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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Create nature

Dalsgaard, Signe January 2011 (has links)
Mitt arbete blir från en eko filosofisk synvinkel, och den konsthantverkbaserade scenografin som kommer skapas är baserad på vår/min syn på relation mellan naturen och människan. Många har tankar om just detta, det känns angeläget att kunna skapa en miljö där detta finns som en underton och att skapa en subtil miljö där jag jobbar med det taktila arbete, - evighetsarbeten, baserade på mitt eget formspråk. Jag vill utforska minatankar och undersöka hur jag kan betrakta och visa detta från olika vinklar.Ett ställe där natur och av människan skapade objekt samspelar, men där naturenblir styrd av objektens väggar, blommor kan tränga sig igenom kompakta materialsom asfalt och nerbrytningsprocessen är en oändlig del av detta. Med dessa flaskor vill jag visa hur naturen fångas in i ett bestämt element och lever av det som serveras den.

Foundations of Deep Ecology: Daoism and Heideggerian Phenomenology

Van Zanten, Joel A. 23 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Lev och låt leva : Djupekologi och människans samhörighet med resten av naturen / Live and let live : Deep ecology and human interconnectedness to the rest of nature

Bengtsson, Vanja January 2023 (has links)
Deep ecology seeks answers to and treats the earth's ecological crisis by digging down to the root of the problem. In deep ecology, an ecocentric worldview where human life is part of all living things is preferred over the anthropocentric view where humanity places itself at the center of the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate perceived interconnectedness with the rest of nature and how that connection affects possible environmental activism. Engagement can stem from various reasons and the study also examines whether or not it is based on the principles of deep ecology. With the intention to answer the study's research questions, a survey consisting of 18 questions was designed with both closed and open-ended answers, which enabled the use of both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. The survey was distributed online, and data were collected from 95 individuals, 72% female and 28% male. The results showed that a 93% of the respondents see themselves as environmentally conscious people. A statistically significant majority agreed with the eight principles linked to the deep ecology movement, and it can therefore be assumed that these principles are at least partially accepted by environmentally conscious people. 55% of the respondents replied that the reason for their environmental activism is that they are committed to "nature of which we are all a part", this result is of interest regarding the focus on the ecocentric worldview in this study. The results show that a statistically significant majority agree that a stronger sense of connection with nature makes them want to make more environmentally conscious choices. This particular result encourages continued research of the subject, and a continuation of digging deeper for possible solutions to the ecological crisis. / Djupekologin söker svar till, och behandlar, jordens ekologiska kris genom att gräva ner till roten av problemet. En ekocentrisk världsbild där människan är en del av allt levande föredras framför den antropocentriska bilden där människan sätter sig själv i centrum. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka människans upplevda samhörighet med resten av naturen och hur den samhörigheten påverkar eventuellt miljöengagemang. Detta engagemang kan komma från olika anledningar och studien ville även undersöka huruvida det grundar sig i djupekologins principer eller ej. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar utformades en enkät bestående av 18 frågor med både slutna och öppna svarsalternativ, vilket möjliggjorde användandet av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ analysmetod. Enkäten distribuerades online och data samlades in från 95 individer, varav 72% kvinnor och 28% män. Resultatet visade att en majoritet av respondenterna, 93%, svarade att de ser sig själva som miljömedvetna människor. En signifikant majoritet instämde med de åtta principerna kopplade till den djupekologiska rörelsen och det kan därför antas att dessa principer är minst delvis godtagna av miljömedvetna människor. 55% av respondenterna svarade även att anledningen till deras miljöengagemang är att de engagerar sig för ”Naturen som vi alla är en del av”, detta resultat är av intresse med tanke på fokuset på denekocentriska världsbilden. Resultatet visar också att en signifikant majoritet svarar instämmande till att en starkare känsla av samhörighet med naturen får dem att vilja göra mer miljömedvetna val. I synnerhet detta resultat gör att studien uppmuntrar till fortsatt utforskning av ämnet, och till att gräva djupare efter lösningar till den ekologiska krisen.

Deep Ecology and Heideggerian Phenomenology

Antolick, Matthew 20 August 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines the connections between Arne Naess's Deep Ecology and Martin Heidegger's Phenomenology. The latter provides a philosophical basis for the former. Martin Heidegger's critique of traditional metaphysics and his call for an "event" ontology that is deeper than the traditional substance ontology opens a philosophical space in which a different conception of what it is to be emerges. Heidegger's view of humans also provides a basis for the wider and deeper conception of self Arne Naess seeks: one that gets rid of the presupposition that human beings are isolated subjects embedded in a framework of objects distinct from them. Both Heidegger and Naess illustrate how the substance-ontological dogma affects human culture, encouraging humans to live as if they were divorced from their environmental surroundings. When humans live according to an atomistic conception of themselves as independent from their context, alienation results, not only from each other, and not only of humans from the surrounding environment, but from themselves as well. This thesis focuses on Heidegger's employment of the conception of poiesis or self-bringing-forth as clarifying the "root" of such ecosystemic processes as growth, maturation, reproduction, and death. Thus, Heidegger's call to phenomenology -- "to the things themselves" -- is a call away from the objectifying dichotomies through which substance ontology articulates the world into isolated components. It is the purpose of this thesis to demonstrate not only the connections between the later Heidegger and Naess, but also to argue in favor of their claims that traditional philosophical perspectives regarding humans, the environment, and ethics need to be re-appropriated in a new way in order to avoid further ecological degradation and provide for the health and well being of the future generations that will inevitably inherit the effects of our present actions.

Djupekologi och grundekologi : Finns det någon skillnad?

Petersson, Åsa January 2006 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen tar upp Arne Naess djupekologi. Den undersöker djupekologins struktur och vilka krav som ställs på en teori för att den skall vara en djupekologi. Uppsatsen tar även upp skillnader mellan djupekologi och grundekologi på en praktisk nivå. Uppsatsen behandlar Warwick Fox kritik rörande djupet i djupekologin och Arne Naess svar på den kritiken. Författaren till uppsatsen finner att Fox kritik inte är helt träffande och att Naess svar på kritiken är för svag.</p> / <p>This paper discusses Arne Naess’ theory of deep ecology. It investigates the structure of deep ecology and what conditions a theory has to fulfil to be a deep ecology. The paper demonstrates differences between deep ecology and shallow ecology on a practical level. The paper presents a criticism put forward by Warwick Fox which focuses on the deepness of deep ecology, and an answer from Arne Naess on this criticism. The author of this paper finds Fox’ criticism not quite convincing, and that Naess’ answer is too weak.</p>

Djupekologi och grundekologi : Finns det någon skillnad?

Petersson, Åsa January 2006 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar upp Arne Naess djupekologi. Den undersöker djupekologins struktur och vilka krav som ställs på en teori för att den skall vara en djupekologi. Uppsatsen tar även upp skillnader mellan djupekologi och grundekologi på en praktisk nivå. Uppsatsen behandlar Warwick Fox kritik rörande djupet i djupekologin och Arne Naess svar på den kritiken. Författaren till uppsatsen finner att Fox kritik inte är helt träffande och att Naess svar på kritiken är för svag. / This paper discusses Arne Naess’ theory of deep ecology. It investigates the structure of deep ecology and what conditions a theory has to fulfil to be a deep ecology. The paper demonstrates differences between deep ecology and shallow ecology on a practical level. The paper presents a criticism put forward by Warwick Fox which focuses on the deepness of deep ecology, and an answer from Arne Naess on this criticism. The author of this paper finds Fox’ criticism not quite convincing, and that Naess’ answer is too weak.

In Search of Wholeness: Holism's Quest to Reconcile Subject and Object, from Leibniz to the Deep Ecology Movement

Dessertine, Jordan 26 August 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the ways in which key holistic thinkers over the course of the last three hundred years have articulated unity between the human subject and objective world. I borrow the term “holism” from the philosopher J. C. Smuts, who coined it in his 1936 work Holism and Evolution, and I use it here in an expanded sense that includes all thinkers in the Western tradition who, like Smuts, have been preoccupied with the question of unity. Although the nature of cosmic unity and the individual’s place within it have been questions for philosophical debate since the classical Greeks of the sixth and fifth centuries BC, from the seventeenth century onwards these questions became largely associated with a series of thinkers who sought to overcome the dualistic separation of subject and object introduced by Galileo, Descartes and others in the mechanistic philosophical tradition of Western thought. My consideration of the holistic tradition includes selected writings by Leibniz, Hegel, Whitehead and Arne Naess, cofounder and key communicator of the deep ecology movement. In my discussion of these authors I observe an emerging pattern that has gradually carried holistic thought away from its traditional dependence on an absolute universal Being as the origin of unity in the world, towards an increasing emphasis on Becoming as the origin of Being. This pattern is confirmed by my broad analyses of Renaissance philosophy and of the Counter-Enlightenment thinkers Vico, Hamann and Herder. It is further confirmed by Naess’ vision of the deep ecology movement, which emphasizes plurality and diversity in the struggle to create more ecologically sustainable forms of human living. The pattern is challenged, however, by my discussions of Heraclitus and of the deep ecology movement, which both exhibit features that also contradict the existence of a definite linear progression “from Being to Becoming.” Insofar as the deep ecology movement recognizes the validity of a broad diversity of philosophical views and premises as grounds for ecological action and decision-making, it is part of a larger movement in contemporary societies that is helping create an open space wherein all perspectives are appreciated as valuable in their own right. This movement seeks to challenge all absolute and hegemonic claims to truth (which in the early twentieth century gave rise to fascism and in our present day continue to inform our views of nature and the self), and, as I suggest, is also contributing to the emergence of an apophatic perspective in our own day that is a precondition for change. / Graduate / 0422 / 0585 / jdesser@uvic.ca

Aspectos centrales de la discusión sobre normas y valores en torno de la ecología profunda de Arne Naess

Gutiérrez, Daniel Eduardo January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Hemofili och livskvalitet, erfarenheter och upplevelser hos män av att leva med en kronisk genetisk sjukdom - en semistrukturerad intervjustudie

Uhrfeldt, Charlotte, Svensson, Erica January 2010 (has links)
Hemofili är en relativt ovanlig kronisk sjukdom som enbart drabbar män. Sjukdomen är ärftlig och kan orsaka spontana blödningar i främst armbågsled, knäled och fotled. Syftet med studien är att undersöka män med hemofili och deras erfarenheter samt upplevelser av att leva med en kronisk genetisk sjukdom. Studien är en semistrukturerad intervjustudie där sju män i åldern 18-64 år med hemofili deltar. Metoden som använts är innehållsanalys på manifest nivå. Detta resulterade i fem kategorier: Egen upplevelse av livskvalitet, fysisk påverkan, psykiskt välbefinnande, stigma och missuppfattningar samt trygghet. Resultaten diskuteras sedan utifrån Siri Naess teori om livskvalitet. Utifrån denna studien upplever sig dessa män ha god livskvalitet trots att sjukdomen ibland begränsar deras vardag. Yngre deltagare uppger sig inte påverkas märkbart av sjukdomen. Copingstrategier och trygghet är viktiga faktorer för att uppnå god livskvalitet. Sjuksköterskan kan vara en viktig del vid bemötandet och genom ökad förståelse främja god livskvalitet. / Haemophilia is a relatively rare chronical disease that only men can get. Haemophilia is a hereditary disease and can cause spontanious bleedings in elbow joint, knee joint and foot joint. The aim of this study is to study men with haemophilia and their experiences of living with a chronical genetic disease. The study is a semistructured interview study where seven men in the age 18-64 with haemophilia is attending. The method used is content analysis in a manifest level, which resulted in five categories: experience of life quality, physical affect, psychic wellbeeing, stigma and missconception and safeness. The results of the study are discussed from Siri Naess theory of quality of life. According to this study the men are experiencing good quality of life despite the fact that the disease can influence their everyday life. The younger participants have reported that the disease doesn´t affect them noticeable. Copingstrategies and safeness are important factors for experiencing good quality of life. A nurse can be an important part in the meeting with theese people and through increased insight in the condition quality of life can be improved.

"Sam-vett" som naturens vett. En idéhistorisk undersökning av Sara Lidmans Jernbanesvit

Stefansson, Sofie January 2011 (has links)
The object of investigation in this essay is the epic novel sequence Jernbanan written by Sara Lidman. More specifically the investigation takes on the idea of a “sam-vett” as it is formulated in Jernbanan. The “sam-vett” is an idea about the undivided unity of man, nature and animal, and with a kind of primitive trait. By asking the question what traces the history of ideas are to be found in the “sam-vett”, the hope is that it will bring some clarity to the notion and what its message might be. In addition to that a thesis is formulated, that the “sam-vett” can be read as a form of deep ecology. Deep ecology takes on the first rule of ecology, that everything is closely bound together, and extends it to a philosophy. By discussing the notion of the “sam-vett” in the light of two figures in the history of ideas, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Martin Heidegger, the hope is to unravel its learning. In the end the “sam-vett” can be described as knowledge of nature that is based on a feeling more than the intellect – that begins where the language ends.

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