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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of weirs on fish movements in the Murray-Darling Basin

Baumgartner, Lee Jason, n/a January 2005 (has links)
Dams and weirs are widely implicated in large-scale declines in both the range and abundance of aquatic fauna. Although many factors are involved, such declines are commonly attributed to the prevention or reduction of migration, reductions in available habitat, alteration of natural flow regimes and changes to physicochemical characteristics. In Australia, studies into the ecological effects of these impacts are limited, and have concentrated mainly on species of recreational and commercial importance. Subsequently, the adverse effects of dams and weirs, and suitable methods of mitigation, remain largely unknown for many other taxa. Therefore, the major aim of this thesis is to investigate the ecological effects of dam and weir construction on previously unstudied migratory assemblages of fish and macroinvertebrates in the Murray-Darling Basin. It is anticipated that the results of these studies will feed back into improved management strategies that help arrest the previously observed declines of aquatic fauna. Initially, fish communities were sampled, by boat electrofishing, from both reference sites and downstream of Balranald and Redbank weirs on the lower reaches of the Murrumbidgee River, Australia. Sampling was stratified over large spatial and temporal scales to gain a comprehensive understanding of species most affected by the presence of these two barriers. In general, the weirs obstructed fish migrations during summer and autumn and many species of small-bodied fish such as Australian smelt, western carp gudgeon, fly-specked hardyhead and crimson-spotted rainbowfish accumulated downstream of Balranald Weir. In addition, downstream accumulations of juveniles of larger-bodied species such as bony herring, common carp and goldfish were also detected. Although many previous studies had either documented or hypothesised that upstream migrating fish accumulate downstream of migration barriers, none attempted to quantify the size of such populations. Therefore, a simple but efficient method to estimate the size of migratory populations was assessed at the Balranald Weir site. The application of two commonly used estimation techniques yielded relatively reliable results for seven species that accumulated downstream of the weir. Population size estimates were greatest for most species during summer and autumn, where accumulations as high as 800 fish per day were detected. The largest calculated population size estimates, in addition to the greatest temporal variation, of any individual species was observed in bony herring. Given the simplicity of the technique and the relative accuracy of population estimates, it was concluded that these methods could easily be applied to other weirs where the size of migratory populations is of particular interest. A study investigating the effects of Yanco Weir on the diets of three migratory percichthyid species, Murray cod, trout cod and golden perch was also conducted. Observed spatial variation in a number of trophic processes strongly implicated Yanco Weir as a major contributor to increased competition among percichthyid species on the Murrumbidgee River. The greater relative abundance of percichthyids from downstream samples, combined with increases in dietary overlap and a greater percentage of empty stomachs, also suggested percichthyids may be significantly affecting the relative abundance of potential prey items such as freshwater prawns and Australian smelt. These significant changes in dietary composition were likely related to migratory behaviour, as these species accumulated downstream of the weir, and could be readily expected at other sites where passage is obstructed. It was suggested that the construction of suitable fish passage facilities would effectively reduce the probability of migratory fish accumulating and, subsequently, potential effects of dams and weirs on trophic processes. Since it was established that dams and weirs of the Murrumbidgee River were significantly affecting migratory fish communities, an innovative but relatively inexpensive fishway design, the Deelder fish lock (after Deelder, 1958), was constructed and assessed for wider application throughout the Murray-Darling Basin. The Deelder lock was effective at mitigating the effects of Balranald Weir by providing passage for a wide range of size classes and species of fish; but importantly, the structure enabled the passage of most species previously observed to accumulate downstream of the structure. Most significant was the ability of the fish lock to pass substantial numbers of small-bodied fish, which were previously not considered migratory, suggesting that these species should be considered when developing options to mitigate the effects of other dams and weirs throughout the Murray-Darling Basin. A significant finding of this study was the realisation that substantially more species and size classes of Australian native fish are migratory than previously thought. Subsequently, it is recommended that, when designing facilities to mitigate the effects of a dam or weir, the structure of the entire migratory community is considered when developing operating parameters. Various options for mitigating the effects of dams and weirs are discussed, but it was concluded that the construction of effective fishways would be the most appropriate means of restoring migration pathways to Australian native fish. A strategic approach for assessing and adaptively mitigating the effects of dams and weirs is presented and discussed.

Miljöanpassningar för restaurering av vattendrag i Sverige - Småskalig vattenkraft : Ska inte den vandrande fisken få lov att vandra? / Environmental adaptations of watercourse restoration in Sweden - Small-scale hydropower : Shouldn't the migrating fish be able to migrate?

Andreasson, Sandra, Ohlin, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Vattenkraftverk utgör vandringshinder för den akvatiska faunan i vattendrag. Den vandrande fisken hindras från att nå sina lekområden vilket har lett till ett minskat bestånd. Omprövningen som ska ske av vattenkraften i Sverige kommer att ställa högre krav på miljöanpassningar och bevarandet av ekologin. Elbristen i Europa har lett till en paus av omprövningen. Pausen möjliggör för att få ytterligare kunskap kring utförandet av restaureringsarbetet innan implementeringen. Studiens syfte var att identifiera vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som finns med restaureringsarbetet av vattenkraft, både ur ett socialt och ekologiskt perspektiv. Metoden utgjordes av ett flertal intervjuer med personer som för studien hade relevant kunskap. Resultatet visar på att det finns möjligheter och utmaningar inom samarbete, finansiering och restaurering. Slutsatsen av studien var att omprövningen är en grund till förbättrat arbete som bidrar med tydligare riktlinjer för samarbete, en miljöfonden som kan finansiera miljöanpassningarna och att restaureringsåtgärder faktiskt kommer implementeras. Utmaningarna som identifierades var konflikten mellan olika intressen, den varierande effektiviteten av en fiskväg och kostsamma miljöanpassningar. En utrivning ger snabba positiva förändringar och kan också därför anses vara den mest effektiva miljöanpassningen. Slutligen, restaurering av vattendrag är värdefullt för den akvatiska faunan. / Hydroelectric power plants constitute migration barriers for the aquatic fauna in watercourses. The migrating fish are prevented from reaching their spawning areas, which has led to a reduced stock of fish. Omprövningen of hydropower in Sweden will place higher demands on environmental adaptations and the preservation of ecology. The electricity shortage in Europe has led to a pause of omprövningen. The pause makes it possible to gain additional knowledge about the execution of the restoration work before the implementation. The purpose of the study was to identify which challenges and opportunities exist with the restaureation of watercourses with hydropower, both from a social and ecological perspective. The method consisted of several interviews with people who had relevant knowledge for the study. The results showed that there are opportunities and challenges with cooperation, financing and restoration. The conclusion was that the omprövning contributes with possibilities such as clearer guidelines for cooperation, the environmental fund that can finance the environmental adaptations and that restoration measures will actually be implemented. The identified challenges were conflicts between different interests, the varying efficiency of a fish passage and financing the expensive adaptations. A removal produces rapid positive change and can therefore be considered the most effective environmental adaptation. Finally, restoration of watercourses is valuable for the aquatic fauna.

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