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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isolation, characterisation and differentiation of canine adult stem cells

Hodgkiss-Geere, Hannah Mary January 2012 (has links)
Cardiac and orthopaedic diseases are significant causes of morbidity and mortality in dogs and are therefore critical areas for veterinary research. More information regarding the pathophysiology of these diseases, and the development of novel therapeutics are sorely required and adult stem cells (ASCs) are a promising source of cells for both investigation of these diseases in vitro and also potentially therapeutics in the longer term. ASCs are a readily available source of multipotent cells which bypass the ethical issues surrounding embryonic stem (ES) cells. ASCs have been described in several tissues of the body, and typically differentiate along specific cellular routes related to original source location. This thesis investigates whether ASCs can be isolated and cultured from the dog from two specific locations; cardiac, producing cardiac stem cells (CSCs); and the bone marrow, producing mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). These cell sources will be extensively characterised at their baseline for morphology, culture behaviour and gene marker expression. Following characterisation each cell source will be subjected to differentiation techniques to examine canine ASC multipotent differentiation potential. CSCs were isolated from cultured atrial cardiac explant tissue taken from dogs post-mortem, with owners’ consent. These cells were able to survive successive passages in serum free media and formed large spherical cell clusters, termed ‘cardiospheres’. CSCs were capable of clonal expansion under controlled culture conditions, demonstrating their ability for self-renewal. Characterisation of these cells demonstrated the expression of CSC markers; c-Kit, GATA 4 and Flk-1 and no expression of cardiac lineage markers including cardiac troponin T and I, Nkx2.5, the cardiac ryanodine receptor and the β1-adrenergic receptor. Primary canine MSCs were isolated from bone marrow aspirates using ficoll separation and cultured on tissue culture plastic. Canine MSCs closely resembled MSCs described from other species, such as the human and mouse, and were found to express CD44 and STRO-1 and were negative for CD34 and CD45. CSCs and MSCs were exposed to published cardiac directed differentiation protocols and differentiation then analysed using cellular morphology and gene expression. Canine CSCs appeared to differentiate partially along cardiac lineages with upregulation of cardiac troponin T and Nkx2.5, and down regulation of c-Kit and endothelial lineage markers. Canine MSCs demonstrated some morphological changes during cardiac differentiation, and demonstrated up-regulation of Nkx2.5 and Flk-1 but no significant alteration in other markers examined. This suggested that cardiac directed differentiation was not as successful with canine MSCs compared to CSCs and conflicting with published data using rodent MSC models. Murine MSCs were used as a positive control cell line for cardiac directed differentiation, based upon published literature. Critically there were key marker expression differences between baseline murine and canine MSCs, including the expression of cardiac markers such as cardiac troponin T and I, and the Ryanodine receptor. Furthermore, expression analysis of cardiac genes changed with time in culture and passage number and no significant alteration was seen when cells were subjected to the cardiac differentiation protocol; thereby bringing into question the data regarding successful cardiac differentiation using murine MSCs. Canine MSCs were further differentiated toward a chondrocyte lineage to investigate the use of MSCs for orthopaedic research. Canine MSCs were successfully differentiated toward articular type cartilage, with demonstration of extracellular matrix secretions, an upregulation of collagen type II with downregulation of collagen type I and the development of SOX9 expression in differentiated cells. This thesis builds the groundwork for future ASC research in the dog. Successful isolation and culture of two ASC sources from the dog is demonstrated. Cardiac and cartilage directed differentiation was successful using primary sourced cells, but differentiation was found to be limited to highly specific routes for each stem cell source. The results presented here highlight the importance of analysing baseline stem cells extensively prior to differentiation and in particular, before making comparisons between cell populations isolated from different locations and species.

Testing for Osteogenic Potential of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Lause, Gregory E. 23 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

In vitro diferenciace testikulárních somatických buněk Xenopus tropicalis a Mus musculus. / In vitro differentiation of Xenopus tropicalis and Mus musculus testicular somatic cells.

Hlaviznová, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
Sertoli cells (SCs) are somatic cells of testicular tissue that are involved in spermatogenesis and maturation of germ cells. They are currently being extensively studied for their immunomodulatory abilities, and recent studies have shown that they share some properties with mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). Detailed characterization of SCs and clarification of their role in testicular tissue is crucial for potential use of SCs as a therapeutic tool in regenerative medicine. Cell culture of Xenopus tropicalis immature Sertoli cells (XtiSCs) and Mus musculus (mSCs) Sertoli cells were established in the Laboratories of Developmental Biology and Immunoregulations, Faculty of Science, Charles University. Previous research has characterized XtiSCs and demonstrated their multipotent potential by in vitro differentiation into a mesodermal line. Following this research, one of the goals of the diploma project was the induction of in vitro differentiation of XtiSC into other cell types, which would verify the differentiation potential of XtiSCs. The mSC expression profile confirmed the somatic origin of this culture as well as the transcription of Sertoli cell gene markers. Differentiation of mSCs along the mesodermal line into osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes has been successfully induced in vitro....

Modificación genética de células estromales mesenquimales para potenciar la eficacia de las vesículas extracelulares en el ámbito de la terapia cardíaca

Buigues Caravaca, Marc 12 April 2025 (has links)
[ES] La cardiopatía isquémica, caracterizada por la falta de suministro adecuado de oxígeno al tejido cardíaco, es una afección grave que puede desencadenar un infarto agudo de miocardio y contribuir al desarrollo de la insuficiencia cardíaca (IC). A pesar de las terapias actuales, la IC sigue siendo una enfermedad con alta morbilidad y mortalidad, lo que destaca la necesidad de estrategias terapéuticas más efectivas. En este contexto, las células madre mesenquimales (MSCs) y, en especial sus vesículas extracelulares (EVs), han surgido como opciones prometedoras por sus propiedades regenerativas, pro-angiogénicas e inmunomoduladoras. Sin embargo, el reto actual se centra en mejorar la eficacia terapéutica de las EVs, ya sea mejorando su biodisponibilidad en el tejido cardíaco o potenciando sus capacidades intrínsecas, con el fin de hacer viable una terapia basada en las mismas. En este trabajo, nos hemos centrado en la mejora de las EVs mediante la modificación genética de las MSCs. Hemos seguido dos enfoques: la carga de oncostatina M (OSM) en la superficie de las EVs y la sobreexpresión inducible del dominio intracelular de Notch1 (N1ICD) junto con el factor inducible por hipoxia 1-alfa (HIF1A) en MSCs para enriquecer las EVs con factores terapéuticos, con la expectativa de mejorar su eficacia en el contexto de la isquemia cardíaca. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las EVs cargadas con OSM poseen propiedades antifibroticas superiores a las EVs nativas, además de reducir el daño cardíaco provocado por la infusión de isoproterenol in vivo. Por otro lado, la sobreexpresión de N1ICD y HIF1A actúa a modo de precondicionamiento genético favoreciendo la carga de diferentes moléculas terapéuticas en las EVs. Estas EVs han demostrado ejercer efectos beneficiosos in vitro como la reducción de la fibrosis, la protección de los cardiomiocitos y reducción de la hipertrofia, la disminución de especies reactivas de oxígeno, y el aumento de la angiogénesis. En el estudio in vivo estas EVs redujeron el daño provocado por la infusión de isoproterenol. En conclusión, hemos generado dos tipos de EVs con un potencial terapéutico superior a las EVs nativas en el contexto de la patología cardíaca. Este trabajo abre la puerta al diseño de nuevas estrategias terapéuticas basadas en EVs, abordando de manera integral los diversos aspectos de la enfermedad cardíaca. / [CA] La cardiopatia isquèmica, caracteritzada per la falta de subministrament adequat d'oxigen al teixit cardíac, és una afecció greu que pot desencadenar un infart agut de miocardi i contribuir al desenvolupament de la insuficiència cardíaca (IC). Malgrat les teràpies actuals, la IC continua sent una malaltia amb alta morbiditat i mortalitat, la qual cosa destaca la necessitat d'estratègies terapèutiques més efectives. En este context, les cèl·lules mare mesenquimals (MSCs) i, especialment les seues vesícules extracelul·lars (EVs), han sorgit com a opcions prometedores per les seues propietats regeneratives, pro-angiogèniques i inmunomoduladores. No obstant això, el repte actual se centra en millorar l'eficàcia terapèutica de les EVs, ja siga millorant la seua biodisponibilitat en el teixit cardíac o potenciant les seues capacitats intrínseques, amb la finalitat de fer viable una teràpia basada en estes. En este treball, ens hem centrat en la millora de les EVs mitjançant la modificació genètica de les MSCs. Hem seguit dos enfocaments: la càrrega d'oncostatina M (OSM) en la superfície de les EVs i la sobreexpressió induïble del domini intracel·lular de Notch1 (N1ICD) juntament amb el factor induïble per hipòxia 1-alfa (HIF1A) en MSCs per a enriquir les EVs amb factors terapèutics, amb l'expectativa de millorar la seua eficàcia en el context de la isquèmia cardíaca. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que les EVs carregades amb OSM posseeixen propietats antifibròtiques superiors a les EVs natives, a més de reduir el dany cardíac provocat per la infusió d'isoproterenol in vivo. D'altra banda, la sobreexpressió de N1ICD i HIF1A actua a mode de precondicionament genètic afavorint la càrrega de diferents molècules terapèutiques en les EVs. Estes EVs han demostrat exercir efectes beneficiosos in vitro com la reducció de la fibrosi, la protecció dels cardiomiòcits i reducció de la hipertròfia, la disminució d'espècies reactives d'oxigen, i l'augment de l'angiogènesis. En l'estudi in vivo estes EVs van reduir el dany provocat per la infusió d'isoproterenol. En conclusió, hem generat dos tipus de EVs amb un potencial terapèutic superior a les EVs nadiues en el context de la patologia cardíaca. Este treball obri la porta al disseny de noves estratègies terapèutiques basades en EVs, abordant de manera integral els diversos aspectes de la malaltia cardíaca. / [EN] Ischemic heart disease, characterized by a lack of adequate oxygen delivery to the heart tissue, is a serious condition that can trigger acute myocardial infarction and contribute to the development of heart failure (HF). Despite current therapies, HF remains a disease with high morbidity and mortality, highlighting the need for more effective therapeutic strategies. In this context, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and, especially their extracellular vesicles (EVs), have emerged as promising options due to their regenerative, pro-angiogenic and immunomodulatory properties. However, the current challenge focuses on improving the therapeutic efficacy of EVs, either by improving their bioavailability in cardiac tissue or by enhancing their intrinsic capabilities, in order to make a therapy based on them viable. In this work, we have focused on the improvement of EVs through genetic modification of MSCs. We have followed two approaches: loading of oncostatin M (OSM) on the surface of EVs and inducible overexpression of Notch1 intracellular domain (N1ICD) together with hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1A) in MSCs to enrich EVs with therapeutic factors, with the expectation of improving its effectiveness in the context of cardiac ischemia. The results obtained show that OSM-loaded EVs have superior antifibrotic properties than native EVs, in addition to reducing cardiac damage caused by isoproterenol infusion in vivo. On the other hand, the overexpression of N1ICD and HIF1A acts as genetic preconditioning, favouring the loading of different therapeutic molecules in EVs. These EVs have been shown to exert beneficial effects in vitro such as reducing fibrosis, protecting cardiomyocytes and reducing hypertrophy, decreasing reactive oxygen species, and increasing angiogenesis. In the in vivo study, these EVs reduced the isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage. In conclusion, we have generated two types of EVs with a therapeutic potential superior to native EVs in the context of cardiac pathology. This work opens the door to the design of new therapeutic strategies based on EVs, comprehensively addressing the various aspects of heart disease. / Buigues Caravaca, M. (2024). Modificación genética de células estromales mesenquimales para potenciar la eficacia de las vesículas extracelulares en el ámbito de la terapia cardíaca [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/204408

Effect of Mechanical Stimulation on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Seeded Cartilage Constructs

Wartella, Karin 27 July 2010 (has links)
Cartilage tissue engineered constructs using mesenchymal stem cells were stimulated with 3 different stimulation algorithms to achieve characteristics mimicking the superficial tangential zone of articular cartilage. The stimulation algorithm of both compression and tension without an offset had the best properties out of all the evaluated groups.

Secretoma de meios condicionados por células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas de tecido adiposo em caninos e felinos produzidos em diferentes ambientes de cultivo

Lara, Maria Laura Lara January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Fernanda da Cruz Landim / Resumo: As células-tronco mesenquimais (MSCs) exercem seus efeitos terapêuticos predominantemente pela sua atividade parácrina. Como o secretoma desempenha um papel direto nas atividades biológicas das MSCs, a análise de seus componentes proteicos é um passo fundamental para identificar os principais responsáveis no controle e regulação dos muitos processos biológicos desenvolvidos por essas células. O secretoma de MSCs pode ser modificado e melhorado de forma in vitro para estimular efeitos celulares específicos desejados para aplicações terapêuticas, e uma maneira de modificá-lo é por meio de modificações nas condições de cultura. No presente estudo, objetivou-se descrever o secretoma de células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas de tecido adiposo (AD-MSCs) de gatos e cães submetidos a diferentes condições de cultivo, identificamos e comparamos os efeitos exercidos por diferentes modificações de cultivo. Para a produção de meio condicionado, as células foram descongeladas e cultivadas com meio DMEM/F12 com 20% de FBS, suplementado com antibióticos e antimicóticos em uma incubadora com umidade controlada a 37,5 °C, e 5% de CO2. Após atingir pelo menos 70% de confluência, as garrafas foram lavadas três vezes com solução salina balanceada Hanks (HBSS) e foram cultivadas em quatro condicionamentos distintos. O meio condicionado foi colhido após 4 dias, centrifugado por 10 min/300 g, filtrado em um filtro 0,22 μm e congelado a -80 °C. Foram realizadas a extração e concentração proteica de to... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: It is now known that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) exert their therapeutic effects predominantly through their paracrine activity. Since the secretome plays a direct role in the biological activities of MSCs, the analysis of their protein components is a fundamental step in identifying the main responsible for the control and regulation of the many biological processes developed by these cells. The MSCs secretome can be modified and improved in vitro to stimulate specific cellular effects desired for therapeutic applications, and one way of modifying it is through modifications in the culture conditions. In the present study, in addition to describing for the first time the secretome of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue (AD-MSCs) in feline species, we identified and compared the effects exerted by different culture modifications, such as the use of serum-free medium and hypoxia in the protein production by AD-MSCs in canines and felines. For the conditioned media production, the cells were thawed and cultured with DMEM/F12 medium with 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS), supplemented with antibiotics and antimycotics in controlled incubator ay 37.5 °C with 5% CO2. After reaching at least 70% confluency, the flasks were washed three times with Hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS) and were grown in four different conditions. Conditioned media were collected after 4 days, centrifuged for 10 min/300 g, filtered on a 0.22 μm filter and frozen at -80 °C. Protein extraction... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Expressão do gangliosídio GD2 nas células tronco mesenquimais de tecido adiposo humano durante a diferenciação para adipócitos ou osteoblastos

Terra, Silvia Resende January 2010 (has links)
As células tronco mesenquimais de tecido adiposo (MSCs-TA) são células progenitoras que residem entre adipócitos e contribuem para o turnover do tecido adiposo. Gangliosídios são glicoensfigolipídios localizados na membrana das células, envolvidos na regulação do crescimento celular, interação de superfície, sinalização transmembrana e diferenciação celular. O gangliosídio neural GD2 foi relatado como um marcador de superfície de células tronco mesenquimais de medula óssea e cordão umbilical, mas existem poucos dados sobre a expressão do GD2 em MSCs-TA indiferenciadas e nas diferenciadas para adipócito ou osteoblasto. Nosso principal objetivo foi estudar a expressão de gangliosídios nas MSCs-TA, em especial o GD2, durante a diferenciação adipogênica e osteogênica. Para isso, as MSCs-TA foram isoladas de lipoaspirado humano, cultivadas e induzidas para diferenciação adipogênica e osteogênica. As análises foram feitas por HPTLC, microscopia confocal, citometria de fluxo e PCR em tempo real. Por HPTLC, as MSCs-TA indiferenciadas e MSCs-TA diferenciadas para adipócitos e osteoblasto mostraram aumento do perfil de gangliosídios complexos. A microscopia confocal evidenciou os gangliosídios GM3, GM1 e GD2 na superfície das células e, por citometria de fluxo, identificamos uma subpopulação de células GD2 positivas nas MSCs-TA e MSCs-TA diferenciadas para adipócito ou osteoblasto. Entretanto, o percentual de células GD2 positivas decresceu com a diferenciação. A expressão do mRNA da GD2 sintase aumentou na diferenciação adipogênica e diminui na diferenciação osteogênica. O GD2 é um substrato para a biosíntese de gangliosídios complexos e o aumento da expressão da GD2 sintase pode estar relacionado com o aumento de gangliosídios complexos que ocorre durante a diferenciação adipogênica. / Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue (MSCs-TA) are progenitor cells that reside between adipocytes, and contribute to the turnover of adipose tissue. Gangliosides are glycosphingolipids localized in cell membrane, involved in cell growth regulation, surface interaction, transmembrane signaling and differentiation. The neural ganglioside GD2 has been reported as surface marker for MSCs from bone marrow and umbilical cord, but sparse data exist about the expression of GD2 in MSCs-TA and during the differentiation to adipocytes and osteoblast. Our aim was to study the expression of glangliosides, in special of GD2 in MSCs-TA and during the adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation. Thus MSCs-TA were isolated from lipoaspirate, cultured and induced to adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation. Then, we examined the gangliosides expression by HPTLC, confocal microscopy, flow citometry and real-time PCR. By HPTLC, the MSCs-TA and MSCs-TA differentiated into adipocytes and osteoblast demonstrate an increased complex gangliosides profile. The confocal microscopy showed the presence of GM3, GM1, and GD2 on the cell surface. By the flow cytometry, we identified a GD2 positive subpopulation in MSCs-TA and in MSCs-TA differentiated to adipocytes and osteoblast. However, the percentage of GD2 positive cells decreased with the differentiation. The expression of GD2 synthase mRNA increased during the adipogenic differentiation and decreased in osteogenic differentiation. GD2 is a substrate for the complex gangliosides biosynthesis, and the increase in GD2 synthase expression could be related with the increase in complex gangliosides that occurs during the adipogenic differentiation.

Der Einfluss der Überexpression des Enzyms 11-β Hydroxysteroid-Dehydrogenase Typ 1 auf die adipogene Differenzierung von mesenchymalen Vorläuferzellen in vitro / The impact of 11-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 on adipogenic differentiation in mesenchymal progenitor cells

Beismann, Johannes 27 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The pharmacology of the mechanosensitive channels of Escherichia coli

Nguyen, Thom Ngoc Minh January 2007 (has links)
Mechanosensitive (MS) channels are a class of ion channels which are gated by membrane stretch. The mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) of the bacterium E.coli has become a prototype MS channel for studying structure-function relationships in this class of ion channels. MscL homologues have commonly been found in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial strains forming a sub-family of a larger family of MS class of ion channels encompassing prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) as well as cell-walled eukaryotes (fungi and plants). MscL and its homologues have been found to play an important role in osmoregulation of bacterial cells. Though the MS channels of bacteria have been thoroughly studied, little is known about the pharmacology of these channels. This thesis has one general aim, that is, to identify compounds which are able to gate and/or alter the gating of the MS channels of bacteria in particular, the MscL of E. coli. Using the patch-clamp technique, potential compounds mostly identified via in-silico techniques were examined to observe the effects on MscL reconstituted in artificial lipid membranes and MscS in giant bacterial spheroplasts. The compounds were tested for the ability to spontaneously gate the MscL and MscS and/or alter the Boltzmann distribution parameters of the MscL, indicative of an effect on the gating of MscL. Compounds showing potential as MscL activators were then examined for in-vivo effects using different growth assays. The effects of parabens, gallates, eriochrome cyanine R, brilliant green, deoxycholic acid are reported. Of these compounds, parabens and eriochrome cyanine R showed the most encouraging results. Identification of MS channel gate ligands not only benefits structural studies as tetrodotoxin has for the voltage-sensitive sodium channel, these compounds could also V potentially serve as base compounds for novel antibiotics which would target the MS channels of bacteria. Since the MS channels of bacteria serve as safety valves for the bacterium, gating during exposure to a hypo-osmotic challenge such as rain to release excessive cellular turgor, a pharmacological agent that could impair the gating of the MS channels releasing essential cytoplasmic osmolytes, would cause the growth impairment or death of the bacterium. With the rise in multi-drug resistant bacteria, continual development of novel antibiotics is crucial.

Optimisation de la thérapie par cellules souches par l'application d'un hydrogel injectable après un accident vasculaire cérébral : une étude histologique et par IRM / Optimization of cell-based therapy using an injectable hydrogel after stroke : MRI and histological study

Simoes Braga Boisserand, Ligia 28 November 2016 (has links)
L’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) représente une des plus importantes causes d’handicap acquis de l’adulte. A l’heure actuelle, après les premières heures de l’AVC, aucun traitement efficace en dehors de la rééducation n’est disponible, renforçant l’importance de la recherche des traitements alternatifs. La thérapie de reperfusion à la phase aigüe est conditionnée par une détection et une prise en charge très précoce. Pour cette raison, seulement environ 10% des patients peuvent en bénéficier. L’application des nouvelles techniques d’imagerie cérébrale peut être de grande utilité dans la compréhension des mécanismes de l’ischémie aiguë et l’identification des candidats potentiels à la reperfusion. Dans le cadre de notre première étude dans un modèle expérimental d’ischémie cérébrale chez le rat (par occlusion de l’artère cérébrale moyenne oACM), nous avons caractérisé les altérations micro-vasculaires, hémodynamiques et la saturation locale en oxygène (StO2) à la phase aigüe de l’AVC (dans la première heure) par IRM multiparamétrique. Les résultats de cette étude ont montré le potentiel de la cartographie par IRM de la StO2 dans la détection du cœur ischémique sans l’inclusion d’aucune zone potentiellement récupérable.Au-delà de la phase aigüe, le réel besoin de disposer de thérapies avec une fenêtre thérapeutique plus étendue s’impose. La thérapie cellulaire présente un potentiel dans le traitement de l’AVC. La thérapie cellulaire semble promouvoir une réduction du handicap après un AVC par des mécanismes de neuroprotection et de régénération du tissu cérébral. Malgré ces résultats encourageants, l’importante mort cellulaire quand les cellules exogènes sont administrées dans la cavité de l’infarctus doit être améliorée. Nous avons évalué un biomatériau hydrogel in vivo et son potentiel à protéger les cellules greffées à long terme. Dans notre étude pilote chez le rat sain, nous avons démontré que l’hydrogel à base d’acide hyaluronique (HA) HyStemTM-HP (Sigma-Aldrich, France) pouvait rester dans le tissu cérébral pendant 28 jours sans être dégradé, ce qui représente une protection potentielle pour des cellules greffées.La greffe intracérébrale de HA combinée à des cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines (CSMh) issues de la moelle osseuse), 7 jours après l’oACM, a favorisé la survie cellulaire et a augmenté les marqueurs angiogéniques. Les cellules RECA1+ (marqueur des cellules endothéliales vasculaires) ont été augmentées. Les cellules Collagen-IV+ (membrane basale des vaisseaux) étaient également augmentées par le traitement. L’angiogenèse est un processus clé dans la récupération post-AVC. Malgré ces effets pro-angiogéniques bénéfiques, aucun des traitements (CSMh+HA ou CSMh seules) n’a permis une récupération fonctionnelle 3 semaines après l’injection (évaluation par deux test sensori-moteurs: échelle d’évaluation neurologique (mNSS) et test du retrait d’adhésif). / As the leading cause of disability in adulthood, stroke remains an important subject of study because no effective treatments except by rehabilitation are currently available after the first hours. The acute phase therapy reperfusion is conditinated to a rapid detection and management. For this reason, just around 10% of patients benefit of this. The application of new brain imaging techniques can be relevant for the comprehension of acute stroke mechanism and for a more accurate identification of candidates for acute phase reperfusion therapies. In our first study in a rat model of ischemic stroke (by occlusion of middle cerebral artery, MCAo) we characterized the microvascular, hemodynamic and local saturation in oxygen (StO2) alterations in the acute phase (around one hour after stroke onset), using multiparametric MRI. We demonstrated the potential of StO2 MRI map for detecting the ischemic core without the inclusion of any reversible ischemic damage.Therapeutic approaches that can be applied beyond acute phase are urgently needed. Most evidences suggest that cell therapies have the potential to reduce post-stroke disability through neuroprotection and brain remodelling mechanism. Despite of beneficial effects were demonstrated, some issues need to be addressed, such as the important loss of grafted cells reported when cells are administrated into infarct cavity. We evaluated an innovating biomaterial hydrogel in vivo and their potential to promote long term protection of grafted cells. In a pilot study, we demonstrated that hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel (HA) HyStemTM-HP (Sigma-Aldrich, France) presented a long lasting (over 28 days) in healthy brain suggesting to be a good candidate for cell therapy.When co-administrated by intracerebral route combined with human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC from bone marrow) seven days after MCAo, the HAhydrogel promoted an increase of hMSC survival and improved angiogenic process. In the immunohistological study, RECA1+ (vessel endothelial cells makers) were increased. Collagen-IV+ cells (vessel basal membrane) were also increased. Post stroke angiogenesis is a key process for brain recovery. No difference in lesion volume was detected among the ischemic groups by in vivo MRI. Despite the pro-angiogenic beneficial effect, neither hMSC+HA nor hMSC alone were able to improve functional results 3 weeks after intracerebral injection (assessed by modified neurological severity score (mNSS), and adhesive removal test).

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