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Heteroplasmy in mammal mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acidViramontes Martínez, Francisco 12 1900 (has links)
La nature a développé diverses stratégies afin d’assurer le commencement de la vie dans des conditions d’homoplasmie, c’est-à-dire des conditions telles que les cellules sont dotées du même ADN mitochondrial. Toutefois, des nouveaux haplotypes de l’acide désoxyribonucléique mitochondrial (ADNmt) peuvent apparaitre et croître de plusieurs façons tout au long de la durée d’une vie menant à l’hétéroplasmie. Par exemple, l’hétéroplasmie de l’ADNmt peut être créée artificiellement par des technologies reproductives assistées, ainsi que naturellement par le processus de vieillissement. De ce fait, la thèse de ce doctorat fut divisée en deux principaux objectifs. Le premier étant celui d’analyser les changements survenus dans l’hétéroplasmie de l’ADNmt produit par le transfert nucléaire des cellules somatiques (SCNT) lors du développement de l’embryon jusqu’au fœtus et aux tissus adultes de bovins clonés. En ce qui concerne le second objectif, il s’agit d’analyser les changements survenus dans l’hétéroplasmie de l’ADNmt causés par le vieillissement dans une cellule somatique adulte et dans des tissus germinaux durant l’ovogénèse, ainsi qu’au début de l’embryogenèse et dans la procédure de culture in vitro sur des souris.
Dans la première série d’expériences sur des bovins, des fibroblastes fœtaux transportant une mutation d’ADNmt (insertion de 66 pb) furent fusionnés avec des ovocytes receveurs transportant l’ADNmt du type sauvage. La présence d’ADNmt venant de la cellule donneuse a été analysée à différents stades de développement, soit sur des embryons âgés de 17 jours (n=17), des fœtus âgés de 40 jours (n=3), des fœtus âgés de 60 jours (n=3), un fœtus âgé de 240 jours et 3 clones post-nataux âgés de 18 à 24 mois. Chaque individu s’est avéré être hétéroplasmique et 99 % (103/104) des échantillons de tissus analysés étaient également hétéroplasmiques. Cependant, l’ovaire venant du fœtus de 240 jours fut le seul à être homoplasmique pour l’ADNmt de l’ovocyte receveur. Dans la plupart des échantillons analysés (95,2 %, soit 99/104) la moyenne d’hétéroplasmie était de 1,46 %. Par contre, un fœtus âgé de 40 jours a présenté un niveau élevé d’hétéroplasmie (20,9 %), indiquant ainsi que des évènements rares d’augmentation de l’ADNmt des cellules donneuses peuvent survenir. Étant donné que la majorité des clones SCNT montrait de l’hétéroplasmie de l’ADNmt à des proportions comparables à celles des cellules donneuses au moment de la reconstruction de l’embryon, on a pu conclure que l’hétéroplasmie produite par des techniques de transfert nucléaire utilisant des cellules somatiques est due à une ségrégation neutre de l’ADNmt.
Dans la seconde série d’expériences sur des souris, des femelles de différents âges, c.à.d. jeunes (0 – 8 mois), moyennes (8 – 16 mois) et vieilles (16 – 24 mois), ont été synchronisées (gonadotrophines) et sacrifiées dans le but d’obtenir des ovocytes au stade de vésicule germinal, et des ovocytes au stade métaphase-II produits in vivo et in vitro. De plus, des embryons in vivo et in vitro au stade de deux-cellules et des embryons au stade de blastocystes ont été obtenus de femelles jeunes. Différents tissus somatiques, venant de femelles des trois stades d’âge ont été obtenus : cerveau, foie, muscle et du cumulus ovocytaire. De plus, l’effet du vieillissement a été mesuré selon la fertilité de la femelle. En effet, les effets sur l’hétéroplasmie du vieillissement, du stade de développement et de la culture in vitro ont été mesurés dans des ovocytes et dans des embryons. Les effets du vieillissement sur les mitochondries ont été mesurés par rapport au nombre total de copies de l’ADNmt, au pourcentage des délétions communes et sur l’expression de trois gènes : Ndufs4, Mt-nd2 and Mt-nd4. Il a été possible d’observer que la fertilité des femelles dans la colonie de souris diminuait avec l’âge. En fait, le vieillissement affectait l’ADNmt dans les tissus somatiques, cependant il n’avait pas d’effet sur le cumulus, les ovocytes et les embryons. Le nombre de délétions de l’ADNmt augmentait pendant la reprise de la méiose et celui-ci diminuait au début du développement embryonnaire. La culture in vitro n’affectait pas la quantité d’ADNmt dans la plupart des tissus germinaux. Puisque nous n’avons pas trouvé d’effet de l’âge dans la majorité des paramètres mitochondriaux analysés dans les ovocytes et les embryons, il est suggéré que la délétion commune de l’ADNmt dans les tissus germinaux est davantage reliée au statut cellulaire de la production d’énergie qu’au processus de vieillissement.
Deux sources différentes de mutations de l’ADNmt produites dans les ovocytes normaux ou reconstitués ont produit différents résultats d’hétéroplasmie au début de l’embryogénèse. Chez les bovins, l’hétéroplasmie artificielle impliquant une petite insertion (66 pb) dans la région non codante (D-loop) de l’ADNmt a été vraisemblablement non nocive pour l’embryon, tolérant la persistance de l’ADNmt étranger pendant les différents stades du développement des clones. Chez les souris, l’hétéroplasmie naturelle produite par une grande délétion (4974 pb délétion commune) dans la région codante de l’ADNmt a été vraisemblablement nocive pour l’embryon et par conséquent éliminée pour assurer l’homoplasmie au début du développement embryonnaire. / Nature has developed strategies to ensure the beginning of life in conditions of homoplasmy, i.e. cells harboring the same mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). However, novel mtDNA haplotypes can arise by many means during life, leading to heteroplasmy. For instance, mtDNA heteroplasmy can originate artificially through assisted reproductive technologies and naturally by the process of aging. Therefore, this doctoral thesis was divided into two general objectives: Firstly, to analyze the changes in mtDNA heteroplasmy produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) during development from embryos, to fetuses and adult tissues, in cattle. Secondly, to analyze the changes in mtDNA heteroplasmy caused by aging in adult germinal and somatic tissues, during oogenesis and early embryogenesis, and in in vitro culture procedures in mice.
In the first series of experiments in cattle, fetal fibroblasts carrying an mtDNA mutation (insertion of 66 bp) were fused to host oocytes carrying wild type mtDNA. The presence of mtDNA from the donor cell was analyzed in 30 SCNT clones at different stages of development: 17-day-old embryos (n=17); 40-day-old fetuses (n=3); 60-day-old fetuses (n=3); one 240 day-old fetus; and 3 post-natal clones (18-24 months). Every individual clone proved to be heteroplasmic and 99% (103/104) of the analyzed tissue samples were heteroplasmic as well. Only the ovary coming from a 240 day old fetus was homoplasmic for the mtDNA of the recipient oocyte. In most (95.2%) of the analyzed tissue samples (99/104) the mean of heteroplasmy was 1.46%. In contrast, one 40-day-old fetus presented high levels of heteroplasmy (20.9%) indicating rare events of donor mtDNA increases. Since most SCNT clones showed heteroplasmy at proportions comparable to the donor mtDNA at the moment of embryo reconstruction, we concluded that heteroplasmy produced by nuclear transfer techniques using somatic cells is due to the neutral segregation of the mtDNA.
In the second series of experiments, performed in mice, females of different ages, i.e. young (0-8 months), middle (8-16 months) and old (16-24 months), were synchronized (gonadotropins) and sacrificed to obtain germinal vesicle oocytes, metaphase-II oocytes in vivo and in vitro. Also, 2-cell and blastocyst stage embryos were obtained from young females in vivo and in vitro. Somatic tissues from females of the three age periods were obtained: brain, granulosa, liver and muscle and the effect of aging was measured on fertility. The effects of aging, stage of development and in vitro culture on the heteroplasmy were measured in oocytes and embryos. Also, the effects of aging were measured in somatic and germinal tissues on total copies of mtDNA, percentage of mtDNA common deletion and the expression of three genes: Ndufs4, Mt-nd2 and Mt-nd4. We observed that female fertility in the mouse colony decreases with age. Aging affected mtDNA in somatic tissues but no effect was observed in granulosa, oocytes and embryos. MtDNA deletions increased during the resumption of meiosis and decreased during early embryo development; and culture in vitro did not affect the mtDNA in most germinal tissues. Because we did not find effects of age in most mitochondrial parameters analyzed in oocytes and embryos, we suggest that mtDNA common deletion in germinal tissues is more related with the cellular status of energy production than with the process of aging.
Two different sources of mutations in the mtDNA generated in normal or reconstructed oocytes produced different heteroplasmy outcomes at the beginning of embryogenesis. In cattle, artificial heteroplasmy involving a small insertion (66 bp) in the non coding region (D-loop) of the mitochondrial DNA was apparently not harmful to the embryo, allowing persistence of the foreign mtDNA during the different stages of clonal development. In mice, the natural heteroplasmy of a large deletion (4974 bp, common deletion) in the coding region of the mtDNA was apparently harmful to the embryo and, therefore, may have been eliminated to ensure homoplasmy at the beginning of embryonic development.
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The decline of Fowler's Toad (Bufo fowleri) in southern Louisiana: molecular genetics, field experiments and landscape studiesVogel, Laura Sanders 08 August 2007 (has links)
Two of the most pervasive threats to species biodiversity are invasive species and habitat loss and degradation. Invasive species are often relatively insensitive to disturbance and many expand their range into disturbed and fragmented habitats. This dissertation uses an interdisciplinary approach to investigate how anthropogenic habitat disturbance is precipitating a range expansion in an invasive toad species, Bufo nebulifer, which is driving a decline in its native congener, B. fowleri. I employed a remote sensing and GIS study using historical data to compare changes in the two species distributions and habitat changes, a molecular genetic study to identify interspecific hybrids and their potential effects on the parental species, and an experimental ecology study to look at the effects of competition and predation on the two species. The results of the landscape level analyses of species' distributional changes in different disturbance levels showed that both species' distributions have changed significantly. The distributions of the two species are inversely affected by habitat disturbance; the distribution of B. fowleri in highly degraded habitat has contracted while the expansion of B. nebulifer increased substantially. The molecular genetic study successfully demonstrated the use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers to identify cryptic hybrids and their maternal lineage. Three hybrids were detected using nuclear introns and a morphologically cryptic hybrid was identified using mitochondrial DNA as the progeny of a cross that was previously thought to be inviable. Although relatively few hybrids were currently found, the identification of a cryptic hybrid implies that the rate of historical hybridization may have been drastically underestimated. Ecological studies showed that competition with B. nebulifer tadpoles had a negative effect on both body size measures and survival to metamorphosis for B. fowleri tadpoles. The addition of predators to experiment did not favor the survival of B. fowleri over B. nebulifer. Bufo fowleri's inability to compete with its invasive congener could be a driving mechanism for the decline of B. fowleri and the expansion of B. nebulifer. The methods discussed in this dissertation offer promising and practical new approaches for evaluating and managing changes in the distribution of species of conservation concern.
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Evolution in Neotropical Herpetofauna: Species Boundaries in High Andean Frogs and Evolutionary Genetics in the Lava Lizard Genus Microlophus (Squamata: tropiduridae): A History of Colonization and DispersalBenavides, Edgar 07 December 2006 (has links)
In this collection of papers I have summarized my investigations into the field of evolutionary genetics and more specifically into patterns of biodiversity and evolutionary processes. The lizards (and frogs) studied here share common features in that they are largely present in unique environments, which are also regions that are biologically understudied. Most of these taxa show high degrees of endemism, interesting natural history characteristics, and each group manifests distinctive adaptations of general evolutionary interest. My work in the genus Telmatobius has been a progressive approach that began in my MS program, and it first focused on alpha taxonomy, morphological variation, and species boundaries. This work led to new studies initiated and completed at BYU involving further taxonomic revision (Formas et al., 2003; Chapter 1), and then revisiting and re-evaluating species boundaries established earlier (with allozyme markers) and this time with population level molecular (mitochondrial DNA) markers (Chapter 2). Our results indicate that the striking differences in size, coloration and general appearance in the various Lake Titicaca morphotypes are not genetically based. Further, there is evidence that these morphotypes have evolved very rapidly after demographic bottlenecks eroded present genetic variability. Telmatobius frogs of Lake Titicaca are listed by the International (IUCN) as critically endangered. We support this classification and further suggest studies to explore open questions like the possibility of adaptation along ecological resource gradients. Lizards of the genus Microlophus are interesting but for different reasons, and studies of this group constitutes the bulk of my dissertation work. The genus includes both Galapagos insular species, and continental taxa distributed in a linear gradient along > 4000 km of the western coast of South America. In studying Microlophus I first tackled the unresolved phylogenetic relationships within the genus (Chapter 3) and then pay attention to phylogeographic aspects of the most speciose lizard radiation in the Galapagos Archipelago (Chapter 4). Chapter 3 is a single manuscript provisionally accepted in the journal Systematic Biology. This paper introduces the lizard genus Microlophus (“lava lizards”) as a study system, and includes a large nuclear data set accompanied by an equally large mitochondrial data set (7877 characters in total). This paper explicitly differentiates among sequence alignments of gene regions that vary in tempo and class of mutational events. We show that this recognition is important and we suggest ways to appropriately deal with the alignment of multi-locus non-coding DNA data sets. A secondary finding in this study is that mtDNA and nDNA topologies are discordant with each other but that both are strongly supported, and that the nuclear topology is concordant with species distribution patterns along coastal South America. We hypothesize that in this particular region of the tree, the nuclear genome recovers a topology that is closer to the species tree, and conflicts occur due to likely secondary contact of distantly related taxa, suggesting that unique taxonomic relationships in the mtDNA gene tree are the result of hybridization. This last point highlights the value of dense taxonomic and character sampling for teasing apart different aspects of evolutionary processes. Chapter 4 is a manuscript to be submitted to the journal Evolution; in this study we further investigate the most speciose radiation of Microlophus in the Galapagos, based on an unparalleled sampling of most islands and small islets in the Archipelago. We use mtDNA sequences to both test hypothesized between-island colonization routes, as well as the expectation that within-island phylogeographic structure should be greater on older islands. Our mtDNA gene tree is strongly supported and allows rejection of previous alternatives, and we propose a novel sequence of between-island colonization events. Our results also reject the idea of phylogeographic structure been related solely to island age. Instead, we provide evidence to suggest that active volcanism as a major player in the generation of genetic diversity in within-island environments, and this is further compounded by the seemingly stochastic nature of within-island long-distance colonization routes mediated by ocean currents. We suggest that the direction and intensity of these currents, as currently understood, are insufficient to generate a priori hypotheses of oceanic colonization routes and their influence on gene flow. We do show that the standard stepping-stone model of migration, where genetic interchange is only possible among neighboring localities, does not explain much of the within-island population genetic structure unraveled by this study. From a biological conservation perspective the study of patterns of recent evolutionary history in the Galapagos provides with a window to evolutionary processes that have shaped and continue to impact the generation of biodiversity in the Galapagos Archipelago. Islands have long been viewed as natural laboratories of evolutionary change, and thus all island isolates are or could be distinctly important components of the larger, archipelago-wide processes. We provide working hypotheses for some of the demographic processes that might be generating within- and between-island biodiversity in this clade of lizards; confirmation of these explanations with independent data will have management implications for conserving the unique patterns observed in the Galapagos biota, but also the processes that generated these patterns.
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Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the South Pacific breeding grounds : an allocation from feeding areas and an abundance estimate of whales specific to French Polynesia watersGibb, Giselle Renee 09 July 2009 (has links)
South Pacific humpback whales were devastated by commercial whaling in their
Antarctic feeding areas during the 20th century. Understanding migratory
connections and current abundance of these isolated breeding stocks is crucial
for the allocation of historical Antarctic catches in population dynamic models
used to assess current recovery. However, only a small number of migratory
connections have been documented between Oceania breeding stocks within the
South Pacific and feeding areas in the Antarctic. In addition, little is known about
abundance of these stocks which encompass a vast oceanic region. For this
thesis I first used mixed-stock analysis (MSA) to allocate migratory connections
from four Antarctic feeding areas (n=142) to seven South Pacific breeding stocks
(n=1,373), including four in Oceania, based on genetic marker frequencies. The
use of this method was justified by the breeding stocks showing genetic
differentiation at the haplotype level with an F[subscript ST] value of 0.027 (p-value <0.001).
The results showed a relatively strong connection of Western Australia to
Antarctic Area IV, Tonga to the border of Antarctic Area VI/I, Colombia to the
Antarctic Peninsula, and a split allocation of Eastern Australia and New
Caledonia to Antarctic Area V. This study provides the first population-level
information supporting previous individual-based studies that humpback whale
migration may not necessarily be direct north south. Next, utilizing capture-recapture
methodology of unique humpback whale fluke photographs, I
estimated abundance of one of the least studied Oceania breeding stocks,
French Polynesia, a stock which also showed no significant migratory allocation
using MSA. Taking into consideration the possible advantages of using Quality
Control (QC) photographs to minimize bias in matching, estimates were
generated using the complete photo catalogue and also using only photographs
adhering to QC criteria. I found that the choice of using QC has an effect on the
abundance generated and discuss the implications of this finding. Despite the
photo catalogue used, the French Polynesia stock is estimated to number less
than 1,900 individuals. Lastly, to provide additional information on the French
Polynesia stock I used photo-identification to compare French Polynesia whales
to whales in the Antarctic Peninsula and Strait of Magellan (Antarctic Area I), a
possible migratory connection suggested by previous microsatellite genotyping.
No conclusive matches were found. Although this does not discount the
possibility of a few migrants traveling between these regions it does indicate the
Antarctic Peninsula and the Strait of Magellan are not primary feeding areas of
French Polynesia. This new information regarding abundance and migration of
French Polynesia whales is important for the Comprehensive Assessment of
Southern Hemisphere humpback whales. This document is currently being
completed as the International Whaling Commission considers the next critical
steps in recovery for Oceania humpback whales stocks. / Graduation date: 2010
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Archaeological Genetics - Approaching Human History through DNA AnalysisDaskalaki, Evangelia January 2014 (has links)
There are a variety of archaeological questions, which are difficult to assess by traditional archaeological methods. Similarly, there are genetic and population genetic questions about human evolution and migration that are difficult to assess by studying modern day genetic variation. Archaeological genetics can directly study the archaeological remains, allowing human history to be explored by means of genetics, and genetics to be expanded into historical and pre-historical times. Examples of archaeological questions that can be resolved by genetics are determining biological sex on archaeological remains and exploring the kinship or groups buried in close proximity. Another example is one of the most important events in human prehistory – the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to farming - was driven through the diffusion of ideas or with migrating farmers. Molecular genetics has the potential to contribute in answering all these questions as well as others of similar nature. However, it is essential that the pitfalls of ancient DNA, namely fragmentation, damage and contamination are handled during data collection and data analysis. Analyses of ancient DNA presented in this thesis are based on both mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA through the study of single nuclear polymorphisms (SNPs). I used pyrosequencing assays in order to identify the biological sex of archaeological remains as well as verifying if fragmented remains were human or from animal sources. I used a clonal assay approach in order to retrieve sequences for the HVRI of a small family-like burial constellation from the Viking age. By the use of low coverage shotgun sequencing I retrieved sequence data from 13 crew members from the 17th century Swedish man-of-war Kronan. This data was used to determine the ancestry of the crew, which in some cases was speculated to be of non-Scandinavian or non-European origin. However, I demonstrate that all individuals were of European ancestry. Finally, I retrieved sequence data from a Neolithic farmer from the Iberian Peninsula, which added one more facet of information in exploring the Neolithization process of Europe. The Neolithic Iberian individual was genetically similar to Scandinavian Neolithic farmers, indicating that the genetic variation of prehistoric Europe correlated with subsistence mode rather than with geography.
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Maternal lineages and diversity of the growth hormone gene of South African goat populationsNcube, Keabetswe Tebogo 09 1900 (has links)
The maternal lineages and origins of the South African goat populations are unknown and hence pose challenges for breed characterization and conservation. This study investigated the maternal lineages of South African goats using complete mtDNA and ascertained the genetic diversity in the growth hormone gene within and between populations. Illumina MiSeq next generation sequencing was used to generate the full length of the mtDNA (16.64 kb) and growth hormone (2.54kb) genes in 50 goats of the commercial South African Boer (n =9), captive feral Tankwa (n =9), and SA village goat populations (n =32). The non-descript village populations were sampled from villages of the four major goat-producing provinces; (i) Hobeni village, Elliotdale municipality and Pechelsdam village, Inxubayethemba municipality in Eastern Cape (n=8), (ii) Coniliva and Ngubo villages in Msinga municipality Kwa-Zulu Natal (n=8), (iii) Mukovhabale village, Mutale municipality and Muila-muumone, Makhado municipality in Limpopo (n=8) and (iv) Pella village (n=6), Moses Kotane municipality North West (n=8) provinces of South Africa. A total of 184 SNPs and 55 AA changes were observed across the complete mtDNA genome. High within-population variation was observed in all the groups, ranging from 98.60 to 99.52%. A low FST (FST = 0.003-0.049) indicated close relatedness and possible gene flow between SA goat populations. Haplotypes and clades observed in the D-loop, COX1 and whole mtDNA network trees demonstrated relationships between South African goat populations. The South African goats clustered with Chinese goats from lineages A and B, suggesting common maternal lineages between the Chinese and South African goat populations. The results also suggested that the bezoar (Capra aegagrus) is a possible ancestor of South African domestic goats.
A range of 27 to 58 SNPs per population were observed on the growth hormone gene. Amino acid changes from glycine to serine, tyrosine to cysteine and arginine to glycine were observed at exon 2 and exon 5. Gene diversity ranged from 0.8268 ± 0.0410 to 0.9298 ± 0.0050. Higher within breed diversity (97.37%) was observed within the population category consisting of SA village ecotypes and the Tankwa goats. Highest pairwise FST values ranging from 0.148 to 0.356 were observed between the SA Boer and both the SA village and Tankwa feral goat populations. The maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis indicated nine genetic clades, which reflected close relationships between the South African populations and the other international breeds. Results imply greater potential for within population selection programs particularly with SA village goats. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M.Sc. (Statistical Genomics)
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Molecular phylogeny and evolution of the Ectemnorhinus group of weevils in the Prince Edward IslandsGrobler, Gert Cornelius 28 August 2012 (has links)
All previous taxonomic studies on the Ectemnorhinus group of weevils have been based primarily on morphological data. While these studies are invaluable, some questions can only be addressed adequately through molecular studies. This is especially true when studying the genetic relationships and phylogeograpic patterns of taxa endemic to the South Indian Ocean Province (SIP) biotas that have long been controversial. The Ectemnorhinus group of genera is a monophyletic unit of weevils endemic to the region. The present study focused mainly on the Ectemnorhinus group of weevils found on the Prince Edward Islands archipelago (PEIA). The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene was targeted when investigating relationships among members of this weevil group. On the PEIA, it is important to note that Marion Island (MI) and Prince Edward Island (PEI) differ in terms of alien invasive species, such as the introduced house mouse Mus musculus and in conservation management strategies. Since emergence, a series of volcanic and glaciation events have occurred on Marion Island, whilst Prince Edward Island has remained largely unaffected by glaciation. Phylogenetic analyses revealed the presence of two genetically and morphometrically distinct species of Ectemnorhinus weevils on PEI, whilst evidence for a single species, comprising diverse genetically discrete populations was found on MI. Based on these results, the species unique to PEI has been designated E. kuscheli n. sp., whilst the present study confirmed the synonymy between E. similis and E. marioni, the two species originally described from MI. Ectemnorhinus kucheli appears to be restricted to PEI, whereas E. similis occurs on both MI and PEI. When investigating the population dynamics of the Ectemnorhinus weevils on the PEIA, the data indicated that PEI was the first of the two islands of the PEIA to be colonized by Ectemnorhinus weevils, at an estimated time of coalescence of approximately 0.3116 million years ago (MYA). The PEI population then acted as the source population for the colonization of MI by Ectemnorhinus weevils some time before the last glaciation, approximately 10 000 to 35 000 years ago. The separation by distance of the PEI Ectemnorhinus weevils from those on MI then gave rise to two species by allopatric speciation on MI. During the last glaciations, MI was extensively glaciated with only the southwestern corner of the island being free of ice. This extensive glaciation of MI would have resulted in the eradication of all E. similis on MI except for those occurring on the ice-free southwestern corner of the island. At the end of the last glacial maximum, when the ice started to melt, the coastal areas of MI emerged first from beneath the ice and were available for re-colonization by weevils. The movement of weevils that were isolated in the south-western corner of MI, along the coastal areas of the island, was assisted by strong, frequent south-western winds. Subsequent, post-glacial volcanism during the Holocene was then responsible for the fragmentation of the new migrants, resulting in small population pockets surrounded by fresh, uninhabitable lava and subsequent divergence of each populations. When the Holocene black lava became re-colonizeable, the weevils from the different isolated populations migrated to the remainder of the island. Currently, members of the different genetically-identified populations occur in sympatry and in some cases even on the same plant, but no noticeable geneflow was detected between them. It is thus suggested that the time of isolation, before the post-glacial black lava during Holocene became hospitable, was sufficiently long and the populations sufficiently small that a number of genetically-discrete populations arose. Consequently, the present study recognises two genetically discrete populations of E. kucheli on PEI and seven discrete E. similis populations on MI that are morphologically indistinct. When examining the relationships among 13 species from five different islands within the South Indian Ocean Province (SIP) that are representative of 22 populations within the genera Palirhoeus, Bothrometopus and Ectemnorhinus, there was little support for separating the genus Palirhoeus from Bothrometopus, and no support for the morphologically-delineated species groups currently recognized within Bothrometopus. The present study shows that colonization of the Prince Edward Islands is likely to have occurred repeatedly from other islands within the SIP and that Bothrometopus parvulus on the PEIA comprises two species that are not sister taxa. The second novel con-generic species was therefore designated Bothrometopus huntleyi n. sp. and examination of the genetically identified specimens resulted in the indentification of distinguishing morphological characteristics. The analyses indicated that B. huntleyi arose approximately 0.5 million years ago from a high-altitude population that is still present on MI. The first major intra- and inter-island dispersal event occurred ~0.338 MYA, coinciding with the glaciation-free second volcanic stage on MI. Apart from this early inter-island colonisation, only one other between-island dispersal event, corresponding with the glaciation-free seventh volcanic stage, was detected. Genetically discrete weevil complexes on each of the islands of the PEIA together with the low levels of inter-island gene flow reaffirm the need to control alien invasive mice, which are restricted to MI, and which prey on these weevil species. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted
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Generation of rho zero cells: visualization and quantification of the mtDNA depletion processSchubert, Susanne, Heller, Sandra, Löffler, Birgit, Schäfer, Ingo, Seibel, Martina, Villani, Gaetano, Seibel, Peter January 2015 (has links)
Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is located in discrete DNA-protein
complexes, so called nucleoids. These structures can be easily visualized in living cells by utilizing the fluorescent stain PicoGreen®. In contrary, cells devoid of endogenous mitochondrial genomes (ρ0 cells) display no mitochondrial staining in the cytoplasm. A modified restriction enzyme can be targeted to mitochondria to cleave the mtDNA molecules in more than two fragments, thereby activating endogenous nucleases.
By applying this novel enzymatic approach to generate mtDNA-depleted cells the destruction of mitochondrial nucleoids in cultured cells could be detected in a time course. It is clear from these experiments that mtDNA-depleted cells can be seen as early as 48 h post-transfection using the depletion system. To prove that mtDNA is degraded during
this process, mtDNA of transfected cells was quantified by real-time PCR. A significant decline could be observed 24 h post-transfection. Combination of both results showed that mtDNA of transfected cells is completely degraded and, therefore, ρ0 cells were generated within 48 h. Thus, the application of a mitochondrially-targeted restriction endonuclease proves to be a first and fast, but essential step towards a therapy for mtDNA disorders.
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Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA within Southern African populations.Brecht, Gadean January 2020 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / As human beings we are curious about our origin and ancestry. A curiosity has led to an investigation of human evolution and expansion across the world by means of population genetics and phylo-genetics by evaluating a region in Southern Africa that is largely unknown.
The objective of this study was to develop a quick, inexpensive and accurate hierarchical diagnostic screening system of the MtDNA phylogenetic tree, AI-SNPs in the mtDNA genome by using High Resolution Melting analysis to evaluate the population composition and ancestral haplogroups of Southern African populations in Limpopo. The admixture between the ‘Khoesan’ hunter-gatherers, herders and the Bantu speaking populations led to population growth and expansion in Limpopo. This has contributed to populations settling in Limpopo and has thus shaped the ancestral contemporary populations. No research on these individuals residing in Limpopo has been done before, thus an investigation of their ancestral origin was necessary. A total of 760 saliva samples were collected from individuals residing in Limpopo. Only 500 saliva samples were extracted by means of an optimized salting out technique. Five hundred extracted genomic samples were genotyped by means of a quick, inexpensive High-resolution melting analysis. Of the 500 samples, the genotyping results showed 95 individuals derived for the L3 haplogroup which gives a 19% ratio of individuals screened with Multiplex 1. Only 56 individuals were derived for the L1 haplogroup, which gives a percentage of 11%. A total of 249 individuals were derived for the L0 haplogroup, making up a 50% of the total individuals genotyped. Only 100 samples were derived for L0a, making up 20% of individuals screened with Multiplex 1. Of the 95 samples derived for the L3 haplogroup, the results showed 87 individuals to be ancestral for both M and N, making up 91.57% of individuals screened with Multiplex 2. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/. In population genetics using SNPs to infer population history and ancestral origin has become significant, this study allowed researchers to evaluate population groups by investigating their genetic markers and the application of the results allowed for downstream analyses. Finally, this study provides a quick and simple screening method for the selection of lineages that are of interest for further studies.
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Ein bronzezeitlicher Familienclan als genetisches Archiv – Morphologisch-paläogenetische Bearbeitung des Skelettkollektivs aus der Lichtensteinhöhle / A Bronze Age family clan as genetic archive – Morphological-paleogenetical analysis of the skeletal remains from the Lichtenstein CaveSeidenberg, Verena 29 September 2016 (has links)
Die Lichtensteinhöhle ist eine Klufthöhle im Berg Lichtenstein in den Harzausläufern. Im anthropogenen Teil der Höhle wurden größere Mengen disoloziert vorliegender Menschenknochen gefunden. Über assoziierte archäologische Artefakte und 14C-Datierungen erfolgte eine Einordnung ins 10.–9. Jh. v. Chr.. Aufgrund eines Überzuges mit Gipssinter und konstant niedriger Temperaturen war ein herausragend guter Erhaltungszustand der Knochen und der enthaltenen aDNA gegeben. Dies ermöglichte umfangreiche anthropologische Forschungsarbeiten an den menschlichen Überresten aus der Lichtensteinhöhle.
Eine zentrale Fragestellung zu Beginn der Forschungsarbeiten war, ob es sich um eine Opferstätte oder einen Bestattungsplatz handelt. Es konnte für die zunächst identifizierten 40 Individuen ein ausgewogenes Geschlechterverhältnis und eine Altersverteilung über alle Altersklassen hinweg nachgewiesen werden. Zudem konnten mittels molekulargenetischer Methoden verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen zwischen den Individuen aufgedeckt werden. Die Verwandtschaftsrekonstruktion ergab den Stammbaum eines Familienclans. Damit lagen eindeutige Hinweise für eine Nutzung als Bestattungsplatz vor.
Während molekulargenetischer Reihenuntersuchungen verschiedener Skelettelemente und morphologischer Zuordnungen von Skelettelementen zu Individuen wurde deutlich, dass Knochen von mehr Individuen als den 40 bislang identifizierten vorhanden waren. Zudem deutete sich an, dass für nahezu alle Individuen nicht alle Knochen in der Höhle aufgefunden worden waren. Das Fehlen von Skelettelementen warf die Frage auf, ob es sich bei der Lichtensteinhöhle nicht um einen Primär- sondern um einen Sekundärbestattungsplatz handeln könnte.
Im aktuell durchgeführten Forschungsprojekt wurden, unter Verwendung morphologischer und molekulargenetischer Methoden, die Zuordnungen der dislozierten Knochen zu Individuen zu Ende geführt. Die rekonstruierten Individuen wurden umfassend morphologisch und molekulargenetisch untersucht, mit dem Ziel, die demografische Struktur der Population zu erschließen und die Verwandtschaftsrekonstruktion auszuweiten. Zudem wurde den Fragen der Nutzungsdauer und der genauen Nutzungsart der Höhle nachgegangen.
Es konnten 60 Individuen identifiziert werden. Nur für zwei der Individuen wurden alle bei den Zuordnungen berücksichtigten Skelettelemente vorgefunden. An den Knochen zeigten sich nur wenige Fälle degenerativer Veränderungen. Dies ließ darauf schließen, dass die in der Lichtensteinhöhle bestatteten Menschen nicht übermäßig harter körperlicher Belastung ausgesetzt waren. Spuren massiver Gewalteinwirkung fehlten vollständig. Dies macht es unwahrscheinlich, dass die bestattete Population in kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen involviert war. Einige wenige verheilte Frakturen an Rippen oder Schlüsselbein lassen sich problemlos auf Alltagsunfälle zurückführen. Spuren von Mangel- oder Stressphasen waren nur in Einzelfällen nachweisbar. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Bestatteten zu Lebzeiten kontinuierlichen Zugang zu ausreichenden Nahrungsressourcen hatten. Das Geschlechterverhältnis war ausgewogen und die Altersverteilung entsprach in den Grundzügen der für eine historische Population zu erwartenden. Eine fesgestellte Unterrepräsentanz von Individuen der Altersklasse Infans I könnte als Hinweis darauf interpretiert werden, dass tatsächlich Sekundärbestattungen praktiziert wurden und die sehr kleinen, fragilen Knochen der Infans I Individuen zum Zeitpunkt der Umbettungen bereits vergangen waren. In begleitenden Arbeiten durchgeführte statistischen Analysen verschiedener Merkmale, wie z.B. Unterschiede im Grad der DNA-Degradierung, lieferten weitere Hinweise in die Richtung, dass es sich bei der Lichtensteinhöhle um einen Sekundärbestattungsplatz handeln dürfte.
Für alle neu identifizierten Inividuen wurden mittels molekulargenetischer Analysen die genetischen Fingerabdrücke sowie die mitochondraialen und Y-chromosomalen Haplotypen bestimmt. Die anschließende Verwandtschaftsrekonstruktion ergab einen erweiterten Stammbaum, in dem für 47 der 60 Individuen entweder direkte Verwandtschaft oder aber Verwandtschaft in mütterlicher oder väterlicher Familienlinie belegt ist. Der Stammbaum umfasst insgesamt sechs Generationen. Dies entspricht – bei einer angenommenen Generationendauer von 20 Jahren – einer Nutzungsdauer von 120 Jahren und passt somit gut zum archäologisch ermittelten Nutzungszeitraum. Die Auswertung der Diversität der mitochondrialen und Y-chromosomalen Haplotypen ergab Hinweise auf eine patrilokale Gesellschaftsform.
In begleitenden Arbeiten wurden weitere genetische Marker – z.B. für die Augen- und Haarpigmentierung, die immungenetische Ausstattung oder auch für den Laktosetoleranzstatus – analysiert. Insgesamt zeigte sich, dass sich in vielerlei Hinsicht die genetische Ausstattung heutiger Populationen im Vergleich zu der vor 3.000 Jahren nicht grundlegend unterscheidet. Lediglich für die Frequenz des Laktosetoleranz verursachenden Allels war eine deutliche Zunahme seit der Bronzezeit zu verzeichnen.
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