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Preparação e avaliação biocida de compósitos à base de resinas reticuladas contendo nanopartículas de prata / Preparation and bactericidal evaluation of composites based on cross linked copolymers containing silver nanoparticlesRachel Ouvinha de Oliveira 11 March 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho, foram utilizadas três resinas reticuladas comerciais de troca iônica e caráter ácido à base de estireno e divinilbenzeno: AmberliteGT73 da Rohm and Haas Co. com grupo tiol, Lewatit VPOC1800 da Bayer Co. com grupo sulfônico e Amberlyst 15WET da Rohm and Haas Co. também com grupo sulfônico. As citadas resinas comerciais foram escolhidas por apresentarem grande capacidade de troca iônica, estabilidade e grupos funcionais de interesse para a introdução de íons Ag+. As resinas foram tratadas com ácido clorídrico para garantir as formas ácidas de seus grupos funcionais e em seguida a redução dos íons Ag+, provenientes de solução de nitrato de prata, foi realizada in situ pela hidroxilamina em presença de solução protetora de colóide composta por 2-hidróxi-etil-celulose e gelatina 1:1. Alguns parâmetros foram modificados durante a redução dos íons Ag+ a Ag0, como por exemplo, o tempo de adição da solução redutora de hidroxilamina, a solução utilizada para controle do pH, e condições do repouso após o controle do pH. Após a incorporação das nanopartículas de prata, tanto as resinas comerciais quanto o produto final foram caracterizados por titulometria, fluorescência de raios-x, análise termogravimétrica, análise elementar, grau de inchamento, difração de raios-x, microscopias ótica e eletrônica. A avaliação da atividade biocida foi realizada através do método da contagem em placas utilizando-se uma cepa de Escherichia Coli ATCC25922TM em concentrações de 103 a 107 células/mL. Todos os compósitos obtidos mostraram atividade bactericida significante, sendo que foi possível perceber que a ação bactericida dos compósitos está relacionada com a presença de prata na forma metálica e a características como tamanho, formato e dispersão das partículas na matriz polimérica. Para efeito de comparação, foram realizados ensaios bactericidas com os copolímeros de partida e assim foi comprovado que a ação bactericida pôde ser atribuída somente às nanopartículas de prata / In this study, three commercial cross-linked ion exchange resins with acid character based on styrene divinylbenzene were used: AmberliteGT73 from Rohm and Haas Co. with thiol group, Lewatit VPOC1800 Bayer Co. and Amberlyst 15WET Rohm and Haas Co. both with sulfonic group. These commercial resins were chosen because they have a high ion exchange capacity, stability and good functional groups for the introduction of Ag+ ions. The resins were treated with hydrochloric acid to ensure its acidic functional groups and then to procedure the reduction of Ag+ ions. The silver ions were coming from solution of silver nitrate and the reduction was carried out in situ by hydroxylamine in the presence of protective agent 1:1 solution composed of 2-hydroxyethylcellulose and gelatin. Some parameters were changed during the reduction of Ag+ ions to Ag0, for example, the time of addition of hydroxylamine solution, the solution used for pH control, and conditions that the solution was left at rest after controlling the pH. After the incorporation of silver nanoparticles, both commercial resins and the final product were characterized by titration, fluorescence x-ray, thermal analysis, elemental analysis, swelling degree, X-ray diffraction, optical and electron microscopy. The evaluation of biocidal activity was performed using the viable plate count method and a strain of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922TM at concentrations from 103 to 107 cells/mL. All composites showed significant bactericidal activity, and it is noted that the bactericidal action of the composites is related to the presence of silver in metallic form and characteristics such as size, shape and dispersion of particles in the polymer matrix. Tests were performed also with the commercial resins and it was verified that bacterial action could be attributed only to silver nanoparticles
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Obtenção e caracterização de nanopartículas lipídicas sólidas como sistema de transporte para ibuprofeno /Depaoli, Ana Cláudia da Cunha. January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Virgínia Costa Scarpa / Banca: Marco Vinícius Chaud / Banca: Marisa Spirandelli Crespi / Resumo: O ibuprofeno (IBU), antiinflamatório não esteroidal (AINE), possui ação analgésica, antipirética e antiinflamatória. É indicado clinicamente para alívio sintomático de cefáleias, mialgias e no tratamento de doenças crônico-degenerativas como osteoartrite e artrite reumatóide. É fato conhecido na literatura que o IBU apresenta um tempo de meia vida relativamente curto e baixa solubilidade em água. Além disso, o tratamento com IBU pode resultar em elevados níveis de toxicidade gastrointestinal. Para contornar tais limitações, uma alternativa seria a encapsulação do IBU em sistema de liberação, como as nanopartículas lipídicas sólidas (NLS). Nos últimos tempos as NLS vêm sendo desenvolvidas como transportadores de fármacos lipofílicos, a fim de se obter uma liberação controlada e direcionada do fármaco com reduzido efeito colateral, aumentando, portanto, a eficácia do tratamento. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi a obtenção e caracterização de NLS contendo IBU. As NLS foram preparadas pela técnica de sonicação na qual foi utilizado o monoestearato de glicerila (GMS), fosfatidilcolina de soja hidrogenada (FSH) e poloxamer 188 (P-188) como excipientes para o desenvolvimento da formulação. As NLS sem e com fármaco apresentaram diâmetro médio de partícula em escala nanometrica, o diâmetro foi maior conforme aumentou a concentração de fármaco no sistema. A caracterização morfológica demonstrou formato irregular da NLS e conforme aumentou a concentração de fármaco no sistema o formato se aproximou do esférico. As formulações apresentaram uma alta eficiência de encapsulação. O estudo de estabilidade mostrou que as NLS contendo IBU foram estáveis no período de 60 dias. A calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) demonstrou que o fármaco está molecularmente disperso na matriz lipídica e a matriz se encontra no estado sólido. A termogravimetria (TG) demonstrou que o IBU incorporado na... / Abstract: The ibuprofen (IBU), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action. It is clinically recommended for symptomatic relief of headache, myalgia and of chronic degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is well known in the literature that the IBU has a short half-life, and is a poorly water soluble drug. In addition, the treatment with IBU can result in high levels of gastrointestinal toxicity. To work around these limitations, an alternative would be the encapsulation of IBU in delivery systems, such as solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN). Currently SLN have been developed as carriers for lipophilic drugs, in order to obtain a controlled release and targeted drug with reduced side effects, thus having an increasing efficacy of the treatment. The objective of this work was obtaining and characterization of SLN containing IBU. The SLN were prepared by sonication technique, glyceryl monostearate (GMS), hydrogenated soy phosphatidylcholine (FSH) and poloxamer 188 (P-188) were used as excipients for the development of formulation. The SLN without and with drug showed mean particle size in the nanometer range, the size was greater as increased the concentration of drug in the system. Morphological characterization showed irregular shape of the SLN and when increased as the concentration of drug in the system approached the spherical shape. The formulations showed high encapsulation efficiency. Stability study showed that the SLN containing IBU were stable over the period of 60 days. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that the drug is molecularly dispersed in the lipid matrix and the matrix is in solid state. The thermogravimetric analyzer (TG) showed that the IBU incorporated in SLN have a greater thermal stability compared to pure drug. The release of drug was controlled for all concentrations and showed an in vitro release profile according to ... / Mestre
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Desenvolvimento de catalisadores sem platina : estudos comparativos da oxidação de metanol em 'PD''RU'/'C' e 'PT''RU'/'C' em meio alcalino /Amantéa, Bruno Estevam. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Hebe de las Mercedes Villullas / Banca: Elisabete Inácio Santiago / Banca: Margarida Juri Saeki / Resumo: Nesse trabalho foi realizado um estudo da atividade de catalisadores de PdRu suportados em carbono para a reação de oxidação de metanol em meio alcalino, fazendo-se uma comparação com materiais similares baseados em Pt (PtRu/C). Os catalisadores foram sintetizados pelo método do poliol modificado, com composições nominais Pd:Ru e Pt:Ru de 1:1. Os estudos foram realizados de modo comparativo utilizando os materiais como preparados e tratados termicamente em 200 ºC e 400 ºC em atmosfera de argônio. Os estudos por difratometria de raios X mostraram incorporação de Ru na rede do Pd que, pela sua vez, aumentou com o tratamento térmico. Diferentemente, a incorporação de Ru na rede da Pt foi observada somente após tratamento a 400 ºC. As microscopias eletrônicas de transmissão mostraram tamanho médio de partículas próximo dos 3 nm para os materiais a base de Pd e 2 nm para os materiais a base de Pt. As medidas de espectroscopia de absorção de raios X (XAS) mostraram que para todos os materiais a adição de Ru aumenta a vacância da banda 4d do Pd ou 5d da Pt. A oxidação de metanol nos catalisadores de PdRu mostrou uma relação com a vacância da banda 4d do Pd, onde o material com a banda mais vazia foi o que mostrou a maior densidade de corrente. Os espectros na região do infravermelho mostraram que tanto para os materiais de Pd quanto para os de Pt os produtos majoritários são formiato, carbonato e dióxido de carbono, em proporção que varia com o potencial. Os dados indicam que os desempenhos dependem principalmente das propriedades eletrônicas, que pela sua vez determinariam a frequência de "turnover". Os catalisadores de Pt mostraram comportamentos similares, com correntes de oxidação um pouco maiores. As diferenças de desempenho, no entanto, não são muito marcantes e permitiriam substituir Pt por Pd. / Abstract: In this work, we present a study of the activity of carbon-supported PdRu catalysts for the methanol oxidation reaction in alkaline medium, as well as the comparison with similar materials based on Pt (PtRu/C). The catalysts were synthesized by a modified poliol method with nominal atomic composition Pd:Ru and Pt: Ru of 1:1. The studies were carried out in a comparative fashion for the as-prepared materials and those thermally treated at 200 ° C and 400 ° C in an argon atmosphere. X-ray diffraction (XDR) showed incorporation of Ru into the Pd lattice, which increased with heat treatment. In contrast, Ru incorporation in Pt network was observed only after treatment at 400 °C. Transmission electronic microscopy showed average particle sizes near 3 nm for Pd and near 2 nm for Pt-based materials. Measurements of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) showed that for all materials the addition of Ru increases the vacancy of the Pd 4d band or Pt 5d band. Methanol oxidation on PdRu catalysts showed a relation with the Pd 4d band vacancy, at the time that the material with the highest vacancy was the one that showed the largest current density. The infrared spectra showed that, for both Pd and Pt materials, formate and CO32- / CO2 are the main products, while their relative amounts change with applied potential. Data indicate that methanol oxidation activity depends mainly on the electronic properties, which determine the turnover frequency. Pt catalysts showed similar behavior, with slightly higher current densities. The differences in performances, however, are not very large and, thus, substitution of Pt by Pd would be feasible. / Mestre
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Isolation and structure elucidation of biosurfactant from microorganism and its application model in drug delivery system / Extraction et identification de la structure d'un tensioactif synthetisé par des microorganismes. : encapsulation dans des nanoparticules à libération contrôléeChiewpattanakul, Paramaporn 22 February 2010 (has links)
Des microorganismes produisant des molécules tensioactives ont été isolés à partir d’échantillons de sols contaminés par des huiles, en provenance des provinces de Songkhla et Chiangmai (Thaïlande) et de Shianghai (Chine). Les différentes souches ont été sélectionnées de façon à obtenir les biosurfactants ayant les meilleures propriétés tensioactives et d’émulsification. Parmi 102 souches isolées, 6 microorganismes produisaient des biosurfactants. La souche SK80 a conduit aux meilleures propriétés tensioactives. Des observations morphologiques macroscopiques et microscopiques ont permis de caractériser la souche SK80. L’analyse de la séquence ARNr 28S indique que cette souche appartient à la famille Exophiala Dermatitidis. La composition du milieu de culture (source de carbone et d’azote) et les conditions de culture de ce microorganisme ont été adaptées de façon à obtenir des quantités importantes de biosurfactant. Des analyses spectroscopiques (RMN 1H, RMN 13C, COSY et de masse, APCI MS) ont révélé que ce biosurfactant était un monooléate de glycérol. La monomyristine a été choisie comme constituent synthétique modèle dans des études d’encapsulation. Deux méthodes de préparation, émulsion/évaporation de solvant, nanoprécipitation, ont été employées pour encapsuler la monomyristine dans des nanoparticules recouvertes de dextrane et dont le cœur était constitué de poly(acide lactique) ou de dextrane hydrophobisé. Les conditions d’encapsulation ont été variées afin de maximiser le rendement d’encapsulation et la stabilité colloïdale des particules / Biosurfactant producing microorganisms were isolated from oil contaminated soils collected from Songkhla and Chiangmai province, Thailand and Shianghai, China. Their culture broths were screened for obtaining biosurfactants with the highest surface activity and emulsification ability. Among 102 isolates, 6 microorganisms produced biosurfactants. The culture supernatant of SK80 strain exhibited the highest surface activity. SK80 was identified by macroscopic morphology, microscopic morphology and showed that it is a black mold. The 28S rRNA sequence homology analysis suggested that SK80 belongs to Exophiala dermatitidis. The composition of culture medium such as carbon source, nitrogen source, and culture condition of this microorganism was optimized to obtain high amounts of biosurfactant. 1H NMR, 13C NMR, COSY and Mass Spectrometer (APCI MS) results indicated that this biosurfactant was monoolein (oleoyl glycerol), a kind of monoacylglycerol. Monomyristin was chosen as a monoacylglycerol model to be synthesized and used as nanoparticle encapsulated drug. Two preparation methods, emulsion/solvent evaporation and nanoprecipitation, were used to encapsulate monomyristin in dextran-covered nanoparticles with poly(lactic acid) of hydrophobized dextran as the core material. Encapsulation conditions were optimized with regard to the yield encapsulation and the colloidal stability
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Conception de nouveaux agents de contraste à base d'assemblage de nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique / Conception of new contrast agent based of assembly of iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging : from nanoparticle synthesis to assemblyCasterou, Gérald 04 March 2015 (has links)
L'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est largement utilisée dans le milieu médical pour l'imagerie des tissus mous. Afin d'obtenir des images de meilleures qualité, les hôpitaux s'équipent d'IRM avec des champs de plus en plus intenses. Les agents de contraste à base de nanoparticules de fer sont très prometteurs pour l'imagerie à haut champ. En effet, au contraire des agents de contraste à base de gadolinium, ils ne perdent pas leur efficacité à haut champ. Plusieurs paramètres sont à prendre en compte afin d'obtenir des agents de contrastes plus efficaces en IRM : tout d'abord, les propriétés magnétiques des nanoparticules d'oxydes de fer. Celles-ci doivent avoir des aimantations importantes. Ensuite, les nanoparticules agrégées sont plus efficaces que les nanoparticules individuelles. Pour finir, la présence d'une couche plus ou moins imperméable à l'eau ainsi que son épaisseur vont influencer l'efficacité de l'agent de contraste. Ce mémoire de thèse présente la conception de nouveaux agents de contraste à base de nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer, depuis l'optimisation de la synthèse afin d'obtenir les nanoparticules ayant les propriétés magnétiques les plus intéressantes pour l'IRM, jusqu'à l'assemblage de ces nanoparticules afin d'améliorer leur efficacité en IRM. La première partie de ce travail est donc consacrée à la synthèse de nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer. Une approche organométallique a été choisit car elle permet d'obtenir des nanoparticules de taille contrôlée. Nous montrons dans cette partie que les conditions de synthèse ont une grande influence sur la structure cristalline des nanoparticules synthétisées ainsi que sur leurs propriétés magnétiques. La deuxième partie de ce travail est consacrée à la réalisation d'agrégats de nanoparticules de taille contrôlée. L'agrégation des nanoparticules est réalisée par effet solvophobe en ajoutant de l'eau sur une solution de nanoparticules hydrophobes dans le THF. Nous montrons dans cette partie que la cinétique d'agrégation dépend de la quantité d'eau ajoutée. Les agrégats sont ensuite stabilisés par l'ajout d'un polymère et nous montrons que la morphologie et la taille des agrégats après leur transfert dans l'eau dépendent de la masse molaire et de la nature du polymère utilisé. La troisième partie de ce travail est consacrée à l'évaluation de l'efficacité des agrégats de nanoparticules en tant qu'agent de contraste. Les agrégats testés se sont révélés prometteurs, et des efficacités supérieures à celles d'agents de contraste commerciaux ont été obtenues. / The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used in the medical field for soft tissue imaging. In order to obtain images of better quality, hospitals equip themselves with MRI of higher fields. Iron-based nanoparticle contrast agents are very promising for imaging at high field. Indeed, unlike the gadolinium contrast agents, they do not lose their effeciency at high field. Several parameters must be taken into account to achieve more effective contrast agents in MRI: first, the magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles. They must have significant magnetization. Then, aggregated nanoparticles are more effective than individual nanoparticles. Finally, the presence of a more or less hydrophylic layer and its thickness will influence the effeciencys of the contrast agent.This thesis presents the design of new contrast agents based on iron oxide nanoparticles assembly, since the optimization of the synthesis to obtain nanoparticles with the most interesting magnetic properties for MRI up assembly of nanoparticles to improve their effectiveness in MRI.The first part of this work is devoted to the synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles. An organometallic approach was chosen because it allows to obtain nanoparticles of controlled size. We show in this part of the synthesis conditions have a great influence on the crystal structure of the synthesized nanoparticles and their magnetic properties.The second part of this work is dedicated to the production of controlled size aggregates of nanoparticles. The aggregation of nanoparticles is performed by solvophobic effect by adding water to a solution of hydrophobic nanoparticles in THF. We show in this section that the kinetics of aggregation depends on the amount of water added. The aggregates are then stabilized by the addition of a polymer and show that the morphology and size of the aggregates after transfer into the water depend on the molecular weight and nature of the polymer used.The third part of this work is devoted to the evaluation of the efficiency of nanoparticle aggregates as a contrast agent. The aggregates tested have shown promise, and efficiencies higher than commercial contrast agents were obtained.
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Nanoplasmonic Sensing using Metal NanoparticlesMartinsson, Erik January 2014 (has links)
In our modern society, we are surrounded by numerous sensors, constantly feeding us information about our physical environment. From small, wearable sensors that monitor our physiological status to large satellites orbiting around the earth, detecting global changes. Although, the performance of these sensors have been significantly improved during the last decades there is still a demand for faster and more reliable sensing systems with improved sensitivity and selectivity. The rapid progress in nanofabrication techniques has made a profound impact for the development of small, novel sensors that enables miniaturization and integration. A specific area where nanostructures are especially attractive is biochemical sensing, where the exceptional properties of nanomaterials can be utilized in order to detect and analyze biomolecular interactions. The focus of this thesis is to investigate plasmonic nanoparticles composed of gold or silver and optimize their performance as signal transducers in optical biosensors. Metal nanoparticles exhibit unique optical properties due to excitation of localized surface plasmons, which makes them highly sensitive probes for detecting small, local changes in their surrounding environment, for instance the binding of a biomolecule to the nanoparticle surface. This is the basic principle behind nanoplasmonic sensing based on refractometric detection, a sensing scheme that offers real-time and label-free detection of molecular interactions. This thesis shows that the sensitivity for detecting local refractive index changes is highly dependent on the geometry of the metal nanoparticles, their interaction with neighboring particles and their chemical composition and functionalization. An increased knowledge about how these parameters affects the sensitivity is essential when developing nanoplasmonic sensing devices with high performance based on metal nanoparticles.
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Porous maltodextrin nanoparticles for the intranasal delivery of vaccines / Nanoparticules de maltodextrine pour l’administration intranasale des vaccinsBernocchi, Beatrice 18 July 2016 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, la technologie des nanoparticules pour la délivrance des vaccins au niveau de muqueuses a reçu un intérêt croissant. L’administration intranasale possède de grands avantages pour la stimulation du système immunitaire, telles que la stimulation d’une immunité protectrice locale et systémique. Cependant des systèmes de délivrance et des adjuvants sont souvent nécessaires pour déclencher efficacement la réponse immunitaire. Nous avons appliqué la technologie des nanoparticules en tant que système de délivrance d'un vaccin universel nasal contre la grippe dans un projet européen FP7 appelé UniVacFlu. Nous avons formulé un antigène adjuvé CTA1-3M2e-DD avec les NPL. Cet antigène est composé de la sous-unité A1 de la toxine du choléra et d’un épitope conservé du virus de la grippe A (M2e), ainsi que du dimère de l’analogue synthétique de la protéine A de Staphylococcus aureus (DD). Les nanoparticules utilisées sont poreuses et constituées de maltodextrines réticulées ayant un coeur lipidique (NPL). L’association de cet antigène avec les NPL est quantitative et la formulation est stable pendant au moins six mois à 4°C. Les NPL permettent également de délivrer d’une manière accrue cet antigène dans les cellules épithéliales des voies respiratoires et les macrophages. Actuellement ces formulations sont évaluées chez la souris par le consortium UniVacFlu.L'un des principaux problèmes des vaccins nasal est la toxicité qui peut être provoquée par le passage nez-cerveau de l'un de ses composants. Le but de ce travail est d'évaluer le potentiel des NPL, en tant que vecteurs pour la délivrance des vaccins nasal. Ainsi, nous avons étudié le chargement d’un antigène dans les NPL et sa délivrance dans les cellules épithéliales des voies respiratoires. Notre étude révèle que les NPL interagissent fortement avec les muqueuses et délivrent d’une manière accrue les antigènes dans les cellules. Nous avons également montré l'absence de transcytose et de passage paracellulaire des NPL ou des antigènes délivrés dans un modèle de barrière épithéliale in vitro. Les résultats in vivo confirment l'absence de passage nez-cerveau des NPL et montrent qu’elles prolongent fortement le temps de résidence nasale des antigènes qui sont ensuite éliminés par le tractus gastro-intestinal.Ces résultats mettent en évidence l'intérêt des NPL comme vecteurs pour la prochaine génération de médicaments et de vaccins. / Nanoparticles technology for mucosal delivery of vaccines received a growing interest in the last decades. Intranasal administration owns great advantages for immune system stimulation, such as local and systemic protection against infectious diseases. However delivery systems and adjuvants are often required to efficiently trigger mucosal and systemic immune responses. In this thesis, nanoparticles (NP) have been evaluated as delivery system for a nasal universal influenza vaccine in a People Program of the European Union Seventh Framework Program FP7 called UniVacFlu. The aim of the UniVacFlu network is to develop a universal influenza vaccine administered through the mucosal route. We used porous maltodextrin nanoparticles with a lipidic core (NPL). We loaded an adjuvanted antigen named CTA1-3M2e-DD in the NPL. CTA1-3M2e-DD is composed of the A1 subunit of the cholera toxin and a conserved epitope of influenza A virus (M2e), while DD, dimer of the synthetic analogue of the Staphyloccous aureus protein A, targets B cells. Interestingly the antigen loading in NPL was quantitative for the antigen: NPL 1:5 mass ratio and the formulation was stable for at least six months at 4°C. We assessed the successful delivery of the antigen by NPL in airway epithelial cells and macrophages. These formulations are currently evaluated by the UniVacFlu consortium in mice.One of the main issues of intranasal vaccines is the toxicity that can be elicited by the nose-brain passage of one of their components. We investigated the loading of antigens in NPL and their delivery in airway mucosa. We observed a high endocytosis of NPL and an increased protein delivery into the cells. On a transwell model of the airway mucosa we assessed the absence of transcytosis and paracellular passage of the NPL. In vivo results confirmed the lack of nose-brain passage of the NPL, as NPL were found not to cross the mucosa. Interestingly, we observed an increased nasal residence time of the protein targeted by NPL. The particles after having delivered their payload are totally eliminated through the gastrointestinal tract, making these nanoparticles good candidates for mucosal delivery system. These results highlight the interest of NPL as vectors for mucosal delivery of drugs.
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Oxidação eletroquímica de monóxido de carbono sobre nanopartículas de platina não suportadas e influência do suporte na atividade eletrocatalítica de eletrocatalisadores suportados / Electrochemical oxidation of carbon monoxide on unsupported platinum nanoparticles and the influence of the support in the electrocatalitic activity of supported electrocatalystsEduardo Gonçalves Ciapina 10 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve um estudo da reação de oxidação eletroquímica de uma monocamada de monóxido de carbono (CO) adsorvido (Stripping de CO) sobre materiais eletrocatalíticos não suportados bem como a influência do suporte nas propriedades estruturais e eletroquímicas dos eletrocatalisadores suportados. Os eletrocatalisadores estudados foram platina (Pt) não suportada bem como Pt suportada em carbono Vulcan (Pt/C) e em óxidos de rutênio (Pt/RuO2) e estanho (Pt/SnO2). Os materiais foram caracterizados por Difratometria de Raios X (DRX), Espectroscopia por Dispersão de Energia de Raios X (EDX), Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET) e Espectroscopia de Absorção de Raios X (XAS). Os resultados encontrados para duas amostras de Pt não suportada mostraram que os materiais são compostos de aglomerados de nanopartículas de Pt com cerca de 10 nm e revelam múltiplos picos de oxidação de CO em meio de ácido perclórico 0,1 mol L-1, tanto em condições potenciodinâmicas quanto potenciostáticas. Foi demonstrado que o stripping de CO potenciodinâmico pode fornecer evidências acerca do tamanho de partícula e que partículas maiores apresentam os menores sobrepotenciais para a reação em questão. A partir de experimentos de oxidação de CO sob condições potenciostáticas e com o auxílio de um modelo para a reação, foram encontrados os valores das constantes de velocidade para cada processo, cujo comportamento em função do potencial revelou diferenças entre os dois materiais estudados, o que também sugere mudanças no mecanismo da reação ou na isoterma de adsorção das espécies envolvidas. No caso dos eletrocatalisadores suportados Pt/C, Pt/RuO2 e Pt/SnO2, o suporte pode influenciar nas propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas, como evidenciado pelos experimentos de XAS, como também se apresentar como um co-catalisador para a reação de oxidação de CO, como encontrado para os materiais Pt/RuO2 e Pt/SnO2, visto que apresentaram menores sobrepotenciais para a oxidação de CO se comparados com Pt/C. Tal fato pode ser comprovado também por meio dos estudos nos quais Pt não suportada foi posteriormente ancorada nos diferentes suportes estudados, onde se destacou o material Pt + RuO2, que apresentou o menor sobrepotencial para a reação. De maneira comparativa, foi estudada a reação de oxidação de etanol sobre os catalisadores suportados e os resultados mostraram que os óxidos de rutênio e estanho aumentam as densidades de correntes amostradas a partir de saltos potenciostáticos. / This work describes a study of carbon monoxide monolayer electrochemical oxidation (CO stripping) on unsupported electrocatalysts as well as the influence of the support on the structural and electrochemical properties of the supported electrocatalysts. The materials studied comprised unsupported platinum (Pt) nanoparticles, Pt nanoparticles supported on high surface area carbon (Pt/C), and Pt nanoparticles supported on ruthenium oxide (Pt/RuO2) and on tin oxide (Pt/SnO2). All materials were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Transmission Electron microscopy (TEM), and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). The results for two samples of unsupported Pt nanoparticles revealed the materials are formed by agglomerates of Pt nanoparticles of about 10 nm with slight differences between the samples, and the CO stripping electrochemical oxidation in 0.1 mol L-1 HClO4 showed multiple oxidation peaks in both potentiodynamic and potentiostatic conditions. It was demonstrated that potentiodynamic CO stripping can give evidences about the particle size, in which larger particles present smaller overpotentials for the reaction. From potentiostatic CO electro-oxidation, aided by a mathematical model of the reaction, it was found the reaction rate constant for each process and its behavior as a function of the potential revealed differences between the two samples, also suggesting differences in the mechanism of the reaction or in the adsorption isotherm for the involved species. In the case of the supported electrocatalysts Pt/C, Pt/SnO2, and Pt/RuO2, the support seems to influence in the structural and electronic properties, as probed by XAS experiments, as well as to participate as a co-catalyst in the CO oxidation, as in the case of Pt/SnO2 and Pt/RuO2, once they presented lower overpotentials for CO oxidation if compared to Pt/C. This fact was also confirmed by studies using mixtures of unsupported Pt nanoparticles and the different supports described, in which the system Pt + RuO2 presented the lowest overpotential for the reaction. From a comparative point of view, ethanol electrochemical oxidation was also investigated on the different prepared materials and the results showed that RuO2 and SnO2 as the catalyst supports increase the current density at a given potential in the potential step experiments.
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SÃntese de nanopartÃculas à base de goma do cajueiro para aplicaÃÃo em sistemas de liberaÃÃo de fÃrmacos / Synthesis of nanoparticles based on cashew gum for application in systems for drug deliveryRaquel Evangelista de Moura 01 November 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / NanopartÃculas à base de goma de cajueiro foram obtidas por duas rotas. Na primeira rota, nanopartÃculas de goma de cajueiro foram sintetizadas atravÃs da reaÃÃo de enxertia com poliacrilamida (goma de cajueiro-g-poliacrilamida). Na segunda, a goma foi modificada pela reaÃÃo do polissacarÃdeo com anidrido propiÃnico. A formaÃÃo das nanopartÃculas atravÃs do derivado do polissacarÃdeo foi feita por auto-estruturaÃÃo atravÃs da aplicaÃÃo do processo de diÃlise. NanopartÃculas de goma de cajueiro-g-poliacrilamida foram caracterizadas por espectroscopia na regiÃo do infravermelho (IV), anÃlise termogravimÃtrica (TGA) e tamanho de partÃcula. A espectroscopia no IV confirma a enxertia de poliacrilamida na estrutura do polissacarÃdeo e indica que parte da poliacrilamida foi hidrolisada. A curva TGA da goma de cajueiro-g-poliacrilamida mostra 5 eventos de degradaÃÃo. Este modelo à muito diferente das curvas TGA da goma de cajueiro e da poliacrilamida, no qual foram observados apenas dois eventos de degradaÃÃo, confirmando a modificaÃÃo da estrutura da goma de cajueiro. A mudanÃa da razÃo goma/acrilamida/agente reticulante nÃo interfere no tamanho de partÃcula. NanopartÃculas com distribuiÃÃo unimodal e mÃdia de tamanho de 8 nm foram obtidas. As partÃculas tÃm a superfÃcie carregada negativamente, inferido pelo potencial zeta negativo observado. As nanopartÃculas mostraram propriedades sensÃveis ao pH. AgregaÃÃo foi observada apÃs a liofilizaÃÃo da suspensÃo de nanopartÃculas. Cloroquina, um fÃrmaco usado no tratamento da malÃria, foi incorporado Ãs nanopartÃculas. A liberaÃÃo do fÃrmaco revelou-se dependente do pH, sendo observado liberaÃÃo controlada durante 8 dias em pH 6,0. ModificaÃÃo da goma de cajueiro com anidrido propiÃnico foi conformado por espectroscopia na regiÃo do IV, ressonÃncia magnÃtica nuclear (RMN) de 13C e TGA. A estimativa do grau de substituiÃÃo (GS) de grupos propionato na goma de cajueiro foi calculado por RMN 13C e encontrou-se igual a 1,7. A formaÃÃo de nanopartÃculas atravÃs de diÃlise foi feita usando acetona ou DMSO como solvente para nanopartÃculas e Ãgua como nÃo-solvente. DistribuiÃÃo de tamanho de partÃcula unimodal foi observado em ambos os solventes. Tamanho de partÃcula entre 42 e 142 nm foi observado, dependendo da concentraÃÃo da soluÃÃo ou do solvente usado no processo de diÃlise. Menores partÃculas foram obtidas usando DMSO como solvente. NanopartÃculas mostraram-se estÃveis por um perÃodo de tempo de 120 dias. AgregaÃÃo foi observada depois da liofilizaÃÃo da suspensÃo de nanopartÃculas. / Nanoparticles based on cashew gum were obtained by two rotes. In the first rote, nanoparticles of cashew gum were synthesized by a graft reaction with polyacrylamide (cashew gum-g-polyacrylamide), in the second one the gum was modified by reaction of the polysaccharide with propionic anhydride. The formation of the nanoparticle from the propionic polysaccharide derivative was made by selfassembly applying the dialysis process. Nanoparticles from the cashew gum-graftacrylamide were characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermalgravimetric analysis (TGA) and particle size. Infrared spectroscopy confirms the graft of acrylamide onto polysaccharide structure and indicates that part of polyacrylamide has been hydrolyzed. TGA analysis of cashew gum-g-polyacrylamide shows five degradation events. This pattern is very different of the TGA curves from cashew gum and polyacrylamide where only two degradation events were observed, confirming the modification on the cashew gum structure. The change in gum/acrylamide/crosslinking agent ratio does not interfere on particle size. Nanoparticles with unimodal particle size distribution and average particle size of 8 nm were obtained. The particles have a negative surface; this was inferred by the negative zeta potential observed. The nanoparticle shows pH sensitive properties. Aggregation was observed after freeze-drying of nanoparticle suspension. Chloroquine a drug for malaria treatment was incorporated into the nanoparticles. The release of the drug shows to be pH dependent with a controlled released observed for 8 days been observed at pH 6.0. Modification of cashew gum with propionic anhydride was confirmed by FT-IR and 13C- nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectroscopy and TGA analysis. A estimative of degree of substitution (DS) of propionate groups on cashew gum was calculate by 13C-NMR and found to be equal to 1.7. The formation of nanoparticle through dialysis process was made using acetone or DMSO as solvent for nanoparticles and H2O as a non-solvent. Unimodal particle size distribution was observed in both solvents. Particle size ranging from 42 to 142 nm were obtained their size were found to depend on solution concentration or solvent used in the dialysis process. Small particles were obtained using DMSO as solvent. Nanoparticles were shown to be stable for a storage time up to 120 days. Aggregation was also observed after freeze-drying of nanoparticle suspension.
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Preparação e estudo fotofísico de nanopartículas de sílica marcadas com compostos fluorescentes / Preparation and photophysical study of silica nanoparticles grafted with fluorescent compoundsAna Paula Garcia Ferreira 16 June 2009 (has links)
Foi estudado o comportamento fotofísico da 9-aminoacridina (9AA) e derivados, safranina O, auramina e 9-vinilantraceno, em partículas de sílica. Inicialmente, partículas de sílica obtidas comercialmente foram modificadas e marcadas com corantes acridínicos, porém sua morfologia tornou inviável o estudo fotofísico, devido à sua irregularidade. Foram preparadas nanoesferas de sílica, pelo método de Stöber, com diâmetro médio de 50 nm, que apresentaram altos sinais de fluorescência. Além disso, para evitar a dessorção dos marcadores nas nanopartículas em suspensão, foram preparadas nanopartículas do tipo cascacaroço, contendo um núcleo rico em marcador, protegido por uma casca de sílica. Estas nanopartículas, com diâmetro médio de 125 nm, mostraram-se excelentes matrizes para o estudo dos corantes, retardando sua difusão para o solvente. Foram ainda preparadas nanopartículas contendo poli(metacrilato de metila) marcado com derivado acridínico. A interação entre grupos silanol na superfície e o grupo N-H do marcador bloqueou o processo de transferência de carga intramolecular, característico do corante. Por fim, foram preparadas nanopartículas marcadas com 9-aminoacridina e safranina O. Na presença de safranina O, o tempo de vida de fluorescência referente à desativação do cromóforo acridina passou de 12,2 ns para 9,71 ns, indicando processos de transferência de energia e supressão de fluorescência, no interior das partículas. / Photophysical behavior of 9-aminoacridine (9AA) and derivatives, safranine O, auramine and 9-vinylanthracene was investigated, in silica particles. Firstly, commercial silica was modified and grafted with acridinic dyes; however, photophysical studies became unviable, due to its morphology. Silica nanospheres were prepared by Stöber method, with mean diameter of 50 nm, presenting high fluorescence emission. Moreover, in order to avoid de desorption of dyes from particles in suspension, systems containing a dye reach nucleus protected by silica shells were prepared (core-shell nanoparticles). The core-shell nanospheres, with mean diameter of 125 nm, are excellent matrixes for fluorescence studies, since it retards dye diffusion to the solvent. It was also prepared nanoparticles containing poly(methylmethacrylate) grafted with 9AA derivative. Interaction between silica silanol groups and dye N-H groups broke the intramolecular charge transfer, a characteristic process occurring in this dye. Finally, nanoparticles grafted with 9AA and safranine O were prepared. In the presence of safranine, fluorescence lifetime related to the deactivation of the chromophore acridine reduced from 12.2 ns to 9.71 ns, suggesting energy transfer and fluorescence quenching processes within the particles.
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