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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educational pathways and transitions in the early school years : Special educational needs, support provisions and inclusive education

Lundqvist, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim of this research is to describe and analyse the educational pathways from preschool to school of a group of children with and without special educational needs. The aim is also to describe and analyse children’s views and experiences of early years education, and how these can be obtained. The research comprises six studies that are presented in four articles and two conference papers. Longitudinal and multiple-case study designs, and mixed method approaches are adopted in the empirical studies, and the data is collected via observations, a questionnaire, documents, conversations and interviews with staff, children’s drawings and interviews with children. The results from the empirical studies show a variation of pathways to compulsory education; changes in activities and relationships in the transitions; a variation in preschool quality; a broad conceptualising of special educational needs; an application of comprehensive or specialised typologies in the educational settings; an undecided and cautious attitude toward inclusive education; an allocation of generous resources to specialised and segregated programmes; and a diversity of support provisions. The children report more positive than negative experiences of their early school years and pinpoint the importance of having a sense of belonging among peers; opportunities for creative play and thinking; experiences of speed, excitement and physical challenges; elements of cosiness, withdrawals and comfort for recreation; experiences of growth in knowledge and understanding of the world; feeling safe; feeling free and autonomous; and preventing homesickness in order to thrive. The results of the literature review are that the researchers may obtain data from children with and without special educational needs by means of traditional and innovative data collection methods. For broadening participation and sharing of views, the researchers may offer relational and material support. The thesis has relevance for researchers in the field of special education, inclusive education and early childhood education and care. It has also relevance for teacher training, policy makers and stakeholders, school heads, teachers and families. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 6: Submitted.</p>

L'orientation entrepreneuriale des PME à internationalisation rapide et logiques d'identification des opportunités d'exportation : cas des PME agro-industrielles au Maroc / The entrepreneurial orientation of early internationalizing SMEs and logics of export opportunities identification : case of agribusiness SMEs in Morocco

Sabbari, Ahmed 03 July 2015 (has links)
Hormis l'intérêt croissant que suscitent l'entrepreneuriat international et l'entrepreneuriat organisationnel comme nouvelles voies de réflexion, la recherche académique dans les deux champs ne semble pas suffisamment insister sur les processus et les dynamiques sous- jacentes de l'internationalisation rapide des PME et de la formation de leurs orientations entrepreneuriales (OE). La présente recherche se donne comme objectif de proposer une compréhension systémique des processus entrepreneuriaux de la PME à internationalisation rapide en plaçant la logique de identification des opportunités d'exportation au cœur de notre réflexion. Le travail s'achèvera par une modélisation qualitative expliquant le phénomène en question.La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée aux fondements théoriques de la recherche, abordant les concepts clés de notre cadre conceptuel. La deuxième partie aborde empiriquement la problématique de la recherche. Après une première analyse de contextualisation, sont présentés et analysés les résultats d'une étude de cas multiples, réalisées au sein de six jeunes PME exportatrices marocaines du secteur agro-industriel.La recherche met en évidence des vecteurs internes (connaissances, expériences et capital social) et des contraintes externes (nature de l'activité et caractéristiques du marché local) comme déterminants de l'internationalisation rapide des PME étudiées. Plus important encore, deux configurations différentes de l'OE sont décrites en relation avec deux logiques distinctes de identification des opportunités d'exportation (une logique de type causale et une autre de type effectuale). / Despite the growing interest in international entrepreneurship and organizational entrepreneurship as new ways of thinking, academic research in both fields does not seem sufficiently emphasize the underlying processes and dynamics of the accelerated internationalization of SMEs and the formation of their entrepreneurial orientation (EO). This research aims to provide a systemic understanding of entrepreneurial processes of the SMEs by placing the logic of determining export opportunities at the heart of our thinking. The work will conclude by a qualitative model explaining the phenomenon in question.The first part of this thesis is devoted to the theoretical foundations of research, addressing key concepts of our conceptual framework. The second part addresses the problem of empirical research. After an initial work of contextualization, are presented and analyzed the results of a multiple case study, conducted in six young Moroccan exporting SMEs in the agro-industrial sector.The research highlights the internal vectors (knowledge, experience and social capital) and external constraints (nature of the activity and the local market characteristics) as determinants of the accelerated internationalization of young SMEs studied. More importantly, two different configurations of the EO dimensions are described in relation with two distinct logics of determining export opportunities (causal logic vs effectuale logic).

What are the Critical Success Factors of Start-Ups in the Digital Transformation? : A multiple case-study

Tischlinger, David, Van Wordragen, Bas January 2019 (has links)
Throughout the last years, we have been able to experience one of the most significant economic disruptions in history: The Digital Revolution. In a world that becomes more and more digitalized, companies must get an understanding of the fundamental rules of doing business in the digitalized business world in order to be able to innovate effectively and succeed with their business. The purpose of this paper is to get an in-depth understanding on how the digitalization affected the dynamics of doing business, and what the necessary key components are according to the literature and interviewees to succeed as a business in the digital era. Our contribution to the theory is achieved by conducting a multiple-case study in which eight case companies were selected and interviewed via semi-structured interviews. Subsequently, a grounded analysis was conducted to identify the subjective success factors of the interviewees which resulted in five major themes which contribute significantly to a firm’s success. We came to the conclusion that the main success factors for Start-Ups in the digital transformation are: 1. Lean Approach to Customer Orientation, 2. Entrepreneurial Goals &amp; Culture, 3. Participation in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, 4. Integration &amp; Utilization of Third-Party Technologies, and 5. Acquisition of Capital for Business Growth.

Collaborative Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems : A multiple case study on the OTD-process of manufacturing SMEs in the Swedish lighting industry / Collaborative Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems : A multiple case study on the OTD-process of manufacturing SMEs in the Swedish lighting industry

Svensson, Arvid, Gustafsson, Frida, Guillaume, Julien January 2019 (has links)
Title: Collaborative Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems. A multiple case study on the OTD-process of manufacturing SMEs in the Swedish lighting industry. Authors: Arvid Svensson, Frida Gustafsson and Julien Guillaume. Background: Even though the multiple stated benefits of Supply Chain Performance Measurement Systems (SCPMS) to enhance the collaboration, there is a lack of research, especially regarding the presence among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME). Closely associated with the presence of a SCPMS are the challenges. Research on SCPMS and the accompanied challenges have been made in multiple fields and contexts. Yet, SCPMS in the Order to Delivery (OTD)-process between a SME lighting manufacturer and their key customers is missing. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what level collaboration regarding SCPMS is present in the OTD-process among the cases studied as well as explain this level of collaboration by studying the challenges of SCPMS. The aim is to contribute to existing literature with an explanatory model that highlights the challenges for a highly collaborative SCPMS with their key customers. This model should also give practical contributions to the case companies. Method: A multiple case study have been conducted. Qualitative data has been gathered through semi-structured interviews. Findings and Conclusion: The findings show that the level of collaboration in the SCPMS differs from no presence at all to an almost total high presence in the cases studied. The criteria that were found in previous literature for high collaboration in the SCPMS were overall similar to the practices found in the cases. Most of the challenges found in previous research were able to explain the difference in level of collaboration in the SCPMS. The two major challenges were lack of knowledge and lack of will. Lack of knowledge was present where the will to progress was clear, while also in one case, there was not even a will to progress. Overall, the company with low level and will to progress was most likely to perceive challenges, while the company with the highest level perceived the least challenges.

Desenvolvimento profissional e relatos de vida de professores de química: um estudo de caso múltiplo / Professional development and life stories of Chemistry teachers: a multiple-case study

Bonardo, Josely Cubero 23 April 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho insere-se numa perspectiva de pesquisa qualitativa. O foco desta investigação recai particularmente sobre a aula de uma professora, Sophia, bem como no grupo de quatro professores que juntamente com ela participaram de um grupo colaborativo, constituindo-se assim, num estudo de caso múltiplo sobre o desenvolvimento profissional num contexto de formação contínua. Nesta investigação objetivou-se estabelecer as relações possíveis entre relatos educacionais e de profissionalização, concepções de ensino-aprendizagem e prática educativa que se evidenciaram num processo de reflexão crítica realizado por este grupo. A base de dados é composta por gravações em vídeo de aulas dentro de um contexto de uma disciplina de pós-graduação, vídeo de uma aula da profª Sophia no seu contexto real de atuação, textos escritos, desenhos e reflexões dos professores e gravação de uma entrevista com cada um desses cinco professores investigados. Os dados foram todos transcritos e a análise dos dados está baseada na análise textual discursiva, onde categorias emergentes foram estabelecidas. Ao final um metatexto foi construído onde o resultado dessas análises está contemplado. O processo reflexivo investigado nesse grupo revela um universo distinto de características de professores e a complexidade do processo educativo. As ações de cada professor em sua prática educativa têm influencias múltiplas e muito diversas relativas ao seu histórico de vida, sua experiência formativa e profissional, suas crenças, suas orientações políticas etc. O que determina a auto-imagem de um professor competente é provavelmente influenciado por todas essas características de uma maneira dinâmica e altamente complexa. Entretanto, duas características marcantes reveladas nesse estudo de caso múltiplo parecem ter influência positiva no trabalho de um professor - sua formação específica e pedagógica além de uma postura de confiança no processo educativo. Essas características nem sempre andam juntas, mas revelaram-se importantes para uma atuação segura dos professores investigados e, portanto, destacam-se no processo de construção de sua autonomia. / This work has a qualitative research perspective. Our focus was the class of an in-service teacher, Sophia, and the four teachers who participated of a collaborative group. This investigation was a multiple-case study about the professional development in a teacher education context. The aim of this research was to establish possible relations between educational and professional reports, teaching-learning theories and classroom practice. These relations were revealed during a critical reflection process which was done by a group of in-service teachers. This research took place within the framework of a post graduation course. Our data are based in class videos, a video of Sophia\'s classroom, written texts, drawings, teacher\'s reflections and interviews with each one of these five teachers. Data were all transcribed and analyzed by the use of discursive textual analysis methodology, which established the emergence of some categories. At the end a metatext was written reporting and discussing the results of such analysis. The reflective process investigated in this group reveals that each teacher contributes with an idiosyncratic universe of characteristics and also evidences the complex nature of the education process. Each teacher actions in their educative practice have multiple and diverse influences which are related to their life history, educational and professional experience, their beliefs, their political orientations, etc. Results suggest that the self image of a competent teacher is influenced by all of these characteristics in a dynamic and complex way. However, two key characteristics revealed in this multiple case study seems to have a positive influence in a teacher\'s work - specific and pedagogical education and a confident view of the education process. These characteristics not always go together but were revealed as important for a confident performance of the investigated teachers. So, these characteristics can be considered as especially important during the construction of the teacher\'s autonomy process.

Exploring Small Business Strategies in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Akindoju, Oluwatoyin Oluremi 01 January 2016 (has links)
Small business owners contribute 39% of Canada's gross domestic product and account for 67% of new jobs created, but only 50% survive beyond the first 5 years of existence. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore what strategies some small business owners in Halifax, Nova Scotia used to sustain their business operations beyond the first 5 years. The study population consisted of 6 small business owners of professional firms located in Halifax, Nova Scotia who had succeeded in business beyond the first 5 years. The conceptual framework that grounded this study was the systems theory. Data were collected through semistructured interviews, a review of company documents, and archival records. Member checking of interview response data was used to strengthen the credibility of the findings. Based on the methodological triangulation of the data collected and the van Kaam process, themes that emerged after the data analysis were networking, product-advantage, business-centric approach, and human capital. The data and application of the findings from this study may contribute to social change by providing essential strategies for small business owners to ensure business success that could potentially lead to the prosperity of the community and Halifax economy.

Success Factors for Power Project Development Businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa

Afidegnon, Kodjo Galevissi 01 January 2019 (has links)
Despite the financing gap in the sub-Saharan Africa power sector, private investors struggle to capitalize on the opportunity because of the high failure rate of power project development companies. Using the conceptual framework of the behavioral finance theory, this multiple case study was conducted to explore the strategies used by executives of 4 companies in sub-Saharan Africa who successfully developed power projects within the last 5 years. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and a review of government and institutions' websites. Yin's 5-phased cycle for analyzing case studies provided the guidelines for data analysis. Three themes emerged from data analysis: market knowledge, stakeholder alignment, and commercial viability. Findings revealed strategies that current and aspiring power project development company executives may use as a guide to mitigate business failure risks. Implications of these findings for positive social change include the potential to increase the power generation capacity in sub-Saharan Africa and provide electricity to many of the 620 million Africans who currently lack access. Implications also include poverty alleviation and economic growth through creation of successful power project development companies.

Success Strategies for Small Service Business Owners

Ratcliff, Diana 01 January 2018 (has links)
Small business owners struggle to sustain their businesses over time. According to U.S. Census data in 2014, only half of all small businesses survived beyond the first 5 years of operation, and only a third survived longer than 10 years. Grounded with the strategic contingency theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies small service business owners used to succeed beyond the first 5 years of operation. The target population consisted of 4 owners of small service and retail businesses in Arlington, VA, with fewer than 50 employees who have succeeded in business longer than 5 years. Through a process of methodological triangulation, data collected from financial documents, publicly available records, and external sources supplemented semistructured interview data. Using thematic analysis by coding narrative segments, 3 themes emerged including developing a unique marketing strategy, developing strategic leadership skills, and required business skills for sustainability. Successful unique marketing strategies emerged from understanding customer needs. The results from this study could benefit business owners by improving business success rates, which would have a positive economic effect on local community, including job creation, and sustainable economic stability. The implications for positive social change might include the reversal of small business failure trends through the application of successful business strategies.

Intergenerational Communication Strategies for Generation X Supervisors

Johnson, La Toya Amese 01 January 2019 (has links)
Millennials, who by 2024 will make up approximately 34% of the U.S. workforce, will play a critical role in organizational strategies and productivity, as will the supervisors who manage them. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the intergenerational communication strategies that Generation X supervisors used to motivate and engage high performing millennials in the workplace. The framework for this study was Mannheim's generation theory and the 2-factor theory of motivation by Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman. Data were collected from parks and recreation employees in the southeastern region of the United States, including 4 Generation X supervisors who completed semistructured interviews and 2 millennial cohort focus groups. Data were transcribed, coded, and validated through member checking and methodological triangulation. The 4 themes identified were culture and socialization, relationship building and intergenerational connectedness, employee growth and development, and rewards and recognition. The findings of this research may benefit millennials, frontline supervisors, parks and recreation agencies, and leaders in other organizations by providing an understanding of generational needs. The data presented in this study may support positive social change by showing that supervisors and millennial employees can build high quality relationships within their organizations, enabling those organizations to support the communities they serve.

The Perceptions And Experiences Of Students And Teachers In Formal And Informal Learning Settings That Uses Muves: Quest Atlantis Case

Bakar Corez, Aysegul 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation aimed to investigate the use of Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) as supportive materials in students&rsquo / learning process. In this respect, a MUVE named Quest Atlantis had been used by students in formal and informal learning settings. The students participated in a project that was developed based on an ecological problem resulted in fish decline in a river. As being a multiple case study research, data were collected from four separate cases, selected from three different places. Specifically, students&rsquo / and teachers&rsquo / perceptions were gathered, and challenges and barriers of implementations were investigated. The research results indicated that most of the students liked learning in environments using MUVEs. Besides being intrinsically motivated towards learning science topics, the students stated that it was a good way of reinforcing what they learn in school settings. Students found MUVEs effective learning environments as it allowed them to learn with active participation / rather than being taught as it usually happens in school context. The teachers had positive opinions about the use of MUVEs. They claimed that MUVEs have the potential to support students&rsquo / learning visually and let students learn through an inquiry-based learning approach with situated information to virtual settings. According to the teachers, MUVEs allowed various skill developments of the students and it created a dynamic learning environment in which students interacted and collaborated with each other. Even though students and teachers have positive perception about the use of MUVEs in learning setting, it is quite challenging to place these applications to learning settings, especially to formal ones. There are numerous challenges and barriers that can be faced with during the implementation process. In this research, the challenges and barriers are grouped under four main categories: 1) teacher related, 2) student related, 3) system related, and 4) technology related. When the implementation results of formal and informal learning setting were compared, it was possible to see how the very dimensions of formal learning settings made the innovative technology-based implementations difficult. On the other hand, informal learning settings were more flexible learning environments allowing a better learning experience for the students.

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