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Análise de um plano de ensino sobre física de partículas no ensino médio / Análise de um plano de ensino sobre Física de Partículas no Ensino MédioFreitas, Bento Filho de Sousa 27 April 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa fez interagir três temáticas: a Física Moderna e Contemporânea na Escola Básica, o lúdico em situações de aprendizagem, e o processo de pesquisa-ação para o aprimoramento profissional docente. O professor-pesquisador elaborou um plano de ensino sobre Física Moderna e Contemporânea para o Ensino Médio, usando no eixo de seu planejamento um conjunto de atividades lúdicas. Seu plano foi discutido em um grupo de pesquisa-ação, aplicado, reformulado e reaplicado; e o processo de reflexão e reelaboração do plano foi analisado. Além disso, os resultados de aprendizagem foram descritos e analisados. Por fim, foram traçadas considerações sobre o potencial das atividades lúdicas inseridas no plano, tanto para promover o engajamento do aluno, como para a aprendizagem. Para a produção dos dados sobre a aprendizagem e sobre a contribuição das atividades lúdicas, utilizou-se de atividades escritas realizadas pelos alunos, anotações pós campo e videogravações de algumas aulas. Para a produção de dados sobre o processo de planejamento foram usados os planos de ensino do professor-pesquisador e outros documentos escritos de reflexão sobre seu planejamento e suas aulas. Como resultados, foi avaliado que a participação em um grupo de pesquisa-ação mostrou-se muito adequado com instância de formação continuada, pois proporcionou reflexões que não seriam possíveis sem a colaboração do grupo. Tais reflexões resultaram em uma mudança substancial no planejamento do ensino do professor. Quanto aos resultados de aprendizagem, foram satisfatórios dentro do proposto, embora o plano não tenha chegado a uma formalização dos conceitos nem a aplicações à realidade cotidiana. Finalmente, concluímos que aprender, com ludicidade, e ensinar - através de artefatos lúdicos - suscita riqueza de possibilidades de relacionamentos, de descoberta e apropriação do mundo dos saberes e dos fazeres. / This research has interacted three themes: Modern and Contemporary Physics in the Basic School, the playful in learning situations, and the process of action research for professional teacher improvement. The professor-researcher drew up a teaching plan on Modern and Contemporary Physics for High School, using in the axis of his planning a set of playful activities. His plan was discussed in an action research group, applied, reformulated, and reapplied; And the process of reflection and re-elaboration of the plan was analyzed. In addition, the learning outcomes were described and analyzed. Finally, considerations were made about the potential of the play activities included in the plan, both to promote student engagement and learning. For the production of data on learning and on the contribution of play activities, students\' written activities, post-field notes and video recordings of some classes were used. For the production of data about the planning process, the teacher-researcher\'s teaching plans and other written reflection documents about his planning and his classes were used. As a result, it was evaluated that participation in an action research group was very adequate with an ongoing training, since it provided reflections that would not be possible without the collaboration of the group. Such reflections have resulted in a substantial change in the planning of teacher education. As for the learning outcomes, they were satisfactory within the proposed one, although the plan did not arrive at a formalization of concepts or applications to everyday reality. Finally, we conclude that learning with playfulness and teaching - through playful artifacts - arouses a wealth of possibilities for relationships, discovery and appropriation of the world of knowledge and actions.
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Testes de aspectos do modelo supersimétrico por meio da interação de neutrinos de altíssimas energias com a Terra / Indirect probes of superymmetry breaking with meutrino telescopesSouza, Jairo Cavalcante de 20 April 2012 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho é propor testes para alguns aspectos do modelo padrão supersimétrico mínimo (MSSM), proposto como extensão do modelo padrão de física de partículas. Mais especificamente, testamos cenários de quebra de supersimetria mediada por interações de calibre (gauge). Mostramos como determinar limites para a escala de quebra de supersimetria e formas de detectar indiretamente partículas supersimétricas. Propomos testes a serem realizados por Telescópios de neutrinos como também por telescópios de uorescência atmosférica. Nestes cenários as partículas supersimétricas se originam a partir da interação de neutrinos cosmológicos de altíssimas energias com núcleons no interior da Terra. Determinamos, a partir de simulações Monte Carlo, os sinais a serem detectados nestes telescópios. A detecção indireta destas partículas é baseada em seu decaimento, que pode ocorrer no interior da Terra ou na atmosfera, produzindo um tau mais um gravitino. Propomos aqui como testar estes cenários, tanto com a detecção de taus em telescópios de neutrinos bem como em telescópios de uorescência atmosférica. Como os decaimentos estão ligados a uma janela restrita para a escala de quebra de supersimetria, entre ~105 GeV e 107 GeV, propomos não somente formas de detectar partículas supersimétricas, mas também, como testar a escala de quebra de supersimetria nos cenários considerados. Mostramos aqui que é possível observar sinais provocados por partículas supersimétricas nas duas situações experimentais avaliadas / The main goal of this research is to propose probes of aspects of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), assuming gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking scenarios. More specifically, how to determine limits for the supersymmetry breaking energy scale and ways for indirect detection of supersymmetric particles. We propose tests to be carried out both by neutrino telescopes as well as by atmospheric uorescence. Under these scenarios, supersymmetric particles originate from ultrahigh energy cosmological neutrinos interacting with nucleons inside the Earth. Through Monte Carlo simulations, we determine the signatures will be left in these telescopes. The indirect detection of these particles is based in their decay, which can occur inside the Earth or at the atmosphere, producing a tau plus a gravitino. Here we propose how to probe these scenarios, either by detecting taus, generated in the decay, in neutrino telescopes or in atmospheric uorescence telescopes. As these decays are connected to a restrict window for the supersymmetry breaking energy scale, which would be between ~105 GeV and ~107 GeV, we are proposing not only ways of detecting supersymmetric particles as well as how to probe the supersymmetry breaking energy scale in the scenarios considered. We show here that it is possible to observe these signals in two setups evaluated.
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Análise Espectroscópica da Interação do Hormônio Peptídico Bradicinina com Membranas Modelo / Spectroscopic analysis of the interaction of the peptide hormone bradykinin with model membranes.Rozane de Fatima Turchiello Gómez 22 May 2000 (has links)
este trabalho estudamos a interação do hormônio peptídico bradicinina (BK, \'Arg POT.1\'-\'Pro POT.2\'-\'Pro POT.3\'-\'Gly POT.4\'-\'Phe POT.5\'-\'Ser POT.6\'-\'Pro POT.7\'-\'Phe POT.8\'-\'Arg POT.9\')e seus fragmentos (des-\'Arg POT.1\'-BK, des-\'Arg POT.9\'-BK e \'BK POT.1-5\'-) com membranas lipídicas, utilizando as técnicas de Fluorescência e Ressonância Pararnagnética Eletrônica (EPR. Por fluorescência, monitoramos as alterações espectrais da sonda fluorescente extrínseca ácido orto-aminobenzóico (Abz), incorporada à bradicinina (Abz-BK) e a seus fragmentos. Observamos um deslocamento espectral em direção ao azul, de aproximadamente 6 nm e um aumento dos valores de anisotropia e tempo de vida da fluorescência na presença de vesículas de dimiristoil fosfatidilglicerol (DMPG), indicativo da interação peptídeo-membrana. Os resultados das medidas de anisotropia com resolução temporal confirmaram esses dados, sendo que para os peptídeos em solução, encontramos um tempo de correlação rotacional da ordem de ps, e na presença de uma concentração saturante de DMPG houve um aumento desses tempos. A sonda extrínseca Abz foi inicialmente testada, para nos assegurarmos da sua validade, ou seja, de que não estaria interferindo nos processos de interação. Pela técnica de EPR, monitoramos as alterações causadas pelos peptídeos na estrutura das membranas lipídicas de DMPG, através de diferentes marcadores de spin inseridos em diferentes posições da cadeia hidrocarbônica. Para temperaturas acima da transição de fase líquido-cristalina do DMPG ( 20°C), todos os marcadores usados indicaram que I O % em moles dos peptídeos, em relação ao sistema lipídico, interagem com as vesículas de DMPG, tornando a membrana menos fluida, sugerindo urna penetração parcial dos peptídeos na membrana. Na fase gel, a bradicinina causou uma forte diminuição na fluidez da membrana, sendo que a l5°C o sistema BK-DMPG apresentou o efeito de histerese, evidenciada pelo diferente alargamento dos espectros quando a amostra era resfriada (45 a 0°C) e aquecida novamente (O a 45°C). Esses resultados são específicos do sistema BK-DMPG, não sendo encontrados com os fragmentos da bradicinina, nem com os cátions testados: o íon monovalente (Na+) e divalente (Zn++ ), nem com o peptídeo pentalisina. / In this work we studied the interaction of the peptide hormone bradykinin (BK, \'Arg POT.1\'-\'Pro POT.2\'-\'Pro POT.3\'-\'Gly POT.4\'-\'Phe POT.5\'-\'Ser POT.6\'-\'Pro POT.7\'-\'Phe POT.8\'-\'Arg POT.9\') and fragments (des-Arg 1-BK, des-Arg9-BK e BK1-5) with model lipid membranes, using two different techniques: Fluorescence and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). We monitored the spectral alterations of the extrinsic fluorescent probe ortho aminobenzoic acid (Abz), bound to the peptide bradykinin (Abz-BK) and its fragments. A blue shift of 6 nm in the emission spectra and an increase in fluorescence anisotropy and lifetime in the presence of dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) were observed, indicating the peptide membrane interaction. Time resolved anisotropy measurements are in accord with these results. For the peptides in solution, we found a rotational correlation time on the ps range, and in the presence of a saturating concentration of DMPG this time was increased. The fluorescence properties of the extrinsic probe were tested to ensure its validity, i. e., the minimum interference of the probe in the peptide-lipid interaction process. By EPR we monitored the alterations caused by the peptide on the structure of DMPG bilayers, using spin labels incorporated in the membrane at two different positions of the hydrocarbon chain (5 and 12). For temperatures above the lipid gel-liquid crystal thermal transition 2(0°C) all the spin labels used indicated that at 10 mol % peptide, interact with DMPG turning the membrane less fluid, suggesting a partial penetration of these peptides in the membrane. In the lipid gel phase, BK was found to cause a decrease of membrane fluidity. At l5°C, the BK-DMPG system presents a hysteresis effect, evidenced by the different spectra yielded upon cooling (45 to 0°C) and heating (O to 45°C) the sample. These results were found to be different from those elicited by the BK fragments, and other cations tested: the monovalent (Na+,the divalent (Zn++), and the peptide peptide pentalysine
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Vladimir Fock (1898-1974) : itinéraire externaliste d'une pensée internaliste. Antiréductionnisme et réalisme scientifique en physique moderne / Vladimir Fock (1898-1974) : externalist itinerary of an internalist thought. Antireductionism and scientific realism in modern physicsMartinez, Jean-Philippe 04 December 2017 (has links)
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fock est un physicien largement reconnu par la communauté scientifique pour ses contributions de premier plan aux théories de la mécanique quantique et de la relativité générale. Il est aussi un acteur majeur du débat sur l'interprétation de ces deux théories du XXe siècle, selon une approche qui se revendique clairement du matérialisme dialectique, une idéologie alors largement imposée par les autorités soviétiques en URSS. Notre étude porte principalement sur cet aspect de sa carrière, exploré jusqu'alors de façon trop partielle en histoire des sciences. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous penchons sur les racines scientifiques et philosophiques des interprétations non-orthodoxes des théories de la mécanique quantique et de la relativité générale que développe Fock. En reconstruisant son approche épistémologique nous mettons en évidence que le physicien est guidé par une vision antiréductionniste et réaliste scientifique de sa discipline. Cette base nous donne alors l'assise pour discuter des raisons pour lesquelles le matérialisme dialectique est une véritable influence pour la pensée du physicien soviétique. Par la suite, partant du constat de la sincère adoption par Fock de cette idéologie, nous replaçons la question de l'interprétation des théories de la physique moderne dans son contexte socio-culturel. Il est y notamment question d'observer le parcours du physicien en tant que défenseur des théories de la mécanique quantique et de la relativité face aux différentes attaques politiques et idéologiques qu'elles peuvent subir en Union soviétique, mais aussi d'étudier l'influence du contexte sur la formulation à proprement parler de leurs interprétations et dans un dernier temps de développer les questions relatives à la diffusion des idées de Fock dans la communauté locale et internationale des physiciens. En somme, cette thèse permet de reconsidérer l'intérêt que présente la pensée de Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fock dans l'histoire des théories de la physique moderne / Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fock is a physicist well-known by the scientific community for his important contributions to the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. He is also a major actor in the debate on the interpretation of these two major theories of the XXth century, following an approach that clearly claims dialectical materialism ñ an ideology then largely imposed by the Soviet authorities in the USSR - as fundamental. Our work mostly focuses on this aspect of Fock's career, explored too partially in the history of science. More specifically, we reconsider the scientific and philosophical roots of the non-orthodox interpretations of quantum mechanics and general relativity developed by Fock. By reconstructing his epistemological approach we put forward that the physicist was guided by an antireductionist and a scientific realist conception of his discipline. This basis gives us the possibility to discuss the reasons why dialectical materialism was a real influence on the scientist thought. Thus, by following the observation of the sincere adoption by Fock of the Soviet ideology, we put back the question of the interpretation of the theories of modern physics in its socio-cultural context. We observe Fock's trajectory as a defender of quantum mechanics and relativity theory against the different ideological and political attacks they may undergo in Soviet Union. We also study the influence of context on the actual wording of their interpretations and finally we develop the issues related to their diffusion in the local and worldwide community of physicists. To summarize, this thesis helps to reconsider the interest of Fock's thought in the history of modern physics
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Theories of the Fantastic: Postmodernism, Game Theory, and Modern PhysicsPike, Karen 05 December 2012 (has links)
“Theories of the Fantastic: Postmodernism, Game Theory, and Modern Physics”
Karen Pike
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (2010)
Centre for Comparative Literature
University of Toronto
This dissertation examines the fantastic mode of narrative as it appears in postmodern texts in a variety of media including literature, television, and film. By analyzing the kinds of changes which the fantastic mode has undergone in order to accommodate postmodern concerns, this project attempts to answer both how and why the fantastic has maintained its popularity and effectiveness. The first chapter seeks to define the fantastic mode by tracing the history of its definition from the early twentieth century up until the present. In doing so, it revisits the contributions of such analysts as Vax, Caillois, Todorov, and Freud. The second chapter discusses the changes to conventions demanded by postmodern discursive strategies, many of which include a back-and-forth movement between equally valid interpretations of the text. A discussion of Armin Ayren’s “Der Brandstifter,” a comparison of a recurring X-Files sub-plot to Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and an analysis of an intentionally self-reflexive episode of The X-Files demonstrate these changes. The third chapter introduces game theory as a way of understanding the back-and-forth movement typical of the fantastic mode. Hanns Heinz Ewers’s “Die Spinne” is used to illustrate the psychoanalytical aspect of this movement.
The next chapter compares and contrasts three vampire films, The Addiction, Lair of the White Worm, and Nadja, in order to demonstrate how the degree to which this back-and-forth movement is present is an indicator of how successfully the fantastic effect emerges. The fifth chapter introduces modern physics as another mode for understanding the presence of the fantastic mode in the postmodern era. The analysis of House of Leaves in the final chapter illustrates how postmodern theory, game theory, and physics all work together to explain the fantastic’s effectiveness. This dissertation’s aim is to explain how and why a mode once defined as a specific nineteenth-century phenomenon keeps reinventing itself and re-emerging to continue to frighten and entertain us.
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Theories of the Fantastic: Postmodernism, Game Theory, and Modern PhysicsPike, Karen 05 December 2012 (has links)
“Theories of the Fantastic: Postmodernism, Game Theory, and Modern Physics”
Karen Pike
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (2010)
Centre for Comparative Literature
University of Toronto
This dissertation examines the fantastic mode of narrative as it appears in postmodern texts in a variety of media including literature, television, and film. By analyzing the kinds of changes which the fantastic mode has undergone in order to accommodate postmodern concerns, this project attempts to answer both how and why the fantastic has maintained its popularity and effectiveness. The first chapter seeks to define the fantastic mode by tracing the history of its definition from the early twentieth century up until the present. In doing so, it revisits the contributions of such analysts as Vax, Caillois, Todorov, and Freud. The second chapter discusses the changes to conventions demanded by postmodern discursive strategies, many of which include a back-and-forth movement between equally valid interpretations of the text. A discussion of Armin Ayren’s “Der Brandstifter,” a comparison of a recurring X-Files sub-plot to Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and an analysis of an intentionally self-reflexive episode of The X-Files demonstrate these changes. The third chapter introduces game theory as a way of understanding the back-and-forth movement typical of the fantastic mode. Hanns Heinz Ewers’s “Die Spinne” is used to illustrate the psychoanalytical aspect of this movement.
The next chapter compares and contrasts three vampire films, The Addiction, Lair of the White Worm, and Nadja, in order to demonstrate how the degree to which this back-and-forth movement is present is an indicator of how successfully the fantastic effect emerges. The fifth chapter introduces modern physics as another mode for understanding the presence of the fantastic mode in the postmodern era. The analysis of House of Leaves in the final chapter illustrates how postmodern theory, game theory, and physics all work together to explain the fantastic’s effectiveness. This dissertation’s aim is to explain how and why a mode once defined as a specific nineteenth-century phenomenon keeps reinventing itself and re-emerging to continue to frighten and entertain us.
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Pragmatic Foundations Of Ontic Structural RealismAkcin, Haktan 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis defends Epistemic Structural Realism (ESR) against both Ontic Structural Realism (OSR) and Traditional Scientific Realism (TSR). It is argued that TSR cannot properly explain what actually happens throughout radical theory changes in science / in the sense that a plausible version of Scientific Realism should, somehow, satisfy Scientific Anti-Realists&rsquo / concerns about the link between &ldquo / truth&rdquo / and &ldquo / success&rdquo / of our scientific theories. On the other hand, it is claimed that OSR is not a form of Scientific Realism but rather basically a modified form of Pragmatism. To that effect, it is further argued that Modern Physics does not provide convincing reasons to accept the conclusions that advocates of OSR derive from it. It is finally asserted that a Structural Realist understanding of Scientific Explanation is not possible. In that regard, it is argued that a defense of Structural Realism by No Miracle Argument (NMA) against Pessimistic Meta Induction Argument (PMIA) will be effective if and only if the NMA is formulated by the predictive success of scientific theories, rather than constructing it on the explanatory power of them.
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Uma proposta de ensino de Física moderna e contemporânea para alunos com e sem deficiência visualSouza, Bruno Eron Magalhães de January 2016 (has links)
SOUZA. B. E. M. Uma Proposta de ensino de Física moderna e contemporânea para alunos com e sem deficiência visual. 2016.122 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física) - Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2016. / Submitted by francisco lima (admir@ufc.br) on 2017-08-04T11:39:51Z
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Previous issue date: 2016 / The present paper aims to contribute to the reflection about Special Education, when raising questions around a methodology which includes students with and without visual impairment in lessons of Physics. Therefore, this work discusses the importance of teaching topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics still in high school, and it presents a conceptual guide to the notions discussed during the application of the research project: Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity, used as subsidy for professionals interested in applying a methodology which addresses these issues. The tactile-visual material employed in the application of this work is described and the materials are exposed with explanations about their construction. The material was designed in order to contemplate students either with or without visual impairment in lessons of Physics. This project was executed in a regular high school in the city of Fortaleza. Through the use of the historical-philosophical approach and the construct the specific materials to expose concepts of modern physics, it was expected that those who get involved in this application realize the importance and the presence of such concepts in their daily lives. Through the result of analysis, it can be observed a reflexive posture on the part of students either with or without visual impairment, on the theme of inclusion of students and the addressed physics topics, realizing an interest in the concepts and in the presented information and a reflection on the relationship between such issues, science in general and society / O presente trabalho visa contribuir para uma reflexão acerca da Educação Especial, ao levantar questões acerca de uma metodologia que contemple alunos com e sem deficiência visual nas aulas de Física. Para tanto, o estudo discute sobre a importância do ensino de tópicos de Física Moderna e Contemporânea ainda no Ensino Médio, e apresenta um guia conceitual para os assuntos abordados durante a aplicação do projeto: Física de Partículas e Física Nuclear e Radioatividade, servindo como subsídio para os profissionais interessados em utilizar uma metodologia onde estejam presentes tais temas. Os conjuntos táteis-visuais utilizados na aplicação do trabalho são descritos, sendo expostos os materiais utilizados e o modo como construir os mesmos, tendo sido estes projetados com o objetivo de contemplar alunos com e sem deficiência visual nas aulas de Física. Este projeto foi aplicado em uma escola regular de nível médio da cidade de Fortaleza. Por meio do uso de uma abordagem histórico-filosófica e construindo um material específico para expor conceitos de Física moderna, esperava-se fazer com que os envolvidos na aplicação percebessem a importância e a presença de tais conceitos em seu cotidiano. Através da análise dos resultados, pode observar-se uma postura reflexiva por parte dos alunos com e sem deficiência visual, acerca da temática da inclusão dos alunos com deficiência visual e dos temas de Física abordados, percebendo um interesse pelos conceitos e informações apresentadas e uma reflexão acerca a relação entre tais temas, a ciência em geral e a sociedade.
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Como o homem se orienta no mundo? Uma discussão com Werner Heisenberg / How human being guides itself in the world? A confrontation with Werner HeisenbergFabio Antonio da Costa 02 October 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Entre os anos de 1942 e 1943, Werner Heisenberg produziu um manuscrito que resguarda as suas mais graves e amplas concepções filosóficas. Intitulado pelos editores como Ordenação da Realidade após a morte do autor, o escrito diagnostica uma profunda crise não somente na esfera da ciência, mas igualmente nos campos da moral e da política. O propósito desta tese é discutir as ideias apresentadas por Heisenberg, a partir da questão que compartilhamos com o físico sobre como o homem se orienta no mundo. A crise serve para demonstrar a necessidade de rearticulação da ontologia. Não se trata simplesmente de reconsiderar a divisão clássica entre objetividade e subjetividade, entre lei moral e sentimento, entre fundar a política na igualdade ou na liberdade. Tais dicotomias devem ser suspensas em prol de uma reconsideração sobre a determinação do ente a partir da totalidade de mundo, os processos de temporalização que conferem a medida das atividades humanas e as diferentes fontes que oferecem ao homem o poder de estabelecer comunidade. Reformular o conceito de realidade, bem como estabelecer a sua possibilidade de compreensão a partir de níveis e âmbitos, tal é o caminho da nossa confrontação com Heisenberg, a qual supera a trivialidade de um realismo como suposição de coisas simplesmente dadas. / Between the years of 1942 and 1943, Werner Heisenberg produced a manuscript that presented his most important and extensive philosophical reflections. The editors named the text Reality and its Order (Ordnung der Wirklichkeit), which was only published after the death of the author. In the considerations drafted in this manuscript, Heisenberg diagnoses a deep crisis not only in the sphere of sciences, but also in the fields of morals and politics. In this way, the purpose of this theses is to discuss some of the ideas presented by Heisenberg, based on the points of views that I share with this physicist-philosopher regarding the way through which a human being guides itself in the world. The crisis is a phenomenon that serves to demonstrate the need for a re-articulation of ontology. It is not simply a reconsideration of the classical divisions between objectivity and subjectivity, or between moral law and feelings; or even the struggle between freedom and equality for the foundation of the political sphere. Such dichotomies should be suspended in favor of a determination of beings in the world as a totality, as well as in favor of the processes of temporalization that determine the measure of human activities and the different sources that grants to human beings the Power they needs in order to establish the state of community. Reformulating the concept of reality as well as opening the possibility of its understanding as levels and ambits, such is the course of our confrontation with Heisenberg, which overcomes the triviality of an assumed realism, understood as set of things simply given.
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Câmara de Wilson eletrônica para o auxílio na aprendizagem de física moderna no ensino médioD'andrea, Alexandre Dimas Queiroz 21 November 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-11-21 / The introduction of the Teaching of Modern and Contemporary Physics (MCP) in the curriculum of the middle school in Brazil evidenced the need to adapt the activities didacticpedagogical in the classroom, in order to reposition the cognitive and interpretative attitude of the student in a society where technology is an integral part of his daily. In this process of adequacy and implementation of this didactic transposition, teachers have been facing some epistemological obstacles and didactic difficulties. This present work had as objective the development of an Educational Instrument to help in the teaching-learning process of MCP, mainly those related to the topics of Structure of Matter, Radioactivity, Cosmic Rays and Elementary Particles. It follows an epistemological obstacle related to the phenomenology associated with the proposed contents, since they refer to structures and physical phenomena that are not easily and directly observable in the student's everyday life. In this sense, this present work proposes the construction of an Electronic Wilson Cloud Chamber, inspired by the Wilson Cloud Chamber and the Langsdorf s Diffusion Chamber, but using easily obtainable materials and that can be built without great difficulties by teacher. There are several tutorials for constructing them, but the main feature of such chambers is the formation of temperature gradient using solid carbon dioxide (dry ice). However, this product is not easily found, besides being highly sublimable, hindering their storage and large loss occurring overnight. The Electronic Chamber proposed here circumvents this problem by introducing the concept of electronic cooling by electronic solid state thermoelectric modules (Peltier effect), facilitating its transport and use in the classroom. The Educational Instrument shall then be presented to the students in a context of Education by Research or Investigative Methodology, given that many authors advocate the practical activity, laboratorial, the observation exercise and the investigative thinking as being valuable tools from didactic point of view. / A introdução do Ensino de Física Moderna e Contemporânea (FMC) no currículo do ensino médio no Brasil evidenciou a necessidade de adequar as atividades didático-pedagógicas em sala de aula, com o intuito de reposicionar a atitude cognitiva e interpretativa do aluno frente a uma sociedade em que a tecnologia é parte integrante de seu cotidiano. Neste processo de adequação e transposição didática, os docentes desta disciplina vêm faceando alguns obstáculos epistemológicos e dificuldades didáticas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a elaboração de um Instrumento Educacional auxiliar no processo ensino-aprendizagem de FMC, notadamente no que se refere aos tópicos Estrutura da Matéria, Radioatividade, Raios Cósmicos e Partículas Elementares. Decorre daí o obstáculo epistemológico relacionado à fenomenologia associada aos conteúdos propostos, uma vez que estes se referem a estruturas e fenômenos físicos que não são facilmente observáveis diretamente no cotidiano do aluno. Assim, o presente trabalho propõe a construção de uma Câmara de Wilson Eletrônica, inspirada na câmara de nuvens de Wilson e na câmara de difusão de Langsdorf, mas utilizando materiais de fácil aquisição e que pode ser construída sem grandes dificuldades pelo professor. Existem vários tutoriais para a construção das mesmas, mas a característica principal de tais câmaras é a formação de gradiente de temperatura utilizando dióxido de carbono sólido (gelo seco). Entretanto, este produto não é encontrado com facilidade, além de ser altamente sublimável, dificultando seu armazenamento e ocorrendo grande perda de um dia para outro. A câmara eletrônica aqui proposta contorna este problema, introduzindo o conceito de resfriamento por estado sólido eletrônico com módulos termoelétricos (efeito Peltier), facilitando seu transporte e uso em sala de aula. O Instrumento Educacional deverá então ser apresentado aos alunos num contexto de ensino por investigação ou metodologia investigativa, dado que vários autores defendem a atividade prática, laboratorial, o exercício de observação e o raciocínio investigativo como sendo estratégias valiosas do ponto de vista didático.
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