Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mice"" "subject:"mica""
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Sistemas carreadores de proteínas antigênicas da membrana de Pasteurella multocida para a prevenção da pasteurelose / Carrier liposome systems of Pasteurella multocida membrane antigenic proteins for the prevention of pasteurelloseKatia Regina Perez Daghastanli 07 December 2004 (has links)
A pasteurelose é uma das doenças mais comuns do trato respiratório do coelho em criações comerciais e/ou em biotérios de animais destinados à pesquisa biomédica. A bactéria Pasteurella multocida é o patógeno responsável por uma série de manifestações clínicas em coelhos, incluindo rinite crônica, otite média, pneumonia, infecções no trato genital, formação de abscessos pulmonares e cutâneos, conjuntivite e septicemia hemorrágica. Porém, entre 50 e 70 % dos animais podem incubar o organismo de forma assintomática. Os fatores predisponentes para o desencadeamento dos sinais clínicos incluem acúmulo de amônia no ar (má ventilação), prenhez, aparecimento de doenças concomitantes, distúrbios no ambiente de criação ou na manipulação experimental. A doença está presente no Brasil, ocorrendo surtos com relativa freqüência, no entanto, o diagnóstico é feito com base nos sinais clínicos e necropsia. Dessa forma é difícil precisar a extensão dos prejuízos causados pela pasteurelose à cunicultura. Vacinas comerciais específicas contra a pasteurelose em coelhos não estão disponíveis no mercado. A prevenção, ainda que apresente resultados duvidosos, é realizada utilizando-se antibióticos dissolvidos na água, porém este tipo de tratamento normalmente não protege definitivamente os animais. Uma vez que não existem vacinas disponíveis e o tratamento com antibióticos não estabelece proteção contra a pasteurelose, foram desenvolvidos neste trabalho sistemas carreadores das proteínas antigênicas da membrana da P. multocida. Estes sistemas carreadores são formados por lipossomos, já conhecidos pelo seu potencial como imunoadjuvante, e por microesferas lipídicas, responsáveis por apresentar os antígenos às células apresentadoras de antígenos (APC). Inicialmente, foram obtidas colônias puras da bactéria as quais foram cultivadas em meio de crescimento específico (BHI). Os microrganismos foram isolados, rompidos e as proteínas antigênicas foram detectadas por SDS-PAGE e Western Blotting. Estes resultados mostraram que a maioria das bandas protéicas foi reconhecida pelo anticorpo policlonal contra a P. multocida. Visto que tínhamos um pool de proteínas as quais apresentavam antigenicidade, foi realizada uma solubilização incubando frações de membrana da bactéria com SDS 1 %. Este procedimento resultou em um rendimento de solubilização de 85 %. A obtenção dos proteolipossomos foi realizada pelo método da co-solubilização de lipídio, proteína e detergente. Um bom rendimento de incorporação das proteínas em lipossomos parecer estar relacionada com a metodologia utilizada para a remoção do detergente da mistura lipídio:proteína:detergente durante o processo de co-solubilização, e também com a natureza do fosfolipídio utilizado. Os resultados indicaram que a resina Calbiosorb® foi a mais eficiente para a remoção do SDS e, dentre os diversos fosfolipídios testados o que melhor incorporou as proteínas foi o DPPC, com rendimento de incorporação de 93 % e diâmetro médio de 180 nm. Além disso, o SDS-PAGE dos proteolipossomos mostrou que todas as espécies protéicas presentes no extrato bruto solubilizado foram incorporadas nos lipossomos de DPPC. O Western Blotting mostrou que as proteínas incorporadas nos lipossomos continuavam a ser reconhecidas pelo anticorpo policlonal contra a P. multocida. Para os ensaios de imunização foram separados 3 grupos de coelhos: (i) imunizados com lipossomos; (ii) imunizados com extrato bruto solubilizado (EBS); (iii) imunizados com os proteolipossomos. Após 21 dias de imunização com as preparações descritas, os animais foram infectados com 105 ufc de bactéria. Todos os animais vacinados previamente com lipossomos ou EBS foram a óbito enquanto que os animais vacinados com os sistemas de proteolipossomos apresentaram sobrevida de 95 %. Além disso, um grupo controle vacinado com a bactéria atenuada na presença de hidróxido de alumínio como imunoadjuvante apresentou uma sobrevida de apenas 30 %, indicando que a vacina convencional não apresenta uma proteção satisfatória contra a pasteurelose. O soro dos animais vacinados com lipossomo, EBS e proteolipossomos foram coletados semanalmente antes e após a infecção experimental para a detecção da produção de anticorpos IgG, IgM e IgA, utilizando-se a técnica de ELISA. Como esperado, os animais vacinados com lipossomos não apresentaram estimulação de nenhum dos anticorpos específicos para P. multocida analisados. Os animais imunizados com EBS apresentaram um significativo aumento dos níveis de IgG sérico 7 dias após a imunização os quais se mantiveram constantes durante todo o período experimental. Os níveis de IgG no soro de animais imunizados com os proteolipossomos apresentam um aumento 7 dias após a imunização, porém não se mantiveram até o momento da infecção experimental. Após a infecção experimental, os níveis séricos de IgG nos animais imunizados com proteolipossomos apresentam um aumento significativo, enquanto que para os imunizados com EBS houve manutenção dos níveis antes obtidos. A análise de anticorpos IgM específicos para a P. multocida mostram uma produção significativamente maior destes anticorpos para animais imunizados previamente com proteolipossomos que para os animais imunizados com EBS. Além disso, após a infecção experimental, a produção de IgM nos animais imunizados com proteolipossomos continuou sendo estimulada, o que não foi observado para os animais imunizados com EBS. O sistema de proteolipossomos não produz anticorpos IgA sistêmicos específicos para a bactéria, porém após a infecção experimental foi possível observar o aparecimento gradativo deste anticorpo no lavado nasal dos animais, durante as semanas de observação. Os animais previamente imunizados com proteolipossomos sobreviventes da primeira infecção experimental foram observados durante 140 dias e novamente infectados, com nova carga bacteriana. Após a reinfecção a sobrevida destes animais foi de 100 % indicando que o sistema de proteolipossomos foi capaz de gerar uma memória imunológica. A análise conjunta dos resultados obtidos na detecção de anticorpos indica que a proteção proporcionada pelos proteolipossomos contra a pasteurelose é devida a estimulação de anticorpos IgG e, principalmente, de IgM. O outro sistema de delivery de proteínas antigênicas desenvolvido foi o de microesferas lipídicas. Foram experimentados diferentes protocolos, porém o que mais se adequou as nossas condições foi obtido da união e adaptação de duas metodologias descritas na literatura. Estudos de microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostraram que as microesferas lipídicas são formadas quando é utilizado 3 % (p/v) de PVA na formulação. Além disso, marcamos as proteínas com isoticiocianato de fluoresceína e a microscopia revelou a presença de estruturas esféricas fluorescentes, indicando a encapsulação das proteínas na região lipofílica das microesferas. Estudos sistemáticos variando a concentração de óleo, fosfolipídio, proteínas e PVA na formação das microcapsulas permitiram um rendimento de encapsulação de cerca de 99 %. Portanto, no presente trabalho, estabelecemos metodologias de incorporação das proteínas antigênicas em lipossomos constituídos de DPPC e em microesferas lipídicas. Além disso, os sistemas de proteolipossomos apresentaram uma satisfatória propriedade de proteção dos coelhos contra a pasteurelose (frente à infecção experimental com P. multocida) indicando que o sistema aqui proposto pode ser utilizado como vacina, prevenindo a pasteurelose em criações de coelhos comerciais ou destinados à pesquisa biomédica. / Pasteurellosis is a common disease in the respiratory tract of commercial and/or biomedical rearing of research rabbits. The bacterium Pasteurella multocida is the pathogen responsible for a range of clinical syntomes, including chronic rhinitis (snuffles), otitis media, pneumonia, genital infection, pulmonary and cutaneous abscesses, conjunctivitis and hemorrhagic septicemia. However, between 50 and 70 % of the animals can harbour the microorganism asymptomatically. The factors that cause the clinical syntomes include the ammonium accumulation in the air (foul ventilation), pregnancy, another concomitant disease, disorder in the rabbit production environment and experimental manipulation. Outbreaks of this disease occur in Brazil with relative frequency; however diagnosis is generally based on the clinical signals and necropsy. Therefore, it is difficult to estimate the extent of losses caused by pasteurellosis druing cuniculture. However, specific commercial vaccines against pasteurellosis in rabbits are not available and prevention is through the use of antibiotics in drinking water, even though this type of treatment generally does not protect the animals. Initially, pure bacteria colonies were obtained, which were cultivated in specific growing media (BHI). The microorganisms were isolated, lysed and the antigenic proteins were detected by SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting. These results show that most protein bands were recognized by the policlonal antibody against P. multocida. Since this protein pool presented antigenicity, the protein mixture was solubilized by incubating 0,5 mg/ml of the membrane fraction with SDS 1 % (w/v) under constant agitation for 2 hours. This procedure resulted in a 85 % solubilization yield. The proteoliposomes wew formed using a lipid, protein and detergent co-solubilization method. A good yield of protein incorporation in liposomes seems to be related to the methodology used for the removal of the detergent from the lipid:protein:detergent mixture during the co-solubilization process, as well as the nature of the phospholipid used. The results indicated that the Calbiosorb® resin was the most efficient for SDS removal and, among the various phospholipids tested, DPPC best incorporated the proteins, presenting an incorporation yield of 93% and average proteoliposome diameter of 180 nm. In addition, SDS-PAGE of the proteoliposomes has shown that all the proteic species present in the crude solubilized extract were incorporated in the DPPC liposomes. The Western Blotting has shown that the proteins incorporated in the liposomes continue to be recognized by the policlonal antibody against P. multocida. For the immunization assays, three animal groups were separated: (i) rabbits immunized with liposomes; (ii) rabbits immunized with crude solubilized extract (CSE) and (iii) rabbits immunized with the proteoliposomes. After twenty-one days of immunization with the described preparations, the animals were challenged with 105 ufc of bacteria. All animals previously vaccinated with the liposomes or CSE died while the animals vaccinated with the proteoliposomes systems had 95 % survival after the challenge. Moreover, a control group vaccinated with the attenuated bacteria in the presence of aluminum hydroxide as an immunoadjuvant had only 30% survival, indicating that the conventional vaccine does not protect against pasteurellosis. The serum of animals vaccinated with liposome, CSE and proteoliposomes were collected weekly before and after the experimental infection for the detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies production using ELISA. Animals vaccinated with liposomes did not present stimulation of any of the specific antibodies for the P. multocida analyzed. The animals immunized with CSE presented a significant increase in the IgA serum level seven days after the immunization, but these levels were not maintained until the moment of the experimental infection. After the experimental infection, the serum levels of IgG in rabbits immunized with proteoliposomes showed a significant increase, while for those animals immunized with the CSE the levels were maintained. The analysis of IgM antibodies specific for the P. multocida showed a higher production to animals vaccinated with proteoliposomes than for the animals immunized with CSE. Furthermore, after experimental infection, the production of IgM in animals immunized with proteoliposomes continued to be stimulated, which was not observed for those immunized with EBS. The proteoliposome system does not induce IgA systemic antibodies that were specific for the bacterium. However, after the experimental infections it was possible to observe the gradual appearance of IgA in the nasal lavage of the infected animals on the time course of the experiment. Animals previously immunized with the proteoliposomes which survived the first experimental infection were observed during 140 days and re-infected. After the re-infection, the survival of these animals was 100 %, indicating that the proteoliposome system was able to generate a possible immunological memory. The global analysis of the results obtained in the antibody detection indicates that the protection given by the proteoliposome against pasteurellosis is due to the stimulation of antibodies IgG and mainly of IgM. The other delivery system of antigenic proteins developed during this work is of lipidic microspheres. Different protocols were tried, but the one which was more adequate to our experimental conditions was elaborated from joining and adapting two methodologies described in literature. Scanning electron microscopy studies have shown that the lipidic microspheres are formed when 3 % (w/v) of PVA is used in the formulation. Furthermore, we have marked the proteins with fluorescein isothiocyanate and the microscopy revealed the presence of fluorescent spherical structures which indicated the encapsulation of the proteins in the lipophilic region of the microspheres. Systematic studies varying the concentration of oil, phospholipid, proteins and PVA in the microcapsules formulation has given a yield of encapsulation of 99%. We have established methodologies of incorporation of the antigenic proteins in liposomes constituted of DPPC and lipidic microspheres. Moreover, the proteolipossome systems have shown a satisfying property of protection of rabbits against pasteurellosis in face of the experimental challenge with P. multocida indicating that the system proposed here can be used as a vaccine to prevent the pasteurellosis either in commercial or biomedical research rearing of rabbit.
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Otimização das condições de cultivo de 'Rhizopus microsporus' var. 'rhizopodiformis' para a produção, isolamento e identificação de metabólitos com atividade antimicrobiana / Otimization of the conditions of cultivation of Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis for the production, isolation and identification of metabólites with antimicrobial activityAna Silvia Ciscato Camillo 12 April 2007 (has links)
O fungo Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis foi submetido a determinadas condições de cultivo, objetivando produzir substâncias com atividade antimicrobiana. O microorganismo foi transferido da sílica, na qual foi armazenado, e incubado por sete dias em meio aveia-ágar para o crescimento prévio. Em seguida, 4 x 106 esporos/mL de meio foram transferidos para o meio pré-fermentativo e incubado por 24 horas, seguido de transferência para meio fermentativo (meio Czapek, meio Jackson e meio Vogel) e incubado por períodos de tempo determinados. Além disso, foi incubado em meio fermentativo de arroz por 20 dias. Após a fermentação nos diferentes meios, o caldo da cultura foi obtido por filtração e submetido a partições utilizando-se solventes orgânicos: acetato de etila e n-butanol, os quais foram recuperados por evaporação a vácuo. Os extratos obtidos dessas partições foram submetidos aos testes de bioautografia para determinação das frações ostentando atividade antimicrobiana. Os extratos em acetato de etila dos quatro meios fermentativos apresentam tal atividade. As frações ativas foram submetidas a diferentes modalidades cromatográficas para isolamento das substâncias, como a cromatografia liquida em coluna de sílica e a Cromatografia Liquida de Alta Eficiência. Foram isolados quatro metabólitos secundários a partir das frações obtidas em acetato de etila dos meio liquido Jackson e do meio sólido de arroz. Foram identificadas duas dicetopiperazinas (ciclos Leu-Pro e Leu-4-OH-Pro) e um derivado aromático contendo nitrogênio na porção alifática da molécula. Foram determinadas as concentrações inibitórias mínimas (CIM) das substâncias isoladas contra os seguintes microorganismos: Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) Candida albicans (ATCC 10231), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853). Todos os extratos obtidos dos meios de cultura apresentaram atividade contra S. aureus e K. rhizophila, bem como o extrato metanólico dos micélios. Apenas os extratos em n-butanol não foram ativos. Nos ensaios de microdiluição, as três ix substâncias identificadas apresentaram CIMs entre 400 e 350 μg/mL. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o fungo em questão é uma fonte interessante para obtenção de metabólitos secundários. / The fungus Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis was cultivated in different fermentative media aiming to produce secondary metabolites bearing antimicrobial activity. The conidia storage in silica gel was incubated in oat medium for conidia production. After seven days the conidia (4 x 106 conidia/mL) was transferred to a pre-fermentative medium and incubated for 24 h for mycelium production. After that, it was transferred to three fermentative media: Czapek, Jackson and Vogel, and incubated for different periods of time. After fermentation, cultures were filtered and the broth was submitted to partition using ethyl acetate and n-buthanol in sequence, which were, afterwards, recovered under vacuum. The obtained crude extracts were evaluated under bioautography assay aiming to select the most adequate medium for secondary antimicrobial metabolite production. The ethyl acetate extracts obtained from both Jackson and rice media displayed the higher activities. Therefore, they were submitted to different chromatographic means, including silica gel column and HPLC, furnishing four isolated compounds, from which three were identified: two diketopiperazines (cyclos Leu-Pro and Leu-4-OH-Pro) and one aromatic compound containing a nitrogen in the aliphatic moiety. The pure isolated compounds were submitted to microdilution tests against the following bacteria: Kocuria rhizophila (ATCC 9341), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) Candida albicans (ATCC 10231), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) e a Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), aiming to determine their Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC). All the ethyl acetate extracts displayed antimicrobial activity in the bioautography assays against S. aureus and K. rhizophila, as well as the mycelia methanol extracts. Only the n-butanol extracts did not display activity. Regarding the microdilution assay, three of evaluated pure compounds displayed MIC values between 400 and 350 μg/mL. The obtained results indicated that the studied fungus is an interesting source for biologically active secondary metabolites production.
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Architecture for the emerging missional paradigm amomg faith communities in Botswana - In dialogue with BoschHenry, Desmond 18 October 2010 (has links)
The indispensability of the Church [in Africa] is the primary motive for the writing of this dissertation. Throughout the centuries, we have seen the Church in various contexts, and in many forms. We have borne witness to the good, bad and the ugly throughout the history of the Church. It is my belief that any constructive growth for the future success of the Church in Africa has to come from the bold recognition that if it is to succeed and fully partake in the Missio Dei, 'everything must change' (McLaren 2007). There is need for continuity and discontinuity; however, change is not negotiable!! The Church is called to be both confessional and Missional; the Church should always be forming (ecclesia simper formanda), and reforming (ecclesia simper reformanda)(van Gelder 2007). Therefore, there is a need to rediscover the essence of Jesus‟ intention for the Church; that is God‟s redeemed people, and their view of God‟s Kingdom with its various implications for an African Missiology. There is a need for Missional Churches in Africa, for dialogue, and for unity in action. In this dissertation, I will endeavour to present architecture for a Missional Ecclesiology in dialogue with Bosch; focusing on the emerging renaissance of African Missiology, and the current Pneumatological importance/ emphasis in many African Churches (otherwise known as African independent Churches- AIC). I have used the word architecture to mean overall framework emphasizing relationships between components, orientation and support as well as the innovative response to functional necessity. The focus/ niche of this dissertation will be faith communities in Botswana, because that is my current context of ministry, and there is an obvious research gap in this area of study as nothing has been researched and published in terms of an emerging Missional Ecclesiology amongst faith communities in Botswana. I will seek to collect, analyze and interpret current as well as historical data regarding Church (mission), population and emerging areas of concern for faith communities in Botswana, and, by implication, Southern Africa. / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted
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Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of cobalt and cobalt sulphide nanoparticles against selected microbes that are found in wastewaterPhuti, Moukangoe Getrude January 2018 (has links)
M. Tech (Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) Vaal University of Technology. / Water shortages, water pollution and climate changes are highly interrelated global issues. These have raised immense concerns about serious adverse effects on the quality, treatment and re-use of wastewater. A major role of water is for vitality of life on earth. Water is recognized as source of evolution from origin to degree of civilization, since it is an essential resource its treatment becomes a necessity for day to day for life.
Nanoparticles and their application in treatment of wastewater is becoming a major area of research. It is mainly applicable to the removal of major contaminants like microorganisms. This study was carried out with an objective to investigate the antibacterial and antifungal potentials of nanoparticles. Cobalt and cobalt complexes of urea and thiourea were synthesized and characterized using UV-Vs, PL, FTIR, TEM, SEM, XRD and TGA techniques. The Co particles are in a mixture of rod, agglomerates with irregular shape around 50 – 100 nm in diameter. The Co/Thiourea particles appear to be around 10 – 30nm in size. The Co complexed with urea images showed spherical to hexagonal shape with 50 nm size in diameter.
The antimicrobial activity was determined using Minimum Inhibitory and bactericidal concentration and the well diffusion method. The antibacterial and antifungal activities of ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1 μg/mL) of doped cobalt nanoparticles were tested against a panel of five Gramnegative bacteria - (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella enterica, Salmonella typhi and Salmonella sonnei) human pathogenic bacteria; and two fungal strains - Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. Zones of inhibition as a consequence of nanoparticles were compared with that of different standards like Neomycin for antibacterial activity and Amphotericin B for antifungal activity. The results showed a remarkable inhibition of the bacterial growth against the tested organisms. The most striking feature of this study is that Cobalt, Urea and Thiourea nanoparticles have antifungal activity comparable or more effective (as in case of Thiourea on A. niger) than Amphotericin B and nearly promising antibacterial activity although not comparable to Neomycin.
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Bezpečnost bezdrátových počítačových sítí / Security of wireless computer networksJelínek, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the issue of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) from the viewpoint of the security and functional principle of security mechanisms. The transition to the issue concerning the security is accompanied by the methods of wireless data transmission operating on the level of physical layer (FHSS, DSSS, OFDM, MIMO), which is followed by the summary of individual 802.11 standards. The next part deals with the issue of shared transmission medium (CSMA/CA), influence of interference and correcting mechanisms (RTS/CTS). Within the security, the principles of the authentication along with the commonly used methods of security (WEP, WPA, WPA2) are described in detail. The first part concerning security deals with the security in the form of the WEP protocol, which is considered insufficient nowadays and points out the imperfect implementation and the consequent risks. The following part describes the security in the form of WPA which eliminates the implementation weaknesses of the previous WEP security protocol. The description of commonly used mechanisms of authentication (PSK, 802.1x), required temporary key management (PTK, GTK), data integrity (MIC) and encryption which uses TKIP protocol are also included. The last part, possible WLAN security, is aimed at the full support of 802.11i standard, which is called WPA2 (sometimes RSN). That part describes the basic encryption security element CCMP, which is based on the AES block cipher modes. The practical part of the thesis deals with the security verification of current wireless networks. In the process of verification the accessible HW means and programming tools of Open Source Software (OSS) are used. By means of verification it has been pointed out that there are possible security risks resulting from the security method which has been used. Also several recommendations how to reduce the security risks of the used method to minimum are mentioned.
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Vysoce náročné aplikace na svazku karet Intel Xeon Phi / High Performance Applications on Intel Xeon Phi ClusterKačurik, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is the implementation and subsequent optimization of high performance applications on a cluster of Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. Using two approaches to solve the N-Body problem, the possibilities of the program execution on a cluster of processors, coprocessors or both device types have been demonstrated. Two particular versions of the N-Body problem have been chosen - the naive and Barnes-hut. Both problems have been implemented and optimized. For better comparison of the achieved results, we only considered achieved acceleration against single node runs using processors only. In the case of the naive version a 15-fold increase has been achieved when using combination of processors and coprocessors on 8 computational nodes. The performance in this case was 9 TFLOP/s. Based on the obtained results we concluded the advantages and disadvantages of the program execution in the distributed environments using processors, coprocessors or both.
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抗真菌薬のin vivo 効果を予測可能にしたin vitro 評価法の確立牧, 克之 24 September 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(薬学) / 乙第12775号 / 論薬博第766号 / 新制||薬||236(附属図書館) / 30758 / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科製薬化学専攻 / (主査)教授 金子 周司, 教授 橋田 充, 教授 掛谷 秀昭 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM
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No description available.
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Effectiveness of Surface Treatments on Microbial Induced Concrete Corrosion in Wastewater InfrastructureSapkota, Ramkrishna 11 August 2022 (has links)
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Information Approach to Change Point Analysis and its Application to Fiscally Standardized CitiesHadamuscin, Larry A. 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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