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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um índice para o planejamento de mobilidade com foco em grandes Polos Geradores de Viagens: desenvolvimento e aplicação em um campus universitário / An index for mobility planning with a focus on large trip generators: development and application in an university campus

Oliveira, Angélica Meireles de 16 December 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar e discutir procedimentos e diretrizes para a construção e validação de um índice para a avaliação das condições de sustentabilidade da mobilidade associada a grandes Polos Geradores de Viagens (PGV), tais como, por exemplo, campi universitários. Os procedimentos foram organizados nas seguintes etapas: i) avaliação das condições atuais de mobilidade; ii) desenvolvimento ou adaptação de um índice de mobilidade sustentável; iii) definição de estratégias para cálculo e de valores de referência para os indicadores; iv) atribuição de pesos para o modelo; v) validação do modelo; e vi) aplicação do modelo. Uma abordagem bottom-up foi utilizada para o desenvolvimento do índice, com base em informações obtidas em uma pesquisa abrangente realizada com usuários de um campus (PGV). As opiniões dos usuários foram traduzidas em indicadores potenciais, que foram posteriormente organizados em uma estrutura hierárquica. Como os pesos atribuídos aos elementos da estrutura hierárquica devem expressar a relevância de cada componente do modelo, os valores de peso foram uma combinação de percepções dos usuários com diretrizes de planejamento baseadas em pontos de alavancagem. O processo de validação foi capaz de identificar falhas na estrutura do modelo, consequência de um viés posteriormente identificado na pesquisa com os usuários. Em relação aos pesos, a adoção de valores distintos se mostrou uma estratégia adequada quando comparada a uma hierarquia de modos de transporte definida por princípios de sustentabilidade. O uso de pesos constantes, por outro lado, não se mostrou capaz de satisfazer esta condição. A aplicação do índice desenvolvido no estudo de caso, com o nome IMSCamp, resultou em um valor de 0,459 (em uma escala de 0-1) para o campus da Universidade de São Paulo em São Carlos. O resultado sugere que as condições de mobilidade do campus estudado não eram sustentáveis. Apesar deste resultado negativo, a abordagem desenvolvida permitiu a identificação de indicadores, temas ou domínios prioritários para melhoria. Esta identificação é um primeiro passo importante para um processo cíclico de estabelecimento de metas, intervenção e acompanhamento dos resultados por meio de avaliações contínuas ao longo do tempo. / The objective of this study was to introduce and discuss procedures and guidelines for the construction and validation of an index for the assessment of sustainability conditions of mobility associated to large Trip Generators (TG), for example, university campuses. The procedures were organized in the following steps: i) assessment of the current mobility conditions; ii) development or adaptation of a sustainable mobility index; iii) definition of strategies for calculation and of reference values for the indicators; iv) assignment of weights to the model; v) model validation; and vi) model application. A bottom-up approach was used for the index development, based on information obtained in a comprehensive survey carried out with users of the campus (TG). The users\' views were translated into potential indicators, which were subsequently organized in a hierarchical framework. As the weights assigned to the elements of the hierarchical structure must express the relevance of each model component, the weight values were a combination of users perceptions with planning guidelines based on leverage points. The validation process was able to identify gaps in the model structure, which were a consequence of a survey bias later identified. Regarding the weights, the adoption of different values proved to be an adequate strategy when compared to a hierarchy of transportation modes defined by sustainability principles. On the other hand, the use of constant weights would not be able to satisfy that condition. The application of the index developed in the case study, named IMSCamp, resulted in a value of 0.459 (in a 0-1 scale) for the campus of the University of São Paulo at São Carlos. The result suggests that the mobility conditions of the studied campus were not sustainable. Despite this negative result, however, the developed approach allowed the identification of priority indicators, themes or domains for improvement. This identification is a first important step for a cyclic process of establishment of goals, intervention, and monitoring of the results through continuous assessments along time.

Det mobila arbetslivet : Beredskapsanalys och planering inför organisatorisk förändring / The mobile work life : Readiness analysis and planning for organizational change

Brandes, Erika January 2013 (has links)
Få studier har undersökt hur mobila arbetsprocesser kan integreras i verksamheter ur ett verksamhetsorienterat perspektiv, och bland organisationer råder brist på förståelse för, och långsiktiga strategier inom, företagsintern mobilitet. Denna studie undersöker hur en organisation kan förbereda sig inför förändring mot ett mobilare arbetsliv. För att besvara detta utfördes en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie bestående av dokumentstudier och intervjuer hos en organisation med särskilt utformad metodik inom området. Mognadsgraden kan utifrån resultaten anses relativt låg, och arbetet behöver lägga vikt på skapandet av förståelse för mobilitet och dess innebörd, där utmaningarna återfinns i hantering av förhållningssätt, organisationskultur, och ledarskap. Mobilitetsrelaterade behov var av både uppgiftsorienterad och social art, där olika tekniska lösningar föreslogs kunna bevara band mellan individer och organisation.  Det finns behov av mer longitudinella studier eftersom de signifikanta förändringarna antyddes ske över längre tid. En viktig del av kunskapsutvecklingen inom området handlar också om att lära från andras exempel, där denna studie utgör ett bidrag. / Few studies have examined how mobile work processes can be integrated into organizations from a business-oriented perspective, and among organizations there’s a lack of long-term strategies, and understanding, for internal business mobility. This study examines how an organization can prepare itself for change towards a mobile work life. In order to do this a literature review and case study involving document studies and interviews at an organization with specifically developed methodologies were conducted. The results showed that the state of maturity is still relatively low, and there is a need to focus on developing a more thorough understanding of mobility, where challenges involve handling attitudes, organizational culture and leadership. Mobility-related needs involve task-oriented and social aspects, where different technological solutions were suggested to maintain the connections between individuals and the organization. There is also a need for more longitudinal studies due to the results showing how the significant changes occur over a longer period of time. An important part of the development of knowledge concerning mobility also involves learning from others’ examples, where this study is a contribution.

Industrialization, inequality and intergenerational mobility : Subnational variation in intergenerational social mobility across Europe

Granström Öhman, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
In this study I explore how intergenerational social mobility varies between subnational regions across Europe and whether any contextual factors are associated with levels of mobility. Support is found for subnational variation in class and occupational rank mobility within 24 European countries using the European Social Survey. Two theoretical frameworks are applied, the industrialization thesis (more economic development leads to more mobility) and an inequality framework (more inequality leads to less mobility). A bivariate association is shown between higher levels of economic development and higher levels of mobility on a regional level. Support for the inequality framework is seen in that a higher at-risk-of-poverty-rate is associated with lower levels of absolute class mobility, which was found to be a result of within-country variation. Between-country variation is seen concerning the association between both lower rates of absolute class mobility and higher rates of people living in low work intensity-households and severe material deprivation. Further, a higher rate of workers in the primary sector is found to be associated with lower mobility rates. In conclusion, this study shows that local economic factors, and not only national, contribute to explaining variation in intergenerational mobility.

Meritocracy-Based Stickiness Measure of Social Mobility

Tenney, Curtis G. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the determinants of purchasing behavior in the context of safety apparel : A study of safety marketing

Pociello i Palau, Alexandre-Nikos January 2023 (has links)
The rapid growth and development of cities have brought new mobility challenges, which the emergence of micro-mobility solutions, such as Personal Mobility Vehicles, has addressed. However, the increase in the use of these vehicles has also led to a rise in the number of accidents and injuries due to the inadequate use of protective equipment. Consequently, the sales of safety apparel have increased (Smith, 2022), creating a more competitive market where marketing strategies have become essential to successfully sell the product. This study aims to investigate the purchase behavior of safety apparel products, using the Theory of Planned Behavior as a framework to analyze the factors that affect the intentions of consumers to buy safety apparel. The research considered both product and societal factors that motivate or discourage the purchase of safety apparel. The results of the study revealed that the characteristics of the safety apparel product were the most significant factor that motivated the purchase. Consumers preferred discreet aesthetics and dark colors; low prices were also important factors. In addition, fashion, the influence of specialists in stores and on social networks, and the role of authorities were also found to be significant factors. However, the ability of buyers to carry out this behavior was subject to product compatibility, affordability, and availability. The findings of this research will help manufacturers and retailers to develop better marketing strategies that will increase the effectiveness of campaigns and enhance the motivation, importance, and priority to buy safety apparel. The study's contributions also have implications for other organizations that market safety-related products or want to promote their use. Overall, this study sheds light on the understanding of safety apparel customers and aims to contribute to improving marketing strategies in the safety apparel industry and promoting the safety culture among city commuters.

La movilidad urbana en Lima. Análisis desde la forma de la ciudad

Conto Quispe, Zulema 03 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] La tesis que a continuación se expone tiene por objetivo analizar la relación entre "forma de la ciudad y movilidad urbana" dos variables recíprocas que interactúan y se complementan constantemente. Siguiendo líneas de investigación abiertas en estudios previos sobre esta relación, a través de: factores del uso del suelo, factores sociales y de las características de la movilidad urbana en las ciudades; se describe el escenario actual de la movilidad urbana en el Área Metropolitana de Lima. Como método se realiza tres análisis consecutivos que se retroalimentan entre sí. El primer análisis y principal tema de investigación de la tesis, sobre la relación "forma de la ciudad y movilidad urbana", analizada a través de los factores del uso del suelo (densidad, diversidad, diseño de la red, accesibilidad al destino, distancia a una parada de autobús), de los factores sociales (características socioeconómicas), y de las características del sistema de movilidad urbana; se describe cómo estas variables han contribuido en la configuración el escenario actual de la movilidad urbana en la metrópoli de Lima. Un segundo análisis, complementario al primero y aproximativo como futura línea de investigación, sobre cómo diferentes tejidos urbanos y sus respectivos modelos de movilidad, pueden contribuir o no a superar la capacidad ambiental de la ciudad de Lima. Un tercer análisis, complementario al primero y aproximativo como futura línea de investigación, sobre cómo el modelo de movilidad urbana en el área de estudio, ha transformado la percepción que tienen los limeños sobre el espacio y el tiempo de la movilidad urbana. / [CA] La tesi que a continuació s'exposa té per objectiu analitzar la relació entre "forma de la ciutat i mobilitat urbana" dues variables recíproques que interactuen i es complementen constantment. Tot seguint línies d'investigació obertes en estudis previs sobre aquesta relació, mitjançant: factors de l'ús del sòl, factors socials i de les característiques de la mobilitat urbana a les ciutats, es descriu l'escenari actual de la mobilitat urbana a l'Àrea Metropolitana de Lima. Com a mètode es realitzen tres anàlisis consecutives que es retroalimenten entre si. La primera anàlisi, i principal tema d'investigació de la tesi, sobre la relació "forma de la ciutat i mobilitat urbana", analitzada a través dels factors de l'ús del sòl (densitat, diversitat, disseny de la xarxa, accessibilitat a la destinació, distància a una parada d'autobús), dels factors socials (característiques socioeconòmiques), i de les característiques del sistema de mobilitat urbana, es descriu com aquestes variables han contribuït a la configuració l'escenari actual de la mobilitat urbana a la metròpoli de Lima. Una segona anàlisi, complementària a la primera i aproximatiu com a futura línia d'investigació, sobre com diferents teixits urbans i els seus respectius models de mobilitat, poden contribuir, o no, a superar la capacitat ambiental de la ciutat de Lima. Una tercera anàlisi, complementària a la primera i aproximatiu com a futura línia d'investigació, sobre com el model de mobilitat urbana en l'àrea d'estudi, ha transformat la percepció que tenen els habitats de Lima sobre l'espai i el temps de la mobilitat urbana. / [EN] The present dissertation has been focused on describing the current scenario of urban mobility in the metropolitan area of Lima city, Peru. This is achieved through to develop an analysis about the relationship between the city-form and the urban mobility, in where the parameters considered here in order to describe its urban mobility, are classified into three principal broad groups, which are: land-use factor, social factor and their characteristics of its urban mobility. Thus, only population density, diversity and design of the city, as well as, the accessibility to the destination and distances to bus stations, are considered in the land-use factor. The socioeconomic characteristics are taking account in the social factor. Whilst, urban mobility describes how all of these variables have contributed to the current urban mobility scenario in the metropolitan area of Lima city. Finally, two different analysis are proposed here as new research branches, which they are in functions of the study previously developed. The first one consists in the study about how the different urban structure areas and its current mobility model are able to contribute (or not) to overcome the environmental capacity of the Lima city. Whilst the second analysis is related to urban mobility model in Lima city and its influence in the perception of its population about the space and time required for urban mobility. / Gracias al Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo – PRONABEC del Gobierno del Perú por permitirme disfrutar de la beca Presidente de la República y hacer posible esta tesis. / Conto Quispe, Z. (2021). La movilidad urbana en Lima. Análisis desde la forma de la ciudad [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167423

Towards Sustainable and Efficient Road Transportation: Development of Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Urban and Interurban Mobility

Martí Gimeno, Pasqual 14 March 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El transporte de personas y bienes supone un problema complejo a la vez que un servicio esencial en la sociedad moderna. Entre los distintos modos de transporte, el transporte rodado supone ventajas y retos únicos, gracias a su flexibilidad y operación tanto urbana como interurbana. La creciente preocupación social respecto al medio ambiente afecta también al transporte rodado, pues los vehículos a motor son una gran fuente de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Sin embargo, la digitalización de la sociedad y la aparición de nuevos modelos de transporte indican el potencial de mejora del transporte rodado, que podría adaptarse mejor a sus usuarios a la vez que operar de forma más sostenible. En esta tesis afrontamos la mejora del transporte rodado mediante técnicas de computación e inteligencia artificial. Esto incluye el modelado de sistemas de transporte mediante sistemas multiagente y su posterior simulación virtual. La operación de las flotas de transporte está determinada por la distribución de tareas, la planificación de las acciones de cada vehículo y su posterior coordinación. Exploramos distintas técnicas y desarrollamos propuestas que mejoran la operación de distintos sistemas de transporte rodado considerando tres puntos de vista: el del operador, el del usuario y, finalmente, el de la sostenibilidad. En otras palabras, apuntamos a obtener sistemas con mayor rendimiento económico y calidad de servicio a la par que un reducido impacto medioambiental. El objetivo de la mejora del transporte rodado se lleva a cabo desde tres frentes. Primero, se propone un marco de trabajo para el modelado efectivo y la simulación de sistemas de transporte. Esta aportación nos sirve como herramienta para la experimentación del resto de la investigación. Después, la investigación se centra en el transporte urbano, caso de uso para el que modelamos la ciudad como un escenario con recursos compartidos. Proponemos el uso de flotas de vehículos descentralizados para una mayor reactividad del sistema. Mediante un modelado de autointerés, se incentiva a los vehículos a proveer de un mejor servicio a los usuarios a la vez que evitan la congestión de los recursos. Finalmente, con la intención de aportar soluciones innovadoras también a las áreas rurales, se adaptan nuestras propuestas previas para el caso de uso del transporte rural interurbano. En este caso, observamos la necesidad de transporte público flexible y adaptado a los usuarios, con especial importancia en su sostenibilidad económica. Nuestras propuestas de sistema siguen estos principios atendiendo al paradigma del transporte adaptable a la demanda. Los resultados de esta tesis aportan soluciones prácticas para la mejora de distintos sistemas de transporte rodado, contribuyendo a un futuro de movilidad flexible más sostenible y adaptada al usuario. Como aportación en el ámbito de la inteligencia artificial, las técnicas desarrolladas tienen el potencial de ser adaptadas a campos más allá del transporte como soluciones generales para la distribución de tareas y la coordinación de elementos distribuidos. / [CA] El transport de persones i béns suposa un problema complex alhora que un servei essencial en la societat moderna. Entre els diferents modes de transport, el transport rodat suposa avantatges i reptes únics, gràcies a la seua flexibilitat i operació tant urbana com interurbana. La creixent preocupació social respecte al medi ambient afecta també al transport rodat, doncs els vehicles de motor són una gran font d'emissions de gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle. No obstant això, la digitalització de la societat i l'aparició de nous models de transport indiquen el potencial de millora del transport rodat, que podria adaptar-se millor als seus usuaris alhora que operar de forma més sostenible. En esta tesi afrontem la millora del transport rodat mitjançant tècniques de computació i intel·ligència artificial. Això inclou el modelatge de sistemes de transport mitjançant sistemes multiagent i la seua posterior simulació virtual. L'operació de les flotes de transport està determinada per la distribució de tasques, la planificació de les accions de cada vehicle i la seua posterior coordinació. Explorem diferents tècniques i desenvolupem propostes que milloren l'operació de diferents sistemes de transport rodat considerant tres punts de vista: el de l'operador, el de l'usuari i, finalment, el de la sostenibilitat. En altres paraules, apuntem a obtindre sistemes amb major rendiment econòmic i qualitat de servei al mateix temps que un reduït impacte mediambiental. L'objectiu de la millora del transport rodat es duu a terme des de tres fronts. Primer, es proposa un marc de treball per al modelatge efectiu i la simulació de sistemes de transport. Esta aportació ens serveix com a eina per a l'experimentació de la resta de la investigació. Després, la investigació se centra en el transport urbà, cas d'ús per al qual modelem la ciutat com un escenari amb recursos compartits. Proposem l'ús de flotes de vehicles descentralitzats per a una major reactivitat del sistema. Mitjançant un modelatge d'autointerés, s'incentiva als vehicles a proveir d'un millor servei als usuaris alhora que eviten la congestió dels recursos. Finalment, amb la intenció d'aportar solucions innovadores també a les àrees rurals, s'adapten les nostres propostes prèvies per al cas d'ús del transport rural interurbà. En este cas, observem la necessitat de transport públic flexible i adaptat als usuaris, amb especial importància en la seua sostenibilitat econòmica. Les nostres propostes de sistema segueixen estos principis atés el paradigma del transport adaptable a la demanda. Els resultats d'esta tesi aporten solucions pràctiques per a la millora de diferents sistemes de transport rodat, contribuint a un futur de mobilitat flexible més sostenible i adaptada a l'usuari. Com a aportació en l'àmbit de la intel·ligència artificial, les tècniques desenvolupades tenen el potencial de ser adaptades a camps més enllà del transport com a solucions generals per a la distribució de tasques i la coordinació d'elements distribuïts. / [EN] The transportation of people and goods is both a complex problem and an essential service in modern society. Among the various modes of transportation, road transport offers unique advantages and challenges, thanks to its flexibility and operation in both urban and interurban areas. The growing social concern for the environment also affects road transportation, as motor vehicles are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the digitalisation of society and the emergence of new transport models indicate the potential for improvement in transportation, which could be better adapted to its users while operating in a more sustainable way. In this thesis, we address the improvement of road transportation by means of computational techniques and artificial intelligence. This includes the modelling of transportation through multi-agent systems and their subsequent simulation. The operation of transportation fleets is determined by the distribution of tasks, the planning of the actions of each vehicle and their subsequent coordination. We explore different techniques and develop proposals that improve the operation of different transportation systems by considering three points of view: that of the operator, that of the user and, finally, that of sustainability. In other words, we aim to obtain systems with higher economic performance and quality of service while reducing their environmental impact. The objective of improving road transportation is pursued on three fronts. First, a framework for the effective modelling and simulation of transportation systems is proposed. This contribution serves as a tool for the experimentation of the rest of the research. Next, the research focuses on urban transportation, a use case for which we model the city as a shared resource scenario. We propose the use of decentralised vehicle fleets for greater reactivity of the system. Through self-interested modelling, vehicles are incentivised to provide a better service to users while avoiding resource congestion. Finally, with the intention of bringing innovative solutions also to rural areas, our previous proposals are adapted to the use case of rural interurban transportation. In this case, we note the need for flexible and user-friendly public transportation, with special emphasis on its economic sustainability. Our system proposals follow these principles following the demand-responsive transportation paradigm. The results of this thesis provide practical solutions for the enhancement of different road transportation systems, contributing to a future of more sustainable and user-tailored flexible mobility. As a contribution to the field of artificial intelligence the developed techniques have the potential to be adapted to fields beyond transportation, providing general solutions for the task allocation and the coordination of distributed elements. / Martí Gimeno, P. (2024). Towards Sustainable and Efficient Road Transportation: Development of Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Urban and Interurban Mobility [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203076 / Compendio

Factors affecting the movement of farmers to industrial employment: a case study

Owens, Gerald Phillip. January 1958 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1958 O97

Analytical Model for Handoff of Fast Moving Nodes in High-Performance Wireless LANs for Data Telemetry

Barrett, G. R., Bamberger, R. J., D’Amico, W. P., Lauss, M. H. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / In our prior work [1] we proposed that network-centric data telemetry systems offer substantial improvements over traditional serial data telemetry systems. This paper is a follow up to that work and is also a companion to our experimentation paper [2]. In network-centric telemetry systems, there can be many infrastructure sites that form the network’s ad hoc communications paths, and there can be many fast-moving nodes, e.g., munitions, which enter the network, generate telemetry data, and exit the network. As the geographic size of such data telemetry networks grows, constraints on link margin will typically preclude a one-to-one matching of ground-based infrastructure sites to airborne, fast-moving nodes. That is, the fast-moving nodes will traverse distances that will require the mobile node to change which specific ground node it communicates with to transfer telemetry data. This paper describes an analytic model for the generic process of a fast moving node entering a wireless network and the associated handoffs of that node among ground stations as the fast mover traverses the spatial region covered by the wireless network. Our analysis and associated worst-case example demonstrate that wireless networking technology can handle the stress of rapidly managing connectivity to high-speed nodes for effective telemetry data extraction.

Student mobility and teachers' grade promotion decisions.

Kapp, Ronald Charles. January 1989 (has links)
In recent years America has witnessed a major shift in its population to various geographic regions. Educators have speculated on the effects of this frequent migration on students' academic and social advancement. Educators have also been interested in the effects of grade retention on academic and social advancement. Despite research on each of these factors, no investigations have addressed these factors in conjunction with each other. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of high student mobility on classroom teachers' promotion-retention decisions. Additionally, other factors that may influence classroom teachers' promotion-retention decisions were examined. Two hundred twelve elementary school teachers evaluated two case studies: one of a highly mobile student, and one of a non-mobile student. Each subsequently made a decision to either retain or promote that student. Both first grade and fifth grade students were considered. Each case study was identical for each grade level with the exception of the number of schools attended. Although the retention-promotion decisions did not differ significantly for first grade students, the teachers chose to retain the mobile fifth grade student more frequently than the non-mobile fifth grade student. Examination of various factors on a retention questionnaire revealed that different factors emerged as most important to the teachers when making promotion-retention decisions. The factors differed for both grade level and mobility status. The results were discussed in relation to interventions that may be warranted in an attempt to alleviate disadvantages in entering a new school. Further investigation of the mobile student-grade retention relationship was indicated. Additional investigation of the highly mobile minority student was also emphasized.

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