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La mobilisation précoce de la clientèle ventilée artificiellement aux soins intensifs : portrait de la pratique infirmière au QuébecBilodeau, Charles January 2018 (has links)
Problématique : La mobilisation précoce de la clientèle ventilée artificiellement aux soins intensifs (SI) est une pratique infirmière recommandée afin de prévenir l’apparition de la faiblesse neuromusculaire et du délirium, deux complications associées à des incapacités ayant un impact sur la qualité de vie. Or, les pratiques des infirmières et infirmiers aux SI entourant la mobilisation précoce sont variables et peu documentées au Québec. But : Dresser le portrait de la pratique infirmière en lien avec la mobilisation précoce de la clientèle ventilée artificiellement sur les unités de soins intensifs (USI) au Québec. Modèle conceptuel: La théorie du comportement planifié (TCP) d’Ajzen (1985) est l’assise conceptuelle de cette étude. Elle propose un modèle permettant de mieux comprendre les multiples facteurs qui influencent l’adoption de comportements humains et permet ainsi une application sur le plan clinique. Méthode : Un devis transversal descriptif a été utilisé. La collecte de données s’est effectuée via un questionnaire électronique développé spécialement aux fins de l’étude et validé partiellement sur le plan du contenu, au moyen d’indices de validité de contenu (IVC). Un échantillonnage non probabiliste de convenance a été réalisé à partir d’une liste de coordonnées d’infirmières et infirmiers en SI travaillant auprès de la clientèle adulte dans les établissements de santé publics du Québec au cours de l’année 2015-2016. Des courriels personnalisés contenant l’adresse URL vers le questionnaire ont été envoyés, puis des courriels de rappel ont été acheminés aux non répondants selon la méthode proposée par Dillman, Smyth & Christian (2014). Des analyses descriptives, corrélationnelles et de régression ont été réalisées avec le logiciel SPSS. Résultats : Plus de 70% des répondants ont affirmé procéder à l’évaluation des capacités de mobilisation de la clientèle ventilée artificiellement sur leur USI et avoir réalisé au moins une intervention de mobilisation précoce auprès de cette clientèle au cours du dernier mois. Les interventions de mobilisation précoce restreintes au lit sont les plus rapportées et leur fréquence demeure très variable. La disponibilité d’un protocole de mobilisation précoce pour guider la pratique et une formation antérieure sur le sujet sont rapportées par moins de 33% des répondants. La perception de contrôle et la norme subjective sont les construits de la TCP qui permettraient le mieux d’expliquer la variabilité du niveau d’intention des répondants à réaliser des interventions de mobilisation précoce. Conclusion : Cette étude aura contribué à la génération de nouvelles connaissances dans le domaine de la mobilisation précoce aux SI en fournissant des premiers indicateurs sur l’état de la pratique infirmière actuelle au Québec.
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Le réseau d'obligations et la dette d'hébergement collectif des personnes âgées : Contribution à l'étude de la mobilisation du droit par les acteurs sociaux / The network of obligations and the collective accomodation debt of the elderly : Contribution to the study of the mobilisation of the law by social actorsGouttefangeas, Alice 24 October 2016 (has links)
Comme dans la plupart des pays européens, la population française est soumise au défi du vieillissement. Au I" janvier 2016, les personnes âgées de 60 ans ou plus représentaient 23 % de la population. Selon les projections les plus récentes, cette catégorie de personnes va continuer d'augmenter et représentera 30 % de la population à l'horizon 2060.Un grand nombre d'entre elles ne disposent pas des ressources nécessaires pour supporter le coût de l'hébergement collectif devenu souvent nécessaire, ce qui pose la question du financement de cet accueil.La présente étude propose de résoudre ce problème par l'analyse du réseau d'obligations construit autour de la personne âgée, à la fois débitrice du coût de l'hébergement collectif vis-à-vis de la structure d'accueil et créancière d'aliments vis-à-vis de la collectivité et de certains membres de sa famille. Le montant des créances alimentaires doit servir à couvrir le montant de la dette d'hébergement.Ce réseau d'obligations est mobilisé par les acteurs concernés pour obtenir l'extinction totale de la créance des établissements en respectant les recours et procédures prévus par le législateur ou par le juge. Néanmoins, ces techniques légalement encadrées ne permettent pas toujours d'atteindre l'objectif visé: les règles très strictes du régime de l'obligation alimentaire restreignent significativement les montants obtenus devant le juge aux affaires familiales.Sous l'impulsion des créanciers insatisfaits, la mobilisation du réseau d'obligations a donc dépassé le cadre organisé. De l'élaboration de barèmes de calcul jusqu'à la signature de contrats en passant par l'émission de titres exécutoires, la famille de la personnes âgée est sollicitée par des techniques diversifiées, plus ou moins légales, qui la privent de la protection du régime de l'obligation alimentaire mais qui permettent aux établissements créanciers d'augmenter leurs chances d'être payés intégralement. / As in most of the European countries, the French population is facing the challenge of ageing. On January I st, 2016,23 % of the population was aged 60 years or aider. According to the most recent projections, this category is going to increase and will represent 30 % in 2060. A large number of them do not have sufficient resources to pay the price of the collective accommodation they often need.The present study proposes to salve this problem by analysing the network of obligations built around the elderly persan. She is the debtor of the cost of the collective accommodation but she also is the maintenance creditor towards the society and towards certain members ofher family. The amount of the maintenance claims has to caver the amount of the debt of accommodation. The concerned actors mobilise this network of obligations to obtain the extinction of the claim of establishments by respecting the legal remedies and proceedings planned by the legislator or by the judge. Nevertheless, these techniques legally organised do not always reach their goal : the legal regime of the maintenance obligation restrict significantly the amounts obtained in front of the family court.For this reason, the dissatisfied creditors decided to mobilise the network ofobligations in other ways. From the elaboration of calculation scales to the signature of contracts, including the issuance of enforceable titles, the family of the elderly is requested by diversified, more or less legal techniques, which deprive them of the protection of the regime of the maintenance obligation but which allow establishments creditors to increase their chances to be entirely paid.
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Contaminant mobilisation by fluid-rock interaction and related transport mechanisms in platinum tailingsHuisamen, Altus 16 May 2013 (has links)
Contaminant release and transport in platinum tailings are poorly studied in literature. This study serves to characterise these processes. The tailings facility is located in Steelpoort, Mpumalanga, South Africa on Critical Zone rocks of the Rustenburg Layered Suite in The Bushveld Igneous Complex. Tailings material samples were collected by hand auger- and direct push probe drilling at specific locations to represent the different materials present in the tailings facility. Water samples were collected from monitoring boreholes as well as the Steelpoort River. The samples were analysed using XRD, XRF, ABA, NAG, Reflected Light Microscopy, Acid Leaching Tests and ICP scans. Using the collected data, a geochemical model was constructed for the interpretation of mineral phase dissolution and to trace the mineral phases releasing contaminants. Analysis-, test- and modelling results showed that alteration mineral phases formed within ten years in the tailings material and that the existing alteration phases viz. talc and chlorite, as well as sulphides, are the major contributors of contaminants. Elevated pH values as well as major cation and anion concentrations were found in the fluid discharging from the tailings as well as the in groundwater, with little to no heavy metals, which were traced directly to the chromite phase. This suggests that platinum tailings do not contribute to heavy metal contamination or acid rock drainage but may increase aquifer salinity and alkalinity. The flow through the tailings, underlying vadose zone and fractured rock aquifer was characterised using permeameter- and pumping tests. From the data collected, an unsaturated flow model was developed to characterise the flow through the tailings. From the model, discharge from the tailings was calculated to take place at 0.7m per decade into the underlying vadose zone with fracture flow in the aquifer ranging from 0.46-0.026m/d, as calculated from pumping test results. Contaminant migration into the Steelpoort River is possibly inhibited by the Dwarsriver Fault, based on the chemical data and hydraulic conductivities calculated. Therefore, groundwater is considered to be the major receptor in the system and groundwater users may be negatively impacted by increasing groundwater salinity and major ion concentrations. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Geology / unrestricted
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Multiprofessional communities of practice in a large-scale healthcare knowledge mobilisation initiative : a qualitative case study of boundary, identity and knowledge sharingKislov, Roman January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the development of multiprofessional communities of practice within the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) for Greater Manchester - a large-scale UK-based healthcare knowledge mobilisation partnership between the University of Manchester and local NHS organisations. In particular, it examines the role of pre-existing boundaries and identities in the process of community formation and develops our understanding of knowledge sharing across multiple interconnected communities of practice. The project deploys a qualitative single embedded case study as its research methodology, embracing 45 interviews and 69 hours of direct observation supplemented by documentary analysis, all of which were undertaken in 2010-2011. Three overlapping implementation contexts within the CLAHRC for Greater Manchester are explored, each of them reported in a different empirical paper: (1) a multi-professional community of practice emerging from a specialised project team driving an implementation project; (2) multiprofessional communities of practice operating within and across primary healthcare settings; and (3) the knowledge mobilisation initiative as a constellation of multiple communities of practice. The key theoretical contribution of this thesis is threefold. First, it demonstrates that a multiprofessional team can develop characteristics typical for a community of practice, identifies the mechanisms and consequences of this conversion and argues that teams and communities of practice do not need to be seen as mutually exclusive entities. Second, it introduces a notion of selective permeability of boundaries, whereby boundaries developing around a community of practice enable knowledge exchange between such a community and certain out-groups while impeding knowledge sharing with others. Finally, it enhances our understanding of large-scale knowledge mobilisation initiatives as emerging constellations of interconnected practices, describes a boundary between the fields of applied health research and research implementation and questions the role of implementation as a boundary practice bridging the real-time gap between the producers and users of research. The main practical contribution of this work is the formulation of a developmental approach to communities of practice, which lies midway between the analytical and instrumental perspectives previously described in the literature and can be beneficial in those cases where strong pre-existing boundaries make the emergence of a new community of practice problematic. This approach calls for the maximal utilisation of existing organic communities and for improving communication within and between them rather than attempting to foster a heterogeneous community centred on a time-limited project.
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Od rozvoje k mobilizaci: násilná tranzice v Gruzii / From Developmentalism to Mobilisation: The Case of Georgian Violent TransitionStřítecký, Vít January 2012 (has links)
This thesis seeks to conceptualize a link between the phenomenona of developmentalist state and ethnopolitical mobilization while arguing that the study of post-developmental transition should be based on a complex framework involving crucial social, economic, and political processes. The argument begins with the overview of the approaches of the late/post-Soviet transition, which are critically assessed on the basis of their anchoring in the modernization paradigm. The thesis then turns to the formulation of the alternative theoretical explanation based on the sound theoretical observations from the field of historical sociology. The theoretical debate leads to the formulation of the model involving three causal mechanisms connecting the macro and micro levels. Empirically, the thesis argues that Georgian violent mobilization resulted from the processes that were determined by the functioning and decline of the Soviet developmentalist state. While accepting the dynamics of ethnopolitical mobilization it seeks to answer the question which socio-economic processes breed these mobilizations.
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Transmedia Storytelling & Amnesty International In the Czech Republic and the UK, 1993-2003 / Transmedia Storytelling & Amnesty International In the Czech Republic and the UK, 1993-2003O'Donoghue, Veronique January 2015 (has links)
1 Abstract Since the 1990s, two parallel international phenomena have occurred: the growth of digital communications and the growth of the non-profit sector. The latter growth has taken place globally, but is acutely visible in the Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic, the 1990s posed an interesting challenge for the growth of non-profit organisations after the fall of Communism. One communications practice which has been utilised in business, journalism and the media is transmedia storytelling, though its application has been lacking in the non- profit sector. Through the utilisation of SWOT analysis methodology, this master's thesis will see this practice extrapolated to the non-profit sector in an exploratory case study of Amnesty International groups at various levels in both the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. From this, the work hopes to achieve a better understanding of how transmedia storytelling practices could aid an international non-profit organisation, such as Amnesty International, in the effectivity of its agenda setting and resource mobilisation - thus eliminating discrepancies between regions in campaigning and fundraising. Keywords: Agenda Setting, Amnesty International, Non-Profit Organisation, Resource Mobilisation, Transmedia Storytelling
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As a Community We Are Saying No to Gangs: Community Peacebuilding in South AfricaFalk Wollberg, Casper January 2020 (has links)
Dan village in rural South Africa managed to eradicate organised crime by resiliently mobilising the community to patrol the area and collectively take a stance against violence. The purpose of this qualitative instrumental case study is to critically engage the empirical data consisting of interviews and secondary sources to explore the theories of webbing and community policing. Both these theories struggle empirically to identify and cooperate with stakeholders who have the capacity to mobilise the population. To address this problem, the study engages the questions: How did community stakeholders cooperate to address crime? The findings argue that community stakeholders cooperated through a network of formal and informal relations which were centred around community meetings that generated the initiative to mobilise for neighbourhood patrols. Combining the two theories proved to yield analytical benefits when studying the case by overcoming their individual shortcomings.
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Are civil society organisations effective agents of mobilisation for development in 21st century South Africa? case study of the people's budget campaign.Egoh, Modi A. 30 January 2009 (has links)
From the 18th century, a considerable element of legislative democracy has been that of
national budgeting. This has been substantially critical in assuring legislative statute over
the government which has been controlled by kings. Predictably, the notion of public
participation in budgetary processes has been disparate by governments in Africa. Due to
its technocratic and elitist design, it is mostly a complex issue to recognise the making of
national budgets by ordinary citizens in South Africa. However, topical developments
have shown that the processes of creating national budgets should consider civil society’s
role particularly in evaluating the impact of budgets on the poor. It is against this
technocratic and elitist architectural backdrop of the state, regarding public budgeting and
implementation, which this study employs the People’s Budget Campaign as a unique
civil society organisation advocating for an alternative budget process in South Africa.
This research has used a qualitative method in analysing data collected from primary and
secondary sources, semi-structured interviews, as well as direct and participant
observation of PBC activities.
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Leveraging customer engagement to improve the operational efficiency of social commerce start-upsLiu, Z., Han, S., Li, C., Gupta, S., Sivarajah, Uthayasankar 23 November 2021 (has links)
Yes / Despite the surge of literature on customer engagement (CE) in social media, few studies shed light on how to leverage CE to improve firms’ operational efficiency. This research proposes a fresh framework using social media data to improve demand forecasting accuracy, resulting in a cost-efficient inventory control strategy. Drawing upon the resource mobilization perspective in particular, this research quantifies the construct of CE from the view of input–output efficiency evaluation using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model, and then leverages CE to forecast consumer online demand and reconfigure inventory management strategy. Using a 71-week data set from a social commerce start-up in China, this research shows that this new framework dramatically increases demand forecasting accuracy and reduces operational costs in inventory management. This study contributes to the literature by demonstrating the value of social media data in improving operational efficiency, particularly regarding inventory management. / National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 71671152)
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Débats et mobilisations autour de l’élevage : analyse d’une controverse / Debates and mobilisations about livestock farmin : analyse of a controversyDelanoue, Elsa 15 October 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’interroger la controverse autour de l’élevage et d’en étudier sa dynamique pour analyser le processus par lequel elle aboutit à une transformation des normes sociales. Pour cela, la controverse est abordée par une analyse systémique permettant de rendre compte de la complexité des relations causales entre ses multiples dimensions et ses différentes échelles d’expression. Les techniques de collecte et d’analyse des données reposent sur des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives pour cerner au plus près les processus sociaux étudiés. Une analyse sociohistorique permet d’ancrer le processus de transformation des normes dans le long terme et montre que, depuis le XIXème siècle, le système productiviste suscite des incertitudes quant à son application dans le domaine agricole, en particulier dans ses conséquences sur les animaux et l’environnement. La description des éléments de la controverse montre qu’elle se structure autour d’incertitudes scientifiques et éthiques auxquelles les parties prenantes de la controverse, que sont le monde de l’élevage et le monde associatif, doivent apporter des réponses. L’analyse de l’audience de la controverse auprès du public permet d’identifier une variété des manières de penser l’élevage, qui s’exprime au sein d’un forum hybride dans lequel une multitude d’acteurs contribuent à donner du sens à l’activité. Les rapports de force entre les acteurs déséquilibrent toutefois les capacités de chacun à influencer cette construction des normes. Globalement, c’est vers une prise de distance avec une forme d’élevage perçue comme industrielle et artificielle qu’évoluent les normes règlementaires, professionnelles et culturelles / The objective of this thesis is to question the controversy about livestock farming and to study its dynamic to then analyse the process by which this controversy results in a transformation of social norms. For that purpose, the controversy is addressed by a systemic analysis that enables to reflect the complexity of causal relations between its various aspects and its different scales of expression. Techniques of data collection and analysis lie on qualitative and quantitative methods in order to understand more precisely the social processes studied. A sociohistorical analysis enables to integrate the process of norms transformation in the long run and to show that, since the 19th century, the productiondriven system creates uncertainty regarding its application in the agricultural area, mainly in its consequences on animals and the environment. The description of the controversy elements shows that the controversy is structured around scientific and ethical uncertainties. Stakeholders of the controversy (the livestock sector and the associative sector) must come up with some answers to these scientific and ethical uncertainties. The analysis of the interest of the public for this controversy enables to identify a variety of ways of thinking the livestock farming that express among a hybrid forum in which a large number of actors contribute to make sense to this activity. However, power relations between the actors unbalance the capacities of each one to influence this norms construction. Globally, regulatory standards, professional and cultural norms are changing towards a distancing with a livestock farming form that is perceived as industrial and artificial.
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