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Caracterização da diversidade genética de populações naturais de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) através de marcadores moleculares: uma contribuição para conservação da espécie.Santos, Maria da Conceição Freitas 24 September 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-09-24 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / The floodplain ecosystem shelters and supports most of the fish stocks of commercial importance, such as the tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, which is considered a key species of this ecosystem. This fish is the largest characin of the Amazon and it is highly appreciated as food by the local population. Currently the tambaqui represents 70% of the regional pisciculture, but despite increasing aquiculture output, wild populations have been experiencing severe over-exploitation. To manage natural stocks of tambaqui it is necessary to access a range of
information from diverse areas of knowledge, including genetics. It is thus of fundamental importance to access levels of genetic variability and how this variability
is distributed throughout the Amazon region where the species occurs. This information is necessary to guide management strategies and conservation of this
species. To obtain such information, mitochondrial (control region and ATPase gene) and nuclear (microsatellites) molecular markers were used. In this study 14 highly
polymorphic microsatellite loci for the tambaqui were developed. These molecular markers were successfully transferred to other species of serrasalmids. For the
genetic characterization of the tambaqui, 21 localities in the Amazon basin were sampled. We sequenced 1561pb (control region + ATPase gene) from 539 individuals finding 444 haplotypes, of which 440 were unique. The haplotype diversity was high and relatively homogeneous among all localities, however diversity was smallest in Porto Velho. Data from 12 microsatellite loci were collected from 604 individuals, showing an average of 21,4 alleles per locus. Total HE was 0,78 and heterozygosity levels were homogeneous among sampled localities. Porto Velho and Guaporé showed lower values of HE. These results suggest high levels of genetic
variability in the tambaqui. AMOVA and other tests to detect population structure based on both markers indicated that within the Brazilian Amazon basin, the
tambaqui comprises a single large population, supported by high gene flow between localities. These results indicate that species management in this area can be unified. Considering the entire sampling scheme, the data suggest a metapopulation scenario between the Brazilian and Bolivian basins, with low genetic differentiation between the basins and restricted gene flow due to isolation by distance. The rapids of the Tapajós and Madeira Rivers are not barriers to gene flow among population samples of tambaqui. A demographically stable population was detected in the Bolivian basin
and a historical demographic expansion in the Amazon basin, supported by the large number of haplotypes and the presence of unique alleles in Brazilian localities. The
migration rates were higher from white water tributaries to the main channel, while the opposite was true for the clear waters of Tapajós River. The effective population
size (Ne) was greater in the channel, and in Jacareacanga and Boca do Acre. Genetic effects of over-exploitation were not detected in the tambaqui due to the high
genetic diversity found. However, these findings are showing the historical status compatible with a large effective population size of the species in the past since the time of over-exploitation is still be short to be registered genetically. / O ecossistema de várzea amazônica abriga e sustenta a maior parte dos estoques de peixes de importância comercial, como o tambaqui Colossoma macropomum. Este peixe é o maior caracídeo da Amazônia e é muito apreciado como alimento pela população local. Atualmente corresponde com 70% da piscicultura regional, mas apesar da crescente produtividade cultivada, esta espécie na natureza vem experimentando uma intensa sobre-exploração. Para
gerenciar os estoques naturais de tambaqui é necessário acessar um conjunto de informações de diversas áreas do conhecimento e, concernente à genética, é de
fundamental importância acessar a variabilidade genética e a forma como esta variabilidade está distribuída ao longo da região Amazônica. Estas informações são importantes para direcionar estratégias de manejo e conservação para espécie. Para obter tais informações, foram utilizados marcadores moleculares mitocondriais (região controle e gene da ATPase) e nucleares (microssatélites). No presente estudo foram isolados 14 locos de microssatélites altamente polimórficos para tambaqui. Estes marcadores moleculares foram transferidos com sucesso para outras espécies de serrasalmídeos. Para a caracterização genética do tambaqui, 21 localidades foram amostradas na bacia Amazônica, e 1561 pb (região controle + gene da ATPase) foram seqüenciados em 539 indivíduos. Foram encontrados 444 haplótipos, sendo que 440 foram únicos. A diversidade haplotípica foi alta e relativamente homogênea para todas as localidades, mas foi menor em Porto Velho. Para dados de microssatélites foram
utilizados 12 locos em 604 indivíduos, sendo encontrada uma média de 21,4 alelos por loco. A HE total foi de 0,78, sendo em geral, homogênea para as localidades amostrada. Para Porto Velho e Guaporé a HE apresentou os menores valores. Estes resultados sugerem altos níveis de variabilidade genética em tambaqui. AMOVA e as demais análises para detectar estrutura populacional,
com base em ambos marcadores, indicaram que dentro da bacia Amazônica brasileira o tambaqui forma uma única e grande população, suportado por um
intenso fluxo gênico entre as localidades. Estes resultados indicam que o manejo da espécie nesta área pode ser unificado. Considerando toda a amostragem do
estudo, evidenciou-se um cenário de metapopulação entre as bacias hidrográficas brasileiras e bolivianas. As corredeiras presentes nos rios Tapajós e Madeira não
representam uma barreira ao fluxo gênico entre as amostras populacionais de tambaqui. Uma estabilidade populacional foi detectada para a bacia Boliviana e
uma expansão para a bacia Amazônica, suportado pelo grande número de haplótipos únicos e a presença de alelos exclusivos nas localidades brasileiras.
As taxas de migração foram maiores das localidades dos tributários de água branca para a calha principal, e desta para o rio Tapajós. Os dados genéticos podem estar configurando a migração reprodutiva ou uma dinâmica nos
movimentos da espécie. O tamanho efetivo populacional (Ne) foi maior na calha principal, no rio Tapajós e no rio Purus. Não foram detectados sinais de sobreexploração
devido à alta diversidade genética encontrada. No entanto estes achados podem estar mostrando um status histórico da espécie compatível a um enorme tamanho efetivo populacional no passado ou que o tempo de sobreexploração pode ainda ser curto para um registro genético.
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Genetička karakterizacija kompleksa Merodon avidus (Diptea: Syrphidae) / Genetic characterisation of Merodon avidus species complex (Diptera: Syrphidae)Popović Dunja 15 October 2019 (has links)
<p>U radu je izvršen integrativno-taksonomski pristup analize kompleksa vrsta <em>Merodon</em> <em>avidus </em>(Diptera: Syrphidae), na geografski i vemenski obimnom materijalu. U okviru genetičke karakterizacije kriptičnih vrsta navedenog kompleksa, bazirane na 3' i 5'<br />fragmentima mitohondrijalnog COI gena, određeni su parametri genetičke varijabilnosti i utvrđeni jedinstveni i deljeni haplotipovi u okviru i između pretpostavljenih vrsta. Rezultati genetičke varijabilnosti COI DNK sekvenci pokazali su da jedinke sa ostrva Krf i Evia i poluostrva Peloponez, preliminarno identifikovane kao M. moenium, predstavljaju novu, endemsku vrstu proučavanog<br />kompleksa. Dijagnostički enzimski lokusi pokazali su da M. avidus i M. moenium predstavljaju sestrinske vrste, koje su se, u okviru kompleksa vrsta <em> M. avidus, </em>poslednje razdvojile. Zaključeno je da se kompleks vrsta M. avidus sastoji od 5 vrsta: <em>M. avidus, M. moenium, M. megavidus, M. ibericus i M. aff. moenium</em>. U nastavku, oslanjajući se na moderne tehnike veštačke inteligencije, izvršeno je modelovanje distribucije vrsta i poređenje sličnosti utvrđenih ekoloških niša. U poslednjem segmentu istraživanja, prednosti veštačke inteligencije iskorišćene su u modelovanju sistema za determinaciju jedinki sestrinskih vrsta u uzorku, na osnovu adekvatne varijable.Ovo istraživanje doprinelo je karakterizaciji biodiverziteta osolikih muva, rasvetljavanju taksonomskog statusa vrsta i kreiranju smernica za definisanje budućih konzervacionih programa zaštite biodiverziteta vrsta <em>Merodon avidus </em>kompleksa.</p> / <p>During this research, an integrative-taxonomic analysis of M. avidus species complex was performed. The study was based on geographically and temporally extensive material. Genetic characterisation of cryptic species, based on 5’ and 3’ regions of COI gene, defined parameters of genetic variability. Shared and unique haplotypes between and within of cryptic species were detected. The results of genetic variability analysis based on COI gene showed that specimens from the islands Corfu, Evia and half-island Peloponnese, which were preliminarily identified as M. moenium, represent a new, endemic species of the selected complex. Diagnostic enzyme loci showed that M. avidus and M. moenium represent sibling species, which were the last one who separated within M. avidus complex. According to current information, it was concluded that M. avidus complex consists of 5 species: M. avidus, M. moenium, M. megavidus, M. ibericus and M. aff. moenium. In the next chapter, relying on modern techniques of artificial intelligence, the species distribution modelling and the comparison of ecological niches were performed. In the last part of the research, the advantages of artificial intelligence were used in order to model a system that was able to determinate one of two sibling species, based on appropriate predictor. This research has generally contributed to a characterization of hoverfly diversity and helped resolving a taxonomic status of species in one of the most challenging groups in Syrphidae family. Genetic differentiation data represent directions for defining future conservation strategies for biodiversity protection of defined cryptic species of Merodon avidus complex</p>
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Evaluation of New Technologies for Forensic DNA AnalysisDivne, Anna-Maria January 2005 (has links)
<p>DNA samples from crime scenes or mass disasters are often limited and degraded which limits the possibility of successful traditional STR analysis. Moreover, there is a need to decrease the turnaround time in criminal investigations. These circumstances require a wider set of assays and technologies to be investigated for potential use in forensic DNA analysis, which has been explored in this thesis work. DNA analysis can also provide a useful tool in forensic pathology investigations. </p><p>In a search for mutations involved in The Sudden Infant death Syndrome (SIDS), the entire mitochondrial genome was sequenced in six SIDS infants and shorter mtDNA regions were analysed in paraffin-embedded tissues from an additional 14 SIDS cases. In this sample material no mutations associated with SIDS were found that could explain the death of these infants. </p><p>To reduce time, cost and effort related to sequencing of the mtDNA HVI/HVII regions in caseworks, a HVI/HVII mtDNA linear array assay was used as a pre-screening for exclusions of suspects or evidence samples. Using this assay, 56% of the samples involved in casework analysis could be excluded before sequencing was undertaken.</p><p>The possibility to use the new array technology was explored in a SNP assay targeting both mtDNA and nuclear SNPs. The system relies on minisequencing in solution prior to hybridisation to tag arrays. Using this system, we demonstrate a rapid, highly multiplexable and flexible array-format for SNP analysis.</p><p>The properties of the Pyrosequencing technology being a fast and user-friendly assay was utilised in a study to investigate the possibility to use this method for limited and degraded samples. Ten STR loci, overlapping with standardised kits, were genotyped in 114 Swedish individuals. We found additional variation and higher resolution of repeats at some of these loci that are not detected using standard fragment analysis.</p>
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Sensitive Forensic DNA Analysis : Application of Pyrosequencing and Real-time PCR QuantificationAndréasson, Hanna January 2005 (has links)
<p>The field of forensic genetics is growing fast and the development and optimisation of more sensitive, faster and more discriminating forensic DNA analysis methods is highly important. In this thesis, an evaluation of the use of novel DNA technologies and the development of specific applications for use in forensic casework investigations are presented.</p><p>In order to maximise the use of valuable limited DNA samples, a fast and user-friendly Real-time PCR quantification assay, of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA copies, was developed. The system is based on the 5’ exonuclease detection assay and was evaluated and successfully used for quantification of a number of different evidence material types commonly found on crime scenes. Furthermore, a system is described that allows both nuclear DNA quantification and sex determination in limited samples, based on intercalation of the SYBR Green dye to double stranded DNA. </p><p>To enable highly sensitive DNA analysis, Pyrosequencing of short stretches of mitochondrial DNA was developed. The system covers both control region and coding region variation, thus providing increased discrimination power for mitochondrial DNA analysis. Finally, due to the lack of optimal assays for quantification of mitochondrial DNA mixture, an alternative use of the Pyrosequencing system was developed. This assay allows precise ratio quantification of mitochondrial DNA in samples showing contribution from more than one individual.</p><p>In conclusion, the development of optimised forensic DNA analysis methods in this thesis provides several novel quantification assays and increased knowledge of typical DNA amounts in various forensic samples. The new, fast and sensitive mitochondrial DNA Pyrosequencing assay was developed and has the potential for increased discrimination power.</p>
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Evaluation of New Technologies for Forensic DNA AnalysisDivne, Anna-Maria January 2005 (has links)
DNA samples from crime scenes or mass disasters are often limited and degraded which limits the possibility of successful traditional STR analysis. Moreover, there is a need to decrease the turnaround time in criminal investigations. These circumstances require a wider set of assays and technologies to be investigated for potential use in forensic DNA analysis, which has been explored in this thesis work. DNA analysis can also provide a useful tool in forensic pathology investigations. In a search for mutations involved in The Sudden Infant death Syndrome (SIDS), the entire mitochondrial genome was sequenced in six SIDS infants and shorter mtDNA regions were analysed in paraffin-embedded tissues from an additional 14 SIDS cases. In this sample material no mutations associated with SIDS were found that could explain the death of these infants. To reduce time, cost and effort related to sequencing of the mtDNA HVI/HVII regions in caseworks, a HVI/HVII mtDNA linear array assay was used as a pre-screening for exclusions of suspects or evidence samples. Using this assay, 56% of the samples involved in casework analysis could be excluded before sequencing was undertaken. The possibility to use the new array technology was explored in a SNP assay targeting both mtDNA and nuclear SNPs. The system relies on minisequencing in solution prior to hybridisation to tag arrays. Using this system, we demonstrate a rapid, highly multiplexable and flexible array-format for SNP analysis. The properties of the Pyrosequencing technology being a fast and user-friendly assay was utilised in a study to investigate the possibility to use this method for limited and degraded samples. Ten STR loci, overlapping with standardised kits, were genotyped in 114 Swedish individuals. We found additional variation and higher resolution of repeats at some of these loci that are not detected using standard fragment analysis.
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Sensitive Forensic DNA Analysis : Application of Pyrosequencing and Real-time PCR QuantificationAndréasson, Hanna January 2005 (has links)
The field of forensic genetics is growing fast and the development and optimisation of more sensitive, faster and more discriminating forensic DNA analysis methods is highly important. In this thesis, an evaluation of the use of novel DNA technologies and the development of specific applications for use in forensic casework investigations are presented. In order to maximise the use of valuable limited DNA samples, a fast and user-friendly Real-time PCR quantification assay, of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA copies, was developed. The system is based on the 5’ exonuclease detection assay and was evaluated and successfully used for quantification of a number of different evidence material types commonly found on crime scenes. Furthermore, a system is described that allows both nuclear DNA quantification and sex determination in limited samples, based on intercalation of the SYBR Green dye to double stranded DNA. To enable highly sensitive DNA analysis, Pyrosequencing of short stretches of mitochondrial DNA was developed. The system covers both control region and coding region variation, thus providing increased discrimination power for mitochondrial DNA analysis. Finally, due to the lack of optimal assays for quantification of mitochondrial DNA mixture, an alternative use of the Pyrosequencing system was developed. This assay allows precise ratio quantification of mitochondrial DNA in samples showing contribution from more than one individual. In conclusion, the development of optimised forensic DNA analysis methods in this thesis provides several novel quantification assays and increased knowledge of typical DNA amounts in various forensic samples. The new, fast and sensitive mitochondrial DNA Pyrosequencing assay was developed and has the potential for increased discrimination power.
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Conservation Genetics of the Eurasian Otter in SwedenArrendal, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, molecular genetic methods were used to study a threatened species, the Eurasian otter. Estimates of population size and population dynamics parameters were obtained, the genetic effects of a restocking program was evaluated, and a population viability analysis was conducted to assess which demographic parameters are most important for the future viability of an otter population. Many of the studies were based on noninvasive genetic sampling of faeces. In the genetic evaluation of the restocking program, it was found that the released otters had contributed to subsequent generations. However, the effects were to a large degree limited to the near surroundings of the release areas. Comparison of two census methods, snow-tracking and noninvasive genetic census based on faeces, showed that approximately only half of the otters detected with the genetic census were found with the snow-tracking census. It is recommended to combine these two methods to obtain the most reliable estimates of population size. A short-term study on population dynamics in otters showed that apparent survival was higher in females than in males and that the rate of addition was also high and likely influenced by migration. The population viability analysis incorporated both genetics and demography and revealed that survival to first reproduction was the most crucial demographic parameter affecting the viability of the study population. This result suggests that conservation efforts should be focused on protocols that enhance the survival prospects of young females. Environmental stochasticity was also found to have large effects on the probability of extinction of this population.
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Mitochondrial Dna (mtdna) Haplogroup Composition In Turkish Sheep BreedsYuncu, Eren 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In the present study, haplogroup composition of five native Turkish sheep breeds, (Karayaka, Akkaraman, Gö / kç / eada, Dagliç / , Morkaraman) and two sheep breeds from neighboring countries (Herik from Iran, samples from Azerbaijan) were determined by single strand length polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4) region and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of mtDNA control (CR) region.
Results of the SSCP and RFLP approaches were found to be 96,82% consistent. Most of the 3,18% inconsistency was due to unidentified band patterns of 9 individuals. SSCP method could identify haplogroups A, B and C, but not D and E. Similarly RFLP method could identify haplogroup A, B and possibly D, but not E and C. Data of the present study were compared with those of the previous studies to test the robustness of results under different samplings and were found to be homogenous with a previous study with similar sampling strategy.
Neighbor joining tree, principal component analysis (PCA), Delaunay network analysis and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) were employed to analyze the haplogroup frequencies and breeds were separated in four groups according to the genetic barriers between breeds from different geographical locations. Strongest differentiation was present between two groups which were eastern breeds (Morkaraman, Herik-Iran and Azerbaijan) and western breeds (Gö / kç / eada, Akkaraman, Karayaka and Dagliç / ). Additionally, Azerbaijan was proposed as the entrance point of the haplogroup A and the Iran was proposed as the entrance point of haplogroup C to Anatolia with the Spearman rank correlation test.
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Generation of rho zero cellsSchubert, Susanne, Heller, Sandra, Löffler, Birgit, Schäfer, Ingo, Seibel, Martina, Villani, Gaetano, Seibel, Peter 30 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is located in discrete DNA-protein
complexes, so called nucleoids. These structures can be easily visualized in living cells by utilizing the fluorescent stain PicoGreen®. In contrary, cells devoid of endogenous mitochondrial genomes (ρ0 cells) display no mitochondrial staining in the cytoplasm. A modified restriction enzyme can be targeted to mitochondria to cleave the mtDNA molecules in more than two fragments, thereby activating endogenous nucleases.
By applying this novel enzymatic approach to generate mtDNA-depleted cells the destruction of mitochondrial nucleoids in cultured cells could be detected in a time course. It is clear from these experiments that mtDNA-depleted cells can be seen as early as 48 h post-transfection using the depletion system. To prove that mtDNA is degraded during
this process, mtDNA of transfected cells was quantified by real-time PCR. A significant decline could be observed 24 h post-transfection. Combination of both results showed that mtDNA of transfected cells is completely degraded and, therefore, ρ0 cells were generated within 48 h. Thus, the application of a mitochondrially-targeted restriction endonuclease proves to be a first and fast, but essential step towards a therapy for mtDNA disorders.
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Sex and symbionts : New discoveries in local and regional patterns of coral ecology and reproduction / SINH SẢN VÀ SINH VẬT CỘNG SINH : Khám phá mới về đặc điểm địa phương và khu vực trong sinh thái học và sự sinh sản của san hôHellström, Micaela January 2011 (has links)
Coral reefs belong to the most diverse and the most threatened ecosystems on earth. Anthropogenic stressors and climate change have led to mortalities at levels unprecedented in modern times. The aims of this thesis are to investigate aspects of the corals’ ability to reproduce, disperse, adapt and survive. Papers I-III study reproduction in a common soft coral species, Sarcophyton elegans, with previously unknown reproductive modes. Paper IV investigates genetic distribution of coral-symbiont associations in Galaxea fascicularis focusing on adaptation to the environment along the coastline of Vietnam. Sarcophyton elegans is a gonochoric broadcast spawner with a 1:1 sex ratio. Reproduction is strictly size dependent. Oogenesis takes 19-24 months, with a new cycle commencing every year. Spermatogenesis takes 10-12 months. The majority of gametes were released during the annual austral mass spawning event after full moon in November, but spawning also occur between August and February. The polyps at the outer edge of the colonies released their gametes first, followed by polyps situated closer to the center during subsequent months. Colonies upstream in the prevailing current spawn earlier than those downstream. The colonies were arranged in clusters of alternating males and females, which spawned simultaneously and were of the same genotype. Fission and buddying is a common mode to expand locally. Additionally, females undergoing fission divided into the most fecund size classes. The G. fascicularis and their associated symbionts were not genetically coupled to each other but to environmental factors. The host displayed an inshore-offshore zonation, with higher diversity offshore. The D1a symbiont exhibited an inshore- offshore zonation. In contrast; the 5 different C symbiont types showed a latitudinal distribution gradient, which shifted in dominance north to south. The study highlights the importance of protecting resilient coral and algal genotypes in stressed areas and the need to understand reproductive modes for coral conservation. / Các rạn san hô là một trong những hệ sinh thái có tính đa dạng và bị đe dọa cao nhất trên trái đất. Các áp lực từ con người và nhiệt độ nước biển tăng (SSTs) đã gây ra hiện tượng “tẩy trắng” gây chết san hô ở mức độ cao chưa từng thấy trong thời điểm hiện tại. Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này là tìm hiểu khả năng của san hô trong thích nghi, phân tán và sống sót nhằm duy trì quần thể. Bài báo số II-III là những nghiên cứu đầu tiên về đặc điểm sinh sản của loài san hô mềm phổ biến, Sarcophyton elegan tại Australia. Bài báo số IV nghiên cứu về phân bố nguồn gen của tảo cộng sinh trong loài san hô Galaxea fascicularis, tập trung vào sự thích nghi với môi trường dọc theo vùng biển Việt Nam, khu vực bị ô nhiễm từ lục địa. Sarcophyton elegans được biết với đặc điểm sinh sản cả vô tính và hữu tính. Loài này là loài sinh sản bằng cách phân tán trứng, với tỷ lệ giới tính là 1:1 và sự sinh sản hữu tính bị khống chế nghiêm ngặt bởi kích cỡ của tập đoàn (Bài báo II, phần phương pháp của Bài báo I). Quá trình tạo trứng kéo dài từ 19 đến 24 tháng với chu kỳ sinh sản lặp lại hàng năm, và sự sinh tinh kéo dài từ 10 đến 12 tháng. Phần lớn giao tử được giải phóng trong một thời gian ngắn sau ngày trăng tròn của tháng 11, nhưng giao tử vẫn được giải phóng trong ngày trăng tròn của các tháng từ tháng 8 đến tháng 1 năm sau. Các polyp autozooid nằm phía ngoài của tập đoàn giải phóng giao tử trước, sau đó là các polyp nằm gần lõi trong các tháng tiếp theo. Các tập đoàn ngược lên trong dòng chảy thịnh hành đẻ trứng sớm hơn các tập đoàn xuôi dòng khoảng một tháng (Bài báo II). Các tập đoàn được sắp xếp thành từng đám từ 7 đến hàng trăm tập đoàn trong mỗi nhóm, bao gồm cả đực và cái. Các tập đoàn trong cùng một nhóm sinh sản cùng một thời điểm. (Bài báo II) và mỗi nhóm có cùng một kiểu di truyền (Bài báo III) có đầy đủ 13 (có thể là 22) kiểu di truyền khác nhau. Sự phân đôi và kết đôi phụ thuộc hoàn toàn vào kích thước và có lẽ là phương thức mở rộng phổ biến nhất. Sự phân đôi phải mất 2 năm hoặc hơn mới hoàn thành. Thêm vào đó, con cái trải qua quá trình phân đôi thành kích cỡ có khả năng sinh sản cao nhất (Bài báo III). Có 6 nhóm haplotypes (mtDNA) của loài G. fascicularis và tảo cộng sinh Symbiodinium (ITS2 rDNA) không đóng cặp với nhau nhưng lại gắn với các yếu tố môi trường, có thể như kết quả của phương thức sinh sản của vật chủ (Bài báo IV). Vật chủ có sự phân vùng rõ rệt giữa gần bờ và xa bờ, với sự đa dạng cao hơn hẳn của các rạn xa bờ so với các rạn gần bờ, khu vực thường xuyên bị độ đục, ô nhiễm và lắng đọng trầm tích tác động. Tảo cộng sinh Symbiodinium D1a ITS2 điểm hình của sự phân vùng gần bờ và xa bờ. Ngược lại, 5 loại C khác lại có sự phân vùng theo vĩ tuyến, với sự tăng lên rõ rệt theo chiều Bắc-Nam, cùng với sự ổn định SST và sự tăng lên của các SST. Nghiên cứu này đã chỉ rõ tầm quan trọng trong bảo vệ các loài san hô và tảo biển bản địa tại các khu vực bị đe dọa (Bài báo IV) và sự cần thiết phải hiểu các phương thức sinh sản (Bài báo II-III) và các thông số môi trường trong việc xác định mức độ đa dạn sinh học và sự hấp thụ của sinh vật cộng sinh trong san hô cứng và san hô mềm. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.
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