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Volvo Buro : Autonomous mobility enhancing the freedom at workRäisänen, Viljami January 2019 (has links)
This Transportation Design thesis work goes through research of future work trends and relevant phenomenons among car industry. The conclusion of the research is used to define a car interior space for future telecommuter for the year 2042. The concept is branded for Volvo. Therefore Volvo's design heritage and philosophy was the other relevant part of a study in this degree project. Volvo has been used only as an inspiration for the concept, and it is not officially involved in the degree project. The result is an actual interior space with an exposed chassis of an autonomous car in which the future remote worker dedicates the part of his daily work. This vehicle is used to be taken in peaceful spots in nature in which the one can concentrate better in her/his work. The final outcome is an interior design of a vehicle from which the user can have wide visibility to the outside. The end result consists of a digital 3D model of the interior space and 2D visualizations of it.
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Future Active MobilityVang Nielsen, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
The topic of the project has been about how the time spent during transport could take on a more engaging and active form; physically as well as mentally. The initial inspiration for this is the changing landscape of mobility, where technologies such as autonomous and shared systems, could allow for purpose specific vehicles rather then personally owned ones. The project investigates how a subscription based business model could help a global mass-market brand, like Volkswagen to stay true to its brand essence. The project is set in 2039’s megacities and is describing a scenario, where Volkswagen sets out to emphasise the ‘Volk’ in its name, by offering a whole new range of purpose specific vehicles, which the user then can pick and book at any given time. During the creative process both analogue and digital tools were used to explore form, function and the overall experience. Full-scale physical mocks-ups and 3D software models where additionally used to validate proportions, scale and concept principles. Working from the Volkswagen design studio gave valuable insights into the brand heritage and design inputs from the design team. The result is an active mobility vehicle concept called, (((O))), which allows its users to spent their transport time in an more engaging way. Through two modes the user can decide to exercise body or mind while being transported. This is done by the usage of mixed realities which connects and relates with the passing surrounds. The project hereby links the digital world with the real one, in order to create new notions of what a travel experience could be in the future.
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NIO Horizon : Future autonomous flight experiencePurohit, Tejas January 2019 (has links)
What if future air travel was highly sustainable and appealing? What if you could hop from building rooftop to rooftop or better, from a city to an island without the worries of ground congestion and gridlocks? And how would it look like if NIO decided to take this opportunity and broaden their product offerings? These were some of the initial question that guided the project towards a mode of mobility which is new and challenging to realise. Admittedly It was also exciting to imagine what would future of autonomy look like in something other that a car and to see if A.I. driven technologies and fresh architecture ideas could enhance this experience. And remove the safety and social acceptance stigmas from this type of mobility. Furthermore to see how the design would be influenced by specific target user group & their needs. From Post-it ideation to Alias mock-up and Virtual reality software to validate ideas, the process saw use of several tools. Initial stage included several basic CAS layout proposals which allowed for fresh ideas which were translated into detailed sketches on paper and in Photoshop. Two loops of mid-level detailed CAS were generated and then through combination of both, and additional analogue material the final loop of Alias was completed and then handed to In-house CAS team for refinement and physical prototyping support. Throughout the process there were several check points with the mentor, interior director & university tutors which gave valuable input & direction to the project. The final outcome is a Vertical take off landing vehicle which shows a holistic idea of how future NIO products could look like. A small fleet and a shared model make this realistic and accessible mode of mobility. Passengers are welcomed to a NIO house which also acts as a sky-deck for the vehicle. Open interior layout of the vehicle poses unique and exciting possibilities for either enjoying personal time or a dialogue during the journey. Key functions such as ambient air, music or photo-chromatic glass can be activated by interacting with the two A.I. units placed on top of each seating zone. Use of recycled & vegan materials and lightweight construction of the seats allow for a bigger surface area but optimized weight. The overall welcoming gesture of the interior space aims for attracting a wide group of passengers.
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Contaminação do solo e mobilidade de As, Cd, Mo, Pb e Zn em colunas de solo franco arenoso com cinza de carvão / Soil contamination and mobility of As, Cd, Mo, Pb and Zn in sandy loam soil columns with coal fly ashLange, Camila Neves 20 June 2012 (has links)
Elementos tóxicos podem provocar impacto na qualidade ambiental dos solos e representar risco à saúde humana. As cinzas leves de carvão são uma fonte de elementos tóxicos e são comumente dispostas de maneira inadequada sobre o solo nas proximidades das usinas termelétricas, onde esses elementos podem ser lixiviados pela chuva, transportados para as fontes de águas naturais e absorvidos pela fauna e flora do solo, podendo assim, entrar na cadeia alimentar humana. Neste estudo foi avaliada a mobilidade dos elementos As, Cd, Zn, Pb e Mo em colunas de solo franco arenoso com cinza de carvão da usina termelétrica de Figueira, Paraná. Para tanto, colunas de cinza de carvão, solo e solo coberto com cinza foram lixiviadas com uma solução ácida ao longo de 336 dias e as amostras de cinza, solo e percolado das colunas foram caracterizadas quanto à concentração dos elementos e propriedades físicas, químicas e mineralógicas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o Pb não foi lixiviado da cinza de carvão, indicando que a lixiviação de Pb da cinza de carvão não representa risco ambiental. O Cd foi o elemento mais retido pelo solo franco arenoso, seguido de As. O Mo foi lixiviado da cinza de carvão, mas não foi detectado no solo e nos percolados das colunas de solo+cinza. Nas condições de estudo, o Zn não representou risco ambiental. Observou-se também que a concentração de As no solo excedeu o valor de intervenção para área de proteção máxima estabelecido pela Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo (CETESB) e a concentração de Cd no solo excedeu o valor de qualidade de referência estabelecido pela mesma companhia ambiental. / Toxic elements can cause impact on soil environmental quality and represent risks to human life. Coal ashes, considered as a source of toxic elements, are commonly disposed inadequately on the soil surface around thermoelectric plants, from where these elements can be transported to natural water sources or to be absorbed by plants, soil fauna and flora and consequently impact on food chain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contamination of a sandy loam soil and the mobility of As, Cd, Mo Pb and Zn from coal fly ash of Figueira Power Plant. Experiments with columns of coal fly ash, soil and soil covered with ash were carried out to simulate contamination by acid leaching during 336 days and samples of ash, soil and leachate were characterized by the determination of elements concentration and chemical, mineralogical and physical properties. Results indicate that Pb was not was not released from fly ash on study conditions, providing evidence that Pb leaching does not pose a risk to the environment. Mo was leached from fly ash, but was not detected on soil and on leachate of soil+ash columns. In study conditions, Zn did not represent environmental concern. As exceeded the intervention value for maximum protection area established by the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of São Paulo (CETESB) and Cd did not exceed the quality reference value established by the same agency.
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Comportamento ambiental do polietilenoglicol em solos brasileiros / Environmental behavior of polyethylene glycol in Brazilian soilsCastanho, Giuliane de Mello 28 September 2009 (has links)
Os polietilenoglicóis (PEGs) são polímeros sintéticos não iônicos, solúveis em água, que possuem diferentes propriedades físico-químicas devido ao efeito de sua cadeia longa, conferindo assim uma vasta disposição na aplicação industrial do PEG. Como exemplos de aplicação destacam-se o uso como lubrificante solúvel em água para moldes de borracha, fibras têxteis e operações de formação de metais, sendo também usado em tintas à base de água, revestimento de papéis, polimento, na indústria cerâmica, na confecção de fases estacionárias para cromatografia, entre inúmeras outras. O PEG também pode ser adicionado às dietas de ruminantes baseadas em foragem com alto teor de taninos, onde ele se insere como um agente complexante do tanino. Contudo, devido à ampla aplicação do PEG, mostra-se uma maior preocupação com seu uso e disposição no meio ambiente, uma vez que sua concentração, seja no solo ou água, possa ser grande. No entanto, pouco se sabe acerca do seu destino no ambiente, principalmente em condições tropicais, sendo que não foram encontrados na literatura estudos de monitoramento de águas subterrâneas e superficiais, e nem mesmo estudos de impacto ambiental. Neste contexto, este projeto se insere na busca sobre o destino do PEG-4000 no ambiente, buscando informações sobre sua mobilidade, degradação e sorção em solos, utilizando técnicas radiométricas (14C-PEG). Complementando o estudo do PEG, foi avaliado o transporte de pesticidas na presença do PEG, uma vez que ele possui uma alta solubilidade, podendo atuar como co-solvente, avaliando assim o papel do PEG na presença de contaminantes / Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) are non-ionic synthetic polymer, soluble in water, which have different physical and chemical properties because of its long chain, thereby providing a broad industrial application of PEG. Examples of application are the use as water-soluble lubricant for rubber molds, textile fibers and metallurgy, also used in water-based paints, paper coating, polishing, ceramic industry, in construction of stationary phases for chromatography, and numerous others. PEG can also be added to the diets of ruminants based on forage with a high content of tannins, where it comes as a complexing agent of tannin. However, due to the wide application of PEG, it is a greater concern about its use and disposal in the environment, since their concentration, either in soil or water, can be large. However, little is known about their fate in the environment, especially in tropical conditions, which were not found in the literature studies for monitoring underground and surface water, and even environmental impact studies. In this context, this project falls in the search on the fate of PEG-4000 in the environment, seeking information on their mobility, degradation and sorption in soils, using radiometric techniques (14C-PEG). Complementing the study of PEG, was evaluated the pesticides transport in the presence of PEG, since it has a high solubility and can act as co-solvent, thereby assessing the role of PEG in the presence of contaminants
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Montagem da técnica Photo-CELIV para obtenção de parâmetros de condução em filmes finos de polímeros eletrônicos / CELIV technique assembly for conduction parameters obtainment in electronic thin films polymersSampaio, Marcos Felipe Bom 12 May 2011 (has links)
A eletrônica orgânica, isto é, aquela baseada em compostos orgânicos principalmente por átomos de Carbono, Hidrogênio, Nitrogênio, etc., vem mostrado um notável desenvolvimento nos últimos anos, pois tem aberto novas aplicações e novos mercados na área da eletrônica. Displays flexíveis e de alta resolução feitos a partir de polímeros conjugados emissores de luz - PLEDs (Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes)- são umas das aplicações tecnológicas que já estão em estágio avançado de desenvolvimento. Dispositivos fotovoltaicos, assim como os transistores por efeito de campo, são duas conquistas recentes dessa nova área de pesquisa científica e tecnológica. Esses dispositivos formarão a próxima geração da industria eletrônica: a da eletrônica orgânica. Por outro lado, essa é uma área onde há muita pesquisa fundamental a ser realizada. O estudo das propriedades elétricas de filmes poliméricos ultrafinos é um dos ramos da eletrônica orgânica que necessita de muita investigação científica. Para muitas aplicações é necessário conhecer precisamente o valor da mobilidade dos portadores de carga, e quando os filmes são de espessura de algumas dezenas de nanômetros, essa determinação torna-se dificultosa. A técnica Tempo de Vôo (TOF) muito usada para a obtenção da mobilidade de portadores em filmes finos, é limitada quando a condutividade elétrica do filme é relativamente elevada e quando o filme se torna muito fino. Há cerca de dez anos apareceram os primeiros resultados de medidas de mobilidade em filmes ultrafinos e mais condutores, obtidos pela técnica CELIV. Nesta dissertação de mestrado, implementamos a técnica Photo-CELIV no Grupo de Polímeros Bernhard Gross e a aplicamos no estudos do polímero Poli[(9,9-dioctil-fluorenil-2,7-diil)-co-(1,4-benzo-{2,1-3}-tiadiazol)], F8BT. Tal material é um dos protagonistas da eletrônica orgânica atual e vem sendo muito aplicado em diodos emissores de luz, fotovoltaicos e em transistores por efeito de campo. / Organic electronics is the technology based on organic compounds, i.e, made by carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc., and has shown a great development in the last years, opening new applications and new markets. Flat and light panels having high-resolution image is one application that is in an advanced stage, and is composed by pixels of OLEDS (organic light-emitting diodes). Photovoltaic devices and organic thin film transistors (OTFTs), are other two very promising technologies in the organic world. This technology is opened the flexible electronics of large areas. Despite this great technological development, this still area requires a lot of fundamental studies, as the electrical properties of ultra-thin organic films. For electronic and optoelectronic device applications it is necessary, for example, to know the value of the carrier mobility, which is not easy to obtain in ultra-thin films (from dozens to hundreds of nanometers). The technique Time-of-Flight is extensively used to measure carrier mobility of thin films, but its is limited to materials having conductivity relatively low, and thickness not smaller than 1 micrometer. The first direct measurements of carrier mobility in ultra-thin films appeared circa 10 years ago, by a new technique called CELIV. The goal of this work was to build the Photo-Celiv technique in the Group of Polymer Bernhard Gross, and to apply it to study electrical properties of the polymer Poli[(9,9-dioctil-fluorenil-2,7-diil)-co-(1,4-benzo-{2,1-3}-tiadiazol)], F8BT, which has been used with success as active material for organic photovoltaics and organic transistors.
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Presos no círculo, prostrados no asfalto: tensões entre o móvel e o imóvel / Stranded in inner city, helpless on the asphalt: tensions between mobility and immobilitySouza, André dos Santos Baldraia 26 February 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa e discute a crise de mobilidade cotidiana nas duas últimas décadas, em São Paulo, tendo em vista o agravamento gradativo das condições de circulação viária na metrópole paulistana. Considerando o espaço como produto, condição e meio de reprodução das relações sociais, defendemos a tese de que a atual crise da mobilidade cotidiana advém de um conjunto de medidas que foram formuladas e implantadas através de políticas econômicas de orientação neoliberal, com destaque para os novos meios de financiamento à produção do espaço urbano e à reorganização produtiva da indústria automobilística nacional, bem como para as estratégias voltadas ao incentivo do consumo de bens duráveis, viabilizado pela ampliação das linhas de crédito para a aquisição de bens duráveis, principalmente carros. A esses elementos associam-se outros, tais como: a extensão e a densidade da ocupação urbana, a baixa qualidade dos sistemas de transportes coletivos e o traçado da infraestrutura viária. A apreciação conjunta desses elementos constitui o quadro a partir do qual realizamos nossa análise / This dissertation analyzes and discusses the crisis of daily mobility in the past two decades in São Paulo, caused by the gradual worsening of the conditions of road circulation in the metropolis. Regarding space as a product, a condition and a means of the reproduction of social relations, we put forth the hypothesis that the current crisis of mobility is the outcome of a number of actions that were formulated and implemented as part of neoliberal economic policymaking. Among such actions are the new sources of credit for the production of urban space, the restructuring of the domestic automobile industry and the strategies that encourage the purchase of durable goods (especially cars) made possible by the expansion of consumer credit. Other elements combine with these three basic causes, such as the low quality of public transit systems and the road layout. By taking account of all these elements together, we build the framework upon which we carry out our analysis
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Estrutura espacial urbana e mobilidade: o caso da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo / Spatial structure and mobility: São Paulo Metropolitan Area case studyAgostini, Sabrina Harris 05 March 2015 (has links)
A metrópole de São Paulo é a maior e mais importante aglomeração urbana do Brasil e está entre as dez maiores áreas urbanas do mundo. No entanto, a forma como acessibilidade espacial ocorre gera um fardo para a população e para a atividade econômica. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a discussão de como melhorar a acessibilidade na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo estudando as características e impactos de estruturas espaciais urbana, analisando criticamente a estrutura espacial da metrópole e proporcionando sugestões de melhorias a fim de proporcionar uma mobilidade mais sustentável. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluem uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema e uma caracterização da estrutura espacial da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, considerando a alocação de população, alocação de empregos e os padrões de deslocamento para os modais individual, coletivo e não motorizado. Apresentamos um relato da evolução recente, com dados das pesquisas de origem e destino realizadas pelo Metrô em 1997 e 2007 e da pesquisa de mobilidade de 2012. Também realizamos uma caracterização mais aprofundada com os dados da pesquisa de 2007. As cidades se desenvolvem com base no trade-off entre proximidade e mobilidade: a fim de maximizar as possibilidades de interação, as pessoas e as empresas tendem a se localizar onde o deslocamento necessário para executar essas interações requer menos custos financeiros, perda de tempo e desconforto. Esse processo molda a alocação espacial de atividades, que define parcialmente os hábitos de transporte. A estrutura espacial urbana pode ser caracterizada por sua escala (padrões compacto ou disperso), arranjo de densidades (padrão disperso ou clusterizado) e arranjo de atividade (padrão monocêntrico ou policêntrico). Estruturas espaciais com padrão mais compacto apresentam menores distâncias de viagem, reduzindo o impacto ambiental das viagens e viabilizando o transporte não motorizado e coletivo, e levam a um uso mais eficiente da terra, menor custo de infraestrutura e maior equidade no acesso ao transporte. Já estruturas clusterizadas policêntricas são associadas com maior facilidade de acesso à terra. Existe um debate sobre a capacidade de estruturas policêntricas resultarem em uma aproximação generalizada de empregos e residências. A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo apresenta um padrão monocêntrico na escala metropolitana, com fortes movimentos pendulares da periferia para o centro expandido da iii capital. Durante o período de análise, foi observada uma realocação da população para áreas mais centrais da cidade e uma centralização dos empregos ainda mais forte, resultando no agravamento dos movimentos pendulares. Existe uma clara divisão modal por renda: as classes mais altas utilizam majoritariamente automóveis, enquanto as classes mais baixas utilizam majoritariamente transporte coletivo e não motorizado. Para o futuro, o novo plano diretor tem o mérito de caminhar na direção do desenvolvimento urbano orientado pelo transporte sustentável, porém os níveis de densidade máxima permitidos ainda são parecidos com o do plano anterior e a largura dos eixos de adensamento é restrita. Acreditamos ser vantajoso um aumento do adensamento em áreas próximas dos empregos; geração de polos de adensamento em áreas mais afastadas dos empregos, mas próximas das infraestruturas de transporte coletivo de alta velocidade, e desencorajamento do adensamento em áreas com baixa acessibilidade. Também é necessária uma gestão integrada dos transportes, provendo infraestrutura para viagens não motorizadas e viagens intermodais, e uma gestão dos impactos negativos do adensamento. / Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area is the largest and most important urban agglomeration of Brazil and is among the ten largest urban areas in the world. However, the way spatial accessibility occurs generates a burden on the population and economic activity. This work aims to contribute to the discussion of how to improve accessibility in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area by studying the characteristics and impacts of urban spatial structures, critically analyzing the spatial structure of the metropolis and providing suggestions for improvements to provide a more sustainable mobility. The methodological procedures include a literature review on the topic and a characterization of the spatial structure of the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area, including allocation of jobs and population, and trip patterns for individual, mass, and non-motorized transport modes. We provide na overview of the evolution of the spatial structure of São Paulo from 1997 to 2012, and a deeper analysis with data from 2007. Cities are developed based the trade-off between proximity and mobility: in order to maximize interaction, people and companies tend to locate where the displacement required to perform these interactions requires less financial costs, loss of time, and discomfort. This process shapes the spatial allocation of activities, which partially defines the travel behavior. The urban spatial structure can be characterized by its scale (compact or disperse), densities arrangement (dispersed or clustered) and activity arrangement (monocentric or polycentric). Compact spatial structures provide lower travel distances, reducing the environmental impact of travel and enabling mass and non-motorized transport. It also leads to a more efficient use of land, lower costs of infrastructure and greater equity in access to transportation. Clustered polycentric structures are associated with cheaper land. There is a debate about the ability of polycentric structures to bring jobs and homes together. São Paulo Metropolitan Area presents a monocentric pattern in the metropolitan scale, with strong commuting from the periphery to central areas. During the period of analysis, a reallocation of the population to more central areas of the city and a centralization of jobs even stronger was observed, resulting in the aggravation of commuting patterns. There is a clear modal split by income: the upper classes use mostly cars, while the v lower classes use mainly mass and non-motorized transport. For the future, the new master plan has the merit of moving in the direction of urban development oriented by sustainable transport, but the permitted maximum density levels are also similar to the previous plan and the width of the density axis is restricted. We believe it is advantageous to: increase the density in areas near employment zones; creation of density modes in areas close to transportation; and discouragement of density in areas with low accessibility. It is also important the provision of infrastructure for non-motorized and intermodal trips, and management of negative impacts of densification.
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Preparação e estabilização de uma suspensão cerâmica de porcelana de ossos. / Preparation and stabilization for ceramics suspensions of bone porcelain.Vera Alatrista, Gerardo Augusto 31 July 2008 (has links)
O estudo da dispersão e estabilização de barbotinas de porcelana de cinza de ossos é uma etapa muito importante no processo de conformação de peças cerâmicas, assim como também a etapa de obtenção da sua principal matéria-prima que é a cinza de ossos, devido a que constitui 50% em peso da porcelana e por ser uma matéria-prima renovável, reciclável e com alto valor agregado na fabricação de porcelana. Neste trabalho se investigou a influência das temperaturas de calcinação dos ossos (700, 800, 900 e 1000 °C) moídos e lavados, no seu tamanho, forma das partículas, composição química, comportamento elétrico superficial das partículas com o meio líquido, grupos funcionais e possíveis contaminantes nas superfícies das partículas dos ossos calcinados, que poderiam prejudicar a preparação de barbotinas de porcelana de ossos. Mostra-se também a dispersão, preparação e a estabilização da mistura de porcelana de ossos (50% cinza de ossos, 25% de caulim, 25% de feldspato) por meio dos ensaios de viscosidade e mobilidade eletroforética, conseguindo dispersar, homogeneizar e estabilizar as suspensões de porcelana de ossos aplicando tempos de envelhecimentos apropriados. / The study of the dispersion and stabilization of slip casting of bone porcelain is a very important stage in the process of preparation of suspensions ceramic, as well as the obtaining of its main material, that it is the bone ash, so that it constitutes 50% in weight of dry mass, and also that is one raw material renewable, recyclable and with high value added in the porcelain production. In the present research, the influence from the calcination of bovine bones to different temperatures (700, 800, 900 and 1000 °C) was investigated besides the size and form of the particles, variation in its chemical compositions, variations in its electric superficial behavior of the particles in contact with the liquid medium and also the groups present functional in the particles of ash of bones, kaolin and feldspar. Reveals the behavior of the particles during the dispersion and stabilization of the bone porcelain (50% ash of bones, 25% kaolin, 25 % feldspar) by means of the tests of viscosity and electrophoretic mobility, being able to disperse, to homogenize and to stabilize the suspensions of bone china with appropriate ageing time.
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Optimism Matters: Examining the Role of Optimism, Social Engagement, and International Mobility in Migrant Well-beingNam, JeeHae Sophia January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: David L. Blustein / Globalization has had many implications on the world’s economy, culture, mobility, and experience of work. Of these, global human migration, or international mobility, is often used as the prime indicator of globalization (United Nations Population Fund [UNPFA]; 2013). Evidence suggests that multiple international relocations, with the accompanying loss of familiar spatial environments, social relationships, and social institutions, are deleterious to human well-being. However, literature has yet to elucidate the mechanisms that contribute to the difficulties associated with high rates of international mobility. Using a multinational dataset of responses gathered from 255 internationally mobile employees at 24 worksites in 11 different countries (i.e. Botswana, Japan, Brazil, Spain, China, United Kingdom, India, United States, Mexico, South Africa), this exploratory study tested a structural model delineating the relationships among the rate of international mobility, dispositional optimism, social engagement and well-being, as defined by life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and functional health. Structural equation modeling and follow-up multiple regression analyses found optimism to have the greatest in impact on predicting the levels of job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and functional health, above all other demographic and observed predictors in the study. The rate of international mobility had a significant negative impact on job satisfaction, but not on functional health or life satisfaction. In addition, the frequency of an individual’s in-person interactions with family, friends, and neighbors did not have a significant role in predicting the outcomes. Contrary to the study’s hypotheses, social engagement did not function as a mediator between optimism and well-being. These important findings highlight human resilience in international migration, and offer research, practice, and organizational policy implications for understanding and supporting internationally mobile individuals. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Counseling, Developmental and Educational Psychology.
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