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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phononic frequency combs

Ganesan, Adarsh January 2018 (has links)
Optical frequency combs have resulted in significant advances in optical frequency metrology and found wide application to precise physical measurements and molecular fingerprinting. A direct analogue of frequency combs in the phononic or acoustic domain has not been reported to date. This thesis describes a series of results to provide the first clear evidence for the generation of phononic frequency combs in the domain of micromechanical resonators. These results are supported by a theoretical framework which was originally developed to predict the existence of such features of combs in physical systems described by Fermi-Pasta-Ulam dynamics. The phononic frequency combs is mediated by nonlinear coupling between a primary driven mode and one or more parametrically excited internal modes. We provide experimental evidence for the formation of such phononic frequency combs in systems comprising of 2 or more coupled modes, with results qualitatively consistent with previous numerical studies based on Fermi-Pasta-Ulam dynamics. Additionally, externally pumped comb processes are also reported. Through systematic experiments at different drive frequencies and amplitudes, we portray the well-connected processes of phononic frequency comb formation and define attributes to control their concomitant features. Further, the interplay between these new nonlinear resonances and the well-established Duffing phenomenon is also discussed. While the experimental verification of the existence of phononic frequency combs is of scientific interest, several potential engineering applications exist including the unique capability to track resonant frequency of a micromechanical resonator without the requirement for an external feedback loop to sustain oscillations at the resonant frequency. The initial experimental results also demonstrate that good short-term frequency stability may be obtained for such micromechanical resonators operated under ambient conditions.

Development of materials for construction with low environmental Impact made with low content of cement and with natural fibers / Développement de matériaux pour la construction à faible impact environnemental fait à faible teneur en ciment et de fibres naturelles

Lumingkewas, Riana Herlina 09 December 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de contribuer au domaine des matériaux de construction pour l'industrie de la construction, en développant la recherche sur les matériaux de construction renouvelables qui sont respectueux de l'environnement. Matériaux fabriqués avec un peu de ciment et en utilisant des matériaux locaux tels que l'argile et des déchets de fibres naturelles. Formation dans le processus de la technologie d'extrusion. Objectif à long terme de trouver de nouveaux matériaux de construction respectueux de l'environnement à partir de matériaux locaux pour améliorer la qualité de la performance, d'accélérer le développement et de réduire les coûts de construction. La première étude a examiné la structure de microphysique, mécanique, thermique et de fibres naturelles de noix de coco qui est largement disponible en Indonésie. Puis, en termes de rapport en fibres de coco et que grâce à un traitement non traités. En outre, le développement de modèles de Weibull pour obtenir des modèles d'une seule résistance à la traction de la fibre de coco. La deuxième étude, la formule conçue de coco matériaux composites de ciment renforcés de fibres et de l'argile doit être formée par un processus de technologie de l'extrusion en spirale. Après cela, le test rhéologique rhéomètre utilisé pour examiner l'incidence sur le comportement de la pâte de ciment de fibres stabilisé avec de l'argile. Ensuite, analysé pour obtenir des modèles prédictifs de la limite d'élasticité des matériaux composites. La troisième étude, inspecter les performances du produit d'extrusion mécanique, en utilisant destructrice système de test mécanique (MTS) et en utilisant des méthodes d'essais non destructifs avec corrélation d'image numérique (DIC). Ensuite, développé des modèles micromécaniques des fibres mécaniques et composites. Pour obtenir la caractérisation des tests micro composants par microscope électronique à balayage (MEB). L'évolution de l'échec et de dommages matériels observé microfissures. Les résultats obtenus de cette étude, la performance de la fibre peut être améliorée par un traitement et ont obtenu un seul des modèles de résistance à la traction de la fibre. En outre, les produits d'extrusion de la formule mortier obtenu des matériaux composites de fibres peuvent être extrudés sans défauts sur la surface. Aussi obtenu modèles rhéologiques pour prédire le rendement des composites de fibre de contrainte. Ajout de la fibre de coco augmente la résistance à la compression et à la traction que sans fibres. L‘évolution de défaillance et de la destruction du matériel de fibre composite est plus résistant que le matériau normal. De même dérivé des effets de modèles et des modèles de micromécanique robinet de fibres et traînée de composites de fibres mécaniques. Le modèle résultant est comparé avec les résultats des données expérimentales MTS et DIC, donnant les résultats de leur pertinence. Le matériau de construction qui en résulte est des matériaux écologiques, ductiles et très approprié pour les bâtiments dans les zones sismiques / The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to the field of building materials for the construction industry, by developing research on renewable building materials that are environmentally friendly. Materials are made with low cement and using local materials such as clay and waste natural fiber, formation through the process of extrusion technology. The long-term goal is finding new materials environmentally friendly building made from local materials to improve the quality of performance, speed up the building and reduce construction costs. The first study examined the physical, mechanical, thermal and microstructure of natural fibers of coir fiber that is widely available in Indonesia. Then, in terms of coir fiber ratio treated and untreated. Furthermore, it is developing Weibull models to get models tensile strength of the single coir fiber. The second study, designed the formulation of coir fiber reinforced cement and clay of composite materials to formed through a process of the extrusion technology spiral. After that, rheological testing rheometer used to examine the impact on the behavior of fiber cement paste stabilized with clay. Then, it analyzed to derive predictive models of the yield stress of composite materials. The third study, inspect mechanical extrusion product performance, using destructive mechanical testing system (MTS) and using non-destructive testing methods with digital image correlation (DIC). Then, develop mechanical models and micromechanical models of fiber composites. To get the characterization of micro-components are testing by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The evolution of failure and damage observed micro cracks. The results obtained from this study, the performance of coir fiber can be improved through treatment and obtained a single fiber tensile strength models. Furthermore, the formula obtained extrusion products fiber composite materials can extrude without defects on the surface. Also, it obtained rheological models to predict the yield stress fiber composites. The addition of coir fiber increases the compressive strength and tensile strength than plain mortar. Failure and damage evolution of fiber composite is more resilient than the plain mortar. Similarly, it obtained mechanical models of the fiber effects and micromechanical models of compressive strength and tensile strength of the fiber composite. The resulting model compared with experimental data results of MTS and DIC, are giving significant results. The resulting building material is environmentally friendly materials, ductile and highly suitable for buildings in earthquake areas.

Approche multi-échelles dans les matériaux polymères : de la caractérisation nanométrique aux effets d'échelles / Multiscale approach in polymer materials : from the nanoscale characterization to the effects of scale

Nguyen, Thanh Loan 17 June 2014 (has links)
L’effet du confinement de la phase amorphe lors de la cristallisation du poly(éthylène téréphtalate) et du poly(acide lactique) a été étudié à multi-échelles. Ces polymères peuvent exister sous forme amorphe et semi-cristalline. La relation entre la microstructure et les propriétés viscoélastiques des matériaux a été mise en évidence par les expériences en diffusion des rayons X aux petits angles (SAXS) et aux grands angles (WAXS), en Calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC), en traction, en analyseur mécanique dynamique (DMA) et en nanoindentation. La différence de la structure moléculaire du PET et du PLA est essentielle pour leur comportement physique et mécanique. Au cours de la cristallisation, une autre phase amorphe dont le comportement mécanique est plus rigide que la phase amorphe traditionnelle a été formée. La DSC permet de quantifier la dépendance de la fraction de cette phase amorphe rigide en fonction du taux de cristallinité. La technique de diffusion des rayons X permet d’étudier l’évolution de la microstructure (dimension de cristallites, épaisseur des phases) lors de la cristallisation. Le comportement mécanique des polymères a été étudié à différentes échelles. Les essais de DMA permettent non seulement d’étudier le comportement viscoélastique macroscopique des polymères mais aussi de quantifier les propriétés viscoélastiques de chaque phase amorphe via leur température de transition vitreuse. Cela a été utilisé comme données d’entrée dans des modèles micromécaniques. La nanoindentation permet de mesurer les propriétés mécaniques du matériau à son extrême surface. Dans la dernière partie, une approche des propriétés mécaniques macroscopiques des matériaux a été réalisée par des modèles micromécaniques d’homogénéisation en se basant sur la morphologie matrice-inclusion. / The signature of confinement effect onto the mechanical properties of the amorphous phase during crystallization of two polymers, Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) was investigated at multi-scale. The two polymers have the advantage of being either in bulk amorphous or in semi-crystalline state. The relation between the microstructure and the viscoelastic properties of materials is put light on by the experiments of X-Ray Scattering, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), by tensile strength tests, by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and by nanoindentation. The difference in molecular structure of PET and PLA is essential for their physical and mechanical behavior. During crystallization, the second amorphous phase whose mechanical behavior is more rigid than conventional amorphous phase was formed. DSC is used to quantify the rigid amorphous fraction dependence on the crystallinity. The technique of X-ray scattering is used to study the evolution of the microstructure (crystallite size, lamella thickness) during crystallization. The mechanical behavior of materials was studied at different scale. DMA tests allow not only to study the macroscopic behavior of viscoelastic polymers but also to quantify the viscoelastic properties of each amorphous phase through their glass transition temperature. This was used as input data in micromechanical models. Nanoindentation is used to measure the mechanical properties of the materials at the extreme surface. In the last part, the homogenization micromechanical modeling was performed based on the matrix - inclusion morphology in order to predict the macroscopic mechanical behavior laws of materials.

Flexural And Tensile Properties Of Thin, Very High-Strength, Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Panels

Roth, Michael Jason 15 December 2007 (has links)
This research was conducted to characterize the flexural and tensile characteristics of thin, very high-strength, discontinuously reinforced concrete panels developed by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Panels were produced from a unique blend of cementitous material and fiberglass reinforcing fibers, achieving compressive strength and fracture toughness levels that far exceeded that of typical concrete.The research program included third-point flexural experiments, novel direct tension experiments, implementation of micromechanically based analytical models, and development of finite element numerical models. The experimental, analytical, and numerical efforts were used conjunctively to determine parameters such as elastic modulus, first-crack strength, post-crack modulus and fiber/matrix interfacial bond strength. Furthermore, analytical and numerical models implemented in the work showed potential for use as design tools in future engineered material improvements.


AMINJIKARAI, SRINIVASA BABU January 2003 (has links)
No description available.


TANOV, ROMIL R. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Framework for Cohesive Zone Model Based Multiscale Damage Evolution in a Fatigue Environment

Thomas, Michael Andrew 24 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Integration of Micromechanical and Probabilistic Analysis Models of Nanocomposites

Pilla, Srikanth January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanics of Fiber-Controlled Behavior in Polymeric Composite Materials

Case, Scott Wayne 28 May 1996 (has links)
Modern durability and damage tolerance predictions for composite material systems rely on accurate estimates of the local stress and material states for each of the constituents, as well as the manner in which the constituents interact. In this work, an number of approaches to estimating the stress states and interactions are developed. First, an elasticity solution is presented for the problem of a penny-shaped crack in an N-phase composite material system opened by a prescribed normal pressure. The stress state around such a crack is then used to estimate the stress concentrations due to adjacent fiber fractures in a composite materials. The resulting stress concentrations are then used to estimate the tensile strength of the composite. The predicted results are compared with experimental values. In addition, a cumulative damage model for fatigue is presented. Modifications to the model are made to include the effects of variable amplitude loading. These modifications are based upon the use of remaining strength as a damage metric and the definition of an equivalent generalized time. The model is initially validated using results from the literature. Also, experimental data from APC-2 laminates and IM7/K3B laminates are used in the model. The use of such data for notched laminates requires the use of an effective hole size, which is calculated based upon strain distribution measurements. Measured remaining strengths after fatigue loading are compared with the predicted values for specimens fatigued at room temperature and 350°F (177°C). / Ph. D.

A micromechanical model for predicting tensile strength

McClain, Michael Patrick 05 October 2007 (has links)
A novel micromechanical model for predicting the failure of polymeric and ceramic matrices under an applied global tensile loading is presented. The model is based on a Weibull statistical type of approach and incorporates eleven different variables to simulate different micromechanical failure phenomenon. Through the variables, the model incorporates such phenomenon as fiber-fiber interaction; matrix-fiber interaction; damage due to processing; and local stress distribution at the interphase. The effects of the load sharing constants and shape parameter on failure are studied. A software package, used in the Windows environment, was also developed to perform a numerical analysis of the model. / Master of Science

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