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The 'New Prince' and the problem of lawmaking violence in early modern dramaMajumder, Doyeeta January 2014 (has links)
The present thesis examines the fraught relationship between the sixteenth-century formulations of the theories of sovereign violence, tyranny and usurpation and the manifestations of these ideas on the contemporary English stage. The thesis will attempt to trace an evolution of the poetics of English and Scottish political drama through the early, middle, and late decades of the sixteenth-century in conjunction with developments in the political thought of the century, linking theatre and politics through the representations of the problematic figure of the usurper or, in Machiavellian terms, the ‘New Prince'. I will demonstrate that while the early Tudor morality plays are concerned with the legitimate monarch who becomes a tyrant, the later historical and tragic drama of the century foregrounds the figure of the illegitimate monarch who is a tyrant by default. On the one hand the sudden proliferation of usurpation plots in Elizabethan drama and the transition from the legitimate tyrant to the usurper tyrant is linked to the dramaturgical shift from the allegorical morality play tradition to later history plays and tragedies, and on the other it is reflective of a poetic turn in political thought which impelled political writers to conceive of the state and sovereignty as a product of human ‘poiesis', independent of transcendental legitimization. The poetics of political drama and the emergence of the idea of ‘poiesis' in the political context merge in the figure of the nuove principe: the prince without dynastic claims who creates his sovereignty by dint of his own ‘virtu' and through an act of law-making violence.
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Colleagues or competitors? : A cross-cultural study about the effects of commission based salaries in Sweden vs. the U.S.von Dahn, Hannes January 2017 (has links)
An important issue that managers are facing in today’s intensive business environment is how to compensate their employees to keep them motivated. The trend is to be rewarded for the individual performances, which has increased the usage of commission based salary systems. Previous research suggests that commission salary provokes internal competition, while it damages cooperation. However, the main issue in feminine and masculine societies is what motivates people, which indicates that the effects of commission based salary systems needed to be examined from a cultural perspective. Therefore, with the main aim was to enhance the understanding of this, the problem was addressed by the overreaching research question: How do commission based salary systems affect cooperation and internal competition in masculine and in feminine societies? To answer this, empirical data was acquired from Sweden and the United States. Sweden is recognized as the most feminine society, where social motives are dominating. The United States on the other hand, is recognized as a masculine society that encourages competition and where money is the main motivator. The empirical data derived from personal interviews with real estate agents that work with commission salary. Three case companies within each country were included in the study and three interviewees within each company participated. The findings showed that commission salary tends to increase the work effort, limit the cooperation, while it increases the internal competition. Nevertheless, the effects it has distinctively differs between the societies. In Sweden, the importance of group cohesion and interpersonal relationship results in a higher level of cooperation than in the United States. Despite that commission salary evokes internal competition, colleagues are colleagues above all in Sweden. In the United States however, cooperation mainly occurs when it serves the individual performances. Here, money and the own success are what matter the most and due to the competitive mindset, internal competition becomes significantly more intensive in the United States than in Sweden. In contrary to Sweden, commission salary can turn colleagues into competitors, for better or for worse. / Master thesis
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“Buy Now, Think Later?” : The AI Product Recommendations Effect: From Impulse Buying to Post-Purchase EmotionsNablsi, Ray January 2024 (has links)
With the rapid growth of mobile commerce (m-commerce), understanding consumer behaviour in online shopping contexts has become increasingly vital for marketers and retailers. This study examines the influence of product recommendations on consumers' impulse buying behaviour and post-purchase emotions within m-commerce. Employing a quantitative survey method, the study investigates the experiences and perceptions of Swedish online shoppers. The findings reveal significant insights into how product recommendations impact impulse buying behaviour. Specifically, product recommendations are primarily driven by hedonic motives. However, the relationship between impulse buying and post-purchase emotions is complex, with varied emotional responses observed. While some consumers experience heightened satisfaction, others grapple with feelings of dissatisfaction or regret. The interplay between hedonic and utilitarian motivations, alongside cognitive processes like cognitive dissonance, further complicates the picture. Contrary to expectations, neither hedonic nor utilitarian motives significantly correlate with post-purchase emotions, highlighting the influence of economic considerations and cognitive processes. The study underscores the multifaceted nature of consumer emotions and behaviours in online shopping contexts, emphasising the importance of considering internal and external factors. This study contributes theoretical and practical insights into consumer behaviour in online shopping while paving the way for future research endeavours in understanding the complexities of impulse buying and post-purchase emotions in m-commerce.
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Look at Me: Faces and Gazes in Etruria in the Sixth Century BCEWoldman, Joseph Scott January 2025 (has links)
Scholars have examined visuality, or cultural modes of sight, in the ancient Mediterranean, especially in Greece and Rome. Their work has revealed how ancient sight operated differently. However, the Etruscans have been absent from these studies, likely due to the dearth of extant texts describing vision and its mechanics in Etruscan.
This dissertation examines objects that harness an artifactual vision. These include faces of various forms, including face antefixes, bucchero face appliqués, and the surfaces of Etruscan black-figure pottery that integrate the contour eye motif. By considering of their modes of making, their visual impact on their surrounding spaces, and prevailing decorative conventions, this project argues that a fraction of a larger, more complex Archaic Etruscan visuality can be reconstructed.
This approach acknowledges the ability for representations of the visible world to recursively influence it. From this perspective, the collected body of objects that gaze at the human world actively participate in shaping it.
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Moving house: the renovation of the everydayDawson, Louisa, Art, College of Fine Arts, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This paper describes my research project and body of work, which investigates social inequalities through the different language and functions of everyday objects. The research moves on from my previous Honours research project on the dou ble nature of caravan parks in NSW and looked at the changing demographics of these locations. I noted the increase of semi-permanent, residential 'homes' for low income earners and the unemployed, in these holiday locations. This paper examines broader social issues of homelessness and social inequalities within our society. I look at the complexities in the definitions of homelessness and the ways in which people find themselves in the position where they rely on welfare agencies and government support. I also investigate different representations of homelessness by artists and other social commentators, ranging from the hopeless victim to the vagrant. This section locates my social concerns with the context of theoretical debate and artistic representation. I have used everyday and mundane objects in my artworks to discuss these social concerns. Everyday objects posses a language and commonality that is familiar to all members of society. This language is developed from the different historical, cultural and functional qualities that everyday objects possess. I discus this in relation to the development of the everyday object in artistic practices from the early 20th century to today. Of specifically importance to my practice is the influence of contemporary German artists and their manipulation of objects to make works with political and social content. Throughout this paper I have discussed individual art works which illustrate my social concerns and the practicalities of the everyday. Revealing how I juxtapose certain objects to question the uneven nature of travel and home, with regards to possessions and mobility. Additionally I challenge the normal functions of objects to reveal new absurd possibilities of use.
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Kvalitetscertifiering i mindre företag - Interna, externa eller finansiella motiv?González, Daniel, Wessén, Casper January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Kvalitetscertifiering i mindre företag – Interna, externa eller finansiella motiv? Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Casper Wessén och Daniel González Handledare: Tomas Källquist och Pär Vilhelmson Datum: 2019 - juni Syfte:Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för de bakomliggande motiven till att ledningen i mindre företag väljer att kvalitetscertifiera verksamheten mot ISO 9001. Metod: Studien utgår från en socialkonstruktivistisk verklighetssyn och en hermeneutisk tolkande kunskapssyn. Källkritisk litteratursökning har framställt en teoretisk referensram, vilket samtidigt har synliggjort studiens empiriska datainsamlingsmetod. Studien antar en abduktiv forskningsansats, alltså en samverkan mellan teori och empiri. Empirin i sin tur samlades in genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio mindre företag. För att kvalitetssäkra studien synliggjordes fyra kvalitetskriterier, vilka alla har spelat en avgörande roll för studiens helhet. Resultat & slutsats: Studien har primärt fokuserat på att besvara syftet. Utifrån framställningen av teoretisk referensram synliggörs de motiv som i huvudsak benämns i tidigare forskning. Därefter lyfts de bakomliggande motiv som illustrerades genom vald datainsamlingsmetod fram. De jämförs i kapitlet analys för att påvisa hur empirisk datainsamling har ökat förståelsen för bakomliggande motiv, vilket var studiens avsikt. Examensarbetes bidrag:Ett teoretiskt bidrag ges dels i form av en strukturering i underkategorier av de motiv som påvisades i tidigare forskning, dels i form av nya synliggjorda underkategorier utifrån empirisk datainsamling. De nya framställda underkategorierna har hjälpt till att strukturera de bakomliggande motiv som inte nämnts i tidigare forskning, men som vår insamlade empiri påvisade att ledningen haft till certifiering av sitt företag mot ISO 9001. Förslag till vidare forskning: Forskning skulle kunna ta vid denna studie genom att använda de underkategorier ur framställd modell som utgångspunkt för att synliggöra huruvida fler mindre företag även har dessa som bakomliggande motiv. Ytterligare förslag är att studera motiv till att fortsätta vara certifierad, då kostnaderna ständigt ökar allt eftersom standarden förnyas. Även att ställa den tid och de resurser som läggs ner på att certifiera ett företag mot den nytta certifieringen faktiskt ger skulle vara intressant att ta vid. / Abstract Title: Quality certification in smaller companies – Internal, external or financial motives? Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Casper Wessén and Daniel González Supervisors: Tomas Källquist and Pär Vilhelmson Date: 2019 - June Aim: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the management in small companies underlying motives to quality certificate the business against ISO 9001. Method: The study is based on a social constructivist view of reality and a hermeneutic view of knowledge. Source-critical literature search has produced a theoretical frame of reference. The frame then helped decide the study's empirical data collection method. The study is conducted with an abductive research approach, which is a collaboration between theory and empirical data. The empirical data in turn, was collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews with ten smaller companies. To assure the quality of the study, four quality requirements were made visible, which all played a crucial role for the whole of the study. Result & conclusions: The study has primarily focused on answering its purpose. Based on the theoretical frame of reference, the motives from previous research were made visible. Then the underlying motives illustrated by our empirical data collection method were highlighted.They are then compared in the chapter analysis to demonstrate how empirical data collection has increased the understanding of underlying motives, which was the study's intention. Contribution of the thesis: A theoretical contribution is given partly in the form of a structuring in subcategories of the motives that were demonstrated in previous research, partly in the form of new visible subcategories based on empirical data collection. The new subcategories have helped to structure the underlying motives that were not mentioned in previous research, but our empirical evidence showed that the management had to certify its company against ISO 9001. Suggestions for further research: Research could take on this study by using the model presented in the result as a starting point to visualize whether other small companies also seem to have had these underlying motives. Additional suggestions are to study motives to continue to be certified, as costs are constantly increasing as the standard is renewed. It would also be interesting to take the time and resources spent on certifying a company against the benefit of the certification.
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Исследование мотивов к изучению иностранных языков у студентов направления «Лингвистика» : магистерская диссертация / The study of motives for foreign language learning among students of linguistics facultyГорлатова, Д. А., Gorlatova, D. A. January 2023 (has links)
Работа посвящена исследованию мотивов, которые побуждают студентов направления "Лингвистика" к изучению второго иностранного языка (испанский, французский, немецкий, китайский, итальянский, турецкий, арабский, корейский) и поддерживают их мотивацию к учебной деятельности. Объектом исследования процесс мотивации к изучению иностранных языков у студентов высшей школы, предметом – выраженность мотивов студентов направления «Лингвистика». Цель исследования: выявление и анализ ведущих и второстепенных мотивов, входящих в мотивационную сферу и оказывающих влияние на процесс обучения иностранному языку у студентов данного направления подготовки.
Анализ показал, что к ведущим мотивам учебной деятельности студентов относится группа познавательных мотивов, которые также тесно связаны с второстепенными прагматическими, коммуникативными и эмоционально-эстетическими мотивами. Исходя из полученных данных по двум разделам анкетирования, было также определено, что у студентов данного направления подготовки прослеживается положительная мотивация к учебной деятельности. Основываясь на исследовании мотивов групп от первого до четвертого курса бакалавриата, и учитывая ответы студентов магистратуры, отмечена тенденция постепенной смены внутренней интегративной мотивации на внешнюю инструментальную мотивацию в процессе обучения. Результаты исследования позволяют выделить несколько основных мотивационных факторов, которые оказывают наибольшее влияние на студентов. Среди них выделяются факторы, связанные с будущей профессиональной деятельностью, интересом к иностранным культурам и языкам, стремление к личностному развитию, а также внешние стимулы, такие как социальное признание и возможности путешествий. / The work is devoted to the study of learning motives that encourage students of Linguistics Department to learn a second foreign language (Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, and Korean) and support their motivation for learning activities. The object of the study is the process of motivation for foreign language learning among university students, the subject is the representation of motives of students of linguistics faculty. The purpose of the study: to identify and analyze the inductive and consequential motives that belong to the motivational sphere and influence the process of foreign language learning among students. The analysis showed that the inductive motives of students' learning activities include the group of cognitive motives, which are also closely related to the consequential pragmatic, communicative and emotional-aesthetic motives. According to the obtained data, it has also been found out that the students of this educational specialty have a positive type of motivation towards the process of study. Based on the study of the motives of the groups from the first to the fourth year of the Bachelor's degree students and taking into account the answers of the Master's degree students, the tendency of a gradual change from intrinsic integrative motivation to extrinsic instrumental motivation in the learning process was determined. The results of the research allowed us to identify several major motivational factors that have the greatest impact on students. These include factors related to future employment, interest in foreign cultures and languages, desire for personal development, and external incentives such as social recognition and travel.
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”Vem ska göra det om inte en själv typ?” : En kvalitativ studie bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer om ungdomars deltagande i partipolitiska ungdomsförbund.Malmborg, Mi January 2024 (has links)
Förvånansvärt lite forskning har ägnats åt ungdomars deltagande i partipolitiska ungdomsförbund trots en långvarig nedåtgående trend i medlemsantal. Studier visar att ungdomsförbunden har svårt att rekrytera samt behålla sina medlemmar vilket är oroande då vi behöver ungdomars röster i partipolitiken för vår representativa demokrati och för att ungdomförbunden är den främsta rektryteringskällan till våra moderpartier. Denna studie syftar till att få en djupare förståelse kring varför ett urval av ungdomar väljer att gå med i partipolitiska ungdomsförbund samt vad de har för motiv till att stanna kvar. Studien består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta ungdomar som är eller har varit aktiva inom ungdomsförbunden Ung Vänster och Moderateras ungdomsförbund MUF. För att undersöka detta har studien fokuserat på individuella resurser och faktorer och moraliska, sociala och materiella motiv till partipolitiskt deltagande. Resultatet visade på att individuella resurser och faktorer som politiskt intresse, motivation och sociala nätverk var viktiga kopplat till varför ungdomarna väljer att gå med i ett partipolitiskt ungdomsförbund. Sociala och moraliska motiv var högst förekommande bland ungdomarna för både varför de väljer att gå med men också vad som gör att de stannar kvar inom förbundet. / Surprisingly little research has been devoted to young peoples participation in party-affiliated youth organizations, despite a prolonged downward trend in membership numbers. Studies indicate that these youth organizations struggle to recruit and retain their members, which is concerning since young peoples voices in party politics are crucial for our reprecentative democracie and because these organizations serve as the primary recruitment source for their motherparties. This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of why a selection of young individuals choose to join party-affiliated youth organizations and what motivates them to remain. The study consists of semi-structured interviews with eight youths who are or have been active within the youth organizations Ung Vänster and Moderaternas ungdomsförbund MUF. To investigate this, the study focuses on individual resources and factors and also moral, social, and material motives for political participation. The results indicate that individual resources and factors such as political interest, motivation, and social networks are significant in why young people choose to join a party-affiliated youth organization. Social and moral motives are most common motives among the youth for why they choose to join and what keeps them engaged within the organization.
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Klíčová motivika české dekadentní a parnasitní lyriky / Key thems of Parnasist and Decadent lyric poetry in the Czech LiteratureROLNÍKOVÁ, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a characterisation of key motivic units in lyrical works of Jaroslav Vrchlický and Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic, thus it explores Czech parnassian and decadent poetry of the end of 19th century. It observes and traces literal, esthetical and thought shifts of both authors from the aspect of various motives usage. The thesis is divided into five chapters, each of them dealing with one specific motivic unit. The chapters are: 1. Motives of woman, body and sexuality. 2. Motives of dream, imaginary and escape. 3. Motives of dying, disease and decay. 4. Motives of depressiveness, grief, bitterness and vanity. 5. Motives of nature and landscape. Each chapter compares these motives, examines their usage by both authors and looks at how their form and expression undergo a process of certain changes. It also focuses on those motives that appear as completely new elements in their poetry. The conclusion provides with brief summaries of all chapters and a short look through frequency word dictionary of relevant volumes of poems.
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Is Sharing Caring? : A Quantitative Study of Consumers Intention to Write Online Product Reviews. / Is Sharing Caring? : A Quantitative Study of Consumers Intention to Write Online Product Reviews.Warntoft, Philip, Huléen, Simon, Lind, Vincent January 2019 (has links)
Background: Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) is something that lately has gained increasing relevance and importance when it comes to consumers purchase decisions. Online reviews are considered to be the most important and reliable form of eWOM and it refers to when consumers communicate with other consumers online regarding their previous shopping experiences. In order to increase the generalizability and understanding of motives that influence consumers intention to write online reviews, authors of previous studies have suggested that future research should intend to focus on motives that influence intention to write online reviews in other contexts that are not aimed towards the service industry. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain how personal- and social motives influence consumers intention to write online product reviews. Methodology: For this explanatory study, a quantitative strategy with a cross-sectional research design were used in order to test the model founded on two major hypotheses. The data was gathered through a self-completed questionnaire with a sample of 222 respondents. Findings: In this study, two major hypotheses were conducted in order to explain how personal motives and social motives influence consumers intention to write online product reviews. After analysing the data that emerged from the survey, a conclusion can be drawn that the hypothesis concerning personal motives and its influence on consumers intention to write online product reviews was accepted whereas the hypothesis concerning social motives was rejected. Conclusion: In this study, it has been recommended that future studies should test the suggestions found in this study with a more diverse sample in order to increase the generalizability of the theoretical implications. Furthermore, directions for future research will also recommend testing the modified model that emerged in this paper in order to detect if there are any additions that need to be added to increase the predictability of the findings.
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