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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using Elevation to Test Effects of Winter Climate Change on Fates of Litter-Derived Nitrogen

Tiller, Jenna Renee 30 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Biomineralization of atrazine and analysis of 16S rRNA and catabolic genes of atrazine-degraders in a former pesticide mixing and machinery washing area at a farm site and in a constructed wetland

Douglass, James F. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Sustainable Bioenergy Feedstock Production Using Long-Term (1999-2014) Conservation Reserve Program Land

Raut, Yogendra Y. 08 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation géochimique et isotopique dans un système d'altération complexe, du protolithe magmatique à la minéralisation Fe-Pb-Zn: le cas de la mine de Tamra (N. Tunisie)

Decrée, Sophie 23 May 2008 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de décrire et interpréter la mise en place des différents types de minéralisations présents dans le district minier de Nefza (NO de la Tunisie), qui constitue une région complexe et particulière du point de vue géologique dans ce pays.<p>En effet, outre la présence de diapirs triasiques (commune à tout le Nord de la Tunisie), le district minier de Nefza est caractérisé par :(1) la mise en place d’épaisses nappes au Néogène qui forment le substratum sédimentaire régional, et (2) la présence d’une grande variété de roches magmatiques tant plutoniques que volcaniques, d’âge miocène (12,9 à 6,4 Ma),<p>-\ / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The Assessment of Structural and Material Bone Qualities in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes

Pritchard, Janet M. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>The risk of fracture is higher in adults with type 2 diabetes compared to controls without type 2 diabetes, despite normal or higher than normal bone mineral density (BMD). In addition to BMD, bone strength depends on other factors such as structural and material <em>bone qualities</em>, which are not accounted for in BMD measurements. The objective was to determine whether structural and material <em>bone qualities</em> are different in adults with type 2 diabetes compared to controls without type 2 diabetes. First, a cross-sectional study was undertaken using MRI to investigate distal radius trabecular bone microarchitecture, a structural <em>bone quality.</em> In women with type 2 diabetes, trabecular bone holes were larger compared to controls, which is important because greater trabecular bone hole size is related to reduced bone strength. Next, a two year prospective study was conducted with the participants involved in the cross-sectional study to determine whether changes in trabecular bone microarchitecture are different in women with type 2 diabetes compared to controls. There was a greater increase in the number of trabecular bone holes in women with type 2 diabetes compared to controls, which provides early evidence of trabecularization of cortical bone in women with type 2 diabetes. In the third study, quantitative backscattered electron imaging (qBEI) was used to derive bone mineralization density distribution (BMDD) outcomes for bone samples from adults with and without type 2 diabetes to compare material <em>bone quality. </em>There was evidence of elevated bone calcium concentration and reduced mineralization heterogeneity in bone samples from adults with type 2 diabetes compared to controls, which may contribute to bone brittleness. In summary, differences in structural and material <em>bone qualities </em>identified in this body of work provide explanations for elevated fracture risk in adults with type 2 diabetes.</p> / Doctor of Science (PhD)

Productividad, descomposición y mineralización en dos gramíneas de diferente palatabilidad nativas del Caldenal

Moretto, Alicia S. 02 March 2009 (has links)
Los mecanismos que contribuyen a evitar la herbivoría inducen una respuesta selectiva negativa en los herbívoros, mientras que los que contribuyen a su tolerancia inducen una respuesta selectiva positiva en los mismos. De ahí que las plantas que los poseen se clasifiquen como de baja o de alta palatabilidad, respectivamente. Los mecanismos de evitación compiten por recursos para el crecimiento, lo cual limitaría la productividad de las especies de baja palatabilidad. Por otra parte los mecanismos de evitación disminuyen la calidad de la broza (mantillo y raíces muertas), lo que limitaría la velocidad de descomposición y mineralización de las especies de baja palatabilidad. El objetivo de la presente tesis fue comparar la productividad y la velocidad de descomposición y mineralización de dos especies nativas del Caldenal, una de alta palatabilidad (Poa ligularis) y la otra de baja palatabilidad (Stipa tenuissima). Complementariamente se midió la densidad de tejido, la longevidad, la eficiencia de reabsorción de nitrógeno (N) y la eficiencia de uso de N, a nivel foliar y radical. La metodología abarcó mediciones periódicas de la biomasa aérea y subterránea por el método de la cosecha; incubaciones de hojas, raíces y suelo en condiciones in situ y/o en condiciones de laboratorio; y determinaciones del contenido de N y/o fósforo en hojas, raíces y suelo. P. ligularis fue más productiva, tanto en la parte aérea como en la parte subterránea. S. tenuissima presentó tejidos más densos a nivel foliar y radical, y más longevos y con mayor eficiencia de reabsorción y de uso de nitrógeno a nivel radical. Las hojas de P. ligularis se descompusieron y liberaron nutrientes más rápidamente que las hojas de S. tenuissima, pero las raíces de ambas especies se descompusieron y liberaron nutrientes a un ritmo similar. El concentración de N inorgánico fue similar o mayor en el suelo subyacente a P. ligularis. La tasa de mineralización in situ fue similar o mayor en el suelo subyacente a S. tenuissima, pero la tasa de mineralización potencial de nitrógeno fue superior en el suelo subyacente a P. ligularis. El N retenido en la biomasa microbiana del suelo fue similar o mayor en S. tenuissima. Si bien P. ligularis produjo broza de más calidad y en mayor cantidad que S. tenuissima, dichas diferencias no se tradujeron en forma consistente en una mayor velocidad de descomposición y de liberación de nutrientes, ni en una mayor tasa de mineralización y de concentración de nitrógeno en el suelo in situ en la primera que en la última especie. La estrechez de las diferencias en la calidad de la broza, sumado a episodios de escasez de agua recurrentes que limitarían la expresión de tales diferencias, explicaría las inconsistencias en las diferencias entre la gramínea de alta y la de baja palatabilidad en la dinámica del N mineral en el suelo subyacente a las a las mismas. / Mechanisms that help to avoid herbivory induce a negative selective response in herbivores, whereas those who contribute to herbivory tolerance induce a positive selective response in them. Plants having these mechanisms are classified as palatable or unpalatable species, respectively. Avoidance mechanisms compete for growth resources, which would limit the productivity of unpalatable species. On the other hand, the mechanisms of avoidance diminish litter quality, which would limit decomposition and mineralization speed of unpalatable species. The objective of the present thesis was to compare productivity, and decomposition and mineralization speed of two species native to the Caldenal, a palatable (Poa ligularis) and an unpalatable (Stipa tenuissima) grass species. In addition, tissue density, longevity, nitrogen (N) resorption efficiency and N use efficiency at leaf and root level were measured. The methodology included periodic measurements of above - and belowground biomass by the harvest method; in situ and/or laboratory incubations of leaves, roots and soil samples; as well as determinations of the content of N and / or phosphorus in leaves, roots and soil samples. P. ligularis was more productive, both aboveground and belowground. S. tenuissima presented more dense leaf and root tissues. The later species presented also longer tissue longevity and higher N resorption and N use efficiencies at root level. The leaves of P. ligularis decomposed and liberated nutrients faster than the leaves of S. tenuissima, but the roots of both species decomposed and liberated nutrients to a similar rate. Inorganic N content was similar or higher in the soil under P. ligularis. In situ net N mineralization was similar or higher in the soil under S. tenuissima, but potential net N mineralization was always higher in the soil under P. ligularis. N retained in the soil microbial biomass was higher in the soil under S. tenuissima. Poa ligularis produced more litter and litter of higher quality than S. tenuissima. However, these differences did not consistently translated either in faster decomposition and nutrient release rate or higher in situ net N mineralization and soil N content. Limited variation between species in the chemical composition of litter in combination to frequent moisture limitation episodes, which tend to reduce the influence of species on nutrient dynamics, may explain the inconsistencies in the differences between the palatable and the unpalatable grass in mineral N dynamic in the soil under them.

Régulations microbiennes et rhizosphériques des cycles du carbone et de l'azote dans les systèmes de culture conventionnels et innovants / Microbial and rhizospheric regulations of carbon and nitrogen cycles in conventional and innovative cropping systems

Cros, Camille 15 February 2019 (has links)
La présence de plantes accélère la décomposition de la matière organique du sol (MOS) au travers de l’apport de composés riches en énergie (rhizodépôts et litières) stimulant les microorganismes ; un phénomène appelé « rhizosphere priming effect » (RPE). Une augmentation de la photosynthèse, activité pourvoyeuse d'énergie rhizodéposée, pourrait augmenter le RPE et l’offre du sol en nutriments. Récemment, le modèle SYMPHONY couplant activités photosynthétiques et microbiennes du sol suggère un ajustement de l'offre du sol en nutriments (delta minéralisation-immobilisation) à la demande des plantes. Cependant, le rôle clé de la photosynthèse sur cet ajustement offre-demande reste à étudier expérimentalement.L’objectif général de la thèse est d'étudier le rôle des interactions des activités photosynthétiques et microbiennes du sol dans les régulations des flux de carbone (C) et d'azote (N) des écosystèmes. Trois écosystèmes types ont été étudiés : la prairie, la monoculture de blé et un nouveau système de culture (NSC) associant blé et plantes pérennes de la prairie. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que les plantes pérennes, via une activité photosynthétique pourvoyant les microorganismes en énergie tout au long de l'année, sont essentielles à l'ajustement offre-demande en N. De nombreux défis techniques ont été relevés afin de construire une plateforme expérimentale de 40 mésocosmes sous éclairage et température naturels. Cette plateforme permet de coupler marquage 13C des plantes, mesures continues des échanges de CO2, du RPE, de la production végétale, du stockage de C du sol, le taux de minéralisation-immobilisation d'N et du lessivage d'N. Ce dispositif nous a permis de déterminer la contribution du RPE dans les flux de C des écosystèmes comprenant la production nette de l’écosystème (NEP), la production primaire brute (GPP) et la respiration de l’écosystème (RE) exprimées en g C m-2 24h-1. Nous avons montré une relation positive linéaire entre (1) RPE et GPP et (2) RPE et biomasse aérienne (AGB) (g C m-2). A partir de ces relations, le RPE peut être prédit en utilisant les équations suivantes : (...). Nous montrons un ajustement offre-demande de l’N au cours des saisons : une forte activité photosynthétique (printemps) est liée à un RPE et un delta minéralisation-immobilisation d’N élevés alors qu’une faible activité photosynthétique (automne) est liée à un RPE et un delta minéralisation-immobilisation d’N faibles. Cet ajustement était observé dans la prairie et dans le NSC mais pas en monoculture de blé. Logiquement, la lixiviation d’N était importante en monoculture de blé alors qu’elle était quasi nulle en prairie et dans le NSC. Après deux années de maintien des trois écosystèmes types, la production aérienne totale du NSC était équivalente à la prairie, tous deux étant supérieurs d’environ un facteur deux à la monoculture de blé. Ces résultats confirment l’importance des plantes pérennes dans la synchronisation offre-demande de l’N. L’ensemble de ces investigations souligne l’importance des activités des plantes et des processus rhizosphériques dans la régulation des cycles CN des écosystèmes. Ces régulations pourront être étudiées in situ et à l'échelle globale grâce aux proxys de ces processus rhizosphériques (RPE, ajustement offre-demande) déterminés dans la thèse. Des activités photosynthétiques et rhizosphériques tout au long de l'année sont essentielles à l'ajustement offre-demande en nutriments conduisant à une forte production primaire, à la fermeture des cycles des nutriments et au stockage de MOS. Ces découvertes offrent l'opportunité de construire de nouveaux systèmes de culture, à l'image de l’association blé-plantes pérennes étudiée, à hautes performances agro-environnementales. / The presence of plants accelerates the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) through the supply of energy-rich compounds (rhizodeposits and litter) stimulating microorganisms; a phenomenon called rhizosphere priming effect (RPE). An increase of photosynthesis, supplying soil with rhizodeposited energy, could increase the RPE and soil nutrients offer. Recently, the SYMPHONY model coupling photosynthesis and soil microbial activities suggested an adjustment of the soil nutrient offer (delta mineralization-immobilization) to plant demand. However, the key role of photosynthesis in this offer-demand adjustment needs to be investigated experimentally.The general objective of the thesis is to study the role of interactions between photosynthesis and soil microbial activities in the regulation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fluxes of ecosystems. Three ecosystem types were studied: grassland, wheat monoculture and a new cropping system (NSC) where wheat and perennial grassland species were intercropped. We hypothesize that perennial species, through a continuous photosynthetic activity supplying microorganisms with energy over the year, are essential for offer-demand adjustment.Many technical challenges were overcame to build an experimental platform of 40 mesocosms under natural light and temperature. This platform allows to couple 13C labeling of plants, continuous CO2-exchange measurements, RPE, plant production, soil C storage, N mineralization-immobilization turnover and N leaching.This experimental platform allowed us to determine the contribution of RPE to C fluxes of ecosystems including net ecosystem production (NEP), gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) expressed in g C m-2 24h-1. We found positive linear relationships between (1) RPE and GPP and (2) RPE and aboveground biomass (AGB) (g C m-2). Using these relationships, the RPE can be predicted with the following equations: (...).We show an adjustment of soil N-offer to plant N-demand across seasons: a high photosynthetic activity (spring) is linked to high RPE and delta mineralization-immobilization of N whereas a low photosynthetic activity (autumn) is linked to low RPE and delta mineralization-immobilization of N. This adjustment was observed in grassland and NSC but not in wheat monoculture. Consistently, N leaching was high in wheat monoculture while it was almost null in grassland and NSC. After two years of establishment of the three ecosystems, the total aboveground production of the NSC was equivalent to the grassland, each being about twice as high as the wheat monoculture. These results confirm the importance of perennial species in the offer-demand adjustment of N.Our findings underline the importance of plant activities and rhizosphere processes in the regulation of ecosystems C N cycles. Using the proxies of rhizosphere processes (RPE, offer-demand adjustment) provided in the thesis, further studies could investigate these regulations in situ and at the global scale. The presence of photosynthetic and rhizospheric activities over the year are essential for offer-demand adjustment of nutrients leading to high primary production, closing nutrient cycles and SOM storage. These findings offer the opportunity to build new cropping systems such as the wheat-perennial species studied, with high agro-environmental performances.

Composição isotópica de Pb-Sr e Nd da mineralização de ouro do depósito Córrego do Sítio, Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG): implicações na modelagem conceitual / Composition isotópica of Pb-Sr and Nd of the mineralization of gold of the deposit stream of the small farm, Quadrilateral Ferrífero (M.G.): implications in the conceptual modeling

David, Marta Edith Velásquez 22 September 2006 (has links)
O Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG) é uma importante unidade geotectônica do Cráton do São Francisco que alberga jazidas de ferro e ouro hospedadas na seqüência greenstone belt Rio das Velhas e cuja evolução geodinâmica esteve regida por vários eventos tectonometamórficos. Depósitos de ouro gerados por fluidos epitermais e remobilizações orogênicas proterozóicas se associam intimamente com camadas bandas de ferro e raramente disseminados em metapelitos no topo do greenstone. Nas mineralizações é comum uma paragênese que cristalizou mediante diversos processos e em distintos estágios com predomínio de sulfetos de ferro. Em geral os minérios possuem forte controle estrutural por dobras, falhas e cisalhamentos transcorrentes, desenvolvidos durante vários eventos deformacionais de diversa índole e estreita relação com processos de alteração hidrotermal como sericitização, carbonatação, cloritização, entre outros de menor incidência. O depósito de ouro Córrego do Sítio hospeda-se na seqüência silisiclástica de origem turbidítica metamorfisada em fácies xisto verde denominada Associação de Litofácies Ressedimentada que faz parte do Grupo Nova Lima, se apresenta disseminado em metapelitos e em veios de quartzo com carbonato. A mineralização que acompanha o ouro cristalizou em vários estágios principais nos que predominaram (i) pirita + pirrotita, (ii) arsenopirita + pirrotita + pirita com texturas finas e orientadas, (iii) arsenopirita com pirrotita e sulfosais em veios de quartzo, (iv) pirita grossa pervasiva em todas as rochas hospedeiras. O estudo da composição isotópica Pb, Sr e Nd, permitiu identificar que as fontes dos fluidos mineralizantes foram as rochas hospedeiras, que na evolução policíclica da mineralização participaram eventos metamórficos e hidrotermais a 2.2, 2.0 Ga. e sobreimpostos a ~600 Ma. os quais induziram os processos de circulação hidrotermal na área de estudo. Mediante comparativa com outros depósitos da região, sugere-se que os metais formadores do minério depositaram-se em Córrego do Sítio à idade de 2.2 Ga. originados a partir da BIF tipo São Bento e remobilizados por fluidos através de falhas inversas. Análises geocronológicas U-Pb (SHRIMP) e K-Ar embora não decisivos em quanto à determinação da idade da mineralização, revelaram a idade de ~2.7 Ga. como o limite temporal para a deposição das rochas hospedeiras. No contexto geológico aplicado se estabelece a potencialidade para a prospecção aurífera que apresentam as rochas metapelíticas do topo do Greenstone Belt Rio das Velas associadas a camadas bandadas de ferro com ouro, e que os alvos mais relevantes seriam zonas com falhas inversas e cisalhamentos transcorrentes. / The Quadrilátero Ferrífero is an important geotectonic unit of the São Francisco Craton that host iron and gold deposits within the vulcanosedimentary rocks of the greenstone belt Rio das Velhas. The geodynamic evolution of this greenstone includes several tectonometamorphic events. Gold deposits were formed by epithermal fluids, remobilized during the Proterozoic orogenic processes, are associated whit the banded iron formations and are sporadically disseminate in metapelitic rocks within the top of the greenstone sequence. In the ores is common the crystallization of iron sulfide minerals during diverse stages. Gold deposits have an important structural control by folds, reverse faults and strike-slip shearing zones, and are commons several hydrothermal alteration processes like sericitization, chloritization and carbonate usually related to the deformation. The Córrego do Sítio gold deposit is hosted in turbiditic siliciclastic rocks that are metamorphosed in the greenschist facies. The gold is associated with the iron sulfide arsenopyrite and pyrite, which are disseminated in metapelitic rocks and quartz-carbonate veins. The mineralization includes vary stages of crystallization, (1) pyrite and pyrrotite (2) arsenopyrite, pyrrotite and fine pyrite, (3) arsenopyrite whit pyrrotite and sulphosalts in quartz vein, and (4) pervasive pyrite. An integrated Pb, Sr e Nd, isotopic study of the Córrego do Sítio deposit allowed to identify that sources of the mineralizing fluids was the host rocks, that in the policiclic evolution the gold mineralizaton had participation events of metamorphism and hidrothermalism to age 2.2, 2.0 and 0.6 Ga. respectively the wich induced the hydrothermal circulation processes in the study area. The isotopic character of this deposit and its comparison with similar ones, suggest that the gold and its metals associated it is deposited in Córrego do Sítio to age 2.2 Ga. and that metals were derived from the banded iron formations, and remobilized by hidrothermal fluids across reverse faults. Although U-Pb (SHRIMP) and K-Ar geochronologic data were not conclusive to constrain the age of the mineralization, they provide to age ~2.7 Ga. that a good limit for the sedimentation of the host rock. It is suggest that there is a potential for gold prospection within the metapellitic rocks associated with banded iron formation of the Greenstone Rio das Velhas, and that the more relevant targets include areas with inverse and strike-slip fault.

Periodontal pathobiology and defective cell-autonomous mineralization in X-linked hypophosphatemia / Physiopathologie parodontale et défauts de minéralisation dans le rachitisme vitamino-résistant hypophosphatémique

Coyac, Benjamin R. 06 April 2017 (has links)
Le rachitisme vitamino-résistant hypophosphatémique (RVRH) est une maladie génétique rare causée par des mutations du gène PHEX. La perte de fonction de la protéine PHEX conduit à l’augmentation du FGF23, une hormone circulante qui agit sur le rein et entraîne une perte systémique de phosphate. Le squelette rachitique des patients atteints de RVRH présente des déformations osseuses et une ostéomalacie. La dentine hypominéralisée des patients est à l’origine d’abcès dentaires fréquents, mais le statut parodontal des patients RVRH est mal connu, de même que leur risque de développer une parodontite pouvant aboutir à la perte des dents. La fonction et le substrat de la protéine PHEX ne sont pas identifiés avec exactitude. Il a été montré in vitro que PHEX avait la capacité d’interagir et de dégrader des protéines membres de la famille des SIBLINGs comme MEPE ou OPN, toutes les deux impliquées dans la régulation de la minéralisation des tissus osseux et dentinaires, mais on ne sait pas si in vivo les défauts de minéralisation observés résultent principalement de l’hypophosphatémie systémique ou bien également des effets directs de l’absence de PHEX sur les protéines régulatrices de la minéralisation. L’objectif de cette thèse a consisté à s’intéresser à la physiopathologie du parodonte dans le RVRH ainsi qu’à déterminer quel était l’impact de la mutation de PHEX dans un modèle de biominéralisation humaine où les conditions de concentration en phosphate pouvaient être ajustées et normalisées. Nous avons d’abord analysé le statut parodontal de 34 patients RVRH dans une étude clinique cas-témoins et ainsi montré que les malades dont la supplémentation en phosphate et vitamine D était tardive ou incomplète présentaient une fréquence et une sévérité accrues de maladie parodontale. Le phénotype parodontal du RVRH a alors été étudié sur des échantillons humains et sur le modèle murin du RVRH, la souris HYP. Nous avons réalisé un modèle d’égression dentaire de façon à permettre une apposition du cément cellulaire, ainsi qu’un modèle de résorption et de réparation osseuses parodontales afin de caractériser l’impact du RVRH sur la physiopathologie parodontale. Nos résultats ont montré que le phénotype parodontal et sa physiopathologie étaient très perturbés dans le rachitisme vitamino-résistant hypophosphatémique et chez la souris HYP, nous avons aussi pu mettre en évidence que le rôle pathologique majeur joué par l’ostéopontine dans le tissu osseux au cours du RVRH ne pouvait pas être généralisé aux autres tissus minéralisés du parodonte. De façon à identifier le rôle de PHEX dans la minéralisation matricielle locale indépendamment de la phosphatémie systémique, nous avons ensemencé des matrices de collagène dense avec des cellules primaires humaines issues de patients RVRH comparés à des contrôles que nous avons cultivés pendant 24 jours en conditions ostéogéniques avec des concentrations en phosphate identiques. Nos résultats ont montré que malgré une concentration normale en phosphate, la perte de fonction de la protéine PHEX entraînait une diminution de la quantité et de la qualité de la phase minérale et une accumulation et une dégradation pathologiques de la protéine OPN. Les contributions originales de ce travail de thèse doctorale ont consisté à démontrer sur le plan clinique et biologique la susceptibilité accrue du rachitisme hypophosphatémique lié à l’X quant au risque de développer une maladie parodontale, ainsi qu’à apporter la preuve d’un rôle pathologique de l’absence de PHEX indépendant de la phosphatémie sur des cultures primaires humaines. / X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is a rare X-linked dominant disorder caused by inactivating mutations in the PHEX gene. The impairment of PHEX protein leads to an increase in FGF23, a circulating factor that causes systemic loss of phosphate. The rachitic skeleton of patients with XLH displays short stature and osteomalacia. Dental defects include poorly mineralized dentin and spontaneous dental abscesses. Little is known about the periodontal condition of XLH and if patients are more prone to develop periodontitis, eventually leading to tooth loss. Although the exact function and substrate of PHEX are not known, it has been shown in vitro that PHEX could interact with SIBLING proteins such as MEPE or OPN, both involved in the regulation of bone and dentin mineralization, but it is not yet clear if the defects in the calcified extracellular matrices of XLH are caused by systemic hypophosphatemia only, or also by local consequences of the absence of PHEX. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to explore the pathobiology of the XLH periodontium and to determine the impact of PHEX deficiency at the local level in a model of human biomineralization where phosphate supply could be adjusted and normalized. We first examined 34 adults with XLH in a case-control study and observed that periodontitis frequency and severity were increased in individuals with late or incomplete supplementation in phosphate and vitamin D analogs. The periodontium was then analyzed in XLH dental roots and further characterized in the Hyp mouse, the murine model of XLH. We performed a model of tooth movement adaptation leading to the formation of cellular cementum and a model of periodontal breakdown and repair to investigate the impact of XLH on the pathobiology of periodontal tissues. Our results showed strongly affected XLH/Hyp periodontal phenotype and impaired pathobiology and suggested that the key role played by OPN in bone could not be generalized to other periodontal mineralized tissues. In order to determine the role of PHEX in local human mineralization, dense collagen gels were seeded with primary human dental pulp cells harvested from XLH patients displaying PHEX mutations and age-matched healthy individuals. Cell-seeded gels were cultured up to 24 days under osteogenic conditions and controlled phosphate medium concentrations. Our results showed that despite normal phosphate concentrations, PHEX deficiency led to decreased quantity and quality of the mineral phase and a pathologic accumulation and processing of OPN. Overall the original contributions of this doctoral dissertation consist in the demonstration of a higher susceptibility of XLH patients to periodontitis and in the evidence of a local effect of PHEX deficiency in the pathologic intrinsic mineralization from XLH osteogenic cells.

N use efficiency in field vegetable production systems

Nett, Leif 15 February 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurden zwei Fragestellungen bearbeitet, die beide das Ziel verfolgen, die Stickstoff(N)-Ausnutzungseffizienz in landwirtschaftlichen Systemen zu steigern: 1) Hat die langjährige organische Düngung einen Einfluss auf den Abbau kürzlich applizierter organischer Dünger? Die Hypothese war, dass relevante Effekte nur bei schwer abbaubaren organischen Düngern auftreten während bei leicht abbaubaren organischen Düngern die Düngungshistorie keine Rolle spielt. 2) Können die hohen N-Bilanzüberschüsse im intensiven Freilandgemüsebau durch den Einsatz von Winterzwischenfrüchten (ZF) deutlich reduziert werden? Die Hypothese war, dass ZF die Bilanzüberschüsse der betrachteten zweijährigen Fruchtfolgen um mindestens 30 kg N / ha reduzieren. Die erste Hypothese wurde überprüft, indem der Abbau organischer Dünger in Böden, die sich in ihrer organischen Düngungshistorie unterschieden, gemessen wurde. Es wurden ein Topfversuch im Gewächshaus sowie ein Inkubationsversuch im Labor durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse deuteten darauf hin, dass es Effekte der Historie auf den Abbau von Stallmist und Kiefernrinde gab, während es keine Effekte bei leicht abbaubarem Kohlmaterial gab. Daher wurde die Hypothese angenommen. Allerdings ergaben die beobachteten Effekte kein konsistentes Bild in Hinblick auf die Richtung der Effekte auf die Kohlenstoff(C)- und N-Mineralisierung und Effekte auf die Netto-N-Mineralisation waren generell sehr klein. Zur Überprüfung der zweiten Hypothese wurden an drei Standorten in Deutschland Feldversuche mit Gemüsefruchtfolgen und unterschiedlichen ZF durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse ergaben, dass trotz der die mittleren Bilanzüberschüsse der Kontrollen (ohne ZF) von 217 kg N / ha die ZF die N-Bilanz im Mittel um nur 13 kg N / ha reduzierten. Daher wurde die Hypothese abgelehnt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten weiterhin, dass der verlustfreie Transfer der von der ZF aufgenommenen N-Menge an die Folgefrucht ein kritischer Schritt bei dieser Technik ist. / The current study dealt with two questions that target potential options to increase the nitrogen (N) use efficiency of agricultural systems: 1) Does long-term organic fertilization affect the decomposition of recently added organic fertilizers? The hypothesis was that effects only occur for recalcitrant organic fertilizers while for readily decomposable organic fertilizers, the fertilization history does not play a role. 2) Can the N balance surpluses in intensive field vegetable production systems be substantially reduced by cultivation of winter catch crops (CC)? The hypothesis was that the N balance surpluses of the investigated two-year crop rotations can be reduced by more than 30 kg N / ha. The first hypothesis was tested by applying organic fertilizers to soils that only differed in organic fertilization history. A greenhouse pot experiment and a laboratory incubation experiment were conducted. The results indicated that fertilization history had effects on the decomposition of farmyard manure and pine bark, not however on the decomposition of readily decomposable cabbage material. Hence, the hypothesis was accepted in that fertilization history effects depended on the type of fertilizer. However, fertilization history effects showed no consistent trend with respect to increase or decrease in carbon (C) and N mineralization and the effects on net N mineralization were minor in magnitude. The second hypothesis was tested by performing field experiments at three sites in Germany. Vegetable crop rotations were set up, testing different types of CC. The results suggested that in spite of high N surpluses in the control treatments (no CC) of 217 kg N / ha, CC reduced the N balance surplus on average by only 13 kg N / ha. Hence, the hypothesis was rejected. The findings further indicated that the transfer of N taken up by the CC to the succeeding crop is a critical step when adopting this technique.

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