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Examining the performance of AR technologies to provide instructions for operators : a study at SiemensZellaya, Ibrahim, Brushwood, William January 2020 (has links)
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB är intresserade av att digitalisera deras arbetsprocesser. Således är syftet med denna studie att undersöka om AR presterar bättre än papper som en instruktionsmetod för operatorer på Siemens i Trollhättan. För att kunna svara på frågan "Hur väl presterar Augmented Reality (AR) teknik som instruktionsmetod till skillnad från papper för operatorer i en produktionsmiljö?", har två kvalitativa metoder tillämpats. Datainsamling skedde med hjälp av observationer och semi-strukturerade intervjuer för analys tillstudien. Vårt val av teoretiskt ramverk tillämpades inte endast för att undersöka prestanda, det användes även för undersökning av operatörernas vilja att införa AR som en instruktionsmetod. Resultaten från denna studie visar att AR presterade bättre som en instruktionsmetod och att operatörerna hade en positiv inställning vid användning av AR. Däremot, är det fortfarande oklart hur väl denna teknologi kommer att accepteras. Detta beror huvudsakligen på faktum att framtida förbättringar behöver utföras när det kommer till hårdvara och avsaknaden av skräddarsydda applikationer för operatörernas behov. / Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB is interested in digitizing their current work processes. Therefore, the reason for this study is to examine if AR performs better than paper as an instruction method for operators at Siemens in Trollhättan. In order to answer the question "How well does Augmented Reality (AR) technology perform compared to physical papers as an instruction method for operators in a production environment?", two qualitative methods have been applied. Data was collected by using observations and semi-structured interviews for the analysis of this study. Our choice of theoretical framework was not only applied for evaluating the performance, but also the operators' willingness to adopt AR as a form of instruction method. The findings from the results show that AR performs better as an instruction method and that the operators had a positive attitude when using AR. However, it is still unclear how well this technology will be accepted. This is mainly due to the fact that future improvements still need to be made to the hardware and the lack of customized applications for the operators' needs.
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Understanding the Use of Head-Mounted Displays by Individuals with Low Vision : The case of eSightLorenzini, Marie-Céline 03 1900 (has links)
Les dispositifs permettant d'agrandir les images représentent les formes les plus courantes d'aides en réadaptation visuelle. Grâce à un essor technologique considérable, les lunettes électroniques, qui fonctionnent comme des aides grossissantes électroniques (fournissant un agrandissement variable, amélioration du contraste, utilisables les mains libres), sont devenues d'avantage disponibles, efficaces et utilisées par les personnes malvoyantes. Cependant, il existe un manque de données probantes et de connaissances au regard des taux d'abandon des lunettes électroniques, des facteurs prédictifs de leur utilisation, ainsi que sur les interventions efficaces qui pourraient optimiser leur utilisation.Afin de mieux comprendre l'utilisation des lunettes électroniques au sein de la population malvoyante, une étude en trois phases a été menée à travers l’exemple des lunettes eSight dans le but de : 1) examiner et synthétiser les facteurs qui influencent l'utilisation d'aides visuelles grossissantes à l'aide d'un examen de la portée afin de guider les études ultérieures; 2) déterminer à travers une étude transversale quelles sont les variables qui prédisent un changement d’utilisation des lunettes électroniques chez leur usager; et 3) élaborer des recommandations fondées sur des données probantes concernant la faisabilité d'une intervention de téléréadaptation auprès des utilisateurs de lunettes électroniques et étudier l'impact de cette modalité sur l’utilisation de leur dispositif et leur qualité de vie.Les travaux de cette thèse contribuent à soutenir l’idée que le choix d’utiliser des aides visuelles grossissantes dépend de causes multifactorielles. Les facteurs personnels et surtout la motivation représentent des prédicteurs importants. Les difficultés de transport et le manque d’entrainement ont été identifiés comme des obstacles importants à l’utilisation des aides visuelles. D’autre part, l’amélioration de la qualité de vie favorise le maintien de l’utilisation des lunettes électroniques. Compte tenu de ces résultats, un programme de formation personnalisée par téléréadaptation a été mis au point pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques des utilisateurs, offrant une attention individualisée pour optimiser l'utilisation des lunettes électroniques. Cette thèse fournit des preuves sur la faisabilité d'administrer plusieurs sessions d’entrainement en réadaptation de basse vision via la téléréadaptation chez des utilisateurs de lunettes électroniques. Les lunettes électronique eSight améliorent la qualité de vie et la vision fonctionnelle des utilisateurs, qu’elle soit associée à la téléréadaptation ou au programme d’autoformation du fabricant. Cela indique que les instructions fournies par la téléréadaptation ou par l'autoformation proposée dans un contexte commercial sont tout aussi efficaces pour améliorer la qualité de vie et les capacités visuelles et que la téléréadaptation pourrait être offerte comme une modalité de formation allternative. Afin d’orienter les recommandations de pratiques fondées sur des données probantes en matière de téléréadaptation, et de répondre au mieux aux besoins des personnes avec une basse vision, d'autres études examinant les effets de la pratique et de l’entrainement sont nécessaires. / Magnification devices are among the most common forms of aids in low vision rehabilitation. They are intended to increase the level of independence and function during activities of daily living. Novel head-mounted display magnification devices for low vision that operate as electronic vision enhancements (providing variable magnification, contrast enhancement, hands-free use) have become more and more available, efficient and are increasingly being utilized, thanks to considerable technological development. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding abandonment rates, factors predicting abandonment of such devices, and efficient intervention characteristics that optimize their use.To better understand the use of head-mounted displays throughout the low vision population, a three-phase study has been conducted using eSight Eyewear as an example device in order to: 1) investigate and synthesize barriers and facilitators influencing the use of magnifying visual aids, using a scoping review to guide the subsequent cross-sectional and prospective studies; 2) identify which variables best predict a change in device use among current head-mounted display users, using a cross-sectional design; and 3) develop evidence-based recommendations regarding the feasibility of a telerehabilitation intervention on head-mounted display users and study the impact of this modality on their device use and quality of life.This thesis provides supporting evidence for the multifactorial decision-making process around the use of magnifying visual aids. Device users’ low motivation, transportation to rehabilitation services and insufficient training have been identified as important barriers to magnifying low vision aid use. Improving users’ quality of life helps to maintain the use of head-mounted displays. Considering these findings, a personalized training regime via telerehabilitation was developed to meet specific users’ needs, providing individualizing attention to optimize the use of head-mounted displays. This thesis provides evidence about feasibility of administering several low vision rehabilitation training sessions via telerehabilitation with head-mounted display users. eSight Eyewear, either with telerehabilitation or with the manufacturer self-training standard, improves quality of life and functional vision outcomes.This indicates that instructions provided by telerehabilitation or though the eSight self-training standard are equally successful in improving quality of life and visual abilities outcomes and that telerehabilitation could be provided as an alternative training modality. To help guide evidence-based practice recommendations for low vision telerehabilitation implementation that meet the unique needs of individuals with low vision, further studies examining benefits of practice and training are needed.
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Polyfunkční dům / Multifunction houseVozár, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the elaboration of project documentation for the construction of a new multifunctional building. The building will be located in the city of Brno, in the district of Zábrdovice, in street Vlhká. The building is divided into residential units, offices, a dental office, a café and a technical background. The building is designed as a terrace house in blank space, non-basement and with four above-ground floors. The residential part has 2 flats 3+kk. Part of the residential areas includes storage areas and garage. Non-residential premises include a café with hygienic facilities, administrative part of individual offices, storages and hygienic premises, dental office with waiting room and background for employees and technical facilities – technical room and air-condition machinery. There are 17 parking places, of which 1 for people with limited mobility and 1 for motorbike. The object is based on piles. The peripheral load-bearing structures are walled of sand-lime blocks. The ceiling structure consists of prestressed ceiling panels. The building is sheltered by hipped roof, which is made of gang-nailed-connected timber truss. The stairs are prefabricated. During processing the emphasis was put on the appropriate layout, building-construction and architectural design and safe use of the building. Project documentation is processed in Allplan.
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Stavebně technologický projekt bytového domu / Constructive technological project of block of flatsKajzarová, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the constructive technological project of block of flats. This is the small flats, located in the center of Třinec. Whole project is procesed to rough construction. The main part of the work are technical report, time and financial plan, study of imlementatio of the main technological phases, project site equipment, draft machine assembly, time plan of the main building structure, technological regulation for mounted ceramic ceiling and other documents necessary for construction planning.
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Stavebně technologický projekt rekonstrukce areálu bývalého mlýna v Židlochovicích / Constructive technological project of reconstructionTacina, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is to implement the gross carrying construction of the new bakery Karlovy pekarny in Židlochovice. In this paper dealt with the technical report, the situation of buildings, building equipment, budget, schedule, technological procedure of construction (bored piles and assembled skeleton), mechanical design and assembly KZP.
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Stavebně technologický projekt objektu skladovací haly / Construction Technology project of storage hallVala, Richard January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the constructive-technological project of storage hall. This thesis consists of a comprehensive elaborate project of implementation including the time schedule, financial plans, technology procedure for structural systém. Deals with design of main mechanisms, concept of building site and procedures needed for realization, quality control and test plan, risks of realization and resources.
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Vybrané části stavebně technologického projektu muzea motorsportu / Selected parts of constructional and technological project of motorsport museumKubrtová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I will deal with structural and technological preparation ELIZABETH - MUZEUM MOTORSPORTU. As a specific phase of construction, which I will focus, I chose a solution glass facade, designed by Schüco. This is the glass panels mounted in an aluminum frame. My work includes technical report, technological prescription for the installation of facades, design mechanical assemblies, time and financial plan, control plan and test plan.
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Skladovací hala / Storage hallOsyková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis ´´Storage hall” deals with designing of selected elements prefabrikated skeleton hall. Discussed elements are truss, beam, girder, column and prefabricate footing. Within above mentioned elements was carried out static analysis, design of reinforcement and reinforcement drawings. Analysis of internal forces for columns and prefabricate footing was carried out with usage of the program Scia Engineer, 3D model of the whole object was created. Analysis of internal forces for the rest of elements was carried out with help of manual calculation. Those elements were designed with consideration of ultimate limit state. Serviceability limit state assessment was carried out within the truss.
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Využití odpadního tepla / Use of residual heatVlasák, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the use of waste heat in the theoretical plane, where methods and possibilities of using this heat are described. Part Two, which is computational, deals with the suggestion of heating industrial halls with an adjacent, mostly office, building in two variants, then it goes on to also deal with the concept of equal pressure forced ventilation, a proposal of air curtains and preparation of hot water, where the heat source is a boiler. In the last part an experiment took place which investigated the conversion efficiency of thermal to electric energy.
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Přestavba průmyslového areálu - stavebně technologický projekt / Rebuilding industrial estate - construction technology projectRozehnalová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This thesis handles the construction and technology project for the construction of the Hall in a former cold storage complex. In the work is handled by the implementation of a comprehensive study, including schedule, financial planning, technological regulation for the supporting structure of the Hall. Further deals with the design of the main building mechanism, design, construction site facilities, inspection and test plan.
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