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Impact of Climate Change on the Storm Water System in Al Hillah City-IraqAl Janabi, Firas 13 November 2014 (has links)
The impact of climate change is increasingly important to the design of urban water infrastructure like stormwater systems, sewage systems and drinking water systems. Growing evidence indicates that the water sector will not only be affected by climate change, but it will reflect and deliver many of its impacts through floods, droughts, or extreme rainfall events. Water resources will change in both quantity and quality, and the infrastructure of stormwater and wastewater facilities may face greater risk of damage caused by storms, floods and droughts. The effect of the climate change will put more difficulties on operations to disrupted services and increased cost of the water and wastewater services. Governments, urban planners, and water managers should therefore re-examine development processes for municipal water and wastewater services and are adapt strategies to incorporate climate change into infrastructure design, capital investment projects, service provision planning, and operation and maintenance.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the global mean temperature has increased by 0,7 °C during the last 100 years and, as a consequence, the hydrological cycle has intensified with, for example, more acute rainfall events. As urban drainage systems have been developed over a long period of time and design criteria are based upon climatic characteristics, these changes will affect the systems and the city accordingly.
The overall objective of this thesis is to increase the knowledge about the climate change impacts on the stormwater system in Al Hillah city/Iraq. In more detail, the objective is to investigate how climate change could affect urban drainage systems specifically stormwater infrastructure, and also to suggest an adaptation plan for these changes using adaptation plans examples from international case studies.
Three stochastic weather generators have been investigated in order to understand the climate and climate change in Al Hillah. The stochastic weather generators have been used in different kind of researches and studies; for example in hydrology, floods management, urban water design and analysis, and environmental protection. To make such studies efficient, it is important to have long data records (typically daily data) so the weather generator can generate synthetic daily weather data based on a sound statistical background. Some weather generators can produce the climate change scenarios for different kind of global climate models. They can be used also to produce synthetic data for a site that does not have enough data by using interpolation methods. To ensure that the weather generator is fitting the climate of the region properly, it should be tested against observed data, whether the synthetic data are sufficiently similar. At the same time, the accuracy of the weather generator is different from region to region and depends on the respective climate properties. Testing three weather generators GEM6, ClimGen and LARS-WG at eight climate stations in the region of Babylon governorate/Iraq, where Al Hillah is located, is one of the purposes of the first part of this study.
LARS-WG uses a semi-parametric distribution (developed distribution), whereas GEM6 and ClimGen use a parametric distribution (less complicated distribution). Different statistical tests have been selected to compare observed and synthetic weather data for the same kind, for instance, the precipitation and temperature distribution (wet and dry season). The result shows that LARS-WG represents the observed data for Babylon region in a better way than ClimGen, whereas GEM6 seems to misfit the observed data. The synthetic data will be used for a first simulation of urban run-off during the wet season and the consequences of climate change for the design and re-design of the urban drainage system in Al Hillah.
The stochastic weather generator LARS is then used to generate ensembles of future weather data using five Global Climate Models (GCMs) that best captured the full range of uncertainty. These Global Climate Models are used to construct future climate scenarios of temperature and precipitation over the region of Babylon Governorate in Iraq. The results show an increase in monthly temperatures and a decrease in the total amount of rain, yet the extreme rain events will be more intense in a shorter time.
Changes in the amount, timing, and intensity of rain events can affect the amount of stormwater runoff that needs to be controlled. The climate change calculated projections may make existing stormwater-related flooding worse. Different districts in Al Hillah city may face more frequent stormwater floods than before due to the climate change projections.
All the results that have been taken from the Global Climate Models are in a daily resolution format and in order to run the Storm Water Management Model it is important to have all data in a minimum of one hour resolution. In order to fulfill this condition a disaggregation model has been used. Some hourly precipitation data were required to calibrate the temporal disaggregation model; however none of the climate stations and rain gauges in the area of interest have hourly resolution data, so the hourly data from Baghdad airport station have been used for that calibration.
The changes in the flood return periods have been seen in the projected climate change results, and a return period will only remain valid over time if environmental conditions do not change. This means that return periods used for planning purposes may need to be updated more often than previously, because values calculated based on the past 30 years of data may become unrepresentative within a relatively short time span. While return periods provide useful guidance for planning the effects of flooding and related impacts, they need to be used with care, and allowances have to be made for extremes that may occur more often than may be expected.
In the study area with separated stormwater systems, the Storm Water Management Model simulation shows that the number of surface floods as well as of the floods increases in the future time periods 2050s and 2080s. Future precipitation will also increase both the flooding frequency and the duration of floods; therefore the need to handle future situations in urban drainage systems and to have a well-planned strategy to cope with future conditions is evident.
The overall impacts on urban drainage systems due to the increase of intensive precipitation events need to be adapted. For that reason, recommendations for climate change adaptation in the city of Al Hillah have been suggested. This has been accomplished by merging information from the review of five study cases, selected based on the amount and quality of information available. The cities reviewed are Seattle (USA), Odense (Denmark), Tehran (Iran), and Khulna (Bangladesh).:Preface
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listing
List of Abbreviation
1.1. Background of The Research
1.2. The Climate Change Challenge
1.3. Urban Water Systems and Climate Change
1.4. Climate Change and Urban Drainage Adaptation Plan
1.5. Objectives of the Research
1.6. Research Problems and Hypothesis
1.7. Dissertation Structure
1.8. Delimitations
Climate History and Climate Change Projections in Al Hillah City
Chapter One: State of the Art on Climate Change
2.1.1. The Earth’s Climate System
2.1.2. Climate Change
2.1.3. Emission Scenarios
2.1.4. Global Climate Change
2.1.5. Climate Models
2.1.6. Downscaling
Chapter Two: Topography and Climate of the Study Area
2.2.1. Location
2.2.2. Topography
2.2.3. Climate
Chapter Three: Climate Change - Methodology and Data
2.3.1. Methodology Stochastic Weather Generators Description of Generators Used in the Comparison Statistical Analysis Comparison Test
2.3.2. Data Required data for modelling Historical daily data required for the weather generators Minimum requirements Data Availability
Chapter Four: Results Analysis and Evaluation of Climate Change
2.4.1. Weather Generators Comparison Test results p-value test
Temperature Comparison results
Precipitation Comparison Results
2.4.2. LARS Weather Generator Future Scenario Climate Change Scenarios for the region of Babylon governorate
Storm Water System and Urban Flooding in Al Hillah City
Chapter one: Urban Water Modelling
3.1.1. General Overview and Background Storm water systems
3.1.2. Urban Runoff Models
3.1.3. An Overview of Runoff Estimation Methods Computer Modelling in Urban Drainage Rational Method (SRM)
3.1.4. Models Based on Statistical Rational Method
3.1.5. Urban Rainfall-Runoff Methods
3.1.6. Accuracy Level in Urban Catchment Models
Chapter Two: Urban Water System in Al Hillah City and Data Requirement for Modelling
3.2.1. History
3.2.2. Current Situation Urban water system Iraq Urban Water description in Babylon governorate Drinking water network Sewerage infrastructure
3.2.3. Required data for modelling
Chapter Three: Methodology to Disaggregate Daily Rain Data and Model Storm Water Runoff
3.3.1. Temporal Disaggregation (hourly from daily) Background of Disaggregation Disaggregation techniques DiMoN Disaggregation Tool Input Data Methods Formerly Used
3.3.2. EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Verification and Calibration Stormwater Management Model PCSWMM Complete support for all USEPA SWMM5 engine capabilities
Chapter Four: Urban Flooding Results
3.4.1. Disaggregation of the daily rain data to hourly data 1 hour events properties Estimating the rain events in each climate change scenario Past, Current and future return periods
3.4.2. Storm Water Management Model PCSWMM Calibration
3.4.3.Return periods and Urban Floods simulation with previous flooding problems water system simulation under 1 hour-2, 5 and 10 years return period water system simulation under 1 hour-25 years return period water system simulation under 1 hour-50 years return period Storm water system simulation under 1 hour – 100, 200, 500 and 1000 years return period Flooding
Adaptation Plan for Al Hillah City
Chapter One: International Case Studies
4.1.1. Historical precipitation analysis
4.1.2. Current and projected future climate change, impacts and adaptation plan for each selected city Seattle Odense Tehran Khulna Melbourne
4.1.3. Drainage System of the Studied Cities Drainage System in Seattle Drainage System in Odense Drainage System in Tehran Drainage System in Khulna Drainage System in Melbourne
Chapter Two: Adaptation Plan for Al Hillah City
4.2.1. Conclusions from Adaptation Options Analysed
4.2.2. Suggestions for Al Hillah City
4.2.3. Adaptation Actions
Overall Conclusion
Bibliography / Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Gestaltung der städtischen Wasserinfrastruktur wie Regenwasser, Kanalisation und Trinkwassersysteme werden immer wichtiger. Eine wachsende Anzahl von Belegen zeigt, dass der Wassersektor nicht nur durch den Klimawandel beeinflusst werden wird, aber er wird zu reflektieren und liefern viele seiner Auswirkungen durch Überschwemmungen, Dürren oder extreme Niederschlagsereignisse. Die Wasserressourcen werden sich in Quantität und Qualität verändern, und die Infrastruktur von Regen-und Abwasseranlagen kann einer größeren Gefahr von Schäden durch Stürme, Überschwemmungen und Dürren ausgesetzt sein. Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels werden zu mehr Schwierigkeiten im Betrieb gestörter Dienstleistungen und zu erhöhten Kosten für Wasser-und Abwasserdienstleistungen führen. Regierungen, Stadtplaner, und Wasser-Manager sollten daher die Entwicklungsprozesse für kommunale Wasser-und Abwasserdienstleistungen erneut überprüfen und Strategien anpassen, um den Klimawandel in Infrastruktur-Design, Investitionsprojekte, Planung von Leistungserbringung, sowie Betrieb und Wartung einzuarbeiten.
Nach Angaben des Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change hat die globale Mitteltemperatur in den letzten 100 Jahren um 0,7 °C zugenommen, und in der Folge hat sich der hydrologische Zyklus intensiviert mit, zum Beispiel, stärkeren Niederschlagsereignisse. Da die städtischen Entwässerungssysteme über einen langen Zeitraum entwickelt wurden und Design-Kriterien auf klimatischen Eigenschaften beruhen, werden diese Veränderungen die Systeme und die Stadt entsprechend beeinflussen.
Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, das Wissen über die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf das Regenwasser-System in der Stadt Hilla / Irak zu bereichern. Im Detail ist das Ziel, zu untersuchen, wie der Klimawandel die Siedlungsentwässerung und insbesondere die Regenwasser-Infrastruktur betreffen könnte. Desweiteren soll ein Anpassungsplan für diese Änderungen auf der Grundlage von beispielhaften Anpassungsplänen aus internationalen Fallstudienvorgeschlagen werden.
Drei stochastische Wettergeneratoren wurden untersucht, um das Klima und den Klimawandel in Hilla zu verstehen. Stochastische Wettergeneratoren wurden in verschiedenen Untersuchungen und Studien zum Beispiel in der Hydrologie sowie im Hochwasser-Management, Siedlungswasser-Design- und Analyse, und Umweltschutz eingesetzt. Damit solche Studien effizient sind, ist es wichtig, lange Datensätze (in der Regel Tageswerte) haben, so dass der Wettergenerator synthetische tägliche Wetterdaten erzeugen kann, dieauf einem soliden statistischen Hintergrund basieren. Einige Wettergeneratoren können Klimaszenarien für verschiedene Arten von globalen Klimamodellen erzeugen. Sie können unter Verwendung von Interpolationsverfahren auch synthetische Daten für einen Standort generieren, für den nicht genügend Daten vorliegen.
Um sicherzustellen, dass der Wettergenerator dem Klima der Region optimal entspricht, sollte gegen die beobachteten Daten geprüft werden, ob die synthetischen Daten ausreichend ähnlich sind. Gleichzeitig unterscheidet sich die Genauigkeit des Wettergenerator von Region zu Region und abhängig von den jeweiligen Klimaeigenschaften. Der Zweck des ersten Teils dieser Studie ist es daher, drei Wettergeneratoren, namentlich GEM6, ClimGen und LARS-WG, an acht Klimastationen in der Region des Gouvernements Babylon / Irak zu testen. LARS-WG verwendet eine semi-parametrische Verteilung (entwickelte Verteilung), wohingegen GEM6 und ClimGen eine parametrische Verteilung (weniger komplizierte Verteilung) verwenden. Verschiedene statistische Tests wurden ausgewählt, um die beobachteten und synthetischen Wetterdaten für identische Parameter zu vergleichen, zum Beispiel die Niederschlags- und Temperaturverteilung (Nass-und Trockenzeit). Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass LARS-WG die beobachteten Daten für die Region Babylon akkurater abzeichnet, als ClimGen, wobei GEM6 die beobachteten Daten zu verfehlen scheint. Die synthetischen Daten werden für eine erste Simulation des städtischen Run-offs in der Regenzeit sowie der Folgen des Klimawandels für das Design und Re-Design des städtischen Entwässerungssystems in Hilla verwendet.
Der stochastische Wettergenerator LARS wird dann verwendet, um Gruppen zukünftiger Wetterdaten unter Verwendung von fünf globalen Klimamodellen (GCM), die das gesamte Spektrum der Unsicherheit am besten abdecken, zu generieren. Diese globalen Klimamodelle werden verwendet, um zukünftige Klimaszenarien der Temperatur und des Niederschlags für die Region Babylon zu konstruieren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, eine Steigerung der monatlichen Temperaturen und eine Abnahme der Gesamtmenge der Regen, wobei es jedoch extremere Regenereignissen mit höherer Intensivität in kürzerer Zeit geben wird.
Veränderungen der Höhe, des Zeitpunkt und der Intensität der Regenereignisse können die Menge des Abflusses von Regenwasser, die kontrolliert werden muss, beeinflussen. Die Klimawandel-Prognosen können bestehende regenwasserbedingte Überschwemmungen verschlimmern. Verschiedene Bezirke in Hilla können stärker von Regenfluten betroffen werden als bisher aufgrund der Prognosen.
Alle Ergebnisse, die von den globalen Klimamodellen übernommen wurden, sind in täglicher Auflösung und um das Regenwasser-Management-Modell anzuwenden, ist es wichtig, dass alle Daten in einer Mindestauflösung von einer Stunde vorliegen. Zur Erfüllung dieser Bedingung wurde ein eine Aufschlüsselungs-Modell verwendet. Einige Stunden-Niederschlagsdaten waren erforderlich, um das zeitliche Aufschlüsselungs-Modell zu kalibrieren. Da weder die Klimastationen noch die Regen-Messgeräte im Interessenbereich über stundenauflösende Daten verfügt, wurden die Stundendaten von Flughäfen in Bagdad verwendet.
Die Veränderungen in den Hochwasserrückkehrperioden sind in den projizierten Ergebnissen des Klimawandels ersichtlich, und eine Rückkehrperiode wird nur dann über Zeit gültig bleiben, wenn sich die Umweltbedingungen nicht ändern. Dies bedeutet, dass Wiederkehrperioden, die für Planungszwecke verwendet werden, öfter als bisher aktualisiert werden müssen, da die auf Grundlage von Daten der letzten 30 Jahre berechneten Werte innerhalb einer relativ kurzen Zeitspanneunrepräsentativ werden können. Während Wiederkehrperioden bieten nützliche Hinweise für die Planung die Effekte von Überschwemmungen und die damit verbundenen Auswirkungen, müssen aber mit Vorsicht verwendet werden, und Extreme, die öfter eintreten könnten als erwartet, sollten berücksichtigt werden.
Im Studienbereich mit getrennten Regenwassersystemen zeigt die Simulation des Regenwasser-Management-Modells, dass sich die Anzahl der Oberflächenhochwasser sowie der Überschwemmungen im Zeitraum 2050e-2080 erhöhen wird. Zukünftige Niederschläge werdensowohl die Hochwasser-Frequenz als auch die Dauer von Überschwemmungen erhöhen. Daher ist die Notwendigkeit offensichtlich, zukünftige Situationen in städtischen Entwässerungssystemen zu berücksichtigen und eine gut geplante Strategie zu haben, um zukünftige Bedingungen zu bewältigen.
Die gesamten Auswirkungen auf die Siedlungsentwässerungssyteme aufgrund der Zunahme von intensiven Niederschlagsereignissen müssen angepasst werden. Aus diesem Grund wurden Empfehlungen für die Anpassung an den Klimawandel in der Stadt Hilla vorgeschlagen. Diese wurden durch die Zusammenführung von Informationen aus der Prüfung von fünf Fallstudien, ausgewählt aufgrund der Menge und Qualität der verfügbaren Informationen, erarbeitet,. Die bewerteten Städte sind Seattle (USA), Odense (Dänemark), Teheran (Iran), und Khulna (Bangladesch).:Preface
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listing
List of Abbreviation
1.1. Background of The Research
1.2. The Climate Change Challenge
1.3. Urban Water Systems and Climate Change
1.4. Climate Change and Urban Drainage Adaptation Plan
1.5. Objectives of the Research
1.6. Research Problems and Hypothesis
1.7. Dissertation Structure
1.8. Delimitations
Climate History and Climate Change Projections in Al Hillah City
Chapter One: State of the Art on Climate Change
2.1.1. The Earth’s Climate System
2.1.2. Climate Change
2.1.3. Emission Scenarios
2.1.4. Global Climate Change
2.1.5. Climate Models
2.1.6. Downscaling
Chapter Two: Topography and Climate of the Study Area
2.2.1. Location
2.2.2. Topography
2.2.3. Climate
Chapter Three: Climate Change - Methodology and Data
2.3.1. Methodology Stochastic Weather Generators Description of Generators Used in the Comparison Statistical Analysis Comparison Test
2.3.2. Data Required data for modelling Historical daily data required for the weather generators Minimum requirements Data Availability
Chapter Four: Results Analysis and Evaluation of Climate Change
2.4.1. Weather Generators Comparison Test results p-value test
Temperature Comparison results
Precipitation Comparison Results
2.4.2. LARS Weather Generator Future Scenario Climate Change Scenarios for the region of Babylon governorate
Storm Water System and Urban Flooding in Al Hillah City
Chapter one: Urban Water Modelling
3.1.1. General Overview and Background Storm water systems
3.1.2. Urban Runoff Models
3.1.3. An Overview of Runoff Estimation Methods Computer Modelling in Urban Drainage Rational Method (SRM)
3.1.4. Models Based on Statistical Rational Method
3.1.5. Urban Rainfall-Runoff Methods
3.1.6. Accuracy Level in Urban Catchment Models
Chapter Two: Urban Water System in Al Hillah City and Data Requirement for Modelling
3.2.1. History
3.2.2. Current Situation Urban water system Iraq Urban Water description in Babylon governorate Drinking water network Sewerage infrastructure
3.2.3. Required data for modelling
Chapter Three: Methodology to Disaggregate Daily Rain Data and Model Storm Water Runoff
3.3.1. Temporal Disaggregation (hourly from daily) Background of Disaggregation Disaggregation techniques DiMoN Disaggregation Tool Input Data Methods Formerly Used
3.3.2. EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Verification and Calibration Stormwater Management Model PCSWMM Complete support for all USEPA SWMM5 engine capabilities
Chapter Four: Urban Flooding Results
3.4.1. Disaggregation of the daily rain data to hourly data 1 hour events properties Estimating the rain events in each climate change scenario Past, Current and future return periods
3.4.2. Storm Water Management Model PCSWMM Calibration
3.4.3.Return periods and Urban Floods simulation with previous flooding problems water system simulation under 1 hour-2, 5 and 10 years return period water system simulation under 1 hour-25 years return period water system simulation under 1 hour-50 years return period Storm water system simulation under 1 hour – 100, 200, 500 and 1000 years return period Flooding
Adaptation Plan for Al Hillah City
Chapter One: International Case Studies
4.1.1. Historical precipitation analysis
4.1.2. Current and projected future climate change, impacts and adaptation plan for each selected city Seattle Odense Tehran Khulna Melbourne
4.1.3. Drainage System of the Studied Cities Drainage System in Seattle Drainage System in Odense Drainage System in Tehran Drainage System in Khulna Drainage System in Melbourne
Chapter Two: Adaptation Plan for Al Hillah City
4.2.1. Conclusions from Adaptation Options Analysed
4.2.2. Suggestions for Al Hillah City
4.2.3. Adaptation Actions
Overall Conclusion
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How to manage an uncommon alien rodent on a protected island?Micheletti Ribeiro Silva, Tatiane 06 September 2018 (has links)
It appears to be unanimous that alien species in island environments tend to cause considerably more negative than positive impacts. To assess the potential level of threat aliens may pose to the native environment, understanding a species’ population structure and dynamics is of ultimate importance. Assessing both impacts and consequences of management interventions to alien species is likewise only possible through the comprehension of its population structure and dynamics. This can be achieved by estimating the number of individuals in the study site, as well as other population parameters through time, applying population models such as capture-recapture to the collected datasets. Nonetheless, alien species that have low capture rates, such as small mammals, might present a considerable obstacle for conservation, as available capturerecapture models need a relatively large dataset to precisely and accurately estimate population parameters. To improve accuracy and precision of estimates that use sparse datasets, the present study developed an integrated concurrent marking-observation capture-recapture model (C-MOM). The model proposed here, contrary to the commonly available mark-recapture and mark-resight models, allows for two different datasets (i.e. a capture-recapture and a population count) to be integrated, as well as for marking and observation (recapture) data to be collected simultaneously. While few models can integrate different datasets, no model is known to allow for concomitant capture-markobservation activities. To assess the performance of the C-MOM when estimating population parameters for sparse datasets, a virtual ecology study was carried out. The population dynamics of a small rodent, the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), as well as capture-recapture and population count datasets, were simulated under different scenarios. The sampled datasets were then analyzed by the C-MOM, and by two other established statistical models: a classical mark recapture (CMR) (based on the Jolly-Seber model), and a zero-truncated Poisson log-normal mixed effects (ZPNE), the only integrated mark-resight model that allows for recapture sampling with replacement.
Estimates of population parameters provided by the three models were then compared in terms of bias, precision and accuracy. C-MOM and ZPNE models were afterwards applied to real data collected on a rock cavy colony in the island of Fernando de Noronha. The estimated parameters were used to extrapolate the number of individuals in the rock cavy colony to the whole population in the island. Subsequently, these results were used to develop a risk assessment for the species by modelling historical and management scenarios, simulating both the establishment of the species in the island, and the consequences of different management interventions applied to it. The virtual ecology study showed that, in comparison to the CMR and the ZPNE, the C-MOM presented improved accuracy without overestimating the precision of population parameter’s estimates. The last also presented reduced amplitude of the calculated credible interval at 95% when applied to real data in comparison to the ZPNE. While the extrapolation of C-MOM estimates suggests that the rock cavy population in Fernando de Noronha is 6,652 ± 1,587, ZPNE estimates are of 5,854 ± 3,269 individuals. In the risk assessment, historical simulation models demonstrated that even though different combinations of uncertainty in reproductive parameters of the rock cavy might be possible for the species, these did not interfere significantly in either establishment or spread of the rock cavy population in the island. Moreover, historical yearly mortality has most likely been under 30%.
Regarding the species’ management simulations, the most effective management interventions to achieve population extinction were spaying and neutering of both sexes, although harvest effort presented the highest influence on this populations’ extirpation. Nonetheless, the relative influence of female and both sexes’ based interventions did not differ significantly regarding the frequency of extinction of stochastic replicates’. Moreover, none of the management interventions guaranteed the population extinction within the time span and harvest effort proposed for the management program. Neutering of both sexes was most inversely influential on time to extinction of this population, followed by removal of both sexes. Briefly, the C-MOM has proven to be a resourceful and precise model to estimate population parameters when low capture rates result in sparse datasets. Moreover, the rock cavy is well established in the island and likely at carrying capacity.
In general, the risk assessment showed that the management interventions in the time span and harvest effort simulated in the present study were ineffective to extinguish the rock cavy population in Fernando de Noronha. Considering this, as well as the importance of investigating other vital factors to decide in favour of or contrary to the management of this species, it is recommended that both an impact assessment of the rock cavy and a cost-effectiveness analysis of the management interventions should be performed to complement the current study.:Acknowledgement III
Abstract IV
Zusammenfassung VI
Resumen IX
Table of Contents XII
List of Tables and Figures XIV
List of Abbreviations XIX
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Invasive alien species and their consequences 1
1.2. Population dynamics analysis 2
Capture-recapture models 3
Observation models 4
Integrated population models 5
Software 7
Model analysis 8
1.3. Fernando de Noronha and the rock cavy 10
1.4. Objectives 12
Overall Objectives 12
Specific Objectives 13
2. Study Framework 15
3. Methods 19
3.1. Study area 19
3.2. Study case species 21
3.3. Research Steps 24
RESEARCH STEP I: Comparing the C-MOM to established models – does this concurrent marking-observation model produces accurate estimates of population parameters for sparse datasets? 24
RESEARCH STEP II: C-MOM application to a real case study 40
RESEARCH STEP III: The rock cavy population in Fernando de Noronha 45
RESEARCH STEP IV: The colonization and eradication of the rock cavy in Fernando de Noronha 47
4. Results 63
4.1. RESEARCH STEP I: Comparing the C-MOM to established models – does this concurrent marking-observation model produces accurate estimates of population parameters for sparse datasets? 63
4.2. RESEARCH STEP II: C-MOM application to a real case study 72
4.3. RESEARCH STEP III: The rock cavy population in Fernando de Noronha 73
4.4. RESEARCH STEP IV: The colonization and eradication of the rock cavy in Fernando de Noronha 74
Sensitivity analysis 74
Simulation experiments 80
5. Discussion 83
5.1. Bias, precision and accuracy of population dynamic models for sparse datasets 85
Simulated data 85
Study case 90
5.2. Advantages and disadvantages of the C-MOM approach 93
5.3. Development and applications of the integrated models and the C-MOM 96
5.4. The reversed use of the PVA software Vortex to simulate AS and IAS populations’ extinction 97
5.5. Status of the rock cavy population in the island of Fernando de Noronha 100
The colonization of the rock cavy in Fernando de Noronha 101
Management of the rock cavy in Fernando de Noronha 104
Study case limitations and future researches 112
6. Conclusion 116
References 118
Appendices 124
APPENDIX I – Assessment of biological invasions 124
APPENDIX II – Population dynamics simulation and dataset sampling 125
APPENDIX III – CMR and C-MOM model codes in R 134
APPENDIX IV – ZPNE model code in R 138
APPENDIX V – C-MOM model used for real datasets 143
APPENDIX VI – Rock cavy colony sizes and number of individuals in Fernando de Noronha 145
APPENDIX VII – Parameter’s ranking of C-MOM, CMR and ZPNE models 148
APPENDIX VIII – Bias, precision and accuracy table 149
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A Comparative Study on Two Offshore Wind Farm Siting Approaches in Sweden / En jämförande studie av två tillvägagångssätt för siting av havsbaserade vindkraftsparker i SverigeNyberg, Anders, Sundström, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to explore the ability of a multi-criteria decision making with analytical hierarchy process (MCDM-AHP) model to emulate the results of a cost benefit analysis (CBA) model in the context of offshore wind farm siting within the Swedish exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The research question addressed is whether the MCDM-AHP analysis produces similar results to the CBA analysis. In addition to this, the strengths and weaknesses of each model is explored. The MCDM-AHP model employs the spatial criteria in a more basic manner compared to the CBA model, simplifying the evaluation process while still explaining 89.5% of the variation in the CBA model and defining similar areas as suitable. Thus, it can be concluded that the MCDM-AHP model adequately emulates the CBA model within the context of offshore wind farm siting within the Swedish EEZ. However, it is crucial to note that the two models produce outputs on different scales. While the CBA model provides levelized cost of energy (LCOE) values that can be thresholded for investment viability comparisons, the suitability score generated by the MCDM-AHP model remains a relative and arbitrary score within the model. Both models entail uncertainties, limiting their usage beyond making general assumptions or identifying areas of interest. The findings reveal that the CBA model demonstrates greater robustness when confronted with changes in spatial input parameters compared to the MCDM-AHP model. This discrepancy is attributed to the iterative computation process and consideration of flat cost inputs in the CBA model, whereas the MCDM-AHP model represents a linear combination of various spatial parameters. However, the calculated LCOE values in the CBA model are highly sensitive to changes in modeling assumptions regarding external parameters, resulting in significant linear variations. The LCOE values obtained from the CBA model baseline case fall within a range of 52.1 - 98.9 EUR/MWh, which aligns with similar studies, validating the CBA model. Nonetheless, caution should be exercised when considering these results as an accurate representation of the real world due to inherent uncertainties in cost inputs and the LCOE measure. The strengths of the MCDM-AHP model lie in its robustness when the order of relative importance remains stable for key spatial evaluators. It is sensitive to significant changes in water depth and wind speed, which heavily influence its output. The model's simplicity allows for a quick overview of the problem, but it requires assumptions that introduce uncertainties. Validation of the MCDM-AHP model using existing and planned offshore wind farms within the Swedish EEZ was possible but limited by the arbitrary scale and limited validation areas. The comparison between the two models could be enhanced with more comprehensive spatial and economic data for an in-depth CBA model, which could serve as a ground truth for the MCDM-AHP model. Nevertheless, the comparison made in this study considers the CBA model to be closer to the truth, acknowledging the underlying assumptions that should be considered during evaluation. In conclusion, within the context of offshore wind farm siting, the MCDM-AHP model produces outputs that are similar to the CBA model.
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Computational Bayesian techniques applied to cosmologyHee, Sonke January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents work around 3 themes: dark energy, gravitational waves and Bayesian inference. Both dark energy and gravitational wave physics are not yet well constrained. They present interesting challenges for Bayesian inference, which attempts to quantify our knowledge of the universe given our astrophysical data. A dark energy equation of state reconstruction analysis finds that the data favours the vacuum dark energy equation of state $w {=} -1$ model. Deviations from vacuum dark energy are shown to favour the super-negative ‘phantom’ dark energy regime of $w {< } -1$, but at low statistical significance. The constraining power of various datasets is quantified, finding that data constraints peak around redshift $z = 0.2$ due to baryonic acoustic oscillation and supernovae data constraints, whilst cosmic microwave background radiation and Lyman-$\alpha$ forest constraints are less significant. Specific models with a conformal time symmetry in the Friedmann equation and with an additional dark energy component are tested and shown to be competitive to the vacuum dark energy model by Bayesian model selection analysis: that they are not ruled out is believed to be largely due to poor data quality for deciding between existing models. Recent detections of gravitational waves by the LIGO collaboration enable the first gravitational wave tests of general relativity. An existing test in the literature is used and sped up significantly by a novel method developed in this thesis. The test computes posterior odds ratios, and the new method is shown to compute these accurately and efficiently. Compared to computing evidences, the method presented provides an approximate 100 times reduction in the number of likelihood calculations required to compute evidences at a given accuracy. Further testing may identify a significant advance in Bayesian model selection using nested sampling, as the method is completely general and straightforward to implement. We note that efficiency gains are not guaranteed and may be problem specific: further research is needed.
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