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Vers une utilisation optimale du génotypage et des scores de gravité dans la prise en charge de la drépanocytose / Towards an optimal use of genotyping and of severity scores in the medical follow-up of sickle-cell diseaseJoly, Philippe 13 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à optimiser l’utilisation du génotypage et des scores de gravité dans la drépanocytose. L’aspect diagnostic génétique ne nous semblait pas poser problème jusqu’à ce que nous rencontrions un cas très atypique d’hétérozygotie A/S avec délétion en mosaïque du gène β-globine qui nous a conduits à réfléchir sur une nouvelle forme génétique potentielle de syndrome drépanocytaire majeur. Pour ce qui est des gènes modificateurs de drépanocytose, nous avons voulu faciliter leur l’accès en proposant, pour deux d’entre eux (haplotypes β-globine et G6PD), une méthode de génotypage rapide par HRM et/ou FRET. Notre travail a consisté ensuite en la validation d’un score de sévérité pédiatrique décrit initialement par Van den Tweel. De façon inattendue, les résultats nous ont amenés à nous interroger sur le rôle exact du génotype α-globine dans la drépanocytose avec un possible effet âge-dépendant. Enfin, nous avons étudié les fréquences alléliques des principaux polymorphismes influant sur l’activité des opiacés: une résistance pharmacologique (gènes OPRM1 et COMT) est apparue peu probable mais une proportion non négligeable de drépanocytaires pourrait avoir des génotypes ABCB1 et UGT2B7 défavorables à la biodisponibilité des opiacés / This work is submitted for a PhD thesis in the field of red cell haematology. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a monogenic disorder under polygenic and environmental control. The aim of this work was to integrate genotyping results from patients' DNA into the determination of the disease severity scores. Through a large population of SCD patients, we have discovered an atypical case of βA / βS heterozygosity namely, a mosaicism deletion of the beta-globin gene. This represents a new SCD complex situation for molecular diagnosis. Further investigations have led to set up a new genotyping method by using HRM and/or FRET for the determination of two SCD modifiers (beta-globin haplotypes and G6PD deficiency). By using a paediatric severity score of the disease proposed by Van den Tweel, our results show that there is a possible age-dependent effect of the alpha-globin gene in the severity of SCD. Finally, we studied the allelic frequencies of the main opiate-related polymorphisms: a pharmacological resistance (OPRM1 and COMT genes) seemed unlikely but a quite important proportion of patients could have both an ABCB1 and a UGT2B7 genotype unfavorable for opiates bioavailability
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Experimentální studium modifikátorů tření v kolejové dopravě / Experimental study of friction modifiers in rail transportationKnápek, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The adhesion in the wheel-rail contact can be effectively controlled by using the friction modifier. Adhesion control can reduce excessive wear of the contact bodies or noise. The essence of this diploma thesis is to determine the optimal amount of friction modifier in wheel-rail contact depending on the climatic and operating conditions. For experimental study of the behavior of the friction modifier, the twin-disc device is used. Twin-disc simulates and controls the most important operating parameters such as speed, slip, attack angle or contact pressure. On the basis of these findings, the off-board top-of-rail lubricator system was designed. This system controls the amount of friction modifier according to current climatic and operating conditions.
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Friction Modification within Wheel-Rail Contact / Friction Modification within Wheel-Rail ContactGalas, Radovan January 2018 (has links)
Předložená disertační práce se zabývá experimentálním studiem modifikátorů tření a maziv pro temeno kolejnice, které jsou aplikovány do kontaktu kola a kolejnice za účelem optimalizace adheze a redukce hluku. Hlavním cílem práce bylo objasnit vliv aplikovaného množství a složení těchto látek na adhezi v kontaktu. Hlavní pozornost byla věnována zejména potencionálním hrozbám souvisejících s kriticky nízkou adhezí, která může nastat po aplikaci těchto látek. Experimentální studium probíhalo v laboratorních i reálných podmínkách, konkrétně v tramvajovém provozu. V případě laboratorních experimentů byl využit komerční tribometr a dvoudiskové zařízení umožňující simulovat průjezd vozidla traťovým obloukem. Kromě samotné adheze bylo při experimentech sledováno také opotřebení a míra hluku. Výsledky ukázaly, že maziva pro temeno kolejnice jsou schopna poskytovat požadované třecí vlastnosti, nicméně jejich chování je silně závislé na aplikovaném množství. V případě předávkování kontaktu dochází ke kriticky nízkým hodnotám adheze, které vedou k výraznému prodloužení brzdné dráhy. V případě modifikátorů tření bylo ukázáno, že chování těchto látek je výrazně ovlivněno odpařováním základního média. Výsledky také ukázaly, že nadměrné množství částic pro modifikaci tření může způsobit kriticky nízké hodnoty adheze. U obou výše zmíněných typů produktů byl prokázán pozitivní vliv na míru opotřebení a míru poškození povrchu, zatímco významná redukce hluku byla dosažena pouze v případech, kdy došlo ke značnému poklesu adheze. V závěru této práce jsou uvedena doporučení pro další výzkumné aktivity v této oblasti.
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<div>The design of bridges prior to 1994 was carried out by either the Load Factor Design (LFD) or the Allowable Stress Design (ASD) methodologies. Load rating of these bridges was primarily conducted by Load Factor Rating (LFR). In 1994, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) developed and encouraged the use of a probabilistic-based method titled Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for carrying out bridge design. A new methodology consistent with LRFD was also developed and adopted for conducting load rating. Thus, a new Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) was adopted by AASHTO in 2001 for load rating. Today, the bridges that were designed by the old LFD methodology are rated by both LFR and LRFR. Continued development suggests that load rating in future will be based only on LRFR, therefore LRFR is the recommended method for carrying out load rating of bridges even if they were designed by LFD. </div><div><br></div><div>The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) came across some LFD designed bridges which were adequate by LFR methodology, i.e., produced a rating factor of more than 1.0, but inadequate for LRFR. The load ratings were carried out using AASHTOWare Bridge Rating (BrR) software. These bridges belonged to five different limit states: lateral torsional buckling, changes in cross-section along the member length, tight stringer spacings, girder end shear and moment over continuous piers. </div><div><br></div><div>This research study explores the inherent differences between LFR and LRFR to justify the inconsistencies in the rating values. To find an explanation for these discrepancies, load ratings of these bridges were carried out extensively on AASHTOWare BrR. To verify the results produced by BrR, a separate analysis was also conducted using Mathcad and structural analysis results from SAP2000 for comparison purposes. Finally, the study also recommends some modifications in the BrR software that can be adopted for each of the above-mentioned limit states to resolve inconsistencies found between LFR and LRFR rating values. </div><div><br></div>
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<p> Obesity is a growing concern as 42.3% of people in the U.S were considered obese in the years 2017- 2018. Little is known about the genetic components that contribute to weight gain. In humans, the hormone glucagon is a major contributor to the body’s energy demand as it helps break down lipids. Therefore, learning more about this pathway could enable a range of therapeutics. In fact, studies have shown that glucagon treatments have helped patients with both weight loss and appetite suppression. In this project, we analyzed candidate genes that modify the glucagon pathway in <em>Drosophila melanogaster.</em> We reduced the expression of the fly version of the glucagon receptor (AKHR) in our model. This induces fat retention in the L3 larvae, which mimics obesity in humans. We then crossed our model to the DGRP and looked for natural variation in fat content using a density assay. The density assay examines the relative fat levels of the larvae by slowly increasing the amount of sucrose in water. This enables us to observe whether we have lean larvae which float later or fat larvae which float early on. We used the variation in floating concentration to identify candidate modifier genes through GWA or genome-wide association study. We crossed our <em>AKHR</em> RNAi model to RNAi for various candidate modifier genes that may enhance or suppress fat retention. We screened these candidates initially with the same density assay used in the original study. This resulted in four candidate genes that significantly impacted the density of the larvae: <em>THADA</em>, <em>AmyD</em>, <em>GluRIIC</em>, and <em>CG9826</em>. We further characterized these candidates using biochemical assays to analyze stored metabolites such as triglycerides, glucose, glycogen, and protein. These have been further analyzed under control, high sugar, and high fat conditions to see if the larvae are resistant to environmental changes. <em>CG9826</em> showed significant increase in stored fats across all environments. <em>THADA</em> RNAi showed an increase in fat in the high fat environment. Overexpression of <em>THADA</em> showed a decrease in fat storage in the high fat environment. Our goal is to advance our understanding of the glucagon signaling pathway, obesity, and lipid metabolism. We are also hopeful to provide candidate genes that can be regarded as future therapeutic targets. </p>
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A Parallel Computing Approach for Identifying Retinitis Pigmentosa Modifiers in Drosophila Using Eye Size and Gene Expression DataChawin Metah (15361576) 29 April 2023 (has links)
<p>For many years, researchers have developed ways to diagnose degenerative disease in the retina by utilizing multiple gene analysis techniques. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) disease can cause either partially or totally blindness in adults. For that reason, it is crucial to find a way to pinpoint the causes in order to develop a proper medication or treatment. One of the common methods is genome-wide analysis (GWA). However, it cannot fully identify the genes that are indirectly related to the changes in eye size. In this research, RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis is used to link the phenotype to genotype, creating a pool of candidate genes that might associate with the RP. This will support future research in finding a therapy or treatment to cure such disease in human adults.</p>
<p>Using the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) – a gene reference panel of fruit fly – two types of datasets are involved in this analysis: eye-size data and gene expression data with two replicates for each strain. This allows us to create a phenotype-genotype map. In other words, we are trying to trace the genes (genotype) that exhibit the RP disease guided by comparing their eye size (phenotype). The basic idea of the algorithm is to discover the best replicate combination that maximizes the correlation between gene expression and eye-size. Since there are 2N possible replicate combinations, where N is the number of selected strains, the original implementation of sequential algorithm was computationally intensive.</p>
<p>The original idea of finding the best replicate combination was proposed by Nguyen et al. (2022). In this research, however, we restructured the algorithms to distribute the tasks of finding the best replicate combination and run them in parallel. The implementation was done using the R programming language, utilizing doParallel and foreach packages, and able to execute on a multicore machine. The program was tested on both a laptop and a server, and the experimental results showed an outstanding improvement in terms of the execution time. For instance, while using 32 processes, the results reported up to 95% reduction in execution time when compared with the sequential version of the code. Furthermore, with the increment of computational capabilities, we were able to explore and analyze more extreme eye-size lines using three eye-size datasets representing different phenotype models. This further improved the accuracy of the results where the top candidate genes from all cases showed connection to RP.</p>
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Le rôle modificateur de la qualité du sommeil dans l’association entre la génétique de la pression artérielleNaja, Mounia 09 1900 (has links)
Introduction : L’hypertension est une condition complexe multifactorielle pouvant être influencée par des facteurs de risque génétiques et du mode de vie, tel le sommeil. En effet, une qualité et une durée du sommeil inadéquate sont liées à un risque accru d’hypertension. Peu d’études investiguent la modification du sommeil sur l’association entre la génétique et la pression artérielle.
Objectif : Les objectifs de ce mémoire sont d’étudier, chez les jeunes adultes : i) la modification d’effet de la génétique sur la pression artérielle par la qualité du sommeil; et ii) la modification d’effet de la génétique sur la pression artérielle par la durée du sommeil.
Méthodes : Ce mémoire est une étude transversale répétée utilisant les données de deux cycles de l’étude longitudinale Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT), soit les cycles 22 (2011-2012 ; 24 ans, n = 529) et 23 (2017-2018 ; 30 ans, n = 395). Au sein de ces deux cycles, la pression artérielle a été mesuré et la qualité et la durée du sommeil ont été évaluées à l'aide de l'échelle validée Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Le score de risque génétique pour la pression artérielle élevée a été basé sur 29 variants génétiques de risque. La modification d’effet du sommeil sur l’association entre la génétique et la pression artérielle a été estimée par des modèles de régression linéaire. De plus, une analyse combinant les données des cycles 22 et 23 a été effectuée à l'aide d'un modèle des moindres carrés généralisés.
Résultats : Le score de risque génétique est significativement associé à la pression artérielle (Cycle combiné : β = 0.50; IC95% : 0.18, 0.81). Cependant, ni la qualité du sommeil (Cycle combiné : β = 0.02; IC95% : -0.19, 0.24) ni la durée du sommeil (Cycle combiné : β = -0.70; IC95% : -1.50, 0.10) ne sont associés significativement à la pression artérielle. De plus, aucune modification significative d’effet de la qualité et de la durée du sommeil sur l’association entre susceptibilité génétique à la haute pression et la pression artérielle n’a été observée.
Conclusion : Chez les jeunes adultes, le sommeil n’atténue possiblement pas l’effet de la prédisposition génétique à la haute pression artérielle. / Introduction: Hypertension is a complex, multifactorial condition that can be influenced by genetic and lifestyle risk factors such as sleep. Inadequate quality and duration of sleep are linked to an increased risk of hypertension. However, few studies investigate the effect modification of sleep in the association between genetics and blood pressure.
Objective: The objectives are to study in young adults i) the effect modification of genetics on blood pressure by sleep quality in young adults; and ii) the effect modification of genetics on blood pressure by sleep duration.
Methods: This thesis examines the study objectives in a repeated cross-sectional study design using data from two cycles of the Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT) longitudinal study separately - cycles 22 (2011-2012; age 24, n = 529), and 23 (2017-2018; age 30, n = 395). In both cycles, blood pressure was measured, and sleep quality and duration were assessed using the validated Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index scale. The genetic risk score for high blood pressure is based on 29 risk variants. The effect modification of sleep on the association between genetics and blood pressure was assessed using linear regression models. Additionally, an analysis pooling data across cycles 22 and 23 was performed using a Generalized Least Square model.
Results: Genetic risk score (GRS) is significantly associated with blood pressure (Pooled cycles: β = 0.50; 95% CI: 0.18, 0.81). However, neither sleep quality (Pooled cycles: β = 0.02; 95% CI: -0.19, 0.24) nor sleep duration (Pooled cycles: β = -0.70; 95% CI: -1.50, 0.10) are significantly associated with blood pressure. Furthermore, no effect modification of sleep quality and duration on the association between genetic susceptibility to high blood pressure and blood pressure were observed.
Conclusion: In young adults, sleep may not attenuate the effect of genetic predisposition to high blood pressure.
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Methylammonium Formate as a Mobile Phase Modifier for Reversed Phase Liquid ChromatographyGrossman, Shau 06 August 2008 (has links)
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