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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Percepção dos familiares de pacientes com alergia ao leite de vaca em relação ao tratamento / Perceptions of caregivers of patients with cow\'s milk allergy regarding the treatment

Glauce Hiromi Yonamine 30 August 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Estudos demonstram que as alergias alimentares influenciam negativamente a qualidade de vida dos pacientes e familiares. Embora este tema seja importante, ainda há poucos estudos na literatura internacional e não existe estudos nacionais qualitativos em alergia alimentar. Objetivos: Compreender as percepções de familiares de crianças e adolescentes com alergia às proteínas do leite de vaca em relação à doença e seu tratamento. Trajetória Metodológica: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, em que foram entrevistados os familiares diretamente responsáveis pelos cuidados de crianças e adolescentes com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca confirmada, acompanhados no ambulatório de alergia alimentar da Unidade de Alergia e Imunologia do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo há, pelo menos, um ano. As entrevistas foram realizadas em condições de privacidade e foram propostas duas questões: \"Fale sobre a sua experiência com o tratamento da alergia à proteína do leite de vaca\" e \"O que o(a) Sr(a) espera do tratamento da doença do seu(sua) filho(a)?\". Os dados foram gravados, transcritos, avaliados utilizando-se o método de análise de conteúdo, sendo constituídas categorias e subcategorias a partir dos discursos. Resultados: Foram realizadas nove entrevistas, a maioria com mães dos pacientes. Surgiram três categorias com subcategorias: A. Tratamento e educação do paciente e familiares (experiências vividas, base do tratamento e como lidar com a doença), B. Resolução da doença (expectativa e melhora gradativa), C. Qualidade de vida (inclusão social, cotidiano familiar e custo dos alimentos). Os familiares vivenciaram dificuldades durante o início do tratamento, mas revelaram que as orientações fornecidas no seguimento tornaram as adaptações à doença mais fáceis. Eles também compararam a alergia à proteína do leite de vaca com outras doenças crônicas e destacaram a importância do acompanhamento de seus filhos na instituição para realizar um controle adequado. Além disso, enfatizaram que o seguimento também é importante para os profissionais de saúde, que aprimoram os conhecimentos sobre a doença. Os familiares comentaram sobre as dificuldades em obter a colaboração de outros membros da família em relação à dieta de exclusão, suas experiências frente a uma reação alérgica, dúvidas quanto ao tratamento e lacunas do conhecimento sobre a doença entre outros médicos e na população em geral. Alguns deles acreditavam que não havia tratamento para a alergia à proteína do leite de vaca, porque não existiam medicamentos ou vacinas, mas mantinham a esperança da descoberta de uma cura. A maioria dos familiares estava satisfeita com a melhora gradativa dos seus filhos, a qual era percebida pela redução da gravidade dos sintomas e tolerância a traços de leite. Além disso, eles comentaram sobre os esforços em proporcionar uma vida normal para seus filhos, as mudanças em suas vidas e a dificuldade em comprar alimentos especiais. Conclusão: O estudo qualitativo permitiu entender como os familiares enfrentam a doença, suas histórias e as expectativas quanto ao tratamento. Os familiares de crianças e adolescentes com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca sentem um grande impacto da doença e necessitam de apoio e orientação dos profissionais de saúde / Introduction: Some studies have shown that food allergies negatively influence on patient\'s and caregivers\' quality of life. Although this theme is important, there aren\'t many studies in the international literature and there is no national qualitative study in food allergy. Objectives: To understand the perceptions of caregivers of patients with cow\'s milk allergy regarding the disease and its treatment. Methods: Qualitative study in which caregivers of children and adolescents with confirmed cow\'s milk allergy followed, at least, for one year, were interviewed. They were recruited from the outpatient clinic of the Allergy and Immunology Division from Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. The interviews were conducted under conditions of privacy and two opened questions were proposed: \"Tell me about your experience with cow\'s milk allergy treatment\" and \"What do you expect from your child\'s disease treatment?\". Data were audio-recorded, transcribed, analyzed using the content analysis method and categories and subcategories were generated based on their speeches. Results: Nine interviews were done, mostly with mothers of the patients. Three categories with subcategories emerged: A. Treatment and education of the patient and their caregivers (life experiences, bases of treatment, coping with the disease), B. Resolution of the disease (hope, gradual improvement), C. Quality of life (social inclusion, family daily activities, costs of dietary treatment). Caregivers experienced difficulties during the initial treatment but pointed out that the guidance given during follow-up made the adjustments easier. They also compared the cow\'s milk allergy with other chronic diseases and highlighted the importance of their children follow-up in this institution for adequate control of them. Moreover, they emphasized that the follow-up is also important for medical staff, for knowledge improvement about the disease. Family members commented on the difficulties about lack of cooperation from other family members regarding the restrictive diet, their experience coping with the allergic reaction, doubts about the treatment and gaps on knowledge about the disease by other physicians and people. Some of them believed that there is no treatment for the disease, because there are no drugs or vaccines, but they were waiting for cure. The majority of relatives were satisfied with the gradual improvement of patients observed by reduction on the severity of symptoms and tolerance of milk traces within foods. In addition, they commented on the efforts to give a normal life for their children, the changes in their daily lives and the difficulty to buy special products. Conclusion: This qualitative study allowed us to understand how families cope with the disease, their histories and expectations about the treatment. The relatives of children and adolescents with cow\'s milk allergy feel a great burden of the disease and need support and orientation from health professionals

Eosinofilia esofágica em pacientes com anafilaxia à proteína do leite de vaca / Esophageal eosinophilia in patients with anaphylaxis to cow\'s milk protein

Barbosa, Adriana Marcia da Silva Cunha 19 July 2016 (has links)
Esofagite Eosinofílica é uma doença inflamatória crônica restrita ao esôfago e imune mediada por antígenos. Sua prevalência descrita varia desde 0,4%, numa população geral, até 15% em pacientes com sintomas de disfagia. Já se conhece sua associação com doenças atópicas, anafilaxia e alergia alimentar, sendo o leite de vaca um dos principais alimentos envolvidos. Existem relatos recentes de casos em que pacientes foram diagnosticados com esofagite eosinofílica após serem submetidos à imunoterapia oral com o alimento causador de sua alergia alimentar mediada por IgE. Porém, em nenhum destes casos foi avaliado previamente se os mesmos pacientes já não apresentavam eosinofilia esofágica latente e/ou sintomas subjetivos sugestivos da doença. Considerando que, atualmente, um dos tratamentos mais promissores para alergia alimentar é a imunoterapia oral, justificou-se a necessidade de entender se esofagite eosinofílica seria de fato uma complicação do tratamento, ou se seria uma condição pré ou coexistente. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a frequência de eosinofilia esofágica em pacientes com anafilaxia à proteína do leite de vaca. Foram analisados 89 pacientes matriculados no ambulatório de alergia alimentar do HC-FMUSP, com mediana de idade de 8 anos e que apresentavam anafilaxia ao leite de vaca. Todos foram submetidos à endoscopia digestiva alta com biópsias de esôfago, estomago e duodeno. Dados demográficos, comorbidades atópicas, uso de medicações e sintomas gastrointestinais foram analisados e comparados. A frequência de eosinofilia esofágica foi de 38,2% (34 de 89 pacientes). Em 15 dos 34 pacientes com eosinofilia esofágica, foi completada a investigação para esofagite eosinofílica com uso de inibidor de bomba de prótons em dose plena por 8 semanas antes de uma segunda endoscopia. Identificou-se, portanto, cinco pacientes (7,1%) com eosinofilia esofágica responsiva a inibidor de bomba de prótons e 10 pacientes com esofagite eosinofílica (14,2%). No grupo total de pacientes com eosinofilia esofágica (n=34) encontrou-se 29,4% de pacientes com quadro clínico gastrointestinal ausente; 23,5% oligossintomáticos, e apenas 47% com sintomas sugestivos de disfunção esofágica e, destes últimos, nem todos apresentavam sintomas esofágicos persistentes. Pode-se concluir que a frequência de esofagite eosinofílica descrita no grupo estudado foi significativamente superior à estimada na população geral e uma das mais altas descritas em grupos de pacientes com fatores de risco específicos. Também foi observada uma grande parcela de pacientes com eosinofilia esofágica, sendo muitos assintomáticos ou oligossintomáticos, surgindo o questionamento se esta não seria uma doença latente, de início precoce, insidioso e não relacionada diretamente como complicação de tratamentos atuais / Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic inflammatory disease, which occurs in the esophagus and is immune mediated by antigens. Its observed prevalence varies between 0.4% in the general population to 15% in patients with dysphagia. Its association with atopic diseases, anaphylaxis and food allergy has already been recognized. Cow\'s milk is one of the main food sources involved. There are recent reports of cases in which patients were diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis after being submitted to oral immunotherapy with the food that causes the IgE mediated allergy. However, in none of these cases was it previously determined if the same patients did not already present latent esophageal eosinophilia and/or subjective symptoms suggestive of the disease. Considering that, currently, one of the most promising treatment for food allergy is oral immunotherapy, the need to understand if eosinophilic esophagitis could be a treatment complication, or if it is a coexistent or preexistent condition, is justified. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate esophageal eosinophilia frequency in patients with anaphylaxis to cow\'s milk protein. We analyzed eighty-nine patients registered in the Food Allergy Unit of the HCFMUSP, with a median age of 8 years, who presented cow\'s milk anaphylaxis. All of them were submitted to digestive endoscopy as well as esophagus, stomach, and duodenum biopsies. We also analyzed and compared demographic data, atopic comorbidities, use of medication, and gastrointestinal symptoms. The frequency of esophageal eosinophilia was 38.2% (34 of 89 patients). In 15 of the 34 patients with esophageal eosinophilia, full investigation for the disease was carried out using a proton pump inhibitor at full dose for eight weeks prior to a second endoscopy. From this, five patients (7.1%) had the proton pump inhibitor-responsive esophageal eosinophilia phenotype, and ten patients were diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis (14.2%). In the whole group of patients with esophageal eosinophilia (n = 34), it was found 29.4% of patients with an absent gastrointestinal clinical condition, 23.5% were oligosymptomatic, and only 47% had symptoms suggestive of esophagic dysfunction. Of these, not all presented persistent esophagic symptoms. It is possible to conclude that the frequency of eosinophilic esophagitis observed in this group was significantly higher than the estimated for the general population, and one of the highest observed in groups of patients with specific risk factors. A large portion of patients with esophageal eosinophilia were oligosymptomatic or asymptomatic, raising the question if this would not in fact be a latent disease, with a precocious beginning, insidious and not directly related to current treatments complications

Cárie dentária, perfil salivar, padrão de higiene bucal de crianças com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca ou intolerância à lactose e percepção de pais /

Amaral, Marcelo Augusto. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Suzely Adas Saliba Moimaz / Banca: Mitsue Fujimaki / Banca: Ronald Jefferson Martins / Banca: Luiz Fernando Lolli / Banca: Fernando Yamamoto Chiba / Resumo: A alergia alimentar atualmente é considerada um problema de saúde pública. O objetivo nesta pesquisa foi analisar a prevalência de cárie dentária, o padrão de higiene bucal e o perfil salivar em crianças com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca (APLV) e intolerância à lactose (IL), bem como avaliar o consumo de fórmulas infantis suplementares destas crianças e a percepção de pais de crianças com APLV ou IL. Foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico transversal, com 300 crianças de 5-10 anos de um município da Região Sul do Brasil, nos anos de 2017 e 2018. Foi encaminhado um questionário validado aos responsáveis, sobre o consumo alimentar, doenças pré-existentes, uso de medicamentos e APLV ou IL. As crianças foram submetidas a exames clínicos (índices ceo, CPOD, Necessidade de Tratamento, Mancha Branca e IHOS). Foram coletadas amostras duplicadas de saliva estimuladas de todas as crianças com e sem APLV ou IL em uma outra data, entre 8h e 9h 30min e determinados os parâmetros bioquímicos: fluxo salivar, pH e concentrações de cálcio, fosfato e glicose salivar. Para se testar os índices ceo, CPOD, Mancha Branca, Mancha Ativa, Mancha Inativa, IHOS, pH, fluxo salivar, concentrações de cálcio, fosfato e glicose em relação aos grupos "com e sem APLV ou IL", empregou-se o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney e, para a análise das associações entre as prevalências de cárie, manchas dentárias e higiene bucal entre os grupos, utilizou-se o teste do Qui-quadrado. Realizou-se uma pesquisa q... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Food allergy is currently considered a public health problem. This study aimed to analyze the prevalence of dental caries, salivary profile and the quality of oral hygiene in children with cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) and lactose intolerance (LI), as well the consumption of milk-based products and milk derivatives by these patients were investigated and the perception of parents' of children with CMPA or LI. A cross-sectional epidemiological study was undertaken with 300 children aged 5 to 10 years in a town in southern Brazil, in the years 2017 and 2018. A validated questionnaire was sent to those responsible for food consumption, systemic diseases, use of medications and CMPA or LI. The children were submitted to clinical exams (ceo indexes, DMFT, Treatment Needs, White Spot and OHIS). Duplicate samples of saliva were collected from all children with and without CMPA or LI on another date, between 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and biochemical parameters were determined: salivary flow, pH and concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and salivary glucose. The Mann-Whitney unbiased test was employed for dmft, DMFT, White Spot, Active Spot, Inactive Spot, OHIS, pH, salivary flow, calcium, phosphorus, and glucose for groups with and without CMPA or LI. The chi-square test was used to analyze the associations (prevalence of caries, dental spots, and oral hygiene) among the groups. A qualitative research was carried out, considering two focal with parents of children with CMPA or LI, ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Eosinofilia esofágica em pacientes com anafilaxia à proteína do leite de vaca / Esophageal eosinophilia in patients with anaphylaxis to cow\'s milk protein

Adriana Marcia da Silva Cunha Barbosa 19 July 2016 (has links)
Esofagite Eosinofílica é uma doença inflamatória crônica restrita ao esôfago e imune mediada por antígenos. Sua prevalência descrita varia desde 0,4%, numa população geral, até 15% em pacientes com sintomas de disfagia. Já se conhece sua associação com doenças atópicas, anafilaxia e alergia alimentar, sendo o leite de vaca um dos principais alimentos envolvidos. Existem relatos recentes de casos em que pacientes foram diagnosticados com esofagite eosinofílica após serem submetidos à imunoterapia oral com o alimento causador de sua alergia alimentar mediada por IgE. Porém, em nenhum destes casos foi avaliado previamente se os mesmos pacientes já não apresentavam eosinofilia esofágica latente e/ou sintomas subjetivos sugestivos da doença. Considerando que, atualmente, um dos tratamentos mais promissores para alergia alimentar é a imunoterapia oral, justificou-se a necessidade de entender se esofagite eosinofílica seria de fato uma complicação do tratamento, ou se seria uma condição pré ou coexistente. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a frequência de eosinofilia esofágica em pacientes com anafilaxia à proteína do leite de vaca. Foram analisados 89 pacientes matriculados no ambulatório de alergia alimentar do HC-FMUSP, com mediana de idade de 8 anos e que apresentavam anafilaxia ao leite de vaca. Todos foram submetidos à endoscopia digestiva alta com biópsias de esôfago, estomago e duodeno. Dados demográficos, comorbidades atópicas, uso de medicações e sintomas gastrointestinais foram analisados e comparados. A frequência de eosinofilia esofágica foi de 38,2% (34 de 89 pacientes). Em 15 dos 34 pacientes com eosinofilia esofágica, foi completada a investigação para esofagite eosinofílica com uso de inibidor de bomba de prótons em dose plena por 8 semanas antes de uma segunda endoscopia. Identificou-se, portanto, cinco pacientes (7,1%) com eosinofilia esofágica responsiva a inibidor de bomba de prótons e 10 pacientes com esofagite eosinofílica (14,2%). No grupo total de pacientes com eosinofilia esofágica (n=34) encontrou-se 29,4% de pacientes com quadro clínico gastrointestinal ausente; 23,5% oligossintomáticos, e apenas 47% com sintomas sugestivos de disfunção esofágica e, destes últimos, nem todos apresentavam sintomas esofágicos persistentes. Pode-se concluir que a frequência de esofagite eosinofílica descrita no grupo estudado foi significativamente superior à estimada na população geral e uma das mais altas descritas em grupos de pacientes com fatores de risco específicos. Também foi observada uma grande parcela de pacientes com eosinofilia esofágica, sendo muitos assintomáticos ou oligossintomáticos, surgindo o questionamento se esta não seria uma doença latente, de início precoce, insidioso e não relacionada diretamente como complicação de tratamentos atuais / Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic inflammatory disease, which occurs in the esophagus and is immune mediated by antigens. Its observed prevalence varies between 0.4% in the general population to 15% in patients with dysphagia. Its association with atopic diseases, anaphylaxis and food allergy has already been recognized. Cow\'s milk is one of the main food sources involved. There are recent reports of cases in which patients were diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis after being submitted to oral immunotherapy with the food that causes the IgE mediated allergy. However, in none of these cases was it previously determined if the same patients did not already present latent esophageal eosinophilia and/or subjective symptoms suggestive of the disease. Considering that, currently, one of the most promising treatment for food allergy is oral immunotherapy, the need to understand if eosinophilic esophagitis could be a treatment complication, or if it is a coexistent or preexistent condition, is justified. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate esophageal eosinophilia frequency in patients with anaphylaxis to cow\'s milk protein. We analyzed eighty-nine patients registered in the Food Allergy Unit of the HCFMUSP, with a median age of 8 years, who presented cow\'s milk anaphylaxis. All of them were submitted to digestive endoscopy as well as esophagus, stomach, and duodenum biopsies. We also analyzed and compared demographic data, atopic comorbidities, use of medication, and gastrointestinal symptoms. The frequency of esophageal eosinophilia was 38.2% (34 of 89 patients). In 15 of the 34 patients with esophageal eosinophilia, full investigation for the disease was carried out using a proton pump inhibitor at full dose for eight weeks prior to a second endoscopy. From this, five patients (7.1%) had the proton pump inhibitor-responsive esophageal eosinophilia phenotype, and ten patients were diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis (14.2%). In the whole group of patients with esophageal eosinophilia (n = 34), it was found 29.4% of patients with an absent gastrointestinal clinical condition, 23.5% were oligosymptomatic, and only 47% had symptoms suggestive of esophagic dysfunction. Of these, not all presented persistent esophagic symptoms. It is possible to conclude that the frequency of eosinophilic esophagitis observed in this group was significantly higher than the estimated for the general population, and one of the highest observed in groups of patients with specific risk factors. A large portion of patients with esophageal eosinophilia were oligosymptomatic or asymptomatic, raising the question if this would not in fact be a latent disease, with a precocious beginning, insidious and not directly related to current treatments complications

Food Antigen Sensitivity in Coeliac Disease Assessed by the Mucosal Patch Technique

Kristjánsson, Guðjón January 2005 (has links)
<p>A diagnosis of coeliac disease (CD) in adults relies on the presence of a structurally abnormal intestinal mucosa, followed by a clear clinical remission on a gluten-free diet. There is a clear need for a rapid, simple, safe and sensitive method to determine the type and intensity of inflammation in the gut mucosa in clinical practice. The overall aims of our studies were to develop and evaluate a new technique, “the mucosal patch technique”, to characterize rectal local inflammatory process after rectal food challenge in patients with CD<b>. In study 1</b> we evaluated the potential of the new technique. The technique was well tolerated and easily applied. Pronounced neutrophil and eosinophil involvement in ulcerative colitis (UC) was demonstrated. With the high sensitivity of the technique, low-degree mucosal neutrophil activation could also be quantified in patients with collagen colitis,UC in clinical remission and in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. <b>In study 2 and 3</b> the aim was to elucidate the dynamics of the rectal inflammatory response and nitric oxide (NO) production after rectal gluten challenge. We found a pronounced neutrophil activation in coeliac patients after rectal gluten challenge. This activation was apparent 4 hours after challenge and remains for at least 48 hours. A more modest eosinophil activation started 1-2 hours later and remained at least for 48 hours. The biphasic pattern of neutrophil and eosinonphil activation after challenge suggests a biphasic inflammatory reaction. The activation of neutrophils and eosinophils precedes a pronounced enhancement of mucosal NO production. Some of our coeliac patients displayed signs of an inflammatory reaction after rectal corn gluten challenge. <b>In study 4</b> the aim was to investigate the local inflammatory reaction to gluten and cow’s milk protein in CD patients in remission. The findings indicate that not only gluten sensitivity but also cow’s milk (CM) protein sensitivity is common in CD. The data support the hypothesis that CM sensitivity may contribute to persistent symptoms in coeliac patients on gluten-free diet.</p>

Food Antigen Sensitivity in Coeliac Disease Assessed by the Mucosal Patch Technique

Kristjánsson, Guðjón January 2005 (has links)
A diagnosis of coeliac disease (CD) in adults relies on the presence of a structurally abnormal intestinal mucosa, followed by a clear clinical remission on a gluten-free diet. There is a clear need for a rapid, simple, safe and sensitive method to determine the type and intensity of inflammation in the gut mucosa in clinical practice. The overall aims of our studies were to develop and evaluate a new technique, “the mucosal patch technique”, to characterize rectal local inflammatory process after rectal food challenge in patients with CD<b>. In study 1</b> we evaluated the potential of the new technique. The technique was well tolerated and easily applied. Pronounced neutrophil and eosinophil involvement in ulcerative colitis (UC) was demonstrated. With the high sensitivity of the technique, low-degree mucosal neutrophil activation could also be quantified in patients with collagen colitis,UC in clinical remission and in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. <b>In study 2 and 3</b> the aim was to elucidate the dynamics of the rectal inflammatory response and nitric oxide (NO) production after rectal gluten challenge. We found a pronounced neutrophil activation in coeliac patients after rectal gluten challenge. This activation was apparent 4 hours after challenge and remains for at least 48 hours. A more modest eosinophil activation started 1-2 hours later and remained at least for 48 hours. The biphasic pattern of neutrophil and eosinonphil activation after challenge suggests a biphasic inflammatory reaction. The activation of neutrophils and eosinophils precedes a pronounced enhancement of mucosal NO production. Some of our coeliac patients displayed signs of an inflammatory reaction after rectal corn gluten challenge. <b>In study 4</b> the aim was to investigate the local inflammatory reaction to gluten and cow’s milk protein in CD patients in remission. The findings indicate that not only gluten sensitivity but also cow’s milk (CM) protein sensitivity is common in CD. The data support the hypothesis that CM sensitivity may contribute to persistent symptoms in coeliac patients on gluten-free diet.

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