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A Novel Antimicrobial Drug Discovery Approach for the Periodontal Pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalisStone, Victoria N 01 January 2015 (has links)
The human body is colonized by more than 100 trillion microbes which make up an essential part of the body and plays a significant role in health. We now know the over use and misuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics can disrupt this microbiome contributing to the onset of disease and runs the risk of promoting antibiotic resistance. With antibiotic research still on the decline, new strategies are greatly needed to combat emerging pathogens while maintaining a healthy microbiome. We therefore set out to present a novel species-selective antimicrobial drug discovery strategy.
Disruption of the homeostasis within the oral cavity can trigger the onset of one of the most common bacterial infections, periodontal disease. Even though the oral cavity is one of the most diverse sites on the human body, the Gram-negative colonizer, Porphyromonas gingivalis has long been considered a key player in the initiation of periodontitis, suggesting the potential for novel narrow-spectrum therapeutics. By targeting key pathogens, it may be possible to treat periodontitis while allowing for the recolonization of the beneficial, healthy flora. Therefore, we set out to use P. gingivalis and periodontal disease as a model for pathogen-specific antimicrobial drug discovery.
In this study we present a unique approach to predict essential gene targets selective for the periodontal pathogen within the oral environment. Using our knowledge of metabolic networks and essential genes we identified a “druggable” essential target, meso-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase, which is found in a limited number of species. This enzyme, meso-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase from P. gingivalis, was first expressed and purified, then characterized for enzymatic inhibitor screening studies. We then applied a computer-based drug discovery method, combining pharmacophore models, high-throughput virtual screening and molecular docking. Utilizing the ZINC database we virtually screened over 9 million small-molecules to identify several potential target-specific inhibitors. Finally, we used target-based and whole-cell based biochemical screening to assess in vitro activity. We conclude that the establishment of this target and screening strategy provides a framework for the future development of new antimicrobials and drug discovery.
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Recherche de nouveaux agents pathogènes associés aux pneumopathies nosocomialesBousbia, Sabri 29 September 2011 (has links)
Récemment, les microbiotes pulmonaires bactériens d’un nombre très limité de patients atteints de mucoviscidose et de pneumopathies acquises sous ventilation mécanique (PAVM) ont été étudiés en utilisant l'amplification du gène 16S rDNA bactérien suivie par la construction de librairies de clones et différentes approches de séquençage. Ces études ont montré que la population microbienne de patients atteints de maladies respiratoires était plus diversifiée que prévue. Dans l'étude actuelle, nous utilisons une approche comparable pour identifier exhaustivement les agents pathogènes (bactéries, virus, et champignons) composant le microbiote pulmonaire associé aux pneumopathies développées en unités de réanimation. L'étude a inclus des patients admis en réanimation et présentant des formes de pneumopathies acquises sous ventilation mécanique (n = 106), de pneumopathies communautaires (n = 32), de pneumopathies nosocomiales sans ventilation mécanique (n = 22) et de pneumopathies d’aspiration (n = 25). Une cohorte de 25 patients admis en réanimation et ne présentant pas de symptômes de pneumopathie a été étudiée comme contrôle. Cette première partie du travail amènera ainsi à réaliser un catalogue exhaustif des agents de pneumopathies nosocomiales ; à connaître la prévalence des agents identifiés et d’identifier les co-infections fréquemment observées, et surtout à vérifier si ces agents peuvent être identifiés ou pas dans les prélèvements respiratoires profonds de patients non symptomatiques. Pour réaliser cette partie du travail, des séries de prélèvements, incluant des prélèvements de lavage broncho-alvéolaire (LBA), des prélèvements de sang et d'urine ont été étudiés. Ces prélèvements ont été testés par des moyens d’identification moléculaire moderne basés sur l’amplification de gènes conservés (gènes16S rDNA des bactéries et gène 18S rDNA des champignons) suivie par clonage et séquençage à grande échelle. D’autres pathogènes atypiques sont ciblés par des tests de PCR avec utilisation d’amorces spécifiques. Nous avons également inclus la culture, la co-culture d’amibes, la détection sérologique d'anticorps dirigés contre des agents sélectionnés et des tests d'antigène urinaire, afin de comparer ces tests de routine aux approches moléculaires. Comme résultats, les tests moléculaires nous ont permis d’identifier un vaste répertoire de 160 espèces bactériennes dont 73 n'ont jamais été précédemment rapportées à l’étiologie des pneumopathies. En outre, nous avons trouvé 37 phylotypes bactériens potentiellement nouveaux. Nous avons également identifié 24 espèces de champignons dont 6 n'ont pas été précédemment rapportées à l’étiologie des pneumopathies, 7 virus et étonnamment 6 espèces de plantes. De plus, certains agents pathogènes considérés comme typiques aux pneumopathies nosocomiales tels que Pseudomonas aeruginosa et des Streptococci ont été détectés chez les contrôles comme chez les patients. Cet étonnant résultat souligne l'existence d'un noyau de microbiote pulmonaire.Dans un deuxième travail, faisant suite aux travaux effectués dans notre laboratoire et qui ont pu mettre en évidence que 19% des pneumopathies nosocomiales étaient déterminées par des microorganismes associés aux amibes (MAAs) de l’eau préalablement ignorés ou négligés, nous avons utilisé un test d'immunofluorescence multiplexe pour tester la prévalence des anticorps contre les MAAs dans le sang de patients admis en réanimation et atteints de pneumopathies et la comparer à la prévalence au moment de l'admission. Comme résultat, nous démontrons que certains MAAs peuvent être plus fréquemment détectés après des épisodes de pneumopathies nosocomiales que lors de l’admission. En outre, la réponse immunitaire aux MAAs semble augmenter lorsque le séjour en réanimation est prolongé. Enfin, nous avons mis au point une stratégie de metagénomique pour tester les prélévements pour lesquels aucune étiologie n’a été retrouvée. [...] / Recently, bacterial microbiota from a limited number of patients with cystic fibrosis and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) was studied using 16S rDNA gene amplification followed by clone libraries construction and sequencing. These studies have showed that the microbial population of patients with respiratory infections was more diverse than expected. In the current study, we use a similar approach to identify exhaustively the pathogens (bacteria, viruses, and fungi) comprising the microbiota associated with episodes of pneumonia developed in the intensive care units (ICU). Our study included patients admitted to ICUswith with episodes of ventilator-associated pneumonia (n = 106), community-acquired pneumonia (n = 32), nosocomial pneumonia without mechanical ventilation (n = 22) and aspiration pneumonia (n = 25). A cohort of 25 patients admitted to ICUs without symptoms of pneumonia were studied as controls. This first part of the work enables to prepare an exhaustive repertoire of nosocomial pneumonia pathogenes; to know the prevalence of the pathogens identified and to identify co-infections frequently observed, and especially to ascertain whether these agents can be identified or not in the respiratory samples of patients without symptoms of pneumonia. To perform this part of work, series of samples, including bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples, blood samples and urine samples were collected. These samples were tested by means of modern molecular tools based on the amplification of conserved genes (bacterial 16S rDNA and fungal 18S rDNA genes), followed by highthroutput cloning and sequencing. The atypical pathogens are targeted by PCR tests using specific primers and probes. We also included culture, amoeba co-culture, serological detection of antibodies against selected agents and urinary antigen testing, to compare these routine tests to molecular approaches. Based on molecular testing, we identified a wide repertoire of 160 bacterial species of which 73 were never previously reported in pneumonia samples. Moreover, we found 37 putative new bacterial phylotypes. We also identified 24 fungal species of which 6 have not been previously reported in pneumonia, 7 viruses and surprisingly 6 plant species. Some pathogens considered being typical for ICU pneumonia such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus species may be detected as commonly in controls as in pneumonia patients which strikingly highlight the existence of a core of pulmonary microbiota.In a second work, following previous works performed in our laboratory which were able to show that 19% of nosocomial pneumonia were determined by micro-organisms associated to amoebae (AAMs) previously ignored or neglected, we used a recent test based on multiplex serology to test for the prevalence of antibodies against the AAMs in the blood of patients admitted to ICU and developed episodes of pneumonia and compare it to the prevalence at the time of admission (controls). As a result, we demonstrate that some AAMs may be more frequently detected after episodes of nosocomial pneumonia than at the admission. In addition, the immune response to AAMS appears to increase when the ICU stay is prolonged.Finally, in order to explore samples for which no microbial aetiology was found, we have developed a subtractive hybridization metagenomic strategy and tested it on different clinical samples. The sensitivity of this strategy was also evaluated. We have demonstrated that our method, based on the detection of DNA and RNA of microorganisms in a single test, allows sensitive detection of different types of microorganisms.
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Caracterização da microbiota vaginal, intestinal e oral durante o período gestacional / Vaginal, gut and oral microbiota characterization during pregnancySparvoli, Luiz Gustavo 27 May 2019 (has links)
A simbiose desenvolvida entre seres vivos e microrganismos desempenha um importante papel na relação saúde-doença do hospedeiro. Neste sentido, o corpo humano abriga uma grande e diversa comunidade de microrganismos, sendo as mucosas vaginal, intestinal e oral as principais superfícies mucosas do corpo feminino que abrigam as comunidades bacterianas de fundamental importância para a mulher. Estes microrganismos atuam no desenvolvimento e modulação do sistema imune, na manutenção e otimização de vias metabólicas e competem por sítios de colonização, prevenindo que microrganismos patogênicos estabeleçam colonização. A composição da microbiota feminina varia com a idade, pH, secreção hormonal, ciclo menstrual, uso de anticoncepcional e atividade sexual. O presente estudo buscou caracterizar a composição da microbiota do corpo feminino durante o período gestacional, comparando os achados entre gestantes e não gestantes saudáveis, através de técnicas de biologia molecular. Foram selecionadas 60 mulheres saudáveis para o estudo e coletadas amostras de secreção vaginal, fezes e swab oral de cada participante. O DNA das amostras foi extraído e submetido à sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA e quantificado através da técnica de PCR em tempo real. Das participantes selecionadas, 42 eram gestantes e 18 eram mulheres não gestantes em idade reprodutiva. Observamos que a quantificação total de bactérias na vagina não apresentou diferenças entre gestantes e não gestantes. Houve aumento na abundância de Lactobacillus no sítio vaginal, bactérias produtoras de butirato na microbiota intestinal e Streptococcus na microbiota oral de mulheres grávidas quando comparadas com mulheres não gestantes. Além disso, observamos que a composição e a disposição dos gêneros encontrados sofrem uma modificação, tal como aumento de gêneros relacionados com a manutenção da homeostase no grupo de mulheres gestantes. O período gestacional influencia positivamente na composição da microbiota, garantindo assim a prevalência de gêneros bacterianos responsáveis pela manutenção das condições ideais para o desenvolvimento da gestação saudável. / The symbiosis developed between living organisms and microorganisms plays an important role in the health-disease relationship of the host. In this sense, the human body harbor a large and diverse community of microorganisms, the vaginal, intestinal and oral mucosa are the main mucosal surfaces of the female body that harbor bacterial communities of fundamental importance for women. These microorganisms act in the development and modulation of the immune system, in the maintenance and optimization of metabolic pathways and compete for colonization sites, preventing pathogenic microorganisms from establishing colonization. The composition of the female microbiota varies with age, pH, hormonal secretion, menstrual cycle, contraceptive use and sexual activity. The present study aimed to characterize the microbiota composition of the female body during the gestational period, comparing the findings between healthy and non - pregnant women through molecular biology techniques. Sixty healthy women were selected for the study and samples of vaginal secretion, stool and oral swab from each participant were collected. The DNA of the samples was extracted and submitted to the 16S rRNA gene sequencing and quantified by the real-time PCR technique. Were select, 42 were pregnant and 18 were non-pregnant women of reproductive age. We observed that the total quantification of bacteria in the vaginal samples did not present differences between pregnant and non-pregnant women. There was an increase in the abundance of Lactobacillus in the vaginal site, butyrate producing bacteria in the intestinal microbiota and Streptococcus in the oral microbiota of pregnant women when compared to nonpregnant women. In addition, we observed that the composition and arrangement of the genera found undergo a modification, such as an increase in genera related to the maintenance of homeostasis in the group of pregnant women. The pregnancy influences the composition of the microbiota, thus ensuring the prevalence of bacterial genera responsible for the maintenance of the ideal conditions for the development of healthy pregnancy.
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The microbiome related to carbon and nitrogen cycling in pure and mixed Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium plantations / O microbioma relacionado à ciclagem de carbono e nitrogênio em plantações puras e mistas de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangiumPereira, Arthur Prudêncio de Araujo 05 October 2018 (has links)
The introduction of N2-fixing trees in mixed forest systems is a recent strategy that can reduce the use of external inputs and increase the Eucalyptus plantations sustainability. In these systems, there is a strong interconnection between the trees, which occurs through a complex network of interactions between microorganisms, above and belowground. These interactions result in innumerable biological functions and ecosystem services, which are essential for soil and plant health. Moreover, the result of the Eucalyptus-microbiome-Acacia interaction has been pointed out as essential in achieving higher Eucalyptus productivity indexes in mixed systems. Our aim was to explore the dynamics of microbiome related to nutrient cycling in pure and mixed Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium plantations. Specifically, our efforts were focused on the microbiome benefits to the biological functions improvement in commercial Eucalyptus plantations driving by Acacia introduction in the system. We also give details regarding as the knowledge of the microbiome diversity, composition and functions can help us to understand their close relationship with carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling in soil and litter layers. We believe that holistic approaches in which we can explore the biological interactions in systems using plants of high ecological value (Acacia) and high economic value (Eucalyptus) will be inevitable in the near future. If we learn how to manipulate important processes mediated by the microbiome involved in these interactions, we will take an important step to overcome the current resource constraints, combining increased productivity with the ecological intensification of forest plantations and the environmental sustainability. / A inserção de árvores fixadoras de nitrogênio (N2) em sistemas florestais mistos é uma estratégia recente que pode reduzir o uso de inputs externos e aumentar a sustentabilidade das plantações de Eucalipto. Nesses sistemas, existe uma forte interconexão entre as árvores, a qual ocorre por uma complexa rede de interações entre micro-organismos, acima e abaixo do solo. Essas interações resultam em inúmeros processos biológicos e serviços ecossistêmicos, os quais são essenciais para a saúde do solo e das plantas. Além do mais, o resultado da interação Eucalipto-microbioma-Acácia tem sido apontado como essencial no alcance de maiores índices de produtividade do Eucalipto em sistemas mistos. Nosso objetivo foi explorar a dinâmica do microbioma relacionado à ciclagem de nutrientes em plantações puras e mistas de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangium. Especificamente, nossos esforços focaram nos benefícios do microbioma para a melhoria de funções biológicas, principalmente aquelas promovidas pela introdução da Acácia em plantações comerciais de Eucalipto. Por exemplo, abordamos detalhes como o conhecimento da diversidade, composição e funções desse microbioma pode nos ajudar a compreender sua íntima relação com a ciclagem de carbono (C) e nitrogênio (N) no solo e na serapilheira. Acreditamos que abordagens holísticas, com as quais possamos explorar as interações biológicas em sistemas com plantas de alto valor ecológico (Acácia) e alto valor econômico (Eucalipto) serão inevitáveis no futuro. Se aprendermos a manipular alguns processos mediados pelo microbioma envolvido nessas interações, daremos um passo importante para superar as atuais limitações de recursos, aliando o aumento da produtividade com a intensificação ecológica das plantações florestais e a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente.
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Microbial community profiling of human gastrointestinal cancers / Investigação de perfis microbianos humanos e sua relação com o câncer gastro-intestinalThomas, Andrew Maltez 12 December 2018 (has links)
The human microbiome - defined as the microbial communities that live in and on our bodies - is emerging as a key factor in human diseases. The expanding research field that investigates the role of the microbiome on human cancer development, termed oncobiome, has led to important discoveries such as the role of Fusobacterium nucleatum in colorectal cancer carcinogenesis and tumor progression. Motivated by these discoveries, this thesis studied the oncobiome from different perspectives, investigating whether alterations to microbial profiles were associated with disease status or an adverse response to treatment. We used both biopsy tissue samples and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing (N = 36), as well as privately and publicly available fecal whole metagenomes (N = 764) to investigate microbiome-colorectal cancer (CRC) associations. We observed significant increases in species richness in CRC, regardless of sample type or methodology, which was partially due to expansions of species typically from the oral cavity, as well as an overabundance of specific taxa such as Bacteroides fragilis, Fusobacterium, Desulfovibrio and Bilophila in CRC. Functional potential analysis of CRC metagenomes revealed that the choline trimethylamine-lyase (cutC) gene was over-abundant in CRC, with the strength of association dependent on four identified sequence variants, pointing at a novel potential mechanism of CRC carcinogenesis. Predictive microbiome signatures trained on the combination of multiple datasets showed very high and consistent performances on distinct cohorts (average AUC 0.83, minimum 0.81). To investigate the microbiomes role in response to treatment, we profiled microbial communities of gastric wash samples in gastric cancer patients (N = 36) before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy through 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Gastric wash microbial communities presented remarkably high inter-individual variation, with significant decreases in richness and phylogenetic diversity after treatment and associations with pH, pathological response and sample collection. The most abundant genera found in patients before or after chemotherapy treatment included Streptococcus, Prevotella, Rothia and Veillonella. Despite limitations inherent to differing experimental choices, this thesis provides microbiome signatures that can be the basis for clinical prognostic tests and hypothesis-driven mechanistic studies, as well as supporting the role of the human oral microbiome in whole-body diseases. / O microbioma humano - definido como as comunidades microbianas que vivem sobre e dentro do corpo humano - está se tornando um fator cada vez mais importante em doenças humanas. O campo de estudo que investiga o papel do microbioma no desenvolvimento do câncer humano, denominado oncobioma, está crescendo e já levou a importantes descobertas como o papel da espécie Fusobacterium nucleatum na carcinogênese e progressão tumoral de tumores colorretais. Motivado por estas descobertas, esta tese de doutorado analisou o oncobioma por diferentes perspectivas, investigando se alterações nos perfis microbianos estavam associados à presença da doença ou a uma resposta adversa ao tratamento. Usamos tanto amostras de tecidos de biópsias e o sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA (N = 36), quanto metagenomas fecais públicos e privados (N = 764), para investigar associações entre o microbioma e o câncer colorretal (CCR). Observamos um aumento significativo da riqueza microbiana no CCR, independentemente do tipo da amostra ou metodologia, que era em parte, devido ao aumento de espécies tipicamente presentes na cavidade oral. Observamos também um aumento da abundância de táxons específicos no CCR, que incluíam Bacteroides fragilis, Fusobacterium, Desulfovibrio e Bilophila. Analisando o potencial funcional dos metagenomas, encontramos um aumento significativo da enzima liase colina trimetilamina (cutC) no CCR, cuja associação era dependente de 4 variantes de sequência, demonstrando ser um possível novo mecanismo de carcinogênese no CCR. Assinaturas preditivas do microbioma treinadas na combinação dos estudos demonstraram ser altamente preditivas e consistentes nos diferentes estudos (média de AUC 0.83, mínimo de 0.81). Para investigar o possível papel do microbioma na resposta ao tratamento, analisamos os perfis microbianos do suco gástrico de pacientes com câncer gástrico (N = 36) antes e depois do tratamento quimioterápico neoadjuvante. As comunidades microbianas apresentaram uma variabilidade inter-individual notavelmente grande, com diminuições significativas na riqueza e diversidade filogenética pós tratamento, além de estarem associadas principalmente ao pH, mas também à resposta patológica e ao tempo da coleta. Os gêneros mais abundantes encontrados nos pacientes antes ou depois da quimioterapia incluíam Streptococcus, Prevotella, Rothia e Veillonella. Apesar das limitações inerentes às escolhas experimentais, esta tese proporciona assinaturas do microbioma que podem servir de base para testes clínicos prognósticos e estudos mecanísticos, além de dar mais suporte ao papel do microbioma oral em doenças humanas.
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Microbial community profiling of human gastrointestinal cancers / Investigação de perfis microbianos humanos e sua relação com o câncer gastro-intestinalAndrew Maltez Thomas 12 December 2018 (has links)
The human microbiome - defined as the microbial communities that live in and on our bodies - is emerging as a key factor in human diseases. The expanding research field that investigates the role of the microbiome on human cancer development, termed oncobiome, has led to important discoveries such as the role of Fusobacterium nucleatum in colorectal cancer carcinogenesis and tumor progression. Motivated by these discoveries, this thesis studied the oncobiome from different perspectives, investigating whether alterations to microbial profiles were associated with disease status or an adverse response to treatment. We used both biopsy tissue samples and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing (N = 36), as well as privately and publicly available fecal whole metagenomes (N = 764) to investigate microbiome-colorectal cancer (CRC) associations. We observed significant increases in species richness in CRC, regardless of sample type or methodology, which was partially due to expansions of species typically from the oral cavity, as well as an overabundance of specific taxa such as Bacteroides fragilis, Fusobacterium, Desulfovibrio and Bilophila in CRC. Functional potential analysis of CRC metagenomes revealed that the choline trimethylamine-lyase (cutC) gene was over-abundant in CRC, with the strength of association dependent on four identified sequence variants, pointing at a novel potential mechanism of CRC carcinogenesis. Predictive microbiome signatures trained on the combination of multiple datasets showed very high and consistent performances on distinct cohorts (average AUC 0.83, minimum 0.81). To investigate the microbiomes role in response to treatment, we profiled microbial communities of gastric wash samples in gastric cancer patients (N = 36) before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy through 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Gastric wash microbial communities presented remarkably high inter-individual variation, with significant decreases in richness and phylogenetic diversity after treatment and associations with pH, pathological response and sample collection. The most abundant genera found in patients before or after chemotherapy treatment included Streptococcus, Prevotella, Rothia and Veillonella. Despite limitations inherent to differing experimental choices, this thesis provides microbiome signatures that can be the basis for clinical prognostic tests and hypothesis-driven mechanistic studies, as well as supporting the role of the human oral microbiome in whole-body diseases. / O microbioma humano - definido como as comunidades microbianas que vivem sobre e dentro do corpo humano - está se tornando um fator cada vez mais importante em doenças humanas. O campo de estudo que investiga o papel do microbioma no desenvolvimento do câncer humano, denominado oncobioma, está crescendo e já levou a importantes descobertas como o papel da espécie Fusobacterium nucleatum na carcinogênese e progressão tumoral de tumores colorretais. Motivado por estas descobertas, esta tese de doutorado analisou o oncobioma por diferentes perspectivas, investigando se alterações nos perfis microbianos estavam associados à presença da doença ou a uma resposta adversa ao tratamento. Usamos tanto amostras de tecidos de biópsias e o sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA (N = 36), quanto metagenomas fecais públicos e privados (N = 764), para investigar associações entre o microbioma e o câncer colorretal (CCR). Observamos um aumento significativo da riqueza microbiana no CCR, independentemente do tipo da amostra ou metodologia, que era em parte, devido ao aumento de espécies tipicamente presentes na cavidade oral. Observamos também um aumento da abundância de táxons específicos no CCR, que incluíam Bacteroides fragilis, Fusobacterium, Desulfovibrio e Bilophila. Analisando o potencial funcional dos metagenomas, encontramos um aumento significativo da enzima liase colina trimetilamina (cutC) no CCR, cuja associação era dependente de 4 variantes de sequência, demonstrando ser um possível novo mecanismo de carcinogênese no CCR. Assinaturas preditivas do microbioma treinadas na combinação dos estudos demonstraram ser altamente preditivas e consistentes nos diferentes estudos (média de AUC 0.83, mínimo de 0.81). Para investigar o possível papel do microbioma na resposta ao tratamento, analisamos os perfis microbianos do suco gástrico de pacientes com câncer gástrico (N = 36) antes e depois do tratamento quimioterápico neoadjuvante. As comunidades microbianas apresentaram uma variabilidade inter-individual notavelmente grande, com diminuições significativas na riqueza e diversidade filogenética pós tratamento, além de estarem associadas principalmente ao pH, mas também à resposta patológica e ao tempo da coleta. Os gêneros mais abundantes encontrados nos pacientes antes ou depois da quimioterapia incluíam Streptococcus, Prevotella, Rothia e Veillonella. Apesar das limitações inerentes às escolhas experimentais, esta tese proporciona assinaturas do microbioma que podem servir de base para testes clínicos prognósticos e estudos mecanísticos, além de dar mais suporte ao papel do microbioma oral em doenças humanas.
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The microbiome related to carbon and nitrogen cycling in pure and mixed Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium plantations / O microbioma relacionado à ciclagem de carbono e nitrogênio em plantações puras e mistas de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangiumArthur Prudêncio de Araujo Pereira 05 October 2018 (has links)
The introduction of N2-fixing trees in mixed forest systems is a recent strategy that can reduce the use of external inputs and increase the Eucalyptus plantations sustainability. In these systems, there is a strong interconnection between the trees, which occurs through a complex network of interactions between microorganisms, above and belowground. These interactions result in innumerable biological functions and ecosystem services, which are essential for soil and plant health. Moreover, the result of the Eucalyptus-microbiome-Acacia interaction has been pointed out as essential in achieving higher Eucalyptus productivity indexes in mixed systems. Our aim was to explore the dynamics of microbiome related to nutrient cycling in pure and mixed Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium plantations. Specifically, our efforts were focused on the microbiome benefits to the biological functions improvement in commercial Eucalyptus plantations driving by Acacia introduction in the system. We also give details regarding as the knowledge of the microbiome diversity, composition and functions can help us to understand their close relationship with carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling in soil and litter layers. We believe that holistic approaches in which we can explore the biological interactions in systems using plants of high ecological value (Acacia) and high economic value (Eucalyptus) will be inevitable in the near future. If we learn how to manipulate important processes mediated by the microbiome involved in these interactions, we will take an important step to overcome the current resource constraints, combining increased productivity with the ecological intensification of forest plantations and the environmental sustainability. / A inserção de árvores fixadoras de nitrogênio (N2) em sistemas florestais mistos é uma estratégia recente que pode reduzir o uso de inputs externos e aumentar a sustentabilidade das plantações de Eucalipto. Nesses sistemas, existe uma forte interconexão entre as árvores, a qual ocorre por uma complexa rede de interações entre micro-organismos, acima e abaixo do solo. Essas interações resultam em inúmeros processos biológicos e serviços ecossistêmicos, os quais são essenciais para a saúde do solo e das plantas. Além do mais, o resultado da interação Eucalipto-microbioma-Acácia tem sido apontado como essencial no alcance de maiores índices de produtividade do Eucalipto em sistemas mistos. Nosso objetivo foi explorar a dinâmica do microbioma relacionado à ciclagem de nutrientes em plantações puras e mistas de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangium. Especificamente, nossos esforços focaram nos benefícios do microbioma para a melhoria de funções biológicas, principalmente aquelas promovidas pela introdução da Acácia em plantações comerciais de Eucalipto. Por exemplo, abordamos detalhes como o conhecimento da diversidade, composição e funções desse microbioma pode nos ajudar a compreender sua íntima relação com a ciclagem de carbono (C) e nitrogênio (N) no solo e na serapilheira. Acreditamos que abordagens holísticas, com as quais possamos explorar as interações biológicas em sistemas com plantas de alto valor ecológico (Acácia) e alto valor econômico (Eucalipto) serão inevitáveis no futuro. Se aprendermos a manipular alguns processos mediados pelo microbioma envolvido nessas interações, daremos um passo importante para superar as atuais limitações de recursos, aliando o aumento da produtividade com a intensificação ecológica das plantações florestais e a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente.
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Sequenciamento do microbioma do rúmen de ovinos utilizando a plataforma Ion Torrent (PGM) / Sheep rumen microbiome sequencing using Ion Torrent (PGM) platformLucas Dantas Lopes 11 July 2013 (has links)
Os micro-organismos que habitam o trato digestivo dos ruminantes têm uma profunda influência no desenvolvimento e funcionamento do animal hospedeiro. O rúmen abriga comunidades microbianas complexas dominadas por bactérias que participam de um processo eficiente de degradação dos materiais que compõem a parede celular vegetal. Por esta razão, o microbioma do rúmen representa uma fonte inexplorada de enzimas hidrolíticas com potencial aplicação na produção de combustíveis a partir da biomassa lignocelulósica. Nós usamos a plataforma Ion Torrent (PGM) para acessar o microbioma do rúmen de quatro animais da raça Santa Inês submetidos a uma dieta base. A fim de descrever a estrutura da comunidade microbiana no rúmen de ovinos e explorar o seu potencial como uma fonte de genes de degradação da biomassa, usamos a abordagem de sequenciamento do gene RNA ribossomal 16S (rRNA), utilizando Ion Tags, e a abordagem de sequenciamento metagenômico shotgun (DNA total), respectivamente. Além disso, medimos parâmetros químicos do ambiente do rúmen, relacionados a cada animal, incluindo pH, Degradabilidade da Matéria Orgânica (OMD), Produção total de Gás (GP) e Emissões de Metano (CH4), a fim de buscar correlações entre estas variáveis químicas e os grupos bacterianos. Em termos de estrutura da comunidade microbiana (bacteriana), encontramos Bacteroidetes como o filo dominante, seguido por Firmicutes, Proteobacteria e Actinobacteria. Alguns táxons foram correlacionados com os parâmetros químicos, como as famílias Corynebacteriaceae e Streptococcaceae, que foram positivamente correlacionadas com OMD; e a família Streptomycetaceae, negativamente correlacionada com GP e CH4. Algumas glicosil hidrolases conhecidas foram identificadas, como Endo-1,4-beta-glucanases, Beta-D-glicosídioglicohidrolases e outras foram designadas como putativas. Estas descobertas mostram interações ecológicas entre os grupos microbianos e funções importantes do rúmen, assim como o potencial do rúmen de ovinos para a descoberta de novas enzimas celulolíticas. / The microorganisms inhabiting the digestive tracts of ruminants have a profound influence on the host animal development and functioning. The rumen harbors complex microbial communities dominated by bacteria, which participate in an efficient process to digest plant cell wall materials. For this reason, the rumen microbiome represents an untapped source of hydrolytic enzymes with potential application for fuel production from lignocellulosic biomass. We used the Ion Torrent (PGM) platform to access the rumen microbiome of four animals of Santa Inês breed under a base diet. In order to describe the structure of the microbial community in the sheep rumen and explore its potential as a source of biomass-degrading genes, we used 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Ion Tags sequencing approach and shotgun metagenomic sequencing (total DNA) approach, respectively. Furthermore, we measured rumen chemical environmental parameters related to each animal, including pH, Organic Matter Degradability (OMD), Total Gas Production (GP) and Methane emissions (CH4) in order to search for correlations between these chemical variables and bacterial groups. In terms of microbial (bacterial) community structure, we found Bacteroidetes as the dominant phylum in sheep rumen microbiome, followed by Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Some taxa were correlated with the environmental parameters, like the Corynebacteriaceae and Streptococcaceae families, which was positively correlated with OMD, and the Streptomycetaceae family, negatively correlated with GP and CH4. Some known glycoside hydrolases were identified, such as Endo-1,4-betaglucanases, Beta-D-glucoside glucohydrolases and others were designated as putative ones. These findings show ecological interactions among microbial groups and important rumen functions, as well as the potential of the sheep rumen for the discovery of new cellulolytic enzymes.
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Sequenciamento do microbioma do rúmen de ovinos utilizando a plataforma Ion Torrent (PGM) / Sheep rumen microbiome sequencing using Ion Torrent (PGM) platformLopes, Lucas Dantas 11 July 2013 (has links)
Os micro-organismos que habitam o trato digestivo dos ruminantes têm uma profunda influência no desenvolvimento e funcionamento do animal hospedeiro. O rúmen abriga comunidades microbianas complexas dominadas por bactérias que participam de um processo eficiente de degradação dos materiais que compõem a parede celular vegetal. Por esta razão, o microbioma do rúmen representa uma fonte inexplorada de enzimas hidrolíticas com potencial aplicação na produção de combustíveis a partir da biomassa lignocelulósica. Nós usamos a plataforma Ion Torrent (PGM) para acessar o microbioma do rúmen de quatro animais da raça Santa Inês submetidos a uma dieta base. A fim de descrever a estrutura da comunidade microbiana no rúmen de ovinos e explorar o seu potencial como uma fonte de genes de degradação da biomassa, usamos a abordagem de sequenciamento do gene RNA ribossomal 16S (rRNA), utilizando Ion Tags, e a abordagem de sequenciamento metagenômico shotgun (DNA total), respectivamente. Além disso, medimos parâmetros químicos do ambiente do rúmen, relacionados a cada animal, incluindo pH, Degradabilidade da Matéria Orgânica (OMD), Produção total de Gás (GP) e Emissões de Metano (CH4), a fim de buscar correlações entre estas variáveis químicas e os grupos bacterianos. Em termos de estrutura da comunidade microbiana (bacteriana), encontramos Bacteroidetes como o filo dominante, seguido por Firmicutes, Proteobacteria e Actinobacteria. Alguns táxons foram correlacionados com os parâmetros químicos, como as famílias Corynebacteriaceae e Streptococcaceae, que foram positivamente correlacionadas com OMD; e a família Streptomycetaceae, negativamente correlacionada com GP e CH4. Algumas glicosil hidrolases conhecidas foram identificadas, como Endo-1,4-beta-glucanases, Beta-D-glicosídioglicohidrolases e outras foram designadas como putativas. Estas descobertas mostram interações ecológicas entre os grupos microbianos e funções importantes do rúmen, assim como o potencial do rúmen de ovinos para a descoberta de novas enzimas celulolíticas. / The microorganisms inhabiting the digestive tracts of ruminants have a profound influence on the host animal development and functioning. The rumen harbors complex microbial communities dominated by bacteria, which participate in an efficient process to digest plant cell wall materials. For this reason, the rumen microbiome represents an untapped source of hydrolytic enzymes with potential application for fuel production from lignocellulosic biomass. We used the Ion Torrent (PGM) platform to access the rumen microbiome of four animals of Santa Inês breed under a base diet. In order to describe the structure of the microbial community in the sheep rumen and explore its potential as a source of biomass-degrading genes, we used 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Ion Tags sequencing approach and shotgun metagenomic sequencing (total DNA) approach, respectively. Furthermore, we measured rumen chemical environmental parameters related to each animal, including pH, Organic Matter Degradability (OMD), Total Gas Production (GP) and Methane emissions (CH4) in order to search for correlations between these chemical variables and bacterial groups. In terms of microbial (bacterial) community structure, we found Bacteroidetes as the dominant phylum in sheep rumen microbiome, followed by Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Some taxa were correlated with the environmental parameters, like the Corynebacteriaceae and Streptococcaceae families, which was positively correlated with OMD, and the Streptomycetaceae family, negatively correlated with GP and CH4. Some known glycoside hydrolases were identified, such as Endo-1,4-betaglucanases, Beta-D-glucoside glucohydrolases and others were designated as putative ones. These findings show ecological interactions among microbial groups and important rumen functions, as well as the potential of the sheep rumen for the discovery of new cellulolytic enzymes.
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Soil and root microbial communities have been studied for decades, and the incorporation of high-throughput techniques and analysis has allowed the identification of endophytic/non-culturable organisms. This has helped characterize and establish the core microbiome of many model plant species which include underground and aboveground organs. Unfortunately, the information obtained from some of these model plants is not always transferable to other agronomic species. In this project, we decided to study the microbiome of the Nicotiana genus because of its importance in plant physiological and plant-microbe interactions studies. The data obtained was used as baseline information that allowed us to better understand the effect of microbial inoculums on the assembly of the microbiome of the plant. We analyzed 16s rRNA amplicons to survey the microbiome in different plant organs and rhizosphere from four different species. Bacterial strains evaluated were screened for a consistent reduction or improvement in plant growth. Four bacterial strains were tested and used as seed inoculum (Lf-Lysinobacillus fusisormis, Ms –Micrococcus sp., Bs–Bacillus sp., Bc–Bacillus cereus). Bs and Bc inoculants caused plant growth promotion, and in contrast Ms caused retarded growth, while Lf acted as a neutral or non-inducing phenotype strain. Data supported that microbial inoculum used as seed treatment caused systemic changes in the host plant microbiome. Functionality of the inoculum was studied and the response in plant growth was linked to hormonal changes (evaluated in the plant and in the bacterial strains). Gene expression analysis using a genome-scale approach revealed that genes that could possibly be involved in stress response are down-regulated for Bc and Bs treatments and up-regulated for Ms. Flexibility variability of the inoculum was also evaluated to have a better understanding of the main factors involved in the promotion or suppression of growth, and possibly its effect in following generations. In summary, the findings of this project support that the plant functional microbiome responds to exogenous stimulation from abiotic and biotic factors by adapting endogenous hormone responses.
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