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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptivni model za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja u malim i srednjim preduzećima / Adaptive model for supply chain management in small and medium enterprises

Tomašević Milovan 09 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Osnovni istraživački problem ove disertacije predstavlja razvoj modela<br />za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja u cilju podizanje kvaliteta usluge.<br />Stoga je razvijen adaptivni model za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja<br />koji se sastoji od modela za: upravljanje lancima snabdevanja,<br />upravljanje korisničkim zahtevima i ocenu kvaliteta pružene usluge. U<br />svrhu primene adaptivni model je predstavljen algoritmom sa precizno<br />definisanim koracima koje korisnik treba da sprovede da bi podigao<br />nivo kvaliteta usluge i održao stabilnost lanca snabdevanja. Verifikacija<br />modela je urađena na primeru 17 lanaca snabdevanja na teritoriji<br />Republike Srbije, &scaron;to je rezultiralo odgovorima na koji način se može<br />podići kvalitet usluge.<br />Doprinos istraživanja ogleda u mogućnosti direktne primene<br />razvijenog modela i pružanja novih informacija za naučnu i stručnu<br />javnost koje mogu predstavljati kvalitetnu podlogu daljem razvoju<br />modela za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja.</p> / <p>The basic research problem of this dissertation is the development of<br />supply chain management model in order to improve the quality of<br />service. Therefore, an adaptive supply chain management model has<br />been developed that consists of a model for: supply chain management,<br />management of user requirements and assessment of the quality of<br />service provided. For the purpose of application the adaptive model, it<br />is presented an algorithm with precisely defined steps that the user<br />needs to implement in order to raise the level of service quality and<br />maintain the stability of supply. The model verification was done on<br />the example of 17 supply chains in the territory of the Republic of<br />Serbia, which resulted in answers on how to improve the quality of the<br />service. The contribution of the research is reflected in the possibility<br />of direct application of the developed model and providing new<br />information for the scientific and professional public, which can<br />represent a quality basis for the further development of the supply<br />chain management model.</p>

Use of the ritual metaphor to describe the practice and acquisition of mathematical knowledge

Lee, Oon Teik January 2007 (has links)
This study establishes a framework for the practice and the acquisition of mathematical knowledge. The natures of mathematics and rituals/ritual-like activities are examined compared and contrasted. Using a four-fold typology of core features, surface features, content features and functions of mathematics it is established that the nature of mathematics, its practice and the acquisition is typologically similar to that of rituals/ ritual-like activities. The practice of mathematics and its acquisition can hence be metaphorically compared to that of rituals/ritual-like activities and be enriched by the latter. A case study was conducted using the ritual metaphor at two levels to introduce and teach a topic within the current year eleven West Australian Geometry and Trigonometry course. In the first level, instructional materials were written using a ritual-like mentor-exemplar, exposition, replicate and extrapolate model (through the use of specially organised examples and exercises) based on the approaches of several mathematics text book authors as they attempted to introduce a topic new to the West Australian mathematics curriculum. / In the second level, the classroom instruction was organised using a ritual-like pattern with direct exemplar mentoring and exposition by the teacher followed by replication and extrapolation from the students. Embedded within this ritual-like process was the personal (and communal) engagement with each student vis-a-vis the establishment of the relationships between the referent concepts, procedures and skills. This resulted in the emergence of solution behaviours appropriate to specific tasks imitating and extrapolating the mentored solution behaviours of the teacher. In determining the extent to which the instruction, mentoring and acquisition was successful, each student's solution 'behaviour was compared "topographically" with the expected solution behaviour for the task at various critical points to determine the degree of congruence. Marks were allocated for congruence (or removed for incongruence), hence a percentage of congruence was established. The ritual-like model for the teaching and acquisition of mathematical knowledge required agreement with all stake-holders as to the purpose of the activity, expert knowledge on the part of the teacher, and within a classroom context requires students to possess similar levels of prerequisite mathematical knowledge. / This agreement and the presence of an expert practitioner, provides the affirmation and security that is inherent in the practice of rituals. The study concluded that there is evidence to suggest that some aspects of mathematical ability are wired into the cognitive structures of human beings providing support to the hypothesis that some aspects of mathematics are discovered rather than created. The physical origin of mathematical abilities and activities was one of the factors used in this study to establish an isomorphism between the nature and practice of mathematics with that of rituals. This isomorphism provides the teaching and learning of mathematics with a more robust framework that is more attuned to the social nature of human beings. The ritual metaphor for the teaching and learning of mathematics can then be used as a framework to determine the relative adequacies of mathematics curricula, mathematics textbooks and teaching approaches.

A Multi-Stage Graph Model Analysis for the International Toxic Waste Disposal Conflict

Hu, Kaixian 22 May 2008 (has links)
A generic conflict model is developed to analyze international toxic waste disposal issues, and then, to provide feasible strategic resolutions for this serious environmental dispute. With the rapid growth of the global economy, toxic waste traffic from the advanced to developing nations has become a serious side effect of this globalization. The illegal transboundary movement of toxic wastes not only aggravates the burden on the poorer nations, but also negatively impacts the worldwide environment. In this thesis, the ongoing toxic waste disputes are divided into two stages consisting of the dumping prevention and dispute resolution stages. The analyses based on the methodology of Graph Model for Conflict Resolution are used in both stages in order to grasp the structure and implications of the conflict from a strategic viewpoint. The in-depth modeling of the toxic waste dumping disputes, which consist of historical and generic situations, specifies the involved parties and their options. By synthesizing the economic, political and legal factors, the relative preferences for each party can be determined. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the Decision Support System (DSS) GMCR II simplifies the processing of calculations. The analytical research furnishes investigators or other interested parties with possible resolutions for the disputes arising from an international waste dumping event. Sensitivity analyses are also conducted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the different situations that may occur in real-world cases. The case study of the Ivory Coast waste dumping controversy is used to demonstrate how to practically implement the generic multi-stage graph model.

An Adapted Model for Small Business Innovation Networks: The Case of an Emergent Wine Region in Southern California

Miller, Jeanette Kay 05 May 2012 (has links)
Small businesses and small business networks have become increasingly important over the past two decades. However, limited empirical research has been carried out on the interactions of these small businesses, specifically within supportive networks. This research focuses on the interaction of firms and organizations within a successful small business innovation network, and how innovative business practices are developed. Innovation network theory was used as a lens to view the dynamics within an innovation network comprised entirely of small businesses and organizations. For this research, a qualitative case study was undertaken, with an emergent wine region in Southern California targeted as an ideal case in which to study a small business innovation network. This research showed that in this instance of a small business innovation network, a hub firm, as defined by innovation network theory does not exist to orchestrate and manage the interactions within the network. Thereby, an adapted model for small business innovation networks is proposed and the results from this qualitative case study are mapped using this adapted theory. The results show a constellation of firms and organizations at the core of the network composition, undertaking deliberate and emergent strategies that affect the outcome and success of all members of the small business innovation network. The research identified a significant sense of place embedded in the regional culture and the importance of effective regional planning in positively impacting the success of the small business innovation network.

A Multi-Stage Graph Model Analysis for the International Toxic Waste Disposal Conflict

Hu, Kaixian 22 May 2008 (has links)
A generic conflict model is developed to analyze international toxic waste disposal issues, and then, to provide feasible strategic resolutions for this serious environmental dispute. With the rapid growth of the global economy, toxic waste traffic from the advanced to developing nations has become a serious side effect of this globalization. The illegal transboundary movement of toxic wastes not only aggravates the burden on the poorer nations, but also negatively impacts the worldwide environment. In this thesis, the ongoing toxic waste disputes are divided into two stages consisting of the dumping prevention and dispute resolution stages. The analyses based on the methodology of Graph Model for Conflict Resolution are used in both stages in order to grasp the structure and implications of the conflict from a strategic viewpoint. The in-depth modeling of the toxic waste dumping disputes, which consist of historical and generic situations, specifies the involved parties and their options. By synthesizing the economic, political and legal factors, the relative preferences for each party can be determined. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the Decision Support System (DSS) GMCR II simplifies the processing of calculations. The analytical research furnishes investigators or other interested parties with possible resolutions for the disputes arising from an international waste dumping event. Sensitivity analyses are also conducted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the different situations that may occur in real-world cases. The case study of the Ivory Coast waste dumping controversy is used to demonstrate how to practically implement the generic multi-stage graph model.

Identifiering och utvärdering av växters bullerreducerande förmåga i urban miljö

Claesson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Trafikbuller är den miljöstörning som påverkar flest människor i Sverige. Studier visar att buller kan påverka människors hälsa genom att orsaka hörselskador, stress, sömnsvårigheter och i förlängningen hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Idag byggs städerna i Sverige allt tätare, vilket gör att antalet bullerstörda personer fortsätter att öka. För att dämpa buller används ofta höga och breda bullerskärmar, vilket inte är att föredra i urban miljö. Ny forskning undersöker därför andra alternativ, bland annat hur växter och gröna områden kan verka bullerreducerande. Forskare menar att växter med hjälp av sina stammar, bladverk och substratet de står i kan reducera ljud genom reflektion, absorption och spridning av ljudenergin. Detta examensarbete syftade till att utvärdera olika växtelement ur bullerreducerande synpunkt. Växters bullerreducerande förmåga är något varken akustiker eller landskapsarkitekter generellt sett tar hänsyn till och därför ansågs en kunskapssammanställning ligga i tiden. För att göra detta har en litteraturstudie, två intervjuer samt mätningar på två växtelement utförts. Mätningarna gjordes på häckar längs Luthagsesplanaden i Uppsala och på en fasad med klätterväxter på Norr Mälarstrand i Stockholm. Litteratur- och intervjustudien visade att växtbeklädda bullerbarriärer hade högst potential att reducera buller längs vägar, gröna tak högst potential att reducera buller in på innergårdar och gröna fasader högst potential att dämpa buller på torg. Växter har också möjlighet att osynliggöra ljudkällor, vilket gör att vi upplever ljudet som lägre. Mätningarna visade att häcken på Luthagsesplanaden hade möjlighet att dämpa ljudet precis bakom häcken med upp till 3 decibel (dBA). Minskningen höll sig inte ända in till fasaden vilket tros bero på att det reflekterade ljudet dominerar i gaturummet samt att den avskärmande effekten minskar med ökat avstånd. Höga frekvenser dämpades bäst av häcken med den högsta dämpningen på 18 dBA för frekvensbandet 16000 Hz. Dämpningen av de höga frekvenserna syns även in vid fasaden med en dämpning kring 4-5 dBA. Häcken efterliknades i modelleringsprogrammet CadnaA med den nordiska beräkningsmodellen för vägtrafikbuller, men inget objekt tycktes kunna representera häcken på ett reproducerbart sätt. På Norr Mälarstrand visades ingen signifikant skillnad i varken ljudtrycksnivå eller frekvensfördelning från fasaden med klätterväxter. En dämpning på upp till 4 dBA för frekvenser över 800 Hz kan dock antydas in vid fasaden. Vid modellering av fasaden visades att varken en reflekterande eller en absorberande fasad kunde representera klätterväxterna. / Traffic noise is the environmental problem that affects most people in Sweden. Studies show that noise can affect human health by causing hearing damage, stress, insomnia and cardiovascular disease. Swedish cities today are built increasingly close, increasing the number of people that are affected by noise. Today, the most common way to reduce noise is to use barriers. In towns, this is not preferable and new research brings up other suggestions that can fit into an urban environment. Some studies are investigating how plants can reduce noise. Research has shown that plants by their trunks, foliage and substrate can reduce sound by reflection, absorption and diffusion. This thesis aimed to identify and evaluate various plant elements through a noise abatement perspective. This perspective is something neither acoustician nor landscape architects in general takes into account and was therefore considered useful. To do this, a literature study, two interviews and measurements were made. The measurements were made on hedges along Luthagsesplanaden in Uppsala and on a facade with climbing plants on Norr Mälarstrand in Stockholm. The literature and the interviews showed that vegetated noise barriers had the highest potential to reduce noise along roads, green roofs had the maximum potential to reduce noise in courtyards and green facades had the maximum potential to reduce noise in squares. Plants are also able to hide sound sources, enabling us to perceive the sound as lower. The measurements showed that the hedge were able to lower the sound pressure level up to 3 decibels (dBA). This reduction did not last to the facade, which is believed to be due to reflected sound dominating the street canyon and that the shielding ability decreases with increasing distance. The hedge was able to lower the higher frequencies the most with the maximum attenuation of 18 dBA for the frequency 16000 Hz. The attenuation of high frequencies is also visible close by the facade with attenuation around 4-5 dBA. The hedge were imitated by different elements in the sound modeling program CadnaA with the help of the Nordic calculation model for road traffic noise, but no element seemed to be able to represent the hedge. The measurement at Norr Mälarstrand showed no significant difference in either sound pressure level or frequency distribution by the facade with climbing plants. However, a damping of up to 4 dBA for frequencies above 800 Hz could be hinted from the measurement by the facade. When modeling the same it was shown that neither an absorbing facade nor a reflecting facade could represent the facade with climbing plants.

ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere and their Association with Magnetopause Instabilities and Oscillations

Nedie, Abiyu Z Unknown Date
No description available.

A Comparison of EMT, Dynamic Phasor, and Traditional Transient Stability Models

Yang, Rae Rui Ooi 29 October 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a transient stability method using dynamic phasors. This method can be used to investigate low frequency (<5Hz) and sub-synchronous frequency (5Hz-60Hz) oscillations. It has major advantages as compared to traditional transient stability method and EMT method. It allows modeling of higher-frequency oscillation possible using time domain simulations, which is not achievable with conventional method. It also can be simulated at much larger time step as compared to PSCAD/EMTDC simulation. Comparison of the results with traditional model and detailed EMT model are also present, and they show very accurate results at frequency ranges up to 60Hz.

Commercial property : a required rate of return investigation / Gerrit Kotze

Kotze, Gerrit January 2005 (has links)
When faced with an investment opportunity in commercial real estate, the investor requires knowledge of the discount rate since it can be used to convert expected future cash flows from the property in today's terms and in doing so, place a value on the property. The so-called required rate of return would be the appropriate conversion rate since it compensates the investor for risk and, if attainable, will induce the investor to invest. An inaccurate assessment of the discount rate could, depending on the direction of the error, lead to a potential over or under estimation of the property value. A number of single or multiple variable frameworks for required return have been derived by other researchers for the US, UK and EU property markets. Each of the variables encountered in these frameworks acts as a proxy for some aspect of systematic risk associated with the investment. However, locally, such models are either not extensively published or well described and are limited to single explanatory variables. Some professionals prefer to avoid frameworks and simply divert to qualitative, gut-feel and experienced based considerations in order to derive at required return rate. This dissertation addressed the possible local need for an explanatory framework of required return on commercial property. The scope of work entailed: (i) a review of the literature to establish the theoretical determinants of return and (ii) an empirical study to test a short-list of parameters for Retail, Offices and Industrial sites in Cape Town, Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Durban, respectively. Three categories of explanatory variables were identified: (i) Capital market variables and alternative investment opportunities in the form of stocks on the JSE, (ii) economic activity indicators and (iii) property market fundamental parameters. The empirical study entailed a three-phase methodology, which included the following steps: (i) data sampling and processing, (ii) screening variables through the simple regression and correlation coefficients and (iii) multiple regression complemented by statistical significance testing. Between 69% and 98.2 % (alpha=O.1) of the variation in returns could be explained in terms of the variation by the explanatory variables that passed the rigorous screening process. The relative good results are likely to be related to the higher explanatory power of the multi-factor approach. The remaining unexplained portion of return can potentially be decreased by using larger samples and pursuing some of the other recommendations for additional research. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

An Adapted Model for Small Business Innovation Networks: The Case of an Emergent Wine Region in Southern California

Miller, Jeanette Kay 05 May 2012 (has links)
Small businesses and small business networks have become increasingly important over the past two decades. However, limited empirical research has been carried out on the interactions of these small businesses, specifically within supportive networks. This research focuses on the interaction of firms and organizations within a successful small business innovation network, and how innovative business practices are developed. Innovation network theory was used as a lens to view the dynamics within an innovation network comprised entirely of small businesses and organizations. For this research, a qualitative case study was undertaken, with an emergent wine region in Southern California targeted as an ideal case in which to study a small business innovation network. This research showed that in this instance of a small business innovation network, a hub firm, as defined by innovation network theory does not exist to orchestrate and manage the interactions within the network. Thereby, an adapted model for small business innovation networks is proposed and the results from this qualitative case study are mapped using this adapted theory. The results show a constellation of firms and organizations at the core of the network composition, undertaking deliberate and emergent strategies that affect the outcome and success of all members of the small business innovation network. The research identified a significant sense of place embedded in the regional culture and the importance of effective regional planning in positively impacting the success of the small business innovation network.

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