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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Montovaná konstrukce haly ve Vysokém Mýtě / Assembled structure of hall in Vysoke Mýto

Jarmara, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on design and assessment of mounted storage hall. I have designed prestressed truss, reinforced truss, beam, column and foundation pad. I have made calculations for consideration of ultimated limit state as well. I have made analysis of internal forces for beams just with manual calculations. Analyses of internal forces for column and foundation pad were found with Scia Engeneer. All calculations are following the Eurocode 2. All designed elements have formwork drawing and reinforcement drawing.

Imerzivní virtuální realita a stárnoucí populace / The Immersive Virtual Reality a Elderly People

Lešková, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
(in English) This diploma thesis is examining the ways of using immersive virtual reality with senior citizens aged 65 plus with health problems. Those chosen individuals who live in a retirement home were examined and questioned after trying out a virtual reality headset with a specific travel experience using the Google Earth VR app. The main focus was to study their emotional state and its shifts. The author used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research to finalise the analysis. The theoretical part offers an insight on the use of immersive virtual reality in the lives of senior citizens such as how they spend free time in the Retirement homes. The analytical part of this dissertation shows a summary of existing studies and commercial projects using virtual reality with the aim to facilitate seniors. The qualitative research has helped to a better understanding of the Czech market. It also helped executing a scientific investigation centred on a particular group of seniors. Data was gathered via half structured interviews, observation and standardised questionnaires PANAS and Flow Short Scale.

Småskaliga vindkraftverk på byggnader i urban miljö : Möjligheter och hinder för ökad implementering / Small-scale wind turbines mounted on buildings in the urban environment : Possibilities and barriers for increased use

Halvarsson, Patrik, Larsson, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Intresset för småskaliga vindkraftverk på byggnader har ökat under de senaste åren. Allt fler människor blir mer energi- och miljömedvetna samt ser fördelarna med att elektriciteten produceras där den konsumeras; i den bebyggda miljön. Det är dock en större utmaning att installera ett vindkraftverk i urban miljö, jämfört med i öppet landskap, då det finns många faktorer som skall beaktas. Stadens komplexa uppbyggnad gör att vindens hastighet och riktning varierar och ger upphov till turbulenta strukturer i den omgivande luften. Många av dagens vindkraftverk kan ej operera effektivt vid turbulens, därför måste dessa vindkraftverken placeras på höga höjder för att nå den laminärt strömmande vinden över staden, vilket ger orealistiska längder på de master som krävs, även om vindkraftverket monteras på en byggnad. För att kunna utnyttja de vindar som uppkommer i urbana miljöer bör vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk med en helixformad geometri på rotorn användas. Dessa har visat sig vara både de effektivaste och de vindkraftverk som utsätter omgivningen för lägst nivå av störningar. Att placera ett vindkraftverk på en byggnad i urban miljö, där många människor vistas, kräver god kunskap om säkert montage samt vilka störningar som vindkraftverket kan generera. Ett vindkraftverk som monteras felaktigt kan bidra till hälso- och säkerhetsrisker, och om dessa risker blir för stora kan vindkraftverket tvingas att tas ur drift. För att vara säker på att vindkraftsanläggningen är tillförlitligt bör vindkraftverket och montaget vara stadardiserat och certifierat, något som i dagsläget saknas i Sverige. I dag finns inga direkta stöd för småskaliga vindkraftverk i Sverige, vilket är en bidragande faktor till att ekonomin kring dessa vindkraftverk är bristfällig. Elcertifikatsystemet som skall ge stöd åt förnyelsebar energi är inte utformat för småskalig elproduktion. Men i takt med att detta användningsområde för vindkraft utvecklas samt att priset för energi förväntas stiga kommer troligtvis byggnadsmonterade vindkraftverk bli en lönsam investering i framtiden. / The interest for small-scale wind turbines mounted on buildings has increased during the last couple of years. More and more people are giving more consideration to energy and environmental questions and are appreciative of the benefits of producing electricity where it is consumed; in the urban environment. However it is a greater challenge to install a wind turbine in the urban environment, compared to an open landscape, because of the many factors that needs to be taken in consideration. The complex structure of the city has an effect on the speed and direction of the wind and causes turbulent structures in the surrounding air. Many of today’s wind turbines cannot operate effectively in turbulence, this is why these turbines need to be placed on high heights to reach the laminar wind flow over the city, which gives unrealistic lengths of the towers that are required, even if the turbine is mounted on a building. To be able to utilize the existing wind in urban environments a vertical axis wind turbine with a helix shaped rotor should be used. These turbines have shown themselves to not only be the most effective but also the turbines that expose the surroundings to the lowest level of disturbances. To place a wind turbine on a building in an urban environment, where a lot of people reside, requires a good knowledge of how to securely mount the turbine but also what kind of disturbances that a turbine can emit. A turbine that is mounted incorrectly can contribute to health and safety hazards, and if these risks become to great the turbine may be forced to be taken out of operation. To be certain that the wind turbine and its components are trustworthy the turbine and mounting should be standardized and certified, a feature that don’t exist today in Sweden.  Currently there is no direct support scheme for small-scale wind turbines in Sweden, which is a contributing factor to the inadequate economics surrounding these wind turbines. The Swedish system with certificates is meant to give support renewable energy but the system is not suited for small-scale production of electricity.  But the more this field of application for wind turbines develops, together with the assumption of rising cost of energy will most likely make building mounted wind turbines a profitable investment in the future.

Design of a Permanent-Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine for a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Khan, Kashif Saeed January 2011 (has links)
QC 20111214

Výrobní hala ve Znojmě - vybrané části stavebně technologického projektu / Construction technology study of the production hall in Znojmo

Smatana, Roman January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals is processed constructive technological project of realization factory and storage building in Znojmo. Master is thesis includdes model of the building site accessories, technology procedure, time schedule, financial heftiness ,check and test plan, budget ,occupational safety.

Monteringshöjd och markinterferens i nordliga solkraftsparker : Minskade skuggningseffekter från ansamling av snö i markmonterade solcellsanläggningar i norra Sverige.

Edebo, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
Markmonterade solcellsanläggningar i norra Sverige behöver ta hänsyn till förekomsten av snö och risken för markinterferens, vilket innebär att snömängden i framkant av panelerna gör att den snö som ackumuleras ovanpå inte kan glida av. Följden blir skuggning av panelerna som därmed får nedsatt eller helt utebliven elproduktion. Syftet med arbetet var att besvara frågeställningar kring vilken montagehöjd som krävs för att undvika problemet samt om den ökade engångskostnaden kompenseras av potentialen till ökad produktion under vintermånaderna. Metoden bestod främst av att jämföra produktionsdata från en solpark i Östersund med värden för solinstrålning och snödjup från SMHI för att avgöra vilken effekt snöskuggning haft på produktionen och hur utfallet skulle ha sett ut vid olika monteringshöjder av anläggningen. Resultaten visar att det finns stor potential till goda produktionsvärden under vårvintern, förutsatt att markinterferens inte finns närvarande. Anledningen beror troligtvis på högt albedo från snötäckt mark och lägre lufttemperaturer vilket har en positiv inverkan på modulernas verkningsgrad. En beräkningsmodell utvecklades för att uppskatta en lämplig monteringshöjd för en solpark utifrån dess tänkta utformning och det förväntade snödjupet på platsen. Förhoppningen är att modellen kan bidra till ökad kunskap för att främja utbyggnad av markmonterade solcellsanläggningar även på nordliga breddgrader. Lönsamheten för ett högre montage undersöktes genom en jämförelse mellan ett prisexempel från en uppförd solpark och ett uppskattat produktionsbortfall från solparken i Östersund vid en teoretiskt lägre monteringshöjd. Det visade att en höjning av Östersundsparken från 50 till 90 centimeter skulle betala av sig enbart genom tillskottet i produktion under perioden februari till april de tre första vintrarna. / Ground-mounted PV installations in northern Sweden need to consider the presence of snow and the risk of ground interference, meaning that the buildup of snow in front of the panels prevents the snow accumulated on top from sliding off. The result is shading of the panels, which in turn reduces or eliminates the electricity production. The purpose of this work was to answer questions regarding the mounting height required to avoid this problem and whether the increased one-time cost for higher mounting is compensated for by the enhanced production during winter months. The method consisted mainly of comparing production data from a solar park in Östersund to solar radiation values and snow depth from SMHI to determine the effect of snow shading on production and the outcome at different installation heights of the plant. The results showed that there is great potential for valuable energy production during the late winter season, provided that ground interference is not present. This is probably due to high albedo from snow-covered ground and lower air temperatures resulting in a positive impact on the efficiency of the modules. A computational model was developed to estimate a suitable mounting height for a solar park based on the intended design and expected snow depth at the site. The intention is that the model can contribute to increased knowledge to promote the deployment of ground-mounted PV systems in northern latitudes. The profitability of higher mounting was investigated by comparing a price example from an existing solar facility and an estimated production loss from the solar park in Östersund at a theoretical lower mounting height. It showed that  increasing the height of the Östersund site from 50 to 90 centimeters in front would pay off solely on the enhanced production during the period February to April of the first three winters.

A New Method for Ground-Based Assessment of Farm Management Practices

Jeffrey T Bradford (11203395) 29 July 2021 (has links)
The research uses cameras mounted to a vehicle to capture geotagged images while conducting a transect survey. The images from two capture dates were manually classified into different classes of previous crop, tillage systems, residue cover, and cover crop utilization. The raw data was compared against the Indiana Cropland Transect Survey and the USDA-NASS Cropland Data Layer. The symmetric Kullback-Liebler divergence method was used to compared the distributions looking for similarities. <div><br></div><div>The manually classified data was then used to build satellite segmentation models using artificial neural networks , decision trees, k nearest neighbors, random forests, and support vector machine methods. The models were compared using overall accuracy, kappa coefficient, specificity, sensitivity, positive prediction value, and negative prediction value. The best model for each category of previous crop, tillage system, residue cover, and cover crop was used to segment a Sentenial-2 imagery downloaded from Copernicus Open Access hub. The results of the segment were compared by looking at the agreement at individual pixel locations from the segmented raster to the manually classified data and the Indiana Cropland Transect Survey. </div><div><br></div><div>Finally, all the images captured were used to being the development of a automated image classifier using nested convolutional neural networks (CNN). A small set of images was used to build the CNN. That model when then make prediction on new unclassified images. The predictions were manually checked. The check images were used to the to build the training and validation pools for the models. The first network divided the images into field or not field.</div><div>The second branch was field images divided in to images containing green growing plants of brown dead plants or residues. The final branch was determining the amount of surface cover left on a field. The results from each run of the training process were saved and used to assess model performance looking at accuracy and loss.</div>

Augmented Reality in Lunar Extravehicular Activities: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Industry Readiness, User Experience, and the Work Environment

Vishnuvardhan Selvakumar (17593110) 11 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This research explores the potential of AR for lunar missions via the xEMU spacesuit. A market analysis of commercial off-the-shelf AR devices identifies technological trends and constraints that inform the architectural decisions for AR integration with the xEMU. User evaluations in simulated work environments ensure lunar informatics align with crew needs. Drawing insights from human-in-the-loop testing of COTS AR devices, qualitative test results underscore the importance of display optimization, occlusion management, and environmental considerations for enhancing the AR experience during lunar EVAs. Grounded in a task analysis from JETT3 analog testing, crew workflows and communication dynamics are baselined, underscoring the vital role of communication and collaboration. Integrating AR into the EVA work environment holds the potential to streamline decision-making, improve navigation, and enhance overall efficiency, but may come with unintended operational consequences. The human-centered approach prioritizes crew involvement, ensuring that technology remains a facilitator rather than an encumbering element in lunar exploration. The study's significance lies in advancing AR technology for lunar EVAs, guiding hardware design, and enabling seamless integration into the EVA work environment. AR holds promise in reshaping the human-technology relationship, empowering crew members, maximizing science output, and contributing to the next chapter in lunar exploration.</p>

Dynamic Moments on the Cervical Spine Imposed by Head-Mounted Equipment

Aurand, Alexander M. 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

An Alternative Strengthening Technique using a Combination of FRP Sheets and Rods to Improve Flexural Performance of Continuous RC Slabs

Syed Shah, Taqiuddin Q. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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