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Asean future mobility : Design a compatible future vehicle for pursuing of ASEAN´s ambitionMohamad, Irfendy January 2016 (has links)
Starting a thesis with intention and ambitious to invent a future mobility for Southeast Asia region, one of the fastest growing region in the world. I was so passionate about what is the future mobility that very compatible to South-East Asia consumer that face a hot weather and humidity climate in whole year. Recently, the car that we produce whether in local manufacturing or imported car are not very compatible for the current environment since the climate is change dramatically in kind of temperature which massive impact in material usage in the vehicle and our daily life. By this platform, my main priority is to find a best solution by doing a research and problem´s analysis about the real situation and for a long period of time. Then, I was began the project by summarize the concept based on the research analysis. Design research, brand and background analysis, ideation sketches, studying an overall form by using clay and 3D digital modelling and also advanced visualization were the main methods that implemented during this project. The result is GEMILANG Concept, designed a future vehicle which have semi-autonomous drive mode for ASEAN ambition and actual need throughout in developing countries. The concept is considered between a climate change in this region and proposes a highly efficient in how to implement the best use of natural resources that able to stand in extreme climate particularly in this region and innovative solution between tradition, need and technology.
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Homeownership & Unemployment : A test of the Oswald hypothesis in SwedenBergkvist, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
The importance of a well-functioning housing market has been proposed for long within economics, economic geography and urban planning. A high mobility on the housing market most likely positively affects the dynamics of the labor market, a dynamic important for economic growth. Mobility defined as the link between the worker and the workplace in terms of transportation and housing are most likely essential components of a dynamic and well-functioning labor market. The Oswald hypothesis states that positive relationship between homeownership and unemployment exists, the lower mobility in the homeownership housing stock compared to the rental housing stock affects labor market mobility in a negative way which can be noted if European countries are compared. My thesis explores this relationship in a Swedish context by mobilizing a quantitative approach with aggregate data on municipal level ranging from 1998 to 2013. The Swedish housing market is in a deregulation process since 1992, a conversion process from public rental housing to homeownership co-op apartments has taken place and public policies now favor homeownership over renting. Municipal data on unemployment, homeownership of apartment, rental tenant and control variables for economy and personal characteristics are applied in Pooled OLS, random effects and fixed effects regression models. The results from the Pooled OLS and the Random effects model confirms the positive relationship proposed by Oswald for homeownership of apartment but not for homeownership of detached housing. Also rental tenant show a positive relationship. The results from the fixed effect estimation rejects the hypothesis altogether and show a negative relationship.
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Essays on rural-to-urban migration and urban industrial performance in Sub-Saharan AfricaKudo, Yuya January 2011 (has links)
This thesis consists of three independent but thematically related papers exploring the income determination process in African labour markets from spatial and sectoral perspectives. Using long-run household panel data from rural Tanzania, chapter 2 investigates the extent to which education can explain migrants' income and consumption gains. We expect that the higher return to schooling at the destination primarily drives migrants' gains, suggesting that those who cannot afford the cost of schooling cannot reap the benefits of migration. We find that education indeed plays the role, but that it does not appear to be a major factor in limiting the internal migration as a source of raising income and consumption. Exploiting data drawn from urban household panel surveys in Ghana and Tanzania, chapter 3 investigates how rural-to-urban migrants' earnings compare with those of natives in urban labour markets. The chapter attempts to identify the growth of migrants' earnings at the destination (assimilation), making a distinction between wage and self-employed migrants. We find that wage-dependent migrants would achieve higher lifetime earnings if they entered a self-employed sector from their arrival, conditional on individuals' attributes and the varying returns to those attributes across urban residents. The evidence points towards the importance of capital constraints in a decision to start a business. Using firm-level data of manufacturing and retailing from the Enterprise Surveys conducted in seven Sub-Saharan African countries, chapter 4 attempts to improve our understanding of enterprise performance in urban Africa by investigating three aspects of firms' productive structure: technology, total factor productivity (TFP), and firm size. We find that the technology is similar between sectors, that retailing firms are smaller and less capital intensive but not, on average, ones with lower TFP, and that TFP differences are primarily within sectors. All these findings might point towards the importance of factor prices in characterising the industrial structure in urban Africa.
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Relation mellan bål- och axelrörlighet hos elitspelande tennisjuniorer / The relationship between trunk and shoulder range of motion in elite junior tennis playersPetersen, Nadja January 2016 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Upprepade rörelser och hållning i dagliga aktiviteter, arbete eller idrott kan påverka det neuromuskuloskeletala systemet. Upprepade förändringar av hållning och rörelser kan ge upphov till lokaliserad stress på vävnaden. Inom tennis är axelleden väl studerad. I litteraturen ses adaptiva förändringar av axelrörlighet hos tennisspelare och andra kastidrottare. Bålens rörlighet och förhållandet mellan bål- och axelrörlighet är ej studerad. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka bålrotation, glenohumeralledsrotation och korrelation mellan bålrotation och glenohumeralledsrotation hos elitspelande tennisjuniorer 16-19 år samt att identifiera eventuella idrottsspecifika adaptationer avseende bålrotation och glenohumeralledsrotation. Metod: Passiv rotationsrörlighet i glenohumeralleden mättes med en clinometer på en smartphone samt aktiv bålrotation i sittande med en goniometer placerad vid T2. Deltagarna var 32 tennisjuniorer och kontrollgruppen bestod av 30 fotbollsjuniorer i ålder 16-19 år. Deskriptiv statistik för inåt- utåtrotation och bålrotation presenterades. Skillnader mellan tennis och kontrollgrupp analyserades. Korrelation mellan bålrotation och inåt- samt utåtrotation analyserades. Resultat: Bålrotation mot icke dominant sida var lägre hos tennisspelarna jämfört med fotbollsspelarna. Ingen tydlig korrelation kunde ses mellan rotationsrörlighet i axeln och bålrotation. Tennisspelarna hade sämre inåtrotation och total rotationsrörlighet (TROM) i glenohumeralleden i dominant arm jämfört med fotbollsspelarna, dessutom minskar deras inåtrotation och TROM med stigande ålder. Konklusion: Det föreligger antydningar till adaptiva förändringar hos tennisspelare med minskad bålrotation åt icke dominant sida samt nedsatt inåtrotation på dominant axel. / Abstract Background: Repeated movements and sustained postures in daily activity, work and in sports can influence the neuromusculoskeletal system. Repeated changes in posture and movement might cause local stress in the tissue. Adaptive effects in the mobility of the shoulder in tennis players and other overhead athletes are well documented in the literature. Research of trunk mobility and its effect on the shoulder is limited. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate trunk rotation, glenohumeral rotation and the correlation between trunk rotation and glenohumeral rotation in elite junior tennis players 16-19 years old. Secondly, to identify athletic adaptations in trunk rotation and glenohumeral rotation in elite junior tennis players. Methods: Range of motion in the glenohumeral joint for internal and external rotation was measured with a clinometer on a smartphone. Range of motion for trunk rotation was measured with seated rotation test with a goniometer placed at T2. The participants were 32 elite junior tennis players and the control group was 30 elite junior soccer players aged 16-19 years old. Descriptive statistics for range of motion in shoulder and trunk rotation was presented. Differences between tennis players and control group were analyzed. Correlation between trunk rotation and internal and external rotation was analyzed. Results: Trunk rotation to the non dominant side had lower scores in tennis players than in soccer players. No obvious correlation was detected between shoulder rotation and trunk rotation. Tennis players had less internal rotation and total rotation range of motion (TROM) in their dominant arm compared to the control group. This reduction in internal rotation and TROM increased with age. Conclusion: There are some indications for adaptive changes in tennis players with reduced trunk rotation to the non dominant side and reduced internal rotation in the dominant shoulder.
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Assessing manual wheelchair caster design for mobility in winter conditionsBerthelette, Michele 12 September 2016 (has links)
Manual wheelchair users who live in cold climates are faced with daily difficulties related to personal independence and societal inclusion, as their assistive devices are unable to overcome the physical barriers created by snow. Packed snow on sidewalks creates a barrier for wheelchair users as the small caster wheels become embedded in the snow-pack, this leads to upper body fatigue as well as wheelchair tipping, and falling. The purpose of this thesis was to develop a method by which the best design could be determined of a group of four commercially available manual wheelchair casters. This method was developed based on the HAAT model of assistive technology design. It was confirmed that snow-packed surfaces, as well as increased inclines, had a significant detrimental effect on the recorded human factors determinants, as well as conventional engineering determinants. / October 2016
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An evaluation of miniaturised field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry hyphenated with time-of-flight mass spectrometrySmith, Robert W. January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, the performance of a miniaturised field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) device hyphenated with time-of-flight mass spectrometry is studied and evaluated for analysis of a variety of compounds in different sample matrices. FAIMS is a selective spectrometer which is highly orthogonal to mass spectrometry and has the potential for enhancing sensitivity and improve selectivity of rapid analyses. In Chapter 2, the performance of the miniaturised FAIMS device is tested for stability and transmission under a wide range of ion source conditions. An investigation of three different systems, including pairs of isobaric, isomeric and near-mass ions shows that miniaturised FAIMS has the ability to distinguish between analytes that are challenging to separate by mass spectrometry. Chapter 3 explores the effect of changing the composition of the carrier gas by observing the effect of adding gas modifiers on the FAIMS spectra of small molecules, peptides and proteins. Chapter 4 investigates the advantages of combining a fast FAIMS separation with mass spectrometry in the analysis of nitrogen-containing pharmaceutical impurities, where FAIMS is found to offer additional selectivity. In Chapter 5, the development of a UHPLC-FAIMS-MS method for the quantitative determination of a drug metabolite in urine is reported. UHPLC-FAIMS-MS shows improvements in signal-to noise and linear dynamic range as well as a reduction in chemical noise, demonstrating the potential of combining FAIMS with mass spectrometry.
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Une solution tolérante aux délais pour des applications de localisation et de traçabilité a posteriori en milieux confinés / A tolerant solution to deadlines for tracking and traceability applications post in confined spacesBaouche, Mohamed Chakib 12 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’exploitation d’une population nomade afin de colporter des informations dites ‘atomiques’ de rencontres entre entités fixes ou mobiles pour des applications diverses basées sur la localisation et la traçabilité. Répondre à ces besoins en milieux confinés s’avère un défi, que ce soit dans un contexte industriel, médical ou social. Parmi les solutions existantes, le système GPS (Global Positioning System) offre des résultats encourageants lorsqu’il s’agit de connaître une position en extérieur. Cette solution n’est plus utilisable en intérieur tel que dans une mine par exemple, en raison des caractéristiques du signal fortement perturbées dans ce type de milieu. Le fil directeur de ce travail consiste à proposer un modèle utilisant la technologie des réseaux de capteurs sans fil afin de modéliser et de trouver des solutions à des problématiques allant de la localisation en milieux confinés au suivi et à la reconstitution de trajectoires d’entités mobiles. Les solutions proposées dans cette thématique doivent être tolérantes aux délais. Après avoir présenté les constituants de notre modèle générique de colportage, une instanciation de ce modèle a permis de nous pencher sur un cas de localisation et de traçabilité dans un espace confiné. Les résultats de simulation et d’expérimentation ont montré l’impact de notre mécanisme de colportage sur la qualité de l’information recensée concernant les déplacements et les rencontres des entités mobiles. Outre la proposition d’un modèle générique, la contribution de cette thèse comporte des mécanismes de colportage (et de filtrage) de l’information par des entités mobiles contraintes en taille mémoire. / This thesis focuses on the exploitation of a nomadic population to pass around information called contact event which represents the recording of a meeting between fixed or mobile entities for localization and tracking applications. Addressing these needs in confined environments is a challenge, whether in an industrial, medical or social context. Among the existing solutions, the GPS (Global Positioning System) provides encouraging results for outdoor localization. However, this solution is not operational in confined environments such as mines, due to the signal characteristics highly disturbed in this type of environment. The guiding principle of this work is to propose a model using the technology of wireless sensor networks for modeling and finding solutions for localization and tracking mobile nodes in confined areas. The new approach proposed in this thesis is inspired by the principle of ‘store-carry-forward’ of Delay-Tolerant-Network (DTN). After presenting the components of our generic model, an instantiation of this model has allowed us to address a localization and tracking case in a confined area. The simulation and experimentation results show the impact of our filtering mechanism on the quality of the knowledge collected concerning the movements and meetings of the mobile nodes.
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Statut résidentiel, mobilité et marché du travail : analyses empiriques et théoriques / Housing status, mobility and labor market : empirical and theoretical analysisSellem, Faouzi 26 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à vérifier, à partir de données françaises, l’hypothèse d’Oswald selon laquelle la propriété immobilité serait un frein à la flexibilité du marché du travail et entraînerait donc un taux de chômage plus élevé. Le premier chapitre présente une synthèse de la littérature récente s’intéressant à la vérification de cette hypothèse. Le deuxième chapitre analyse l’effet du statut résidentiel sur les taux de retour à l’emploi. Les résultats empiriques montrent que les propriétaires ont plus de chance d’accéder à des emplois locaux, mais plus faible chance d’accéder à des emplois impliquant une mobilité résidentielle. Le troisième chapitre cherche à apporter un éclairage supplémentaire sur le comportement de recherche d’emploi des propriétaires selon qu'ils sont accédants ou non. Les résultats empiriques indiquent que les accédants à la propriété sortent plus vite du chômage tandis que les propriétaires détenant un stock d'actifs financiers élevé restent plus longtemps au chômage. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre propose un modèle théorique à agents hétérogènes afin d'analyser les effets du statut résidentiel et des politiques publiques sur les taux de retour à l'emploi. Nos résultats révèlent que la mobilité des propriétaires et des locataires est affectée par les coûts de mobilité et que le plus faible taux de sortie du chômage des propriétaires s’explique essentiellement par la stratégie d’accession à la propriété et par un effet de richesse. / This thesis seeks to verify, from French data, the Oswald hypothesis, according to which homeownership would be a hindrance to labor market’s flexibility and thus result in a higher unemployment rate. The first chapter presents a synthesis of recent literature seeking to verify this hypothesis. The second chapter analyzes the effect of residential status on rates return-to-employment. Empirical findings show that owners have more likely to access local jobs, but less likely to access jobs involving residential mobility. The second chapter investigates the effect of housing tenure status on unemployment duration. Empirical findings indicate that constrained owners leave faster unemployment, while owners holding a large stock of financial assets remain longer unemployed. Finally, the fourth chapter proposes a model with heterogeneous agents to analyze the effects of residential status and public policies on rates return-to-employment. Our results show that the cost of mobility affects the geographical mobility and the lowest exit rate of unemployment to owners is mainly due to the strategy of homeownership and a wealth effect.
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The geometric stochastic resonance and rectification of active particlesGlavey, Russell January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the work of three research projects, the background research that motivated the work, and the resultant project findings. The three projects concerned: (i) Geometric stochastic resonance in a double cavity, (ii) Synchronisation of geometric stochastic resonance by a bi-harmonic drive, and (iii) Rectification of Brownian particles with oscillating radii in asymmetric corrugated channels. In the project 'Geometric stochastic resonance in a double cavity', we investigated synchronisation processes for the geometric stochastic resonance of particles diffusing across a porous membrane and subject to a periodic driving force. Non-interacting particle currents were driven through a symmetric membrane pore either parallel or perpendicular to the membrane. Then, harmonic mixing spectral current components were generated by the combined action of parallel and perpendicular drives. The role of the repulsive interaction of particles as a controlling factor with potential applications to the transport of colloids and biological molecules through narrow pores was also investigated. In 'Synchronisation of geometric stochastic resonance by a bi-harmonic drive', we simulated the stochastic dynamics of an elliptical particle using the Langevin equation. The particle was simultaneously driven by low and high frequency harmonic drives across a porous inter-cavity membrane. It was observed that the particle oscillated out of phase with the low frequency drive. This effect was due to the absolute negative mobility the particle would have exhibited if the low frequency drive had been replaced by a dc static force. It was also observed that the magnitude of this out-of-phase stochastic resonance depends on how the combined action of the driving forces and noise fluctuations affect the particle orientation, and as such was shown to be sensitive to the particle shape. This emphasises the importance of particle geometry, in addition to chamber geometry, to the realisation and optimisation of geometric stochastic resonance. In the project 'Rectification of Brownian particles with oscillating radii in asymmetric corrugated channels', we simulated the transport of a Brownian particle with an oscillating radius freely diffusing in an asymmetric corrugated channel over a range of driving forces for a series of temperatures and angular frequencies of radial oscillation. It was observed that there was a strong influence of self-oscillation frequency upon the average particle velocity. This effect can be used to control rectification of biologically active particles as well as for their separation according to their activity, for instance in the separation of living and dead cells. The background research is described in Chapter One and the research findings are described along with their related projects in Chapters Two and Three.
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LAND ROVER MELRAKKIMedeisis, Lukas January 2017 (has links)
The automotive industry is blooming with new interpretations of what future cars will be in the future. Progressive technologies, environmental awareness and people’s behavioral change o er new opportunities for creating more sustainable vehicles. While these are primarily being developed to solve problems in urban environments, similar developments should be aimed to preserve our natural surroundings. During this project I traveled to Iceland to explore the country and learn how we can improve the experience of travel. I used my research, observations and the Land Rover heritage to look for opportunities in an autonomous o -road scenario. Furthermore I wanted to explore of how renewable energy sources can be used to benefit vehicle development and usage. Project outcome is Land Rover Melrakki, a vehicle developed to explore Iceland while sustaining main traveller needs in a downscaled solution.
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