Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mixedmethods."" "subject:"mixedmethod.""
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An Analysis of Perceived Faculty and Staff Ccomputing Behaviors That Protect or Expose Them or Others to Information Security Attacks.Nyabando, Chiwaraidzo Judith 12 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
A mixed-methods study, conducted in 2007-2008, designed to quantify and assess behaviors that either protect or expose data at academic institutions to information security attacks. This study focused on computing practices at two academic institutions: East Tennessee State University and Milligan College. Interviews with six information technology professionals and online surveys were used to assess faculty and staff members' awareness and practice of safe computing behaviors. The constant comparison method was used to analyze qualitative data. Descriptive statistics and univariate and multivariate analysis of variance techniques were used to analyze the quantitative data.
Overall, the analyses indicated that the faculty and staff members at these institutions were equally aware of information security issues and practices and tended to practice safe computing behaviors--though apparently at a level that was less than commensurate with their awareness of these behaviors. Raised awareness correlated with safe computing behaviors, as did computer usage: those who had used computers for more than 20 years appeared to be more aware of safe practice than those who had used computers for 20 years or less. Password management emerged as a major challenge for the participants. They were also concerned with phishing emails and they tended not to be aware of FERPA regulations.
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Exclusionary Disciplinary Policies in a K-12 School District through the Lens of Remote Learning: A Fresh Perspective on Expelled and Suspended StudentsHarkness, Karen N. 17 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Digitala verktyg i svensk kommunal grundskola- skillnad mellan stad och landsbygd? : DEN GEOGRAFISKA PLATSENS BETYDELSE FÖR ARBETET MED DIGITALA VERKTYG I UNDERVISNINGENFriman, Katrin January 2023 (has links)
The studys purpose has been to investigate similarities and differences in access to digital tools in Swedish municipal primary school dependent if the scools geographic place is in a bigger town or on the countryside. One of the studys research questions has been to investigate if it´s possible to discover any differences current the teachers attitudes and the pupils use of them in education dependent the schools geograpich place. Our geographical location where we grow up influences and prepare us for a future life in different ways. Different economic, social, political and cultural conditions of places are factors that contribute to children and young being given different conditions in their growing up enviroment accordning to earlier research. The school as an institution has an important role in preparing the future generation with the ICT- skills they will need to live in a digital world. The essay has an interdisciplinary approach where the interdisciplinary discipline child and youth studies form the basis, which is supplemented by the addition of cultural geographical perspectives. My presentation of research overwiew includes previous research from both scienticif disciplines. The methods used for collecting and analysing data is a mixed- method where quantitative data in the form of existing statistics and conducted qualitative semi- structured interviews has been used. The result of the study shows that there is a difference between the town and the countryside in access to broadband which affect the use of digital tools in education in the schools I´ve investigated. They also indicate that it´s a difference in what kind of digital tools the schools placed in different geographic areas have access to. It´s also possible to discover some differences in the pupils use of the digital tools in education, depending on the schools geographic place. Accordning to my results there is a development area int he work with ICT in primary municipal school´s education, that includes the knowledge of the pupil´s socioeconomic backgrounds and geographical conditions to be able to strive for equal conditions for students to become digitally competent citizens in the future.
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Feeling the Burn: A Dissertation in Practice on Occupational BurnoutBaer, Michael 11 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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A Mixed-Methods Explanatory Analysis Embracing Modularisation, Lean, Organisational Collaboration and Communications for Lead Time ReductionFlygare, Patrik, Danielsson, Thomas January 2022 (has links)
Customers' demand and more customisable products create challenges for companies that need a higher degree of flexibility in their processes to handle the variation. A modular product architecture helps companies customise their product by swapping and sharing components, simultaneously adapting mass production strategies to reduce cost and production time. This thesis aims to analyse how low volume production with high customer customisation organisation gets affected by its complex product and what aspect can reduce complexity and shorten lead time. The purpose is to identify aspects which can reduce complexity in product configurations and processes and aspects which can shorten the lead time in a configuration to the assembly process. A literature review embracing modularisation, Lean, organisation configuration, design for assembly, innovation, and value stream mapping was constructed to help explain the situation in a case organisation. An abductive approach with a mixed-method explanatory approach was performed with a value stream map, a self-completing questionnaire, and semi-structured interviews to understand the current situation. The value stream map visualised the process and explained the performance of the organisation's Machine Order to Ex-Work process, the questionnaire explained the general department’s perception of the process, and finally, the interview contextualised the perceptions. The finding was that the customer order decoupling point is positioned at the assembly's first operation and indicates that the process is order-driven. Additionally, the questionnaire and interview findings explained that different perceptions in the organisation are palpable and that thirteen themes were identified as areas of creating complexity. The work concludes to improve lead time for low volume and high customisation organisations a radical change in strategy is necessary to achieve more efficiency.
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Teachers' and students' experiences and perceptions of formative assessmentEriksson, Maria January 2016 (has links)
This research paper looks at teachers’ views, and use, of formative assessment in the subject of English 6. It also highlights students understanding and processing of feedback and their opinions of eight assessment tools. The study was carried out using mixed methods research with individual teacher interviews, a student focus group interview, and a questionnaire. My finding shows the difficulties with identifying formative assessment and working with this in a way that helps students in their development of English 6, and the need for tools to make feedback and guidance clearer for students. Furthermore, this study identifies the need for guidance from the Swedish national agency of education regarding how teachers should incorporate formative assessment in their classroom.
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Exploring The Relationship Between Marital Expectations And Marital Satisfaction Between Married African Immigrant Couples And UNgazimbi, Evadne 01 January 2009 (has links)
Marriage is still considered a universal institution in many countries worldwide. Marriage provides benefits for wives, husbands, children, families, and communities. Why Marriage Matters (Wilcox et al., 2005), outlined the benefits of marriage, including improved physical and mental health, biological and social benefits for husbands, wives, children and families in America. In sub-Saharan Africa benefits emanating from marriage included increased survival rates for young children (Omariba & Boyle, 2007); reduced maternal morbidity and mortality rates for women due to reduced risks from self-inflicted abortions (Garenne, Tollman, Kahn, Collins, & Ngwenya, 2001); and improved economic management in homes due to exchanging gender-specific tasks within households (Gezon, 2002). Despite these benefits, approximately half the marriages in the United States end in divorce (Raley & Bumpass, 2003; Smith, 2007). Reduced marital satisfaction leads to dissolution of marriages in the U. S. Marital expectations were associated with marital satisfaction (Juvva & Bhatti, 2006). The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between marital expectations and marital satisfaction between African immigrant and United States born married couples. The independent variable was marital expectations, measured with the Marital Expectations Questionnaire (MEQ, Ngazimbi & Daire, 2008). The dependent variables were marital satisfaction, measured by the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS, Hendrick, 1988), and the Relationship Pleasure Scale (RPS, PAIRS Foundation, 1993). The participants were recruited from nine sites in six states located in three geographical regions. The regions were the Midwest, the West and the Pacific Northwest. They were recruited through faith-based leaders. Participants consisted of 87 couples and 35 individuals who participated without their spouses. This was a mixed methods design. In the quantitative section, three instruments were used to collect data: the MEQ, the RAS, and the RPS. The first section of the MEQ contained four open-ended questions which were used to collect qualitative data. Significant differences were found in the relationships between marital expectations and marital satisfaction between African immigrants and non-immigrants. Qualitative differences and similarities were found between African immigrant and U. S. born married couples. Implications of the findings are discussed for research, counselor education and clinical practice.
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Kanye West i liberal och konservativ media : Antisemitens gestaltning / Kanye West in liberal och conservativ media : Framing of the anti-semiteNanker, Gry, Sjögren, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
Anti-Semitism is still very much alive in the United States and has increased in the pastyears (ADL, 2023). Anti-Semitic rhetoric was brought to light by the world-famousrapper Kanye West, who in the fall of 2022 committed several anti-Semitic acts on hissocial platforms. When a person with great influence on the public sphere expresseshimself anti-Semitic, people can copy the behavior and believe that it is accepted. Thestudy's purpose is to expand the understanding of how American media frames antiSemitic rhetoric depending on their political ideology. This essay examines how KanyeWest was portrayed in American media in the end of 2022, where all articles found inthe timeperiod that included Kanye and antisemitism were collected. A total of 120articles were collected from four different news sources; New York Post and Fow Newthat are righwinged as well as CNN and NBC that are leftwinged. The applied methodis a mixed method with a focus on qualitative thematic content analysis. The methodhas been applied by finding patterns (themes) in the articles to answer the study'squestions: (1) When Kanye expressed anti-Semitic rhetoric, how was he framed inAmerican media? (2) How does the media's political ideological background affect theportrayal? (3) Has Kanye's anti-Semitism influenced the rise of anti-Semitism in theUS? This study does not examine media outside of the United States and no other mediathan written articles by journalists. The limitation gives a clear result of framing in thecontext of politics in one country. Existing research of Entman (1993, 2007, 2010) isused in the study to show the impact that framing has on the public and how it affectspolitics. The result shows that Kanye was framed primarily as an artist but also as ananti-semite and half of the material had negative frames of Kanye. The comparisonbetween the rightwinged and leftwinged media, showed that the left focused more onhow Kanye affected antisemitism in the U.S. and how antisemitism has increased. Thestudy concluded that Kanye had a big part in spreading antisemitism in the U.S
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My Teacher and Me: A Mixed-Methods Study Comparing Teacher Perceptions and Student Illustrations of their Caring ExperiencesSharshan, Kimberly S. 21 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploratory study of the factors that influence nutrition interventions in the United Arab Emirates’ healthcare systemAlgurg, Reem S.E.S. January 2014 (has links)
Non-communicable diseases are on the increase worldwide, causing more than 36 million deaths each year. Evidence of the link between the role of nutrition and reducing non-communicable diseases is predominant in the literature. The factors influencing intervention strategies/policies and activities, however, need attention.
AIM: The study aims to examine the factors that influence nutrition interventions within the United Arab Emirates’ healthcare system.
METHOD: This research adapts an interdisciplinary approach where a triangulation mixed methodology is applied. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used, through the analysis of ten interviews with policy makers, four case studies and 161 questionnaires. Furthermore, the research framework, which emerged from the literature search and qualitative analysis, is tested and validated by rigorous quantitative analysis using SPSS. The statistical analysis, using factor analysis, MANCOVA and ranking analysis aims to provide solid support for the resulting factors.
MAIN FINDING: The study identifies five factors that influence nutrition interventions in a healthcare system, and could enhance the effectiveness of nutrition interventions. The factors are 1) quality and processes, 2) training and use of technology, 3) senior management involvement and responsibility, 4) patient diversity, and 5) multidisciplinary teams.
CONCLUSION: This study contributes to the emerging literature on management in nutrition interventions and the theory and importance of preventative measures in relation to nutrition. This study provides a roadmap for policy makers to adopt in order to enhance the role of nutrition interventions in healthcare settings. / Culture Department of the Emirates’ Embassy and Ministry of Higher Education (UAE)
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