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Estudo da incorporação de nanopartículas de prata na matriz polimérica de termoplástico elastomérico poliester (TPE-E) por diferentes técnicas de processamento visando ação bactericida / Study of the different processing techniques of silver nanoparticles incorporation in the polymer matrix of polyester elastomeric thermoplastic TPE-E aiming bactericidal actionMarchini, Leonardo Guedes 11 September 2018 (has links)
A primeira parte do estudo consistiu em caracterizar as amostras de termoplástico elastomérico poliéster (TPE-E) modificadas via irradiação gama (γ) em presença de atmosfera de oxigênio e irradiadas com fonte de 60 Co nas doses de 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 e 100 kGy. Na segunda parte foram realizadas as caracterizações das dispersões coloidais de prata metálica adsorvida em sílica pirogênica (AgNPs_SiO2) e do óxido de zinco aditivado com prata metálica adsorvida em sílica pirogênica (AgNPs_ZnO). Na terceira e última parte, as concentrações de 250, 500, 1000 e 5000 ppm, em massa , de AgNPs_SiO2, idem para AgNPs_ZnO, foram misturados mecanicamente por 30 minutos com 1 % em massa de óleo ALKEST TW 80, 0.3 % em massa de anti-oxidante Irganox 1010 e grânulos de TPE-E, posteriormente processados, independentemente, via injeção plástica, extrusão monorosca e irradiação com prensagem a quente. As técnicas de caracterização utilizadas no trabalho foram: espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), difração de raios X (DRX), espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão de comprimento de onda (WD-XRF), microscopia eletrônica de varredura com espectroscopia por dispersão de energia de raios X (MEV-EDS), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão com espectroscopia por dispersão de energia de raios X (MET-EDS), índice de fluidez (MFR) e ensaios de tração. As amostras de TPE-E irradiadas apresentaram diminuição da temperatura de degradação (Tonset) e do índice de fluidez (IF) com o aumento da dose de irradiação. Foi possível observar nos resultados obtidos por espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão de comprimento de onda a presença de prata nos compostos de sílica pirogênica e de óxido de zinco com sílica pirogênica. Todas as amostras de TPE-E contendo aditivos AgNPs_SiO2 e AgNPs_ZnO obtidas pelas diferentes técnicas apresentaram atividade bactericida para bactéria Gram-negativa Escherichia coli (E.Coli) e a bactéria Gram-positiva Staphylococcus aureus (S.Aureus), sendo os melhores resultados obtidos nos filmes de TPE-E irradiados e prensados com 0.5 % de AgNPs_ZnO com doses de 20 e 50 kGy e 0.5 % AgNPs_SiO2 com doses de 0 e 20 kGy. / The first part of the study consisted of characterizing samples of thermoplastic polyester elastomeric polyester (TPE-E) modified by gamma irradiation (γ) in the presence of oxygen atmosphere and irradiated with a 60 Co source at doses of 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100 kGy. In the second part, the characterization of the colloidal dispersion of silver silicon adsorbed pyrogenic silica (AgNPs_SiO2) and the zinc oxide added with colloidal dispersion of metallic silver adsorbed on silica pyrogen (AgNPs_ZnO). In the third and final part, concentrations of 250, 500, 1000 and 5000 ppm, mass%, of AgNPs_SiO2, identical to AgNPs_ZnO, were mixed mechanically for 30 minutes with 1% by mass of ALKEST TW 80 oil, 0.3% by mass of Irganox 1010 anti-oxidant and TPE-E granules, further processed independently, via plastic injection, monosulfur extrusion and irradiation with hot pressing. The characterization techniques used in the work were: infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence spectrometry by wavelength dispersion WD-XRF), scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersion spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), transmission electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersion spectroscopy (TEM-EDS), melt flow index (MFR) and traction tests. The irradiated TPE-E samples showed a decrease in degradation temperature (Tonset) and melt flow index (IF) with increasing irradiation dose. It was possible to observe in the results obtained by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry by wavelength dispersion the presence of silver in the silica pyrogenic compounds and of zinc oxide with pyrogenic silica. All the TPE-E samples containing additives AgNPs_SiO2 and AgNPs_ZnO obtained by the different techniques presented bactericidal activity for Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli (E.Coli) and Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (S.Aureus), being the best results obtained in the TPE-E films irradiated and pressed with 0.5% AgNPs_ZnO at doses of 0, 20 and 50 kGy and 0.5% AgNPs _SiO2 at doses of 0 and 20 kGy.
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Vetorização de compostos 5-nitro-heterocíclicos com atividade frente a microrganismos multirresistentes. Obtenção de nanopartículas carregadas e avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana / Vectorization of 5-nitro-heterocyclic compounds with activity against multiresistant microorganisms. Obtaining of loaded nanoparticles and evaluation of antimicrobial activityAndrade, Laura Freitas de 12 June 2018 (has links)
Pacientes com queimaduras e outras lesões cutâneas de grande extensão apresentam alta propensão a infecções multirresistentes. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é a obtenção de nanopartículas de quitosana carregadas com composto derivado de 5-nitro-heterocíclico com estrutura análoga à nifuroxazida, N\'-((5-nitrofurano-2-il)metileno)-2-benzidrazida (C-H), que apresentou importante atividade frente a diversas cepas de bactérias multirresistentes. Por sua vez, a quitosana é um biopolímero com atividade antimicrobiana, analgésica, regeneradora tecidual e que, mediante contato com exsudato de lesões cutâneas forma filmes hidrogéis protetores no local de aplicação, sendo estas atividades importantes para a prevenção e tratamento de infecções e da exsudação excessiva de lesões de grande extensão. As nanopartículas de quitosana carregadas com o composto (Nps-H) foram obtidas pelo método de gelificação iônica com tripolifosfato de sódio como agente reticulante, variando a concentração de NaCl e polissorbato 80 do sistema, orientada por análise fatorial. As Nps-H obtidas foram caracterizadas por Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) para determinação do tamanho, índice de polidispersão (IPD) e potencial zeta (ζ). A eficiência de encapsulação (EE%) foi determinada por espectrofotometria UV/VIS a 370 nm por método indireto. Entre os experimentos desenvolvidos, aquele que apresentou os melhores resultados resultou em partículas de tamanho médio de 321 d.nm, IPD 0,18, Pζ +37 mV e EE% de 48%. A morfologia e superfície das Nps-H foram analisadas por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e mostraram que as Nps-H são esféricas e de superfície irregular. A partir da obtenção e caracterização das Nps-H determinou-se a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) das Nps-H, do composto livre (C-H) e das nanopartículas de quitosana vazias (Nps-Cs) por método colorimétrico e microdiluição frente às cepas de Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, hVISA e ORSA. As Nps-H apresentaram atividade bastante superior comparando-se ao C-H e as Nps-Cs frente às cepas de S. aureus estudadas. Com vista à preparação de uma formulação farmacêutica estável, partiu-se para a liofilização das Nps-H e com esse objetivo realizou-se análises térmicas das Nps-H por Differential Scanning Calorimetric (DSC) para determinação das temperaturas de transição vítrea e eutética (Tg\' e Teut) e análise por criomicroscopia para determinação da temperatura de colapso (Tcol). Amostras de Nps-H com lio/crioprotetores glicina, lactose e sacarose a diferentes concentrações foram liofilizadas a -40 ºC a 100 mTorr. As amostras de Nps-H com lactose e sacarose ambas a 2,5% e 5% demonstraram preservar as características originais das Nps-H após o processo de liofilização. Observou-se, com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho que as Nps-H representam uma promissora alternativa na prevenção e tratamento de pacientes com lesões cutâneas infeccionadas por bactérias multirresistentes e no controle da exsudação excessiva, principalmente por suas atividades terapêuticas em conjunto, diminuindo a mortalidade e morbidade desses quadros. / Patients with burns and others extensive skin lesions show high propension to multiresistant infections. In this context, the aim of this project is to obtain chitosan nanoparticles carried with 5-nitro-heterocyclic derivate with structure analogue to nifuroxazide N\'-((5-nitrofuran-2-yl) methylene)-2-benzhydrazide, that showed important activity against multiresistant bacteria strains. In its turn, the chitosan is a biopolymer with antimicrobial, analgesic, tecidual regenerator activities and by contact with excessive burns and extensive skin lesions exsudate process, form protective hydrogel films on place of application, being these activities important to infection and excessive exsudate treatment and prevention of extensive burns and lesions. The chitosan nanoparticles carried with compound (Nps-H) were obtained by ionic gelation method with sodium tripolyphosphate as crosslinker agent, varing the NaCl and polysorbate 80 concentrations in the system, oriented by factorial analyze. The Nps-H obtained were characterized by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) to size determination, polydispersion index (PDI) and zeta potential (ζ-P). The encapsulation efficiency (EE%) were determined by spectrophotometry UV/VIS at 370 nm by indirect method. Bepolissorbato the experiments developed, the one who showed the best results, resulted in particles with size of 321 d.nm, PDI of 0,18, ζ-P of +37 mV and EE% of 48%. The Nps-H morphology and surface were analyzed by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) and showed that Nps-H are spherical and with irregular surface. Starting of Nps-H obtain and characterization were determined the Nps-H, free compound (C-H) and empty chitosan nanoparticles (Nps-Cs) Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) by colorimetric method and microdilution against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, ORSA and hVISA strains. The Nps-H showed the superior activity comparing to C-H and Nps-H against all strains tested. With a view to preparation of stable pharmaceutic formulation, started to Nps-H freeze-drying and with this aim, were realized Nps-H thermal analyzes by Differential Scanning Calorimetric (DSC) to determine glass transition and euthetic temperatures (Tg\' and Teut) and the cryomicroscopy analyze to determine collapse temperature (Tcol). The Nps-H samples with lyo/cryoprotectants as glycine, lactose and sucrose at different concentrations were lyophilized at -40 ºC at 100 mTorr. The Nps-H samples with lactose and sucrose both at 2,5% and 5% demonstrated to preserve the original Nps-H characteristics after freeze-drying process. Were observed, with the results obtained in this project that Nps-H represent the promising alternative to prevention and treatment of patients with infected skin lesions by multiresitant bacteria and to control of excessive exudate process, mainly by their therapeutic activities combined, decreasing the mortality and morbidity of these cases.
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Gold nanoparticles explore cells : molecular insights into cellular characteristics and processes using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopyHüfner, Anna January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Ionic liquid-based nanofluids for thermal applicationOster, Kamil January 2018 (has links)
Heat transfer fluids are materials responsible for heat distribution, transfer and storage. Their significance is undeniable - many technological processes cannot be carried out without using heat transfer materials (for example due to overheating). These are usually mixtures of many compounds, for example glycols, silicones or water. Today's technologies constantly require more efficient, environmentally- and economically-friendly solutions for heat transfer applications. It is necessary to know the full physicochemical characteristics to design a new heat transfer fluid (mainly density, heat capacity, viscosity and thermal conductivity). Nanofluids (mixture of a basefluid and nanoparticles) were proposed as a solution for many industrial issues due to their enhanced thermophysical properties (i.e. thermal conductivity) than pure liquids. Moreover, these enhancements exhibit unusual features which make this group of materials interesting from molecular and industrial point of view. Ionic liquids, task specific materials with tuneable properties were repeatedly recommended as heat transfer fluids due to their specific properties (mainly low vapour pressure, wide liquidus range, or non-flammability) caused by the ionic structure. A very interesting material can be obtained by mixing ionic liquids and nanoparticles where specific properties of ionic liquids are preserved, and thermophysical properties are enhanced due to nanoparticles dispersion. In this work, we investigated ionic liquid - based nanofluids from the experimental and theoretical point of view, including imidazolium-, pyrrolidinium- and phosphonium-based ionic liquids with several different anions, and multiwalled carbon nanotubes, graphite, boron nitride and mesoporous carbon as nanoparticles, and also in mixtures with water. As a final result, we assessed the molecular recognition of the thermophysical properties enhancements in ionanofluids, developed the predictive models for physical properties, compared all investigated systems to commercial heat transfer fluids. The project was supported by King Faisal University (Saudi Arabia) through a research fund from the International Cooperation and Knowledge Exchange Administration department at KFU. Cytec are thanked for the generous donation of the trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride sample.
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Avaliação antifúngica e de citoqueratinas epiteliais após terapia fotodinâmica mediada por Curcumina nanoparticulada em modelo murino de candidose oral /Sakima, Vinicius Tatsuyuji January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Ewerton Garcia de Oliveira Mima / Resumo: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos fotodinâmicos da curcumina (CUR) encapsulada em nanopartículas poliméricas (NP) em um modelo murino com infecção prolongada de candidose bucal. NP de CUR foram sintetizadas utilizando o polímero poli-ácido lático (PLA) e sulfato de dextrana (DEX). Brometo de cetiltrimetil-amônio foi também utilizado para NP catiônicas. Para caracterização dessas formulações, foram determinadas as propriedades fisicoquímicas (tamanho, polidispersão e potencial zeta), testes de eficiência de encapsulamento, espectro de absorção, fotoestabilidade e liberação. Um total de 140 camundongos fêmeas com 6 semanas de vida foram imunossuprimidos e inoculados com uma cepa padrão de Candida albicans (Ca) em uma concentração de 1x107 unidades formadores de colônias por mililitro (UFC/mL) na região dorsal da língua. Para a Terapia Fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (aPDT), uma das formulações sintetizadas ou CUR livre foi aplicada no dorso lingual dos animais que, após 20 min, foram irradiados com uma fonte de luz LED azul a 37,5 J/cm2 (grupo F+L+). Animais adicionais foram tratados somente com uma das formulações ou CUR livre sem luz (F+L-), Nistatina 1 vez ao dia (NIS1x), Nistatina 4 vezes ao dia (NIS4x) ou não receberam nenhum tratamento (controle). Em todos os grupos, os procedimentos foram realizados em 5 dias consecutivos. Após a última aplicação do tratamento, coletas da língua dos animais foram plaqueadas em meio de cultura específico (CFU/mL). Os animais foram eutanasiados 2... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aims of this study were to synthetize and evaluate the antimicrobial photodynamic effects of curcumin (CUR) encapsulated in polymeric nanoparticles (NP) on a murine model with prolonged infection of oral candidosis. CUR-NP was synthesized using poly-lactic acid (PLA), and dextran sulfate (DEX). Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide was used for cationic NP. To characterize the formulations, the physicochemical properties (size, polydispersity and zeta potential) were determined and tests of encapsulation efficiency, absorption spectrum, photostability (photodegradation of CUR) and release were also performed. The effectiveness of CUR-NPmediated aPDT was evaluated in a murine model of oral candidiasis. Female mice (N = 140) were immunosuppressed and inoculated with C. albicans (Ca) to induce oral candidosis. For aPDT, formulations or free CUR was applied on the dorsum of tongue and, after 20 min, illumination at 37.5 J/cm2 was performed (F+L+ group). Additional animals were treated only with formulations or free CUR without light (F+L-), nystatin once a day (NYS1x), nystatin four times a day (NYS4x) or received no treatment (control). In each group, procedures were performed for 5 consecutive days. After the last treatment application, microbial samples were plated in specific agar media (CFU/mL). The animals were euthanatized 24 hours and 7 days after the treatments for histological evaluation and expression of cytokeratins (CK) 13 and 14 by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Data [log10(CFU/mL)] were analyzed by ANOVA/Welch and Games-Howell (α = 5%). After synthesis CUR-NP had appropriate pharmacotechnical nanometric properties, mean values of size, polydispersity, and zeta potential were 225.38; 0.15 and -30.96 mV; 248.12; 0.21 and +35.84 mV, respectively for anionic and cationic CUR-NP. Encapsulation efficiency of 60.84% and 73.81% ...[Complete abstract electronic access below) / Mestre
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Self-assembled smart filtration membranes from block copolymers and inorganic nanoparticles / Membranes intelligentes de filtration à partir d'auto-assemblages de copolymères à blocs et de nanoparticules inorganiquesUpadhyaya, Lakshmeesha 04 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse propose une nouvelle approche pour la préparation de membranes à matrice mixte basée sur l’utilisation de copolymères à blocs et de nanoparticules inorganiques disposant de propriétés magnétiques. Des aggrégats de copolymères ont été préparés avec une morphologie variée (sphères, cylindres et vésicules) à partir du copolymère poly(acide méthacrylique)-b-poly(méthacrylate de méthyle). Ce dernier a été synthétisé par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par transfert de chaîne réversible par addition-fragmentation (RAFT) dans l’éthanol à 70°C. Des particules d’oxyde de fer ont, quant à elles, été préparées en présence de différents stabilisants à température variée pour permettre d’atteindre la charge de surface et les propriétés magnétiques recherchées. La structure des copolymères à bloc a permis d’obtenir à la fois des membranes hydrophobes via le procédé de séparation de phase induite par un non-solvant, ainsi que des membranes hydrophiles lorsque que la technique de spin-coating était appliquée aux aggrégats formés par auto-assemblage induit lors de la polymérisation. Grâce à l’étude détaillée des propriétés de filtration des membranes obtenues, la relation structure-propriété a été discutée sous l’action d’un champ magnétique externe. Enfin, la sensibilité au colmatage a été vérifiée via la filtration de solutions de protéines. Il a ainsi été démontré une diminution notable du colmatage sous champ magnétique, ouvrant de belles perspectives pour ces nouvelles membranes. / This thesis presents a new approach to produce mix matrix membranes using block copolymers and inorganic nanoparticles having magnetic properties. The polymeric nanoparticle with different morphologies (linear, Spheres, worms, and vesicles), from poly (methacrylic acid)-b-(methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymer, were synthesized using Reversible addition−fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT) in ethanol at 70 ֠C. The inorganic counterpart, iron oxide nanoparticles were prepared using different stabilizers at various temperatures to acquire the necessary surface charge and magnetic properties. The chemistry of the particles leads to form both hydrophobic membranes using non-solvent induced phase separation as well as a hydrophilic membrane by using the simple spin coating technique with the particles from polymerization induced self-assembly. By a detailed experimental study of the membrane filtration, the influence of different parameters on the process performance has been investigated with and without magnetic field. Finally, membrane fouling has been studied using protein solution. Also, the membrane performance was examined under magnetic field revealing the successful reduction in the fouling phenomenon making them new performant membranes in the area of membrane technology.
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Study of gradon confinements in graded elastic and plasmonic lattices. / 弹性和等离子体梯度子禁闭研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Study of gradon confinements in graded elastic and plasmonic lattices. / Tan xing he deng li zi ti ti du zi jin bi yan jiuJanuary 2009 (has links)
Controlling fields and properties has attracted ever increasing interest over past decades due to the rapid advancement of nanofabrication techniques. In the field of nano-optics, to overcome the limit of signal processing speed and device scale of traditional electronic devices, optical devices using photon as the signal carriers have been chosen as the potential candidates. However, the diffraction limit of light has limited the integration of the micro-meter photonic components into electronic chips. Plasmonics offer the possibility to control electromagnetic fields at the subwavelength scale. Moreover , this controlling become tunable by introducing gradient into the material and/or structure, i.e., taking the concept of functionally graded materials (FGM) to design materials. / Gradon confinements in graded materials and/or systems open a door for tunable fields-controlling, which have potential applications in a variety of fields. Our research methods and results provide an effective way to understand field localization in a variety of systems, and they can be applied to design and manufacture thermal devices and even on-chip plasmonic-optical devices. / Gradon confinements, or referred as frequency-controlled localization of fields are investigated in various graded plasmonic lattices. The correspondences between gradon confinements and Bloch oscillations as well as nonBloch oscillations are explored. By taking into account retardation and loss effects, the asymmetric localization behavior and broadband localizat ion due to graded host permittivity are studied. / This thesis will concentrate on gradon confinements, which make controlling fields and properties tunable in graded materials and/or systems. We start with investigating gradon modes and their properties in graded elastic lattices. Using the quantum-classical analogue method, the analytic envelope function is obtained and can be used to analyze the system-size dependence of inverse participation ratio of gradon modes. In damping graded elastic lattices , the frequency-dependent behavior of relaxation rate are studied analytically and numerically. / We continue to study the three-dimensional graded plasmonic lattices with fully retarded electromagnetic interactions. A generalized Ewald-Kornfeld summation formula is developed to deal with the long-range interaction. In the quasistatic limit, various plasmonic gradon modes are investigated. Taking retardation and loss into account, field localization and enhancement are calculated in three-dimensional graded plasmonic lattices with graded size, spacing, and/or host permittivity in one direction. / Zheng, Mingjie = 弹性和等离子体梯度子禁闭研究 / 郑明杰. / Adviser: Kin Wah Yu. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-11, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 117-124) and index. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese. / Zheng, Mingjie = Tan xing he deng li zi ti ti du zi jin bi yan jiu / Zheng Mingjie.
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Applications of tetrazines in chemical biologyNeumann, Kevin January 2018 (has links)
The need for chemoselective bond formation within complex biological systems has driven much research in chemical biology and chemical medicine and has allowed control over the structure and biological properties of a range of chemical entities. Reactions that are highly biocompatible, selective and occur at low concentration are classified as being bioorthogonal. Although bioorthogonal reactions have been successfully applied to bioconjugation and imaging in living systems, only a few examples exist of bioorthogonal reactions being utilised for the activation of prodrugs. The tetrazine mediated inverse electron demand Diels-Alder reaction is characterized by excellent reaction rates and high biocompatibility in both in vitro and in vivo applications. To date, this chemistry has found only limited application in prodrug activation or drug release strategies. Herein, a series of tetrazine-trigger systems are reported in which an active drug is liberated from its inactive form upon triggering with tetrazine. It is shown that the release of encapsulated and conjugated drugs from polymeric nanoparticles can be triggered by tetrazines providing an on-demand release within biological systems. In a totally new approach that fully complies with the principle of bioorthogonality by avoiding the generation of any by-products, tetrazine was utilised as a prodrug scaffold leading to symbiotic and traceless dyadic prodrug activation. The simultaneous formation of two active drugs (here the anticancer drug camptothecin and a known micro RNA inhibitor) was confirmed and validated within a biological environment. The use of tetrazines as a trigger to activate or release an active drug will open new directions in the field of chemical biology/medicine.
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Modelling of nanoparticles laden jet from a conveying pipe leakage / Modélisation d'un jet chargé en nanoparticules à partir d'une fuite de canalisation de transportLe, Hong Duc 04 June 2018 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, les nanomatériaux sont de plus en plus utilisés dans les processus industriels. Afin de protéger la population et l'environnement des possibles conséquences lors de rejets accidentels de ces produits dans l'atmosphère, des analyses de risques ont permis d'identifier des scénarios accidentels dans le cas du transport, de la manipulation et du stockage. Parmi les cas de fuite non intentionnelle dans l'atmosphère libre, la fuite accidentelle sur un convoyeur peut générer un relargage massif de nanoparticules. Afin d’évaluer les conséquences de ce type de scénario accidentel, notre étude s’intéresse à la prédiction des propriétés du nuage de particules dispersées dans l’air, par exemple la concentration en nombre et la distribution des diamètres. La première étape de l’étude consiste à synthétiser les phénomènes physiques des nanoparticules dans l’air afin de choisir les phénomènes physiques les plus pertinants à modéliser. Les phénomènes physiques à modéliser sont la forme complexe des agglomérats, la force de traînée des agglomérats, la fragmentation des agglomérats par le fluide, la collision et l'agglomération des agglomérats. Ensuite, la modélisation des phénomènes physiques est développée dans l'outil CFD Code\_Saturne. Pour chaque phénomène physique, un cas de simulation numérique est réalisé pour vérifier le développement de la modélisation dans l'outil CFD. Une bonne comparaison des résultats CFD avec les résultats de modèle 0D de Scilab et les modèles dans la littérature est obtenue. Egalement dans notre étude, un nouveau modèle de la probabilité de collision des agglomérats est proposé. Ces nouveaux modèles sont validés par les expérimentations numériques. Ensuite, l'outil CFD développé est appliqué dans une simulation d'une fuite de canalisation de transport. La zone proche de la fuite est simulée par Code\_Saturne. Les résultats du Code\_Saturne sont utilisés comme les données entrées pour ADMS, un outil numérique de la dispersion des particules à grande échelle. Les résultats montrent que les particules sont dispersées plus de 1 km par rapport au terme source, ce qui est en accord avec la distance observée. En perspective, l'influence de plusieurs paramètres comme la vitesse du vent, les propriétés des particules comme la distribution de taille ou la concentration en agglomérats pourrait être testé. Une expérimentation de rejet des microparticules est réalisée à l'INERIS pour ensuite pouvoir étudier les rejets des nanoparticules à l'échelle laboratoire. / Since a few years, nanomaterials are more and more used in industrial process. In order to protect the population and the environment from the consequences of an accidental release into the atmosphere, the risk assessment allowed to identify the accidental scenario in transport, manipulation and storage of those products. The accidental leakage of the conveying pipe may lead to a massive release of nanoparticles. In order to evaluate the consequences of this type of accident, our study focuses on the prediction of particles properties dispersed into the air, for example the particle number concentration and the particle diameter distribution. The first step of the study consists in the analyse of physical phenomena related to nanoparticles in order to choose the most predominant physical phenomena to model. The relevant physical phenomena in the present configuration are the agglomerate complex shape, the drag force on agglomerates, the agglomerate breakage by gas, the agglomerate collision and the agglomeration. After that, the modelling of physical phenomena chosen is developed in CFD tool Code\_Saturne. For each physical phenomenon, a simulation test case is realized in order to verify the development in CFD tool. A good agreement between CFD tool Code\_Saturne and 0D tool from Scilab and model in the literature is obtained. Also in the present study, new model for the collision probability of agglomerates is proposed. This new model is validated with the numerical experiment. After that, the numerical tool developed is applied in a simulation of an accidental pipe leakage. The field near the leakage is simulated by Code\_Saturne. The results from Code\_Saturne is used as the input data for ADMS tool, a simulation tool for the particle dispersion in large scale. The results show that the particles are dispersed more than 1 km from the release source, which is in agreement with the distance observed. In perspective, the influences of different parameters as the wind field and the particle properties, on the agglomerate size and number distribution can be tested. An experiment of the microparticle jet is realized at INERIS in order to be able to assess the nanoparticle jet experiment in the laboratory scale.
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Preparação de transistores de efeito de campo nanoestruturados na análise de processos neuroquímicos / Preparation of nanostructured field effect transistors in the analysis of neurochemical processesKisner, Alexandre, 1982- 03 December 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Lauro Tatsuo Kubota / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-01T13:48:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Transistores de efeito de campo (FETs) modificados com nanoeletrodos de Au representam uma excelente ferramenta para o estudo eletrofisiológico de células, uma vez que as características da dimensionalidade destes últimos são comparáveis às espécies celulares a serem detectadas e medidas múltiplas podem ser realizadas simultaneamente. Neste trabalho, foram fabricados transistores de efeito de campo com três diferentes tipos de superfície em suas regiões de porta, transistores com somente SiO2, SiO2 e Al2O3 anódica porosa, e ainda SiO2-Al2O3 contendo nanopartículas de Au dentro de seus poros. Os transistores foram caracterizados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura assim como por medidas elétricas convencionais. Estas últimas demonstraram que os processos de anodização e deposição de nanopartículas em sua superfície não comprometem as suas propriedades elétricas. Os transistores com portas nanoporosas foram modificados com torisinase e empregados como biossensores para a detecção de dopamina. Os resultados demonstraram que estes FETs podem detectar dopamina num alcance de concentração normalmente encontrado durante a liberação destas moléculas por células neurais. Transistores com nanopartículas de Au foram empregados na detecção de serotonina utilizando-se uma metodologia de interação eletrostática através de monocamadas auto-organizadas, o que é ainda pouco explorado com FETs. Esta permitiu a detecção de serotonina num alcance linear de 0,1 a 2 µmol L. Experimentos envolvendo a adesão celular e a detecção de prótons liberados por vesículas de células PC12 foram conduzidos, e demonstraram que os processos interfaciais entre as células e os transistores apresentam um dependência das propriedades capacitivas da superfície, e que a presença das nanopartículas pode aumentar a sensibilidade elétrica da porta dos transistores. Estes efeitos interfaciais influenciaram diretamente na razão sinal-ruído da leitura de sinais de exocitose e sugerem que o uso de transistores nanoestruturados representa uma ferramenta promissora para análise deste tipo de célula in vitro / Abstract: Field effect transistors modified with Au nanoparticles represent an excellent tool to electrophysiology analyzes. Because the dimensions of the devices are comparable to the size of the cells, multiple measurements can be performed simultaneously. In this work, field effect transistors were fabricated with three different kinds of surface in their gates, i.e. transistor with only SiO2, SiO2 and porous anodic Al2O3, and SiO2-Al2O3 with Au nanoparticles embedded into the pores of Al2O3. The characterization of the transistors was performed by electron microscopy analysis and conventional electrical characterization. The last one showed that the anodization process and the Au nanoparticles deposition on surface of the transistors did not affect the electrical properties of the devices. The transistors presenting gates with only SiO2-Al2O3 were modified with tyrosinase and employed as biosensors to detect dopamine. The results of these analysis showed that the devices can detect dopamine in a range of concentration usually found when these molecules are released from neuronal cells. Transistors with Au nanoparticles were also applied as biosensors to detect serotonin. In doing so, the surface of the nanoparticles were modified with self-assembled monolayers that were able to interact with serotonin through electrostatic interactions. Although this approach is scarcely exploited with transistors, it showed promising results. For instance, serotonin could be detect in a linear range of concentration from 0,1 to 2 µmol L. Experiments to analyze the cell adhesion on transistors and detect the release of protons from the extruded matrix of vesicles from PC12 cells were performed and demonstrated that the interfacial processes between cells and transistors were dependent on the capacitive properties of the surface. The presence of nanoparticles can enhance the electrical sensitivity of the gates from the devices. These interfacial effects presented a relationship with the signal to noise ratio of the exocytotic signals measured for vesicles release and suggested that the employment of nanostructurated transistors are promising tools to analyze these events from PC12 cells in vitro / Doutorado / Quimica Analitica / Doutor em Ciências
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