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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nursing Care Procedures, Thermal Regulation and Growth of the Moderately Premature Neonate in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Lewis, Lory A. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Eulerian modeling and simulation of polydisperse moderately dense coalescing spray flows with nanometric-to-inertial droplets : application to Solid Rocket Motors / Modélisation et simulation d'écoulements diphasiques polydisperses modérément denses chargés de particules nonométriques à modérément inertielles avec coalescence : application aux moteurs à propergol solide

Doisneau, François 11 April 2013 (has links)
Dans un moteur à propergol solide, l’écoulement dépend fortement des gouttes d’alumine en suspension, dont la fraction massique est élevée. La distribution en taille des gouttes, qui s’élargit avec la coalescence, joue un rôle clef. Or résoudre des écoulements diphasiques polydisperses instationnaires avec une bonne précision sur la taille est un défi à la fois sur le plan de la modélisation et du calcul scientifique: (1) de très petites gouttes, par exemple résultant de la combustion de nanoparticules d’aluminium, subissent mouvement brownien et coalescence, (2) de petites gouttes ont leur vitesse conditionnée par leur taille de sorte qu’elles coalescent lorsqu’elles ont des tailles différentes, (3) des gouttes plus grosses peuvent se croiser par effet d’inertie et (4) toutes les gouttes interagissent de manière fortement couplée avec la phase porteuse. En complément des approches lagrangiennes, des modèles eulériens ont été développés pour décrire la phase dispersée à un coût raisonnable, et ils permettent un couplage aisé avec la phase porteuse ainsi que la parallélisation massive des codes: les approches eulériennes sont bien adaptées aux calculs industriels. Le modèle Multi-Fluide permet la description détaillée de la polydispersion, des coreélations taille/vitesse et de la coalescence, en résolvant séparément des “fluides” de gouttes triées par taille, appelés sections. Un ensemble de modèles est évalué dans cette thèse et une stratégie numérique est développée pour effectuer des calculs industriels de moteurs à propergol solide. (1) La physique des nanoparticules est évalué et incluse dans un modèle de coalescence complet. Des méthodes de moments d’ordre élevé sont ensuite développées: (2) une méthode à deux moments en taille est étendue à la coalescence pour traiter la physique de la polydispersion et les développements numériques connexes permettent d’effectuer des calculs applicatifs dans le code industriel CEDRE; (3) une méthode basée sur les moments en vitesse du deuxième ordre, un schéma de transport à l’ordre deux sur maillages structurés ainsi qu’un modèle de coalescence sont développés. Des validations académiques de la stratégie pour gouttes d’inertie modérée sont effectuées sur des écoulements complexes puis avec de la coalescence; (4) une stratégie d’intégration en temps est développée et mise en œuvre dans CEDRE pour traiter efficacement le couplage fort, dans des cas instationnaires et polydisperses incluant de très petites particules. L’ensemble des développements est soigneusement validé: soit par des formules analytiques ad hoc pour la coalescence et pour le couplage fort d’une onde acoustique; soit par des comparaisons numériques croisées avec une DPS pour la coalescence et avec des simulations lagrangiennes de cas applicatifs, coalescents et fortement couplés; soit par des résultats expérimentaux disponibles sur une configuration académique de coalescence et sur un tir de moteur à échelle réduite. La stratégie complète permet des calculs applicatifs à un coût raisonnable. En particulier, un cal- cul de moteur avec des nanoparticules permet d’évaluer la faisabilité de l’approche et d’orienter les efforts de recherche sur les propergols chargés de nanoparticules. / In solid rocket motors, the internal flow depends strongly on the alumina droplets, which have a high mass fraction. The droplet size distribution, which is wide and spreads up with coalescence, plays a key role. Solving for unsteady polydisperse two- phase flows with high accuracy on the droplet sizes is a challenge for both modeling and scientific computing: (1) very small droplets, e.g. resulting from the combustion of nanoparticles of aluminum fuel, encounter Brownian motion and coalescence, (2) small droplets have their velocity conditioned by size so they coalesce when having different sizes, (3) bigger droplets have an inertial behavior and may cross each other’s trajectory, and (4) all droplets interact in a two-way coupled manner with the carrier phase. As an alternative to Lagrangian approaches, some Eulerian models can describe the disperse phase at a moderate cost, with an easy coupling to the carrier phase and with massively parallel codes: they are well-suited for industrial computations. The Multi- Fluid model allows the detailed description of polydispersity, size/velocity correlations and coalescence by separately solving “fluids” of size-sorted droplets, the so-called sections. In the present work, we assess an ensemble of models and we develop a numerical strategy to perform industrial computations of solid rocket motor flows. (1) The physics of nanoparticles is assessed and included in a polydisperse coalescing model. High order moment methods are then developed: (2) a Two-Size moment method is ex- tended to coalescence to treat accurately the physics of polydispersity and coalescence and the related numerical developments allow to perform applicative computations in the industrial code CEDRE; (3) a second order velocity moment method is developed, together with a second order transport scheme, to evaluate a strategy for a moderately inertial disperse phase, and academic validations are performed on complex flow fields; (4) a time integration strategy is developed and implemented in CEDRE to treat efficiently two-way coupling, in unsteady polydisperse cases including very small particles. The developments are carefully validated, either through purposely derived analytical formulae (for coalescence and two-way acoustic coupling), through numerical cross-comparisons (for coalescence with a Point-Particle DNS, for applicative cases featuring coalescence and two-way coupling with a Lagrangian method), or through available experimental results (for coalescence with an academic experiment, for the overall physics with a sub-scale motor firing). The whole strategy allows to perform applicative computations in a cost effective way. In particular, a solid rocket motor with nanoparticles is computed as a feasibility case and to guide the research effort on motors with nanoparticle fuel propellants.

The Role of A Flexible Brand Identity in A Dynamic Market : A Multiple-Case Study on Swedish Coffee Brands

Enoksson, Louise, Larsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Conducting successful business requires a clear and steady brand identity, which is a part of brand management (Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1992, de Chernatony, 1999). Sticking to the core values and the traditions of the brand is beneficial. However, it seems advantageous to possess a flexible brand identity for the brand to be able to adapt to market trends and development. This could be of even more importance if the brand is existing in a dynamic market (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). This study aims to understand and further describe the role of flexible brand identity in a dynamic market, from a corporate point of view. The study was made according to an inductive approach of qualitative research, which enabled data collection from two case companies. The Swedish coffee market was chosen as the case market. Hence, five in-depth interviews were conducted with people working for two established coffee brands in Sweden.    The empirical findings showed the importance of working on the brand identity to stay relevant in the Swedish coffee market. Factors and stakeholders such as consumers, retail, shops, origin of the coffee, changes in consumer interests, and market trends were mentioned. Communication, and brand transformation, also appeared to be important factors within the study. The empirical findings have been analysed in comparison to the previous research on brand identity and dynamic markets, as well as further developed and discussed.  Altogether, the study aimed to discuss concepts and the empirical findings, and by the inclusion of the research questions: 1) How do companies work on transforming their brand identity? 2) How can a flexible brand identity be favourable when existing in a dynamic market? In conclusion, the Swedish coffee market appears to be moderately dynamic, and the benefits of a flexible brand identity is the ability to adapt and adjust for market trends, as long as the core values are taken into account during the changes. / Att driva framgångsrik business innebär ett behov av en tydlig och stabil varumärkesidentitet, vilken är en del inom varumärkeshanteringen (Aaker, 1996; Kapferer, 1992, de Chernatony, 1999). Det är föredömligt att hålla sig till varumärkets grundvärderingar och traditioner, men kan även vara fördelaktigt att bedriva en mer flexibel varumärkesidentitet för att kunna anpassa den till marknadstrender- och utveckling. Det kan vara om än mer viktigt om varumärket verkar på en dynamisk marknad (da Silveira, 2013; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). Den här studien syftar till att förstå och vidare beskriva innebörden av en flexibel varumärkesidentitet på en dynamisk marknad, och detta utifrån ett företagsperspektiv. Den kvalitativa studien utfördes genom en induktiv ansats, med datainsamling från två olika företag på den svenska kaffemarknaden. Sammanlagt har fem anställda inom två svenska kaffevarumärken har intervjuats.    Den empiriska datan visade på att det är viktigt att jobba med varumärkesidentiteten för att vara relevant på den svenska kaffemarknaden. Faktorer och intressenter, såsom konsumenter, dagligvaruhandeln, kaffebutiker och kaffets ursprung, nämndes upprepat. Trender och svängande kaffeintresse samt kommunikation och varumärkestransformation var också centrala aspekter. Den empiriska datan har analyserats och jämförts med tidigare forskning men har också utvecklats och vidare diskuterats.    Sammantaget syftar studien till att diskutera koncepten och den empiriska datan och syftet har brutits ned i två forskningsfrågor: 1) Hur kan företag arbeta med att transformera sin varumärkesidentitet? 2) Hur kan en flexibel varumärkesidentitet vara fördelaktig på en dynamisk marknad? Utifrån analysen drogs slutsatsen att den svenska kaffemarknaden är “moderately dynamic” och fördelarna med en flexibel varumärkesidentitet är att den kan anpassas efter marknaden och dess trender, så länge grundvärderingarna tas i beaktning genom förändringarna.

High protein dietary patterns and Type 2 diabetes.

Pearce, Karma Louise January 2008 (has links)
By the year 2025, it is anticipated that over 300 million individuals world wide will have type 2 diabetes, with a projected increase from 84 to 288 million (170%) in developing countries and from 51 to 72 million (42%) in developed countries. Diabetes leads to a markedly increased risk of heart disease and renal failure and to expensive and debilitating retinopathy and neuropathy. Cognitive decline is also increased. As there is accumulating evidence of the beneficial effects of moderate carbohydrate, low fat dietary patterns compared to high carbohydrate diets, this thesis will focus on the effects of moderate carbohydrate high protein dietary patterns (total carbohydrate: protein: fat ratio of 40%:34%:26%) on glycemic control, risk factors for macrovascular disease and cognitive function. Information on two key areas in type 2 diabetes will be presented, 1. Acute effects of dietary patterns, moderately carbohydrate restricted and high in protein on glucose levels assessed using continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMS) with verification of these results through a small repeat study. 2. Chronic effects of energy restricted dietary patterns, moderately carbohydrate restricted and high in protein on glucose levels, HbA1c, cognitive function, cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk markers and renal function. In the acute study, we recruited 23 subjects with type 2 diabetes. The participants were randomized to each of 4, 3-day interventions in a cross over design with a 4 day wash out period in which the carbohydrates were distributed differently at each meal; carbohydrates evenly distributed across the day, or carbohydrates loaded at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Glucose levels were continuously measured using CGMS. Outcomes were assessed by postprandial peak glucose (Gmax), time spent above 12 mmol/L (T>12) and total area under the glucose curve (AUC20). The intervention showed that an even distribution of carbohydrates did not optimise blood glucose control, whereas carbohydrates loaded at the lunch time meal provided the most favourable postprandial profile. To verify these results we conducted a repeat study. Six of the previous participants accepted the invitation to return and complete the even distribution arm of the study after a 20 week time lag. The intervention showed that although HbA1c, fasting blood glucose (FBG), AUC, exercise and ambient temperature remained constant there was a significant effect of change in sunlight hours on Gmax, suggesting an effect of sunlight. To assess the chronic effects of energy restricted dietary patterns on the determinants of HbA1c, cognitive function, CVD risk markers and renal function under conditions of weight loss, we recruited 82 participants with type 2 diabetes. These participants were randomised to one of two high protein energy restricted dietary patterns that differed in cholesterol content, for a 12 week period, in a parallel design. A sub group of these participants completed cognitive function testing with (n=34) or without (n=17) CGMS at baseline and at 8 weeks. After 8 weeks of the intervention the determinants of HbA1c under conditions of energy restriction were evaluated. The intervention showed the change in FBG accounted for most of the variance in change in HbA1c, but % energy reduction also contributed independently of FBG. Both energy restricted high protein diets equally improved glycemic control, particularly T>12, AUC, HbA1c and FBG. Fifty one participants completed cognitive testing to evaluate the effect of weight loss and blood glucose control on cognition. Cognitive function was not altered by time, diet, baseline lipid levels. Working memory was predicted by FBG. Short term memory was predicted by FBG, Gmax and AUC24. Sixty five participants completed 12 weeks of the intervention to assess CVD risk markers and renal function. Renal function was maintained and CV markers improved on both dietary patterns, with greatest improvement in HDL-C observed in the group consuming a high protein, energy restricted dietary pattern, high in dietary cholesterol. In conclusion, in the context of a high protein, carbohydrate restricted dietary pattern, cognitive function and renal function did not change, while glycemia and CV risk profiles improved with weight loss over the short term. Under conditions of energy balance diurnal glucose profiles were optimal when the carbohydrates were loaded in the lunch meal. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1342253 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Molecular and Biomedical Science, 2008

High protein dietary patterns and Type 2 diabetes.

Pearce, Karma Louise January 2008 (has links)
By the year 2025, it is anticipated that over 300 million individuals world wide will have type 2 diabetes, with a projected increase from 84 to 288 million (170%) in developing countries and from 51 to 72 million (42%) in developed countries. Diabetes leads to a markedly increased risk of heart disease and renal failure and to expensive and debilitating retinopathy and neuropathy. Cognitive decline is also increased. As there is accumulating evidence of the beneficial effects of moderate carbohydrate, low fat dietary patterns compared to high carbohydrate diets, this thesis will focus on the effects of moderate carbohydrate high protein dietary patterns (total carbohydrate: protein: fat ratio of 40%:34%:26%) on glycemic control, risk factors for macrovascular disease and cognitive function. Information on two key areas in type 2 diabetes will be presented, 1. Acute effects of dietary patterns, moderately carbohydrate restricted and high in protein on glucose levels assessed using continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMS) with verification of these results through a small repeat study. 2. Chronic effects of energy restricted dietary patterns, moderately carbohydrate restricted and high in protein on glucose levels, HbA1c, cognitive function, cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk markers and renal function. In the acute study, we recruited 23 subjects with type 2 diabetes. The participants were randomized to each of 4, 3-day interventions in a cross over design with a 4 day wash out period in which the carbohydrates were distributed differently at each meal; carbohydrates evenly distributed across the day, or carbohydrates loaded at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Glucose levels were continuously measured using CGMS. Outcomes were assessed by postprandial peak glucose (Gmax), time spent above 12 mmol/L (T>12) and total area under the glucose curve (AUC20). The intervention showed that an even distribution of carbohydrates did not optimise blood glucose control, whereas carbohydrates loaded at the lunch time meal provided the most favourable postprandial profile. To verify these results we conducted a repeat study. Six of the previous participants accepted the invitation to return and complete the even distribution arm of the study after a 20 week time lag. The intervention showed that although HbA1c, fasting blood glucose (FBG), AUC, exercise and ambient temperature remained constant there was a significant effect of change in sunlight hours on Gmax, suggesting an effect of sunlight. To assess the chronic effects of energy restricted dietary patterns on the determinants of HbA1c, cognitive function, CVD risk markers and renal function under conditions of weight loss, we recruited 82 participants with type 2 diabetes. These participants were randomised to one of two high protein energy restricted dietary patterns that differed in cholesterol content, for a 12 week period, in a parallel design. A sub group of these participants completed cognitive function testing with (n=34) or without (n=17) CGMS at baseline and at 8 weeks. After 8 weeks of the intervention the determinants of HbA1c under conditions of energy restriction were evaluated. The intervention showed the change in FBG accounted for most of the variance in change in HbA1c, but % energy reduction also contributed independently of FBG. Both energy restricted high protein diets equally improved glycemic control, particularly T>12, AUC, HbA1c and FBG. Fifty one participants completed cognitive testing to evaluate the effect of weight loss and blood glucose control on cognition. Cognitive function was not altered by time, diet, baseline lipid levels. Working memory was predicted by FBG. Short term memory was predicted by FBG, Gmax and AUC24. Sixty five participants completed 12 weeks of the intervention to assess CVD risk markers and renal function. Renal function was maintained and CV markers improved on both dietary patterns, with greatest improvement in HDL-C observed in the group consuming a high protein, energy restricted dietary pattern, high in dietary cholesterol. In conclusion, in the context of a high protein, carbohydrate restricted dietary pattern, cognitive function and renal function did not change, while glycemia and CV risk profiles improved with weight loss over the short term. Under conditions of energy balance diurnal glucose profiles were optimal when the carbohydrates were loaded in the lunch meal. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1342253 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Molecular and Biomedical Science, 2008

Expressivt ordförråd hos skolbarn med lätt till måttligt svår hörselnedsättning

Edquist, Gertrud January 2021 (has links)
Abstract Children with hearing disorders face particular challenges in developing their vocabulary. They often have difficulty in acquiring spoken language at the same rate as their normal hearing peers, despite progress regarding hearing aid technology.Aim. The main aim of this study was to describe aspects of expressive vocabulary for school-age children with mild to moderately severe hearing impairment (HI-group), and to compare with results for a group of normal hearing children (NH-group) of the same age. One aim was also to test whether there were differences, between children with hearing impairment and normal hearing children, in the ability to repeat non-words and sentences and to compare these results within each group with results on two newly constructed vocabulary tests. An additional aim was also to investigate whether background factors, such as age of diagnosis, age of hearing aid fitting and amount of hearing aid use, were related to results on vocabulary tests.Method: 24 children age 7-11 with mild to moderately severe bilateral hearing impairment, and 82 normal hearing children of similar age, were included in this cross-sectional study. Assessments of picture naming, word definition, repetition of nonwords and repetition of sentences were performed with all participants. Age, hearing, use of hearing aid and parents' level of education were included in the analyzes.Results: The HI-group performed significantly below the results of the NH-group regarding picture naming, word definition, nonword repetition and repetition of sentences. The HI-group also produced significantly more words with deficiencies in phonological structure, than the NH-group, during picture naming. In the HI-group there was a significant positive correlation between amount of hearing aid use per day and nonword repetition. Age of diagnose and age of hearing aid fitting did not show statistically significant associations with outcomes on the language tests in this study.Conclusion: Despite the technical development of hearing aids, the expressive vocabulary in school-aged children with bilateral, mild to moderately severe, hearing impairment, does not reach the same level as in normal-hearing peers, although there is a variation within the group. Amount of hearing aid use seems to be important for the ability to perceive new words.

Garden: Smear the Black Circle

Zanardelli, Theodore 14 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Организация физкультурно-оздоровительной работы по формированию моторной сферы у детей старшего дошкольного возраста с нарушениями речи : магистерская диссертация / Organisation of physical training and health-improving work on formation of motor sphere of senior preschool age children with speech disorders

Осипов, А. К., Osipov, A. K. January 2023 (has links)
В диссертационном исследовании рассмотрены вопросы содержание физкультурно-оздоровительной работы, направленной на преодоление нарушений моторной сферы у детей с нерезко выраженным общим недоразвитием речи. В результате разработано содержание коррекции для эффективного формирования моторной сферы у детей с нерезко выраженным общим недоразвитием речи на основе разработки и внедрения комплекса физкультурно - оздоровительных занятий, направленных на формирование моторной сферы. Полученные в ходе исследования положительные результаты позволяют рекомендовать разработки кругу специалистов, работающих в данной отрасли. / The dissertation studies the matters of the physical training and health-improving work aimed at overcoming motor sphere disorders in children with moderately pronounced general underdevelopment of speech. As a result, the course contents of correction for the effective formation of the motor sphere in children with mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech on the basis of the development and implementation of a set of physical training and health-improving activities aimed at the formation of the motor sphere was developed. The positive results obtained in the course of the research allow recommending the development to professional audience working in this sphere.

Existence et stabilité de solutions fortes en théorie cinétique des gaz / Existence and stability of strong solutions in kinetic theory

Tristani, Isabelle 22 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est centrée sur l’étude d’équations issues de la théorie cinétique des gaz. Dans tous les problèmes qui y sont explorés, une analyse des problèmes linéaires ou linéarisés associés est réalisée d’un point de vue spectral et du point de vue des semi-groupes. A cela s’ajoute une analyse de la stabilité non linéaire lorsque le modèle est non linéaire. Plus précisément, dans une première partie, nous nous intéressons aux équations de Fokker-Planck fractionnaire et Boltzmann sans cut-off homogène en espace et nous prouvons un retour vers l’équilibre des solutions de ces équations avec un taux exponentiel dans des espaces de type L1 à poids polynomial. Concernant l’équation de Landau inhomogène en espace, nous développons une théorie de Cauchy de solutions perturbatives dans des espaces de type L2 avec différents poids (polynomiaux ou exponentiels) et nous prouvons également la stabilité exponentielle de ces solutions.Nous démontrons ensuite pour l’équation de Boltzmann inélastique inhomogène avec terme diffusif le même type de résultat dans des espaces L1 à poids polynomial dans un régime de faible inélasticité. Pour finir, nous étudions dans un cadre général et uniforme des modèles qui convergent vers l’équation de Fokker-Planck du point de vue de l’analyse spectrale et des semi-groupes. / The topic of this thesis is the study of models coming from kinetic theory. In all the problems that are addressed, the associated linear or linearized problem is analyzed from a spectral point of view and from the point of view of semigroups. Tothat, we add the study of the nonlinear stability when the equation is nonlinear. More precisely, to begin with, we treat the problem of trend to equilibrium for the fractional Fokker-Planck and Boltzmann without cut-off equations, proving an exponential decay to equilibrium in spaces of type L1 with polynomial weights. Concerning the inhomogeneous Landau equation, we develop a Cauchy theory of perturbative solutions in spaces of type L2 with various weights such as polynomial and exponential weights and we also prove the exponential stability of these solutions. Then, we prove similar results for the inhomogeneous inelastic diffusively driven Boltzmann equation in a small inelasticity regime in L1 spaces with polynomial weights. Finally, we study in the same and uniform framework from the spectral analysis point of view with a semigroup approach several Fokker-Planck equations which converge towards the classical one.

The feasability of implementing community based care for moderately mentally-retarded persons in a specific centre in Port Elizabeth

Ngcanga, Nosipho Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of implementing community based care for moderately mentally retarded persons in a specific centre in the Port Elizabeth area. The objectives of the study were to identify • the needs of the moderately mentally retarded children. • the physical, psychosocial and vocational rehabilitation means of meeting these needs. • how involved the communities, parents and government were in the care of moderately mentally retarded children. A quantitative, exploratmy and descriptive design was used. A sample of 50 moderately mentally retarded children was utilised. Data were collected by means of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The major research findings indicate that community care for MMRPs could only be feasible with sufficient resources, expertise and community involvement. All these aspects appeared to be lacking in the centre where this research was conducted raising questions as to benefits which the mentally retarded children and their parents and the community could derive from these services. However recommendations were made on identified shortcomings, problems and needs. / Health Science / M.A.(Nursing Science)

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