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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Destino do carbono de raízes e parte aéreas de culturas de inverno enriquecidas com 13c em solo sob plantio direto / Fate of roots and shoots carbon of winter crops labeled with 13c in soil under no tillage

Tahir, Majid Mahmood 28 September 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Little is known about the decomposition and stabilization of shoots and intact roots derived carbon (C) under no-tillage (no-till) field conditions. The present study was designed with following objectives: 1) evaluation of 13C pulse labeling method to label crop plants under field conditions for subsequent C dynamics studies, 2) estimation of the actual rates of mineralization of intact roots and shoot residues, decomposing simultaneously, and 3) finally to determine the fate of shoot vs root residues derived C in soil, under no-till field conditions. The experiment was conducted at Federal University of Santa Maria , Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil in 2013-2014 in an loam textured Typic Paleudalf. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and vetch (Vicia sativa L.) plants were grown inside polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cylinders and were pulse labeled weekly with 13C in the field until the flowering stage. At plant harvest, the biomass of shoots and roots and chemical composition and isotopic enrichment was determined. In order to achieve second objective, paired treatments were designed by combining 13C labeled shoots with unlabeled roots+soil and unlabeled shoots with 13C labeled roots+soil for each crop, plus a control treatment. For the third objective, soil cylinders were excavated after 60, 180 and 365 days for the determination of distribution of shoot and root derived Cnew in soil aggregates. The chemical composition of plant tissues (shoot and roots) were not modified by 13C labeling. The maximum level of 13C enrichment in plants at harvest, was +495 in wheat, +426 in pea and +378 in vetch plants. Our results though demonstrated heterogeneity of 13C among plant parts particularly between stems and leaves however, it was far less than reported in other field and controlled conditions experiments. The mineralization of roots+soil C was higher than shoot-C residues for the three species (73 vs. 45 % initial C for wheat, 76 vs. 48 % for pea and 73 vs. 51 % for vetch). Remaining 13C in root and soil organic matter (SOM) at day 180 indicated both a higher rate of root-C decomposition and a higher rate of root- derived C in SOM compared to shoots. Greater proportion of the shoot and root derived Cnew of three crops was associated with large macroaggregates (>2000 μm) in 0-5 cm soil layer which declined with time. The content of root and shoot derived C microaggregates (53 250 μm) increased gradually with time in all the three soil for all crops. After 365 days, 30% of the root derived C was present in soil compared to 5 % (average of three crops) of the shoot derived C. The mean relative contribution of root vs shoot derived Cnew was 2.1 ranging from 1.5 (pea) to 2.5 (wheat). Our findings suggest that, crop residues location and contact with soil and, the soil moisture and temperature, are important factors that significantly promoted roots decomposition and root derived C in soil in situ, compared to shoots, erasing the consequences of their different initial chemical composition. The 13CO2 labeling technique used under the field appeared to be a practical approach with respect to resource demand and is suitable for in situ labeling. This work provides a framework for further studies focusing on the interactions between aboveground and belowground crop residues and environmental factors under no-till field conditions. / Pouco é conhecimento sobre a decomposição e a estabilização no solo do carbono (C) proveniente da parte aérea e de raízes in situ em sistema de plantio direto (SPD). O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com os seguintes objetivos: 1) avaliar o método de marcagem de plantas com 13C através da aplicação de pulsos de 13C no enriquecimento e distribuição do 13C nas plantas cultivadas em condições de campo para posterior estudo da dinâmica de C; 2) estimar as taxas reais de mineralização do C de raízes in situ e da parte aérea na superfície do solo; e 3) determinar o destino do C da parte aérea e de raízes no solo, em condições de campo em SPD. O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em 2013-2014 em um Argissolo vermelho distrófico arênico. Plantas de Trigo (Triticum aestivum L.), ervilha (Pisum sativum L.) e ervilhaca (Vicia sativa L.) foram cultivadas em condições de campo dentro de cilindros de PVC, nas quais foram aplicados semanalmente pulsos de 13C até o estágio de floração. A biomassa da parte aérea e das raízes, a composição química e o enriquecimento isotópico foram determinados no momento da colheita das plantas. A fim de alcançar o segundo objetivo, para cada cultura foi montado tratamentos pareados combinando a parte aérea marcada com 13C com as raízes sem marcação e a parte aérea não marcada com 13C com as raízes marcadas. Além desses foi utilizado um tratamento controle. Para o terceiro objetivo, os cilindros com solo foram escavados depois de 60, 180 e 365 dias após a instalação dos tratamentos pareados e realizada a determinação da distribuição nos agregados do Cnovo derivado da parte aérea e das raízes. A composição química das plantas (parte aérea e raízes) não foi modificada pela marcagem com 13C. O nível máximo de enriquecimento de 13C nas plantas, no momento da colheita, foi de 495 no trigo, 426 na ervilha e 378 na ervilhaca. Os resultados demonstraram a heterogeneidade na distribuição do 13C entre as partes da planta, particularmente entre caules e folhas, no entanto, esse nível de heterogeneidade é inferior aos reportados na literatura para experimentos de campo e em condições controladas. A mineralização de C das raízes das três espécies foi maior do que aquela observada para os resíduos da parte aérea (73 x 45 % no trigo, 76 x 48 % na ervilha e 73 x 51 % na ervilhaca). O 13C remanescente nas raízes e na matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) aos 180 dias indicou elevada decomposição das raízes e alta taxa de C derivado das raízes na MOS comparado à parte aérea. Maior proporção do Cnovo derivado da parte aérea e das raízes das três culturas foi associada aos macroagregados (>2000 μm) na camada de 0-5 cm, a qual diminuiu com o passar do tempo. O C derivado das raízes e da parte aérea nos microagregados (53 250 μm) aumentou gradualmente com o passar do tempo em todas as camadas do solo para todas as culturas. Aos 365 dias, 30% do C das raízes estava presente no solo, comparado aos 5% (média das três culturas) do C da parte aérea. A contribuição relativa média do Cnovo derivado da raiz x parte aérea foi de 2,1 variando de 1,5 (ervilha) a 2,5 (trigo). Os resultados do presente trabalho sugerem que a localização dos resíduos culturais, o contato com o solo e a umidade e a temperatura do solo, são fatores importantes que promovem maior decomposição das raízes in situ e Cnovo das raízes no solo, comparado com a parte aérea, reduzindo o efeito das diferenças na composição química inicial. A técnica de enriquecimento das plantas através da aplicação de pulsos de 13C em condições de campo parece ser viável em relação à demanda de recursos é adequada para a marcagem in situ. Este trabalho fornece informações de suporte para estudos futuros, com enfoque nas interações entre os resíduos culturais da parte aérea e raízes e os fatores ambientais em condições de campo em SPD.

Ecological gradients caused by land-use change and land management alter soil microbial biomass and community functioning in a tropical mountain rainforest region of southern Ecuador

Tischer, Alexander 11 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Global change phenomena, such as forest disturbance and land-use change significantly affect elemental balances as well as the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems. Inappropriate land management often causes nutrient losses and finally soil degradation and loss of soil functioning. Especially in tropical ecoregions, soil degradation by nutrient losses is widely abundant. Soil microorganisms are the proximate agents of many processes performed in soils and are regarded as sensitive bio-indicators. However, the incorporation of microbial responses to the definition of critical soil conditions is not intensively developed. In the present thesis, several data analyses of the relationships between ecosystem disturbance and land-use change (natural forest, pastures of different ages, secondary succession) and a diverse set of soil ecological characteristics in the tropical mountain rainforest region of southern Ecuador were compiled. In particular, it was tested whether soil microbial biomass and community functioning were sensitive to land-use change effects. Furthermore, an information-theoretic approach was applied to find the factors that regulate soil microbial biomass and community function. Finally, in a nutrient enrichment experiment the above- and belowground responses to N and P additions were examined. The tested research questions and results were linked to the theory of ecological stoichiometry in order to connect the research to a sound and unifying scientific basis. Soil and microbial stoichiometry were affected by both land-use change and soil depth. After forest disturbance, significant decreases of soil C:N:P ratios at the pastures were fol-lowed by increases during secondary succession. Microbial C:N ratios varied slightly in response to land-use change, whereas no fixed microbial C:P and N:P ratios were observed. Shifts in microbial community composition were associated with soil and microbial stoichiometry. Strong positive relationships between PLFA-markers 18:2n6,9c (saprotrophic fungi) and 20:4 (animals) and negative associations between 20:4 and microbial N:P point to land-use change affecting the structure of soil food webs. Significant deviations from global soil and microbial C:N:P ratios indicated a major force of land-use change to alter stoichiometric relationships and to structure biological systems. Data analysis reveals a strong impact of land-use change on soil microbial biomass, C-mineralization, gross-NH4-consumption and –production rates. According to the results of the IT-approach, combined models better describe effects of land-use change on soil microorganisms than single explanation models. Microbial resources and soil chemical environment were important pre-dictors for soil microbial biomass and community functioning. Little is known about the environmental drivers of the catalytic properties of EHEs (e.g., pH, nutrients) and their functional link to the structure of soil microbial communities. The activities of the six hydrolytic enzymes were tested. Microbial production of AP responded to the low P status of the sites by a higher investment in the acquisition of P compared to C. Three major drivers of enzyme activities were found to be significant for enzyme production: 1.) Microbial demand for P regulated the production of AP, provided that N and C were available. At the natural forest site the two-fold higher specific activity of AP pointed to a high microbial P-demand, whereas the production of AP was constrained by the availability of N and DOC after pasture abandonment. 2.) Microbial biomass that was controlled by pH and resource availability was the main driver for CBH, BG and NAG activities. 3.) Substrate induction due to increased litter inputs of herbaceous plant species seemed to regulate AG and XYL activities during secondary succession. The enzymes’ affinity to substrate, as a potentially critically enzyme kinetic parameter is understudied. The data analysis suggests that microbial communities adapted to environmental changes, demonstrated high flexibility of extracellular enzyme systems and selected for enzymes with higher catalytic efficiency compared with pure cultures. Under in situ conditions, enzyme-specific environmental drivers of the Km, e.g., the pH for XYL, the C:N ratio for AP, and the C availability for NAG were found. The data demonstrated that the higher substrate affinity of XYL and AP was associated with more abundance of Gram(-) bacteria. The catalytic efficiency of enzymes decomposing cellulose, hemicellulose, and starch positively correlated with the relative abundance of Gram(-) bacteria. The turnover rate of the tested substrates was three to four times faster at the young pasture site compared with the longterm pasture and secondary succession sites. Nutrient inputs by atmospheric deposition are known to affect terrestrial ecosystems. However, little is known about how N and P co-limited ecosystems respond to single nutrient enrichment. In this work the susceptibility of above- and belowground ecosystem compo-nents and of their linkages in an N and P co-limited pasture to N- and P-enrichment was assessed. It was tested if the plants´responses can be explained by the concept of serially linked nutrients introduced by Ågren (2004). In this concept, the control of the growth rate by one nutrient is assumed to depend on the control of a different cellular process by another nutrient. The responses of shoot and root biomass and C:N:P stoichiometry of the grass Setaria sphacelata (Schumach.) to moderate N, P, and N+P application over five years were investigated. In addition, the effects of nutrient enrichment on soil nutrient pools, on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as well as on microbial biomass, activity, and community structure were tested. In order to evaluate the importance of different factors explaining microbial responses, a likelihood-based information-theoretic approach was applied. The application of N+P increased aboveground grass biomass. Root biomass was stimulated by P-treatment. Grass C:N:P stoichiometry responded by altering the P-uptake or by translocating P from shoot to root. In particular, root C:N and C:P stoichiometry decreased in P- and in N-treatment. Extractable fractions of soil C, N, and P were significantly affected by nutrient enrichment. P application increased the biomass of Gram-positive bacteria and the abundance of AMF, however, results of the IT-approach suggested indirect effects of nutrient enrichment on microbes. The responses of the N and P co-limited pasture to particular nutrient enrichment support the concept of serially linked nutrients. The present study provides evidence for the fundamental importance of P for controlling resource allocation of plants in responses to nutrient enrichment. Resource allocation of the grass rather than direct effects of nutrient additions drives changes in AMF, microbial biomass, community structure, and activity. / Seit dem Übergang vom Holozän zum Anthropozän greift der Mensch immer stärker in globale und regionale Stoffkreisläufe ein. Durch die Zerstörung von Naturwäldern und Landnutzungswandel werden die Strukturen und die Funktionen der Ökosysteme stark verändert. Unangepasste Landnutzung führt zu Nährelementverlusten, die mittel- bis langfristige zur Bodendegradation und zur Reduktion von Bodenfunktionen führen. Solche Veränderungen sind insbesondere in den Tropen zu beobachten. Bodenmikroorganismen spielen in den Stoffkreisläufen eine zentrale Rolle. Zudem sind sie sensitive Bioindikatoren für den Zustand von Ökosystemen. Im Gegensatz dazu, werden die Bodenmikroorganismen noch nicht ausreichend für die Zustandsbewertung von Ökosystemen verwendet. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden verschiedene Datenanalysen zu den Beziehungen von Landnutzungswandel (Naturwald, Weiden verschiedener Alter, sekundäre Sukzession) und den Eigenschaften der Bodenmikroorganismen in einer tropischen Bergregenwaldregion Süd-Ecuadors zusammengefasst. Ein besonderer Fokus lag darauf zu prüfen, ob die mikrobielle Biomasse und die Funktionen die von der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft geleistet werden (z.B. Enzymaktivitäten) durch den Landnutzungswandel beeinflusst werden. Ein informations-theoretischer Ansatz wurde verwendet um verschiedene Erklärungsansätze der steuernden Faktoren vergleichend zu testen. Darüber hinaus wurden in einem Weidedüngungsexperiment die Reaktionen der ober- und der unterirdischen Ökosystemkomponenten auf die Anreicherung mit N und P getestet. Um die Ergebnisse auf eine breite wissenschaftliche Basis zu stellen wurde die Untersuchungen in den Kontext der Theorie die Ökologischen Stöchiometrie eingeordnet. Die C:N:P Stöchiometrie im Boden und in den Mikroorganismen veränderte sich durch den Landnutzungswandel und mit der Bodentiefe. Mit der Weideetablierung nahmen die C:N:P Verhältnisse im Boden deutlich ab, stiegen dann nach dem Verlassen der Weiden im Zuge der sekundären Sukzession wieder an. Das mikrobielle C:N Verhältnis variierte nur leicht, dagegen zeigten das C:P und N:P Verhältnis deutliche Veränderungen durch den Landnutzungswandel. Mit diesen Veränderungen in der Boden- und Organismenstöchiometrie waren auch Veränderungen in der Struktur der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften verbunden. Deutliche positive Beziehungen existierten zwischen den saprotrophen Pilzen und den Protozoen. Die steigenden Mengen von Protozoen waren wiederrum mit sinkendem mikrobiellen N:P verbunden. Diese Muster weisen auf Veränderungen in den Bodennahrungsnetzten durch Landnutzungsänderungen hin. Sehr deutliche Abweichungen von globalen Mustern der C:N:P Stöchiometrie deuten darauf hin, dass der Landnutzungswandel signifikanten Einfluss auf die C:N:P Stöchiometrie ausübt. Der Landnutzungswandel beeinflusste auch die mikrobielle Biomasse, die Basalatmung, sowie die mikrobielle Aufnahme und Produktion von NH4-N im Boden. Dabei zeigten kombinierte Erklärungsansätze die adäquateren Beschreibungen der Muster. In den kombinierten Modellen zur Erklärung der mikrobiellen Biomasse und der mikrobiellen Leistungen überwogen Prädiktoren der mikrobiellen Ressourcen und der bodenchemischen Umwelt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Untersuchungen lag auf der Erfassung der Effekte des Land-nutzungswandels auf die Aktivität von extrazellulären Bodenenzymen. Bisher ist wenig darüber bekannt, welche Faktoren die katalytischen Eigenschaften steuern und beispielsweise, ob es Zusammenhänge zur mikrobiellen Gemeinschaftsstruktur gibt. Um diese Fragen näher zu beleuchten wurden sechs hydrolytische Enzyme basierend auf MUF-Substraten untersucht. Die mikrobielle Produktion von AP stand dabei in Zusammenhang mit dem niedrigen P-Status der untersuchten Böden. Das wurde besonders durch die hohe AP Produktion im Vergleich zu BG belegt. Im Allgemeinen konnten drei verschiedene Mechanismen festgestellt werden, die die Produktion der untersuchten EHEs vermutlich steuerten. 1.) Der P-Bedarf der Mikroorganismen regulierte die Produktion von AP, vorausgesetzt, dass ausreichend N und C zur Enzymsynthese zur Verfügung standen. 2.) Die Höhe der mikrobiellen Biomasse hat sich als wichtiger Faktor für die Produktion von CBH, BG und NAG gezeigt. Das deutet auf die konstitutive Produktion dieser Enzyme hin. 3.) Die substratinduzierte Produktion von Enzymen ist vermutlich entscheidend für die Aktivität von AG und XYL. Die Berücksichtigung der Enzymkinetiken, insbesondere der Michaelis-Menten-Konstante lieferte weitere Aufschlüsse über relevante Faktoren. Im Allgemeinen so scheint es, haben sich die mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften an die starken Umweltgradienten, die durch den Landnutzungswandel erzeugt worden angepasst. Im Vergleich zu den verfügbaren Daten aus Reinkulturen, wiesen die mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften der untersuchten Böden in der Regel eine deutlich höhere katalytische Effizienz auf. Auch für die Michaelis-Menten-Konstante sind die Faktoren enzymspezifisch. So ist für die Km von XYL der Boden-pH-Wert, für AP das C:N Verhältnis und für NAG die DOC-Menge entscheidend. Darüber hinaus haben sich deutliche Beziehungen zwischen der Menge an Gram(-)-Bakterien und der Substrataffinitäten von XYL und AP ergeben. Je höher die Gram(-)-Abundanz, desto höher war die Substrataffinität der Enzymsysteme. Gegenüber alter und degradierter Weiden, war der Umsatz der untersuchten Substrate im Oberboden der aktiv genutzten Weide drei- bis vierfach erhöht. In einem 5-jährigen Düngeexperiment in der Bergregenwaldregion der Anden Süd-Ecuadors wurden die Reaktionen des auf dieser Fläche N/P co-limitierten Grases (Setaria sphacelata), der Arbuskulären Mykorrhiza (AMF) sowie der Bodenmikroorganismen auf moderate N, P und N+P-Düngung untersucht. Die Zugabe von N+P erhöhte die oberirdische Biomasse (+61%) wohingegen die Wurzelbiomasse durch die Zugabe von P (+45%) anstieg. Die C:N:P Verhältnisse weisen auf veränderte P-Aufnahme oder Translokation von P in die Wurzeln hin. Im Besonderen verengte sich das Wurzel C:N and C:P in der P- und der N-Zugabe. Die aus dem Boden extrahierbaren C, N und P-Fraktionen wurden deutlich beeinflusst. Die Zugabe von P stimulierte die Biomasse Gram-(+)-Bakterien (+22%), die Abundanz der AMF (+46%) und die Brutto-N-Mineralisierung. Die Auswertungen deuten darauf hin, dass die Nährstoffanreicherung indirekt über die Veränderungen der Graswurzeln auf die Bodenorganismen wirkte. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass N und P in den Reaktionen von co-limitierten Pflanzen eng miteinander verbunden sind. Vor allem aber steuert P grundlegend die Allokation von Ressourcen und wirkt damit auf andere Ökosystem-komponenten, z.B. auf die Struktur und Aktivität der Bodenmikroorganismen.

Aspectos moleculares do efeito do fator de transformação de crescimento-beta1 (TGF-β1) nas vias de sinalização na biomineralização in vitro. / Molecular aspects of the effect of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) in the signaling pathways in vitro biomineralization.

Tatiani Ayako Goto Donato 11 March 2014 (has links)
Este estudo in vitro teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos moleculares do TGF-β1, com diferentes períodos de suplementação, sobre a formação do fenótipo osteogênico das células MC3T3-E1, comparando-os com células tratadas com AA+β-GP suplementados com Dex e/ou TGF-β1, sem e com a neutralização dos receptores de TGF-β1. A expressão gênica do próprio TGF-β1 e Smad3 foram analisadas, bem como, a diferenciação das células osteogênicas e a biomineralização. As células tratadas com TGF-β1 sem neutralização de receptores apresentam efeito inibitório nos estágios mais avançados da diferenciação dos osteoblastos e da biomineralização in vitro, mas expressarem alguns marcadores importantes envolvidos na mineralização. Observaram-se nódulos de mineral em todos os tratamentos das células que tiveram os receptores de TGF-β1 neutralizados, mas houve uma diminuição na expressão de alguns genes. Os resultados confirmam a complexidade da via de sinalização do TGF-β1, mostrando que existem lacunas para que seja entendido o mecanismo dessa molécula na biologia osteoblástica. / This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the molecular effects of TGF-β1, with different supplementation time periods on the establishment of MC3T3-E1 cells, comparing with cells treated with AA+β-GP supplemented with Dex and/or TGF-β1, without or with neutralization of TGF-β1 receptors. The gene expression of the TGF-β1 and Smad3 were analyzed, as well as the osteoblast differentiation and biomineralization. The cells treated with TGF-β1 without neutralization of receptors have had inhibitory effect on some important stages of osteoblast differentiation and biomineralization in vitro, but expressed some important mineralization markers. Mineral nodules were observed in all treatments of cells with their TGF-β1 receptors neutralized, but there was a decrease in the expression of some important genes. The results confirm the complexity of the pathway signaling of TGF-β1, showing that there are gaps for understand the mechanisms of this molecule in the biology of osteoblasts.

Estudos petrográficos e geocronológicos do prospecto Mankombiti, Cinturão de Fíngoè, Província de Tete, noroeste de Moçambique / not available

Laura Nilza Mendes Mahanjane 27 November 2013 (has links)
O cinturão Fíngoè é uma unidade tectônica do Supercontinente Gondwana Oeste composta por rochas supracrustais formadas há aproximadamente 1.33 Ga. Essas rochas são portadoras de mineralizações de Au, Cu, Zn, Pb e Fe. Com cerca de 150 km de comprimento, e orientado WSW-ENE, este cinturão estende-se desde o Monte Atchiza a oeste até cerca de 30 km para leste da vila de Fíngoè no norte de Moçambique e consiste de uma extensa variedade de rochas metassedimentares e metavulcânicas. O cinturão Fíngoè apresenta especialização metalogenética para Au e Cu, que já foram explotados no passado em diversos locais. Muitos destes registros estão associados com magnetita e malaquita. Atualmente trabalhos de prospecção e pesquisa mineral têm sido realizados pela empresa de mineração African Queen Mines Ltda, através do projeto denominado de King Solomons, localizado na parte central do mesmo. A geologia da área abrangida pelo prospecto Mankombiti, mostra uma predominância de rochas carbonáticas, granitos e gabros. As rochas carbonáticas são consideradas importantes na gênese de depósitos tipo skarn e depósitos de substituição de metais de base e Au devido à sua natureza fortemente reativa. Os dados geocronológicos realizados neste trabalho indicaram uma idade precisa para a rocha intrusiva granítica associada à mineralização de 1079,1 ± 8,2 Ma, que poderia ser a idade da formação do skarn e consequentemente desta mineralização. Entretanto a idade obtida para o processo de alteração hidrotermal que afetou o gabro, na ordem de 657 ± 36 Ma e a idade modelo Pb-Pb sugerida pelo modelo de Stacey e Kramers (1975) para a calcopirita da mineralização principal de 725 Ma, sugerem que a mineralização, do prospecto Mankombiti é neoproterozóica. Para melhor entendimento dos processos que estiveram envolvidos na formação deste depósito skarn, duas hipóteses são consideradas: (i) poderia ser admitida a presença de corpos graníticos intrusivos em 700 Ma, situados em profundidade, que não foram ainda caracterizados, como responsáveis pela fonte de calor necessária, (ii) pode ser admitida ocorrência de um evento distensional em 700 Ma que produziria um adelgaçamento da litosfera e a consequente ascensão da astenosfera, produzindo uma elevação do fluxo térmico gerando os fluidos mineralizantes necessários. / The Fíngoè belt is a tectonic unit of West Gondwana Supercontinent, comprised of supracrustal rocks formed at approximately 1.33 Ga. These rocks are carriers of Au, Cu, Zn, Pb and Fe mineralization. With about 150 km long and oriented WSW- ENE, this belt extends from west of the Atchiza Mount to about 30 km east of the Fíngoè village in the north Mozambique, and consists of an extensive variety of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. The Fíngoè metallogenic belt provides specialization for Au and Cu, which have been exploited in the past in various locations. Many of these records are associated with magnetite and malachite. Currently, the prospecting and mineral exploration have been conducted by the African Queen Mines Ltd mining company, through a project called the King Solomons, located in the central part of it. The geology of the studied area shows a predominance of carbonate rocks, granites and gabbros. The carbonate rocks are considered important in the genesis of the skarn deposits type and deposits of replacement for base metals and Au due to its highly reactive nature. The geochronological data performed in this work indicate a precise age of the 1079.1 ± 8.2 Ma for the intrusive granitic rock associated with mineralization, which could be interpreted as the age of the skarn and consequently of the mineralization. However the age obtained for the hydrothermal alteration that affected the gabbro at about 657 ± 36 Ma and the Pb-Pb model age suggested by the model of Stacey and Kramers (1975) for primary chalcopyrite mineralization at 725 Ma, suggesting that the mineralization of the Mankombiti prospectus was developed during the Neoproterozoic time. For understanding the processes that were involved in the skarn-type mineralization processes, two hypotheses are here considered: (i) could be admitted the presence of i ntrusive granitic rocks at 700 Ma, situated in depth, which have not yet been characterized, as responsible for the heat source required, (ii) may be admitted occurrence of an extensional event at 700 Ma to produce a thinning of the lithosphere and the uplift of the asthenosphere, producing high thermal flows generating the mineralization fluids.

The Älgliden Ni-Cu-Au sulfide deposit, Skellefte Belt, Sweden : a magmatic Ni-Cu deposit in a subduction setting / Le gisement de sulfures à Ni-Cu-Au d'Älgliden, ceinture de Skellefte, en Suède : un gisement magmatique de Ni-Cu en zone de subduction

Coin, Kévin 08 November 2017 (has links)
La plupart des gisements de Ni-Cu sont issus de magmas komatiitique ou tholéiitique associés à des panaches mantelliques. Leur genèse fait intervenir l’exsolution d’un liquide sulfuré immiscible, l’interaction entre les liquides silicaté et sulfuré afin de concentrer ce-dernier en éléments chalcophiles, et l’accumulation du liquide sulfuré en quantités économiques. La saturation en sulfure est généralement atteinte en réduisant la solubilité des sulfures. Celle-ci se fait par assimilation de roches encaissantes siliceuses et/ou sulfurés.Le dyke d’Älgliden de la ceinture de Skellefte, en Suède, contient des sulfures de Cu et Ni dont les quantités ne sont actuellement pas économiques. La minéralisation d’Älgliden est atypique dans la mesure où elle contient d’importantes teneurs en Au, elle a un faible rapport Ni/Cu et enfin est formé dans un contexte de subduction. Le dyke recoupe un gisement porphyrique à Cu-Au contenant des sulfures ce qui laisse suggérer que la minéralisation d’Älgliden est formée par assimilation.Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche étaient d’examiner les processus de formation de la minéralisation d’Älgliden et son potentiel minier ainsi que de mieux comprendre la formation des gisements à Ni-Cu en contexte de subduction. Ce travail inclut l’étude pétrologique du minerai et de ses roches hôtes, la détermination de compositions minérales, l’analyse des éléments majeurs et traces sur roche totale et enfin des analyses des isotopes du soufre. Ce projet a été financé par la compagnie Boliden qui détient le gisement d’Älgliden.Le dyke est composé en majeure partie de norite à olivines, et minoritairement de leucogabbros. Les compositions sur roches totales, les textures magmatiques et les compositions minérales suggèrent que les norites à olivine se sont formées par accumulation d’olivine tandis que les leucogabbros représentent des liquides résiduels avec ou sans cristaux cumulus de plagioclase ± orthopyroxene. Les norites sont interprétées comme étant formées par une ou deux injections de bouillie cristalline suivie de cristallisation fractionnée. Le magma parent des roches d’Älgliden était un basalte hydraté et évolué dont la teneur en MgO est estimé à 6%.Le minerai sulfuré est principalement disséminé à travers l’ensemble de l’intrusion d’Älgliden. Quelques concentrations modérées de minerai se présentent sous la forme de sulfures en réseaux, de veines de sulfures et de sulfures massifs, lesquelles sont spatialement associées aux leucogabbros et aux xénolites de l’encaissant. L’association entre les leucogabbros et les concentrations en sulfures, leur faible teneur en métaux et leur faible rapport Ni/Cu suggèrent que la phase sulfuré s’est exsolvée tardivement au cours de la différentiation magmatique. Ce timing semble défavorable pour la minéralisation d’Älgliden puisqu’il inhibe à la fois l’interaction entre les liquides silicaté et sulfuré et l’accumulation du liquide sulfuré.La contamination du magma d’Älgliden par son encaissant n’est pas corroboré par les concentrations en élément trace et les compositions isotopiques du soufre. En revanche, ces données indiquent que le magma d’Älgliden s’est mis en place dans une zone de subduction où l’on pense que la saturation en sulfure a été atteinte par réduction d’un magma oxydé et riche en élément volatiles, via la cristallisation de magnétite et/ou dégazage. Les valeurs positives de δ34S suggèrent que l’apport de matériel dérivé du slab est responsable du caractère oxydé du magma d’Älgliden.L’état d’oxydation des magmas d’arc leur permet de dissoudre de grandes quantités de S et d’Au. Leur caractère évolué est responsable de leur fortes concentrations relatives en Au et leur faible rapport Ni/Cu. Ainsi, en contexte subduction les sulfures magmatiques sont susceptibles d’avoir ces caractéristiques, et si l’exsolution du liquide sulfuré a lieu plus tôt que dans le cas d’Älgliden cela pourrait conduire à la formation de gisements économiques. / Most major sulfide Ni-Cu deposits originated from komatiitic or tholeiitic magmas that formed in association with mantle plumes. Their genesis involves the segregation of a immiscible sulfide liquid, reaction of the sulfide liquid with silicate melt to upgrade the sulfide in chalcophile elements, and the concentration of the sulfide liquid in economic amounts. Saturation in sulfide is commonly achieved by lowering the sulfide solubility via assimilation of siliceous wall rock or by increasing the S content by adding S-bearing materials.The Älgliden dike in the Skellefte Belt in Sweden contains currently uneconomic Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization. The Älgliden mineralization is atypical insofar as it contains a significant amount of Au, has a low Ni/Cu ratio and formed in a subduction-related geodynamic setting. The host intrusion intrudes sulfide-bearing Cu-Au porphyry mineralization which led to the suggestion that the Älgliden Ni-Cu-Au mineralization was linked to the assimilation of sulfide-bearing wall rocks.The goals of this research project were to investigate the ore forming processes of the Älgliden mineralization and its ore potential, as well as to improve our understanding of the genesis of Ni-Cu deposits in subduction zones. The work is based on a petrological study of the ore and its host rocks, determination of mineral compositions, analyses of major and trace elements in bulk rocks, and sulfur isotope analyses. This was supported by the Boliden company which owns the deposit.The dike is composed mainly of olivine norites with minor leucogabbros. Bulk rock compositions, magmatic textures and mineral compositions suggest that the olivine norites formed by accumulation of olivine and that the leucogabbros represent residual melts with or without cumulus plagioclase ± orthopyroxene. The norites are interpreted to form by one or two injections of an olivine-rich crystal mush and subsequent fractional crystallization. The parental melt of the Älgliden rocks was a hydrous and evolved basalt estimated to contain ≈6 wt.% MgO.The sulfide ore is mainly disseminated throughout the whole Älgliden intrusion. Some weak ore concentrations occur as network to vein and massive sulfides that are spatially associated with the leucogabbros and wallrock xenoliths. The association between the leucogabbros and the concentrations of sulfide, their low ore grade and Ni/Cu ratio suggest that the sulfide segregated late in the differentiation process. This timing appears unfavorable for the Älgliden mineralization because it inhibited both sulfide-silicate liquid interaction and the accumulation of sulfide.Contamination of the Älgliden magma by its wall rocks is not supported by trace element data and S isotope compositions. Instead these data indicate that the Älgliden magma was emplaced above a subduction zone where the sulfide saturation is thought to occur by reduction of the oxidized and volatile-rich magma by magnetite fractionation and/or by degassing. Positive δ34S values suggest addition of slab-derived material which is thought to be responsible for the oxidized character of the Älgliden magma.The oxidation state of arc magmas allows them to carry large amounts of S and Au. Their evolved character is also responsible for their relatively high Au contents and low Ni/Cu. Such characteristics are likely to occur in magmatic sulfide mineralization in subduction zone settings, and if sulfide liquid segregation had occurred earlier than at Älgliden the process may have produced economic sulfide deposits.

Site-Specific Variations in Bone Mineral Density under Systemic Conditions Inducing Osteoporosis in Minipigs

Schulz, Matthias C., Kowald, Jan, Estenfelder, Sven, Jung, Roland, Kuhlisch, Eberhard, Eckelt, Uwe, Mai, Ronald, Hofbauer, Lorenz C., Stroszczynski, Christian, Stadlinger, Bernd 16 November 2017 (has links)
Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease with an increasing prevalence in the elderly population. There is conflicting opinion about whether osteoporosis affects the alveolar bone of the jaws and whether it poses a risk to the osseointegration of dental implants. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of systemic glucocorticoid administration on the jaw bone density of minipigs. Thirty-seven adult female minipigs were randomly divided into two groups. Quantitative computed tomography (QCT) was used to assess bone mineral density BMD of the lumbar spine as well as the mandible and maxilla, and blood was drawn. One group of minipigs initially received 1.0 mg prednisolone per kg body weight daily for 2 months. The dose was tapered to 0.5 mg per kg body weight per day thereafter. The animals in the other group served as controls and received placebo. QCT and blood analysis were repeated after 6 and 9 months. BMD was compared between the two groups by measuring Hounsfield units, and serum levels of several bone metabolic markers were also assessed. A decrease in BMD was observed in the jaws from baseline to 9 months. This was more pronounced in the prednisolone group. Statistically significant differences were reached for the mandible (p < 0.001) and the maxilla (p < 0.001). The administration of glucocorticoids reduced the BMD in the jaws of minipigs. The described model shows promise in the evaluation of osseointegration of dental implants in bone that is compromised by osteoporosis.

Evaluation of Nebulas Gold Deposit in Giyani Greenstone Belt, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mavhungu, Mbofholowo Emmanuel 18 May 2018 (has links)
MESMEG / Department of Mining and Environmental Geology / Giyani Greenstone Belt is known to host significant amount of gold of which about 10 tonnes were extracted from the belt in the 19th century. Due to increased gold price and mining practices that make it economic to mine low-grade ore deposits, major gold deposits within the belt have been the main targets for exploration while Nebulas Prospect remain unnoticed. To make the Nebulas Prospect attractive for investment, its gold mineralization potential needed to be investigated. The main purpose of this study was to conduct assessment of the probable gold mineralization in the Nebulas Prospect and its economic viability. The specific objectives were to establish the gold mineralized zones within the Nebulas Prospect, develop a geological model showing the geometry and placement of gold in the subsurface, establish gold grade distribution and its economic implication, and select the most appropriate and practical mining method for exploitation of the established gold deposit. The research approaches used in achieving these objectives comprised of knowledge driven predictive modelling of Nebulas Prospect to derive prospectivity map demarcating the area with the potential of hosting gold mineralization. Magnetic survey was conducted in geological permissive areas, thereby establishing boundaries of mineralization, both lateral and vertical. Geological and subsurface gold grade distribution were carried out by means of trenching and pitting. The integration of the geological, geophysical and geochemical data using Geosoft 8.5 and ArcGIS 10.5 assisted in development of a gold deposit model that model illustrates distribution and concentration of gold. Results of the investigation reveals that Banded Iron Formation (BIF) dominates the southern part of the study area while quartz vein and schist dominate the northern part. The application of knowledge driven predictive modelling established mineral prospectivity map for Nebulas Prospect, which narrowed the potential area for further investigation. The area located outside the boundary of prospective area indicated low mineralization potential compared to highly mineralized zone within geological permissive boundary. The two mineralize zones which exits in the Nebulas Prospect are separated by pegmatite intrusion which is observed from magnetic data presentation. The gold is hosted within BIF, schist and quartz vein. The highest concentration observed value of 10.65 g/t is hosted in serpentine schist and lowest significant of 1.24 g/t in BIF. The gold grades are higher in schists than in BIF and quartz veins. The Nebulas Prospect present significant measured iv gold mineral resource with substantial economic potential. The evaluation of the technical aspects of the Nebulas Gold Deposit, which include grade and tonnage was estimated through longitudinal vertical section method. The gold hosted within Banded Iron Formation (BIF) comprise a measured gold resource of 6957.6 t at an average weighted grade of 2.22 g/t Au. However, the gold mineralization hosted within tremolite-mica schist, serpentine schist and quartz veins comprise a measured gold resource of 3919.37 t with average grade of 3.8 g/t Au. The Nebulas Gold Deposit contain a significant grade and tonnage. At an assumed currently economically mineable cutoff grade 1 g/t Au, Nebulas Prospect has a measured resource of 10877 t at a weighted average grade of 2.79 g/t Au. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was used to prioritize the factors affecting mining method selection and ranking of potential mining method, technically appropriate for the established gold deposit in Nebulas Prospect. Open pit mining method was identified as appropriated for extraction of the Nebulas Gold Deposit. / NRF

Ecological gradients caused by land-use change and land management alter soil microbial biomass and community functioning in a tropical mountain rainforest region of southern Ecuador

Tischer, Alexander 02 October 2015 (has links)
Global change phenomena, such as forest disturbance and land-use change significantly affect elemental balances as well as the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems. Inappropriate land management often causes nutrient losses and finally soil degradation and loss of soil functioning. Especially in tropical ecoregions, soil degradation by nutrient losses is widely abundant. Soil microorganisms are the proximate agents of many processes performed in soils and are regarded as sensitive bio-indicators. However, the incorporation of microbial responses to the definition of critical soil conditions is not intensively developed. In the present thesis, several data analyses of the relationships between ecosystem disturbance and land-use change (natural forest, pastures of different ages, secondary succession) and a diverse set of soil ecological characteristics in the tropical mountain rainforest region of southern Ecuador were compiled. In particular, it was tested whether soil microbial biomass and community functioning were sensitive to land-use change effects. Furthermore, an information-theoretic approach was applied to find the factors that regulate soil microbial biomass and community function. Finally, in a nutrient enrichment experiment the above- and belowground responses to N and P additions were examined. The tested research questions and results were linked to the theory of ecological stoichiometry in order to connect the research to a sound and unifying scientific basis. Soil and microbial stoichiometry were affected by both land-use change and soil depth. After forest disturbance, significant decreases of soil C:N:P ratios at the pastures were fol-lowed by increases during secondary succession. Microbial C:N ratios varied slightly in response to land-use change, whereas no fixed microbial C:P and N:P ratios were observed. Shifts in microbial community composition were associated with soil and microbial stoichiometry. Strong positive relationships between PLFA-markers 18:2n6,9c (saprotrophic fungi) and 20:4 (animals) and negative associations between 20:4 and microbial N:P point to land-use change affecting the structure of soil food webs. Significant deviations from global soil and microbial C:N:P ratios indicated a major force of land-use change to alter stoichiometric relationships and to structure biological systems. Data analysis reveals a strong impact of land-use change on soil microbial biomass, C-mineralization, gross-NH4-consumption and –production rates. According to the results of the IT-approach, combined models better describe effects of land-use change on soil microorganisms than single explanation models. Microbial resources and soil chemical environment were important pre-dictors for soil microbial biomass and community functioning. Little is known about the environmental drivers of the catalytic properties of EHEs (e.g., pH, nutrients) and their functional link to the structure of soil microbial communities. The activities of the six hydrolytic enzymes were tested. Microbial production of AP responded to the low P status of the sites by a higher investment in the acquisition of P compared to C. Three major drivers of enzyme activities were found to be significant for enzyme production: 1.) Microbial demand for P regulated the production of AP, provided that N and C were available. At the natural forest site the two-fold higher specific activity of AP pointed to a high microbial P-demand, whereas the production of AP was constrained by the availability of N and DOC after pasture abandonment. 2.) Microbial biomass that was controlled by pH and resource availability was the main driver for CBH, BG and NAG activities. 3.) Substrate induction due to increased litter inputs of herbaceous plant species seemed to regulate AG and XYL activities during secondary succession. The enzymes’ affinity to substrate, as a potentially critically enzyme kinetic parameter is understudied. The data analysis suggests that microbial communities adapted to environmental changes, demonstrated high flexibility of extracellular enzyme systems and selected for enzymes with higher catalytic efficiency compared with pure cultures. Under in situ conditions, enzyme-specific environmental drivers of the Km, e.g., the pH for XYL, the C:N ratio for AP, and the C availability for NAG were found. The data demonstrated that the higher substrate affinity of XYL and AP was associated with more abundance of Gram(-) bacteria. The catalytic efficiency of enzymes decomposing cellulose, hemicellulose, and starch positively correlated with the relative abundance of Gram(-) bacteria. The turnover rate of the tested substrates was three to four times faster at the young pasture site compared with the longterm pasture and secondary succession sites. Nutrient inputs by atmospheric deposition are known to affect terrestrial ecosystems. However, little is known about how N and P co-limited ecosystems respond to single nutrient enrichment. In this work the susceptibility of above- and belowground ecosystem compo-nents and of their linkages in an N and P co-limited pasture to N- and P-enrichment was assessed. It was tested if the plants´responses can be explained by the concept of serially linked nutrients introduced by Ågren (2004). In this concept, the control of the growth rate by one nutrient is assumed to depend on the control of a different cellular process by another nutrient. The responses of shoot and root biomass and C:N:P stoichiometry of the grass Setaria sphacelata (Schumach.) to moderate N, P, and N+P application over five years were investigated. In addition, the effects of nutrient enrichment on soil nutrient pools, on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as well as on microbial biomass, activity, and community structure were tested. In order to evaluate the importance of different factors explaining microbial responses, a likelihood-based information-theoretic approach was applied. The application of N+P increased aboveground grass biomass. Root biomass was stimulated by P-treatment. Grass C:N:P stoichiometry responded by altering the P-uptake or by translocating P from shoot to root. In particular, root C:N and C:P stoichiometry decreased in P- and in N-treatment. Extractable fractions of soil C, N, and P were significantly affected by nutrient enrichment. P application increased the biomass of Gram-positive bacteria and the abundance of AMF, however, results of the IT-approach suggested indirect effects of nutrient enrichment on microbes. The responses of the N and P co-limited pasture to particular nutrient enrichment support the concept of serially linked nutrients. The present study provides evidence for the fundamental importance of P for controlling resource allocation of plants in responses to nutrient enrichment. Resource allocation of the grass rather than direct effects of nutrient additions drives changes in AMF, microbial biomass, community structure, and activity. / Seit dem Übergang vom Holozän zum Anthropozän greift der Mensch immer stärker in globale und regionale Stoffkreisläufe ein. Durch die Zerstörung von Naturwäldern und Landnutzungswandel werden die Strukturen und die Funktionen der Ökosysteme stark verändert. Unangepasste Landnutzung führt zu Nährelementverlusten, die mittel- bis langfristige zur Bodendegradation und zur Reduktion von Bodenfunktionen führen. Solche Veränderungen sind insbesondere in den Tropen zu beobachten. Bodenmikroorganismen spielen in den Stoffkreisläufen eine zentrale Rolle. Zudem sind sie sensitive Bioindikatoren für den Zustand von Ökosystemen. Im Gegensatz dazu, werden die Bodenmikroorganismen noch nicht ausreichend für die Zustandsbewertung von Ökosystemen verwendet. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden verschiedene Datenanalysen zu den Beziehungen von Landnutzungswandel (Naturwald, Weiden verschiedener Alter, sekundäre Sukzession) und den Eigenschaften der Bodenmikroorganismen in einer tropischen Bergregenwaldregion Süd-Ecuadors zusammengefasst. Ein besonderer Fokus lag darauf zu prüfen, ob die mikrobielle Biomasse und die Funktionen die von der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft geleistet werden (z.B. Enzymaktivitäten) durch den Landnutzungswandel beeinflusst werden. Ein informations-theoretischer Ansatz wurde verwendet um verschiedene Erklärungsansätze der steuernden Faktoren vergleichend zu testen. Darüber hinaus wurden in einem Weidedüngungsexperiment die Reaktionen der ober- und der unterirdischen Ökosystemkomponenten auf die Anreicherung mit N und P getestet. Um die Ergebnisse auf eine breite wissenschaftliche Basis zu stellen wurde die Untersuchungen in den Kontext der Theorie die Ökologischen Stöchiometrie eingeordnet. Die C:N:P Stöchiometrie im Boden und in den Mikroorganismen veränderte sich durch den Landnutzungswandel und mit der Bodentiefe. Mit der Weideetablierung nahmen die C:N:P Verhältnisse im Boden deutlich ab, stiegen dann nach dem Verlassen der Weiden im Zuge der sekundären Sukzession wieder an. Das mikrobielle C:N Verhältnis variierte nur leicht, dagegen zeigten das C:P und N:P Verhältnis deutliche Veränderungen durch den Landnutzungswandel. Mit diesen Veränderungen in der Boden- und Organismenstöchiometrie waren auch Veränderungen in der Struktur der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften verbunden. Deutliche positive Beziehungen existierten zwischen den saprotrophen Pilzen und den Protozoen. Die steigenden Mengen von Protozoen waren wiederrum mit sinkendem mikrobiellen N:P verbunden. Diese Muster weisen auf Veränderungen in den Bodennahrungsnetzten durch Landnutzungsänderungen hin. Sehr deutliche Abweichungen von globalen Mustern der C:N:P Stöchiometrie deuten darauf hin, dass der Landnutzungswandel signifikanten Einfluss auf die C:N:P Stöchiometrie ausübt. Der Landnutzungswandel beeinflusste auch die mikrobielle Biomasse, die Basalatmung, sowie die mikrobielle Aufnahme und Produktion von NH4-N im Boden. Dabei zeigten kombinierte Erklärungsansätze die adäquateren Beschreibungen der Muster. In den kombinierten Modellen zur Erklärung der mikrobiellen Biomasse und der mikrobiellen Leistungen überwogen Prädiktoren der mikrobiellen Ressourcen und der bodenchemischen Umwelt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Untersuchungen lag auf der Erfassung der Effekte des Land-nutzungswandels auf die Aktivität von extrazellulären Bodenenzymen. Bisher ist wenig darüber bekannt, welche Faktoren die katalytischen Eigenschaften steuern und beispielsweise, ob es Zusammenhänge zur mikrobiellen Gemeinschaftsstruktur gibt. Um diese Fragen näher zu beleuchten wurden sechs hydrolytische Enzyme basierend auf MUF-Substraten untersucht. Die mikrobielle Produktion von AP stand dabei in Zusammenhang mit dem niedrigen P-Status der untersuchten Böden. Das wurde besonders durch die hohe AP Produktion im Vergleich zu BG belegt. Im Allgemeinen konnten drei verschiedene Mechanismen festgestellt werden, die die Produktion der untersuchten EHEs vermutlich steuerten. 1.) Der P-Bedarf der Mikroorganismen regulierte die Produktion von AP, vorausgesetzt, dass ausreichend N und C zur Enzymsynthese zur Verfügung standen. 2.) Die Höhe der mikrobiellen Biomasse hat sich als wichtiger Faktor für die Produktion von CBH, BG und NAG gezeigt. Das deutet auf die konstitutive Produktion dieser Enzyme hin. 3.) Die substratinduzierte Produktion von Enzymen ist vermutlich entscheidend für die Aktivität von AG und XYL. Die Berücksichtigung der Enzymkinetiken, insbesondere der Michaelis-Menten-Konstante lieferte weitere Aufschlüsse über relevante Faktoren. Im Allgemeinen so scheint es, haben sich die mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften an die starken Umweltgradienten, die durch den Landnutzungswandel erzeugt worden angepasst. Im Vergleich zu den verfügbaren Daten aus Reinkulturen, wiesen die mikrobiellen Gemeinschaften der untersuchten Böden in der Regel eine deutlich höhere katalytische Effizienz auf. Auch für die Michaelis-Menten-Konstante sind die Faktoren enzymspezifisch. So ist für die Km von XYL der Boden-pH-Wert, für AP das C:N Verhältnis und für NAG die DOC-Menge entscheidend. Darüber hinaus haben sich deutliche Beziehungen zwischen der Menge an Gram(-)-Bakterien und der Substrataffinitäten von XYL und AP ergeben. Je höher die Gram(-)-Abundanz, desto höher war die Substrataffinität der Enzymsysteme. Gegenüber alter und degradierter Weiden, war der Umsatz der untersuchten Substrate im Oberboden der aktiv genutzten Weide drei- bis vierfach erhöht. In einem 5-jährigen Düngeexperiment in der Bergregenwaldregion der Anden Süd-Ecuadors wurden die Reaktionen des auf dieser Fläche N/P co-limitierten Grases (Setaria sphacelata), der Arbuskulären Mykorrhiza (AMF) sowie der Bodenmikroorganismen auf moderate N, P und N+P-Düngung untersucht. Die Zugabe von N+P erhöhte die oberirdische Biomasse (+61%) wohingegen die Wurzelbiomasse durch die Zugabe von P (+45%) anstieg. Die C:N:P Verhältnisse weisen auf veränderte P-Aufnahme oder Translokation von P in die Wurzeln hin. Im Besonderen verengte sich das Wurzel C:N and C:P in der P- und der N-Zugabe. Die aus dem Boden extrahierbaren C, N und P-Fraktionen wurden deutlich beeinflusst. Die Zugabe von P stimulierte die Biomasse Gram-(+)-Bakterien (+22%), die Abundanz der AMF (+46%) und die Brutto-N-Mineralisierung. Die Auswertungen deuten darauf hin, dass die Nährstoffanreicherung indirekt über die Veränderungen der Graswurzeln auf die Bodenorganismen wirkte. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass N und P in den Reaktionen von co-limitierten Pflanzen eng miteinander verbunden sind. Vor allem aber steuert P grundlegend die Allokation von Ressourcen und wirkt damit auf andere Ökosystem-komponenten, z.B. auf die Struktur und Aktivität der Bodenmikroorganismen.

Structures et processus de minéralisation et de diagenèse des tapis microbiens actuels en domaines hypersalins continental et marin / Processes and products of mineralization and early diagenesis in modern hypersaline microbial mats : comparison of continental and marine domains

Pace, Aurélie 26 September 2016 (has links)
Les microbialithes sont des dépôts organosédimentaires benthiques résultant de la minéralisation et de la lithification de tapis microbiens, et dont les plus anciennes formes, se développant il y a 3.4 Ga, constituèrent les premiers écosystèmes terrestres. Ils forment alors une archive sédimentaire unique incluant des périodes clés de l’histoire géologique. Ce travail de thèse se propose d’analyser et de comparer les processus et produits de minéralisation dans les tapis microbiens actuels de deux environnements contrastés : un exemple de lac intracontinental hypersalin, le Grand Lac salé (GSL) aux USA ; une lagune hypersaline à alimentation marine, à Cayo Coco (Cuba) (CCLN). Le devenir des minéraux au cours de la diagenèse précoce, ainsi que leur potentiel d’enregistrement de biosignatures seront particulièrement analysés. Cette thèse se focalisera spécialement sur l’influence de trois facteurs majeurs contrôlant la minéralogie et la fabrique des microbialithes : (i) le rôle de la chimie du milieu (ii) le rôle des métabolismes microbiens (le moteur de l’alcalinité) ; (iii) le rôle de la production et de la dégradation des matrices organiques extracellulaires (EOM). Les deux cas d’études démontrent un rôle prépondérant de la production d’EOM par les cyanobactéries et leur dégradation par les bactéries hétérotrophes dans la minéralisation : (1) Dans les deux systèmes, la première phase minérale a précipiter sur les EOM alvéolaires est une phase riche en magnésium et en silicium. Ce type de minéraux nécessite des pH>8.6-8.7 pour cristalliser. (2) Une autre observation commune est que les carbonates cristallisent souvent dans des zones de forte activité des bactéries sulfato-réductrices (SRB). Notre hypothèse est que les SRB dégradent les EOM, libérant des cations (Mg2+ et Ca2+) disponibles pour la cristallisation des carbonates. Dans les tapis du CCLN et contrairement au GSL, nos résultats démontrent une forte activité de photosynthèse anoxygénique par les bactéries pourpres sulfureuses (PSB). La limite entre la zone oxique et la zone anoxique est caractérisée par un pH maximum et coïncide avec la formation d’une lamine de carbonates. Deux différences majeures sont observées entre les paragenèses du GSL et du CCLN : (1) le locus initial de la précipitation des carbonates. Dans le GSL, l’aragonite précipite dans les cyanobactéries, perminéralise leur paroi et enfin la matrice organique. Pour Cuba, une calcite magnésienne péloïdale précipite sur les EOM puis rempli les bactéries ; (2) la minéralogie et l’évolution des carbonates lors de la diagenèse précoce. Les microbialithes du GSL montrent une aragonite partiellement dissoute et une dolomite venant se développer à sa périphérie. Au CCLN, de l’aragonite se développe en surcroissance des peloïdes de HMC précédemment formés. Les différences minéralogiques des carbonates entre les deux systèmes pourraient s’expliquer par un changement du rapport Mg/Ca. Les résultats pourront être utilisés afin de mieux interpréter les conditions paléoenvironnementales et les processus microbiens en jeu dans des microbialithes de registres fossiles analogues. / Microbialites are benthic organosedimentary deposits resulting of the mineralization and lithification of the microbial mats, and the most ancient forms, developing there are 3.4 Ga, are the first earthly ecosystem. They form a unique sedimentary archive including key periods of the geological history. This study proposes to analyze and compare the processes and the products of mineralization in the modern microbial mats of two different environments: an example of intracontinental modern lake, the Great Salt Lake (USA; GSL); a lagoonal marine sea fed in Cayo Coco (Cuba; CCLN). The mineral product during of the primary diagenesis, as that them potential of biosignatures recording will be particularly detailed. This work will focus on the influence of three major factors controlling the mineralogy and the fabric of the microbialites: (i) environment chemistry role, (ii) microbial metabolisms role, (iii) role of the production and degradation of the extracellular organic matrix (EOM). Both environments studied show a high role of the EOM production by cyanobacteria and them degradation by the heterotrophic bacteria in the mineralization: (1) In both systems, the first phase to precipitate on the alveolar EOM is a rich magnesium and silica phase. This type of mineral needs pH around 8.6/8.7 to precipitate. (2) An other common observation is that carbonate precipitate generally in the high sulfate-reducing activity zones. Our hypothesis is that the sulfato-reducing bacteria (SRB) degrade the EOM, releasing cations (Mg2+ and Ca2+) available for carbonate crystallization. The limit between the oxic and anoxic zones is characterized by maximum pH coinciding with the precipitation of carbonate lamina. Two mains differences have been observed between the paragenesis both systems: (1) initial locus of the carbonate precipitation. In the GSL, the aragonite precipitates in the bacteria and then permineralizes the wall of bacteria and then the EOM network. In Cuba, the peloidal magnesian calcite precipitates on the EOM then fill the bacteria; (2) the mineralogy and the evolution of the carbonate during the preliminary diagenesis. The microbialithes of GSL show the aragonite partly dissolved and a dolomite developing next to the aragonite. In the CCLN, aragonite developing around the magnesian calcite peloids. The mineralogical carbonate differences between both systems could explain by a change of the Mg/Ca. The results could be used to better understand and interpret the paleoenvironmental conditions and the microbial processes stake in ancient microbialite analogs.

Differentiation and Activity of Murine Derived Stromal Osteoblasts After Electromagnetic Wave Stimulation

Wu, Jennifer L. January 2022 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Introduction: Elimination of bacteria and active infection within an infected root canal system is one of the primary objectives of nonsurgical root canal treatment. One of the measures of successful root canal treatment is subsequent bone healing of periapical lesions caused by previous infection. A previous study by Yumoto et al. showed that electromagnetic wave stimulation can increase proliferation of osteoblastic cells with no cytotoxicity, and it can also up-regulate growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor.18 They also showed increased proliferation of an immortalized osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cell line 3 days following electromagnetic stimulation (EMS).18 Previously, Pauly et al. found increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity with 10 mA EMS application to primary murine calvaria-derived osteoblastic cells with 5 pulses at 1 second per pulse, but no significant differences were found for MTS proliferation nor mineral deposition compared to a negative control group.82 Optimization of the different variables including post-treatment incubation time, current delivery, and number of pulses per treatment may be necessary to improve osteogenic activity. The use of mesenchymal stem cells from murine bone marrow may also offer a physiologically relevant model for osteoblastic regeneration of periapical lesions. Objectives: The goal of this study was to investigate and optimize the effects of electromagnetic wave stimulation (EMS) on murine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) by evaluating the proliferation and differentiation of the cells after exposure to different EMS treatment regimens. Materials and Methods: 5 x104 stromal osteoblasts (SOBs) were cultured in 24-well plates in α-MEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum. Cells were then subjected to pulsed EMS treatments of 1 mA, 10 mA, and 50 mA. EMS was generated using an electromagnetic apical treatment (EMAT) device created by J. Morita MFG Corp. Proliferation was assessed via MTS assay 1 days after treatment. For osteogenic differentiation, ascorbic acid and β-glycerol phosphate were added to the culture media, and SOBs were cultured for 14 days. Afterwards, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and Alizarin-red S mineral deposition were quantified as measures of osteoblast activity. Cells grown in osteogenic media without EMS treatment served as the negative control. Results: Although MSC proliferation was unaffected by different EMS treatment regimens, 50 mA EMS resulted in a decrease in ALP activity and mineral deposition by osteoblasts. Conclusions: Our findings suggest bone healing by EMS may involve a different cellular mechanism, that is not reproduced in vitro in our studies. Utilizing different amperage and EMS regimens may improve osteogenic differentiation.

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