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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dinâmica populacional, análise das concentrações de metais e utilização de biomarcadores em Mugil curema Valenciennes, 1836 do estuário de Santos e do sistema costeiro Cananéia-Iguape, São Paulo, Brasil / Population dynamics, metals concentrations analysis and use of biomarkers in Mugil curema Valenciennes, 1836 from Santos estuary and Cananeia-Iguape coastal system, São Paulo, Brazil

Wellington Silva Fernandez 13 December 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal compreender a dinâmica populacional de Mugil curema em duas regiões distintas, tanto sob o ponto de vista oceanográfico como no de ocupação humana, e os possíveis impactos antrópicos no ciclo de vida da espécie. As amostras foram coletadas mensalmente no período de março/09 a fevereiro/10 no estuário de Santos e no período de maio/08 a abril/2009 no sistema costeiro Cananéia-Iguape, utilizando rede de abalo, rede de tarrafa e cerco fixo. Em laboratório os indivíduos coletados foram medidos (mm), pesados (g) e dissecados, para a retirada das gônadas, fígado, rim e otólitos para futuras analises. Os indivíduos de Mugil curema do estuário de Santos e do sistema costeiro Cananéia-Iguape, litoral do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foram classificadas como pertencentes ao mesmo estoque, não existindo diferenças na estrutura em tamanho, na estrutura etária e na época de desova desses indivíduos. Também foi constatado altos valores do índice de lesões histológicas e da atividade EROD no tecido do fígado e altos níveis de bioacumulação de metais (bromo, cobre, cromo, ferro e zinco) nos tecidos do fígado e rim da espécie nas duas áreas estudadas. Todas as variáveis estimadas não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as duas áreas de estudo. / The present study has mainly aimed at understanding the population dynamic of Mugil curema from two distinct areas at coast of the state of São Paulo (Brazil), both from oceanographic and human occupation point of view. Samples were collected monthly between March/09 and February/10 of the Santos estuary and between May/08 and April/09 of the Cananéia-Iguape coastal system using gillnet, seine net and fish trap. Collected individuals were measured (mm), weighted (g) and dissected for removal of gonads, liver, kidney and otoliths for further analysis. Specimens of Mugil curema from Santos estuary and Cananéia-Iguape costal system were classified as belonging to the same stock, since the results showed no difference in structure, size, age structure and spawning season. High values of the histological lesions index and EROD activity in the liver tissue as well as increased levels of bioaccumulation of metals (bromine, copper, chromium, iron and zinc) in the liver and kidney tissues were also found. All of the estimated variables for Mugil curema were not significantly different between the two regions.

環境與自然資源經濟的三個議題 / Three Essays on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

洪志銘, Hung,Chih-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由三篇文章所構成。第二章主要針對參考點(reference points)的選擇問題。在綠色國民所得帳中,選擇哪個參考點作為扣除環境質損與自然資源折耗是很重要的。由於既有文獻中的參考點選擇大多過於極端,本文遂針對文獻上的缺失,建議以法定的環保標準做為參考點,使得環境質損、環境效益、自然資源折耗與服務都可顯示出來。 第三章則以台灣的烏魚業為對象,以不合作賽局分析大陸漁民在烏魚迴游路徑上捕魚以及溫室效應對台灣漁業及消費者造成的影響。 第四章則指出Huang and Cai (1994)一文在理論模型設計上的問題,並提出改正,以使其論點獲得支持。 / This dissertation is made up of three essays that address the issues of green net national product, renewable resources and pollution externalities. In Chapter 2, the issue of choosing reference points is discussed. The reference point is a key parameter for estimating the values of environmental degradation and natural resource depletion that are used to adjust the Net National Product. Most of the reference points used in the literature are extreme points in the spectrum of environmental quality and may thus result in estimated values of degradation and depletion that are not consistent with the standard theory of environmental economics. In this chapter, we argue that by using clearly defined standards as reference points, e.g., environmental quality standards, for managing environmental quality and natural resources, correct values of environmental degradation and services, and natural resource depletion and direct nature services, as well as green NNP can emerge. In Chapter 3, we examine the problem of non-cooperative fishing between Mainland China (MC) and Taiwan (TW) as well as the effects of rising sea surface temperature (SST) on the grey mullet fishery. By setting the three stages of the non-cooperative game, it is shown that the expansion of the fleets in MC and the rising SST cause the rent obtained from the TW fishery to decline, and that Taiwan may partially offset such an adverse effect by adjusting its fleet size. This essay also shows that Taiwan can expand its fleet to a greater extent when facing an imperfectly elastic demand for fish than when facing a perfectly elastic demand. In addition, when consumer welfare is included in the determination of the size of the fleet, fleet size can expand more than when profit is considered alone. In Chapter 4, we point out the problems in Huang and Cai (1994) that arise from the absence of a “pollution externality.” We modify their model by introducing the emission tax and find that it supports Huang and Cai (1994)’s claim that the share of private abatement expenditure is constant at all times, a claim that is criticized by Shieh, et al. (2001).

IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-IR expression as molecular markers for egg quality in mullet and grouper

Bangcaya, Josette Pesayco January 2004 (has links)
Common measures of egg quality have been survival to specific developmental stages, higher hatching rate of fertilized eggs and final production of fry. Determinants of egg quality are variable among and between teleost species and no common unified criteria have been established. Maternally inherited genes influence egg quality and early embryo development is partially programmed by the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). Among the genes, the insulin family is important for growth functions and the presence of their transcripts in the ovary, oocytes and embryos implies their involvement during the reproductive process and their relevance to egg quality. The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system has three components, the ligands IGF-I and II, the IGFBPs (insulin-like growth factor binding proteins) and the IGF receptors that mediate biological activity of the ligands. Vitellogenin (Vtg) is the major source of nutrients for the developing embryo and elevated levels in female fish plasma signals gonadal development preceding spawning. In oviparous fish where the developing embryo is dependent on the stored food in the yolk, vitellogenin levels in the egg could indicate its capability to support embryonic growth. This study aimed to develop molecular tools, specifically probes for IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-IR, for the evaluation of fish egg quality. These probes would be used to determine expression levels of IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-IR during egg development to assess their potential as molecular indicators for egg quality. In addition, this study also aimed to establish an enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) for quantifying Vtg in fish eggs and determine if differences in Vtg levels could be linked to fertilization and hatching success. Through reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) putative complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) fragments of IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-IR were cloned and sequenced from mullet (Mugil cephalus) and grouper (Epinephelus coioides). The relative expression ratio of the three genes in the eggs of mullet and grouper were assayed by quantitative PCR (QPCR) and calculated using the Pfaffl method (Pfaffl, 2001). Levels of vitellogenin in different batches of mullet eggs were quantified by ELISA. Spawned eggs of grouper were grouped into low (<60%) or high (>60%) fertilization rate (FR) and the fertilized eggs that were incubated until hatching were grouped into medium (>90%) or high (>90%) hatching rate (HR). Samples were categorized into sinking eggs, late embryo and hatched larvae. Relative expression ratio of IGF-II was significantly high (P<0.01) compared to IGF-I and IGF-IR in all samples examined. All three genes were strongly expressed in sinking eggs compared to either late embryo or hatched larvae. However, there was no significant interaction effect between the genes and the samples analyzed. Mullet samples all came from a high FR and high HR group and were categorized into sinking, multicell stage, blastula, gastrula, late embryo and hatched larvae. There was a significant interaction effect (P<0.01) between gene and stage, showing that genes are differentially expressed during embryonic development. IGF-II was strongly expressed relative to the other genes in all stages examined and was highest during the gastrula stage. Vtg levels were examined in mullet oocytes and egg samples that were grouped into 4; oocytes from females that subsequently spawned, had fertilized eggs which hatched (Group A); oocytes from females that did not spawn, therefore no fertilization and no hatching (Group B); eggs that were stripped, artificially fertilized but no hatching (Group C); and eggs that were spawned, assumed to be fertilized but did not hatch (Group D). Group A showed a trend of higher Vtg levels than the other three but this result was not statistically significant.

Digestão nitro-sulfúrica de fígado de peixe Mugil liza em forno de micro-ondas com radiação focalizada para determinar elementos de interesse ambiental por ICPMS / Fish liver (Mugil Liza) nitro-sulfuric digestion in a focused microwave system to determine elements of environmental interest by ICPMS

Monica Aparecida Ferreira de Souza Bindes Gomes Lopes 30 January 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo propõe uma metodologia para dissolução de tecidos biológicos em sistema de micro-ondas com radiação focalizada e posterior análise elementar por espectrometria de massas com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICPMS). Foram determinados os elementos arsênio (As), cádmio (Cd), cobre (Cu), chumbo (Pb), níquel (Ni), vanádio (V) e zinco (Zn). A matriz nitro-peroxo-sulfúrica foi comparada com outra sem o ácido sulfúrico e apresentou melhor padrão de recuperação (acima de 90%) na quantificação dos elementos certificados no material de referência TORT-2. As interferências causadas pela presença do ácido sulfúrico na matriz digestora foram contornadas com o uso da célula de reação/colisão com gás hélio (He) e adição deste ácido na composição da curva de quantificação. O ganho analítico proporcionado pelo método de digestão em matriz sulfúrica, em sistema não pressurizado, baseia-se no incremento da temperatura reacional e na degradação completa da matéria orgânica. As digestões tradicionalmente realizadas para quantificação por ICPMS, compostas unicamente de ácido nítrico (HNO3) e peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2), não apresentam a mesma eficiência na degradação da matéria orgânica em sistemas abertos. Por fim, este método foi aplicado satisfatoriamente em amostras de tecido hepático de peixe Mugil liza (tainha), comprovando sua eficiência em monitorar a bioacumulação, utilizando-se da sensibilidade da técnica multielementar de ICPMS / This study proposes a methodology for dissolution of biological tissues in microwave system with focused radiation and subsequent elemental analysis by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICPMS). The elements arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn) were identified and quantified. The nitro-peroxo-sulfuric acid matrix was compared to another without sulfuric acid and showed better recovery (above 90%) in the quantification of elements in certified reference material TORT-2. The interferences caused by the presence of sulfuric acid in digesting matrix were bypassed by the use of ORS (octapole reaction system) with helium (He) gas and the addition of this acid in the composition of the quantification curve. The gain provided by the analytical method of digestion with sulfuric acid matrix in non-pressurized system, is based on increasing the reaction temperature and the complete degradation of organic matter. Digestions traditionally performed for quantification by ICPMS, composed only with nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), are not as efficient in the degradation of organic matter in open systems. Finally, this method was satisfactorily applied in samples of liver tissue of fish Mugil liza (mullet), proving its effectiveness in monitoring the bioaccumulation, using the sensitivity of multielemental ICPMS technique

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