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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metabolismo lipídico e estresse celular durante a maturação oocitária e o desenvolvimento embrionário in vivo e in vitro em bovinos / Lipid metabolism and cellular stress during in vivo and in vitro oocyte maturation and embryo development in bovine

Maite Barrondo Del Collado 21 July 2017 (has links)
Os mecanismos pelos quais a produção in vitro de embriões (PIVE) bovinos gera embriões com excessivo acúmulo lipídico, com elevado estresse celular e com reduzida criotolerância ainda são desconhecidos. Também permanece desconhecido quando essas alterações acontecem, se acontecem desde a maturação oocitária e o papel que as células do cumulus possuem neste mecanismo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar e comparar o metabolismo lipídico e homeostase celular, além dos perfis de miRNAs, durante a maturação oocitária e o desenvolvimento embrionário inicial in vivo e in vitro em bovinos. Para isso, o trabalho foi dividido em 4 estudos. No Estudo 1, intitulado \"A maturação in vitro gera complexos cumulus-oócitos metabolicamente desregulados e estressados em bovinos\" foram analisadas as células do cumulus e oócitos de complexos cumulus-oócitos (COCs) imaturos e maturados in vivo e in vitro. Foram realizadas análises de quantificação de lipídeos, espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs), glutationa reduzida (GSH), razão ATP/ADP assim como expressão de mRNAs e miRNAs relacionados com as vias de metabolismo e homeostase celular. A partir dos dados obtidos neste estudo, concluímos que a maturação in vitro (MIV) provoca aumento de lipídeos no COC, diminuição de GSH e da atividade mitocondrial nos oócitos, acompanhado por uma desregulação massiva das vias relacionadas a metabolismo e homeostase nas células do cumulus da MIV. No Estudo 2, intitulado \"A proteína ligadora de ácidos graxos 3 (Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3 - FABP3) e as projeções transzonais estão envolvidas no acúmulo lipídico durante a maturação in vitro em oócitos bovinos\" foi constatado aumento do conteúdo lipídico e da expressão da FABP3 nas células do cumulus da MIV, quando comparado ao sistema in vivo. Ainda, imunolocalizamos a FABP3 dentro das projeções transzonais (TZPs) e verificamos um aumento concomitante da FABP3 e dos lipídeos oocitários nas primeiras 9 horas da MIV. Mediante a remoção das TZPs às 9 horas da MIV e consequente diminuição lipídica observada no oócito, concluímos que existe um possível transporte de ácidos graxos a partir das células do cumulus até o oócito mediante FABP3 e TZPs. No Estudo 3, intitulado \"Alterações no metabolismo lipídico e homeostase celular entre embriões bovinos produzidos in vivo e in vitro\", verificamos que, mesmo utilizando um cultivo in vitro com baixa tensão de oxigênio e sem soro, os blastocistos da PIVE possuem maiores níveis de lipídeos e EROs que aqueles produzidos in vivo. Além disso, constatamos que essas alterações nos lipídeos durante a PIVE não estão acompanhadas de alterações de expressão, porém, existe um aumento na expressão de genes relacionados com estresse. No último estudo, \"O sistema in vitro altera o perfil de miRNAs durante a maturação oocitária e desenvolvimento embrionário inicial em bovino\", constatamos as diferenças no perfil de miRNAs e nas vias reguladas por estes nas células do cumulus e oócitos maturados in vivo e in vitro e em blastocistos produzidos in vivo e in vitro. Verificamos uma maior regulação por miRNAs durante a maturação nas células do cumulus comparado ao oócito. Além do mais, tanto no COC quanto nos blastocistos, os miRNAs mostraram regular vias importantes do metabolismo, comunicação celular e vias de sinalização importantes para a maturação e desenvolvimento embrionário inicial. Conjuntamente, este trabalho permitiu elucidar as diferenças que a PIVE provoca no metabolismo e homeostase celular e na expressão de miRNAs. / The mechanism through which in vitro embryo production (IVEP) generates embryos with higher lipid accumulation, overstressed and with reduced cryotolerance is unknown. It is also unknown when these alterations take place, if occurs since the oocyte maturation and the role of cumulus cells in this mechanism are also unknown. The aim of the present work was to study and compare the lipid metabolism and cellular homeostasis, as well as the miRNAs profile during oocyte maturation and early in vivo and in vitro embryo development in bovines. For that, the present work was divided in 4 studies. In Study 1, entitled \"in vitro maturation generates metabolically disrupted and overstressed cumulus-oocyte complexes in bovines\" cumulus cells and oocytes from immature and in vivo and in vitro matured cumulus-cells complexes (COC) were analyzed. Analysis of lipid stores, oxygen reactive species (ROS), reduced glutathione and ATP/ADP ratio quantification, as well as mRNAs and miRNAs involved with metabolism and cellular homeostasis pathways were performed. From the obtained data in this study, we concluded that in vitro maturation (IVM) leads to an increase of lipids in the COC, a decrease of oocyte GSH and mitochondrial activity, as well as a massive deregulation in metabolism and homeostasis related pathways in MIV cumuls cells. In Study 2, \"Fatty Acid Binding Protein 3 and transzonal projections are involved on lipid accumulation during in vitro maturation in bovine oocytes\" we observed an increase of lipid accumulation and FABP3 expression in MIV cumulus cells when compared to the in vivo system. Furthermore, we immunolocalized the FABP3 inside the transzonal projections (TZPs) and verified a concomitant increase of FABP3 and oocyte lipids on the first 9 hours of MIV. By removing the TZPs at 9 hours of MIV and by the consequent lipid decrease observed in the oocyte, we concluded that there is a possible traffic of fatty acids from the cumulus cells to the oocyte mediated by FABP3 and TZPs. In Study 3, entitled \"Alterations in lipid metabolism and cellular homeostasis between in vivo and in vitro produced bovine embryos\", we observed that, even though under serum free and low oxygen tension used during in vitro culture was used, IVP blastocysts had higher lipid and ROS levels than the counterparts produced in vivo. Moreover, we found that these lipid alterations during IVP are not followed by corresponding genes expression alterations, however, there is an increase of the expression of stress related genes. In the last study, \"in vitro system alters miRNAs profile during oocyte maturation and early embryo development in bovines\", we observed differences in miRNAs profiles and in pathways modulated by them in in vivo and in vitro matured cumulus cells and oocytes and in in vivo and in vitro produced blastocysts. We observed an intense miRNAs regulation during maturation in cumulus cells when compared to the oocyte. Furthermore, in both COC and blastocysts, miRNAs regulated important metabolism, cellular communication pathways, as well as important signaling pathways for maturation and early embryo development. Taken together, the findings of the present work allowed us to elucidate the differences caused by IVEP on cell metabolism and homeostasis as well as on miRNAs expression.

Role of miR-99a-5p in breast cancer: Translating molecular findings into clinical tools

Garrido Cano, Iris 21 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral, titulada "papel del miR-99a-5p en cáncer de mama: transformando hallazgos moleculares en herramientas clínicas" está centrada en el estudio del microRNA miR-99a-5p en cáncer de mama y en la determinación de su potencial como diana terapéutica y biomarcador para el diagnóstico de dicha enfermedad. En el primer capítulo, se lleva a cabo una revisión general del cáncer de mama y los microRNAs. A continuación, en el segundo capítulo se presentan los objetivos. En el tercer capítulo se compararon los perfiles de expresión de microRNAs de una línea celular de cáncer de mama resistente a doxorrubicina frente a la línea celular parental, dando lugar a la identificación del microRNA miR-99a-5p como el más desregulado entre ambas. A continuación, se confirmó que el miR-99a-5p aumenta la sensibilidad a doxorrubicina mediante la inhibición directa de la expresión de COX-2, que conlleva la inhibición de la expresión de la proteína ABCG2, ampliamente descrita por su papel en resistencia a fármacos. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se diseñaron nanodispositivos basados en nanopartículas mesoporosas de sílice para la liberación de miR-99a-5p y doxorrubicina en los tumores. Se confirmó la eficacia de las nanopartículas para reducir el crecimiento tumoral así como los efectos adversos asociados a la doxorrubicina libre en un modelo ortotópico murino de cáncer de mama. En el cuarto capítulo, se evaluó el potencial del miR-99a-5p como biomarcador para el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama. Se determinó la expresión del microRNA en tumores primarios de cáncer de mama y en tejidos sanos. Los resultados mostraron que el miR-99a-5p se encuentra infraexpresado en los tejidos cancerosos. A continuación, con el objeto de determinar el potencial del miR-99a-5p como biomarcador mínimamente invasivo, se determinaron los niveles de expresión en plasma de pacientes de cáncer de mama y de donantes sanos. Se encontró que el miR-99a-5p se encuentra a mayor concentración en el plasma de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Estos resultados se validaron en una cohorte independiente. Mediante el análisis en base a curvas ROC se confirmó que el miR-99a-5p es útil como biomarcador no invasivo para el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama incluso en estadíos tempranos de la enfermedad. El quinto capítulo se centra el diseño y validación de un biosensor basado en soportes de alúmina mesoporosa para la detección del miR-99a-5p en plasma. Los poros de una placa de alúmina mesoporosa se cargaron con el fluoróforo rodamina B, y se utilizaron oligonucleótidos complementarios a la secuencia del miR-99a-5p como puertas moleculares capaces de retener los fluoróforos en el interior de los poros. En presencia del miR-99a-5p, se produce liberación de rodamina B, que es posteriormente detectada ópticamente. Se confirmó la especificidad del biosensor, así como su alta sensibilidad. Además, utilizando muestras de plasma de pacientes de cáncer de mama y controles sanos, se confirmó la eficiencia del dispositivo para detectar cáncer de mama incluso en estadíos tempranos. Por último, en los capítulos cinco y seis se presentan la discusión general y las conclusiones principales extraídas. En conclusión, esta tesis doctoral demuestra que el miR-99a-5p tiene potencial como diana terapéutica y biomarcador para el cáncer de mama, y podría ser útil para mejorar el pronóstico de los pacientes con dicha enfermedad. Se ha elucidado que uno de los mecanismos por los que el miR-99a-5p está involucrado en sensibilidad a doxorrubicina es mediante la regulación del eje COX-2/ABCG2. Además, las nanopartículas diseñadas para la administración combinada de miR-99a-5p y doxorrubicina se presentan como una herramienta con gran potencial para el tratamiento oncológico. Por último, aprovechando el potencial del miR-99a-5p como biomarcador diagnóstico, se ha desarrollado un sistema de detección que podría ser una herramienta útil para mejorar la detección temprana del cáncer de mama. / [CA] La present tesis doctoral, titulada "paper del miR-99a-5p en càncer de mama: transformant descobriments moleculars en eines clíniques" està centrada en l'estudi del microRNA miR-99a-5p en càncer de mama i en la determinació del seu potencial com a diana terapèutica i biomarcador per al diagnòstic d'aquesta malaltia. En el primer capítol, es du a terme una revisió general del càncer de mama i els microRNAs. A continuació, en el segon capítol es presenten els objectius. En el tercer capítol es van comparar els perfils d'expressió de microRNAs d'una línia cel·lular de càncer de mama resistent a doxorrubicina amb la seua línia parental, donant lloc a la identificació del microRNA miR-99a-5p com el més desregulat entre ambdues. A continuació, es va confirmar que el miR-99a-5p augmenta la sensibilitat al fàrmac mijançant la inhibició directa de l'expressió de COX-2 de forma directa, que comporta la inhibició de l'expressió de la proteïna ABCG2 que està àmpliament descrita pel seu paper en resistència a fàrmacs. Basant-se en els resultats obtinguts, es van dissenyar nanodispositius basats en nanopartícules mesoporoses de sílice per a l'alliberament d'una combinació de miR-99a-5p i doxorrubicina en els tumors. L'eficacia dels sistemes per a reduir el creixement tumoral així com els efectes adversos associats a la doxorrubicina lliure es va confirmar en un model ortotòpic murí de càncer de mama. En el quart capítol, es va avaluar el potencial del miR-99a-5p com a biomarcador per al diagnòstic del càncer de mama. Es va determinar l'expressió del microRNA en tumors primaris de càncer de mama i en teixits sans. Els resultats van mostrar que el miR-99a-5p es troba infraexpressat en els teixits cancerosos. A continuació, amb l'objectiu de determinar el potencial del miR-99a-5p com a biomarcador mínimament invasiu, es van determinar els nivells d'expressió en plasma de pacients de càncer de mama i de donants sans. Es va trobar que el miR-99a-5p es troba a major concentració en el plasma de pacients amb càncer de mama. Aquestos resultats es van validar en una cohort independent. Per mitjà de l'anàlisi basant-se en corbes ROC es va confirmar que el miR-99a-5p és útil com a biomarcador no invasiu per al diagnòstic del càncer de mama inclús en estadis primerencs de la malaltia. El quint capítol es centra en el disseny i validació d'un biosensor basat en suports d'alúmina nanoporosa per la detecció del miR-99a-5p en plasma. Els porus d'una placa d'alúmina es van carregar amb l'indicador fluorescent rodamina B, i es van utilitzar oligonucleòtids complementaris a la seqüència del miR-99a-5p com a portes moleculars amb la capacitat de retindre els fluoròfors a l'interior dels porus. En presència del miR-99a-5p, es produeix l'alliberament de rodamina B, que serà posteriorment detectada òpticament. Es va confirmar l'especificitat del biosensor, així com la seua alta sensibilitat. A més, utilitzant mostres de plasma de pacients de càncer de mama i controls sans, es va confirmar l'eficiència del dispositiu per a detectar càncer de mama inclús en estadis primerencs. Finalment, en els capítols sis i set es presenten la discussió general i les conclusions principals. En conclusió, aquesta tesi doctoral demostra que el miR-99a-5p té potencial com a diana terapèutica i biomarcador per al càncer de mama, i podria ser útil per a millorar el pronòstic dels pacients amb dita malaltia. S'ha elucidat que un dels mecanismes pels quals el miR-99a-5p està involucrat en sensibilitat a doxorrubicina és per mitjà de la regulació de l'eix COX-2/ABCG2. A més, les nanopartícules dissenyades per a l'administració combinada de miR-99a-5p i doxorrubicina es presenta com una ferramenta amb gran potencial per al tractament oncològic. Finalment, aprofitant el potencial del miR-99a-5p com a biomarcador diagnòstic, s'ha desenvolupat un sistema de detecció que podria ser una ferramenta útil per a millorar la detecció primerenca del càncer de mama. / [EN] This PhD thesis, entitled "Role of miR-99a-5p in breast cancer: translating molecular findings into clinical tools" is focused on the study of the microRNA miR-99a-5p in breast cancer and in determining its potential as a therapeutic target and biomarker for the diagnosis of this disease. In the first chapter, a general review of breast cancer is carried out and microRNAs are also introduced. Next, in the second chapter, the objectives are detailed. In the third chapter, the microRNA expression profile of a doxorubicin-resistant breast cancer cell line was compared with its parental cell line, leading to the identification of the microRNA miR-99a-5p as the most deregulated between the two of them. Subsequently, it was confirmed that miR-99a-5p increases drug sensitivity through directly targeting COX-2, which leads to the inhibition of the expression of the ABCG2 protein, widely described to be involved in drug resistance. Based on the obtained results, nanodevices based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles were designed for the combined release of miR-99a-5p and doxorubicin in tumors. The ability of the systems to specifically target the CD44 receptor, which is overexpressed in breast cancer tumors, as well as to release the cargo specifically after internalization, were tested in vitro. Furthermore, the efficacy of the nanoparticles to reduce tumor growth and the adverse effects associated with free doxorubicin was confirmed in a murine orthotopic model of breast cancer. In the fourth chapter, the potential of miR-99a-5p as a biomarker for the diagnosis of breast cancer was evaluated. First, microRNA expression was determined in primary breast cancer tumors and compared with healthy tissues. The results showed that miR-99a-5p is downregulated in breast cancer tissues. Next, to determine the potential of the microRNA as a minimally invasive biomarker, the expression levels of miR-99a-5p in plasma of breast cancer patients and healthy donors were determined. In this case, it was found that miR-99a-5p is at higher concentrations in the plasma of breast cancer patients. These results were validated in an independent cohort. Through the ROC curve analysis, it was confirmed that miR-99a-5p is useful as a non-invasive biomarker for the diagnosis of breast cancer even at early stages. The fifth chapter focus on the design and validation of a biosensor based on nanoporous alumina supports for the detection of miR-99a-5p in plasma. The pores of the alumina plate were loaded with the fluorescent indicator rhodamine B, and oligonucleotides with a sequence complementary to the miR-99a-5p were used as molecular gates able to maintain fluorophores inside the pores. In the presence of miR-99a-5p, the capping oligonucleotide is displaced, leading to the opening of the pores and the release of rhodamine B, which is subsequently optically detected. The specificity and high sensitivity of the biosensor were confirmed. Furthermore, the efficiency of the device to detect breast cancer even at early stages was confirmed using plasma samples from breast cancer patients and healthy controls. Finally, chapters five and six present the general discussion and conclusions. In conclusion, this PhD thesis demonstrates that miR-99a-5p is a molecule with potential as a therapeutic target and biomarker for breast cancer, and it could be useful to improve the prognosis of patients. It has been elucidated that one of the mechanisms by which miR-99a-5p is involved in doxorubicin sensitivity is through the regulation of the COX-2/ABCG2 axis. Furthermore, nanoparticles designed for the combined administration of miR-99a-5p and doxorubicin are presented as a tool with great potential for cancer treatment and could be useful for the administration of microRNAs as therapy. Finally, taking advantage of the potential of miR-99a-5p as a diagnostic biomarker, a detection system has been developed and could be a useful tool to improve early detection of breast cancer. / This work was supported by, CIBERONC (CB16/12/00481), CIBER-BBN (CB07/01/2012), Spanish Government PI18/01219 (ISCIII), project RTI2018- 100910-B-C41 (MCUI/AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2018/024) for support. IG-C was funded by Generalitat Valenciana (ACIF/2016/030). LP was funded by Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (FPI grant). SS was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Social Fund for the financial support “Sara Borrell” (CD16/000237). JMC was funded by Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (Río Hortega-SEOM. The authors would like to thank the INCLIVA Biobank (PT17/0015/0049; B.000768 ISCIII) and the Valencian Biobanking Network integrated into the Spanish National Biobanks Network for providing the human biological samples. We would also like to thank the plasma donors and the nursing staff that accepted to participate in this study. / Garrido Cano, I. (2021). Role of miR-99a-5p in breast cancer: Translating molecular findings into clinical tools [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180358

Análise da expressão de miRNAs em subpopulações de linfócitos T em pacientes com esclerose múltipla / miRNA expression analysis in T lymphocytes subpopulations from multiple sclerosis patients

Lorenzi, Julio Cesar Cetrulo 11 December 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo discute o papel dos miRNAs na fisiopatologia molecular de Esclerose Múltipla Recorrente Remitente (EMRR). O estudo demonstrou que em linfócitos T CD4+ de pacientes com EMRR em surto ocorre a diminuição da expressão do miR-15a e do miR16-1 em contraposição ao aumento de seu gene alvo BCL-2, um importante gene regulador da apoptose. Esses achados sugerem a participação desses miRNAs no controle da apoptose na EM. Para explorar essa associação, foi analisado a expressão global de miRNAs nas subpopulações de linfócitos T de pacientes com EMRR no estágio de remissão. O resultado dessa análise determinou de forma inédita o aumento significativo da expressão de 9 miRNAs (miRNAs-16, miRNAs-20a, miRNAs-21, miRNAs-24, miRNAs-155, miRNAs-221, miRNAs-222, miRNAs-720 e miRNAs-1281) nos linfócitos T CD8+ de memória central. A análise in silico dos alvos desses miRNAs indicou que três vias canônicas, relacionadas à ativação da apoptose, eram enriquecidas com alvos preditos e validados experimentalmente desses miRNAs. Desse modo sugerimos a forte relação desses miRNAs no controle da apoptose nos linfócitos T dos pacientes com EMRR. A fim de aprofundar nossos estudos, selecionamos os miRNAs miR-21 e miR-24, para a realização de experimentos funcionais in vivo. Foi verificada a indução da expressão miR-21 somente nos linfócitos T CD4+ de modelo experimental da EM. Adicionalmente, experimentos in vitro demonstraram que a expressão do miR-21 e restrita as populações de células Th2 e Th17. Nesse caso, miR-21 parece ser regulado pelo fator de transcrição STAT3, sugerindo assim que o aumento da expressão do miR-21 verificada no modelo animal possa estar relacionada com a presença de linfócitos T CD4+ de perfil Th17 nesse tecido. Em resumo, o conjunto desses resultados demonstra a relevância dos miRNAs na fisiopatologia da EMRR, principalmente no controle da apoptose. / This study discusses the role of miRNA in the Molecular Pathophysiology of Relapse Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS). The study has shown that CD4+ lymphocytes from relapsed RRMS patients had lower expression of miR15a and miR-16-1 in contraposition of higher expression of the target gene BCL-2, a key regulator of apoptosis. These findings suggest the role of those on the control of apoptosis in MS. In order to explore this association, the global expression of miRNAs was analysed in T lymphocyte subpopulations from remission RRMS patients. The result of this analysis has demonstrated for the first time a significant higher expression of 9 miRNAs (miRNAs-16, miRNAs-20a, miRNAs-21, miRNAs-24, miRNAs-155, miRNAs-221, miRNAs-222, miRNAs-720 e miRNAs-1281) in central memory T CD8+ lymphocytes. In silico analysis of the miRNAs targets indicates that three canonical pathways related to the activation of apoptosis were enriched with predicted and experimental validated gene targets for those miRNAs. In this way, we suggest the strong relation of these miRNAs in the control of apoptosis in the lymphocytes from RRMS patients. In order to intensify our studies we selected miR-21 and miR-24 to perform in vivo functional experiments. It was verified miR-21 induction only in T CD4+ lymphocytes from MS animal model. Additionally, in vitro experiments have demonstrated that miR-21 expression was restricted to Th2 and Th17 cell populations. In this way, miR-21 seems to be regulated by the STAT3 transcription factor, thereby suggesting that the increase of miR-21 expression observed in vivo could be related with Th17 CD4+ present in this tissue. In summary, this set of results showed the relevance of miRNAs in the RRMS pathophysiology, mainly in the control of apoptosis.

Identificação de microRNAs na musculatura esquelética de Gallus gallus / Identification of microRNAs from Gallus gallus skeletal muscle

Andreote, Ana Paula Dini 10 June 2009 (has links)
Os microRNAs (miRNAs) são pequenos RNAs não codificadores, de cerca de 20 bases de comprimento, capazes de regular negativamente a expressão gênica após a transcrição. A ação regulatória destas moléculas é indispensável para o funcionamento adequado de diversos processos biológicos, dentre eles o desenvolvimento e a manutenção da musculatura esquelética. Com o objetivo de caracterizar a população de miRNAs presentes na musculatura esquelética adulta de frangos, foi construída uma biblioteca de miRNAs a partir do músculo peitoral de indivíduos jovens (21 dias pós-eclosão). Um total de 576 clones foi sequenciado e as sequências obtidas foram agrupadas por similaridade em 98 grupos, dentre os quais 47 corresponderam à miRNAs conhecidos, 30 à outros tipos de RNA e seis à possíveis novos miRNAs. Estes dados poderão subsidiar estudos funcionais subsequentes, que visem entender a função exercida por cada uma destas moléculas na musculatura esquelética. Buscando-se associar a ocorrência e expressão dos miRNAs ao controle da miogênese, foi analisada a expressão de três miRNAs identificados na biblioteca (miR-125b, miR-221 e miR-206), envolvidos na regulação do balanço entre proliferação e diferenciação celular, mecanismo determinante da miogênese. A análise foi realizada por PCR quantitativa em diferentes estádios do desenvolvimento (nove e 17 dias embrionário e 21 dias pós-eclosão) e entre duas linhagens de frango com potencial divergente para crescimento e ganho de massa muscular. Não houve diferença significativa na expressão dos miRNAs entre as linhagens em nenhum dos estádios aferidos, entretanto, foi possível traçar a ontogenia destas moléculas ao longo do desenvolvimento do animal, o que permitiu inferências sobre as condições morfológicas e fisiológicas das células musculares em cada um dos estádios analisados. Por fim, com o objetivo de associar os dados de expressão obtidos para os miRNAs, à variações na expressão de genes alvo, aferimos a expressão de três genes: SRF, Fstl e Pola1; onde o primeiro é regulado pelo miR-133a (cuja expressão não foi aferida devido à questões metodológicas) e os dois últimos pelo miR-206. A análise foi feita também por PCR quantitativa, entre as linhagens e em diferentes estádios do desenvolvimento. Foi possível visualizar, apenas nos estádios embrionários, a relação entre a expressão do miR-206 e seus genes alvo, com uma coerência entre o aumento na expressão do miR-206 e a diminuição na expressão de Pola1 e Fstl1. A determinação do perfil de expressão dos três genes ao longo do desenvolvimento muscular permitiu inferências sobre a ação destas moléculas no balanço entre proliferação e diferenciação nas linhagens de corte e postura / MicroRNAs (miRNAs) represent a class of small and noncoding RNAs, about 20-nucleotides long that negatively regulate gene expression posttranscriptionally. The regulatory action of these molecules is essential for the proper functioning of various biological processes, including the development and maintenance of skeletal muscles. To identify miRNAs that might be important for the skeletal muscle development, we constructed a miRNA library from pectoral skeletal muscle of 21º days after birth chickens. A total of 576 clones were sequenced and these sequences were collapsed into 98 clusters. Sequence analysis identified 47 small RNAs that show significant similarities with published miRNAs, 30 with others noncoding RNAs and six sequences clusters could be identified as potentially novel miRNAs. These data may support subsequent functional studies aimed at understanding the function performed by each of these molecules in skeletal muscle of chicken. To further associate the miRNA presence with the gene expression in the controlling of myogenesis the expression patterns of tree miRNAs identified in the library (miR-125b, miR-221 e miR-206) were analyzed. These miRNAs are involved in the balance between proliferation and differentiation mechanisms that control myogenesis. The expressions of these miRNAs were measured using quantitative RT-PCR. We analyzed samples from two embryos stages (9 and 17 days) and one adult stage (21º days after birth) in two chicken lines with different potential to growth and gain of muscle mass. There were no significant differences between the lines about these miRNAs expression. But, we could predict an overview of these miRNAs expressions during the muscle development of chicken, which allowed inferences about the physiologic and morphologic conditions of the muscles cells in each analyzed stage. Also, to further associate the miRNAs results to variations in the target genes expressions, we analyzed the expression of three genes: SRF, Fstl e Pola1. The first one is target of miR-133a (not analyzed due to methodological problems), and the others are target of miR-206. We analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR different stages and two chicken lines. It was possible to observe, only in the earlier stages, a relationship between the miR-206 expression and the Pola1 and Fstl1 expression, with a consistency between the increased expression of mir-206 and decrease in expression of Pola1 and Fstl1. The determination of the profile of these three gene expressions during the muscle development allowed inferences about the action of these molecules in the balance between proliferation and differentiation process in chicken strains for broiler and layer

Roles of miR-137 in Muscular Dystrophy and Muscular Dystrophy-Related Phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster

Chhetri, Shruti 04 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Biomarker discovery in inflammatory bowel diseases

Kalla, Rahul January 2018 (has links)
There is an unmet need for novel biomarker discovery in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) to aid clinical management in several clinical settings including diagnosis and prognosis. With an ever-advancing repertoire of biological therapies on the horizon, it is important to personalise treatments at an early stage. The aim of this thesis is to explore the clinical utility of novel blood-based biomarkers in diagnosis, disease classification and prognosis in 2 cohorts: newly diagnosed IBD and acute severe colitis. Investigating the circulating methylome, 290 probes exhibited Holm significant IBD-associated methylation differences, including VMP1/MIR21 (p=7.5×10-14) and RPS6KA2 (1.1×10-19) and were consistent within the European cohort. 11 Differentially methylated positions (DMPs) predicted treatment escalation after Holm adjustment (top probe p=0.003). A panel of 6 probes identified 2 patient subgroups that have significantly different disease courses (Hazard Ratio (HR) 10.5, 95%CI: 4.3-25.6; logrank p=1.5×10-24). The 6 probe marker outperformed conventional biomarkers in predicting treatment escalation (hsCRP > 4mg/L, HR 3.2(1.7-5.8), logrank p=0.0004 and Alb < 36g/L, HR 2.9(1.5-5.6), p=0.0001). Within the same cohort, a novel proximity extension assay (PEA) was then utilised to identify novel diagnostic and prognostic protein markers. 61 proteins were significantly associated with IBD including MMP12 (Holm-adjusted p=4.1×10-26). A total of 9 proteins predicted disease course in this cohort. Using a panel of 7 randomly selected top prognostic probes, 2 patient groups were identified that had significantly different disease courses: logrank p=2.2×10-10, HR 5.6(2.0-15.6), outperforming conventional biomarkers in predicting treatment escalation (hsCRP > 4mg/L, HR 3.2(1.7- 5.8), logrank p=0.0003 and Alb < 36g/L, HR 2.7(1.4-5.2), p=0.0004). In a subcohort, serum calprotectin (SC) and conventional blood markers were investigated for their utility in diagnosis and prognosis in IBD. SC performed at par with CRP at differentiating IBD from controls with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.87 (CI 0.81-0.92). For prognostication, both albumin and SC remained significant predictors of treatment escalation in IBD (logrank test p=5.1×10-5). MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small non-coding nucleic acids that have the capacity to modulate gene expression. Using small RNA sequencing in acute severe colitis (ASUC) and healthy controls (HC), 10 serum-based miRNA markers were significantly associated with acute severe colitis, including miR-30a-5p. Validating the findings using qPCR, miR-30a-5p was downregulated in ASUC (p=0.003). Furthermore, miR30a-5p remained a significant predictor of eventual colectomy in acute colitis (logrank test p=0.0014). These data highlight the translational potential for methylation, miRNA and proteomic biomarkers in diagnosing and prognosticating in IBD.

Detection of miRNA by SMART technology

Sailis, Fiammetta January 2017 (has links)
Aberrant expression of short non-coding micro RNAs (miRNA) in many human diseases, along with remarkable stability in physiological media, has made them attractive clinical biomarkers. In particular, miRNA-122 is substantially elevated in plasma of patients with established drug-induced liver injury and can also be used to identify early liver injury when current markers, such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), still show normal levels. The development of a rapid test for miRNA-122 e.g. in drug poisoning would allow earlier and more sensitive clinical diagnosis of liver injury. Nucleic acids are traditionally analysed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which has a high degree of sensitivity but suffers from high cost and is prone to sample contamination. The aim of this project is to develop a PCR free method to directly detect miRNA- 122 in biological samples using SMART technology. The SMART technology takes advantage of dynamic chemistry for sequence specific recognition of nucleic acids using aldehyde-modified nucleobases (SMART nucleobases), and target-complementary peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe containing an “abasic” position (so called modified PNA probe). In this study, this unique detection method was used in a fluorescent detection with the use of light up probes, which are probes with an environmental dye as nucleobase; a FRET system was also designed to allow the discrimination between perfect match target and mismatched one. The SMART technology was also transferred onto magnetic beads to develop an ELISA like assay allowing sensitive and rapid detection of single stranded DNA mimic of the miRNA-122. With its potential PCR free approach, this easily adapted platform promises to transform and expand routine clinical diagnostic testing and screening for circulating miRNAs.

Avalia????o da express??o dos microRNAs, miR-1248, miR-181a E miR- 151a-3p, em idosos portadores de leucemia linfoc??tica cr??nica

Longatti, Simone Cruz 09 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-18T12:45:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SimoneCruzLongattiDissertacao2015.pdf: 1831650 bytes, checksum: 1d47e365955c37dbb497ed07d699c22d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-18T12:46:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 SimoneCruzLongattiDissertacao2015.pdf: 1831650 bytes, checksum: 1d47e365955c37dbb497ed07d699c22d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-18T12:46:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SimoneCruzLongattiDissertacao2015.pdf: 1831650 bytes, checksum: 1d47e365955c37dbb497ed07d699c22d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-09 / Aging is a complex and multifaceted process that includes physiological, molecular and genetic changes that lead to functional decline of tissues and organs, leading to increased susceptibility to disease and consequent increase of mortality rates. In this context, chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are often found in the elderly, especially the onco-hematologic diseases, including chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Considered as essentially a disease of the elderly, CLL is a disease of clonal lymphoid infiltration of B cells found in the bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood and lymph nodes, and characterized as the most common type of leukemia in Western countries. LLC expresses high levels of anti-apoptotic proteins, and decreased levels of proapoptotic proteins, which explains the exaggerated increase of mature B lymphocytes. In addition to changes protein levels, deregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) have been associated with the LLC. Numerous miRNAs are associated with susceptibility to cancer, suggesting an important role in carcinogenesis. In addition, several miRNAs are also involved in the regulation pathways related to cell senescence and have effects on cell cycle progression, suggesting that miRNAs can be considered good biomarkers in the senescence process. The aim of the study was to evaluate the expression of miRNAs miR- 1248, miR-181a and miR-151a-3p by qPCR in patients with LLC and compare with the elderly group without the disease. The expression of miR-181a was significantly reduced in patients with CLL compared to individuals in the group without LLC. However, the study showed no difference in the expression of miRNAs in the groups with respect to age and sex. It is possible to suggest that these miRNAs can act as regulators likely in aging, however, future studies will determine the mechanism of expression of the same, and to discuss how best to use them as diagnostic and therapeutic tools for aging and age-related diseases such as CLL. / O envelhecimento ?? um processo complexo e multifatorial que inclui altera????es fisiol??gicas, moleculares e gen??ticas que levam ao decl??nio funcional de tecidos e ??rg??os, provocando o aumento da suscetibilidade ??s doen??as e consequente eleva????o das taxas de mortalidade. Nesse contexto, as doen??as cr??nicas n??o transmiss??veis (DCNT) s??o frequentemente encontradas em idosos, principalmente as doen??as onco-hematol??gicas, dentre elas a leucemia linfoc??tica cr??nica (LLC). Considerada essencialmente como uma doen??a de idosos, a LLC ?? uma patologia linf??ide de infiltra????o clonal de c??lulas B encontradas na medula ??ssea (MO), no sangue perif??rico e nos linfonodos, sendo caracterizada como o tipo mais comum de leucemia em pa??ses ocidentais. A LLC expressa n??veis elevados de prote??nas anti-apopt??ticas e n??veis diminu??dos de prote??nas pr??-apopt??ticas, o que explica o aumento exacerbado de linf??citos B maduros. Al??m das altera????es dos n??veis de prote??nas, a desregula????o de microRNAs (miRNAs) tem sido associada ?? LLC. In??meros miRNAs est??o associados ?? suscetibilidade ao c??ncer, sugerindo um importante papel na carcinog??nese. Al??m disso, v??rios miRNAs tamb??m est??o envolvidos na regula????o de vias relacionadas a senesc??ncia celular e t??m efeitos sobre a progress??o do ciclo celular, sugerindo que os miRNAs podem ser considerados bons biomarcadores no processo de senesc??ncia. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a express??o dos miRNAs miR-1248, miR-181a e miR- 151a-3p por meio da qPCR em portadores de LLC e comparar com o grupo de idosos sem a doen??a. A express??o do miR-181a foi significativamente reduzida nos pacientes com LLC quando comparada aos indiv??duos do grupo sem LLC. No entanto, o estudo demonstrou que n??o houve diferen??a na express??o dos miRNAs nos grupos em rela????o ?? idade e ao sexo. ?? poss??vel sugerir que esses miRNAs possam atuar como prov??veis reguladores no envelhecimento, por??m, estudos futuros poder??o determinar o mecanismo da express??o dos mesmos, bem como discutir a melhor forma de utiliz??-los como ferramentas diagn??sticas e terap??uticas para o envelhecimento e doen??as relacionadas ?? idade, como por exemplo a LLC.

Deletion plastidärer ribosomaler Proteine in Nicotiana tabacum im Kontext reduktiver Genomevolutionund Entwicklung einer Hochdurchsatzplattform zur Analysevon miRNAs in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii / Deletion of plastid ribosomal proteins in Nicotiana tabacum in the context of reductive genome evolution and development of a high throughpout platform for the analysis of miRNAs of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Fleischmann, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
Im Rahmen des ersten Teils der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit konnten zwei nicht-essentielle (rps15, rpl36) und fünf essentielle (rps3, rps16, rpl22, rpl23, rpl32) im Plastom von Nicotiana tabacum kodierte Proteine des plastidären Ribosoms bezüglich ihrer Essentialität charakterisiert werden. Diese Gene wurden durch gezielte Knockout-Experimente inaktiviert und die resultierenden Effekte untersucht. Die Ergebnisse lassen einen Rückschluss auf die Lokalisation der Gene der insgesamt sieben untersuchten ribosomalen Proteine zu, die im Plastom mehrerer parasitischer, Plastiden-besitzender Spezies nicht mehr nachweisbar sind. Im Fall von rps15 könnte tatsächlich ein Verlust des Genes stattgefunden haben, im Fall der restlichen Gene ist eher mit einem Transfer in den Nukleus zu rechnen (rpl36 ausgenommen). Dies würde bedeuten, dass die Geschwindigkeit der erfolgreichen Etablierung eines Gentransfers in vielen parasitischen Spezies gegenüber grünen Pflanzen stark erhöht ist. Alle in E. coli nicht-essentiellen Proteine mit Homologen in Plastiden (rps15, rpl33, rpl36) sind auch dort, trotz ~1,5 Milliarden Jahren getrennter Evolution, nicht essentiell. Dieses Ergebnis bestätigt den schon früher festgestellten hohen Konservierungsgrad der bakteriellen und plastidären Translationsmaschinerien. Die Phänotypen der KO-Pflanzen der nicht-essentiellen Gene (rps15, rpl36) weisen auf eine interessante Rolle von S15 während der Ribosomenassemblierung hin und im Fall von L36 auf eine wichtige funktionelle Rolle im Plastiden-Ribosomen sowie auf eine Involvierung der Plastidentranslation in der Generierung eines retrograden Signals, welches die Blattform zu beeinflussen im Stande ist. Des Weiteren konnte eine Verbindung der Translationsaktivität mit der Ausbildung von Seitentrieben hergestellt werden, die vermutlich auf veränderte Auxinsynthese im Chloroplast zurückzuführen ist. Aus dem Folgeprojekt, bei dem Doppel-KO-Pflanzen nicht-essentieller ribosomaler Proteine erzeugt wurden, lässt sich auf eine relativ große Plastizität der Architektur von Plastidenribosomen schließen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit konnte erfolgreich ein Hochdurchsatz-Screeningsystem zur semiquantitativen Analyse von 192 verschiedenen miRNAs aus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii etabliert werden. Es gelang durch die Untersuchung von 23 verschiedenen Wachstums- und Stressbedingungen sowie Entwicklungsstadien mehrere miRNAs zu identifizieren, die eine differenzielle Expression zeigen sowie unter allen untersuchten Bedingungen konstant bleibende miRNAs nachzuweisen. Dadurch konnten mehrere vielversprechende Kandidaten-miRNAs ausgemacht werden, die nun eingehender untersucht werden können. / Plastid genomes of higher plants contain a conserved set of ribosomal protein genes. Although plastid translational activity is essential for cell survival in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), individual plastid ribosomal proteins can be nonessential. Candidates for nonessential plastid ribosomal proteins are ribosomal proteins identified as nonessential in bacteria and those whose genes were lost from the highly reduced plastid genomes of nonphotosynthetic plastid-bearing lineages (parasitic plants, apicomplexan protozoa). Here we report the reverse genetic analysis of seven plastid-encoded ribosomal proteins that meet these criteria. We have introduced knockout alleles for the corresponding genes into the tobacco plastid genome. Five of the targeted genes (ribosomal protein of the large subunit22 [rpl22], rpl23, rpl32, ribosomal protein of the small subunit3 [rps3], and rps16) were shown to be essential even under heterotrophic conditions, despite their loss in at least some parasitic plastid-bearing lineages. This suggests that nonphotosynthetic plastids show elevated rates of gene transfer to the nuclear genome. Knockout of two ribosomal protein genes, rps15 and rpl36, yielded homoplasmic transplastomic mutants, thus indicating nonessentiality. Whereas Δrps15 plants showed only a mild phenotype, Δrpl36 plants were severely impaired in photosynthesis and growth and, moreover, displayed greatly altered leaf morphology. This finding provides strong genetic evidence that chloroplast translational activity influences leaf development, presumably via a retrograde signaling pathway. In the second project a qRT-PCR based plattform for the analysis of miRNAs in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been developed. 20 different growth conditions have been scanned.

Identificação de microRNAs na musculatura esquelética de Gallus gallus / Identification of microRNAs from Gallus gallus skeletal muscle

Ana Paula Dini Andreote 10 June 2009 (has links)
Os microRNAs (miRNAs) são pequenos RNAs não codificadores, de cerca de 20 bases de comprimento, capazes de regular negativamente a expressão gênica após a transcrição. A ação regulatória destas moléculas é indispensável para o funcionamento adequado de diversos processos biológicos, dentre eles o desenvolvimento e a manutenção da musculatura esquelética. Com o objetivo de caracterizar a população de miRNAs presentes na musculatura esquelética adulta de frangos, foi construída uma biblioteca de miRNAs a partir do músculo peitoral de indivíduos jovens (21 dias pós-eclosão). Um total de 576 clones foi sequenciado e as sequências obtidas foram agrupadas por similaridade em 98 grupos, dentre os quais 47 corresponderam à miRNAs conhecidos, 30 à outros tipos de RNA e seis à possíveis novos miRNAs. Estes dados poderão subsidiar estudos funcionais subsequentes, que visem entender a função exercida por cada uma destas moléculas na musculatura esquelética. Buscando-se associar a ocorrência e expressão dos miRNAs ao controle da miogênese, foi analisada a expressão de três miRNAs identificados na biblioteca (miR-125b, miR-221 e miR-206), envolvidos na regulação do balanço entre proliferação e diferenciação celular, mecanismo determinante da miogênese. A análise foi realizada por PCR quantitativa em diferentes estádios do desenvolvimento (nove e 17 dias embrionário e 21 dias pós-eclosão) e entre duas linhagens de frango com potencial divergente para crescimento e ganho de massa muscular. Não houve diferença significativa na expressão dos miRNAs entre as linhagens em nenhum dos estádios aferidos, entretanto, foi possível traçar a ontogenia destas moléculas ao longo do desenvolvimento do animal, o que permitiu inferências sobre as condições morfológicas e fisiológicas das células musculares em cada um dos estádios analisados. Por fim, com o objetivo de associar os dados de expressão obtidos para os miRNAs, à variações na expressão de genes alvo, aferimos a expressão de três genes: SRF, Fstl e Pola1; onde o primeiro é regulado pelo miR-133a (cuja expressão não foi aferida devido à questões metodológicas) e os dois últimos pelo miR-206. A análise foi feita também por PCR quantitativa, entre as linhagens e em diferentes estádios do desenvolvimento. Foi possível visualizar, apenas nos estádios embrionários, a relação entre a expressão do miR-206 e seus genes alvo, com uma coerência entre o aumento na expressão do miR-206 e a diminuição na expressão de Pola1 e Fstl1. A determinação do perfil de expressão dos três genes ao longo do desenvolvimento muscular permitiu inferências sobre a ação destas moléculas no balanço entre proliferação e diferenciação nas linhagens de corte e postura / MicroRNAs (miRNAs) represent a class of small and noncoding RNAs, about 20-nucleotides long that negatively regulate gene expression posttranscriptionally. The regulatory action of these molecules is essential for the proper functioning of various biological processes, including the development and maintenance of skeletal muscles. To identify miRNAs that might be important for the skeletal muscle development, we constructed a miRNA library from pectoral skeletal muscle of 21º days after birth chickens. A total of 576 clones were sequenced and these sequences were collapsed into 98 clusters. Sequence analysis identified 47 small RNAs that show significant similarities with published miRNAs, 30 with others noncoding RNAs and six sequences clusters could be identified as potentially novel miRNAs. These data may support subsequent functional studies aimed at understanding the function performed by each of these molecules in skeletal muscle of chicken. To further associate the miRNA presence with the gene expression in the controlling of myogenesis the expression patterns of tree miRNAs identified in the library (miR-125b, miR-221 e miR-206) were analyzed. These miRNAs are involved in the balance between proliferation and differentiation mechanisms that control myogenesis. The expressions of these miRNAs were measured using quantitative RT-PCR. We analyzed samples from two embryos stages (9 and 17 days) and one adult stage (21º days after birth) in two chicken lines with different potential to growth and gain of muscle mass. There were no significant differences between the lines about these miRNAs expression. But, we could predict an overview of these miRNAs expressions during the muscle development of chicken, which allowed inferences about the physiologic and morphologic conditions of the muscles cells in each analyzed stage. Also, to further associate the miRNAs results to variations in the target genes expressions, we analyzed the expression of three genes: SRF, Fstl e Pola1. The first one is target of miR-133a (not analyzed due to methodological problems), and the others are target of miR-206. We analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR different stages and two chicken lines. It was possible to observe, only in the earlier stages, a relationship between the miR-206 expression and the Pola1 and Fstl1 expression, with a consistency between the increased expression of mir-206 and decrease in expression of Pola1 and Fstl1. The determination of the profile of these three gene expressions during the muscle development allowed inferences about the action of these molecules in the balance between proliferation and differentiation process in chicken strains for broiler and layer

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