Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multistorey"" "subject:"multistore""
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Patrová budova / Multi-storey buildingSurovec, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The object of this thesis is to design and assess steel structure of multi-storey office center in Vsetín. Floor plan dimensions of building are 48x40m. The building has ten floors. Overall height is 35,5m. The building ceilings made of composite steel and concrete structure. The part of build are roofer atrium and one bigger room aula with dimensions 24x16m. Two construction variants were designed and assessed. Longitudinal and transverse rigity of variant A is ensured by truss bracing. Transverse rigity of variant B is ensured by truss bracing and longitudinal rigity is braced by bracing frames. The variant A is better.
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Obchodní a nákupní centrum v Brně / Trade House in BrnoSerbousková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The final thesis deals with the design of the steel loadbearing structure of the shopping center situated in Brno. The built-up floor area is 1973 m2 (L-shaped ground plan with dimensions 48 m x 50 m). The construction consists of three parts. Building A has four above-ground floors and reaches a height of 25.5 m. The steel structure of mono-pitched roof is designed in two options. Both options consist of full-length purlins and truss girders. Building B is a single-storey building with a mono-pitched roof top reaching 8.1 m high. Building C is three-storey with a flat roof. The first floor has a construction height of 4.5 m and the remaining two floors reach height of 3.6 m, which coincide with building A. The steel structure is made of steel-concrete composite ceilings and pin-supported columns. In the case of bracings, pressure was eliminated by means of non-linearities.The work includes proposal, assessment of the supporting structure and calculation of the directional details. Internal forces were determined based on a static analysis in the SCIA Engineer calculation program.
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Vícepodlažní budova / Multi-storey buildingHrycík, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Thesis deals with design of steel structure multi-storey office building. Specifically, it is the eight-storey steel structure of rectangular plan with dimensions of 15.4 x 54.4 m and a height of 29.2 meters. The structure is designed for the site Brno. Static calculation is solved by a combination of manual calculation and calculation using software Scia. It is designed structural arrangement, static action, load analysis, calculation of internal forces, the design of dimensions and connections solutions. Thesis includes drawing documentation. The structure is designed in a variant with a frame joints and in variant with articulated joints. Variant with articulated joints is further processed.
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Nosná konstrukce vícepodlažní budovy / Load bearing structure of a multi storey buildingJanči, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the design and assessment of the load bearing structure of a multi-storey building, proposed by the combination of two materials, steel and glued laminated timber. The building has a V-shape, the angle between legs is 120 °. Floor plan dimensions of one arm of the building are approximately 40x20m, building height is 24.3 meters. The building is designed with a flat green roof. The load bearing structure is solved as a heavy frame, lower three floors are made of steel and serves as the business premises, top four floors are residential, and their structure is designed of the glued laminated timber. Bracing of the whole structure is solved by a system of crossed steel rods.
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Analýza ocelových přípojů při seismickém zatížení / Seismic Design of Structural Steel ConnectionsSotulář, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis and standard check of structural steel connections subjected to seismic loads. Analysis is based on a software solution and standard check is performed according to standard requirements and formulas. The first part deals with the theory of seismic load. There are described the general knowledges about the earthquake and the method of determining the effects of seismic loading on buildings according to the EN 1998-1. In the second part of the thesis is made design and check seismically loaded multi-storey steel building. Design is based on recommendations of the EN 1998-1 and some recommendations of research. In the third part is the analysis, verification and check of steel joints, which are contained in the structure designed in the second part of the thesis. On the basis results of analyses of indivudual connections are defined recommendations and requirements for the use and design structural steel connections subjected to seismic loads.
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Patrová budova s atriem / Multi-Storey Building with AtriumBrodecký, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The diploma work deals with a design of a steel load-bearing structure for a multi-storey building with an atrium consisting of five above ground floors. The property is situated into Blansko area. Its ground-plan measures are 32.5 x 56 m. The maximum height of the property is 23.2 m. The height of the floor is 4 m. Load-bearing structure is designed with articulated joints. The atrium roof is formed from truss girders. The design and assessment is done according to rules in operation.
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Förstärkning av träregelstomme med KL-trä : Teoretisk utvärdering av olika ytterväggstyper / Strengthening of light frame timber walls with CLT : Evaluation of different wall typesLarsson, Joel January 2020 (has links)
På senare tid har intresset för och viljan att bygga flerbostadshus i trä ökat och medfört en trend att bygga allt högre hus med stomme av trä. En aktör är Lindbäcks Bygg som bygger flerbostadshusi trä med volymelement och lätt regelstomme. Idag begränsas dock möjligt antal våningar med regelstomme till 6 – 8 våningar. Ett relativt nytt material inom träbyggnadstekniken är korslimmat trä (KL-trä) vars användning gjort det möjligt att bygga högre byggnader i trä. Examensarbetets syfte är att studera olika lösningar för hur Lindbäcks regelstomme kan förstärkas med KL-trä, vilket kan göra det möjligt att bygga allt högre flerbostadshus i trä. Samt att jämföra denna lösning med den idag använda regelstommen utan KL-trä. Studien har avgränsats till att enbart behandla ytterväggar. För att uppskatta rimliga laster på ytterväggar i en flervåningsbyggnad togs en principbyggnad (ihopsatt av ett antal volymelement) fram. I beräkningar tillämpades ett antal olika ytterväggstyper, en med den idag användaregelstommen (referensvägg) samt fem med regelstomme i kombination med KL-skivor i olika tjocklekar. För principbyggnaden kontrollerades genom beräkningar hur högt det är möjligt att bygga vid tillämpning av vardera ytterväggstyp. De olika ytterväggstyperna med KL-trä jämfördes även med referensytterväggen utifrån U-värde samt kostnad. Idag används KL-trä ibland av Lindbäcks och då som stabiliserande väggar. I deras fabriker tillämpas en lösning där KL-träskivorna fälls in mellan syll och hammarband tillsammans med reglarna. Beräkningar har visat att det, för principbyggnaden, med denna lösning är möjligt att bygga maximalt 2 våningar högre jämfört med referensytterväggen, detta för den bästa av ytterväggstypernaförstärkta med KL-trä. Det som begränsar ett högre antal våningar är trycket vinkelrätt fiberriktningen på syllen under KL-skivorna. Beräkningar visar att det finns en potential att med regelstomme förstärkt med KL-trä kunna bygga ännu högre om en annan lösning används där KL-träskivorna placeras på utsidan av syll, hammarband och reglar istället för infälld mellan syll och hammarband. Med denna lösning undviks tryck vinkelrätt fiberriktningen på syll under KL-skivor och KL-skivans kapacitet kan utnyttjas effektivare då normalkraftskapaciteten för själva skivan blir den begränsande faktorn för hur högt det går att bygga. Enligt beräkningar är det, för principbyggnaden, med denna lösning möjligt att bygga uppemot 8 våningar högre än med referensytterväggen. När KL-trä används i stommen ökar energiförlusterna genom väggen, dvs. U-värdet ökar, då reglar med mellanliggande isolering ersätts av KL-trä med sämre värmeledningsförmåga. Enligt beräkningar uppskattas U-värdet öka jmf. med för referensyttervägg, detta med ca. 20 – 40 % beroende på ytterväggstyp. Ökningen kan dock begränsas till ca. 0,4 – 14 % genom införande av ett 45 mm installationsskikt med isolering på väggens insida. Även kostnaden för ytterväggstyper med regelstomme förstärkt med KL-trä uppskattas öka jmf. med uppskattad kostnad för referensyttervägg. Detta med uppskattningsvis 40 – 50 %, vilket till huvudsak är en följd av ökad materialkostnad för KL-skivor som delvis ersätter reglar med mellanliggande isolering. / Today there is an increased interest in building taller buildings with timber. Lindbäcks Bygg is one of companies that uses modular construction with light timber stud frames. However, a problem with light timber frames is that the building height is limited to roughly 6 - 8 stories. A relatively new product in timber engineering is cross laminated timber (CLT) and the use of this product have made it possible to build taller timber buildings. The purpose of this study is to investigate different solutions for how Lindbäcks can strengthen their stud frames by using CLT and thereby build taller buildings. The difference with respect to U-value and cost between the walls strengthened width CLT and the typical stud frame wall, that is used today, is also studied. The study has been limited to exterior walls only. A multi-storey building consisting of several modules/volume elements has been used to estimate reasonable loads on the exterior walls. Different wall types, one with the ordinary stud frame (the reference wall) and five types of stud walls strengthened with different thicknesses of CLT, have been investigated. The maximal number of storeys that can be build, the U-value and the cost were determined by calculations for each of the studied wall types and were compared with the results for the reference wall. Today, Lindbäcks Bygg sometimes uses CLT for stabilizing walls. In their factories, they use a solution in which the CLT-plate is placed between the top and bottom plate together with the studs. According to the calculations it is, with this solution, possible to build up to 2 storeys higher then with the reference wall. The limiting factor for how high it is possible to build, is compression perpendicular to the grain on the bottom plate underneath the CLT-plate. If a solution where the CLT-plate is placed on the outside of the frame (consisting of studs, top and bottom plate) is used instead of between the top and bottom plate does the calculations show that a higher number of storeys is possible. With this solution, the compression perpendicular to the grain underneath the CLT-plate is avoided and the limiting factor is instead the compression strength of the CLT-plate. This means that the CLT can be used more efficiently. Calculations show that it is possible to build up to 8 storeys higher with this solution compared to what is possible with the reference wall. With CLT increases the energy losses through the wall, i.e. increased U-value, since studs with insulation in between is partially replaced with CLT that has worse thermal conductivity. According to the calculations, the U-value is 20 – 40 % higher (depending on the wall type) compared to the reference wall. The increase in U-value can be limited to 0.4 – 14 % by adding an extra layer with 45 mm insulation on the inside of the CLT-plate. The cost for the wall types strengthened with CLT is also higher compared to the estimated cost for the reference wall. The main reason for this is increased cost of materials since the studs with insulation in between is partially replaced with the more expensive CLT, which is an engineered wood product. The increase in cost is estimated to roughly 40 – 50 % of the cost for the reference wall.
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Horský hotel ve Velkých Losinách / Mountain hotel in Velké LosinyKašíková, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The work deals with the design of a load-bearing wooden structure of a mountain hotel in the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains. It is a building without cellar, two floors and a attic room. The floor plan of the building is 17 x 30 m with a porch of 3 x 10 m. Height of the building up to the ridge is 13.2 m. The design of the roof structure has been chosen from 2 different variants. Material usage consist of grown wood of class C24, glued laminated wood of class GL32h and steel S355. Static analysis was calculated by Dlubal RFEM software.
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SUSTAINABILITY OF MULTI-STORY WOOD BUILDINGS : Can the Swedish forestry keep up with the demand?Kozak, Celine January 2023 (has links)
Wood has been traditionally used as a construction material in Nordic countries such as Sweden dating back to the 12th century. Using wood as a building material for the construction of buildings with more than two stories became the norm around the 1850s and has only increased with the pressing need for more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives to materials such as concrete. The aim of this thesis is to bring attention to attitudes towards environmental, economic, and social sustainability of commercial multi-story wood buildings amongst industry professionals. Qualitative data was gathered through digitally conducted, semistructured interviews with six people from within fields related to carpentry, architecture, ecology, and forestry. Three buildings were briefly studied as a part of a case study on multi-story wood buildings: Fyrtornet in Malmö, Sweden, Sara Cultural Centre in Skellefteå, Sweden, and The Oakwood Timber Tower in London, England. The results showed that the practice of constructing multi-story wood buildings wasn’t sustainable because of the intense short rotation forestry pushing ecosystems to extinction. Wood was still considered to be a good alternative to carbon intense materials such as concrete. Limitations include relying on only qualitative data as the methodology, for future research the author suggests conducting a comparative Life cycle assessment (LCA) with a cradle-to-cradle approach, as a way to study environmental impacts of timber versus other natural materials available in Sweden such as clay, straw and hemp.
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Structural-acoustic vibrations in wooden assemblies: : Experimental modal analysis and finite element modelling / VIBRATIONER OCH STOMBURET LJUD I TRÄKONSTRUKTIONER : Experimentell modalanalys och finit elementmodelleringBolmsvik, Åsa January 2013 (has links)
This doctoral thesis concerns flanking transmission in light weight, wooden multi-storey buildings within the low frequency, primarily 20-120 Hz. The overall aim is to investigate how the finite element method can contribute in the design phase to evaluate different junctions regarding flanking transmission. Two field measurements of accelerations in light weight wooden buildings have been evaluated. In these, two sources; a stepping machine, and an electrodynamic shaker, were used. The shaker was shown to give more detailed information. However, since a light weight structure in field exhibit energy losses to surrounding building parts, reliable damping estimates were difficult to obtain. In addition, two laboratory measurements were made. These were evaluated using experimental modal analysis, giving the eigenmodes and the damping of the structures. The damping for these particular structures varies significantly with frequency, especially when an elastomer is used in the floor-wall junction. The overall damping is also higher when elastomers are used in the floor-wall junction in comparison to a screwed junction. By analysing the eigenmodes, using the modal assurance criterion, of the same structure with two types of junctions it was concluded that the modes become significantly different. Thereby the overall behavior differs. Several finite element models representing both the field and laboratory test setups have been made. The junctions between the building blocks in the models have been modeled using tie or springs and dashpots. Visual observation and the modal assurance criterion show that there is more rotational stiffness in the test structures than in the models. The findings in this doctoral thesis add understanding to how modern joints in wooden constructions can be represented by FE modelling. They will contribute in developing FE models that can be used to see the acoustic effects prior to building an entire house. However, further research is still needed. / Denna doktorsavhandling behandlar flanktransmission i flervåningshus med trästomme, inom det lågfrekventa området, främst 20-120 Hz. Det övergripande målet är att undersöka hur finita elementmetoden kan bidra i konstruktionsfasen för att utvärdera olika knutpunkters inverkan på flanktransmissionen. Två fältmätningar av accelerationer i trähus har utvärderats. I dessa har två olika lastkällor använts, i den första en stegljudsapparat och i den andra en elektrodynamisk vibrator (shaker). Det visades att shakern kan ge mer detaljerad information, men eftersom vibrationerna även sprider sig till omgivande byggnadsdelar vid fältmätningarna var det svårt att estimera tillförlitliga dämpningsdata även då shaker användes. Fältmätningarna följdes av två mätningar i laborationsmiljö. Dessa två experiment utvärderades med experimentell modalanalys, vilket ger egenmoder och dämpning hos strukturerna. Dämpningen för dessa trähuskonstruktioner varierar kraftigt med frekvens. Extra stora variationer registreras då en elastomer användes i knutpunkten mellan golv och vägg. Den totala dämpningen är generellt högre när elastomerer används i knutpunkten mellan golv och vägg i jämförelse med då knutpunkten är skruvad. Genom att analysera egenmoder och deras korrelationer (MAC), för samma trästruktur men med olika typer av knutpunkter, drogs slutsatsen att knutpunkten drastiskt förändrar strukturens dynamiska beteende. Flera finita elementmodeller av både fält- och laboratorieuppställningar har gjorts. I dessa har knutpunkterna mellan byggnadsdelar modellerats helt styvt eller med hjälp av fjädrar och dämpare. Visuella observationer av egenmoder och korrelationen dem emellan visar att det finns mer rotationsstyvhet i försöken än i finita elementmodellerna. Resultaten i denna doktorsavhandling har gett förståelse för hur knutpunkter i träkonstruktioner beter sig och kan simuleras med finit elementmodellering. Vidare kan resultaten bidra till utvecklingen av FE-modeller som kan användas för att kunna se de akustiska effekterna redan under konstruktionsstadiet. Dock behövs ytterligare forskning inom området.
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