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Evaluation of DNA Quality of Beer IngredientsRamberg, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>The project aim is to determine if good quality DNA can be extracted from barley, malt and hop, ingredients used in beer brewing. Good quality DNA is important in DNA fingerprinting techniques which can be used for identification of ingredients. The 3 methods tested are the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method, QIAGEN DNeasy Plant Mini Kit and Meyer’s method as published in 1996 with QIAGEN DNeasy Plant Mini Kit in combination. To evaluate the DNA quality after extraction we used 3 different techniques:</p><p>(i) spectrophotometry to estimate purity by using the ratio A260/A280; (ii) agarose gel electrophoresis after DNA extraction to determine the success of the extraction and evaluate the amount of high molecular weight DNA and degradation; and (iii) the polymerase chain reaction with 4 different primer pairs, together with agarose gel electrophoresis, to determine if the extracted DNA could be used in downstream applications, see the effect of inhibitors and estimate the fragmentisation of the DNA. The results achieved using the above mentioned methods were then used to evaluate the success of each of the extraction methods in their function of extracting high quality DNA from barley, malt and hop as well as determining whether the treatment of the ingredients has an effect on the DNA quality.</p>
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Evaluation of DNA Quality of Beer IngredientsRamberg, Anna January 2006 (has links)
The project aim is to determine if good quality DNA can be extracted from barley, malt and hop, ingredients used in beer brewing. Good quality DNA is important in DNA fingerprinting techniques which can be used for identification of ingredients. The 3 methods tested are the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method, QIAGEN DNeasy Plant Mini Kit and Meyer’s method as published in 1996 with QIAGEN DNeasy Plant Mini Kit in combination. To evaluate the DNA quality after extraction we used 3 different techniques: (i) spectrophotometry to estimate purity by using the ratio A260/A280; (ii) agarose gel electrophoresis after DNA extraction to determine the success of the extraction and evaluate the amount of high molecular weight DNA and degradation; and (iii) the polymerase chain reaction with 4 different primer pairs, together with agarose gel electrophoresis, to determine if the extracted DNA could be used in downstream applications, see the effect of inhibitors and estimate the fragmentisation of the DNA. The results achieved using the above mentioned methods were then used to evaluate the success of each of the extraction methods in their function of extracting high quality DNA from barley, malt and hop as well as determining whether the treatment of the ingredients has an effect on the DNA quality.
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Internet Validation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN) Applied to One Clinical and Two Nonclinical Samples / Internet-validering och psykometrisk evaluering av Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN) tillämpad på ett kliniskt och två icke-kliniska samplesEk, Anders, Östlund, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This study examined the utility of the Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (MS) as a self-report screening measure of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). It also assessed whether there were any differences in the way in which respondents used the MS and other self-report measures when administered via the internet, as compared to standard pen and paper format. Data was collected from Swedish populations, using on clinical sample (n=133) and two samples of university students (n=795). The MS demonstrated adequate concurrent, convergent and divergent validity, and satisfactory discriminative validity, with an optimal cut-off value of 3. The psychometric properties of the scale were found to be equivalent across administration formats. / Denna studie undersökte nyttan av Mini-Social Phobia Inventory (MS), ett kort självskattat screeningformulär för socialt ångestsyndrom (SAD). I studien undersöktes även om det fanns skillnader i användning av MS och andra självskattningsformulär när dessa administrerades via internet jämfört med det vanliga pennaoch-papper-formatet. Data samlades in från svenska populationer genom användning av ett kliniskt sample (n=133)och två samples bestående av universitetsstuderande (n=795). MS uppvisade adekvat samtidig, konvergent och divergent validitet samt tillfredsställande diskriminativ validitet, med ett optimalt cut-off-värde på tre. De psykometriska egenskaperna hos skalan ansågs vara likvärdiga mellan de olika administrationsformaten.
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Social ångeststörning (SAD) och beteendeinhibering som barn – en psykometrisk och jämförande studieHåkansson, Anders January 2014 (has links)
Social ångeststörning (SAD) är ett ångestsyndrom som orsakar stor funktionsnedsättning och försämrad livskvalitet. I föreliggande studie presenteras förklaringsmodeller till SAD med fokus på temperamentsforskning och reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST). Syftet var att genom explorativ faktoranalys identifiera latenta variabler i frågeformuläret ”Hur man var som barn” (HMVSB), som administrerats i en klinisk population (n= 100) och i en kontrollgrupp (n= 246). Faktoranalysen extraherade två faktorer som döptes till beteendeinhibering (BI) respektive beteendeaktivering (BA). Ett andra syfte var att jämföra den kliniska populationen med kontrollgruppen avseende de extraherade faktorerna. Resultaten visade att HMVSB uppvisade god intern konsistens och tillfredsställande instrumentell reliabilitet. Vissa signifikanta korrelationer mellan HMVSB och jämförda skattningsformulär vid SAD erhölls. Gruppjämförelserna visade att den kliniska gruppen var signifikant mer beteendeinhiberad och mer beteendeaktiverad som barn. En subgrupp med generaliserad SAD var både signifikant mer beteendeaktiverad och beteendeinhiberad som barn. Subgruppen med specifik SAD skilde sig ej signifikant från kontrollgruppen. Studien manar till att beakta temperamentala faktorer vid SAD där kombinationen hög BI och hög BA skulle kunna korrelera med allvarligare klinisk bild.
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