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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Issuing of subordinated debts and market discipline

Wang, Chih-Yung 18 December 2006 (has links)
Three independent models are built based on information asymmetric to analysis discipline effects brought by banks` issuance of subordinated debts. The research results offer the theory of subordinated debts discipline effects. First, an adverse selection model is built to examine banks¡¦ policies when issuing subordinated debts based on the banks¡¦ credit risks. The result shows that banks with lower credit risks are more likely to issue subordinated debts, since after the issuance, the yields of these debts are lower. When depositors observe the lower yields of the subordinated debts, they would presume that these banks have lower credit risks. As a result, banks with lower credit risks can decrease their operational costs by issuing subordinated debts. This model has demonstrated that the market can discipline banks indirectly through the issuance of subordinated debts. Second, a moral hazard model to show that issuing of subordinated debts by banks can bring direct market discipline and indirect market discipline to make their loans less risky. The direct market discipline means that the risk level of bank will be evaluated by professional investors. The investors will require that the yields accord to the banks risk. For lowering the cost of issuing subordinated debts, banks will make their loans less risky. The indirect market discipline means that the depositors would take the yields of these debts as a significant signal indicating banks risk levels. The depositors will decide to withdraw their savings when the bank signals a higher risk, and keep their saving when the bank signals a lower risk. I prove that issuing of subordinated debts by banks can bring about these two kinds of market discipline. The model has also demonstrated that if the bank supervisor can utilize the information of issuing subordinated debts effectively, they will achieve higher supervisory goal. Third, a reputation model is built to show that for reputation concerns, a bank would change its monitoring decisions if it issues subordinated debts. Reputation effect in banks is different in different scenarios. When the good banks probability of success is very high, reputation effect would induce the bad bank to start monitor it`s borrowers, and the efforts of bad banks monitoring would be increased by time. When the bad banks probability of success is very low, reputation effect would induce the good bank start monitoring its borrowers. and the efforts of bad banks monitoring would be decreases by time.

A study on bank¡¦s credit rationing under information asymmetry

Yang, Chih-Fu 15 July 2003 (has links)
Abstract Information asymmetry in the financial market, especially in the financial organization, usually generates more serious consequences than those in the commodity market. How to reduce or remove the asymmetric information in a bank¡¦s credit rationing has been a challenge for a commercial bank. On the basis of the models developed by Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) and Barro (1986), this study attempts to analyze the issues, faced by a typical commercial bank, of adverse selection, moral hazard, and agent¡¦s reputation, and to simulate the results of such issues in a game-theoretic approach. The study has reached the following conclusions: 1. With regard to the adverse selection issue, this study concludes that if a bank wants to solve the problem of adverse selection on debit and credit, the decision must be made upon the objective evaluation that considers not only the reality and rational assumption but also the external signaling and screening information to assess the enterprise and its investment plan. 2. Regarding the moral hazard issue, this study concludes that if a bank has an effective incentive, the enterprise will automatically select the most beneficial items to the bank on debit. This mechanism reduces the bank¡¦s risk. On the other hand, if a penalty is set forth, then it will be more likely to prevent the moral hazard problem to occur. 3. By the moral hazard model, this study concludes that if an enterprise needs to enter the market to collect funds, it would imply that the game will continue infinitely. Owing to the benefits from reputation is increasing as the number of stage of the game increases, an enterprise will have a strong incentive to build his non-cheating reputation based on a long term consideration. Keywords: Asymmetric Information, Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard, Reputation, Game Theory.

Essays on incongruent preferences for effort allocations in multi-task agency relations /

Thiele, Veikko. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Wirtschaftswiss. Fakultät der Humboldt-Univ., Diss.--Berlin, 2006. / Zsfassung in dt. Sprache.

Essays on private information moral hazard, selection and capital structure /

Chyruk, Olena. Ravikumar, B. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis supervisor: B Ravikumar. Includes bibliographic references (p. 132-135).

Consequences of Government Provision and Regulation of Health Insurance

Andersen, Martin 07 November 2012 (has links)
The first two chapters of this dissertation concern the effect of public catastrophic insurance programs. In the first chapter, I show how these programs, which only protect against large health shocks, induce advantageous selection in private insurance. I use data on older Americans with Medicare insurance from the Health and Retirement Study to test if individuals with supplemental private health insurance are systematically lower-risk in states with public catastrophic insurance programs. I find that these programs decrease the average health risk for the privately insured by $700 and that a one standard deviation increase in an individual’s health risk decreases her probability of having private insurance by 4 percentage points. In the second chapter, I show that these programs reduce the incentive to invest in risk-reducing activities. I find large decreases in self-protection after a program is introduced and that individuals for whom the program is less generous are more likely to engage in self-protection. These effects are stronger for women than for men and apply to a variety of investments in health, including decisions about smoking, obesity, and cancer screening. The third chapter considers a different form of government intervention in insurance markets. In this chapter, I study laws mandating that employer-sponsored health insurance provide coverage for mental illness. I show that industries for which mental health coverage became more generous had larger increases in the average mental distress of their insured workforce. Part of the increase in generosity was due to regulations mandating coverage of mental health benefits. I then show that these regulations affected the behavior of individuals in the labor market—individuals who value more generous mental health benefits and switch jobs work longer hours after these regulations take effect, but individuals who do not value mental health benefits decrease their labor supply. These results are consistent with firms cutting back on their demand for labor due to the cost of the mandate, which leads to lower wages and a decrease in labor supply by individuals who do not value mental health benefits, but an increase in labor supply by individuals who do value mental health benefits highly.

Privatisering av sjukförsäkringarna: Rätt väg att gå? : En utvärdering av effekterna arbetsgivarinträdet 1992 och medfinansieringsansvaret 2005 haft på sjukfrånvaron

Lindberg, Joakim, Horntvedt, Jon Emil January 2006 (has links)
Vi har studerat arbetsgivarinträdets (1992) och medfinansieringsansvarets (2005) påverkan på sjukfrånvaron i Sverige. För att göra detta har vi använt oss av sjukfrånvarostatistik från Svenskt Näringsliv ”Tidsanvändningsstatistik” vilket är genomsnittstal baserat på ungefär 210 000 arbetstagare. På detta material har vi skattat regressionsmodeller för kort och lång sjukfrånvaro samt med och utan arbetslöshet, som är tänkt att fungera som indikator för konjunkturläget, vilken i Sverige tycks påverka sjukskrivningstalen. Vi får fram att arbetsgivarinträdet verkar ha minskat de korta sjukskrivningarna samtidigt som arbetslösheten i samtliga fall är en signifikant förklarande del i sjukfrånvaron. Vi ser å andra sidan tecken på att arbetsgivarinträdet 1992 kan ha förlängt frånvarotiden hos de långtidssjukskrivna. Medfinansieringsansvaret tycks ha minskat sjukskrivningarna på både kort- och långtidsfrånvaron.

Säkra lån utan säkerhet : En studie av mekanismerna bakom utlåning i utvecklingsländer

Stenfeldt, Per January 2006 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks hur moral hazard påverkas i grupplån vid frånvaro av sociala band, övervakning, och kontinuerliga krediter. Undersökningen förklarar grupplån i teori men presenterar även empiriskt material från andra författares artiklar. Undersökningen visar att de sociala banden inte har den avgörande betydelsen som teorin förutsätter. Vidare konstateras att nära övervakning och låntagarens behov av framtida lån har stor betydelse för att reducera moral hazard.

Västvärldens hantering av utvecklingsländernas skulder – att hjälpa eller att stjälpa

Piehl, Helena January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att klargöra hur omvärlden hanterar det skuldproblem som blir allt mer omfattande i många utvecklingsländer. Många afrikanska länder söder om Sahara har fastnat i en fattigdomsfälla och är i desperat behov av förändring. Det globala finansiella systemet, med IMF i spetsen, har uppmärksammat detta problem och genom omstruktureringar och avskrivningar av skulderna vill de ge länderna en möjlighet att komma på fötter igen. Många svårigheter uppkommer när externa parter kommer in och ska lösa skuldproblemen åt länderna. Hänsyn måste tas till de som har givit lånen, såväl som till de skuldsatta ländernas ekonomiska struktur. Min frågeställning i denna uppsats rör hur det finansiella systemet hanterar skuldkrisen och om det skulle kunna finnas bättre alternativ till de processer som används idag. Genom min avhandling kom jag fram till att det kommer att krävas att en extern part är närvarande i förhandlingarna mellan långivare och låntagare för att undvika obalans och orättvisa. Det som framförallt måste ändras är dock att göra de huvudsakliga aktörerna, långivarna och låntagarna, mer delaktiga i processerna för att bättre resultat ska uppnås.

The mathematics of principal-agent problems

Liu, Bibo 08 April 2010 (has links)
The principal-agent problem is an important model in the field of Economics of Information. In this thesis we study only a particular type of principal-agent problem which is called moral hazard model and by the principal-agent problem we mean it is moral hazard model. The moral hazard model actually belongs to the class of bilevel programming problems in Mathematics. In Economics. the first order approach is used to reduce the principal-agent problem to a single level optimization problem. However, this approach is only valid under some strong conditions. Moreover the approach can only be used under the assumption that the optimal action of the principal-agent problem and its relaxed problem appears only at an interior point. In this thesis, we consider a new relaxed problem. Under more general assumptions. we can solve the principal-agent problem without restricting the optimal action of the agent to be in the interior.

Selection and moral hazard in health insurance : taking contract theory to the data /

Grönqvist, Erik, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2004.

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