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Oral health-related quality ofl ife in an adult populationEinarson, Susanne January 2009 (has links)
The aim: The overall aim of this licentiate thesis was to describe and analyze oral health-related quality of life measured with OHIP-14. The thesis comprises two studies, each with a specific aim. Study I: To describe oral health-related quality of life measured with OHIP-14 in an Swedish adult population Study II: To study the relationship between oral health-related quality of life, measured with OHIP-14, and subjective as well as objective dry mouth conditions in fragile old people. Furthermore, the aim was to study the reliability and validity of a new instrument (VAS) to measure dry mouth Material and methods: Study I comprised a stratified random sample of 519 individuals 20-80 years of age. In Study II, 41 randomly selected fragile old people, residents at three different community care centers, participated. In both studies, the questionnaire OHIP-14 was used for measurement of oral health-related quality of life. The participants in Study II answered a questionnaire for subjectively experienced dry mouth (VAS). For objective dry mouth measurements, saliva was absorbed into a preweighted cotton roll. Results: In Study I, 21% of the respondents stated that they had no oral problems that had a negative impact on their well-being. In Study II, the corresponding figure was 71%. In study I the mean value for OHIP-14 was 6.4 (SD=7.1) for the entire population; 5.9 (SD=7.1) for men and 6.8 (SD=7.2) for women in. Subjects, who frequently experienced problems related to oral health, with scores ranging from 16 to 41 points, accounted for 10% of the study group. In Study II, significant associations were identified between both objectively measured respective subjectively experienced dry mouth and oral health-related quality of life. The validity of the VAS instrument was good for subjective mouth dryness, but poor for objectively measured dry mouth in fragile old people. Conclusion: From Study I it can be concluded that, in this Swedish population, a number of individuals, both young and old, experience oral problems that have a negative impact on their well-being. From Study II, the conclusion is that dry mouth (both objective and subjective) is significantly associated with poorer oral health-related quality of life, underlining the value of monitoring dry mouth conditions in the care of fraigile old people.
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Omvårdnadsåtgärder vid Nutritionsproblem hos patienter med huvud- och halscancer : En litteraturstudieWidén, Malin, Bucht, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to review scientific articles to evaluate which nursing treatment are in use to ease problems such as dysphagia, mucositis and xerostomia and its efficiency. The method was a literature review in which the scientific articles where found in the database PubMed. A total of sixteen articles where included, these articles where analyzed based on their quality and contents. The result showed that electrical stimulation and rehabilitation was used against dysphagia, they both had a doubtful effect. Mouth washes was commonly used to reduce mucositis; triclosan mouthwash, benzydamine mouthwash, sacralfate mouth wash, povidone-iodine and salt-sodium mouthwash showed effect. Acupuncture, different mouth care products and lemon candy was used against xerostomia, they all had good effect. The conclusion of this literature review was that there are nursing methods beeing used to improve the nutritional intake in patients with head and neck cancer, however more research is needed to see the effect in every specific subject.
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Oral health-related quality ofl ife in an adult populationEinarson, Susanne January 2009 (has links)
<p><em>The aim:</em> The overall aim of this licentiate thesis was to describe and analyze oral health-related quality of life measured with OHIP-14. The thesis comprises two studies, each with a specific aim.</p><p> </p><p><em>Study I: </em>To describe oral health-related quality of life measured with OHIP-14 in an Swedish adult population</p><p><em>Study II: </em>To study the relationship between oral health-related quality of life, measured with OHIP-14, and subjective as well as objective dry mouth conditions in fragile old people. Furthermore, the aim was to study the reliability and validity of a new instrument (VAS) to measure dry mouth</p><p> </p><p><em>Material and methods: </em>Study I comprised a stratified random sample of 519 individuals 20-80 years of age. In Study II, 41 randomly selected fragile old people, residents at three different community care centers, participated. In both studies, the questionnaire OHIP-14 was used for measurement of oral health-related quality of life. The participants in Study II answered a questionnaire for subjectively experienced dry mouth (VAS). For objective dry mouth measurements, saliva was absorbed into a preweighted cotton roll.</p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>Results:</em> In Study I, 21% of the respondents stated that they had no oral problems that had a negative impact on their well-being. In Study II, the corresponding figure was 71%. In study I the mean value for OHIP-14 was 6.4 (SD=7.1) for the entire population; 5.9 (SD=7.1) for men and 6.8 (SD=7.2) for women in. Subjects, who frequently experienced problems related to oral health, with scores ranging from 16 to 41 points, accounted for 10% of the study group. In Study II, significant associations were identified between both objectively measured respective subjectively experienced dry mouth and oral health-related quality of life. The validity of the VAS instrument was good for subjective mouth dryness, but poor for objectively measured dry mouth in fragile old people.</p><p><em>Conclusion:</em> From Study I it can be concluded that, in this Swedish population, a number of individuals, both young and old, experience oral problems that have a negative impact on their well-being. From Study II, the conclusion is that dry mouth (both objective and subjective) is significantly associated with poorer oral health-related quality of life, underlining the value of monitoring dry mouth conditions in the care of fraigile old people.</p>
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Effekten av olika fluorbehandlingar för att förebygga karies hos muntorra patienter : En litteraturstudie / The Effect of Fluoride Treatment as a Cariostatic Agent for Patients with XerostomiaGraaf, Jessica January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva vilken kariesförebyggande effekt olika fluorbehandlingar har bland personer med muntorrhet. Vetenskapliga artiklar söktes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Åtta artiklar relevanta för denna litteraturstudie valdes ut för granskning. Artiklarna kvalitetsbedömdes med hjälp av en granskningsmall för kvantitativa studier. Resultaten visade att god munhygien i kombination med 1 % NaF-gel i skenor har visat sig vara en adekvat behandlingsmetod mot karies hos patienter med muntorrhet. En studie som jämfört olika koncentrationer av NaF-gel i skenor har inte uppvisat någon skillnad avseende kariesincidensen i de båda grupperna. Jämförelser mellan NaF-gel i skenor med munskölj och dessa i kombination visade en minskning av antal extraktioner men antalet lagningar ökade oavsett behandling. Kariesincidensen visade ingen skillnad mellan NaF-gel i skenor jämfört med tandborstning med 1350 ppm fluor. Att använda SnF2-gel som vid tandborstning var effektivas mot rotkaries i jämförelse med NaF-gel i kombination med munskölj. Kariesincidensen visade sig vara likvärdig i jämförelse mellan IFRS och fluorgel. Genom att använda 1 % NaF-gel 5 min varannan dag reduceras demineraliseringsprocessen effektivast.
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Förekomst av xerostomi hos studenter på Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping : En enkätstudie / Prevalence of xerostomia in students at School of Health Sciences in JönköpingHakkararinen, Caroline, Benjaminsson, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Background: Xerostomia is the subjective feeling of dry mouth and the state is because of its multifactorial character often limited to treating the symptoms that occurs instead of the causal factors. Xerostomia is a state which may affect both the oral and general health and can therefore have a negative impact on the individuals quality of life. Xerostomia was earlier defined as a state that affected old or sick people but investigations have lately showed that xerostomia also is prevalent in young healthy subjects. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of xerostomia and potential risk factors in students at School of Health Sciences in Jönköping. Methods: Students from four education programs at School of Health Sciences was asked to participate and fill out a questionnaire including background variables, standard questions of dry mouth and Xerostomia Inventory. Result: Xerostomia was found in 20% of the subjects. These had higher scores on Xerostomia Inventory compared to the subjects without xerostomia. The difference was statistically significant (p≤0,05). Conclusion: Xerostomia is a state that is prevalent in young, healthy subjects and though the state is idiopathic further investigation about its prevalence and the causal factors are needed. / Bakgrund: Xerostomi innebär subjektiv muntorrhet och då tillståndet är av multifaktoriell karaktär begränsas behandling ofta till att lindra individens besvär och symtom. Xerostomi är ett tillstånd som påverkar både individens orala och generella hälsa negativt vilket även kan leda till en nedsatt livskvalitet. Xerostomi betraktades tidigare som ett tillstånd som drabbar äldre och sjuka men senare studier har funnit en förekomst även hos unga friska individer. Syfte: Syftet var att kartlägga prevalens samt möjliga orsaksfaktorer till xerostomi hos studenter på Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping. Metod: Individer som studerade fjärde terminen vid fyra av Hälsohögskolans totalt åtta utbildningsprogram tillfrågades om att besvara en enkät som omfattade bakgrundsvariabler, standardfrågor om muntorrhet samt Xerostomia Inventory. Resultat: Studien påvisade en förekomst av xerostomi hos 20 % av studenterna. Individer med xerostomi uppvisade högre poäng på Xerostomia Inventory än individer utan xerostomi Skillnaden var statistiskt signifikant (p≤0,05). Slutsats: Xerostomi är ett tillstånd som förekommer hos unga friska individer och då tillståndet är idiopatiskt är det angeläget att fortsätta utreda dess förekomst samt potentiella orsaksfaktorer.
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Patienters upplevda munhälsa under cancerbehandling / Patients' perceived oral health during cancer treatmentBengtsson, Hanna, Björklund, Linett January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: En stor andel individer drabbas årligen av cancer i Sverige. Vanliga behandlingsformer är cytostatika och strålning. Effekten av behandlingarna har många orala biverkningar, vilket kan påverka drabbade individers liv negativt. Syfte:Var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av munhälsa vid cytostatika- och strålbehandling mot cancer. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie och grundades på åtta resultatartiklar som bearbetats med hjälp av innehållsanalys där resultat har granskats, sammanställts och skapat kategorier.Resultat: Patienter upplevde orala komplikationer relaterat till cytostatika- och eller strålbehandling samt stor påverkan på det sociala livet. Det framkom även upplevelse av bristande information om hantering av orala biverkningar. Resultatet delas in i tre kategorier; Patienters upplevda munhälsa vid cytostatika- och strålbehandling, Information om vikten av munhygien vid cytostatika- och strålbehandling och Patienters upplevelse av utanförskap kopplat till nedsatt munhälsa. Konklusion: Att drabbas av orala komplikationer vid cancerbehandling påverkar patienters hela livssituation både fysiskt och psykiskt. För att tillgodose patienters välbefinnande är det av vikt att inte bara fokusera på att bota från sjukdom utan även lindra biverkningar under behandling. En ökad medvetenheten om hur orala biverkningar påverkar patienter som genomgått cancerbehandling är av stor vikt ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv. / Background: Individuals suffer from cancer annually in Sweden. Common treatments are chemotherapy and radiation. The effect of the treatments has oral side effects, which can negatively affect the lives of individuals. Purpose: To describe patients' experience of oral health in chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Method: The study was conducted as a general literature study based on eight result articles. Content analysis were used. Results have been reviewed and compiled creating categories. Results: Patients experienced oral complications related to chemotherapy and radiotherapy as well as impact on social life. There was also experience of a lack of information on the management of oral side effects. The result is divided into three categories; Patients' perceived oral health during chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Information about the importance of oral hygiene during chemotherapy and radiotherapy and Patient's experience of exclusion linked to impaired oral health.Conclusion: Experiencing oral complications related to cancer treatment affects patients' life situation both physically and mentally. To ensure the well-being of patients, it is important not only to focus on curing from disease, but also to relieve side effects during treatment. Raising awareness of how oral side effects affect patients undergoing cancer treatment is of great importance from a nursing perspective.
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