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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nonlinear mode coupling and parametric amplification with superconducting kinetic inductance / Ickelinjär modkopling och parametrisk förstärkning med supraledande kinetisk induktans

Lopriore, Daniele January 2022 (has links)
We investigate the resonant characteristics of superconducting meandering nanowires to design a nonlinear kinetic inductance traveling-wave parametric amplifier. The devices are patterned out of 15 nm thick NbTiN films. They consist of a coplanar waveguide, that shrinks into 100 nm wide meandering nanowires. For a total kinetic inductance of ∼1 μH, our simulations show that these structures behave as resonators with fundamental mode frequency around 1 GHz and a phase velocity of the signal as low as c/1000. The resonance peaks correspond to the presence of current antinodes within the meandering structure. Samples were fabricated at the Albanova Nanolab facility and measured in a sample-in-vacuum dipstick at 300 mK. Frequency sweeps in the 0.1-10 GHz range confirm the presence of these resonance peaks. In addition, we investigate the current nonlinearity of our devices. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the resonant peaks revealed the critical temperature of the film, TC = 14.0 ± 0.5 K. The dispersion relations showed that the device impedance exceeds the resistance quantum RQ = 6.5 kΩ when close to resonance or below 87 MHz. A second design was realized in order to reduce the device’s characteristic impedance to ≈ 50 Ω. This design, accomodating a micro stripline, embedded a significantly longer nanowire, with a total kinetic inductance ∼10 μH. Measurements showed a dramatically reduced impedance to ≈ 700 Ω, but still not matched to 50 Ω, giving rise to a dense frequency comb of standing modes in the 0-3 GHz bandwidth, with a constant spacing of ≈ 45 MHz. / Vi undersöker egenskaperna hos supraledande slingrande nanotrådar i syfte att designa en ickelinjär kinetisk induktans parametrisk förstärkare. Våra prov är mönstrade ur 15 nm tjocka NbTiN-filmer. De består av en koplanär vågledare som krymper till 100 nm breda slingrande nanotrådar. Med en sammanlagd kinetisk induktans på ∼1 μH visar våra simuleringar att dessa strukturer beter sig som resonatorer med en funda- mental modfrekvens runt 1 GHz och en fashastighet för signalen så låg som c/1000. Resonanserna motsvarar närvaron av strömantinoder inom den slingrande strukturen. Proverna tillverkades i Albanovas Nanolab och mättes i en prov-i-vakuum-sticka runt 300 mK. Frekvenssvepen i området 0,1-10 GHz bekräftar förekomsten av dessa res- onanser. Dessutom undersökte vi den strömberoende ickelinjäriteten i våra enheter. Analys av resonansernas temperaturberoende ger ett värde på filmens kritiska temper- atur, TC = 14.0 ± 0.5 K. Dispersionsförhållandena visade att provens impedans över- stiger resistanskvantumet RQ = 6, 5 kΩ nära resonanserna. En andra design realiserades för att reducera provens karakteristiska impedans till ≈ 50 Ω. Denna design, med en mikrostripline, har en betydligt längre totaltsträcka med en sammanlagd kinetisk induk- tans på ∼10 μH. Mätningarna visade en dramatiskt reducerad impedans på ≈ 700 Ω, men inte till det matchade värdet på 50 Ω, vilket gav upphov till en tät frekvenskam inom bandbredden 0- 3 GHz, med ett avstånd på ≈ 45 MHz mellan resonanserna.

MIMO Communication Capacity: Antenna Coupling and Precoding for Incoherent Detection

Bikhazi, Nicolas W. 17 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
While the capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems has been explored in considerable detail, virtually all literature on this topic ignores electromagnetic considerations. This dissertation explores electromagnetic effects on the capacity performance of these multi-antenna architectures. Specifically, it examines the impact of superdirectivity for compact antenna arrays, the effect of antenna mutual coupling, and MIMO performance of multi-mode optical fiber with non-linear detection. Superdirectivity can lead to abnormally large capacity bounds in a MIMO communication system, especially when the antennas are placed close together. Because superdirective behavior is difficult to achieve in practice, this work formulates an approach for limiting the impact of superdirectivity by introducing finite ohmic loss into the capacity expressions. Results show that even a small amount of ohmic loss significantly affects the achievable system capacity and suppresses superdirective solutions. This formulation allows a more detailed examination of the capacity of MIMO systems for compact arrays. For channels which do not vary in time, placing antennas closer together generally reduces the system capacity. However, recent work has demonstrated that for a MIMO system operating in a fast fading environment where the transmitter and receiver know the channel covariance information, the capacity increases as antennas are placed near each other due to an increase in spatial correlation. Analysis of this behavior illustrates that when these capacity gains (due to closely spaced antennas) are observed the radiated power is also increased. Constraining the radiated power leads to superdirective solutions in which the ohmic loss constraint developed must be used to properly determine the capacity behavior of this system. Application of this constraint then leads to an optimum antenna spacing in contrast to the findings of previous research which indicate that antennas should be as close together as possible. Additionally, this section provides an analysis regarding the number of spatial modes that can be used for various system configurations. Recent research has shown that it is possible for MIMO communication techniques to be used with multimode optical fibers to increase the available distance-bandwidth. However, implementation of traditional MIMO schemes requires the use of coherent optical detection which can lead to high system complexity and cost. This dissertation proposes a multimode fiber MIMO system architecture which allows simultaneous transmission of unique streams to different users on the same fiber while using incoherent detection with amplitude and phase modulation at the transmitter. The resulting capacity scales nearly linearly with the number of transmitters and receivers. Because the architecture requires channel state information at the transmitter, a training scheme appropriate for use with optical intensity detection is also discussed.

Integrated Inp Photonic Switches

May-Arrioja, Daniel 01 January 2006 (has links)
Photonic switches are becoming key components in advanced optical networks because of the large variety of applications that they can perform. One of the key advantages of photonic switches is that they redirect or convert light without having to make any optical to electronic conversions and vice versa, thus allowing networking functions to be lowered into the optical layer. InP-based switches are particularly attractive because of their small size, low electrical power consumption, and compatibility with integration of laser sources, photo-detectors, and electronic components. In this dissertation the development of integrated InP photonic switches using an area-selective zinc diffusion process has been investigated. The zinc diffusion process is implemented using a semi-sealed open-tube diffusion technique. The process has proven to be highly controllable and reproducible by carefully monitoring of the diffusion parameters. Using this technique, isolated p-n junctions exhibiting good I-V characteristics and breakdown voltages greater than 10 V can be selectively defined across a semiconductor wafer. A series of Mach-Zehnder interferometric (MZI) switches/modulators have been designed and fabricated. Monolithic integration of 1x2 and 2x2 MZI switches has been demonstrated. The diffusion process circumvents the need for isolation trenches, and hence optical losses can be significantly reduced. An efficient optical beam steering device based on InGaAsP multiple quantum wells is also demonstrated. The degree of lateral current spreading is easily regulated by controlling the zinc depth, allowing optimization of the injected currents. Beam steering over a 21 microns lateral distance with electrical current values as low as 12.5 mA are demonstrated. Using this principle, a reconfigurable 1x3 switch has been implemented with crosstalk levels better than -17 dB over a 50 nm wavelength range. At these low electrical current levels, uncooled and d.c. bias operation is made feasible. The use of multimode interference (MMI) structures as active devices have also been investigated. These devices operate by selective refractive index perturbation on very specific areas within the MMI structure, and this is again realized using zinc diffusion. Several variants such as a compact MMI modulator that is as short as 350 µm, a robust 2x2 photonic switch and a tunable MMI coupler have been demonstrated.

Integrated Optical Filters for Microwave Photonic Applications

Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio 18 July 2016 (has links)
[EN] Microwave photonics (MWP) is a well-established research field that investigates the use of photonic technologies to generate, distribute, process and analyze RF waveforms in the optical domain. Despite its great potential to solve long-standing problems faced by both the microwave and electronics industries, MWP systems are bulky, expensive and consume a lot of power. Integrated microwave photonics (IMWP) is an emerging area of research that promises to alleviate most of these drawbacks through the use of photonic integrated circuits (PIC). In this work, we have aimed at further closing the gap between the worlds of MWP and integrated optics. In particular, we have focused on the design and experimental characterization of PICs with reconfigurable, ring-assisted Mach-Zehnder interferometer filters (RAMZI), and demonstrated its potential use in different IMWP applications. These filters consist of a symmetric MZI loaded with ring resonators, which are coupled to the MZI branches by different optical couplers. The contributions of this thesis can be split into two sections. In the first one, we demonstrate integrated optical couplers and reflectors with variable power splitting and reflections ratios. These exploit the well-known properties of tapered multimode interference couplers (MMI), and their inherent robustness makes them highly suitable for the implementation of both RAMZI and reflective filters. Besides, we study in detail the impact of manufacturing deviations in the performance of a 4x4 MMI-based 90º hybrid, which is a fundamental building block in coherent optical communication systems. In the second section, we demonstrate the use of integrated RAMZI filters for three different IMWP applications, including instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM), direct detection of frequency-modulated signals in a MWP link, as well as in tunable, coherent MWP filters. A theoretical analysis of the limits and trade-offs that exist in photonics-based IFM systems is also provided. Even though these are early proof-of-concept experiments, we hope that further technological developments in the field will finally turn MWP into a commercial reality. / [ES] La fotónica de microondas (MWP) es un campo de investigación que estudia el uso de tecnologías ópticas para generar, distribuir, procesar y analizar señales de RF. A pesar de su gran potencial para resolver algunos de los problemas a los que se enfrentan las industrias electrónica y de microondas, estos sistemas son voluminosos, caros y consumen mucha potencia. La fotónica de microondas integrada (IMWP) es un área emergente que promete solucionar todos estos inconvenientes a través de la utilización de circuitos ópticos integrados (PIC). En esta tesis, hemos pretendido avanzar un poco más en el acercamiento entre estas dos disciplinas. En concreto, nos hemos centrado en el diseño y caracterización experimental de PICs con filtros reconfigurables basados en interferómetros Mach-Zehnder cargados con anillos (RAMZI), y demostrado su potencial uso en diferentes aplicaciones de IMWP. Los filtros RAMZI están hecho básicamente de un MZI simétrico cargado con anillos, los cuales a su vez se acoplan a las ramas del interferómetro a través de distintos acopladores ópticos. Las contribuciones de este trabajo se pueden dividir en dos partes. En la primera, hemos demostrado acopladores y reflectores ópticos integrados con coeficientes de acoplo y reflexión variables. Éstos explotan las propiedades de los acopladores por interferencia multimodal (MMI), y su robustez les hace muy atractivos para la implementación de filtros RAMZI y de tipo reflectivo. Además, hemos analizado el impacto que las tolerancias de fabricación tienen en el rendimiento de un híbrido óptico de 90º basado en un MMI 4x4, el cual es un elemento fundamental en los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas coherentes. En la segunda parte, hemos demostrado el uso de filtros RAMZI en tres aplicaciones distintas de IMWP. En concreto, hemos utilizado dichos filtros para implementar sistemas de medida de frecuencia instantánea (IFM), detección directa de señales moduladas en frecuencia para enlaces fotónicos, así como en filtros coherentes y sintonizables de MWP. También hemos desarrollado un análisis teórico de las limitaciones y problemas que existen en los sistemas IFM. A pesar de que todos los experimentos realizados han consistido en prototipos para una prueba de concepto, esperamos que futuros avances tecnológicos permitan que la fotónica de microondas se convierta algún día en una realidad comercial. / [CA] La fotònica de microones (MWP) és un camp d'investigació que estudia l'ús de tecnologies òptiques per a generar, distribuir, processar y analitzar senyals de radiofreqüència. A pesar del seu gran potencial per a resoldre alguns dels problemes als que s'enfronten les indústries electrònica i de microones, estos sistemes son voluminosos, cars i consumixen molta potència. La fotònica de microones integrada (IMWP) és un àrea emergent que promet solucionar tots estos inconvenients a través de la utilització de circuits òptics integrats (PIC). En esta tesi, hem pretés avançar un poc més en l'acostament entre estes dos disciplines. En concret, ens hem centrat en el disseny i caracterització experimental de PICs amb filtres reconfigurables basats en interferòmetres Mach-Zehnder carregats amb anells (RAMZI), i demostrat el seu potencial en diferents aplicacions d' IMWP. Els filtres RAMZI estan fets bàsicament d'un MZI simètric carregat amb anells, els quals, al seu torn, s'acoblen a les branques del interferòmetre a través de distints acobladors òptics. Les contribucions d'este treball es poden dividir en dos parts. En la primera, hem demostrat acobladors i reflectors òptics integrats amb coeficients de transmissió i reflexió variables. Estos exploten les propietats dels acobladors per interferència multimodal (MMI), i la seua robustesa els fa molt atractius per a la implementació de filtres RAMZI i de tipo reflectiu. A més a més, hem analitzat l'impacte que les toleràncies de fabricació tenen en el rendiment d'un híbrid òptic de 90 graus basat en un MMI 4x4, el qual és un element fonamental en els sistemes de comunicacions òptiques coherents. En la segona part, hem demostrat l'ús de filtres RAMZI en tres aplicacions diferents de IMWP. En concret, hem utilitzat estos filtres per a implementar sistemes de mesura de freqüència instantània (IFM), detecció directa de senyals modulades en freqüència per a enllaços fotònics, així com en filtres coherents i sintonitzables de MWP. També hem desenvolupat una anàlisi teòrica de les limitacions i problemes que existixen en els sistemes IFM. A pesar de que tots els experiments realitzats han consistit en prototips per a una prova de concepte, esperem que futurs avanços tecnològics permeten que la fotònica de microones es convertisca algun dia en una realitat comercial. / Sánchez Fandiño, JA. (2016). Integrated Optical Filters for Microwave Photonic Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/67690

Dispositivos em fibras ópticas baseados em interferência multimodal / Devices with optical fibres based on multimode interference

Pinilla Pachon, Edwin German, 1981- 03 May 2013 (has links)
Orientadores: Cristiano Monteiro de Barros Cordeiro, Marcos Antonio Ruggieri Franco / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T12:56:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PinillaPachon_EdwinGerman_M.pdf: 12541930 bytes, checksum: 74a0367c344ded9c8891d11280568b6b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Nesta dissertação se estudou por simulação numérica o efeito de interferência multimodal (MMI, do inglês "multimode interference") em guias de onda, com atenção especial a fibras ópticas, e a resposta óptica do dispositivo MMI a parâmetros externos como temperatura, curvatura e índice de refração. Dispositivos baseados em MMI são formados, em geral, por três guias de onda concatenados sendo as extremidades compostas de guias monomodo e a parte central composta de um guia que permite a propagação de muitos modos, tipicamente, mais do que três. Nesta situação, na seção multimodo, são formadas reimagens que aproximadamente replicam fase e amplitude do campo óptico de entrada. A observação do espectro de transmissão correspondente à primeira reimagem, em dispositivos MMI, permite desenvolver sensores de índice de refração, temperatura e curvatura. A sensibilidade dos sensores foi avaliada frente às variações do mensurando, ou seja, variações no índice de refração, temperatura e curvatura da estrutura MMI em fibra óptica. / Abstract: In this work the effect of multimodal interference (MMI) in waveguides was studied by numerical simulation. Special attention was given to optical fibers and its the optical response when external parameters such as temperature, curvature or refractive índex were varied. MMI devices are usually formed by connecting three waveguides being the input and output ones single mode waveguides while the middle one is a waveguide that allows the propagation of many optical modes, typically more than three. In this situation re-images that replicate both the phase and the amplitude of the input optical field are formed periodically within the multimode section. The analysis of the transmission spectrum of the first re-image in MMI devices were realized in order to get information about the fiber environment, in particular the surrounding refractive índex, radius of curvature and temperature. The sensors sensitivity was evaluated. / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física

Etude des amplificateurs et lasers 1 µm de forte puissance à base de fibre double gaine dopée Ytterbium

Bordais, Sylvain 28 June 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente les travaux effectués pour développer et optimiser des amplificateurs et lasers 1 µm de forte puissance à base de fibre double gaine dopée Ytterbium. Le premier chapitre traite de la caractérisation passive de la fibre. Nous donnons les caractéristiques spectroscopiques de l'ion Ytterbium dans une matrice de silice. Nous présentons ensuite les moyens et résultats de caractérisation des fibres utilisées. Nous discutons ensuite certaines spécificités associées aux fibres double gaine, comme le mélange de mode. Enfin, nous faisons l'étude comparative des principales techniques d'injection de la pompe. Le second chapitre traite des amplificateurs. Nous présentons le modèle numérique de l'amplificateur dans le cas d'un régime de pompage continu et d'amplification de signaux continus. Puis, nous donnons les résultats expérimentaux permettant de le valider. Nous étudions, ensuite, l'influence des paramètres intrinsèques et extrinsèques à la fibre. Nous mettons l'accent sur les effets limitatifs du Brillouin généré. Enfin, nous présentons les paramètres permettant d'optimiser le fonctionnement des amplificateurs dans une structure simple et double étage. Le troisième chapitre traite des lasers. Nous commençons par étendre le modèle développé au cas du laser à gain homogène. Nous validons, tout d'abord, le modèle avec les résultats issus d'un laser en cavité Fabry-Pérot de 1 W, puis, nous optimisons ses paramètres. Nous présentons, ensuite, le laser multimode à 1083 nm pour le pompage optique de l'hélium. Nous étudions l'effet de divers paramètres sur la largeur d'enveloppe mesurée, et confrontons les résultats au modèle numérique. Nous abordons l'étude des instabilités observées et l'analyse de leurs origines. Nous continuons par présenter les résultats théoriques et expérimentaux d'un laser en anneau. Enfin, nous étudions un laser pour le pompage d'un résonateur Raman.

Multiplexed Optofluidics for Single-Molecule Analysis

Stott, Matthew Alan 01 April 2018 (has links)
The rapid development of optofluidics, the combination of microfluidics and integrated optics, since its formal conception in the early 2000's has aided in the advance of single-molecule analysis. The optofluidic platform discussed in this dissertation is called the liquid core anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide (LC-ARROW). This platform uses ARROW waveguides to orthogonally intersect a liquid core waveguide with solid core rib waveguides for the excitation of specifically labeled molecules and collection of fluorescence signal. Since conception, the LC-ARROW platform has demonstrated its effectiveness as a lab-on-a-chip fluorescence biosensor. However, until the addition of optical multiplexing excitation waveguides, the platform lacked a critical functionality for use in rapid disease diagnostics, namely the ability to simultaneously detect different types of molecules and particles. In disease diagnostics, the ability to multiplex, detect and identify multiple biomarkers simultaneously is paramount for a sensor to be used as a rapid diagnostic system. This work brings optofluidic multiplexing to the sensor through the implementation of three specific designs: (1) the Y-splitter was the first multi-spot excitation design implemented on the platform, although it did not have the ability to multiplex it served as a critical stepping stone and showed that multi-spot excitation could improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the platform by ~50,000 times; (2) a multimode interference (MMI) waveguide which took the multi-spot idea and then demonstrated spectral multiplexing capable of correctly identifying multiple diverse biomarkers simultaneously; and, (3) a Triple-Core design which incorporates excitation and collection along multiple liquid cores, enabling spatial multiplexing which increases the number of individual molecules to be identified concurrently with the MMI waveguide excitation. In addition to describing the development of optical multiplexing, this dissertation includes an investigation of another LC-ARROW based design that enables 2D bioparticle trapping, the Anti-Brownian Electrokinetic (ABEL) trap. This design demonstrates two-dimensional compensation of a particle's Brownian motion in solution. The capability to maintain a molecule suspended in solution over time enables the ability to gain a deeper understanding of cellular function and therapies based on molecular functions.

Développements de systèmes multipassages pour application à la spectroscopie d'absorption : Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy multimode et cellules à passages multiples

Courtois, Jérémie 09 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La spectroscopie d'absorption par mesure du temps de vie des photons piégés dans une cavité optique haute-finesse, ou Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS), compte parmi les outils de diagnostic optique les plus sensibles. L'excitation « mode matchée » d'un laser continu rapidement et continûment balayé (~4 THz.s-1 durant ~2 ms), i.e. la cw-CRDS monomode rapide, garantit à la technique ses meilleures performances en termes de limites de détectivité avec, en contrepartie, des points de mesures séparés de l'Intervalle Spectral Libre du résonateur (ISL=c/2L) : le dosage d'environnements basse pression requiert de longues cavités. Cette étude originale propose de mettre à profit la structure transverse du résonateur afin de rendre possible la miniaturisation du dispositif de cw-CRDS rapide. L'excitation multimode d'une cavité fractionnellement dégénérée (dite de taille « magique »), ici présentée, permet de bénéficier d'un gain d'échantillonnage spectral qui vaut l'ordre réentrant N employé. Nous développons deux schémas d'injection multimode : l'injection multimode axiale et l'injection multimode réentrante, dite dans ce dernier cas hors de l'axe optique, de telles cavités et nous en étudions les principales différences. Une étude détaillée du champ intracavité existant aux N résonances constitutives de l'ISL est proposée afin de rendre compte des limites de détectivités associées à ces deux schémas d'injection multimode sensiblement distincts. Une seconde partie de ce travail de thèse est dédiée à caractériser de façon approfondie l'observation des profils spatiaux intracavités formés en injection hors axe lorsque la cavité souffre d'un faible astigmatisme (ΔR/R~2 %) : on parle de profil de Lissajous. Cette étude rend compte des mécanismes fondamentaux, telle la coïncidence particulière de modes particuliers par dispersion modale, qui aboutissent en un intervalle millimétrique de dégénérescence. Celui-ci est le siège d'une succession de profils transverses de Lissajous symétriques les uns des autres de part et d'autre d'une taille particulière de cavité : nous en précisons les causes. Le résiduel astigmatisme ainsi mis en évidence et mesuré permet, en outre, d'expliquer la disparition des oscillations Doppler normalement présentent en début de décroissance ring down dans ce type d'injection dynamique. De façon connexe, nous développons plusieurs types de cellules multipassages non-résonantes comme alternative à la CRDS pour le dosage d'environnements hostiles.

An intelligent vertical handoff decision algorithm in next generation wireless networks

Nkansah-Gyekye, Yaw January 2010 (has links)
<p>The objective of the thesis research is to design such vertical handoff decision algorithms in order for mobile field workers and other mobile users equipped with contemporary multimode mobile devices to communicate seamlessly in the NGWN. In order to tackle this research objective, we used fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference systems to design a suitable handoff initiation algorithm that can handle imprecision and uncertainties in data and process multiple vertical handoff initiation parameters (criteria) / used the fuzzy multiple attributes decision making method and context awareness to design a suitable access network selection function that can handle a tradeoff among many handoff metrics including quality of service requirements (such as network conditions and system performance), mobile terminal conditions, power requirements, application types, user preferences, and a price model / used genetic algorithms and simulated annealing to optimise the access network selection function in order to dynamically select the optimal available access network for handoff / and we focused in particular on an interesting use case: vertical handoff decision between mobile WiMAX and UMTS access networks. The implementation of our handoff decision algorithm will provide a network selection mechanism to help mobile users select the best wireless access network among all available wireless access networks, that is, one that provides always best connected services to users.</p>

An intelligent vertical handoff decision algorithm in next generation wireless networks

Nkansah-Gyekye, Yaw January 2010 (has links)
<p>The objective of the thesis research is to design such vertical handoff decision algorithms in order for mobile field workers and other mobile users equipped with contemporary multimode mobile devices to communicate seamlessly in the NGWN. In order to tackle this research objective, we used fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference systems to design a suitable handoff initiation algorithm that can handle imprecision and uncertainties in data and process multiple vertical handoff initiation parameters (criteria) / used the fuzzy multiple attributes decision making method and context awareness to design a suitable access network selection function that can handle a tradeoff among many handoff metrics including quality of service requirements (such as network conditions and system performance), mobile terminal conditions, power requirements, application types, user preferences, and a price model / used genetic algorithms and simulated annealing to optimise the access network selection function in order to dynamically select the optimal available access network for handoff / and we focused in particular on an interesting use case: vertical handoff decision between mobile WiMAX and UMTS access networks. The implementation of our handoff decision algorithm will provide a network selection mechanism to help mobile users select the best wireless access network among all available wireless access networks, that is, one that provides always best connected services to users.</p>

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