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Aplikace modifikovaného Romerova modelu na ČR / Application modified Romer´s model for the Czech RepublicRáčková, Adéla January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá modifikovaným IS-MP-IA modelem české ekonomiky rozšířeným o veličiny týkající se EU. Model zachycuje vliv eknomiky EU na ekonomický vývoj ČR a umožňuje snadno interpretovat dopady prováděné měnové a fiskální politiky. Lze říci, že použitá GARCH metoda je vhodná pro odhad modifikovaného IS-MP-IA modelu a pro následnou predikci.
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A method development for measuring lithium uptake inCaco-2 cells in a complex matrix using MP-AES – Appliedto evaluate the impact of humic acids on lithium uptakeHjelm, Erica January 2019 (has links)
Lithium, together with hydrogen and helium, were the only elements formed duringthe big bang. Lithium today, is a component in various products, some examples aregrease, ceramics, lithium-ion batteries and medication for bipolar disorder. Eventhough the knowledge of lithium’s interactions with biota and our environment islimited, the use of lithium is increasing. In humans, lithium is primarily absorbed in thesmall intestine through Na-channels. The average daily intake varies a lot, but in1985 it was estimated to range from 650 to 3100 μg for a 70 kg adult, according tointernational studies. However, it is not considered as a micronutrient and does nothave a recommended daily intake. Levels in some drinking waters are estimated toreach 170 μg L-1but no definite limit values are set. Humic substances are omnipresent in soil and freshwaters and is well known to formcomplexes with various cations such as most metals. In plants, the complexation ofcadmium and zinc with humic substances decreases their toxicity. However,currently, no studies have been published regarding if this is valid for animal cells aswell. To investigate if this is the case, in vitro tests were performed on Caco-2 cells,which originate from a colon carcinoma. These cells were exposed to a lithium concentration of 10 μg L-1in a nutrient medium for 2 hours. To a series of thesamples, humic acid was added to give a final concentration of 9.86 μg L-1 in thesolution to investigate if that would influence the lithium uptake. The study also includes a methodological evaluation if the performance of microplasma atomic emission spectroscopy (MP-AES) is suitable for the analyses of heavymatrices, e.g. nutrient medium and 1% Triton X solution. After optimization of instrumental parameters, it was concluded that MP-AES can beused for analysis of heavy and complex matrices. It requires, however, the use ofmatrix matched calibration solutions and addition of caesium as ionization buffer incombination with lithium signal correction using internal standards. It is alsoconcluded that lithium is absorbed by Caco-2 cells and that there was no indicationthat humic acid altered this uptake. / Litium är en viktig komponent in många produkter, bland annat smörjmedel, keramik,litium-jonbatterier och medicin mot bipolär sjukdom. Även fast dagens kunskap omlitium och dess interaktioner med miljö och organismer är begränsad, ökaranvändandet av litium. I människor absorberas litium primärt i tunntarmen genomNa-kanaler. Det dagliga intaget av litium varierar geografiskt och med livsstil och detfinnas inga bestämda gränsvärden. I USA var det dagliga intaget av litium 1985uppskattat att ligga kring 650 till 3100 μg hos en vuxen som väger 70 kg. Humusämnen är väl kända för att bilda komplex med flertalet metaller. I växter hardet påvisats att humusämnen kan bilda komplex med kadmium och zink vilketminskar toxiciteten av dessa för växten. Inga studier har dock hittats gällandehumusämnens eventuella möjligheter att minska toxiciteten av litium, eller andrametaller, hos djur eller människor. För att undersöka detta närmare har denna studiegjorts för att få ökad förståelse kring absorptionen av litium till Caco-2 celler samt föratt se om närvaro av humussyra kan påverka ett eventuellt upptag. Vidare presenteras resultat från en metodologisk utvärdering om MP-AES kananvändas för att kvantifiera litium i tyngre matriser, såsom näringsmedium för celleroch Triton X-100. Resultaten visar att MP-AES kan användas för dessa matriser genom att användamatrismatchade kalibreringslösningar och cesium som jonisationshämmare ikombination med korrigering av litiumsignalen med hjälp av signalen från internstandard. Sammanfattningsvis så absorberar Caco-2 celler litium och ingenindikation på att humusämnen påverkar detta upptag kunde hittas.
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No description available.
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Water in the GlassDraper, Natalie R. 13 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Zum Erwerb syntaktischer Aspekte von positiven und negativen W-Fragen im unauffälligen und auffälligen Spracherwerb des Deutschen / Syntactic acquisition of positive and negative wh-questions in German infants with typical and atypical language developmentHerrmann, Heike January 2013 (has links)
Der W-Fragen-Erwerb stellt einen Teilbereich der kindlichen Syntaxentwicklung dar, die sich maßgeblich innerhalb der ersten drei Lebensjahre eines Kindes vollzieht. Eine wesentliche Rolle spielen dabei zwei Bewegungsoperationen, die sich auf die Position des Interrogativpronomens an die erste Stelle der W-Frage sowie die Position des Verbs an die zweite Stelle beziehen.
In drei Studien wurde einerseits untersucht, ob deutschsprachige Kinder, die noch keine W-Fragen produzieren können, in der Lage sind, grammatische von ungrammatischen W-Fragen zu unterscheiden und andererseits, welche Leistungen sprachunauffällige und sprachauffällige deutschsprachige Kinder beim Verstehen und Korrigieren unterschiedlich komplexer W-Fragen (positive und negative W-Fragen) zeigen.
Die Ergebnisse deuten auf ein frühes syntaktisches Wissen über W-Fragen im Spracherwerb hin und stützen damit die Annahme einer Kontinuität der kindlichen Grammatik zur Standardsprache. Auch scheinen sprachauffällige Kinder sich beim Erwerb von W-Fragen nicht qualitativ von sprachgesunden Kindern zu unterscheiden, sondern W-Fragen lediglich später korrekt umzusetzen. In beiden Populationen konnte ein syntaktischer Ökonomieeffekt beobachtet werden, der für eine spätere Umsetzung der Verbbewegung im Vergleich zur Bewegung des W-Elementes spricht. / Wh-questions represent one important step in the acquisition of children's syntax which generally takes place within the first three years. Two syntactic operations which are related to the position of the pronoun and the position of the verb play an essential role in this process.
In three studies it was examined if children acquiring German could distinguish grammatical and non-grammatical wh-questions before being able to produce wh-questions themselves. Furthermore children with typical and atypical language acquisition were compared in their ability to comprehend and correct wh-questions of different complexity (positive and negative wh-questions).
The results indicate an early syntactic knowledge about wh-questions in language acquisition and support the hypothesis of continuity between children's and adults speech. Children with typical and atypical language acquisition do not show any qualitative differences in their way to acquire wh-questions. Much rather the time point of acquisition is delayed. An effect of syntactic economy was found in both populations. Children seem to realize syntactic violations against the movement of the wh-element earlier than those against the movement of the verb.
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Material perticulado inorgânico atmosférico total e fracionado por tamanho em áreas de influência industrial no Recôncavo BaianoMiranda, Jacquelina Peixoto January 2011 (has links)
143f. / Submitted by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2013-04-11T11:49:48Z
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CAPA - SUMÁRIO ( VERSÃO FINAL).pdf: 318521 bytes, checksum: 66c02078228f4acead2d7d30374e49a6 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Hilda Fonseca(anahilda@ufba.br), reason: Solicito colocar em um só arquivo. on 2013-04-19T13:54:12Z (GMT) / Submitted by Ana Hilda Fonseca (anahilda@ufba.br) on 2013-05-20T16:12:23Z
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Previous issue date: 2011 / CAPES / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização química do aerossol atmosférico da área de influência do Pólo Industrial de Camaçari, Bahia, e avaliação das interações dos principais íons inorgânicos solúveis em água no material particulado fracionado por tamanho e material particulado total em suspensão. A coleta foi feita utilizando um Impactador em cascata tipo Berner, de seis estágios de tamanho de partícula: 0,06 μm, 0,18 μm, 0,55 μm, 1,7 μm (fração fina), 4,9 μm e > 15 μm (fração grossa) em cinco estações de amostragem localizadas tanto a montante quanto a jusante das principais atividades antropogênicas em São Francisco do Conde, Candeias, Madre de Deus, Lamarão do Passé e em Barra do Jacuípe, no litoral norte, como estação de referência. Foi utilizado um porta filtro com membrana Nuclepore a fluxo de cerca de 80 L h-1 para o material particulado total em suspensão. A determinação dos ânions nas amostras foi realizada por cromatografia iônica e espectrofotometria de absorção molecular visível para amônio. Os níveis de concentração atmosférica de cloreto, nitrato, sulfato e amônio encontrados no material particulado total estão na faixa de 1023 a 2164 ng m-3 Cl-, 277 a 477 ng m-3 NO3-, 617 a 918 ng m-3 SO42- e 44,9 a 119 ng m-3 NH4+. No material particulado fracionado por tamanho verifica-se a predominância de cloreto como partículas de diâmetro acima de 1,7 μm, com níveis mais altos em São Francisco do Conde, Madre de Deus e Barra do Jacuípe, destacando-se a influência do spray marinho; nitrato se apresenta em partículas com distribuição de tamanho semelhante para todas as estações e com um máximo entre 1,7 e 5,0 m, provavelmente associado à superfície das partículas incluídas na moda grossa do material particulado atmosférico no Recôncavo Baiano. Sulfato se distribui bimodalmente, predominando como partículas muito finas (0,18 m), mas contribuindo também para a moda grossa do aerossol atmosférico do local, quando predomina sob forma de partículas entre 5 e 15 m. A distribuição de tamanho de partículas de amônio predomina entre 0,06 e 0,55 m indicando transformações gás-partícula além de reações em fase gasosa produzindo seus sais. Em Lamarão do Passé e São Francisco do Conde a concentração de partículas totais em suspensão na atmosfera ultrapassou o limite legislado brasileiro em diferentes períodos amostrais, o que pode indicar a necessidade de maior atenção com relação a este parâmetro de qualidade do ar naquelas localidades. / Salvador
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On some reversal-invariant complexity measures of multiary words / O nekim reverznoinvarijantnim merama složenosti visearnih rečiAgo Balog Kristina 11 September 2020 (has links)
<p>We focus on two complexity measures of words that are invariant under the operation of reversal of a word: the palindromic defect and the MP-ratio.The palindromic defect of a given word w is dened by jwj + 1 jPal(w)j, where jPal(w)j denotes the number of palindromic factors of w. We study innite words, to which this de nition can be naturally extended. There are many results in the literature about the so- called rich words (words of defect 0), while words of nite positive defect have been studied signicantly less; for some time (until recently) it was not known whether there even exist such words that additionally are aperiodic and have their set of factors closed under reversal. Among the rst examples that appeared were the so-called highly potential words. In this thesis we present a much more general construction,which gives a wider class of words, named generalized highly potential words, and analyze their signicance within the frames of combinatorics on words.The MP-ratio of a given n-ary word w is dened as the quotient jrwsj jwj ,where r and s are words such that the word rws is minimal- palindromic and that the length jrj + jsj is minimal possible; here, an n-ary word is called minimal-palindromic if it does not contain palindromic subwords of length greater than jwj n . In the binary case, it was proved that the MP-ratio is well-dened and that it is bounded from above by 4, which is the best possible upper bound. The question of well- denedness of the MP-ratio for larger alphabets was left open. In this thesis we solve that question in the ternary case: we show that the MP-ratio is indeed well-dened in the ternary case, that it is bounded from above by the constant 6 and that this is the best possible upper bound.</p> / <p>Izucavamo dve mere slozenosti reci koje su invarijantne u odnosu na operaciju preokretanja reci: palindromski defekt i MP-razmeru date reci.Palindromski defekt reci w denise se kao jwj + 1 jPal(w)j, gde jPal(w)j predstavlja broj palindromskih faktora reci w. Mi izucavamo beskonacne reci, na koje se ova denicija moze prirodno prosiriti. Postoje mnogobrojni rezultati u vezi sa tzv. bogatim recima (reci cije je defekt 0), dok se o recima sa konacnim pozitivnim defektom relativno malo zna; tokom jednog perioda (donedavno) nije bilo poznato ni da li uopste postoje takve reci koje su,dodatno, aperiodi cne i imaju skup faktora zatvoren za preokretanje. Medu prvim primerima koji su se pojavili u literaturi su bile tzv. visokopotencijalne reci. U disertaciji cemo predstaviti znatno opstiju konstrukciju, kojom se dobija znacajno sira klasa reci, nazvanih uop stene visokopotencijalne reci, i analiziracemo njihov znacaj u okvirima kombinatorike na recima.MP-razmera date n-arne reci w denise se kao kolicnik jrwsj jwj , gde su r i s takve da je rec rws minimalno-palindromicna, i duzina jrj + jsj je najmanja moguca; ovde, za n-arnu rec kazemo da je minimalno-palindromicna ako ne sadrzi palindromsku podrec duzine vece od jwj n . U binarnom slucaju dokazano je da je MP-razmera dobro denisana i da je ogranicena odozgo konstantom 4, sto je i najbolja moguca granica. Dobra denisanost MP-razmere za vece alfabete je ostavljena kao otvoren problem. U ovoj tezi resavamo taj problem u ternarnom slucaju: pokazacemo da MP- razmera jeste dobro de-nisana u ternarnom slucaju, da je ogranicena odozgo sa 6, i da se ta granica ne moze poboljsati.<br /> </p>
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Séparation des activités cérébrales phasiques et oscillatoires en MEG, EEG et EEG intracérébralJmail, Nawel 04 June 2012 (has links)
Les oscillations jouent un rôle de premier plan dans la mise en place des réseaux cérébraux sains et pathologiques. En particulier, au niveau clinique, les activités oscillatoires sont d'une grande importance diagnostique en épilepsie. Par ailleurs, les méthodes non-invasives d'électrophysiologie sont particulièrement adaptées pour la compréhension des réseaux cérébraux à grande échelle. Cependant, la majorité des études en épilepsie a été dirigée vers les pointes intercritiques, qui sont des activités transitoires. Une question qui reste donc en suspens est le lien entre les pointes épileptiques et les activités oscillatoires épileptiques. Cette thèse a visé à résoudre deux problématiques complémentaires autour de cette question. La première problématique est la séparation adéquate entre les activités oscillatoires et transitoires. Il s'agit d'une tâche difficile surtout lors d'un grand chevauchement temporel, qui peut résulter en la contamination d'une activité par l'autre. Nous avons évaluée trois méthodes de filtrage : le filtre FIR (méthode classique), la transformé d'ondelette stationnaire et le filtrage parcimonieux par matching pursuit (MP, basé sur un dictionnaire). Sur des simulations, la SWT a donné de très bons résultats pour la reconstruction des transitoires et le MP pour les oscillations ; de plus, les deux méthodes ont donné un faible taux de faux positifs en détection automatique des oscillations. La SWT et le FIR ont donné les meilleurs résultats de filtrage sur les signaux réels, en particulier lors de la localisation de source. / The Oscillatory activities play a leading role in the development of healthy and pathological brain networks. In particular, at the clinical level, the oscillatory activities are of great importance in the diagnostic of epilepsy. In addition, the non-invasive electrophysiology methods are particularly suitable for understanding the large-scale brain networks. However, most studies in epilepsy have been directed to the interictal spikes, which are transitional activities. One issue that remains unresolved is the relationship between epileptic spikes and epileptic oscillatory activities. This thesis resolves two complementary problems. The first one is the suitable separation between the oscillatory and transitory activity, which is quite sensitive to the presence of the overlap in the time-frequency domain. This can lead to a contamination between the activities. We did evaluate three filtering methods: the FIR (classic methods), the stationary wavelet SWT and the parsimonious filter with the matching pursuit MP. The SWT gave good results in the reconstruction of transient activity and the MP in the reconstruction of oscillatory activity both for simulated data; also they provide a low false positive in automatic detection of oscillatory activity. The SWT and FIR gave the best results on real signals especially for source localization. In the simulated data, the MP is optimal since the atoms of the dictionary resembles to the simulated signals, which isn't guaranteed for real signals. The second problem is the comparison between network connectivity of transient and oscillatory activity, as measured in surface recordings (MEG) and invasive recordings SEEG.
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Otimiza??o de escalas de servi?o de tripula??es estudo de caso em uma empresa de transporte urbano na regi?o metropolitana de Natal/RNRocha, Miriam Karla 25 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work aims to "build" rostering urban bus crews to minimize the cost of
overtime. For this purpose a mathematical model was developed based on
case study in an urban transport company in the metropolitan region of Natal.
This problem is usually known in the literature as the Crew Scheduling Problem
(CSP) and classified as NP-hard. The mathematical programming takes into
account constraints such as: completion of all trips, daily and maximum
allowable range of home and / or food. We used the Xpress-MP software to
implement and validate the proposed model. For the tested instances the
application of the model allowed a reduction in overtime from 38% to 84% / Este trabalho tem por objetivo construir escalas de servi?os de tripula??es de
?nibus urbano de forma a minimizar o custo com horas extras. Para tanto
desenvolveu-se um modelo matem?tico por meio de um estudo de caso em
uma empresa de transporte urbano na regi?o metropolitana de Natal. Este
problema, de uma maneira geral, ? conhecido na literatura como Problema de
Programa??o de Tripula??o (PPT) e classificado como NP-dif?cil. A
programa??o matem?tica contempla restri??es tais como: realiza??o de todas
as viagens, jornada di?ria m?xima permitida e intervalo de repouso e/ou
alimenta??o. Foi utilizado o aplicativo Xpress-MP para implementar e validar o
modelo proposto. Para as inst?ncias testadas o modelo apresentou uma
redu??o da hora extra entre 38% e 84%.
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Study of the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Meltwater Contribution to the Total Runoff in the Upper Changjiang River BasinFang, Yuan-Hao, Zhang, Xingnan, Niu, Guo-Yue, Zeng, Wenzhi, Zhu, Jinfeng, Zhang, Tao 25 February 2017 (has links)
Melt runoff (MR) contributes significantly to the total runoff in many river basins. Knowledge of the meltwater contribution (MCR, defined as the ratio of MR to the total runoff) to the total runoff benefits water resource management and flood control. A process-based land surface model, Noah-MP, was used to investigate the spatiotemporal characteristics of MR and MCR in the Upper Changjiang River (as known as Yangtze River) Basin (UCRB) located in southwestern China. The model was first calibrated and validated using snow cover fraction (SCF), runoff, and evapotranspiration (ET) data. The calibrated model was then used to perform two numerical experiments from 1981 to 2010: control experiment that considers MR and an alternative experiment that MR is removed. The difference between two experiments was used to quantify MR and MCR. The results show that in the entire UCRB, MCR was approximately 2.0% during the study period; however, MCR exhibited notable spatiotemporal variability. Four sub-regions over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) showed significant annual MCR ranging from 3.9% to 6.0%, while two sub-regions in the low plain regions showed negligible annual MCR. The spatial distribution of MCR was generally consistent with the distribution of glaciers and elevation distribution. Mann-Kendall (M-K) tests of the long-term annual MCR indicated that the four sub-regions in QTP exhibited increasing trends ranging from 0.01%/year to 0.21%/year during the study period but only one displayed statistically significant trend. No trends were found for the peak time (PT) of MR and MCR, in contrast, advancing trend were observed for the center time (CT) of MR, ranging from 0.01 months/year to 0.02 months/year. These trends are related to the changes of air temperature and precipitation in the study area.
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