Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mixedmethods."" "subject:"mixedmethod.""
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Beyond Transformational Leadership: A Mixed Methods Case Study Examining a Deputy Superintendent’s Evolution to the Kind of Leadership that Drives System Level ImprovementWhite, Vanessa Y. 11 June 2019 (has links)
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Understanding the Impact of Virtual Reality Upon Instruction of TCP/IP SubnettingBowie, Douglas R. 05 June 2023 (has links)
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Behavior and Perceptions: A Mixed Methods Single Case Study Examining the Student-Teacher Relationship for Students with Behavioral StrugglesKennedy, Alana January 2022 (has links)
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News Propaganda in Poland : Mixed Methods Analysis of the Online News Coverage About the Media Law Proposal Lex TVNTreichel, Patrycja January 2022 (has links)
The thesis investigates propaganda in the online news coverage about the media law proposal Lex TVN, committed to the Polish parliament in 2021. The mixed methods approach applied in the research is based on a novel analytical matrix combining the Propaganda Model theory (Herman & Chomsky, 1988) and modalities of propaganda techniques (Da San Martino et al., 2020). The main findings indicate that propaganda in the coverage about the Lex TVN is a cross-platform issue; that it occured in different forms, as: sources, critical content (flak) or expressions of ideological preferences; and that it was created using various propaganda techniques. Moreover, the analysis demonstrates that propaganda was used for several reasons: to attract attention of the readers; to increase the firm’s profit and popularity; to express the stance of the media brand towards the bill Lex TVN; and to criticize the current government. The study contributes to the field of Media and Communication Studies by using the novel analytical matrix that tests the applicability of the PM in a new geopolitical context, Poland, and adds to the academically unexplored research area of news propaganda in Polish media. Several topics for further studies are suggested: the analysis of propaganda in the news coverage published by the Polish state media brand TVPInfo; an investigation of the news reception in Poland and the ability of the Polish news readers to identify news propaganda; and lastly, studying potential positive effects of news propaganda in the Polish context.
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Background and Objectives:
HIV in a major public health problem in many countries of the world. Recent advances in care for people living with HIV such as the use of antiretroviral medication have reduced the mortality and morbidity associated with HIV infection. However, many people receiving antiretroviral therapy do not take it as prescribed and still experience sub-optimal health outcomes. Mobile phone text messaging is emerging as an important tool in health care, and HIV in particular. Our objectives were to explore the determining factors for adherence to antiretroviral therapy, test text messaging as an adherence enhancement tool, develop a framework for community ownership of a text messaging program and describe strategies for transfer of evidence in HIV to other conditions.
This research is primarily based in Yaoundé, Cameroon, and employs a variety of methodologies, including a systematic review, two cross- sectional surveys, a randomized controlled trial, an individual patient data meta-analysis, a mixed methods study and a systematic review of systematic reviews.
Results and Conclusions:
Two-way weekly text messaging is an effective strategy in improving adherence to antiretroviral therapy and enhancing provider-client communication. People living with HIV in Yaoundé, Cameroon like receiving text messages, and are willing to own and run a text messaging program. Text messaging interventions may be transferred to other conditions by integrating services or by copying what works in HIV. Further research on potential harms, cost effectiveness and text messaging for other chronic conditions is warranted. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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The Impact of Business Unit (BU)-Information Technology (IT)-Relationships on Business Transformations: A Mixed Methods StudyMallgrave, Justin 12 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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”Det enda som är viktigt är att beakta ‘var har vi barnet i det här?’” : En kartläggning av arbetet med orosanmälningar gällande misstänkt våld i Uppsala länDrugge Stals, Ida, Rönnblom, Ulrika January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna flermetodsstudie har varit att med utgångspunkt i lagen (2023:196) om kommuners ansvar för brottsförebyggande arbete, som träder i kraft i juli 2023, ge en lägesbild av hur kommunerna i Uppsala län statistikför och arbetar med orosanmälningar gällande misstänkt våld. Studien skrevs på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala som del i det brottsförebyggande arbetet mot mäns våld mot kvinnor. För att besvara syftet har inledningsvis samtliga orosanmälningar på barn 0–17 år gällande misstänkt våld under 2022 begärts ut från kommunerna i Uppsala län. Insamlingen av statistik följdes av intervjuer med socialsekreterare och förstehandläggare från fem av åtta kommuner i Uppsala län. Studiens teoretiska ramverk är the Decision- Making Ecology och the General Assessment and Decision- Making Model, vilka används för att öka förståelsen för hur beslut fattas på barnskyddsområdet. Resultatet i den kvantitativa delen visade att det fanns en stor variation på hur orosanmälningar gällande misstänkt våld statistikförs mellan kommunerna i Uppsala län. Vidare framkom det att kommunerna definierar våld på olika sätt, och att enbart en kommun uttryckligen statistikför misstanke om barn som har bevittnat våld. Resultatet i den kvalitativa delen visade att majoriteten av intervjupersonerna uppger att merparten av orosanmälningar gällande misstänkt våld leder till utredning, och att det ska motiveras väl om detta frångås. Samtliga intervjupersoner betonar vikten av en välfungerande samverkan och flera berättar om arbetet med att informera andra professionella om deras lagstadgade plikt att anmäla oro enligt socialtjänstlagen (2001:453) 14 kap. 1 §. För att arbeta ur ett mer barnrättsperspektiv föreslås det att utveckla enhetliga sätt att statistikföra orosanmälningar gällande misstänkt våld samt gemensamma definitioner av olika former av våld.
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Comprehensive Sexual Violence Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Dissertation in Four PapersDickman-Burnett, Victoria L. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns impacted the sleep and performance of rowers and triathletesFilice, Peter 15 February 2022 (has links)
In early 2020, many businesses (including gyms) were instructed to shut down for an unspecified period of time as a response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Casagrande et al., 2020, p.1; Erskine, M., 2020, para.1; O’Brien, 2020, Gyms and Health Centers section, para.1-16). As a result, many people experienced a change in how much they exercised and the quality and quantity of their sleep (Antunes et al., 2020, pp.3,5; Bigalke et al., 2020, p.7; Cellini et al., 2021, pp.113- 115, 117; Constandt et al., 2020, p.4; Pérez-Carbonell et al., 2020, pp.164, 166; Puccinelli et al., 2021, p.6). There was also an increase in the levels of negative mental states, such as anxiety and depression in various populations (Daly et al., 2020, pp.2-5). This study primarily explored changes in exercise and sleep (quality and quantity) as a result of the pandemic in a highly athletic adult population of rowers and triathletes. The data collected from the study also touched upon the changes in the mental states of the participants.
A survey was sent across Canada to rowing and triathlon clubs from SurveyMonkey that had both qualitative and quantitative questions to examine these areas of contention. A majority of participants indicated that their sleep quality had worsened as a result the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there wasn’t enough evidence to indicate that the pandemic affected the length of their sleep. The athletic performance of the athletes, as measured by self-report, decreased during the pandemic in an overwhelming number of participants. Finally, although there were many indications of worsened mental health states (such as reports of increased anxiety), there wasn’t a validated questionnaire used to measure changes in mental health concerns in the population related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some mental health concerns that were shared by the participants indicated other causes than only the pandemic. Future research should include more objective measures of sleep duration and anxiety and depression scores to better clarify those hypotheses. / Graduate
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