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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

-those complete strangers- an investigation of the rectangle

Forsman, Anna January 2011 (has links)
An report about investigating the rectangular shape in the relation between the stiff and the soft in drapings. The investigation have been made in the field fashion and garments. / Program: Modedesignutbildningen

Deformation in the Achilles Tendon when Running with Minimalistic Shoes : Review of Speckle Tracking Algorithm / Hälsenans deformation vid löpning i minimalistiska skor : Analys av speckle tracking-algoritm

Olsson, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of the project was to compare how the Achilles tendon is affected while running with traditional shoes, minimalistic shoes and barefoot. Displacement and strain were calculated both for different shoes and for different foot strike patterns. The calculations were done with a speckle tracking algorithm and displacement was calculated for three different depths in the tendon: deep layer, mid layer and superficial layer. The goal was also to conduct this analysis after a review of the algorithm used. The review of the algorithm focused on the size of the region of interest, kernel size and frequency. Literature study showed that it is more common to use a smaller kernel size, but the same shape. The region of interest was chosen depending on the size of the tendon. Displacement and strain in the Achilles tendon was calculated for seven subjects and the result did not show any difference in amount of mean deformation due to different shoe types or foot strike patterns. It was a small sample group but the result indicated a difference in peak displacement between deep and superficial layer depending on different shoe types and foot strike patterns. The difference in peak displacement between deep and superficial layer was lowest when running barefoot, larger when running with minimalistic shoes and greatest when running with traditional shoes. This result was only achieved when running with rear foot strike pattern. When running with fore foot strike pattern the difference in peak displacement between layers did not change with different conditions. In all conditions the difference in peak displacement between the layers was greater when running with rear foot strike pattern than when running with front foot strike pattern. The deep layer displaced more than the superficial layer (p<0.01) for all conditions and foot strike patterns.

Film music as a guide in complex temporal narratives : An analysis of the narrative function of Hans Zimmer’s film music in Inception (2010) and Interstellar (2014)

Akkerman, Renske January 2023 (has links)
This thesis analyses Hans Zimmer’s film music in Inception (2010) and Interstellar (2014) that resulted from his collaboration with director Christopher Nolan. The focus lies on the narrative and temporal functions that film music can attain when used in temporal complex narratives. The analysis looks into how time is presented, manipulated, and connected through the music. Three aspects that are examined are: 1) how musical motifs function as a guide for understanding narrative themes, 2) how music gives temporal clarity within a narrative, and 3) how sound design contributes to an understanding of the temporal structure of the narrative. This thesis offers more insight into how music can function temporally, a subject worthy of more academic attention. It concludes that Zimmer’s “minimalistic maximalism” style and his creative process with Nolan are essential to how the music of Inception and Interstellarfunctions.

Vliv použité běžecké obuvi na kinematiku dolních končetin a pánve v průběhu oporové fáze běhu / The influence of running shoes on leg and pelvis kinematics during the stance phase of run

Novák, Čestmír January 2014 (has links)
Title: The influence of running shoes on leg and pelvis kinematics during the stance phase of run Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to detect whether there exists a connection between the type of shoes used and changes in pelvis and legs kinematics in sagittal plane while running. Methology: For a purpose of the thesis research 12 active sportsmen (6 men and 6 women) participated in lab tests. Each of them was running on a tread mill for three time sequences - each counting 20 seconds - with changes in conditions applied as follows: barefoot run, minimalistic shod run, classic shod run. The 3D analysis was analysed using the Qualisys system (200 Hz). Data analytics was executed using the Qualisys Track Manager programme, where a comparative method was applied. Further statistical procedures ANOVA a Tukey test were performed in a programme called OriginPro 8. Key findings: The executed lab tests proved influence of running shoes on legs and pelvis kinematics during a stance phase of run. The main changes in kinematics were found in an ancle during touchdown, where the angle significantly increased while running barefoot rather than classic shod running. An analysis of pelvis kinematics parameters has proven that there are no changes in pelvis movements while running in different types...

Technical Feasibility Study for Implementing and Visualizing Diving Tracks in 3D in a Web Platform

Heinemann, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes how positional data gathered from a diving device can be visualized in a regular browser on mobile as well as stationary devices utilizing built-in connections to the GPU with OpenGL. In this work a platform and a visualization prototype are designed, implemented and evaluated. The results show that WebGL is available to most platforms but notably not on devices running iOS. The web browser can be used for implementing advanced functionality but the performance on the handheld devices needs to be improved. The thesis discusses and proposes a design for getting more enjoyment out of diving based on the observations of the implementation and suggests an entertaining social platform for adventures. / Detta examensarbete visar hur positionsdata inhämtade med ett dykredskap kan visualiseras i en webbläsare på såväl mobila enheter som på stationära datorer med hjälp av nyttjande av inbyggd koppling till GPU med OpenGL. I detta arbete designas, implementeras och utvärderas en plattform och en visualiseringsprototyp. Resultatet visar att WebGL finns tillgängligt på de flesta plattformarna, men värt att notera inte på enheter som kör iOS. Webläsaren kan användas för att implementera avancerad funktionalitet men prestandan behöver förbättras. Arbetet diskuterar och föreslår en design för att få ut mer glädje av dykupplevelser genom observationer av en implementerad prototyp och föreslår ett engagerande system för socialt samarbete kring äventyrsupplevelser.

Standardisierte Vorgehensweise zur Parametrisierung von sandigen Böden für das hypoplastische Stoffgesetz

Fock, Vanessa 08 February 2022 (has links)
Mit dem Ziel der Entwicklung einer standardisierten Vorgehensweise zur Parametrisierung von sandigen Böden beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit aktuellen Methoden zur Bestimmung der Stoffparameter für das hypoplastische Stoffgesetz mit intergranularen Dehnungen. Mit seiner Dissertation zu dem Thema „Hypoplastizität und Granulometrie einfacher Korngerüste“ etablierte HERLE (1997) eine bis heute weitestgehend übernommene Methode zur Ermittlung der acht Stoffparameter des hypoplastischen Grundmodells aus bodenmechanischen Standardversuchen. In den letzten Jahren wurden weitere Ansätze entwickelt, die auf den Überlegungen von HERLE beruhen [...]. Mit dem Minimalistic Experimental Programme von MAŠÍN (2019) und dem Online-Kalibrierungs-Tool ExCalibre des SOILMODELS-Projekts stehen allen Anwender*innen des Stoffgesetzes zwei Methoden einer solchen vereinfachten Vorgehensweise zur Verfügung. Zudem entspricht die Kalibrierung der Stoffparameter durch Anpassung der Simulationskurven an Messkurven in Element-Test-Simulationen dem Stand der Technik. Eine vergleichende Prüfung der genannten Methoden auf Grundlage der gleichen Versuchsdaten erfolgte bisher nicht. Die unterschiedlichen Parametrisierungsansätze werden in dieser Arbeit am gut dokumentierten und vielfach verwendeten Karlsruhe-Sand getestet. Es werden insgesamt acht Parametersätze ermittelt und dessen Simulationsergebnisse miteinander verglichen. Auf Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wird ein Vorschlag einer standardisierten Vorgehensweise zur Parametrisierung der acht Stoffparameter des hypoplastischen Grundmodells gemacht [...]. Über die Parametrisierung der zusätzlichen fünf Stoffparameter der Erweiterung der intergranularen Dehnungen wird ein aktueller Überblick erarbeitet, da die Durchführung der speziellen erforderlichen bodenmechanischen Laborversuche im Rahmen der Arbeit nicht möglich war.:1 EINFÜHRUNG 2 DAS HYPOPLASTISCHE STOFFGESETZ FÜR NICHTBINDIGE BÖDEN 2.1 MECHANISCHES VERHALTEN VON NICHTBINDIGEN BÖDEN 2.2 HYPOPLASTISCHE STOFFGESETZE 2.2.1 Allgemeine Formulierung des hypoplastischen Stoffgesetzes nach VON WOLFFERSDORFF 2.2.2 Small Strain Stiffness - Intergranulare Dehnungen nach NIEMUNIS UND HERLE 3 ZUR PARAMETRISIERUNG DER HYPOPLASTISCHEN STOFFPARAMETER MIT INTERGRANULAREN DEHNUNGEN 3.1 PARAMETERBESTIMMUNG ANHAND VON LABORVERSUCHEN 3.1.1 Versuche und Methoden zur Parametrisierung der Stoffparameter 3.1.2 Vorschlag eines Prüfprogramms zur Parametrisierung der hypoplastischen Stoffparameter 3.2 PARAMETERKALIBRIERUNG MIT EXCALIBRE 4 BESCHREIBUNG DES NICHTBINDIGEN BODENS UND LABORVERSUCHE 4.1 BESCHREIBUNG DES BODENMATERIALS 4.2 ERLÄUTERUNG DER ERFORDERLICHEN LABORVERSUCHE 4.2.1 Schüttkegelversuch 4.2.2 Ödometerversuch 4.2.3 Triaxialversuch 4.3 LABORVERSUCHE AM KARLSRUHE-SAND 4.3.1 Schüttkegelversuche 4.3.2 Ödometerversuche 4.3.3 Triaxialversuche 5 PARAMETRISIERUNG DER HYPOPLASTISCHEN STOFFPARAMETER 5.1 PARAMETRISIERUNG NACH HERLE 5.2 PARAMETRISIERUNG ANHAND VON ELEMENT-TEST-SIMULATIONEN 5.3 PARAMETRISIERUNG MIT EXCALIBRE 5.4 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER KALIBRIERTEN PARAMETERSÄTZE 6 VALIDIERUNG DER STOFFPARAMETER 6.1 REFERENZVERSUCHE ZUR VALIDIERUNG DER PARAMETERSÄTZE 6.2 SIMULATIONEN DER REFERENZVERSUCHE 6.3 AUSWERTUNG UND VERGLEICH DER SIMULATIONS- UND MESSKURVEN 6.4 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER VALIDIERUNGSERGEBNISSE 7 ENTWICKLUNG DER STANDARDISIERTEN VORGEHENSWEISE ZUR PARAMETRISIERUNG VON SANDIGEN BÖDEN FÜR DAS HYPOPLASTISCHE STOFFGESETZ 7.1 BEURTEILUNG DER UNTERSUCHTEN PARAMETRISIERUNGSANSÄTZE 7.2 VORSCHLAG EINER STANDARDISIERTEN VORGEHENSWEISE ZUR PARAMETRISIERUNG 7.3 FEHLERQUELLEN UND WEITERE UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR VALIDIERUNG DES VORSCHLAGS 7.4 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 8 FAZIT UND AUSBLICK 9 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS

L’enfant lecteur et la parodie : Composantes et fonctions de la réception du parodique dans l’oeuvre d’Eugène Trivizas / The child reader and the parody : Components and functions of the perception of the element of parody in the work of Eugene Trivizas

Stavropoulou, Anna Magia 04 December 2015 (has links)
L’objet de la présente recherche est l’étude de l’accessibilité des enfants lecteurs à la réception de l’élément parodique, présent dans les œuvres littéraires d’Eugène Trivizas, auteur grec d’une grande renommée dans la littérature d’enfance. Ceci concerne toute forme de parodie et à tous les niveaux où elle pourrait se produire, des conditions dans lesquelles elle se produit, des facteurs qui favorisent sa réalisation et des manières par lesquelles elle pourrait être aperçue. Par ailleurs la recherche se propose de vérifier si les fonctions des parodies de Trivizas estimées « libératrices » ont bien eu cet effet sur les jeunes lecteurs et si la poétique parodique de l’auteur contribue à la création du jeune lecteur critique. L’étude des résultats de la recherche réalisée avec des élèves des écoles maternelles et primaires en Grèce aboutit aux convictions suivantes: a. La réceptivité parodique des enfants lecteurs concernant l’œuvre d’Eugène Trivizas peut être réalisable à certaines conditions. b. La communication parodique suscitée dans les œuvres littéraires d’Eugène Trivizas, possède la dynamique de fonctionner au niveau de la socialisation et de la politisation des jeunes lecteurs. / The object of the present research is to investigate the capabilityof children readers to perceive the parodic element which emerges in the literary texts of Eugene Trivizas, one of the most renounced Greek writers of children' s literature. This concerns every form of parody, also the levels on which it is produced, the circumstances under which it is produced, and finally the factors which favour its realisation and the ways in which it can function. Furthermore, this research aims at verifying whether the functions of parody in the work of Eugene Trivizas which are conceived as "liberating" have, indeed, this impact on children readers and whether the parodic poetics of the writer contributes to the creation of a young critical reader. The study of the results of the research which was carried out on pupils of nursery and primary schools of Greece leads to the following two conclusions: a. The reception of the parodic element in the work of Eugene Trivizas is feasible/ possible under certain circumstances. b. The communication of parody possesses the dynamics to lead towards the socialisation and politicalisationof young readers.

Drama "Jošicune mezi květy sakur". Minamoto no Jošicune jako stratég, dvořan a literární mýtus. / The drama "Yoshitsune and the thousand cherry trees." Minamoto No Yoshitsune as a martial strategist, courtier and literary myth.

Ryndová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
In her doctoral thesis the author would like to present the play Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry trees (Yoshitsune senbonzakura) as a unique piece of Japanese drama which has a great complexity and an outstanding place within the corpus of Japanese literature. Even if the play can be compared to Chushingura mono in its importance, Yoshitsune senbonzakura has not been widely translated to western languages. There are two exceptions, however: the English translation (Jones, Jr. 1993) and the German translation (Klopfenstein 1982). While comparing the two translations and using the most full original texts available (as preserved in Takeda Izumo and Namiki Sosuke Joruri Collection and Yuda Yoshio's Bunraku Joruri Collection), the author's goal is to present the play to Czech readers and its interpretation to Czech scholars. As for the flow and structure of the interpretation of Yoshitsune senbonzakura the author begins with the historical background of the legend of Minamoto Yoshitsune, capturing the life of Yoshitsune from the time of Heiji rebellion (1159) when he was born to his death in 1189. Next the author concentrates on the legend itself as it evolved within the course of Japanese literature. With a shift from the court literature of Heian period towards the battlefield stories and...

Drama "Jošicune mezi květy sakur". Minamoto no Jošicune jako stratég, dvořan a literární mýtus. / The drama "Yoshitsune and the thousand cherry trees." Minamoto No Yoshitsune as a martial strategist, courtier and literary myth.

Ryndová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
In her doctoral thesis the author would like to present the play Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry trees (Yoshitsune senbonzakura) as a unique piece of Japanese drama which has a great complexity and an outstanding place within the corpus of Japanese literature. Even if the play can be compared to Chushingura mono in its importance, Yoshitsune senbonzakura has not been widely translated to western languages. There are two exceptions, however: the English translation (Jones, Jr. 1993) and the German translation (Klopfenstein 1982). While comparing the two translations and using the most full original texts available (as preserved in Takeda Izumo and Namiki Sosuke Joruri Collection and Yuda Yoshio's Bunraku Joruri Collection), the author's goal is to present the play to Czech readers and its interpretation to Czech scholars. As for the flow and structure of the interpretation of Yoshitsune senbonzakura the author begins with an analysis of the historical background of the legend of Minamoto Yoshitsune, capturing the life of Yoshitsune from the time of Heiji rebellion (1159) when he was born to his death in 1189. Next the author concentrates on the legend itself as it evolved within the course of Japanese literature. With a shift from the court literature of Heian period towards the battlefield...

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