in the radio discussions. However, the radio discussions contained more repairs which were due to a high planning effort on the part of the speakers. All the analyzed disfluencies proved to be natural components of face-to-face interactions performing the function of cooperation. The disfluencies for the most part did not add to the main content of the conversations and discussions; however, some modifications in the speakers’ utterances did take place as a reaction to certain backchannels and overlaps. The disfluencies appeared to be useful devices used for the expression and interpretation of the intended meanings of the speakers. / Šitas darbas detaliai nagrinėja spontaniško (neparuošto) pokalbio pragmatinius bruožus anglų kalboje. Tyrinėjimas apima tokius pragmatinius bruožus kaip atsakomosios reakcijos signalai (backchannels), taisymai (repairs) ir overlaps, kai pokalbio dalyviai kalba vienu metu. Spontaniškiems pokalbiams yra būdingos kalbėtojų kaitos procesai, kurie gali pasižymėti įvairiais kalbėjimo nesklandumais (disfluencies). Kalbėjimo nesklandumai yra būdingi visiems pokalbių tipams (žanrams). Šito darbo dėmesio centre yra faktoriai, sąlygojantys spontanišką bendravimą; skirtumai tarp spontaniško ir paruošto pokalbio; šnekos nesklandumų tipai radijo ir kasdieniame spontaniškame bendravime, ir reliatyvus šitų nesklandumų dažnumas abėjų tipų pokalbiuose.
Dažniausiai kalbėtojų kaitos procesų ypatybės ir leidžia atskirti pokalbių tipus ( rūšis). Paruoštame pokalbyje perėjimas nuo vieno kalbėtojo pasisakymo prie kito yra sklandus: vienas kalbėtojas pradėda, užbaigia savo pasisakymą, po to kitas kalbėtojas pradėda kalbėti ir užbaigia savo pasisakymą. Toks sklandumas išplaukia iš kalbėtojų išankstinio žinojimo, ką sakyti ir kiek sakyti. Spontaniškame pokalbyje kalbėtojai tokio žinojimo neturi; bendravime nėra aiškiai apibrėžto plano, dėl to jam yra būdingi kalbėjimo nesklandumai.
Buvo analizuoti du spontaniškų pokalbių tipai- iš dalies paruoštos radijo diskusijos ir spontaniški (neparuošti) kasdieniai pokalbiai. Tyrimo tikslai buvo: apibrėžti pasitaikusių nesklandumų tipus radijo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Dėl nėštumo patologijos stacionare besigydančių moterų baimių, susijusių su gimdymu, ir savigarbos ypatumai / The Aspects of Self-Esteem During Pregnancy and Fear of Delivery Among Pregnant Women Hospitalized due to Pathology of PregnancyJakaitė, Greta 21 December 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti ir palyginti dėl nėštumo patologijos stacionare besigydančių ir sveikų nėščiųjų gimdymo baimę, jos sąsajas su savigarba, savęs vertinimu nėštumo metu, nėštumo bei sociodemografiniais rodikliais.
Tyrime dalyvavo Kauno medicinos universitetinių klinikų Moterų konsultacijos ir Kauno apskrities ligoninės filialo Krikščioniškų gimdymo namų 122 sveikos nėščiosios ir 146 nėščios moterys, kurios tyrimo metu dėl nėštumo patologijos besigydžiusios Kauno medicinos universitetinių klinikų Akušerijos ir ginekologijos klinikų: Nėštumo ir ekstragenitalinių ligų, Priešlaikinio gimdymo ir nėščiųjų infekcijų, Nėštumo patologijos sektoriuose. Tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis 28,58 +/- SD 5,08 metai.
Nėščių moterų gimdymo baimei įvertinti buvo naudojamas B. Areskog (1982) sukurtas ir T. Saisto (2001) modifikuotas Gimdymo baimės klausimynas (angl. Fear of Childbirth Questionnaire), kurį sudaro 10 teiginių.
Tiriamųjų savigarbai tirti buvo naudota M. Rosenberg savigarbos skalė (angl. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale – RSE) ir nėščių moterų savęs vertinimui nėštumo metu buvo naudojamas Savęs vertinimo nėštumo metu klausimynas (angl. The Prenatal Self-Evaluation Questionnaire) sudarytas iš 7 skalių, sukurtas R. Lederman (2005/2006).
Tyrimas atskleidė, kad turinčios aukštesnę savigarbą sveikos ir besigydžiusios stacionare dėl nėštumo patologijos nėščios moterys geriau save vertina nėštumo metu. Sveikų ir dėl nėštumo patologijos einamojo nėštumo metu nėščiųjų savigarbos ir savęs... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Aim of the MA Thesis (Research) is to evaluate and compare the fear of delivery among healthy pregnant women and women hospitalized due to pathology of pregnancy, to analyze how much fear of delivery influences self-esteem and self-esteem during pregnancy, pregnancy itself and socio-demographic indexes.
The participants of the research are 122 healthy pregnant women who gave birth in Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine and Kaunas Christian Maternity Hospital (Department of Kaunas County Hospital) and 146 pregnant women who were hospitalized and treated in Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology due to pathology of pregnancy. The age of the participants of the research is 28,58 +/-SD 5,08 years.
Fear of Childbirth Questionnaire (created by B. Areskog (1982) and modified by T. Saisto (2001)) is used in order to evaluate the fear of delivery among pregnant women. The questionnaire includes 10 statements. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale – RSE by M. Rosenberg is applied to assess self-esteem of pregnant women. The Prenatal Self Evaluation Questionnaire of 7 scales by R. Lederman (2005/2006) is applied for pregnant women in order to evaluate their self-esteem during pregnancy.
The research revealed that both healthy pregnant women and pregnant women who were hospitalized and treated due to pathology of pregnancy but having higher self-esteem in general possess better self-esteem during pregnancy. Healthy pregnant women and... [to full text]
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Lietuvos jaunių merginų krepšinio rinktinės žaidėjų fizinio pajėgumo, dėmesio sutelktumo ir reakcijos laiko pokyčiai rungtyniaujant dvi dienas iš eilės / Changes of physical fitness, concentration of attention and reaction time of lithuanian junior girls’ basketball squad players playing two consecutive daysPetrauskas, Marius 28 June 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas - yra žinoma, kad sportininkams rungtyniaujant rinktinių čempionatuose ar turnyruose yra gaunamas labai didelis fizinis krūvis. Kartais tenka sužaisti 2-3 rungtynes per dvejas, trejas dienas. Dėl šios priežasties, šiame tyrime bus analizuojamas dviejų dienų varžybinis laikotarpis plačiau ir įvertinama jėgos, greitumo, reakcijos, dėmesio sutelktumo rodiklių kaita. Tai padės geriau įvertinti krepšininkių pasirengimą kelių dienų varžybiniam laikotarpiui. Pasiruošimo krepšinio čempionatams metu, treneriai turės daugiau informacijos kokių fizinių savybių tobulinimui skirti didesnį dėmesį, atsižvelgdami į mūsų tyrimo gautus rezultatus.
Tikslas – nustatyti Lietuvos jaunių merginų krepšinio rinktinės žaidėjų fizinio pajėgumo, dėmesio sutelktumo ir reakcijos laiko pokyčius rungtyniaujant dvi dienas iš eilės.
1. Nustatyti krepšininkių fizinį pajėgumą, dėmesio sutelktumą ir reakcijos laiko pokyčius prieš, per ir po pirmųjų rungtynių.
2. Nustatyti krepšininkių fizinį pajėgumą, dėmesio sutelktumą ir reakcijos laiko pokyčius prieš, per ir po antrųjų rungtynių.
3. Palyginti krepšininkių fizinio pajėgumo, dėmesio sutelktumo ir reakcijos laiko pokyčius tarp pirmųjų ir antrųjų rungtynių.
Išvados: 1. Iškart po pirmosios dienos rungtynių sumažėjo 20 m bėgimo greitis ir maksimalios valingos jėgos momentas.
2. Antrosios rungtynės reikšmingai sumažino tik sudėtingosios reakcijos laiką.
3. Lyginant pirmųjų ir antrųjų rungtynių rezultatus antros dienos rungtynių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this study – there is known, that there is produced very high physical activity for sportsmen participating in championships or tournaments of squads. At times they have to play 2-3 competitions in two-three days. Because of this reason, there will be more fully analyzed two-days competition period strength, speed, reaction and attention concentration change of rates estimated. This will help to evaluate better the bakstetball players preparation for a few days competition. Our analysis results will give more information for coatches to which physical properties needs to concentrate in period of prepartion for championship of basketball.
The aim – determine the changes of physical fitness, concentration of attention and reaction time of Lithuanian junior girls’ basketball squad players, playing two days in a row.
Tasks: 1. To determine the changes for basketball players of physical fitness, concentration of attention and reaction time before, at and after the first competition.
2. To determine the changes for basketball players of physical fitness, concentration of attention and reaction time before, at and after the second competition.
3. To compare the changes for basketball players of physical fitness, concentration of attention and reaction time between the first and the second competitions.
Conclusions - 1. At once after the firts competition 20 m runing speed and maximum voluntary conraction force moment decreased.
2. The second competition... [to full text]
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Hands-on Building Practice In Architectural Education: Metu Summer Construction PracticesTurgay, Ozce 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the position of hands-on building practices in architectural education by focusing on METU Summer Construction Practices (ARCH190), which has been conducted in the rural sites of Turkey since 1958. It is believed that the summer construction practice is a tool of education to acquire knowledge of architecture by building 1-to-1 scale constructions. METU Summer Construction Practices are examined by asking the questions of what is learned and how is learned in order to understand both the content and objectives and also the pedagogic strategies, learning methods of the summer construction practices. The main purpose of summer construction practices is learning how to build and ways of making architecture. The basic learning methods of METU summer construction practices are determined as learning by doing, learning with collaborative working, task-oriented and student-based active learning, integrating the tasks of designing-building, and learning from working with and for the context.
This study emphasizes that learning by building 1-to-1 scale constructions are complementary of learning in design studios, and it should become an integral part of the whole learning process in the design education. Hands-on building practice is a productive process that supports the design education. Students are expected to derive and produce knowledge by building full-scale constructions in the real site. The thesis argues for the fact that hands-on building practice is to be more than the obtaining of knowledge and skill of making architecture only by instructions. Learning process is to be based on the simultaneous involvement of thinking-doing (taking action)-skill-production of knowledge rather than a linear process of knowledge-skill-taking action.
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Treniravimo veiksnių įtaka sportiniam rezultatui plaukime: jėgos komponentai / The influence of training factors to the results in swimming: strength componentsMudėnas, Gediminas 19 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – jėgos rodikliai įtakojantys sportinį rezultatą plaukime.
Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti kai kurių jėgos komponentų įtaką sportiniam rezultatui plaukime.
1. Identifikuoti plaukikų raumenų aktyvavimo ir jėgos pasireiškimo ypatybes plaukimo judesiuose.
2. Nustatyti ir palyginti skirtingo meistriškumo moterų plaukikių peties išorinio ir vidinio sukimo jėgos komponentus esant kampiniui greičiui 60 ° / s.
3. Nustatyti ir palyginti skirtingo meistriškumo vyrų plaukikų peties išorinio ir vidinio sukimo jėgos komponentus esant kampiniui greičiui 60 ° / s.
4. Išaiškinti skirtingo meistriškumo plaukikų raumenų disbalanso rodiklius.
Hipotezė - didelio meistriškumo plaukikų dinaminių (jėga, galingumas) charakteristikų rezultatai yra aukštesni nei vidutinio meistriškumo plaukikų.
1. Mokslininkai tyrinėję raumenų funkcijas plaukimo metu išskiria šias ypatybes:
1.1 Plaukiko judesių visumoje išskiriami 48 labiausiai reikšmingi raumenys, kurių tarpe pagrindinės raumenų grupės padedančios plaukikui judėti į priekį yra kaklo, rankų, liemens bei kojų raumenys, kurių funkciniam parengtumui turi būti skiriama daugiausia dėmesio.
1.2 Plaukime yra išskiriamos 4 plaukimo jėgos pasireiškimo formos: maksimalioji jėga, staigioji jėga, greitumo jėga bei ištvermės jėga. Kiekvienoje atskirai paimtoje plaukimo distancijoje šių jėgos parsireiškimo formų reikšmingumas yra savitas.
2. Didesnio meistriškumo moterų plaukikių peties išorinio ir vidinio sukimo jėgos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object – strength factors that have influence on the sport results in swimming.
The aim of the research – to examine some of the strength components which have an influence on the results in swimming.
1. Identify the swimmer's muscle activation and the force characteristics in the swimming movements.
2. To identify and compare the different levels of swimmers shoulder external and internal rotation force components at angular speed of 60 °/s.
3. To identify and compare the different levels of swimmers shoulder external and internal rotation force components at angular speed of 60 °/s.
4. To clarify the different levels of swimmers muscles imbalance rates.
Hypothesis – Higher skill swimmers dynamic (force, power) characteristics are better than the lower - skill swimmers.
1. Researchers have explored muscle function at swimming movements distinguishes these features:
1.1 In swimmer’s movements there are 48 most important muscles groups, including: neck, arms, torso and leg muscles which help swimmer’s to move forward.
1.2 Swimming distinguished 4 swimming force application forms: peak strength, explosive power, speed and strength endurance strength. Those forces have different impact on every different swimming distance.
2. Higher level women swimmers shoulder external and internal rotation strength ratios are better than lower-skill swimmers.
3. Higher level men swimmers shoulder external and internal rotation strength ratios are better than... [to full text]
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Perspective For The Reproduction Of Architectural Space: Arch524 As A PretextKapusuz, Beril Bilge 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Discovery of the linear perspective of the Renaissance is momentous in terms of the appearance of a new &ldquo / way of seeing&rdquo / that is central to the &ldquo / subject&rdquo / and emergence of a &ldquo / subjective&rdquo / &ldquo / way of representing&rdquo / the world. With the assumption that &ldquo / perspective&rdquo / is a cultural constituent of the &ldquo / Renaissance paradigm&rdquo / that generates the representational notions of art and architecture, perspective is considered as a &ldquo / convention&rdquo / and a &ldquo / mode of representation&rdquo / that has been influential until the &ldquo / paradigm shifts&rdquo / in the nineteenth and twentieth century. With the influx of the modernist avant-gardes, &ldquo / subjective&rdquo / linear perspective is replaced with the &ldquo / instruments&rdquo / of the new paradigm, and &ldquo / parallel projection&rdquo / becomes the mere tool for the representation and production of art and architecture introducing a new &ldquo / objective&rdquo / structure. The aim of this study is to reawaken and reconsider perspective through the &ldquo / conventions&rdquo / and the &ldquo / aberrations&rdquo / it reproduces. In this context, the course in the curriculum of METU Department of Architecture entitled Arch524 Architecture and Different Modes of Representation is covered as a &ldquo / pretext&rdquo / for this study. The theoretical framework and the structure of the course has a great impact on this study, since the course reconsider Renaissance perspective and its architectural production in a new context / within the modern architectural space of METU Faculty of Architecture Building. Following the traces of the selective works from the final exhibitions of the course, creating &ldquo / illusionistic spaces,&rdquo / and recalling the subject &ldquo / participation,&rdquo / it is questioned how perspective is &ldquo / exhibited&rdquo / and how the architectural space is reproduced.
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