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AwareCare: development and validation of an observational measure of awareness in people with severe dementiaClare, L., Whitaker, R., Quinn, Catherine, Jelley, H., Hoare, Z., Woods, B., Downs, Murna G., Wilson, B.A. January 2012 (has links)
No / Signs of sensory and perceptual awareness can be observed in people with very severe dementia, and may be influenced by the extent to which the environment offers appropriate stimulation. We developed an observational tool, AwareCare, which care staff can use to identify signs of awareness in residents with very severe dementia, based on the concept of the Wessex Head Injury Matrix (WHIM). Using WHIM items as a guide, and following focus groups with care staff and family members, an expert panel identified 28 environmental stimuli and 35 response categories for the initial version of AwareCare. After baseline assessments of cognition, well-being and quality of life were taken, 40 residents were observed individually for 30 minutes on 5 occasions. Based on the observational data, 10 stimulus categories and 14 response categories were identified for further analysis and formed the final version of AwareCare. All participants showed awareness to varying degrees. Social stimuli elicited the most responses. Greater awareness was associated with better cognitive function, self-care, mobility, and responsiveness, but not with proxy-rated quality of life. Understanding the nature of awareness in this group is an important element in ensuring appropriate levels of interaction and stimulation, and hence enhancing quality of care.
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Exploring eye movements in patients with glaucoma when viewing a driving sceneCrabb, D.P., Smith, N.D., Rauscher, F.G., Chisholm, Catharine M., Barbur, J.L., Edgar, D.F., Garway-Heath, D.F. January 2010 (has links)
No / BACKGROUND: Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease and a leading cause of visual disability. Automated assessment of the visual field determines the different stages in the disease process: it would be desirable to link these measurements taken in the clinic with patient's actual function, or establish if patients compensate for their restricted field of view when performing everyday tasks. Hence, this study investigated eye movements in glaucomatous patients when viewing driving scenes in a hazard perception test (HPT). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The HPT is a component of the UK driving licence test consisting of a series of short film clips of various traffic scenes viewed from the driver's perspective each containing hazardous situations that require the camera car to change direction or slow down. Data from nine glaucomatous patients with binocular visual field defects and ten age-matched control subjects were considered (all experienced drivers). Each subject viewed 26 different films with eye movements simultaneously monitored by an eye tracker. Computer software was purpose written to pre-process the data, co-register it to the film clips and to quantify eye movements and point-of-regard (using a dynamic bivariate contour ellipse analysis). On average, and across all HPT films, patients exhibited different eye movement characteristics to controls making, for example, significantly more saccades (P<0.001; 95% confidence interval for mean increase: 9.2 to 22.4%). Whilst the average region of 'point-of-regard' of the patients did not differ significantly from the controls, there were revealing cases where patients failed to see a hazard in relation to their binocular visual field defect. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Characteristics of eye movement patterns in patients with bilateral glaucoma can differ significantly from age-matched controls when viewing a traffic scene. Further studies of eye movements made by glaucomatous patients could provide useful information about the definition of the visual field component required for fitness to drive.
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Recurrent mutations in the U2AF1 splicing factor in myelodysplastic syndromesGraubert, T.A., Shen, D., Ding, L., Okeyo-Owuor, T., Lunn, C.L., Shao, J., Krysiak, K., Harris, C.C., Koboldt, D.C., Larson, D.E., McLellan, M.D., Dooling, D.J., Abbott, R.M., Fulton, R.S., Schmidt, H., Kalicki-Veizer, J., O'Laughlin, M., Grillot, M., Baty, J., Heath, S., Frater, J.L., Nasim, Md. Talat, Link, D.C., Tomasson, M.H., Westervelt, P., DiPersio, J.F., Mardis, E.R., Ley, T.J., Wilson, R.K., Walter, M.J. January 2012 (has links)
No / Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are hematopoietic stem cell disorders that often progress to chemotherapy-resistant secondary acute myeloid leukemia (sAML). We used whole-genome sequencing to perform an unbiased comprehensive screen to discover the somatic mutations in a sample from an individual with sAML and genotyped the loci containing these mutations in the matched MDS sample. Here we show that a missense mutation affecting the serine at codon 34 (Ser34) in U2AF1 was recurrently present in 13 out of 150 (8.7%) subjects with de novo MDS, and we found suggestive evidence of an increased risk of progression to sAML associated with this mutation. U2AF1 is a U2 auxiliary factor protein that recognizes the AG splice acceptor dinucleotide at the 3' end of introns, and the alterations in U2AF1 are located in highly conserved zinc fingers of this protein. Mutant U2AF1 promotes enhanced splicing and exon skipping in reporter assays in vitro. This previously unidentified, recurrent mutation in U2AF1 implicates altered pre-mRNA splicing as a potential mechanism for MDS pathogenesis.
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Care homes' use of medicines study: prevalence, causes and potential harm of medication errors in care homes for older peopleBarber, N.D., Alldred, David P., Raynor, D.K., Dickinson, R., Garfield, S., Jesson, B., Lim, R., Savage, I., Standage, C., Buckle, P., Carpenter, J., Franklin, B., Woloshynowych, M., Zermansky, A.G. January 2009 (has links)
No / INTRODUCTION: Care home residents are at particular risk from medication errors, and our objective was to determine the prevalence and potential harm of prescribing, monitoring, dispensing and administration errors in UK care homes, and to identify their causes. METHODS: A prospective study of a random sample of residents within a purposive sample of homes in three areas. Errors were identified by patient interview, note review, observation of practice and examination of dispensed items. Causes were understood by observation and from theoretically framed interviews with home staff, doctors and pharmacists. Potential harm from errors was assessed by expert judgement. RESULTS: The 256 residents recruited in 55 homes were taking a mean of 8.0 medicines. One hundred and seventy-eight (69.5%) of residents had one or more errors. The mean number per resident was 1.9 errors. The mean potential harm from prescribing, monitoring, administration and dispensing errors was 2.6, 3.7, 2.1 and 2.0 (0 = no harm, 10 = death), respectively. Contributing factors from the 89 interviews included doctors who were not accessible, did not know the residents and lacked information in homes when prescribing; home staff's high workload, lack of medicines training and drug round interruptions; lack of team work among home, practice and pharmacy; inefficient ordering systems; inaccurate medicine records and prevalence of verbal communication; and difficult to fill (and check) medication administration systems. CONCLUSIONS: That two thirds of residents were exposed to one or more medication errors is of concern. The will to improve exists, but there is a lack of overall responsibility. Action is required from all concerned.
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The scale of repeat prescribing--time for an updatePetty, Duncan R., Zermansky, A.G., Alldred, David P. 2014 January 1929 (has links)
Yes / The NHS spends billions of pounds annually on repeat prescriptions in primary care, but data on their extent and use is out of date. Understanding the scale of repeat prescribing and for whom it is prescribed is important for the NHS to plan services and develop policies to improve patient care. Anonymous data on prescription numbers and practice population demographics was obtained from GP computer systems in a large urban area.Searches were conducted in November 2011 to identify the numbers of repeat items listed on individuals' repeat lists by sex and age.The proportion of all prescription items issued as repeats was identified by conducting searches on items issued as repeat and acute prescriptions. In the year of study 4,453,225 items were issued of which 3,444,769 (77%) were repeats (mean 13 items per patient/annum) and 1,008,456 (23%) acute prescriptions (mean 3.9 items per patient per annum). The mean number of repeat Items per patient was 1.87 (range 0.45 ages 0-9 years; 7.1 ages 80-89 years). At least one repeat medicine was prescribed to 43% of the population (range 20% for ages 0-9; over 75% for ages 60+). A significant proportion of the population receive repeat prescriptions and the proportion increases with age. Whilst the proportion of repeat items to acute items has remained unchanged over the last two decades the number of repeat prescriptions items issued has doubled (from 5.8 to 13.3 items/patient/annum). This has implications for general practice workload, patient convenience, NHS costs and risk.
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The effect of dietary estimates calculated using food frequency questionnaires on micronuclei formation in European pregnant women: a NewGeneris studyVande Loock, K., Botsivali, M., Zangogianni, M., Anderson, Diana, Baumgartner, Adolf, Fthenou, E., Chatzi, L., Marcos, R., Agramunt, S., Namork, E., Granum, B., Knudsen, L.E., Nielssen, J.K.S., Meltzer, H.M., Haugen, M., Kyrtopoulos, S.A., Decordier, I., Plas, G., Roelants, M., Merlo, F., Kleinjans, J.C., Kogevinas, M., Kirsch-Volders, M. 07 October 2014 (has links)
No / The use of biomarkers of early genetic effects, predictive for cancer, such as micronuclei (MN) in lymphocytes, may help to investigate the association between diet and cancer. We hypothesised that the presence of mutagens in the diet may increase MN formation. A 'pooled' standardised analysis was performed by applying the same experimental protocol for the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay in 625 young healthy women after delivery from five European study populations (Greece, Denmark, UK, Spain and Norway). We assessed MN frequencies in mono- and binucleated T-lymphocytes (MNMONO and MNBN) and the cytokinesis blocked proliferation index using a semi-automated image analysis system. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) were used to estimate intake of fatty acids and a broad range of immunotoxic and genotoxic/carcinogenic compounds through the diet. Pooled difference based on delivery type revealed higher MNMONO frequencies in caesarean than in vaginal delivery (P = 0.002). Statistical analysis showed a decrease in MNMONO frequencies with increasing calculated omega-6 PUFA concentrations and a decrease in MNBN frequencies with increasing calculated omega-3 PUFA concentrations. The expected toxic compounds estimated by FFQs were not associated with MN formation in mothers after delivery. In pregnant women, an omega-3 and -6 rich diet estimated by FFQ is associated with lower MN formation during pregnancy and delivery.
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Older people's views of a good death in heart failure: implications for palliative care provisionGott, M., Small, Neil A., Barnes, S., Payne, S., Seamark, D. January 2008 (has links)
No / Palliative care in the UK has been developed to meet the needs of predominantly middle aged and younger old people with cancer. Few data are available regarding the extent to which services respond to the specific needs of an older group of people with other illnesses. This paper draws on in-depth interviews conducted with 40 people (median age 77) with advanced heart failure and poor prognosis to explore the extent to which older people's views and concerns about dying are consistent with the prevalent model of the 'good death' underpinning palliative care delivery. That prevalent model is identified as the "revivalist" good death. Our findings indicate that older people's views of a 'good death' often conflict with the values upon which palliative care is predicated. For example, in line with previous research, many participants did not want an open awareness of death preceded by acknowledgement of the potential imminence of dying. Similarly, concepts of autonomy and individuality appeared alien to most. Indeed, whilst there was evidence that palliative care could help improve the end of life experiences of older people, for example in initiating discussions around death and dying, the translation of other aspects of specialist palliative care philosophy appear more problematic. Ultimately, the study identified that improving the end of life experiences of older people must involve addressing the problematised nature of ageing and old age within contemporary society, whilst recognising the cohort and cultural effects that influence attitudes to death and dying.
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Use of single-vision distance spectacles improves landing control during step descent in well-adapted multifocal lens-wearersTimmis, Matthew A., Johnson, Louise, Elliott, David, Buckley, John 28 April 2014 (has links)
No / Epidemiologic research has shown that multifocal spectacle wearers (bifocal and progressive addition lenses [PALs]) are more than twice as likely to fall than are nonmultifocal spectacle wearers, with this risk further increasing when negotiating stairs. The present study investigated whether step and stair descent safety is improved by using single-vision distance lenses. METHODS: From a stationary standing position on top of a block, 20 long-term multifocal wearers stepped down (from different block heights) onto a lower level wearing bifocal, progressive addition, or single-vision distance lenses. RESULTS: Use of single-vision distance spectacles led to an increased single-limb support time, a reduced ankle and knee angle and vertical center-of-mass velocity at contact with the lower level, and a reduced ankle angular velocity and vertical center-of-mass velocity during initial landing (P < 0.03). These findings indicate that landing occurred in a more controlled manner when the subjects wore single-vision distance spectacles, rather than tending to "drop" onto the lower level as occurred when wearing bifocals or PALs. CONCLUSIONS: Use of single-vision distance spectacles led to improvements in landing control, consistent with individuals' being more certain regarding the precise height of the lower floor level. This enhanced control was attributed to having a view of the foot, step edge, and immediate floor area that was not blurred, magnified, or doubled and that did not suffer from image jump or peripheral distortions. These findings provide further evidence that use of single-vision distance lenses in everyday locomotion may be advantageous for elderly multifocal wearers who have a high risk of falling.
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Cross-cultural comparison of the perceptions and experiences of dementia care mapping "mappers" in the United States and the United KingdomDouglass, C., Keddie, A., Brooker, Dawn J.R., Surr, Claire A. 15 March 2010 (has links)
No / Survey results from 161 respondents trained in dementia care mapping (DCM) in the United States and United Kingdom (82 and 79 respondents, respectively) addressed the following: (a) To what extent are mappers using DCM? (b) How satisfied are mappers with DCM? (c) What affect does DCM have on mappers' attitudes toward their dementia practice? and (d) What challenges are encountered by mappers in the use of DCM? METHOD: Analyses using odds ratios were used to make international and training-level (basic vs. advanced) comparisons. RESULTS: Differences across countries were found in use of DCM and lack of satisfaction using DCM codes. Similarities were found with positive affects of DCM on attitudes and lack of time for DCM. DISCUSSION: Differences in mappers' experiences and perceptions exist across the two countries, warranting increased attention to the cultural contexts within which mappers are situated and how these affect the implementation of DCM within a country.
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Living with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: patients concerns regarding death and dyingGardiner, C., Gott, M., Small, Neil A., Payne, S., Seamark, D., Barnes, S., Halpin, D., Ruse, C. January 2010 (has links)
No / Prognosis in COPD is poor and many patients perceive shortcomings in the education they receive about aspects of their condition. This study explores the experiences of patients with COPD, particularly fears surrounding death and dying. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 patients with moderate or severe COPD. Findings revealed that patient understanding of COPD was poor, most patients were unaware of the progressive nature of the condition, and few were aware they could die of COPD. Despite this, patients often expressed concerns that their condition might deteriorate. Patients had particular concerns regarding the manner of their death; the overriding fear was dying of breathlessness or suffocation. None of the patients' had discussed these fears with a health care professional. Improved patient education is needed in order to improve patients understanding of their condition and prognosis. Open communication regarding death, as advocated in a palliative care approach, is also appropriate to alleviate patients fears and to allow them to make decisions regarding the management of their care at the end of life.
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