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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El content marketing y la confianza en relación al brand loyalty en bancas móviles / Content marketing and trust in relation to brand loyalty in mobile banks

Barrios Pérez, Camila Lucía, Prudencio Vásquez, Cecilia del Pilar 07 July 2021 (has links)
Este trabajo tiene como propósito validar la relación entre el content marketing y el brand loyalty a través de la variable mediadora, confianza, en bancas móviles. Para ello, se hará uso de los diferentes papers encontrados relacionados al tema de investigación. Además, se plantea realizar un estudio cuantitativo correlacional enfocado en el diseño transversal y se utilizará una muestra de 400 encuestas, para validar las cinco hipótesis planteadas. Asimismo, el trabajo de investigación toma relevancia al ser analizado en una categoría novedosa para el mercado peruano en relación a las variables mencionadas. / The purpose of this paper is to validate the relationship between content marketing and brand loyalty through the mediating variable, trust, in mobile banking. For this purpose, we will make use of the different papers found related to the research topic. In addition, a quantitative correlational study focused on the cross-sectional design will be carried out and a sample of 400 surveys will be used to validate the five hypotheses proposed. Likewise, the research work takes on relevance by being analyzed in a new category for the Peruvian market in relation to the variables mentioned. / Trabajo de investigación

Determinantes de la adopción de la banca móvil en el contexto peruano / Determinants of the adoption of mobile banking in the Peruvian context

Ortiz gutierrez, Yuli sevelin, Tabuchi Gushiken, Mario Toshihide 26 April 2021 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / El presente estudio busca determinar la relación de las variables seguridad percibida, facilidad de uso y utilidad percibida con la actitud del consumidor y la satisfacción de los usuarios en el Perú. Para ello, se utilizó una muestra de 243 personas y se utilizó SMART PLS para hallar los resultados del estudio. Dentro de los resultados más resaltantes se determinó que la variable facilidad de uso demostró poseer la mayor influencia respecto a la actitud de los usuarios al utilizar la banca móvil. Por otro lado, se determinó que la actitud del usuario afecta de gran manera a la satisfacción que poseen ante la banca móvil, aportando una nueva perspectiva a los estudios con relación a estas variables debido a que gran parte de los autores investigados relacionan a la satisfacción como un antecedente de la actitud. Teniendo en cuenta esto, el sector bancario debe considerar no sólo las variables como facilidad de uso, seguridad percibida y utilidad percibida sino también la actitud si quiere satisfacer a sus usuarios de banca móvil. / The present study seeks to determine the relationship of the variables perceived safety, ease of use and perceived utility with consumer attitude and user satisfaction in Peru. For this, a sample of 243 people was used and SMART PLS was used to find the results of the study. Among the most outstanding results, it was determined that the ease-of-use variable proved to have the greatest influence on the attitude of users when using mobile banking. On the other hand, it was determined that the user's attitude greatly affects their satisfaction with mobile banking, providing a new perspective to the studies in relation to these variables due to the fact that a large part of the authors investigated relate to satisfaction as an antecedent of the attitude. With this in mind, the banking sector must consider not only variables such as ease of use, perceived security and perceived usefulness but also attitude if it wants to satisfy its mobile banking users. / Tesis / PE

Factores de la calidad de servicio y su relación con la aceptación del uso del mobile banking en Lima

Angulo Trelles, Christian Fernando, Galarza Fernández, Richard Francisco 09 July 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo recolectar información académica y relevante en cuanto a los factores de la calidad de servicio y la manera en que se relacionan con la aceptación del uso del mobile banking. La metodología de investigación fue determinada con base en la búsqueda de estudios previos realizados con la misma línea de enfoque. El análisis mostrará la relación de los factores de la calidad de servicio (facilidad de uso percibida, utilidad percibida, seguridad/privacidad percibida, disfrute percibido, diseño/estética percibida y sociabilidad percibida), la confianza (benevolencia, competencia e integridad) y la actitud hacia el uso del mobile banking en Lima, Perú. / The objective of this research is to collect academic and relevant information regarding service quality factors and the way they are related to the acceptance of use mobile banking. The research methodology was determined based on the search for previous studies carried out with the same line of focus. The analysis will show the relationship of the factors of service quality (perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived security / privacy, perceived enjoyment, perceived design / aesthetics and perceived sociability), trust (benevolence, competence and integrity) and attitude towards the use of mobile banking in Lima, Peru. / Trabajo de investigación

Las acciones del chatbot con respecto a la satisfacción del cliente en el sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana / Chatbot Actions Regarding Customer Satisfaction In Banking Sector Of Metropolitan Lima

Almeida Paitanmala, Delia Yadira, Peña Vera, Karla Patricia 03 December 2020 (has links)
Actualmente vivimos en un mundo lleno de cambios tecnológicos y muchos sectores del mercado se han vuelto más digitales. De esta manera, los chatbots, a través de la inteligencia artificial, se encuentran posicionándose en todos los sectores del mercado para diversos usos. Es por ello que en esta investigación se analiza las acciones del uso del chatbot en el sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana con respecto a la satisfacción del cliente final. / Nowadays we live in a world plenty of technological changes and many market sectors have become more digital. In this context, chatbots, by the use of artificial intelligence, are positioning themselves in all sectors of the market for various uses. For this reason, this research analyzes the actions of chatbot use in the banking sector of Metropolitan Lima with the aim of satisfying the final client. / Trabajo de investigación

Från funktion till innovation : En studie om svenska bankkunders upplevda tjänstekvalitet på internetbanken och hur bankernas förbättringsarbete bör prioriteras / From function to innovation

da Silva Villalba, Alexander, Pettersson, Agnes January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Konkurrensen inom banksektorn har på senare tid ökat, då digitaliseringen av tjänster har möjliggjort för nya aktörer likt neobanker att etablera sig på marknaden. Kvaliteten på tjänsteerbjudandet har stor påverkan på tjänsteföretagens framgång på marknaden. För att möta kundernas ökande krav på kvalitet bör bankerna ha ett kontinuerligt kvalitetsförbättringsarbete. Det finns därför ett behov att undersöka hur bankkunder ser på kvalitet samt hur banker bör prioritera sitt förbättringsarbete. Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att utforska hur svenska bankkunder upplever tjänstekvaliteten på internetbanken. Syftet är också att utreda vilka delar av internetbanken svenska banker bör prioritera i sitt förbättringsarbete. Metod: Studien har antagit en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi med en tvärsnittsdesign. Forskningsansatsen var deduktiv. Datan samlades in genom en digital enkätstudie baserad på frågor SSTQUAL samt WebQual. Strukturen med frågor kring upplevd och faktisk tjänstekvalitet baserades på SERVQUAL-ramverket. Studien använde sig av partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) samt importance performance matrix analysis (IPMA) för att analysera den insamlade datan. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar att dimensionerna Design samt Bekvämlighet uppvisar den högsta upplevda tjänstekvaliteten. Dimensionerna Kommunikation samt Information uppvisar den lägsta upplevda tjänstekvaliteten. Samtliga dimensioner har ett negativt tjänstekvalitetsgap, vilket indikerar att kundernas förväntningar är högre ställda än vad de upplever att internetbanken faktiskt levererar. Sett till prioriteringsordningen för bankernas förbättringsarbete föreslår studiens resultat följande ordning: 1. Innovation, 2. Kommunikation, 3. Information, 4. Design, 5. Funktionalitet, 6. Säkerhet och 7. Bekvämlighet. Kunskapsbidrag: Denna studie har bidragit till en ökad förståelse för vilka dimensioner av internetbankens tjänsteerbjudande som är viktiga för kunderna och hur kunderna upplever tjänstekvaliteten inom dessa dimensioner. För banker kan studien ge värdefulla insikter om hur kunderna ser på kvaliteten och vilka dimensioner som bör prioriteras i ett förbättringsarbete. / Background: Competition in the banking sector has increased in recent years because of the digitalization of services which has enabled new players like neobanks to enter the market. A company’s service offering has significant impact on the firm’s success. In order to meet customers’ increasing demands for quality service, banks should continuously improve their service offerings. Therefore, there is a need to investigate how bank customers view quality and how banks should prioritize their improvement efforts. Aim: This study aims to investigate how Swedish bank customers experience the quality of service on the internet bank. The purpose is also to analyze which parts of the internet bank Swedish banks should prioritize in their improvement efforts. Methodology: The study has adopted a quantitative research strategy with a cross-sectional design. The research approach was deductive. The data was collected through a digital survey based on questions from the SSTQUAL and WebQual frameworks. The study's survey questions about perceived and actual quality of service were based on the SERVQUAL framework. The study used partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and importance-performance matrix analysis (IPMA) to analyze the collected data. Results: The study results show that the dimensions of Design and Convenience have the highest perceived quality of service. The dimensions Communication and Information show the lowest perceived quality of service. All dimensions have a negative service quality gap, which indicates that customer expectations are higher than what they feel the internet bank delivers. Regarding the order of priority for the banks' improvement efforts, the study results suggest the following order: 1. Innovation, 2. Communication, 3. Disclosures, 4. Design, 5. Functionality, 6. Security and 7. Convenience. Research contribution: This study has contributed to an increased understanding of which dimensions of the internet bank's service offering that are fundamental to customers and how customers experience the quality of service within these dimensions. The study provides valuable insights into how customers view quality and which dimensions banks should prioritize in its improvement efforts.

Framgångsfaktorer för en mellanprojektsrelation och mellanmänskliga relationer mellan kundens projektgrupp och systemleverantörens projektgrupp under införande av mobila betalningslösningar : En fallstudie av ett projekt mellan Ålandsbanken och Crosskey / Success Factors for an Inter-Team Relationship and Inter-Personal Relationships Between the Customer’s Project Team and the System Developer’s Project Team during an Implementation Process of Mobile Payment Solutions : A Case Study of a Project between Ålandsbanken and Crosskey

Engman, Adelina January 2023 (has links)
Mobila betalningslösningar har blivit allt populärare och för att banker inte ska tappa konkurrenskraft behöver de införa olika mobila betalningslösningar som efterfrågas av bankernas kunder. En utmaning vid införande av mobila betalningslösningar är att det är många aktörer som är delaktiga i införandeprocessen. För att lyckas väl med införandet är samordning och samarbete mellan de olika aktörerna viktigt. När flera team samarbetar mot ett gemensamt mål är det vanligt att problem uppstår gällande att anpassa målen mellan teamen och det kan uppstå motstridiga mål mellan teamen vilket kan påverka kommunikationen, beslutsfattande och ömsesidigt förtroende. När flera team måste förlita sig på andras arbete för att få sitt eget arbete utfört finns också risk att mellanmänskliga konflikter uppstår, vilket kan leda till suboptimala resultat. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i informatik är att identifiera, beskriva och förklara framgångsfaktorer för en mellanprojektsrelation mellan kundens projektgrupp och systemleverantörens projektgrupp, och mellanmänskliga relationer inom respektive projektgrupp, vid införande av mobila betalningslösningar. Fallstudiemetoden har tillämpats och en litteraturstudie har genomförts. Utifrån litteraturstudien har en analysmodell utformats. Primära empiriska data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer via Teams. Fem intervjuer med projektmedlemmar från Ålandsbankens och Crosskeys projektgrupper har utförts. Studiens viktigaste slutsatser är att följande framgångsfaktorer är särskilt betydelsefulla för bättre relationer: en öppen och tydlig kommunikation under hela projektet genom att projektmedlemmarna enkelt kan kontakta varandra utanför mötestider, genast tar upp oklarheter och alla projektmedlemmar tydligt informeras om vad som händer. Projektledarnas roll är också avgörande: de behöver vara engagerade och ha en högre grad av kommunikationsförmåga. Tidigare samarbete mellan projektmedlemmar medför att det redan från början av projektet finns ett ömsesidigt förtroende mellan projektgrupperna och individerna vilket också uppfattas som en viktig framgångsfaktor. Projektgruppernas storlek påverkar relationerna genom att en mindre grupp leder till att projektmedlemmarna har tydligare ansvarsområden, kommunikationen är enklare och det är lättare att samarbeta. Kunskapsbidraget från denna genomförda studie är tre indikatorer som lagts till i min modifierade analysmodell: Grad av tydlighet, Grad av öppenhet och Grad av tidigare samarbete.

Legal Aspects of Electronic Money: Financial Inclusion Instrument. The Peruvian Model / Aspectos Jurídicos del Dinero Electrónico: Instrumento de Inclusión Financiera. El Modelo Perú

Cipriano Pirgo, Manuel 10 April 2018 (has links)
In the first part, the background of electronic money is explained, then it provides a detailed account of how it has evolved in Africa, where there has been a huge success, given the advantages and applications it has, and how it has been working. Elsewhere, other models of electronic money that are emerging in the world, such as Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and experiences in Peru as Wanda and Your Mobile Money.In the third part, some aspects of the recent regulation of electronic money in Peru are required by Act No. 29985, which regulates the basic characteristics of electronic money. Finally, it details the recent proposal that ASBANC has been working on through the Model Peru, as well as technological and regulatory risks that still must be faced. / En una primera parte se explica los antecedentes del dinero electrónico, luego se pasa a exponer detalladamente de cómo éste se ha desarrollado en África, donde ha tenido un enorme éxito dadas las ventajas y aplicaciones que tiene, y la manera como viene funcionando. En otra parte se señalan otros modelos de dinero electrónico que vienen surgiendo en el mundo, tales como Google Wallet, Apple Pay, y experiencias en Perú como el de Wanda y Tu Dinero Móvil.En la tercera parte se precisan algunos aspectos de la reciente regulación del dinero electrónico en el Perú, mediante la Ley Nº 29985, que regula las características básicas del Dinero Electrónico. Finalmente se detalla la reciente propuesta que viene trabajando ASBANC, a través del Modelo Perú, así como los riesgos tecnológicos y regulatorios que aún se debe afrontar.

Elektronické bankovnictví na trhu v ČR se zaměřením na přímé bankovnictví / Electronic banking in the Czech market with the focus on direct banking

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to evaluate the current state of the direct banking on the Czech market and an analysis of individual types of direct banking. Partial objective is to create a formal procedure for selecting optimal type of the direct banking for bank clients.

Mobile banking no Brasil: eventos críticos, trajetória e cenários esperados

Cernev, Adrian Kemmer 22 June 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Oliveira (cristiane.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T14:15:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 71060100720.pdf: 4509995 bytes, checksum: f7bcb799932652107f30b7bc9a0d761c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel(gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T14:34:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71060100720.pdf: 4509995 bytes, checksum: f7bcb799932652107f30b7bc9a0d761c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia(suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T14:36:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71060100720.pdf: 4509995 bytes, checksum: f7bcb799932652107f30b7bc9a0d761c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-24T15:11:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 71060100720.pdf: 4509995 bytes, checksum: f7bcb799932652107f30b7bc9a0d761c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-22 / O fenômeno de Mobile Banking, emergente no Brasil, poderia ser caracterizado tanto pela magnitude das expectativas associadas a ele quanto por sua complexidade sócio-política e tecnológica. Por um lado, este fenômeno representa uma formidável estratégia para inclusão financeira de uma parcela significativa da população brasileira, bem como um canal potencialmente revolucionário para serviços bancários e financeiros inovadores. Por outro lado, este fenômeno ainda se encontra em uma fase inicial de desenvolvimento no país, contrariando expectativas, e vários eventos críticos são esperados antes de sua possível consolidação. Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever e explicar os possíveis eventos críticos, trajetória e cenários relacionados ao fenômeno de Mobile Banking & Payments no contexto brasileiro, considerando-o como uma tecnologia-em-prática resultante da interação entre diversos agentes sociais. Com uma abordagem conceitual multi-nível focada em estudos na área de Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação, orientada por uma postura epistemológica interpretativista e também crítica, buscou-se identificar os grupos sociais mais relevantes relacionados ao fenômeno analisado, avaliando as suas perspectivas e expectativas tecnológicas, ao mesmo tempo em que se buscou antecipar os possíveis processos de negociação e interação entre eles. Como resultado, foram construídos uma trajetória de eventos críticos de incerteza e dois cenários futuros considerados mais prováveis. Por conseguinte, foi possível analisar e endereçar propositivamente algumas questões críticas, com contribuições relevantes tanto para a teoria quanto para a prática. / The Mobile Banking phenomenon, still emergent in Brazil, could be characterized both by the magnitude of expectations related to it as well as by its sociopolitical and technological complexity. On the one hand, the phenomenon represents an effective strategy for inclusion of a significant part of the Brazilian population in the financial market and potential revolutionary channel for innovative banking and financial services. On the other hand, this phenomenon, despite the expectations, is still in its initial phases of development in the country, and several critical events are likely to happen before it may be consolidated. The aim of this academic work is to describe and explain these critical events, paths and scenarios related to the Mobile Banking & Payments phenomenon within the Brazilian context, being considering as a technology-in-practice that outcomes from the interaction among different social agents. This thesis aims to identify the most relevant social groups associated to the phenomenon under analysis using as conceptual multilevel approach, focused on studies in the of Technology and Information Systems, oriented by an interpretative and also critical epistemological attitude. To achieve this objective, the technological expectations and perspectives of these groups were evaluated, at the same time that possible negotiation and interaction processes among them were anticipated, thus yielding a sequence of critical events of uncertainty and two most probable future scenarios. As a result, it was possible to analyze and propose critical questions which will contribute both to the theory and the practice.

Assessing the diffusion and use of mobile payment solutions : a case of the South African townships

Mhlongo, Kulani Morgan 11 1900 (has links)
With mobile phones almost being ubiquitous in most communities, the electronic payment industry has realised the potential of using mobile phones as devices that can be used to conduct electronic payments. This realisation has led to an increase in the number of mobile payment solutions, which are being deployed for use by the public. However, these mobile payment solutions have not been widely adopted, especially by the citizens who are residing in the townships. Thus, this study investigates the factors that inhibit township residents from adopting mobile payments. The study was done at the Soshanguve township on the outskirts of Pretoria in Gauteng, South Africa. The study adopted a mixed method approach to collect data. Phase 1 relied on the interviews from a few selected individuals to collect the initial data, once this process was complete; a questionnaire (Phase 2) was developed and distributed to the general community of Soshanguve for data collection, which was qualitatively and quantitatively analysed.the diffusion and use of mobile payments in the townships. Some of the factors are as follows: mobile payments are not easy to use; lack of products to purchase using mobile payments; high costs associated with using mobile payment solutions; lack of trialability of mobile payment solutions; and lack of awareness of mobile payment providers in the townships. The study proposes several guidelines that could help developers and operators of mobile payment solutions to design and deploy their solutions in such a way that they are suitable for consumption by the users in township communities. Proposed guidelines are as follows: (1) when a mobile payment solution is launched, effort should be made to market it to the target market; (2) potential adopters of mobile payments should be able to try it without incurring any financial penalties; (3) mobile payments should be easier to use; (4) mobile payment security features should be apparent to the potential adopters in order to alleviate their fears; (5) mobile payment solutions should be designed according to the needs of the target market as one size fits all does not work; (6) mobile payment solutions should fulfill a need which is not met by the current alternatives or it should offer more value than the existing alternatives; (7) the cost of conducting mobile payments should be affordable; and (8) the regulator should develop legislation that stimulates innovation and competition while ensuring the security of mobile payments. / Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

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