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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Víceúčelový objekt v Popůvkách / The Multipurpose Building in Popůvky

Pernica, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design of Multipurpose building located in the proximty of the town Popůvky u Brna. This buidling consists of 3 seperate structures. The first structure SO01 is intendet to be used for manufacturing an storage purposes. It is steel warehouse with plane dimensions 69,5 x 44 m. Height in the top is 10,4 m. The second structure SO02 is a 3 - storey steel building given up to office building. It's plane dimensions are 24,85x14,00 m. Height in the top is 10,69 m. The third structure SO03 is designed from timber and it's purpose is to serve as the company's showroom. It's plane dimensions are 20,08 x 21,05 m. Height in the top is 10,69 m.

Shear walls for multi-storey timber buildings

Vessby, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Wind loads acting on wooden building structures need to be dealt with adequately in order to ensure that neither the serviceability limit state nor the ultimate limit state is exceeded. For the structural designer of tall buildings, avoiding the possibly serious consequences of heavy wind loading while taking account at the same time of the effects of gravitation can be a real challenge. Wind loads are usually no major problem for low buildings, such as one- to two-storey timber structures involving ordinary walls made by nailing or screwing sheets of various types to the frame, but when taller structures are designed and built, serious problems may arise. Since wind speed and thus wind pressure increases with height above the ground and the shear forces transmitted by the walls increase accordingly, storey by storey, considerable efforts can be needed to handle the strong horizontal shear forces that are exerted on the bottom floor in particular. The strong uplift forces that can develop on the wind side of a structure are yet another matter that can be critical. Accordingly, a structure needs to be anchored to the substrate or to the ground by connections that are properly designed. Since the calculated uplift forces depend very much upon the models employed, the choice of models and simplifications in the analysis that are undertaken also need to be considered carefully. The present licentiate thesis addresses questions of how wind loads acting on multi-storey timber buildings can be best dealt with and calculated for in the structural design of such buildings. The conventional use of sheathing either nailed or screwed to a timber framework is considered, together with other methods of stabilizing timber structures. Alternative ways of using solid timber elements for stabilization are also of special interest. The finite element method was employed in simulating the structural behaviour of stabilizing units. A study was carried out of walls in which sheathing was nailed onto a timber frame. Different structural levels were involved, extending from modelling the performance of a single fastener and of the connection of the sheathing to frame, to the use of models of this sort for studying the overall structural behaviour of wall elements that possess a stabilizing function. The results of models used for simulating different load cases for walls agreed reasonably well with experimental test results. The structural properties of the fasteners binding the sheathing to the frame, as well as of the connections between the members of the frame were shown to have a strong effect on the simulated behaviour of shear wall units. Regarding solid wall panels, it was concluded that walls with a high level of both stiffness and strength can be produced by use of such panels, and also that the connections between the solid wall panels can be designed in such a way that the shear forces involved are effectively transmitted from one panel to the next.

Utmaningar och lösningar vid projektering och byggande av flervåningshus i trä / Challenges and Solutions in Design and Construction of Multi-storey Wooden Houses

Grut, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Bygg- samt fastighetsbranschen står för cirka 21% av koldioxidutsläppen i Sverige. Detta är ett problem som behöver lösas eftersom Sverige år 2017 antog ett klimatpolitiskt ramverk med målet att år 2045 inte ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser till atmosfären. Ett ökat byggande i trä är en viktig del av lösningen för att nå målet om klimatneutralitet. Ett fastighetsbolag som håller på att bygga sitt första kontorshus i trä är Vasakronan, som kallas Magasin X. Det finns ett flertal utmaningar med att bygga flervåningshus i trä, dessa är bland annat fukt- och akustikproblem. Trä är ett fuktkänsligt material och om byggnaden skadas av fukt finns det en förhöjd risk för mögel som kan leda till hälsoproblem för framtida brukare av byggnaden. Gällande akustik, kan det bli lyhört, om inte hänsyn tas till materialets låga densitet. Detta examensarbete utfördes i samarbete med Vasakronan och har som syfte att identifiera drivkrafterna med att bygga flervåningshus i trä, identifiera kunskapsbrister samt identifiera förslag på lösningar inom fukt och akustik vid byggande av flervåningshus i trä. I detta examensarbete utfördes intervjuer samt observation som metoder. Observationen utfördes på en erfarenhetsträff angående byggprojektet Magasin X. Vid erfarenhetsträffen avhandlades utmaningar samt lösningar som uppkommit under projektet. Tematisk analys användes som metod för att analysera intervjuerna för att därmed besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar. Följande har identifierats som drivkrafter för att bygga flervåningshus i trä. För det första är det ett material som leder till lägre koldioxidutsläpp jämfört med betong. För det andra är det ett material som är lämpligt för industriellt byggande vilket innebär att det är lätt att tillverka byggdelar i fabrik. För det tredje är det ett material som bidrar med en bättre arbetsmiljö förde som arbetar med att uppföra byggnaden jämfört med vid uppförande av en byggnad av betong och stål. För det fjärde är det ett material som är lätt att kombinera med andra material och använda vid påbyggnader på grund av dess låga densitet. Den främsta anledningen till kunskapsbrister är begränsad erfarenhet att bygga flervåningshus i trä. Förslag på lösningar mot kunskapsbrister är att använda sig av aktiviteter som seminarium för att sprida kunskap inom ämnet, upprätta instruktioner och manualer vid användandet av nya byggmetoder. Dessutom är en lösning att bygga fler flervåningshus i trä för att ansamla erfarenhet och kunskap. Lösningar för att åtgärda fuktproblematik är att använda väderskydd på byggnaden, helklistrad plastfolie och tejp på bjälklaget samt vatten-dammsuga vid regn. Lösningar på akustikproblem är att installera installationsgolv eller installera ett tyngre övergolv med antingen betonggjutning eller spackel med stegljudsmatta. Om möjligt är väderskydd den mest effektiva åtgärden för att minska risken för fukt, dock är det en dyr lösning. Det finns dock andra åtgärder som inte är lika effektiva men billigare, som att använda plastfolie, presenningar och ställningar och tejp för att täcka bjälklag. Gällande akustiken har det dock det inte varit möjligt i denna studie att avgöra vilken akustisk lösningsom är att föredra. En drivkraft till att bygga flervåningshus i trä är att minska klimatpåverkan men för att upprätthålla ett hållbart skogsbruk är det viktigt att inte hugga ner för mycket träd. Därmed kan en hybridstomme vara ett bra alternativ för framtiden. / The construction and real estate industry accounts for a large share of carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden, about 21% of greenhouse gas emissions. This is a problem that needs to be solved because in 2017 Sweden adopted a climate policy framework with the goal that by 2045 there will be no net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Increased construction in wood is an important part of the solution to achieve the goal of climate neutrality. A real estate company that is building its first wooden office building is Vasakronan, which is called Magasin X. There are several challenges with building multi-storey houses in wood, these include moisture problems and acoustic problems. One factor is the risk of moisture as wood is a moisture-sensitive material and if the building is damaged by moisture, there is an increased risk of mold, which can lead to health problems for future users of the building. If the light density of the material is not considered, it might be inefficiently soundproof. This master thesis was carried out in collaboration with Vasakronan and aims to identify the driving forces in building multi-storey buildings in wood, identify lack of knowledge within building of multi-storey buildings in wood and identify and investigate solutions to solve issues with moisture and acoustics in the construction of multi-storey buildings in wood. In this thesis, interviews and observation were used as a method. The observation was carried out at an experience meeting regarding the construction project Magazine X. At the experience meeting, challenges and solutions that arose during the project were discussed. The thematic analysis was also used as a method for analyzing the interviews in order to answer the research questions. The following have been identified as driving forces for building multi-storey wooden buildings. First, it is a material that leads to lower carbon dioxide emissions compared to building in concrete. Secondly, it is a material that is suitable for industrial construction, which means that it is easy to manufacture building components in a factory. Thirdly, it is a material that contributes to a better working environment for those who work with the construction of the building compared to when constructing a building of concrete and steel. Fourth, it is a material that is easy to combine with other materials and use in extensions due to its low density. The main reason for lack of knowledge is lack of experience in building multi-storey wooden buildings. Suggestions for solutions to knowledge gaps are to use activities such as seminars to spread knowledge in the subject. Solutions to fix moisture problems are to use weather protection on the building, wet guard and tape on the framing of joists and soak up water in the risk of rain. Solutions to acoustic problems are to install installation floors or install a heavier top floor with either concrete casting or putty with sound insulation mat. If possible, weather protection is the most effective measure to reduce the risk of moisture, but it is an expensive solution. However, there are other measures that are not as effective but cheaper, such as using wet guard, tarpaulins and scaffolding and tape to cover framing of joists. It has not been possible to determine which acoustic solution is preferable. A driving force for building multi-storey wooden buildings is to reduce the climate impact, but in order to maintain sustainable forestry, it is important not to cut down too many trees. Thus, a hybrid frame can be a good alternative for the future.

La démolition d'un grand ensemble en copropriété : une réponse urbaine à un problème de gestion ? : les Bosquets à Montfermeil (93) / Demolition of a condominium from the sixties : an urban answer to a management issue ? : les Bosquets in parisian suburb (France)

Le Garrec, Sylvaine 09 December 2010 (has links)
Alors que la démolition tend à s'imposer au sein de l'intervention publique sur le parc HLM des années 1950-1970, ce mode d'action commence aussi à être utilisé en réponse aux problèmes rencontrés par des tours et des barres en copropriété. On peut cependant se demander si les difficultés d'un grand ensemble en copropriété sont assimilables à celles d'un grand ensemble HLM et si la démolition ne prend pas un sens différent dans ce contexte particulier. Pour répondre à ces questions, cette thèse étudie l'une des premières copropriétés des trente glorieuses qui a fait l'objet d'une action publique et de démolitions : Les Bosquets à Clichy-sous-Bois/Montfermeil (93). En explorant l'histoire de cet ensemble immobilier, cette recherche montre que les problèmes qu'il a connus sont propres au statut juridique de la copropriété. Ils sont principalement dus à des difficultés de gestion, liées aux financements publics qui sont à l'origine de sa construction, à la conjoncture immobilière dans laquelle il a été livré et à des malfaçons juridiques. Or, cette dimension propre à la gestion n'a pas été prise en compte au sein de l'intervention publique déployée sur ce site depuis 1981. Celle-ci a transposé à la copropriété les schémas cognitifs et normatifs appliqués aux ensembles HLM de même typologie architecturale et urbaine. Privilégiant la démolition, les restructurations du bâti et la diversification du peuplement, l'action publique a aggravé les déséquilibres de gestion de la copropriété. Le relogement a constitué un nouveau facteur de fragilisation des trajectoires des ménages – en particulier des propriétaires occupants – déjà fortement pénalisés par les difficultés de la copropriété / While demolition of public rental housing projects from the 1960s and 1970s is an obvious public intervention nowadays, we are starting to witness a similar handling of condominium tower blocks. However, one may ask whether similar interventions for these two different housing types lead to different outcomes. To answer these questions, this thesis analyses one of the first condominium project from the Trente Glorieuses period (1945-1975) that was the target of such intervention : Les Bosquets located in Clichy sous Bois/Montfermeil (a Parisian suburb). Looking at the history of that housing complex, this research shows that the problems relate to the legal status of the joint ownership. These problems arose from management difficulties linked to the public financing that has permitted its construction, to the real estate circumstances of its delivery, and to juridical defects. It appears that this management dimension wasn't considered by the public intervention implemented at that site since 1981. Cognitive and normative patterns originally applied to moderate rental estates with similar architectural and urban typology were simply transferred to the condominium. Favouring demolition, redevelopments of the building, and diversification of residents, public interventions have aggravated imbalances in the management of the condominium. Rehousing has also participated in the weakening of the residential itineraries of the households (especially owner occupiers) already strongly penalised by the condominium's difficulties

An analysis of the impact of the Building Management Ordinance on owners' incorporation

Wong, Wing-lok., 王榮樂. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Housing Management / Master / Master of Housing Management

Analysis of shear wallsfor multi-storey timber buildings

Vessby, Johan January 2011 (has links)
This doctoral thesis addresses questions of how wind loads acting on multistoreytimber buildings can be dealt with by structural design of such buildings.The conventional use of sheathing either nailed or screwed to a timberframework is considered, together with other stabilizing structures such ascross-laminated timber panels.The finite element method was employed in simulating the structuralbehaviour of stabilizing wall units. A series of studies was carried out of walls inwhich the sheathing was nailed to a timber frame. Different structural levelswere studied starting with modelling the performance of single sheathing-toframingconnections, to the use of models for studying the overall structuralbehaviour of walls. The results of calculations using models for simulation ofwalls subjected to different loading agree reasonably well with experimentalresults. The structural properties of the connections between the sheathing andthe frame, as well as of the connections between the members of the frame,were shown to have a substantial effect on the simulated behaviour of shearwall units. Both these types of connections were studied and described inappended papers.Regarding cross-laminated timber wall panels, it was concluded that walls witha high level of both stiffness and strength can be produced by the use of suchpanels, and also that the connections between the solid wall panels can bedesigned in such a way that the shear forces involved are transmitted from onepanel to the next in an efficient manner.Other topics in the thesis include the properties of connections between shearwalls and the rest of the building. Typically high tension forces occur at specificpoints in a timber structure. These forces need to be transmitted downwards inthe structure, ultimately connecting them to the substrate. A lap-joint that maybe used for this purpose has been studied using generalized Volkersen theory.Finally the maximum capacity of a conventional rail to substrate connection hasbeen examined using linear and nonlinear fracture mechanics.

Développement d’une méthode d’optimisation multiobjectif pour la construction bois : prise en compte du confort des usagers, de l’impact environnemental et de la sécurité de l’ouvrage / Development of a multiobjective optimisation method for timber building : consideration of user comfort, environmental impact and structural safety

Armand Decker, Stéphanie 22 September 2015 (has links)
Les pays industrialisés cherchent aujourd’hui à réduire leur consommation d'énergie et à utiliser des matières premières de substitution, notamment renouvelables dont le bois fait partie. Pour promouvoir son usage, le développement de méthodes favorisant son recours dans les systèmes constructifs pour la construction multiétage est nécessaire.La conception d’un bâtiment est multicritère. Des objectifs contradictoires sont à optimiser simultanément. Des solutions de compromis Pareto-optimaux sont par exemple recherchées entre l’atteinte des meilleures performances d’usage et la limitation de l’impact environnemental du bâtiment. Ces travaux portent ainsi sur le développement d’une méthode d’optimisation multiobjectif de systèmes constructifs bois adaptés au multiétage.Des objectifs de maximisation du confort vibratoire des planchers et de minimisation des besoins de chauffage, d’inconfort thermique, de potentiel de réchauffement climatique et d’énergie grise sont pris en compte. La méthode repose sur un algorithme d’optimisation multiobjectif par essaim particulaire capable de proposer un ensemble de solutions non-dominées constituant le front de Pareto. L’espace des solutions est contraint par des exigences réglementaires nécessaires à la sécurité de l’ouvrage. L’ensemble des fonctions-objectif est modélisé sous forme de fonctions analytiques. Les sorties d’intérêt du modèle de simulation thermique dynamique sont substituées par des métamodèles.La méthode développée est mise en oeuvre sur un cas d’étude. Les résultats obtenus offrent une grande diversité dans un panel de 20 000 solutions optimales. Ces résultats constituent un support de discussion entre les différents acteurs d’un projet de construction. / Industrialised countries are seeking to reduce their energy consumption and to use alternative raw materials, including renewables such as wood. To promote its use, multi-storey timber constructive systems need the development of new design methods.Building required a multicriteria design where conflicting objectives must be optimised simultaneously. Research solutions have to achieve the best Pareto-compromise between use performance and environmental impact of the building. This work aims to develop a multiobjective optimisation method of timber multi-storey building.The objectives of maximising floor vibration comfort and minimising heating needs, thermal discomfort, global warming potential and embodied energy are taken into account. A multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to obtain a set of non-dominated solutions which is the Pareto front. The solution space is constrained by regulatory requirements necessary for the safety of the structure. All objective-functions are modelled as analytic functions. Dynamic thermal simulation model outputs are replaced by metamodels.The developed method is implemented on a case study. The results offer a great diversity in a panel of 20 000 optimal solutions. These results provide a basis for discussion between the different actors of a construction project.

Ocelová konstrukce vícepodlažní administrativní budovy / Steel structure of a multi-storey administrative building

Cejpek, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The main target is to design and asses the steel structure of a administartive multi-storey building. The steel structure is T shaped, with 30m span and 42m length. An analysis of two solutions of the supporting structure was performed. The first variant is consists of rigid bracing system. Trusses bracing in the second variant is an alternative solution. Both variants were compared and the amount of steel was found. The selected option was developed in greater details with static calculation, drawings and material report of steel.

Multifunkční objekt ve Znojmě / Multifunctional building in Znojmo

Tapšáková, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the master thesis is a design and static analysis of the load-bearing multi-storey steel structure with the timber entrance shelter of the multifunctional building in Znojmo city. There is a shopping centre situated on the ground floor, other floors are mostly used as offices. The ground plan of the steel structure has a shape of a regular 20-tagon with circumscribed circle diameter 30 m. The height is 35,5 m. The building has 6 storeys at all. The racking resistance is ensured by combination of frame-shear truss and rigid frame. In the front part of the building there is an airy cut-out space situated and it is running from the ground floor until the roof structure. The glue laminated timber shelter by the entrance of the building reaches a height of the first floor and its length is 10 m.

Administrativní centrum / Office Centre

Dohnal, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The object of this thesis is to design and assess steel structure of multi-storey office center in Nový Jičín. The object is supposed to have an rectangular shape with dimensions 54 x 72 m and roofed atrium in the middle. The object has 6 overground floors. Roof height is 29 m. Two construction variants were designed and assessed. Longitudinal and transverse rigity of variant A is ensured by truss bracings and variant B is braced by bracing frames. Floor structurs of both variants are made of steel secondary and primary beams, which are supported by steel columns. Facade and atrium roof cladding is made of glass panels.

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